Ivanhoe - Masonic Lodge1045 viewsThis photo taken at the corner of Painter Hill and Riverside is by Don Smith dsmith1043@comcast.net and was taken May 17, 2007.
ivanhoebev.jpg944 viewsThis is an early 20th century shot of the village of Ivanhoe.
ivanhoefurnace.jpg916 viewsEarly 20th Century shot of the Ivanhoe Furnace, Wythe County, VA.
ivanhoeroad1910.jpg739 viewsThis is a circa 1910 postcard.
Poplar Camp - Jackson's Ferry and Shot Tower Marker849 viewsPhoto by Shawn Dunford. Courtesy of David Arnold david.arnold@adelphia.net
Wytheville - Lanane's Grill783 viewsFrom a 1940s era real photo postcard.
Fort Chiswell - Lead Mines Historical Marker781 viewsPhoto by Shawn Dunford. Courtesy of David Arnold david.arnold@adelphia.net
Rural Retreat - Lover's Cove742 viewsThis postcard was mailed in 1938.
loversleapwytheville.jpg753 viewsThis is a circa 1910 postcard.
maxmeadows.jpg778 viewsThis is from a mid-20th century photograph.
Max Meadows - General View798 viewsThis is a circa 1915 postcard view of Max Meadows.
maxmeadowsbev.jpg736 viewsThis is a 1916 postcard view.
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