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New River Notes Photo Gallery

A Collection of historic and current photos mostly covering the upper New River area of southwestern Virginia and northwestern North Carolina.



[Note this article appeared in an 1874 issue of Harper's Montly Magazine]

There is no apology needed for beginning our review with farming implements. However disinclinded a citizen my be to blister his hands by chopping fire wood or mauling rails, he freely admits the respectability of the employment and its ancient fame. Admitting then, the precedence of the husbandman, we will first look at the principal agricultural tool--the plow.

This tool has never outgrown its resemblance to the forked limb which was first used as a hoe and then as a plow. With such tools as they could muster, men shaped the tough limbs and crotches of trees into implements. The forked piece (A) was trimed and became the hoe (B), a thong binding the handle and blade portions to prevent their splitting apart. We give pictures ) of two ancient Egyptian hoes now in the Berlin Musuem. A similiar one may be seen in the Abbott Musuem, New York. Two suitable sticks (D) were notched and lashed together. Two other resources of a people desititute of metal are shown (E, F), one, of the South Sea Islanders, the blade of a scapula, the other made of a walrus tooth on a handle. It is show (G, H, I) how men made plows from similar materials, one limb formed the share, the other the beam; or (as in I) one the beam and the other the handle and sole, with a point which forms the share.

14 files, last one added on Mar 14, 2013
Album viewed 11793 times



1 files, last one added on Sep 16, 2013
Album viewed 1044 times

Portraits of the Founders of America


These images were published in The Journal of American History in 1910.

38 files, last one added on Jan 06, 2014
Album viewed 2719 times


3 albums on 1 page(s)

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