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The Albemarle of Old


The writer of these slight sketches wishes to express her indebtedness
To Mr. H. R. Boswell, of the Peoples National Bank, for the suggestion of the work, and for cordial cooperation:
To Mr. John S. Patton of the University Library, for the unrestricted use of the Library’s Virginianna;
To Mr. Thomas S. Watson, for access to his historical library and the unpublished Bracketts papers;
And to many friends for their patience in furnishing information, among whom may be mentioned;
Dr. Edward M. Magruder; Miss Lucy M. Davis; Miss Cornelia Taylor, Formerly of Lego; The. Hon. Wm. R. Duke of Sunnyside; Miss Nannie M. Hill of Scottsville; Mrs. Charles Harper Anderson of Ivy; Jennie Thornley Grayson (Mrs. J. C. Grayson); The Rev. Roberts Coles; Mr. Nicholas M. Black of Crozet; Commander Robert Woods.