Grayson County and City of Galax, VA People

Warren Family613 viewsLeft to right: Odie Warren, Zenna Warren Jones, unknown, unknown and Virginia Warren Russell. Courtesy of Judy Russell Powers.

weaverambrose.jpg581 viewsAmbrose McKinley Weaver (22Jan 1887-16 Jan 1978). Courtesy of Irene Baldwin

weaverambrose2.jpg580 viewsAmbrose McKinley Weaver (22Jan 1887-16 Jan 1978). Courtesy of Irene Baldwin

weaverambrose3.jpg577 viewsAmbrose McKinley Weaver (22Jan 1887-16 Jan 1978). I have that he married Pearl Katherine Richardson on 10 Aug 1933 and that Pearl was the dau. of John Henry Richardson & Mollie J. Dolinger Richardson. Courtesy of Irene Baldwin

weaverceliap.jpg744 viewsCelia Pennington was the wife of John Weaver (1799-1870) and lived near the current location of Mount Rogers School, Grayson County, VA.

weaverclauderuth.jpg620 viewsSiblings, children of Hampton Columbus Weaver and Luzilla Sturgill.

weavercm1.jpg662 viewsClayborn Monroe Weaver (1866-1928) was the son of Andrew Weaver and Malinda Weaver. Martha Litisha Phipps Weaver was the daughter of James Harvey Phipps and Evaline Weaver. This photograph was taken at Wolf Knob ca. 1925.

weavercmcelia.jpg689 viewsChildren of Andrew Weaver and Malinda Weaver, this tin type photo was taken about 1880.

weavercmsisters.jpg928 viewsBack center, Clayborn Monroe Weaver, front left
Martha Weaver Darnell with one of her children, right Celia Weaver Reedy and one of her children. This photo was probably taken at Wolf Knob, Grayson County, VA.

Weaver, Elihu Family648 viewsLeft to right: Wilburn, Curtis, Elihu, Sophronia, and Vilenia. Elihu Weaver was the son of Clayborn Monroe and Martha Litisha Phipps Weaver. Sophronia was the daughter of Wilburn Kilby. This photo dates to about 1932 and was taken at thier home at Wolf Knob in western Grayson County. From Jeff Weaver's collection.

Weaver, Elihu and Sophronia Kilby653 viewsFrom a 1940s Christmas Card.

weaverflorence.jpg644 viewsThese three girls are all daughters of Clayborn Monroe Weaver and Martha Litisha Phipps. This photo was taken on Wolf Knob, but all three later moved to Smyth County, Virginia.
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