745.jpg1153 viewsThe group shown here are the children of Benjamin Franklin Phipps and Cora Lee Richardson. Left to right, Sue Lee Phipps Weaver, John Glen Phipps; Paul Jones Phipps, Winnie Phipps Neaves; Mary Annie Lou Phipps Pugh and Ola Mae Phipps Neaves.
868.jpg1264 viewsDaughter of Elder Jeter Calton Blevins and Rosa Sage. Taken in 1954 in Grassy Creek.
878.jpg1032 viewsThey made their home in the Weaver's Ford section of Ashe County. This photo taken July 4, 1949.
882.jpg1362 viewsArthur F. Blevins (1895-1975) was the son of Clayborn Monroe Weaver and Martha Litisha Phipps. Fannie Q. Blevins (1903-1985) was the daughter of Elder Jeter C. Blevins and Rosa Sage. This was taken at their home at Grassy Creek in 1954.
980a.jpg1162 viewsFront row right, William Worth Weaver, remainder, his cousins.
Adaline McMillan Reeves courtesy Mary Zell Absher~0.jpg1152 viewsAdaline McMillan Reeves 1832-1898, Nathans Creek
Courtesy Mary Zell Absher and Carol Eastridge Waters caew619@aol.com
AdamandSusannahBareSheets.jpg1409 viewsThis first photo is of Adam and Susannah Bare Sheets. Adam was the son of Andrew and Mary Shearer Sheets. Susannah was the daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth Bare. Adam was a co founder of the Peak Creek Church of the Brethren in Ashe Co., NC (Both Adam and Susannah were from Ashe Co.) Photo courtesy of Lon Dale Sheets. and Ricky Sheets rickysheets@earthlink.net
afw1.jpg1504 viewsPhoto taken in 1959. Left to right: Front row, Mattie Weaver Waddell; Dillard Ray Weaver; second row, Arthur Jackson Weaver, Elzina Mae Weaver Coley; Mary Weaver Blevins, Maxine Weaver Blevins, Hazel Weaver Poole; third row: Arthur Fred Weaver; Fannie Blevins Weaver; J. Clayborn Weaver; Clarence Edward Weaver; George Edmund Weaver.
afw2.jpg1231 viewsFront row, left to right, Arthur Jackson Weaver, Hazel Weaver Poole, Fannie Blevins Weaver, Mary Weaver Blevins, Maxine Weaver Blevins; back row, left to right, Mattie Weaver Waddell, J. Clayborn Weaver, George Weaver, Dillard Weaver. Photo taken March 13, 1982 at Grassy Creek, NC by Jeff Weaver, on the occasion of the funeral of Clarence Edward Weaver.
Alger McClure.jpg1093 viewsThis is Alger McClure, son of Samuel and Maude Blevins. He is with his wife Flossie Testerman McClure. His children are Lorraine, Ora, Ossie, Clifford, Louise, Myrtle, Ford & Lonnie. Ashe County
Courtesy of pamiam12@aol.com
ALLENH.jpg1218 viewsThis is Allen Hash, son of John Hash and Sarah Hash. They lived at Chestnut Hill in Ashe County, NC.
AlvinHenryRichardson.jpg1027 viewsCourtesy of Karen Lovell rackracing@charter.net
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