Grayson County and City of Galax, VA People

sarahfam.jpg638 viewsSarah Warren Cole and her children. Top Row: Bea Cole Muth, Sarah and Margaret Cole Wirth Prentice (my mother) Seated: Mack, Irby and Milton Cole.
Courtesy of Barb Norvell.

SarahWelchandJasperNelson.jpg1148 viewsCourtesy of Carol Lindamood

Sarah_Mae_Parks,_Henry_Levi_Parks_&_William_Kendrick_Parks.jpg646 viewsThis one is of my grandmother Anderson as a child, with her brother Henry Levi, who died as a teen in an accident where he fell from a tree, I believe. They're with their father, William Kendrick Parks.
Courtesy of Chrissie A. Peters.

scan0002.jpg825 viewsBack: Cicero Enoch Osborne, Darthula Susan Ingram (dau of John Calvin & Charity Ann Farmer Ingram), Baby girl, Cornelia "Nelia", Cordelia, Lania, Ella Mae; Front: John Lee, Herbert, Clara, Miles, Suphronia "Fronie", Lawton, Daisy, & Courtney. (photo from John Spencer of Chatham, PA given to Irene Baldwin) Courtesy of Irene Baldwin

scan0005.jpg642 viewsThese two children are Clarence & Elbert Pool who sent their photograph to their teacher Mae Thomas in 1913 at Carsinsville, VA.. Mae married John William Baldwin in 1915. Courtesy of Irene Baldwin

scan0009.jpg759 viewsThis is a photograph of Hattie Mae Thomas in 1913 when she taught school at Carsinsville, VA with Bert Rhudy. She was 16 years old and the daughter of William Jefferson and Matilda Belle Kinzer Thomas. Courtesy of Irene Baldwin

scan0010.jpg660 viewsFrona Roten Weaver wife of Marion F. Weaver. Courtesy of Irene Baldwin

Senter, Calvin Halbert629 viewsHe served as Captain, Company I, 51st Virginia Infantry, Confederate States Army. Courtesy of Trula Fay Purkey.

Senter, Rosamond Pugh646 viewsWife of Calvin Halbert Senter. Courtesy of Trula Fay Purkey.

Sexton, Charlie Fred "Red"708 views Picture of Fred "Red" Sexton taken in 1930 in front of the Sexton family homeplace. Fred is the son of Troy and Martha Warren Sexton. Picture submitted by granddaughter Lynn Sexton Gallegos

Sexton, Troy Steven and Martha AnnWarren678 viewsTroy Steven Sexton and Martha Ann Warren Sexton. Submitted by great granddaughter Lynn Sexton Gallegos

sherwoodanderson.jpg616 viewsFamous author who had a home at Troutdale from mid-1920s until his death in 1941. Photo from the Library of Congress.
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