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Green Cove Baptist Church Cemetery

Location: This cemetery is found just out of Konnarock up Hwy 58 towards Washington/Grayson County line.

Directions: Turn right at State Road. Turn right on Green Cove Rd. The church is directly on your left. Cemetery is in two sections divided by a parking area. Section 1 is down the hill and Section 2 is up the hill. Land for the cemetery was donated by Harvey Hurley in 1940’s.

Surveyed by: Dave Reedy on June 16, 2003

Green Cove Baptist Church Cemetery, Washington County, Virginia
Row Name Birth Death Comments
Old Section      
Row 1 Blevins, J.R. 2/12/1929 10/14/1998
Row 1 Blevins, Charles M. 1903 1997 md. 1924: Double stone with next
Row 1 Blevins, Russie H. 1907 1997
Row 1 Brewer, Bert McKinley 9/10/1925 7/24/1951 Sgt. 7th Inf. 3rd. Div. WWII
Row 1 Brewer, Joseph O. 8/1/1895 3/10/1951
Row 1 Brewer,Mattie B. 1/16/1900 8/12/1981 Double stone with next
Row 1 Payne, Larry Brantley 3/26/1959 12/20/1970
Row 1 Payne, Kermit Brantley 1/2/1925 1/21/2000 PFC WWII
Row 1 Sumerlin, Edna 11/11/1874 7/7/1948
Row 1 Davis, Richard H,. 6/26/1873 9/5/1954
Row 1 Davis, Ennis Blevins 8/22/1894 5/15/1983
Row 1 Walls, Paul L. 1940 1959
Row 1 Walls, Clifton R. 2/5/1904 7/26/1983 Double stone with next
Row 1 Walls, Rosa L. 10/18/1903 5/26/1987
Row 2 Furches, F.M. 2/24/1893 8/11/1970
Row 2 Profit, Mary C. 3/18/1914 3/21/1999
Row 2 Barker, Bessie E. 1896 1978 Double stone with next
Row 2 Barker, C. Alfred 1890 1970
Row 2 Russell, Merrit E. 1916 1946
Row 2 Lewis, Dewey E. 1919 2001 funeral marker only
Row 3 Walls, Ila Donald 3/28/1925 8/27/1996
Row 3 Walls, Lola Marie 2/11/1928 - Double stone with next 
Row 3 Blevins, Carrie Mae 3/10/1887 7/19/1936
Row 3 Edmundson, Lavene B. 1867 1945
Row 3 Blevins, Arthur A. 1883 1957
Row 3 Tolliver, Wayne N. 4/29/1911 3/11/1989
Row 3 Toliver, Faye H. 6/26/1915  Double stone with next
Row 4 Walls, Catherine 4/20/1917 9/3/1995
Row 4 Walls, Mary C. 5/6/1894 8/4/1989
Row 4 Walls, James N. 7/8/1889 8/22/1971  Double stone with next
Row 4 Walls, Lillie Luceil 2/23/1920 2/23/1920
Row 4 Blevins, Opal M. 5/2/1925 11/24/1930
Row 4 Blevins, Roy Delbert 7/9/1918 10/27/1920
Row 4 Tolliver, Robert T. 4/12/1935
Row 4 Blackburn, Ruby B. 1932 1933
Row 4 Blackburn, Charles F. 1896 1944  Double stone with next
Row 4 Blackburn, Lester Viola 1905 1996
Row 4 West, Paul John 2/28/1943 7/11/1982 US Army Vietnam
Row 4 Clark, ??? 11/27/1874 2/10/1945
Row 4 Clark, Alice 8/12/1900 5/22/1934
Row 4 Clark, Clifton 4/10/1904 8/6/1928
Row 4 Thomas, Carolyn 9/12/1948 9/14/1948 d/o Carl & Dorothy Thomas
Row 4 Clark, Carl T. 11/24/1903 4/9/4989
Row 4 Van Dyke, Infant Son no dates s/o V. J. & Minnie R. Van Dyke
Row 4 Van Dyke, V. J. 6/2/1878 1/21/1950
Row 4 Van Dyke, Minnie R. 9/10/1895 12/17/1974
Row 4 Clark, Hattie 7/11/1896 2/22/1962 "Mother"
Row 4 Surber, Avery C. 4/1/1908 10/6/1952  Double stone with next
Row 4 Surber, Ella M. 4/19/1913 5/4/1952
Row 5 Francis, Bessie 2/17/1912 12/7/1924 d/o I. O. & Mary Francis
Row 5 Hurley, Douglas E. 9/22/1905 4/21/1973
Row 5 Hurley, Wanda Lee 4/4/1936 8/1/1936
Row 5 Hurley, Glenn Burian 10/16/1930 9/2/1933
Row 5 Hurley, William Jennings Byron 9/2/1896 5/1/1934
Row 5 Hurley, Ida 8/3/1880 212/1948
Row 5 Hurley, J. R. 4/23/1879 8/13/1925
Row 5 Hurley, Arton D. 2/28/1900 5/24/1977  Double stone with next
Row 5 Hurley, Mary Lillis 12/15/1900 5/5/1984
Row 5 Hurley, Audrey Lynn 8/10/1961 8/20/1961
Row 5 Hurley, Harvey D. 1887 1965  Double stone with next
Row 5 Hurley, Martha E. 1898 1960
Row 5 Hurley, Carl Monroe 9/12/1921 9/26/1971 (s/o HD & ME Hurley)
Row 5 Tolliver, Calvin 12/24/1832 5/16/1931  Double stone with next
Row 5 Tolliver, Nancy E. 11/11/1851 10/11/1935
Row 5 Tolliver, Robert G. 4/12/1935
Row 5 Sullivan, Infant Son 5/25/1920 s/o DW & Vadie Sullivan
Row 5 Sullivan, Fred 10/31/1912 6/26/1944
Row 5 Sullivan, David W. 2/20/1882 6/9/1956  Double stone with next
Row 5 Sullivan, Vadie M. 2/2/1884 11/5/1967
Row 6 Sullivan, Rhoda H. 5/2*/1892 2/6/1978  Double stone with next
Row 6 Sullivan, Eli 11/4/1884 2/8/1949
Row 6 Sullivan, Shirley M. 4/1/1936 4/1/1936
Row 6 Sullivan,?????? broken, illegible stone
Row 6 Sullivan, Syndey Lavern 10/3/1913 11/1/1938
Row 6 Stringer, Cora F. 1883 1969  Double stone with next
Row 6 Stringer, William C. 1882 1941
Row 6 Stringer, Zenna Irene 9/19/1915 3/28/1918 d/o WC & Cora F. Stringer
Row 6 Blevins, Daily 12/1/1904 5/17/1907
Row 6 Blevins, William Lee 2/28/1847 9/29/1920
Row 6 Blevins, Betty E. 5/10/1855 5/10/1929
Row 6 Blevins, W. R. 7/7/1873 4/28/1941
Row 6 Martha E. Blevins 6/23/1873 10/18/1947
Row 6 Blevins, Mary E. 1880 1961
Row 6 Blevins, Jackie 2/3/1936 12/26/1938
Row 6 Ashley, Fred Delmer 5/5/1917 11/13/1992 "Jack"
Row 6 Ashley, Manervia 1877 1953
Row 6 Clark, John Franklin 4/14/1935 2/10/1981
Row 6 Lewis, R. C. 12/6/1938 9/22/1959
Row 6 Greer, J. B. 1938 1959
Row 6 Profit, Wiley T. 4/1881 1965  Double stone with next
Row 6 Profit, Mary B. 1900 1956
Row 6 Ashley, James R. 1895 1944
Row 6 Ours, Emory G. 3/26/1898 7/26/1942
Row 6 Ashley, William 1869 1932
Row 6 Ashley, Mattie 1911 1918
Row 6 Ashley, David L. 2/22/1908 3/18/1911 s/o JW & Manerva Ashley
Row 6 Clark, Rachel 8/28/1891 4/26/1909 w/o H. Clark
Row 6 Edmondson, T. F. 8/7/1872 12/5/1904
Row 6 Stike, Minnie G. 6/30/1896 7/11/1929
Row 6 Walls, Delilah B. 3/8/1877 3/5/1961
Row 6 Walls, W. A. 1883 1935
Row 6 Hurley, A. D. Jr. 11/5/1923 11/5/1923
Row 6 Walls, Carver 1/13/1909 4/21/1988
Row 6 Dolinger, Luther 7/6/1896 10/22/1987 US Navy WWI
Row 7 Scott, Callie Mae Dolinger 9/21/1925 2/27/1994
Row 7 Dolinger, Luther 7/6/1886 10/22/1987 md. 5/31/1924: Double stone with next
Row 7 Dolinger, Betty 10/7/1902 11/2/1995
Row 7 Pickle, Martha Hart 7/4/1873 11/25/1958
Row 7 Hart, R. Harvey 1882 1971  Double stone with next
Row 7 Hart, Cora C. 1887 1961
Row 7 Buchanan, William M. 5/19/1886 10/1/1974  Double stone with next
Row 7 Buchanan, Mary H. 9/27/1886 4/27/1973
Row 7 Buchanan, Clarice Kathleen 7/19/1920 1/21/1926
Row 7 Hart, Rebecca 1853 7/13/1914
Row 7 Hart, Andrew J. 2/24/1850 1/15/1914
Row 7 Hart, John H. 10/28/1884 10/24/1913
Row 7 Hart, James M. 4/1/1919 2/2/1920 s/o S.M. & Bessie Hart
Row 7 Hart, William Gaither 6/18/1876 12/15/1935
Row 7 Hart, Samuel M. 6/28/1880 1/30/1954 h/o Bessie C. Hart
Row 7 Price, Coy Junior 5/3/1924 9/19/1925
Row 7 Price, Victor Harry 5/12/1933 7/27/1951
Row 7 Greer, Shelby J. 12/18/1946 1/1/1947 Infant of Dell & Opal
Row 8 Greer, Viller M. 6/28/1900 1/16/1936
Row 8 Greer, Connie Mae 11/17/1940 11/25/1940 d/o Agnus & Robert
Row 8 Greer, Roy Scott 10/17/1938 10/29/1938 s/o Roby & Pauline
Row 8 Greer, Stacy Edgar 5/7/1942 5/17/1942 s/o Agnus & Robert
Row 8 Pennington, Lola 9/4/1934 7/28/1935
Row 8 Jones, Fred McKinley 3/2/1911 1/19/1912
Row 8 Furches, Geneva V. 1892 1948
Row 8 Farmer, Julia A. 1858 1937
Row 8 Farmer, Rosa 1878 1935
Row 8 Farmer, Allie W. 1880 1956
Row 8 Farmer, Ephrium F. 1877 1959
Row 9 Hash, Mary 5/15/1877 3/27/1959
Row 9 Hash, Rosabell 1/9/1901 11/16/1904
Row 9 Hash, C.M. 7/6/1877 10/1/1923
Row 9 Hash, Infant 5/18/1912 5/18/1912 Calvin & Viola Hash
Row 9 Hash, Infant Twins 1/20/1911 1/20/1911 Calvin & Viola Hash
Row 9 Pennington, Itely O'Dell 3/26/1915 8/1/1915
Row 9 Venable, Richard Elmer 1894 1918
Row 9 Venable, Dora 6/4/1888 5/4/1920
Row 9 Pennington, Abram 1836 9/18/1920
Row 9 Pennington, Sarah 3/17/1848 3/19/1929
Row 9 Thompkins, William Sanford 6/22/1862 3/18/1918
Row 9 Pennington, Lola
Row 9 Blevins, Rose Etta 7/8/1903 11/12/1992  Double stone with next
Row 9 Blevins, Oral M. 3/2/1904 6/23/1960
Row 9 Blevins, Gladys L. 9/13/1935 11/2/1992
Row 9 Delmer B Little markers
Row 9 Larue B
Row 9 Lewie B.
Row 10 Lewis, Reggie E. 9/12/1922 2/4/1969
Row 10 Lewis, Carl M. 5/9/1962 5/20/1962
Row 10 Lewis, Tommy L. 5/2/1959 5/2/1959
Row 10 Lewis, Infant Twins
Row 10 Lewis, George E. 1937
Row 10 Greer, Ralph R. 3/1/1940 3/10/1940 s/o O'Dell & Opal
Row 11 Blevins, Elmer C. 12/10/1900 6/20/1971
Row 11 Blevins, Rosa 8/10/1897 4/8/1931 w/o Elmer C. Blevins
Row 11 Blevins, Clarence Edward 5/8/1920
Row 11 Blevins, Elmer Calloway Jr. 5/31/1919
Row 11 Blevins, Infant 11/21/1923
Row 11 Blevins, Geneva Dare 6/3/1928 1/3/1929
Row 11 Blevins, Eva Gaenelle 11/22/1929 9/22/1931
Row 11 Blevins, James Edwin 10/3/1942 2/2/1943
Row 11 Lazenby, Arthur 4/10/1900 7/1917 s/o T.W. & M.L. Lazenby
Row 11 Pennington, Ida Jane 3/22/1882 2/26/1963
Row 11 Pennington, Leah 12/10/1884 1/5/1925
Row 11 Pennington, Arly Joseph 2/28/1920 9/12/1920
Row 11 Barr, Emmaline C. 3/20/1888 10/7/1964
Row 11 Barr, Luther O'Dell 3/26/1888 8/1/1957
Row 11 Bare, Noah 12/25/1854 11/1/1926
Row 11 Blevins, Mecie 5/30/1856 12/28/1915 w/o Noah Bare
Row 11 Barr, Edward L. 11/15/1925 3/18/1926
Row 11 Barr, Betty Louise 12/19/1920 10/29/1926
Row 11 Barr, Gladys Louise d/o Ray & Lena Barr
Row 11 Barr, Phyllis Ann d/o Ray & Lena Barr
Row 11 Barr, Richard Lee d/o Ray & Lena Barr
Row 11 Stanton, Roy W. Sr. 1893 1979 Md. 7/1916: Double stone with next
Row 11 Stanton, Maggie N. 1898 1954
Row 12 Pruitt, Viola S. 10/7/1910 1/4/1917 d/o W.T. & Bessie Pruitt
Row 12 Stanton, Ivan 4/26/1917 11/29/1918 s/o T.O. & Maggie Stanton
Row 12 Taylor, Charles James 4/1928 6/6/2002 US Navy WWII
Row 12 Taylor, Edith A. Mother of Vance, Lee & Bette, Robert, Ella May, Charles, and Stelle May.
Row 12 Pennington, Suzie A. 1925 1925
Row 12 Pennington, Wilmer 1921 1922
Row 12 Pennington, Willard O. 1920 1921
Row 12 Sexton, Della 6/5/1917 9/14/1918 d/o Garfield C. & Faronia Sexton
Row 12 Walton, Rufas C. 7/16/1890 7/2/1940
Row 12 Walton, Amanda C. 6/22/1882 4/22/1922 w/o R. C. Walton
Row 12 Ashley, Nellie M. 6/27/1896 7/5/1969  Double stone with next
Row 12 Ashley, Robert M 5/7/1897 8/27/1949
Row 12 Ashley, David L. 9/27/1924
Row 12 Ashley, Eliza J. d. 4/17/1932
Row 12 Ashley, Thomas L. 3/24/1894 4/17/1932
Row 12 Ashley, Joseph L. 5/24/1891 10/4/1944
Row 13 Blevins, Irving W. 1882 1952  Double stone with next
Row 13 Blevins, Bertie C. 1880 1962
Row 13 Blevins, Jenny Mae 4/27/1927 12/18/1929
Row 13 Rivercomb, Thomas E. Jr. 7/14/1953 7/14/1953
Row 13 Blevins, Laura 5/7/1947 4/13/1948 d/o John & Mary Blevins
Row 13 Blevins, Virginia M. 8/19/1922 6/27/1923 d/o I. W. & B. C. Blevins
Row 13 Blevins, Ada A. 4/7/1911 3/21/1914 d/o I. W. & B. C. Blevins
Row 13 Ashley, Howard 4/17/1924 4/6/1925 s & d/o Robert M. Ashley
Row 13 Ashley, Lucy V. 2/20/1918 12/10/1919
Row 13 Dolinger, Della Juanita 12/20/1929
Row 13 Stafford, A. LeGrand 1891 1956
Row 13 Farmer, Charlie B. 1885 1963
Row 13 Farmer, Eddie Leona 11/18/1896 5/19/1975
New Section        
Row 1 Daye, D. Clinton 1888 1964  Double stone with next
Row 1 Daye, E. Matilda 1884 1970
Row 1 Miller, Susan A. 12/6/1957 4/15/1970
Row 1 Phillips, Charles E. 9/3/1898 2/13/1983  Double stone with next
Row 1 Phillips, Nina Faye 11/13/1907 11/3/1973
Row 1 Hart, Bessie C. 9/25/1897 12/19/1963 w/o Samuel M. Hart
Row 1 Lewis, Ambrose P. 5/18/1881 9/24/1863  Double stone with next
Row 1 Lewis, Minnie A. 3/1/1884 3/2/1964
Row 1 Richardson, Victor J. 1906 1975  Double stone with next
Row 1 Richardson, Maudie N. 1916 -
Row 1 Turnmire, Rodger Smith 12/2/1947 4/5/1978  Double stone with next
Row 1 Turnmire, Edna Blevins 7/31/1953 5/18/1991
Row 1 Lewis, Emmitt 3/15/1925 2/4/1987  Double stone with next
Row 1 Lewis, Alma G. 9/3/1939
Row 1 Greer, Marvin D. 6/21/1948 3/1986
Row 1 Greer, Lloyd 5/1/1964
Row 1 Greer, Woodrow 10/15/1918 12/17/1981  Double stone with next
Row 1 Greer, Edna 8/25/1923
Row 1 Blevins, Robert Allen 8/20/1975 s/o Bobby & Cathy
Row 1 Blevins, Sherry Ann d/o Mr.& Mrs. Delbert Blevins
Row 1 Greer, Fred C. 4/9/1906 1/28/1984  Double stone with next
Row 1 Greer, Mary Ann 8/1/1911
Row 1 Greer, Walker J. 3/9/1916 6/5/1983
Row 1 Davis, Jim Funeral marker only
Row 2 Stanton, William R. 1927 1992 md. 9/9/1949: Double stone with next
Row 2 Stanton, Wilma L. 1929 -
Row 2 Blevins, John Delane 1920 1992 md. 5/4/1941: Double stone with next
Row 2 Blevins, Mary Alice F. 1920
Row 2 Necessary, Danny M. 4/12/1938 9/10/1991
Row 2 Pennington, Tura 10/13/1915 5/31/1991
Row 2 Barr, Ray 1910 1990  Double stone with next
Row 2 Barr, Lena 1914
Row 2 Necessary, Everett Wayne 7/22/1952 2/25/19__
Row 2 Necessary, Bobby L. 9/9/1935 4/11/1990
Row 2 Lewis, Robert J. 5/4/1913 4/22/1989  Double stone with next
Row 2 Lewis, Dana P. 8/2/1916
Row 2 Stikes, Orville Herbert 4/24/1924 2/28/1989 US Army WWII & Korea
Row 2 Greer, Robert L. 11/20/1917  Double stone with next
Row 2 Greer, Agnus M. 3/21/1922 1/14/1989
Row 2 Blevins, Martha L. 8/8/1966 4/19/1988 d/o Don & Mary Blevins
Row 2 Ashley, James R. Jr. 8/29/1919 6/11/1987 Pvt. US Army WWII: Double stone with next
Row 2 Ashley, Edith E. 5/24/1917
Row 2 Vannoy, H. Dean 1943 1987  Double stone with next
Row 2 Vannoy, Carolyn B. 1947
Row 2 Necessary, Luther M. 1915 1995  Double stone with next
Row 2 Necessary, Edna L. (Sug) 1917 1987
Row 2 Lewis, Rufas P. 2/6/1906 7/29/1979  Double stone with next
Row 2 Lewis, Alma A. 2/15/1910
Row 2 Daye, Willard L. 1924 1986  Double stone with next
Row 2

Daye, Pearl L.

Row 2 Fowler, Sidney M. 1901 1976  Double stone with next
Row 2 Fowler, Pauline A. 1914
Row 2 Phillips, J. B. 2/12/1918 4/8/2003 Funeral marker only
Row 2 Ours, Leonard Carl 3/18/1962 11/15/1994
Row 2 Ours, Hazel 1901 1968
Row 3 Toliver, Wiley J. 1882 1965  Double stone with next
Row 3 Toliver, Locky E. 1880 1974
Row 3 Toliver, Blaine G. 1/29/1913 2/9/1999  Double stone with next
Row 3 Toliver, Ruth A. 3/13/1916 6/8/1978
Row 3 Blevins, Gayland G. 6/21/1924 8/22/1999
Row 3 Blevins, Marion N. 1913 1982  Double stone with next
Row 3 Blevins, Dulcia Mae 1914 md. 1/29/1938
Row 3 Blevins, Joan E. 3/27/1956 1/3/1999 d/o John & Mary Blevins
Row 3 Blevins, Gordon J. 1883 1979  Double stone with next
Row 3 Blevins, Margaret C. 1890 1977
Row 3 Walls, Lester W. 1895 1967  Double stone with next
Row 3 Walls, Violet B. 1903 1975
Row 3 Farmer, William R. 4/21/1894 6/15/1968  Double stone with next
Row 3 Farmer, Annie E. 3/5/1912 10/11/1975
Row 3 Luther, Faye E. 5/22/1920 1/12/1978
Row 3 Pennngton, Georgia L. 1/20/1940 2/22/1992
Row 3 Miller, Smith E. 2/2/1908 7/22/1993 md. 11/15/1928: Double stone with next
Row 3 Miller, Carrie E. 5/10/1910
Row 3 Necessary, Charles C. 3/22/1932 3/8/1994  Double stone with next
Row 3 Necessary, Clara Jean 8/14/1934
Row 3 Blevins, Rufas C. (Sweet) 5/12/1924 11/18/2002  Double stone with next
Row 3 Blevins, Hazel South 5/21/1927 3/31/1995
Row 3 Blevins, William Lee 12/7/1927 5/28/1995
Row 3 Riffey, Edmond Lee 10/17/1925 7/9/1995
Row 3 Greer, Albert R. 1/31/1926 1/14/1999  Double stone with next
Row 3 Greer, Imogene G. 5/2/1931 7/15/1995
Row 3 Dubak, Frank M. 12/4/1919  Double stone with next
Row 3 Dubak, Ester B. 11/2/1921 4/14/1995
Row 3 Ours, Earl Gene 8/21/1958 10/18/1995
Row 3 Lewis, Claude Lawrence 2/7/1935  Double stone with next
Row 3 Lewis, Dorothy Owens 1/18/1941 5/5/1997 md. 3/22/1957
Row 4 Greer, Troy 1958 2001
Row 4 Blevins, Scotty Wayne 11/21/1973 6/7/2002
Row 4 Lambert, Billy Joe 4/3/1938 8/12/2002  Double stone with next
Row 4 Lambert, Irene Daye 5/29/1929
Row 4 Blevins, Jesse D. 7-14-1927 7/12/2002  Double stone with next
Row 4 Blevins, Evelyn 9/4/1926 2/18/2001 md. 11/20/1948
Row 4 Jones, Cleo Daye 4/18/1935 7/20/1999
Row 4 Necessary, A. W. (Bert) 4/23/1908 12/14/1992  Double stone with next
Row 4 Necessary, Ora Arlene 11/18/1907 1/24/1985
Row 4 Necessary, Warren L. C. 6/5/1928 4/30/1975
Row 4 Blevins, Maude E. Necessary 1893 1977
Row 4 Necessary, Gene C. 7/29/1932 2/11/1974 US Army Korea
Row 4 Robinson, Jenny R. 11/9/1943 3/7/2001
Row 4 Blevins, Paul Millard 4/21/1911 7/4/1983  Double stone with next
Row 4 Blevins, Ruby Lucile 6/20/1917
Row 4 Blevins, C. Dewey 1898 1968  Double stone with next
Row 4 Blevins, F. Catherine 1899 1992
Row 5 Stringer, Ervin L. 8/15/1905 8/28/1971  Double stone with next
Row 5 Stringer, Carrie F. 12/9/1913 7/23/1974
Row 5 Blevins, Carroll R. 10/31/1933  Double stone with next
Row 5 Blevins, Jesse M. 5/21/193_ 5/6/1986
Row 5 Blevins, Charles Hurley 9/22/1937 1/25/1974
Row 5 Barr, Lloyd 1/19/1973
Row 5 Blevins, Jesse D. 1927 2002  Double stone with next
Row 5 Blevins, Ellen . 1926 2001
Row 5 Pennington, Mae S. 5/4/1903 11/9/1997  Double stone with next
Row 5 Pennington, Joseph 2/8/1887 8/20/1974
Row 5 Hart, James E. 1919 4/2/1922
Row 5 Stringer, Thomas H. 9/8/1903 3/21/1980
Row 5 Stringer, Bryant C. 8/10/1903 3/3/2002
Row 5 Blevins, Ray Lewis 12/28/1907 1/1/1978  Double stone with next
Row 5 Blevins, Mary Prince 7/8/1912
Row 6 Barr, Millard M. 1894 1975  Double stone with next
Row 6 Barr, Fannie M. 1900 1983
Row 6 Hash, William R. 1/20/1900 8/28/1978  Double stone with next
Row 6 Hash, Alice Z. 5/27/1904 12/2/1988
Row 6 Barr, Stuart L. 1932 1979
Row 6 Phillips, Sherman H. 7/26/1895 5/12/1981  Double stone with next
Row 6 Phillips, Catherine B. 11/25/1892 12/18/1982
Row 6 Stike, G. Franklin 3/24/1922 4/1/1986 US Navy WWII: Double stone with next
Row 6 Stike, Eleanor B. 1/28/1926
Row 7 Greer, Roby Lee 3/6/1898 5/31/1983  Double stone with next
Row 7 Greer, Pauline 3/14/1916
Row 7 Hampton, Noah M. 1911 1985  Double stone with next
Row 7 Hampton, Willie B. 1916 1988
Row 7 Clark, Vance 8/24/1914 12/22/1985
Row 8 Riffey, Tracy Harley 2/2/1946 9/28/1967
Row 8 Riffey, William G. 1902 1972  Double stone with next
Row 8 Riffey, Bessie P. 1904 1971
Row 9 Pennington, Garland 11/27/1907 11/6/1984  Double stone with next
Row 9 Pennington, Callie 2/6/1914 1/14/1982
Row 9 Pennington, Lura 6/17/1912 8/27/1980 "Sister"
Row 10 Hurley, Angela K. 7/6/1960 1/17/1989
Row 10 Hurley, Alma W. 2/7/1938 8/1/1997  Double stone with next
Row 10 Hurley, Bobby L. 3/6/1933
Row 10 Riddle, Carl B. Jr. 1/13/1927  Double stone with next
Row 10 Riddle, Irene D. 10/31/1926 2/12/1995
Row 10 Clark, Drucilla R. 5/19/1923 12/6/1990