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Pond Mountain Primitive Baptist Church Minute Book 1 1881—1933


Constitution of the Regular Baptist Church of Jesus Christ at Pond Mountain was constituted in the year of our Lord on thousand eight hundred and eighty one, April the 30th day. Being a part of Little Horse Creek Church being fifteen in number we was called and examined and set apart a Church of Jesus Christ on the orthodox Faith of the Gospel.

  1. We believe in one true and living God the first cause of all things sin excepted.
  2. We believe Jesus Christ to be the equal Son of the Father.
  3. We believe the Holy Ghost to be the ministering God of all Grace and the comforter that was promised to come into the world and these three are one.
  4. We believe that Adam by transgression fell under the curse of God’s Holy Law and involved all his unborn race.
  5. We believe that man is not able to extricate himself from the dilemma (sic) that he is in.
  6. We believe that God give them grace in his Eternal Son before the foundation of the world and man is justified by grace alone.
  7. We believe in the final perseverance of the saints.
  8. We believe that Baptism by immersion to be the gospel mode.
  9. We believe in a general resurrection of those bodies and a final judgement of the just and unjust.

We was solemnly set apart a church of Jesus Christ with all the power and privileges of a church.

By the presbytery.

Reuben Kilby
H. B. Miller
C. C. Davis

The names of the members that the Church was constituted on the No.15.

  1. William Taylor, Sr. ex re deceased May 22, ’93
  2. Susan Taylor deceased Oct 5, 1887
  3. Martha Taylor
  4. William H. Taylor ex
  5. Caroline Taylor
  6. William Taylor, Jr.
  7. Mary Taylor
  8. Emaline Taylor
  9. Nancy Taylor dis
  10. Susan Taylor ex
  11. Jane Roop ex
  12. Susan Farmer dis
  13. Nancy Taylor dis
  14. John Ham dis by ltr
  15. Elizabeth Ham dis by ltr


November the 2nnd Saturday 1882,
The Church met and was in union, then published an open door and received Jane Taylor and Edith Taylor by experience and baptism.

H. B. Miller, Mod
J. Ham, C. Clk


May the 2nnd Saturday 1883,
The Church met and was in union then proceeded to open a dore for the reception of members and received Milley Roark and Mary Roark by experience and baptism.

H. B. Miller, Mod
John Ham, Clk


April the 2nnd Saturday 1884,
After divine service the Church was found in union. On Sunday published and open door and received Bro. Jesse Roark by letter.

Elisha Roop, Mod
Wm Taylor, Clk

May the 2nnd Saturday 1884,
The Church met and was in union, on motion called Elder Noah C. Baldwin as our pastor for the ensuing year, then published an open door and received none.

N. C. Baldwin, Mod
Wm Taylor, Clk

June the 2nnd Saturday 1884,
The Church met and was in union, on motion published an open door and received Bro. Hiram Baldwin by letter.

N. C. Baldwin, Mod
Jesse Roark, Clk

July the 2nnd Saturday 1884,
The Church met and was in union and then proceeded to business as follows. Recd Ch ltr, our beloved brethren to represent us in the next association to wit: Hiram Baldwin, Wm. Taylor, Jesse Roark. 2d agreed to commune and wash feet on Sunday then published an open door and recd none.

Elder J. H. Vannoy, Mod
Jesse Roark, Clk

August the 2nnd Saturday 1884,
The church met and was in union and have petition to sister churches Big Helton, North Fork, and Horse Creek for a presbytery to ordain Br. Hiram Baldwin a minister of the gospel and on Sunday recd Wilburn Farmer by experience and baptism a full member.

H. B. Miller, Mod
Jesse Roark, Clk

September the 2nnd Saturday 1884,
The church met and was in union and called back the ordination of Hiram Baldwin and agree to give him license to preach.

N. C. Baldwin, Mod
Jesse Roark, Clk

October the 2nnd Saturday 1884,
The church met and was in union and petition to our sister churches for a part of their ministerial aide and letters was cal’d for by Br. John Ham and Betty Ham and was agreed to and on Sunday published an open door and received Wm Taylor by recantation.

N. C. Baldwin, Mod
Jesse Roark, Clk

And received Ala Price by ltr and Martha Price by experience and baptism.

November 2nd Saturday 1884,
We the Primitive Baptist at Pond Mountain now in session.

N. C. Baldwin, Mod
Jesse Roark, Clk

Dec the 2nnd Saturday 1884,
Met in union.

N. C. Baldwin, Mod
Jesse Roark, Clk


January the 2nnd Saturday 1885,
Met in union.

N. C. Baldwin, Mod
Jesse Roark, Clk

February the 2nnd Saturday 1885,
The Pond Mountain Church met in union.

March the 2nnd Saturday 1885,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain now in session received Lotta Price by ltr.

N. C. Baldwin, Mod
Jesse Roark Ch Clk

April the 2nnd Saturday 1885,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met in union and received Lotba Baldwin by letter and petition for a presbytery to ordain our deacons.

N. C. Baldwin, Mod
Jesse Roark, Ch Clk

May the 2nnd Saturday 1885,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met in union.

Joseph Stike, Mod
Jesse Roark, Clk

June the 2nnd Saturday 1885,
The Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met in union.

N. C. Baldwin, Mod
Wm Taylor Clk protem

July the 2nnd Saturday 1885,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain now in union and published an open dore and received N. C. Baldwin and Mahala Baldwin by letter.

Joseph Baldwin, Mod
Jesse Roark, Clk

August the 2nnd Saturday 1885,
The Church met in union.

September the 2nnd Saturday 1885,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met in union.

N. C. Baldwin, Mod
Jesse Roark, Clk

October the 2n Sat 1885,
The Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn met and was in union.

N. C. Baldwin, Mod
Wm Taylor, C C protem

November the 2n Sat 1885,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain in session and published an open door and received Brother J. Booker and Irena Booker and received a petition from Horse Creek Church for part of our ministerial aid for the insuing year. N. C. Baldwin, Mod
J. S. Booker, C C protem


Jan 1886 was no meeting

Feb the 2nnd Saturday 1886,
We the primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain in session and published an open door and received brother C. C. Davis as an ordained minister by a letter and received Wm L. Caudill as a deacon by letter and received John Davis by letter and received Mary Delotty Davis by letter and also received a petition from North Fork for. N. C. Baldwin to be their pastor the next year.

N. C. Baldwin, Mod
Jesse Roark, C C

March the 2nd Sat 1886,
Church met not being in fellowship on the account of some builie reports on motion agreed to send for Bro. Wilburn Farmer and Thomas Price, Sister Nancy and Susan Taylor to report at our next meeting. Church door opened, dismissed as ordinary.

N. C. Baldwin, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clkprotem

April the 2nnd Saturday 1886,
The Church met and was not in fellowship. 1st tuck up the case of parties that was sent for they made satisfaction and was restored to their seats to wit: Bro. Thomas Price and Bro. Wilburn Farmer, Wm. Taylor’s girls. 2d tuck up Bro Wm Taylor and Sister Jane Ham was excluded for not forgiving her fellow man and Bro Taylor restored to his seat. 3d appointed brother W. L. Caudill, Church Clerk. 4th Bro Thomas Price made application for a letter of dismission for himself and wife which was granted. Bro. Wilburn Farmer made application for a letter it was granted. 5th opened the church door and received sister Sarah Caudill by letter.

H. B. Miler, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clk

May the 2nnd Saturday 1886,
Church met and was in fellowship. On motion the church door was opened and then closed.

C. C. Davis, Mod
W.L Caudill, Clk

June 2nd Saturday 1886,
The Church met being in fellowship. On motion agreed to have our communion meeting the 2nd Sunday in July. Dismissed as ordinary.

N. C. Baldwin, Mod
Wm Taylor, CC Protem

July the 2nnd Saturday 1886,
The Church met being in fellowship, Sister Susan Farmer called for a letter of dismission it was granted. Dismissed as ordinary.

N. C. Baldwin, Mod
W. L. Taylor, Clk

August the 2nnd Saturday 1886,
The Church met, called for fellowship when Bro. Wm Taylor had refused to seat with the church being called for his reasons he stated that it was what Brother N. C. Baldwin was due him and called for leave to collect the same, it was granted. On motion agreed to elect their messengers to represent us in the next association to wit: Elder C. C. Davis, Brother W. L Caudill and Wm Taylor, Jr. on motion appointed our communion to be our Sept meeting. Appointed messengers to invite sister churches viz, Big Helton, Silas Creek, New River, Horse Creek, Pleasant Grove on motion the church door was opened and then closed.

N. C. Baldwin, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clk

September 2d Saturday 1886,
The Church met and was in fellowship. 1st tuck up the case of Wm Taylor, Sr. for refusing to fellowship the church and moved to be excluded himself. On motion he was excluded for the same. 2d tuck up the case of Susan Taylor for her bad conduct on motion she was excluded for the same. 3d on motion the church letter was read and received then closed the session.

N. C. Baldwin, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clk

October 2d Sat 1886,
The Church met being in fellowship. 1st on motion Elders C. C. Davis and N. C. Baldwin to take the pastoral care of the church far the next year. 2d on motion agreed to send for Bro. Wilburn Farmer and Thomas Price to be at the next meeting to answer some reports. 3d on motion agreed to send messenger to Big Helton, New River, Horse Creek, Maple Springs for their ministerial aid for the next year and then dismissed.

N. C. Baldwin, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clk

November the 2nnd Saturday 1886,
The church met and was in 1st tuck up the case of Bro Wilburn Farmer and Thomas Price on motion was excluded for frolicking and refusing to obey the order of the church. The messengers reported that was appointed to visit the sister churches for ministerial aide then dismissed.

N. C. Baldwin, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clk

December 3rd Saturday 1886,
No meeting on the account of cold weather.


January 3rd Saturday 1887,
The Church met being in fellowship. 1st received a petition from Silas Creek Church for apart of our ministerial aide. It was received and their request granted and then closed.

N. C. Baldwin, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clk

February the 3rd Saturday 1887,
The Church met and was in fellowship. 1st. on motion the church door was opened. Matilda Davis, Rebecca Taylor joined by experience and baptism and Thomas Davis came forward and joined by letter. Francis and Mary Davis joined by experience. ______ Price was excluded for joining the Union Baptists, then closed.

C. C. Davis, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clk

March the 3rd Saturday 1887,
The Church met and was in fellowship.

N. C. Baldwin, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clk

April the 3rd Saturday 1887,
The Church met in fellowship, on motion the church door was opened and then closed.

C. C. Davis, Mod
W.L Caudill, Clk

May the 3rd Saturday 1887,
The Church met in fellowship. On motion agreed for N. C. Baldwin to be their pastor at North Fork by their request by a petition.

C. C. Davis, Mod
W.L Caudill, Clk

June 3rd Sat 1887,
The Church met. First tuck up the case of Bro. Hiram Baldwin on motion he was excluded for cursing his father and lying to the church.

C. C. Davis, Mod
W.L Caudill, Clk

July the 3rd Sat 1887,
The church met and was in fellowship. The church door was opened Surtilda Vannover came forward ad joined by experience and baptism, then closed.

C. C. Davis, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clk

August the 2nd Saturday 1887,
The Church met in fellowship, 1st on motion appointed our messengers to represent us in our next association, viz, Elders C. C. Davis, N. C. Baldwin, Bro Wm Taylor, closed as ordinary.

C. C. Davis, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clk

September the 2nd Saturday 1887,
The church met being in fellowship. On motion agreed to send for Brothers John Davis and Wesiey Blevins for their non-attendance to be at our next meeting.

C. C. Davis, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clk

October the 2nnd Saturday 1887,
The Church met in fellowship, first on motion appointed Brothers C. C. Davis, N. C. Baldwin to take the pastoral care of the church for the next year. 2. Petition to the different churches for a part of their ministerial aide.

N. C. Baldwin, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clk

November 2nd Saturday 1887,
The Church met is fellowship. 1st on motion agreed to send W. L. Caudill to see Bro Wesley Blevins for his non-attendance. Received a petition from Pleasant Grove also one from New River for ministerial aide their petitions was received and their request granted.

N. C. Baldwin, Mod
W.L Caudill, Clk

December the 2nnd Saturday 1887,
The Church met in fellowship. 1st excluded Wesiey Blevins for non-attendance, closed as ordinary.

N. C. Baldwin, Mod
W.L Caudill, Clk


January the 2nnd Saturday 1888,
The Church met in fellowship. On motion the door was opened Brother J. C. Caudill and his wife Sarah came forward and joined by letter, then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clk

February the 2nnd Saturday 1888,
The Church met in fellowship, the church door was opened and then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clk

March the 2nnd Saturday 1888,
The Church met in fellowship. 1st, on motion received a petition from Center Church for ministerial aide, it received and their request granted.

Elder N. C. Baldwin, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clk

April the 2nnd Saturday 1888,
The Church met in fellowship., 1st on motion the church dore was opened then closed.

Elder N. C. Baldwin, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clk

May the 2ndnd Saturday 1888,
The Church met in fellowship, 1st on motion agreed to write Brother Wesley Blevins a short letter concerning some reports. 2d on motion received Ennis Davis by experience and baptism, dismissed as ordinary.

Elder N. C. Baldwin, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clk

June the 2nnd Saturday 1888,
The Church met not being in fellowship on the account of Bro. Wesley Blevins’ case. 1st forgive him by acknowledgement and restored him to his seat, 2d. the dore was opened Hiram Baldwin joined by recantation, dismissed as ordinary.

Elder C. C. Davis, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clk

July the 2nnd Saturday 1888,
The Church met in fellowship, 1st on motion appointed our messengers to represent us in our next association, viz, Elders C. C. Davis, N. C. Baldwin, Bro Wm Taylor, dismissed as ordinary.

Elder N. C. Baldwin, Mod
W.L Caudill, Clk

August the 2nnd Saturday 1888,
The Church met, not in fellowship on the account of a difficulty centered with Bro. Wesley Blevins. On motion laid over to next meeting. On motion agreed to give up Elders N. C. Baldwin and C. C. Davis as a part of a presbytery to assist in the constitution of a church at the Baldwin School House on Helton. Bro. N. C. Baldwin ask for a letter for Bro. Hiram Baldwin, it was granted. The church door was opened, then closed.

Elder N. C. Baldwin, Mod
W.L Caudill, Clk

October the 2nnd Saturday 1888,
The Church met in fellowship. The difficulty between Bro. Wm Taylor and Bro Wesley Blevins is settled. Appointed Elders C. C. Davis and N. C. Baldwin to take the pastoral care of the church for the next year. Closed as ordinary.

Elder N. C. Baldwin, Mod
W.L Caudill, Clk

November the 2nnd Saturday 1888,
The church met in fellowship. 1st on motion received some petitions from Maple Springs, Big Helton, Horse Creek, Pleasant Grove for ministerial aide. Petitions received and requests granted. Church dore opened, closed as ordinary.

Elder N. C. Baldwin, Moderator
W. L. Caudill, Clerk

December the 2nnd Saturday 1888,
The Church met being in fellowship. 1st received petitions from Maple Springs, Pleasant Grove, Horse Creek for ministerial aide, on motion their requests were granted. Church door was and then closed.

Elder N. C. Baldwin, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clk


January the 2nnd Saturday 1889,
The Church met in fellowship, 1st on motion give Brother Wesley Blevins a letter of dismission. The Church dore opened by the Moderator, closed as ordinary.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
W. L .Caudill, Clerk

February the 4th Saturday 1889,
The Church met in fellowship. The door was opened, Aley Davis joined by experience, then closed the service.

Elder C. C. Davis, Mod
W.L Caudill, Clk

March the 4th Saturday 1889,
The Church met in fellowship, 1st on motion, the church clothed Brother C. C. Davis with the authority to assist in constituting churches in the bounds of the Center District, then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Mod
W.L Caudill, Clk

April the 2nnd Saturday 1889,
The Church met in fellowship, 1st on motion agreed to have church meetings on the second. 2d on motion agreed to commune at July meeting and appointed brethern to invite sister churches as usual and then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Mod
W.L Caudill, Clk

July 2nd Saturday 1889,
The Church met not being in fellowship account of some reports on Bros Wm Taylor and Elijah Taylor. 1st on motion they was a quitted by acknowledgement. 2d on motion Brothers C. C. Davis, Jno. Davis and Wm Taylor was appointed messengers to the next association the services as ordinary.

Elder C. C. Davis, Mod
W. L. Caudill,Clk

August the 2nnd Saturday 1889,
The church met in fellowship. 1st on motion appointed Bro. William Taylor deacon. 2d petition Big Helton and New River to assist in the ordination at October meeting, Bros C. C. and John Davis to bear the petitions. 3rd Sent for Bro Thomas Davis to be at next meeting to clear himself of some reports then closed the service.

Elder Troy Kilby, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clk

October the 2nnd Saturday 1889,
The Church met in fellowship. 1st on motion received the report of the committee and rescinded the act in regard to excluding Bro. N. C. Baldwin, 2d after H. A. Davis made confession of his wrongs which was received. 3d granted Elder N. C. Baldwin, his wife Mahala and Lotta Taylor letters of dismission.

Elder N. C. Baldwin, Mod
W.L Caudill, Clk

December the 2nnd Saturday 1889,
The church met in fellowship. 1st on motion agreed to petition the sister churches for ministerial aide. 2d Referred the ordination of Bro W m Taylor a deacon till our next meeting. 3d appointed Elder C. C. Davis to take the pastoral care of the church for the next year, then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
W. L. Caudill, Clk


January the 2nnd Saturday l890.
The church met in fellowship. 1st on motion give Bro. William Taylor into the hands of a presbytery to be examined and if being found orthodox to be ordained a deacon. 2d on motion the church received the works of the presbytery and Bro. William Taylor Deacon, and then closed the services.

Elder C. C. Davis, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clk

February the 2nnd Saturday 1890,
The Church met in fellowship. 1st notified Bro. John Davis to come to next meeting and answer himself for joining the Farmer’s Alliance, also sent for Bro. J. C. Caudill to come to the next meeting to answer for the same. Received a petition from Center Church for a ministerial aide also one from North Fork for a part of a presbytery to ordain deacon. received those petitions and granted their request and then closed services.

Elder C. C. Davis, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clk

March the 2nnd Saturday 1890,
The church met not in fellowship on the account of Bro. John Davis and Josiah Caudill’s joining a secret lodge. 1st motion they was excluded for the same. Sister Ennis Davis was excluded from the church for the same charge.

Elder C. C. Davis, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clk

May the 2nnd Saturday 1890,
The Church met in fellowship. 1st on agreed to give up Elder C. C. Davis to take part of the pastoral care of Redies River Church of the Roaring River District for this year and then closed as ordinary.

Elder C. C. Davis, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clk

July the 2nnd Saturday 1890,
The Church met in fellowship. 1st appointed messengers to the association, viz, Elder C. C. Davis, W. L. Caudill, Wm. Taylor. 2d on motion authorized the Clerk to write a letter for inspection at the meeting to the association, then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Mod
W.L Caudill, Clk

August the 2nnd Saturday 1890,
The Church met and received the letter to the association but no preaching.

October the 2nnd Saturday 1890,
The Church met in fellowship. 1st on motion petition our sister church at Horse Creek for a part of her ministerial aide. Sister Lotta Price ask for a letter, it was granted.

Elder H. B. Miller, Mod
W.L Caudill, Clk

November the 2nnd Saturday 1890,
The Church met in fellowship. 1st received some petitions from Redies River, Big Helton, Cross Roads for ministerial aide, petitions received, requests granted. 2d sent for Bro. Thomas Davis to report at next meeting for transgression then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Mod
W.L Caudill, Clk

December the 2nnd Saturday 1890,
The Church met in fellowship. 1st on motion Bro. Thomas Davis was excluded from the fellowship of the church for drinking too much and going to frolics. Received petitions from Silas Creek and Pleasant Grove for ministerial aide, petitions received and requests granted.

Eld. C. C. Davis, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clk


February the 2nnd Saturday 1891,
The church met in fellowship. Received a petition from Center Church for ministerial aid. It was received, and their request granted and closed the services as ordinary.

Eld. C. C. Davis, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clk

April the 2nnd Saturday 1891,
The church met in fellowship. 1st received a petition from Maple Spring Church for ministerial aid petition received and their request granted. 2d Published an open door for the reception of members when Edith Roark and Sarah Jane Taylor came forward and joined by experience and baptism, on motion they was received into the fellowship of the church and then closed the services.

Elder H. B. Miller, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clk

June the 2nnd Saturday 1891,
The Ch met in fellowship. 1st on motion sent for Bro. Wm Taylor to report for keeping a bad house. 2d on motion he was excluded from the fellowship of the ch for the same. 3d on motion requested the Clk to have the Church ltr ready for inspection at the Aug. meeting to send to the association, then closed the services.

C. C. Davis, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clk

July the 2nnd Saturday 1891,
The Church met in fellowship. 1st on motion appointed messengers to represent us in the next association viz., Elder C. C. Davis, Bros Wm Taylor and W. L Caudill, 2d agreed to send up a query to the association, Is it according to the Bible for a man to have two living women and then closed the services.

Elder C. C. Davis, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clk

December the 2nnd Saturday 1891,
The Church met in fellowship. 1st on motion appointed Elder C. C. Davis pastor for the next year. 2d on motion agreed to petition our sister church at Silas Creek for ministerial aide and then closed the services.

Elder C. C. Davis, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clk


April the 2nnd Saturday 1892,
The Church met in fellowship, dismissed as ordinary.

Elder C. C. Davis, Mod
W.L Caudill, Clk

May the 2nnd Saturday 1892,
The Church met in fellowship, dismissed as ordinary.

Elder C. C. Davis, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clk

June the 2nnd Saturday 1892,
The Church met in fellowship. 1st on motion opened the Church dore for reception of members, Bro Jackson Ham and wife joined by letter, then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Mod
W.L Caudill, Clk

July the 2nnd Saturday 1892,
The Church met in fellowship. 1st on motion appointed messengers to represent us in the next association viz., Elder C. C. Davis, Bro. Jesse Roark, W. L Caudill. 2d on motion ordered the church [clerk] to have the letter ready at next meeting for inspection to send to the association and then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clk

September 2nd Saturday 1892,
The church met in fellowship. 1st on motion received the Church letter and dismissed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Mod
W.L Caudill, Clk

October 4th Saturday 1892,
The Church met in fellowship. 1st on motion, excluded Bro. Elijah Taylor for living in adultery. Sister Nancy Taylor made application for a letter of dismission. 2d. on motion it was granted. Dismissed as ordinary.

Elder C. C. Davis, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clk

November the 2nnd Saturday 1892,
The Church met in fellowship. Sister Edith Taylor asked for a letter of dismission on motion it was granted. 2d on motion it was granted, dismissed as ordinary.

Elder C. C. Davis, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clk

December the 2nnd Saturday 1892,
The church met in fellowship. 1st on motion rescinded the second item of the act of the Church at our June meeting at our June 1891 meeting. Sister Sarah Caudill made application for a letter of dismission on motion it was granted. 3d on motion the church door was opened for the reception of members, Bro. Levi Ham and sister Caroline Taylor came forward and joined by letter. On motion they was received and give the right hand of fellowship then closed the services.

Elder C. C. Davis, Mod
W.L Caudill, Clk


February the 2nnd Saturday 1893,
The Church met in fellowship. 1st on motion appointed Bro W. L Caudill investor of the Church. 2d on motion appointed Bros. Wm Taylor, Jesse Roark and Jackson Ham spokesmen for the Church. 3d authorized Elder C. C. Davis to publish an open door for Pond Mountain at any time or place, then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clk

March the 2nnd Saturday 1893,
The Church met in fellowship. 1st received a petition from Maple Spring Church for our ordained authority to assist in their deacons on motion their request was granted then closed the services.

Elder C. C. Davis, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clk

June 2nd Sunday 1893,
The Church met in fellowship. 1st on motion to hold a communion meeting at our August meeting. 2d on motion messengers to invite sister churches to commune with us.

Elder C. C. Davis, Mod
W.L Caudill, Clk

August the 2nnd Saturday 1893,
The Church met in fellowship. 1st on motion appointed Elder C. C. Davis and Bro. W. L Caudill, Wm Taylor messengers to the association, Bro Jackson Ham in case of failure. 2d opened Church does for the reception of members, then closed the services.

Elder H. B. Miller, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clk

September the 2nnd Saturday 1893,
The Church met in fellowship. 1st on motion the Church letter was read and received to send to the association, then closed.

Elder John Cave, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clk


February the 2nnd Saturday 1894,
The Church met in fellowship. 1st on motion appointed Elder C. C. Davis to be our pastor for the next year. 2d excluded Bro. Levi Ham for joining the Missionaries. 3d agreed to petition sister Churches for ministerial aid. Received application from Horse Creek for a part of Bro. C. C. Davis’ time to assist Bro H. B. Miller in taking the pastoral care of the Church, petition received and request granted, then closed the service as ordinary.

Elder C. C. Davis, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clk

March the 2nnd Saturday 1894,
The Church met in fellowship. 1st on motion messengers reported that was appointed Clerk to visit sister churches for ministerial aide, then closed the services.

Elder C. C. Davis, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clk

June; 2d Saturday 1894,
The Church met in fellowship. 1st on motion agreed to commune at July meeting. 2d on motion agreed to invite sister Churches to commune, then published an open door, Elijah Taylor joined by recantation.

Elder C. C. Davis, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clk

July the 2nd Saturday 1894,
The Church met in fellowship. 1st on motion messengers reported that was appointed to invite sister Churches to the communion meeting. 2d appointed messengers to the next association then closed by opening the church dore.

Elder William Hall, Mod
W.L Caudill, Clk

August the 2nd Saturday 1894,
The Church met in fellowship. 1st on motion agreed to send for Bro. Wm Taylor to be at our next meeting to answer some reports. 2d on motion sent for Bro. Jackson Ham to be at next meeting and wife. 3d received Bro. John Davis by recantation, then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clk

September the 2nd Saturday 1894,
The Church met in fellowship. 1st on motion agreed to give Bro. Jackson Ham and wife Frances till next meeting. 2d opened the church doors for the reception of members, Sister Nancy Taylor came forward and joined by letter then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clk

November the 2nd Saturday 1894,
The Church met in fellowship. 1st on motion appointed Elder C. C. Davis pastor. Sent a petition to our sister Church at Maple Springs to send us a pastor. 3d. Dismisses Jackson Ham and wife for drinking and for using bad language.

Elder J. A. Cave, Mod
W. L. Caudill, Clk


March the 2nnd Saturday 1895,
We the Baptist Church of Christ met in conference. 1st moved that Bro. J. H. Eldreth be appointed Clerk protem for the day. 2d moved that the request be received from Maple Spring Church. 3d the brethren that were appointed to bear the petitions to sister churches report. 4th moved that we publish and open door for the reception members when Ludema Davis came forward and joined by experience and also Elijah Taylor by experience and Franklin Ham and Sarah Jane Taylor by recantation. Moved that we receive them.

C. C. Davis, Moderator
J. H. Eldreth, Clerk Protem

1st moved that we publish an open door for the reception of members when Martha J. Caudill came forward by experience and Jackson Ham and Enis Davis recantation.

J. A. Cave, Moderator
J. H. Eldreth, Clerk Protem

April the 2nnd Saturday 1895,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and after divine service was in fellowship. 1. We received a petition from our sister Church. 2. Then published an open door for the reception of members and none came forward, then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

May the 2nnd Saturday 1895,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Church Pond Mountain met and after divine service was in fellowship. 1. Moved Jackson Ham be appointed Clerk. 2. Then published an open door for the reception of members and none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

June the 2nnd Saturday 1895,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Pond Mountain met and after divine services was in fellowship. 1st Then an open door for the reception of members and none came forward then closed the meeting.

Elder John Cave, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

August the 2nnd Saturday 1895,
We the Primitive Baptist Church at Pond Mountain met after divine services was in fellowship. 1. On motion messengers to represent us in the next association to wit: Elder C. C. Davis, Brother W. M. Weaver, John Davis. 2d The Clerk was appointed to write a letter to the association. 3d The Church licensed W. M. Weaver to preach. 4th Then published an open door for the reception of members when Mary Barker came forward and joined by experience and baptism. Then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

November the 2nnd Saturday 1895,
We the primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and after divine services was in fellowship. 1st On motion we elect our pastor for this year, Elder C. C. Davis. 2d. We receive petition from our sister churches at Horse Creek and Pleasant Grove. 3d We move that we petition our sister churches. 4th Then published an open door for the reception of members and none came forward, Then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

December the 2nd Saturday 1895,
We the primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and after divine services was in fellowship. 1st We send messengers to go to sister Farmer to know what she hold her letter so long for.
2. Then published an open door for the reception of members and none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk


January the 2nd Saturday 1896,
We the primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and after divine services was in fellowship. 1st We sent messengers to go to Brother W. L Caudill and wife to know why they don’t go to their meetings. 2d Then published an open door for the reception of members and none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

March the 2nd Saturday 1896,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and after divine services worse in fellowship. 1st Then published an open door for the reception of members and none came forward, closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

April the 2nnd Saturday 1896,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and after divine service wasin fellowship. 1st the Church Pond Mountain has considered W. M. Weaver’s gift and called in his license. Then published an open door for the reception of members when Seney Davis and Jane M. Mulnns came forward and joined by letter and Ida K. Farmer by experience and baptism and moved that we receive them, then closed the meeting.

Elder John Cave, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

July the 2n Saturday 1896,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and after divine service was in fellowship. 1. We move that Sister Mary Roark be excluded from us for having a bastard child. 2d. The brother that was appointed to invite sister churches to our communion reported and the brother discharged. 3. We received messengers from our sister Church to thier communion meetings. 4th We have changed our meeting to the first Saturday. 5th. We have elected our brother to represent us in the next association to wit: Elder C. C. Davis and brother John Davis and Ike Farmer and Jackson Ham in case of failure. 6th Then appointed the Clerk to write a letter to the association. 7th Then published an open door for the reception of members, when G. W. Wyatt came forward and joined by experience and baptism, then closed the meeting.

Elder J. A. Ham, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

August the 1st Saturday 1896,
We the primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and after divine service was in fellowship. 1st the church letter was read and was received, and the Clerk discharged. 2d then Published open door for the reception of members when Hetty J. Wyatt came forward and joined by experience and baptism, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

September the 1st Saturday 1896,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and after divine service was in fellowship. 1st the Church gave G. W. Wyatt the privilege to pray and exhort anywhere the Lord sends him. 2d then published an open door for the reception of members and none came forward.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

October the 1st Saturday 1896,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and after divine service was in fellowship. 1st the church appointed Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator for this year. The Church sent a petition to sister churches. 2. We received a petition from our sister churches. 3d Then published an open door for the reception of members when D. V. Wyatt came forward and joined by experience and baptism, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

November the 1st Saturday 1896,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and after divine service was in fellowship. 1st Willie Roop came to the church and made his acknowledgment. 2d. Willie Roop called for his letter and it was granted him. 3d Then published an open door for the reception of members when Mary Roark came forward and joined by restoration, then closed the meeting.

C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

December the 1st Saturday 1896,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met in fellowship. 1st We rescind the act of giving Brother Willie Roop a letter. We received a petition from our sister Church at Pleasant Grove for a part of C. C. Davis’ time. 3. Then published an open door for the reception of members and none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
J. W. Wyatt, Clerk Protem


January the 1st Saturday 1897,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and after divine services was in fellowship. 1. Then published an open door for the reception of members and none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

March the 1st Saturday 1897,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and after divine service was in fellowship and 1st withdraw from W. M. Weaver for working disorder in doctrine and so in practice. 2d Then published an open door for the reception of members and none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Elder John Cave, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

April the 1st Saturday 1897,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and after divine service was in fellowship. 1st Then published an open door for the reception of members and none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Mod
Jackson Ham, Clk

May the 1st Saturday 1897,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and after divine service was in fellowship. 1. Closed as usual.

Elder C. C. Davis, Mod.
Jackson Ham, Clerk

June the 1st Saturday 1897,
We the PB Church of Christ at Pond Mountain after divine service was in fellowship. 1. Then published an open door of members when G. C. Wyatt and his wife, N.E. Wyatt came forward and joined by letter, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Mod
Jackson Ham, Clerk

July the 1st Saturday 1897,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and after divine service was in fellowship. An open door for the reception of members, when none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Mod
Jackson Ham, Clerk

August the 1st Saturday 1897,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and after divine service was in fellowship. 1. Brother G. W. Wyatt came and made his acknowledgment to the Church for some reports. 2. The Church Clerk the dice (sic) to represent us in the next association to wit: Elder C. C. Davis, Brother John Davis and G. C. Wyatt and Wm Taylor in case of failure. 3. Then ordered the Clerk to write a Church letter. 4th. Then ordained John Davis and his wife for a deacon. 5th. Then published an open door for the reception of members when Elijah Taylor came forward and joined by recantation and W. M. Weaver came forward and joined by recantation, then closed the meeting.

September the 1st Saturday 1897,
We the Primitive Baptist Church at Pond Mountain met and after divine service was in fellowship. 1st The clerk read the association letter and it was received. 2d. Then published an open door for the reception of members and non came forward, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

October the 1st Saturday 1897,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain after divine fellowship met and was in fellowship. 1st the church as appointed Elders C. C. Davis, John A. Cave, and Elijah Roop our Moderators. 2nd We petition our sister churches at Horse Creek and Big Helton. 3d. We ordain Brother Isaac Farmer and wife for deacon. 4th Received a petition from Pleasant Grove Church for a part of C. C. Davis’ time this year. 5th We will let W. M. Weaver alone like we found him. 6th. Then published an open door for the reception of members and none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Elder John Cave, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

November the 1st Saturday 1897,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and after divine service was in fellowship. 1st. The church has withdrawn from W. M. Weaver for wa1king in disorder. 2d Then published an open door for the reception of members and none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk


February the 1st Saturday 1898,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and after divine service was in fellowship. 1sb. Then Brother G. W. Wyatt made his acknowledgment to the Church for some reports that was out on him. 2d. The Church called in G. W. Wyatt’s authority that was given him to pray and exhort. 3d. We withdraw from Sister Elisabeth Taylor for having a bastard child. 4th. Then published an open door for the reception of members and none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Elder John A. Cave, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

March the 1st Saturday l898, We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and after divine service was in fellowship. 1st. Then published an open door for the reception of members and none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

June the 1st Saturday 1898,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met in fellowship. 1st We send messengers to invite sister churches to our communion. 2d Received messengers inviting us to their communion meetings. 3d. Then published an open door for the reception of members and none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

July the 1st Saturday 1898,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met in fellowship. 1st Opened the door for the reception of members and received none.

Elder John A. Cave, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

August the 1st Saturday 1898,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met in fellowship. 1st. We have elected our Brothers to represent us in the next association to wit: Elder C. C. Davis, Brother Wm Taylor and John Davis and Jackson Ham in case of failure. 2d. Then appointed the Clerk to write a letter to the association. 3d . Then published an open door for the reception of members when David Price came forward and joined by letter, then closed the meeting.

Elder John A. Cave, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

October the lst Saturday l898, We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met in fellowship. 1st. The church elected C. C. Davis for our pastor the next year. 2d. When G. W. Wyatt and wife Betty J. made application for their letters at was granted them in full fellowship with us. 3d. Then published an open door for the reception of members none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
W. M. Taylor, Clerk protem


February the 1st Saturday 1899,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and after divine service was in fellowship. 1st. Received petitions from sister churches. 2d. When G. C. Wyatt and D. V. Wyatt made application for their letters, it was granted them, being in full fellowship with us. 3d. Then published an open door for the reception of members and none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

March the 1st Saturday 1899,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and was in fellowship. 1st, Then published an open door for the reception of members and none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Elder J. A. Cave, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

April the 1st Saturday 1899,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and was in fellowship. lst. Then published an open door for the reception of members when Marclela Barker came forward and joined by experience and baptism, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
J. J. Lyles, Clerk Protem

May the 1st Saturday 1899
The Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met in fellowship. 1st A messenger from Horse Creek wanted a committee to settle some difficulty that was in the church. 2. Closed in regular order.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

June the 1st Saturday 1899
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met in fellowship. 1st Sent messengers to sister churches to the communion. 2d. Received messengers inviting us to communion. Then closed in regular order.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

July the 1st Saturday 1899
The Church met and then closed, no business.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Wm Taylor, Clerk Protem

August the 1st Saturday 1899
The Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met in fellowship. 1. The brother that was to invite sister churches to report, they reported and were received and The church elected their delegates to represent us in the next association to wit: Elder C. C. Davis, and Bro. John Davis, Wm Taylor, Jackson Ham in case of failure. 3. Then appointed the Clerk to write a church letter to the association. 4th. Then receive a messenger from Pleasant Grove to invite us to their communion meeting. 5th Then published an open door for the reception of members when Bro. James Woody came forward and joined by letter and David Fitzgerald joined by expierence and baptism, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

September 1st Saturday 1899
The Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met in fellowship. 1. We received the association letter. 2d Referenced again W. L Caudill and then Church appointed Jackson Ham to go talk to W. L. Caudill to invite him to our next meeting to know what he has against the church for not coming and filing his seat with the church. 3d. The church gave David Fitzgerald liberty to pray and exhort anywhere the Lord sends him to. 4th. Closed as usual.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

November the 1st Saturday 1899
The Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met in fellowship. 1. Laid the case of W. L. Caudill till the next; meeting. 2d The Church elected C. C. Davis for pastor the next year. 3d. Received petition from Horse Creek and Pleasant Grove to preach for the Church. 4th The church petition to our sister churches for their ministerial aid to preach for us next year. 5th Then published an open door for the reception of members when Vinney Taylor came forward and joined by experience and baptism, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

December the 1st Saturday 1899,
We the PBC C at Pond Mountain met in fellowship. 1st. Move that Mary Roark be excluded from us for having a bastard child. 2d published an open door for the reception of members when Sarah Jane Woody came forward and joined by letter, then closed the meeting.

Elder H. B. Miller, Moderator
T. J. Baldwin, Clerk Protem


January the 1st Saturday 1900,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met in fellowship. 1st The church dropped the item that they had against W. L Caudill, 2d received petition from sister churches for C. C. Davis to preach for them the next year. 3d Closed as regular.

Elder J. A. Cave, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

February the 1st Saturday 1900,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met in fellowship. 1st. We received petition from sister churches for Elder C. C. Davis to preach for them the next year. 2d Then published an open door for the reception of members, when Jane Perry came forward and joined by experience and baptism, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

April the 1st Saturday 1900,
The Church at Pond Mountain met in fellowship, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

June the 1st Saturday 1900., The Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met in fellowship. 1st The Church moved that we would commune. 2d. The church agreed to do what Milley Roark requested to have her name taken off the Church book. 3. The church received a message from Horse Creek to invite us to their communion. 4 Closed in regular order.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

July the 1st Saturday 1900,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and after divine service was in fellowship. lst. We withdraw from Bro. J. M. Mullis for joining a disorder. 2d Also took up a query against Levi Ham for a paper that he sent us. 3d. The Church wanted the Clerk to bring the church book to the next meeting. 4th Then published an open door for the reception of members, none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Wm Taylor, Clerk Protem

August the 1st Saturday 1900,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met service was in fellowship. lst. We drop the query that the church took up about Levi Ham. 2d The church elects their messengers to the next association to wit: Elder C. C. Davis, Bro. John Davis and W. M. Taylor and Isaac Farmer in case of failure. 3. The Church appointed the Clerk to write a letter to the association. 4th. Then closed in regular order.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

September the 1st Saturday 1900,
1. The Clerk read the association letter. 2. Closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

October the 1st Saturday 1900,
We the PBC C at Pond Mountain met and after divine service was in fellowship. 1. We the church, elect Elder C. C. Davis for our pastor for the next year. 2. We received a peition from Horse Creek for Elder C. C. Davis to take the pastoral care of the church. 3. We the Church have ordered the Clerk to take a minute of the meeting. 4. Then published an open the reception of members and none came, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

December the 1st Saturday 1900,
We the PBC C at Pond Mountain met and after divine service was in fellowship. 1. The church moved and seconded on the petition from Pleasant Grove and South Fork it was granted the request, 2. It was moved and seconded that we withdraw from Sister Susan Farmer for joining a people in disorder. 3. Closed in regular order.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
L. J. Lyles Clerk Protem


January the 1st Saturday 1901,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and after divine service was in fellowship. 1st The Clerk read the minute of the meeting, it was received. 2. We the church will receive a petition from North Fork when the church sets herself in order. 3. Closed in regular order.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

April the 1st Sat. 1901,
1. The Clerk read the minute of the meeting, it was received. 2. Then published an open door and received none.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

May the 1st Sat 1901,
1. The Clerk read the minute of the meeting, it was received. 2. Then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

June the 1st Sat 1901,
1. The Clerk read the minute of the minute and it was received. 2. The church agreed to commune in August meeting, Agreed to invite churches to wit: C. C. Davis is agreed to invite Piney Creek and William Taylor to invite Pleasant Grove, Jackson Ham agreed to invite Big Helton, John Davis agreed to invite Wilson. 3. Then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

July the 1st Sat 1901,
1. The Clerk read the minute of the last meeting, it was received. 2. The church received messengers from sister churches to commune with them. 3. Closed in regular order.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

August the 1st Sat 1901,
1. the Clerk read the minute of the last meeting, it was received. 2d. The messengers that was appointed to invite our sister churches reported in and were discharged. 3. The church have elected their delegates to represent us in the next association to wit: Elder C. C. Davis, John Davis, Jackson Ham, W. M. Taylor in case of failure. 4th. Closed in regular order.

Elder T. H. Kilby, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

September the 1st Sat 1901,
1. The Clerk read the minute of the last meeting, it was received. 2. The Clerk

read the association letter it was received. 3. This Church granted James Woody and his wife thier letters. 4. Then published an open door for the reception of members and none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

November the 1st Saturday 1901,
1. The Clerk read the minute of the last meeting, it was received. 2. The church elected. Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator and Jackson Ham, Clerk. 3. The Church received a petition for Elder C. C. Davis to preach for them. 4. Then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk


February the 1st Saturday 1902,
1. Received minute of the last Taylor made his report and it was received. 3. Then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
W. M. Taylor, Clerk protem

March the 1st Sat 1902,
1. Received the minute of the last meeting. 2. The Church received a petition from Riverview, Pleasant Grove, Big Helton, Silas Creek for ministerial aide, they were received. 3. Then published an open door for the reception of members when Andy Davis, Elisie Davis, Ezra Davis, Andy Taylor, Roby J. Davis, Viney Davis, and M. E. Ham joined by experience and baptism, then closed the meeting.

Elder J. A. Cave, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

April the 1st Sat 1902,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and after divine service was in fellowship, the Clerk read the minute of the last meeting, it was received, then published an open door for the reception of members when Lucinda Farmer and John Roop joined by experience and baptism.

Elder John Cave, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

May the 1st Saturday 1902. 1. The clerk read the minute of the last meeting, it was received. 2. Then the Church agreed to commune at their Aug. Meeting and messengers agreed to invite our sister churches to our communion meeting. 3. The Church received messengers to their communion meting, they were received, then J. David Fitzgerald made his acknowledgement of drinking to much and other things, the church forgave him. 5. Then David Fitzgerald called for his letter and it was granted him being in fellow ship. 6. Then published an open door for the reception of members and none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

June the 1st Saturday 1902,
1. The Clerk read the minute of the last meeting, it was received. 2. the church received a messenger from our sister church inviting us to communion meeting, they were received. 3. Then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

July the 1st Saturday 1902,
1. The Church received a messenger from Big Helton inviting us to their communion meeting, it was received. 2. Then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Ezra Davis, Clerk

Protem August the 1st Saturday 1902,
1. The Clerk read the minute of the last meeting, it was received. 2. The Church moved that John Davis to keep the deacons place. 3. The messengers that agreed to invite sister churches to our communion, they reported and the brethern discharged. 4th. The church appointed messengers to represent us in the next association to wit: W. M. Taylor, Elder C. C. Davis, Ezra Davis, Jackson Ham in case of failure. 5th The church received a messenger from Pleasant Grove invited us to their communion meeting. 6. The church appointed the Clerk to write an association letter. 7. Then published an open door for the reception of members, Henry Perry and Anney Perry joined by letter, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

September the 1st Saturday 1902,
1. The Clerk read the minute of the last meeting it was received. 2. The Clerk read the association letter, it was received. 3. Then appointed Elder C. C. Davis to be our pastor for the next year. 4. The Church appointed William Taylor our spokesman. 5. The church appointed Henry Perry, Andy Taylor and Andy Davis to take care of the church house at Pond Mountain. 6. Then published an open door for the reception of members when Rufe Ham joined by experience and baptism, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

November the 1st Saturday 1902,
1. Received a petition from Horse Creek for Elder C. C. Davis to take a part of the pastoral care of the church. 2. Move and second we petition to Big Helton and Horse Creek for ministerial aid, Bro. David Price to bear a petition to Big Helton and Bro. Wm Taylor and Henry Perry to Horse Creek, then published an open door, then closed.

C. C. Davis, Moderator
Ezra Davis, Clerk Protem

December the 1st Saturday 1902,
1. The Clerk read the minute of the last meeting it was received. 2. Received petition from Pleasant Grove, Riverview, and Mulberry, it was received. 3. William Taylor made his report and was received. 4. Closed in regular order.

C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk


January the 1st Saturday 1903. 1. The Clerk read the minute of the last meeting, it was received. 2. Ezra Davis made his acknowledgement for drinking too much, it was received. 3. Received petition from South Fork, Rock Springs and Big Helton for ministerial aide, they was received. 4. Then closed.

Elder J. A. Cave, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

March the lst Saturday l903, 1. The Clerk read the minute of the last meeting, it was received. 2. The messengers that were appointed to sister churches for ministerial aid reported and were received. 3. Then appointed Ezra Davis, assistant clerk. 4. Then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

April the 2nd Saturday 1903,
1. The Clerk read the minute of the last meeting it was received. 2. Received petition from sister churches for ministerial aide, they was received. 3. Then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

May the 1st Saturday 1903,
1. The Clerk read the minute of the last meeting, it was received. 2. Then closed.

Elder John Trent, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

June the 1st Saturday 1903,
1. The Clerk read the minute of the last meeting, it was received. 2. Received a petition from our sister church at Cross Roads Church for ministerial aide, it was received. 3. We appointed our communion meeting, we sent messengers to invite sister churches to our communion meeting. 4. Then published an open door for the reception of members and none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

July the 1st Saturday 1903,
1. The Clerk read the minute of the last meeting, it was received. 2. Received messengers from sister churches inviting us to their communion meetings, they were received. 3. Then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

August the 1st Saturday 1903,
1. The Clerk

read the minute of the last meeting, it was received. 2. The messengers that was appointed to invite sister churches to communion meeting reported and was discharged. 3. Received messengers from churches to communion meetings, they were received. 4. The church elected delegates to represent us in the next association to wit: Elder C. C. Davis, John Roop, Jackson Ham, Wm Taylor in case of failure. 5. The church appointed the Clerk to write an association letter. 6. Then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

September the 1st Saturday 1903,
1. The Clerk read the minute of the last meeting it was received. 2. The church appointed the Clerk to write a letter to sister Mahala Blevins. 3. The church installed Elder C. C. Davis our pastor for the next year. 4 Then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

November the 1st Saturday 1903,
The church met in fellowship, then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Wm. Taylor, Clerk Protem

December the 1st Saturday 1903,
1. Received petition from sister churches at Riverview, Roans Creek and Senter, they was received, the church petition to sister churches at Big Helton and Horse Creek for ministerial aid to preach for us. Elected Ezra Davis to bear the petition. 3. Then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Ezra Davis, Clerk


January the 19th, a Tuesday 1904,
1. The Clerk read the minute of the meeting they was received. 2. Then received petition from sister churches at Horse Creek and Pleasant Gorve and Big Helton for ministerial aid, they was received. 3. Then read a letter from sister Demey Farmer the church ordered the Clerk to write her a letter. 4.Then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Mod
Jackson Ham, Clerk

February the 1st Saturday 1904,
1. The Clerk read the minute of the last meeting, it was received. 2. Then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

March the 1st Saturday 1904,
1. The Clerk read the minute of the last meeting, it was received. 2. The brother that was appointed to have petition at sister churches reported and was received. 3. Then published and open door for the reception of members when Siney Davis and Saray Jane Roark came forward and joined by experience and baptism, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

April the 1st Saturday 1904,
1. The Clerk read the minute of the meeting, it was received. 2. Received a petition from Silicas Creek Church for ministerial aide by Elder J. A. Cave, it was received. 3. Then published and open door for the reception of members when Mary Jane Taylor came forward and joined by baptism, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

May the 1st Saturday 1904,
1. The Clerk read the minute of the last meeting was received. 2. Received a petition from Reddies River Church for ministerial aid the ensuing year, it was received. 3. The church agreed to commune at the regular time and sent delegations to invite sister churches to our communion meeting. 4. Then published an open door for the reception of members when Sarah Jane Cave came forward and joined by experience and baptism, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Mod
Jackson Ham, Clerk

June the 2n8th day, 1904,
1. The Clerk read the minute of the last meeting. 2. The clerk read the association letter, it was received. 3. Then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

October the 4th Saturday, 1904,
1. The Clerk read the minute of the meeting, it was received. 2. The church appointed Elder C. C. Davis to be Moderator the ensuing year. 3. We have petition Horse Creek and Big Helton for ministerial aide. 4. The church has withdrawn from John A. Stevens for living in adultery. 5. Then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

December the 1st Saturday, 1904,
1. The Clerk read the minute of the meeting, it was received. 2. Received a petition from Horse Creek and Riverview Churches for Elder C. C. Davis to preach for them it was received. 3. Then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Mod.
Jackson Ham, Clerk


January the 1st Saturday 1905,
1. The Clerk read the minute, it was received. 2. Received a petition from Big Helton Church, it was received. 3. Then published an open door for the reception of members when Sarah Stidham and Silas Davis, Mary Ann Davis, Ida Davis, Grover Eldreth, James Loggins came forward and joined by experience and baptism.

Elder C. C. Davis, Mod.
Jackson Ham, Clerk

May the lst Saturday l905, 1. Appointed J. H. Eldreth Clerk protem. 2. Received the minute of our last meeting, by changing the last item to read, received Viola M. Eldreth by experience and subject to baptism. 3. Received the letter of Sister Darthuala Wisham. 4. Received the messengers bearing a petition from ______ church asking _____ ministerial aide. Then closed. Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
J. H. Eldreth, Clerk Protem

June the 1st Saturday 1905,
1. Appointed J. H. Eldreth Clerk protem. 2. Received the minute of the May meeting. 3. By request Elder C. C. Davis called for a letter for sister Matila Blevins and Sister Sarah J. Cave, the request being granted them and they being members in full fellowship with us, be dismissed when joined to any other church of the same faith and order. 4. Then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
J. H. Eldreth, Clerk Protem

August the 1st Saturday 1905,
1. The Clerk read the minute and it was received. 2. Appointed delegates to represent us in the association, to wit: W. M. Taylor, C. C. Davis, Ezra Davis, and John Roop alternate. 3. Received a messenger from Pleasant Grove inviting us to their communion also a petition to us for Elder C. C. Davis to take part of the pastoral care of the Pleasant Grove Church, it was received. 4. Appointed W. M. Taylor treasurer. 5. Then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Ezra Davis, Clerk

September the 1st Saturday 1905,
1. The Clerk read the associational letter, it was received. 2. Then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

October the 1st Saturday 1905,
1. The Clerk read the minute of the September meeting, it was received. 2. Called Elder C. C. Davis to take the pastoral care of Pond Mountain Church. 3. Then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

November the 1st Saturday 1905,
1. The Clerk read the minute of the October meeting, it was received. 2. Petition to Horse Creek for ministerial aide, Brother R. Ham agreed to bear the petition. 3. Then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Ezra Davis, Clerk Protem

December the 1st Saturday 1905,
1. The Clerk read the minute of the it was received. 2. Appointed Sister Lizzie Ham and Sarah Jane Roark to go and talk to sisters to wit: Jane Taylor and Vincie Taylor and report the same. 3. Received a petition for Pleasant Grove and Horse Creek, Big Helton for ministerial aid they was received. 4. Then published an open door for the reception of members, when Brother Enoch Roark came forward and joined by letter, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Ezra Davis, Clerk Protem


January the 1st Saturday 1906,
1. Read the minute of the last meeting and it was received. 2. When sister Viney Taylor came forward and made her acknowledgement to the church, the church forgave her. 3. The church sent Mary Jane Taylor went to go see sister Jane Taylor to come to the next meeting and answer reports against her. 4. The church appointed Brother John Davis and Enoch Roark to go and take Brother John Roop and Rufe Ham to see what was between them. 5. Then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

February the 1st Saturday 1906,
1. The Clerk read the minute of the last meeting, it was received. 2. That Sister Jane Taylor wait till the next meeting. 3. That Brother Jobn Davis and Enoch Roark made their report to the church and the church released them. 4. Received a petition from Riverview and Barton’s Cross Roads and they were received. 5. Then published and open door for the reception of members when Brother John Davis wife Ennis Davis came forward and joined by letter, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

March the 1st Saturday 1906,
1. The Clerk read the minute of the meeting, it was received. 2. The Church sent sister Rebecca Roop and Sarah Jane Roark to see Sister Jane Taylor to come to the church. 3. Then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

April the 1st Saturday 1906,
1. The Clerk read the minute of the last meeting. 2. Sister Jane Taylor came to the church and made her acknowledgement and the church received her. 3. Brother John Roop made his acknowledgement for getting mad and saying things that he ornt to say on the church, forgave him. 4. The church withdrew from Sister Viney Taylor for living in adultery. 5. The church sent messengers to invite sister churches to our communion meeting. 6. Then published an open door for the reception of members when Mary Ann Hamby came forward and joined by experience and a fit subject for baptism, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

May the 1st Saturday 1906,
1. The Clerk read the minute of the last meeting, it was received. 2. Henry Perry made his report and it was received. 3. Then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

June the 1st Saturday 1906,
1. The Clerk read the minute of the last meeting and was received. 2. Then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

July the 1st Saturday 1906,
1. The Clerk read the minute of the last meeting, it was received. 2. Received a petition from Horse Creek Church for a presbytery to ordain some deacons, 3. Messengers form Horse Creek and Big Helton Churches inviting us to their communion meeting, they were received. 4. Then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis
Jackson Ham, Clerk

August the 2nd Saturday 1906,
1. The Clerk read the minutes of the last meeting, it was received. 2. The Clerk read the association letter, it was received. 3. Then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

November the 1st Saturday 1906,
1. The church sent for Brother Andy Taylor for talking to hard against the church. 2. Then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis,
W. M. Taylor, Clerk Protem


January the 1st Saturday 1907,
1. Read the minute of the August and November meeting, it was received. 2. The church withdrew from Brother Andy Taylor for talking hard against the Church. 3. Read a petition from Horse Creek for a part of our ministerial aide to preach for the next year. 4. Then published an open door for the reception of members when Margaret Perry joined by experience and a fit subject for baptism, then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

February the 1st Saturday 1907,
1. The Clerk read the last meeting, it was received. 2. The church gave Sister Lisey Ham to the next meeting to make some satisfaction with sister Becky Roop that she told faults. 3. The church sent for Brother Enoch Roack to go to Brother Roofe Ham and see what are the cause of him not coming to his meetings. 4. Received a petition from Horse Creek and Big Helton for a part of our ministerial aide for the next year, they were received. 5. Then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

March the 1st Saturday 1907,
1. The Clerk read the minute of the last meeting and was received. 2. Withdrew from Sister Lisey Ham. 3. Concerning Brother Ham, if any be aggrieved with Brother Ham, go to him. 4. Received a petition from Riverview Church for Elder C. C. Davis to take the pastoral care of Riverview Church. 5. Then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

April the 1st Saturday 1907,
1. The Clerk read the minute of the last meeting, it was received. 2. Appointed A. J. Davis to look after the church property. 3. Then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Ezra Davis, Asst Clerk

May the 1st Saturday 1907,
1. The Clerk read the minute of the last meeting. 2. Appointed…. 3. Then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Ezra Davis, Asst Clerk

June the 1st Saturday 1907,
1. The Clerk read the minute of the last meeting, it was received. 2. Received the petition and discharged the brethern who was sent with the petitions. 3. The church appointed brethern to sister churches to our communion meeting, to Horse Creek, Brother John Davis and John Roop, to Big Helton, Ezra Davis, Silas Davis, Elder C. C. Davis. 4. Received invitation with brethern from sister churches inviting us to their communion meetings to wit: Riverview, Horse Creek, Pleasant Grove. 5. Then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Ezra Davis, Asst Clerk

August the 1st Saturday 1907,
1. The Clerk read the minute of the last meeting, received. 2. The brethern that did agree to invite sister churches our communion meeting was discharged. 3. Move that elected our brethern to represent us in the next association, to wit: Elder C. C. Davis, and John Davis, John Ham, Jackson Ham alternate. 4. John Davis Treasurer to the next association. 5. Appointed the Clerk to write the letter. 6. Then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

September the 1st Saturday 1907,
1. The Clerk read the minute of the last meeting it was received. 2. The Clerk read the association letter it was received. 3. Then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk


April the 1st Saturday 1908,
1. The Clerk read the minute of the last meeting, it was received. 2. Received petition from sister church to wit: Senter, Roan’s Creek, Riverview, Horse Creek, Pleasant Grove and 3. Petition from Senter for a Presbytery to ordain a deacon. 4. The church agreed to commune at the August meeting, the church messengers to invite sister churches to our communion meeting Bro. Ezra Davis to Horse Creek, Elder C. C. Davis, agreed to invite all he can. 5. Then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Jackson Ham, Clerk

May the 1st Saturday 1908,
1. The Clerk read the minute of the April, it was received. 2. Received petition from South Fork Church for ministerial aide. 3. Received the acknowledgement of Brother John Roop. 4. Then closed.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Ezra Davis, Asst Clerk

Dec 1st Saturday 1908,
A minute of the meeting. Wee the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and wear in union. 1. Received the September minute. 2. Then published an open door for reception of members when the following came and joined by experience and babtism, Arthur Stidhams, Poly Perry, Sary Ham, C. N. Davis, Lara Davis, Ettie Ham, Marcie Jones Barker by recantation Andy Taylor, Mary Miller, Lizie Ham, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk Protem.


Jan the 1st Saturday 1909,
a minute of the meeting, Wee the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met & were in union. 1. The minute of the December meeting was read and received. 2. Appointed Erza Davis Church Clerk. 3. Granted Bro. Henry Perry a letter. 4. Published an open door when none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Mod
E. Davis, Ch Clk

Feb 1st Saturday 1909,
A minute of the meeting. Wee the Primitive Baptist Church Christ at Pond Mountain met and was in fellowship. 1st the Clerk read the minute of the January meeting, it was received. 2. The church authorized Eld. C. C. Davis to invite preacher of our faith and order that is in good standing to preach for us. 3rd. Then published an open door for the reception of members when Bro Wilburn Farmer recantation. Bro John H. Farmer by experience then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Mod
Ezra Davis, Clk
C. N. Davis, Clk Pro

March 1st Sat 1909. A minute of the meeting. Wee the Primitive Baptist Church Christ at Pond Mountain met and was in union. 1. The Clerk read the minute of February meeting, it was received. 2. Then published open door for reception of members, Perlia Ardry Cox and Rebeckie Farmer joined by experience, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clk Pro tem

April 1st Saturday 1909,
a minute of the meeting. We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and was in union. 1st. the Clerk read the minute of the last meeting, it was received. 2. The published an open door for the reception of members none came forward, the closed the meeting.

Eld. C. C. Davis, Moderator
E. Davis, Church Clerk

May 1st Saturday 1909,
a minute of the meeting, Wee the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and was in union. 1. The Clerk read the minute of the last meeting, it was received. 2. Agreed to commune at the August meeting. 3. Appointed emissaries to invite sister churches to our communion, to Big Helton, Bro John Davis, Horse Creek, E. Davis, Pleasant Grove, C. N. Davis, and Eld. C. C. Davis all he reasonably could. 4. Received invitations and messengers from Senter, Riverview and Big Helton inviting us to their communions. 5. Then published and open door for the reception when none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
E. Davis, C. C.

July 1st Saturday 1909 A minute of the meeting. We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and was in union. 1. Clerk read the minute of the May meeting, it was received. 2. Received messengers from Big Helton, Horse Creek, & North Fork inviting us to their communion. 3. Then published an open door for the reception of members when none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis,
E. Davis, Church Clerk

August 1st Saturday 1909,
a minute of the meeting. Wee the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and was in union. 1. The Clerk read the minutes of the last meeting, it was received. 2. Received the report of the messengers that was to invite sister churches to our communion. 3. Agreed to elect and also against the following brethern to represent us in the next association to wit: Eld C. C. Davis, W. M. Taylor, E. Davis, J. H. Farmer, J. H. Farmer appointed treasurer. 4. The clerk to prepare an association letter and heave ready for inspection. 5. Then published an open door for the reception of members, when none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Elder M. B. Martin, Moderator
E. Davis, C. C.

September 1st Saturday 1909,
a minute of the meeting. We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and was in union. 1sb. The Clerk read the minute of the August meeting, it was received. 2. Received the association letter. 3. Then published an open door for the reception of members when none came forward, closed the meeting.

Eld. C. C. Davis, Moderator
E. Davis, Clerk

October 2 Saturday 1909,
a minute of the meeting, We the Primitive Baptist Christ at Pond Mountain met and was in union. 1. The Clerk read the minute of the September meeting, it was received. 2. The church granted Elder C. C. Davis liberty to invite ministers to come and preach for us. 3. Then published an open door for reception of members when none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld C. C. Davis, Moderator
E. Davis, Clerk

November 1st Saturday 1909,
a minute of the meeting, We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and was in union. 1. The Clerk read the minute of the October meeting, it was received. 2. Received a petition from Horse Creek for ministerial aid. 3. Then published an open door for reception of members when none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld. C. C. Davis, Moderator
E. Davis, Clerk

December 1st Saturday 1909,
a minute of the meeting, We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and after service was in union. 1. The clerk read the minute of the November meeting and it was received. 2. Received petitions from Pleasant Grove for Elder C. C. Davis to take pastoral care of Pleasant Grove Church. 3. Received messengers and petition from Senter Church for Eld. C. C. Davis to aid them in pastoral care of Senter Church. 4. Then published an open door for the reception of members when none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
E. Davis, Clerk


February 1st Sat 1910,
A minute of the meeting wee the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and was in union. 1. The clerk read the minute of the December meeting it was received. 2. Received a petition from Meadow Fork Church and granted their request for Eld C. C. Davis for pastor for the next year. 3. Then published an open door for reception of members when none came forward, the closed the meeting.

Elder C . C . Davis, Moderator
E. Davis, Clerk

March 1st Saturday 1910,
A minute of the meeting, wee the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain. Met and was in union. 1. Appointed C. N. Davis Clerk Protem for the day. The clerk read the minute of the February meeting, it was received. 3. Received a petition from our sister Roan’s Creek Church for Eld C. C. Davis to take the pastoral care of Roan’s Creek Church for the insuing year. 4. Then published and open door for reception of members when none came forward. Then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk Protem

April 1st Saturday 1910,
A minute of the meeting, Wee the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and was in union. 1. The clerk read the minute of the March meeting, it was received. 2. The Church set a part to commune at the August meeting. 3. Appointed messengers to invite sister churches to our communion is as follows – to Horse Creek – Bro. C. N. Davis, Big Helton, E. Davis, Pleasant Grove – Bro. John Davis, Silas Creek, Eld J. A. Cave, 4. The Church granted Elder C . C . Davis liberty to invite sister churches to our communion. 5. Then published an open door for reception of members when none came forward – then closed the meeting.

Elder C . C . Davis, Moderator
E. Davis, Clerk

May 1st Saturday 1910,
A minute of the meeting. Wee the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and was in union. 1. The clerk read the minute of the April meeting, it was received. 2. The Church granted letters of dismission for Bro. Roby Perry & wife & Sister Darthula Kishown, they being members in full fellowship. 3. Then published an open door for reception of members, when none came forward then closed the meeting.

Elder C . C . Davis, Moderator
E. Davis, Clerk

June 1st Saturday 1910,
A minute of the meeting, we the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and was in union. 1. The clerk read the minute of the May meeting it was received. 2. Then published an open door for reception of members when none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Elder C . C . Davis, Moderator
E. Davis, Church Clerk

June 25 1910,
A minute of the meeting, we the Primitive Baptist Church at Pond Mountain met and was in union. 1. The clerk read the minute of the last meeting, it was received. 2.. The church made an order to shut her door against any minister or lay member that advocates either publicly or publicly unsound doctrine such as unlimited predestination. 3. Received messengers from Big Helton, Pleasant Grove, Horse Creek, Beaver Creek, Bear Creek inviting us to their communions. 4. Then published an open door for reception of members when none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
E. Davis, Church Clerk

August 1st Saturday 1910,
A minute of the meeting, we the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain, met and was in union. 1. The clerk read the minute of the last meeting it was received. 2. Received the report of messengers that was sent to invite sister Churches to our communion and discharged, the brethren. 3. Motion we elect our delegates to represent us in the next association is as follows 1st Elder C. C. Davis, 2nd Wilburn Farmer, 3. W. M. Taylor, E. Davis alternate. 4. On motion received the association letter. 5. Then published an open door for the reception of members when none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
E. Davis, Clerk

November the 1st Saturday 1910,
A minute of the meeting, We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and was in union. 1st. The clerk read the minute of the last meeting, it was received. 2d. Received Bro. Lyall and granted the request of Roan’s Creek Church for Elder C. C. Davis try take a part of the pastoral care of Roan’s Creek Church for the next year. 3. On motion published an open door for the reception of members when none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
E. Davis, Church Clerk


Jan 1st Saturday 1911,
A minute of the meeting, we the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and was in union. 1. The clerk read the minute of the last meeting, it was received. 2. Received the petition and messengers from Senter Church for Elder C . C . Davis to take a part of the pastoral care of Senter Church for the next year. 3. Received a petition from Horse Creek for ministerial aid. 4. Then published an open door for the reception of members when none came forward, the closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
F. L. Colvard, Clerk Protem

Feb 1st Saturday 1911,
A minute of the meeting, We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and was in union. 1. The clerk read the minute of the last meeting, it was received. 2. Then published an open door for reception of members when none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Ed Davis, Church Clerk

April 1st Saturday 1911,
A minute of the meeting, W e the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and was in union. 1. The clerk read the minute of the last meeting, it was received. 2d. Then published an open door for reception of members when none came forward then closed the meeting.

Elder C . C . Davis, Moderator
E. Davis, Clerk

May 1st Saturday 1911,
A minute of the meeting, We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and was in union. 1. The clerk read the minute of the April meeting it was received. 2. Set apart our communion at the August meeting. 3. Messengers agreed to invite sister churches to our communion as follows – Horse Creek, Bro John Davis, Pleasant Grove W. M. Taylor, Big Helton C. N. Davis, Senter, Roan’s Creek & Riverview Elder C. C. Davis. 4. C. C. Davis agreed to invite all the churches that he was at that was in good standing. 5. Then published an open door the reception of members when none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk

June 1st Saturday 1911,
A minute of the meeting, We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and was in union. 1. The clerk read the minute of the last meeting, it was received. 2. Received a petition from Riverview for ministerial aid. 3. Received messengers from Senter and Horse Creek inviting us to their communion. 4. Then published an open door for the reception of members when none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
E. Davis, Church Clerk

July 2nd Saturday 1911,
A minute of the meeting, We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and was in union. 1. Appointed C. N. Davis, Clerk Protem for the day. 2. Published an open door for the reception of members when none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk Protem August 1st Sat 1911,
A minute of the meeting, We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and was in union. 1. The Clerk read the minute of the last meeting, it was received. 2. Received the report and discharged the messengers that was sent to sister churches. 3. Appointed the following Brethren to represent us in the next association, to wit: Elder C. C. Davis, C. N. Davis, John Farmer, John Davis alternate. 4. The clerk to write an associational letter. 5. A query, “is the Doctrine of Absolute Predestination of all things both good and bad the Doctrine of the Bible?” 6. Received Bro. J. J. Lyall from Pleasant Grove Church inviting us to their communion, also Elder M. B. Martin from Antioch. 7. Then published an open door for the reception of members when none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Ed Davis, Clerk

Sept 1st Saturday 1911,
A minute of the meeting, we the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and was in union. 1. Appointed J. H. Eldreth Clerk Protem. 2. Ordered that the association letter be read, it was received. 3. Received messengers from Big Helton asking for ordained authority to ordain an Elder. 4. Published an open door for the reception of members when none came forward, then closed the meeting. Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
J. H. Eldreth Clerk Protem. October 1st Saturday 1911,
A minute of the meeting, W e the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and was in union. 1st. The clerk read the minute of the last meeting, it was received. 2. Motion that any member invite our preachers to preach for us. 3. Then published an open door for reception of members, when none came forward then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
E. Davis, Church Clerk

December the 1st Saturday 1911,
A minute of the meeting, We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and was union. 1. The clerk read the minute of the Oct meeting, it was received. 2. Received a petition from Riverview Church for Elder C. C. Davis to take a part of the pastoral care of said church. 3. Liberated E. Davis to exercise a public gift. 4. Published an open door for the reception of members when none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
E. Davis, Clerk


January the 1st Saturday 1912,
A minute of the meeting, W e the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and was in union. 1. Resolved the last minute. 2. Received a petition from Roan’s Creek Church for ministerial aide. 3. Appointed Bro. C. N. Davis Church Clerk. 4. Then published an open door for the reception of members and none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
E. Davis, Church Clerk

February the 1st Saturday 1912,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and was in union. 1. The clerk red the letter of the January meeting, it was received. 2. Allowed the members to invite any brother of our faith and order to preach for us. 3. Then published an open door for the reception of members when the following came forward, Baney Farmer by experience, By letter J. H. Farmer and A. Eldreth then closed the meeting.

Elder C . C . Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk

March the 1st Saturday 1912,
. We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and was in union. 1. The clerk read the February meeting, it was received. 2. Received a petition from Horse Creek Church for Eld C. C. Davis to take a part of the pastoral care of said church and also for ministerial aid. 3. Appointed J. H. Eldreth spokesman. 4. An order to keep our road open. 5. Published an open door when Bannias Farmer joined by experience, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk

April the 1st Saturday 1912,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and was in union. 1. The clerk read the minute of the March meeting, it was received. 2. We agreed to commune at the regular August meeting & also set Bro, Ezra Davis apart for ordination First Saturday in August 1912,
. 3. To petition our sister churches for ordained authority for the purpose of ordination Ezra Davis, to bear these petitions to Horse Creek, Roby Davis to Helton, C. N. Davis to Senter J. H. Eldreth & also invite these churches too our communion. To Pleasant Grove W. M. Taylor, Eld C. C. Davis agreed to invite all the churches he visits. 6. Received a petition from Horse Creek Church for our ordained authority to ordain some deacons. 7. We allow Jordan Davis to fence up our land and clear off our land and have our grass. 8. Agreed to give Bro. Jim Loggins a letter. 9. Pub. an open door when the the following came forward by experience Lindy Roark, Marthy Roark, Ceany Barker, Aley Davis. 10. Then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, MD
C. N. Davis. Clerk

May the 1st Saturday 1912,
A minute of the meeting, We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and was in union. 1st The clerk read the minute of the last meeting it was received. 2. Received petitions from Senter and Pleasant Grove for C. C. Davis to take a part of the pastoral care of said churches for the ensuing year. 3. Received petitions from Helton, Pleasant Grove & Senter for ministerial aid. 4. Then closed the meeting by publishing an open door for the reception of members when none came forward.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk

June the 1st Saturday 1912,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and were in union. 1. The clerk read the minute of the May meeting, it was received. 2. Agreed to Petition our sister churches at Horse Creek, Senter & Helton for ministerial aid. 3. Received messengers from Helton inviting us to their communion. 4. Then pub. an open door for the reception of members and none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld C. C. Davis, Moderator
C . N. Davis, Church Clerk

July the 1st Saturday 1912,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and were in union. 1. The clerk read the minute of the June meeting, it was received. 2. Received invitations from Silas Creek, Roan’s Creek, Horse Creek inviting us to their communions. 3. Then pub. an open door & none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld J. A. Cave, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk

August the 1st Saturday 1912,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met in union. 1. The clerk read the minute of the July meeting, it was received. 2. Acquitted Bro. Arthur Stidhams on reports. 3. Ordained Ezra Davis to all the functions of the gospel by the following presbytery Elders J. A. Cave, C. C. Davis, Deacons E. V. Taylor, W. M. Taylor, Reed Miller, Reeves Osborne, J. H. Eldreth, John Davis. 4. Messengers that agreed to invite other churches to our communion reported and were discharged. 5. Elected our beloved brethren too represent us in the next association too wit Elders C. C. Davis, Ezra Davis, & J. H. Eldreth & W M Taylor alternate. 6. Received a petition from North Fork for pastoral care. 7. Received invitation from Pleasant Grove Church to their communion. 8. Then pub. an open door and none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld C . C . Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk

August 31, 1912,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and was in union. 1. The clerk read the back minute it was received. 2. The clerk read the association letter, it was received.. 3. Published an open door and none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld. C. C. Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk

November the 1st Saturday 1912,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met in union. 1. The clerk read the back minute, it was received. 2. Called Elders C. C. & Edd Davis for to take the pastoral care of our church. 3. Agreed to petition Senter, Helton, & Horse Creek for ministerial aid. 4. Received a petition from Helton for pastoral aid. 5. Received a petition from Pleasant Grove Church for Elder C. C. & Ed Davis to take the pastoral care of said church. 6. Then pub an open door for reception of members and none came forward.

Elder C. C. Davis, MD
C. N. Davis, Clk

December the 1st Saturday 1912,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and was in union. 1. The clerk read the back minute, it was received. 2. Withdrew from Bro. Andy Taylor & Arthur Stidhams for getting drunk & swearing & also failing to adhere to the church’s admonitions. 3. Received a petition from Roan’s Creek Church for ministerial aid and also petition from Silas Creek Church for Elders C. C. & E. Davis to take the pastoral care of said church for the insuing year. 4. Then published an open door and none came forward then closed the meeting.
Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk


February the 1st Saturday 1913.
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and were in union. 1. The clerk read the back minute, it was received. 2. Agreed to send two sisters to visit Sister Ally Phillips to find out the reason of her not representation to wit: Mary D. Barker, Linsey Ham. 3. Appointed Eld Ed. Davis to admonish the church concerning member; participation in Box suppers & such. 4. Pub an open door when Bowey Farmer came forward and joined by experience a candidate for baptism, then closed the meeting.

Elder Edd Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk

March the 1st Saturday 1913,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met and was in fellowship. 1. The clerk read the back minute, it was received. 2. Excluded Sister Aley Phillips for declaring an unfellowship against the body. 3. Then Elder Edd Davis gave the church an admonishing on box suppers. 4. Then published an open door when Oder Giley & Kiney Davis joined by experience a candidate for baptism. Then closed the meeting.

Elder Edd Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk

April the 1st Saturday 1913,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met and was in fellowship. 1. Appointed E. Davis clerk protem for the day. 2. Read & Received the last minute. 3. Then withdrew fellowship from Mary Jane Perry for joining the missionary Baptists for which we condemn as being as being in disorder. 4. Then pub an open door when none came forward then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
Ed Davis, Clerk

May the 1st Saturday 1913,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & was in fellowship. 1. Read & received minute of the back minute. 2. Withdraw fellowship from Manda Dixon for bringing forth a bastard child. 3. We agree to commune at our regular time in August. 4. Then published an open door for the reception of members when Ellen Giley came forward and joined by experience a candidate for baptism, then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk

June the 2nd Saturday 1913,
W e the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain, met in fellowship. 1. Read and Rec’d the back minute. 2. Received invitation from Horse Creek Church inviting us to their communion. 3. Received petition from Riverview Church asking form Elders C. C. & E. Davis to take the pastoral care of said church. 5. Then pub an open door & none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Elder E. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clk

July the 1st Saturday 1913,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & was in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Agreed to have the same Constitution and Articles of Faith. 3. Pub an open doom and none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Elder E. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clk

Aug the 1st Sat. 1913,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met and was in fellowship. 1. The clerk read the back minute. 2. Withdrew from Bro. Barbas Farmer for being drunk & keeping bad company. 3. Appointed our beloved brethren to represent us in the next association to wit: Eld C. C. & E. Davis, Bro J. H. Eldreth, C. N. Davis. 4. Agreed to grant Ike Farmer and wife their letters of dismission. 5. Pub an open door and Edy Davis joined by letter, then closed the meeting.

Eld. C . C . Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clk

Sept 1st Sat 1913,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & was in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Received a petition from Pleasant Grove Church for Elders C. C. Davis & E. Davis to take the pastoral care of said church. 3. Published an open door and none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, MD
C. N. Davis, Clk.

Nov the 1st Sat 1913,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & was in fellowship. 1. Appointed E. Davis, Clerk Protem for the day. 2. Read & Rec’d the back minute. 3. Received a petition from Horse Creek & Helton for ministerial aid. 4. Then pub an open door & none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld C. C. Davis, MD
E. Davis, Clk Protem

Dec the 2nd Sat 1913,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in union. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Move and 2d. that Eld C. C. & E. Davis to take the pastoral care of our church for the ensuing year. 3. W e agree to invite our preaching Brethren that are in good standing at home to preach for us. 4. Then pub an open door and none came forward. 5. Then closed the meeting.

Eld E. Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk


Feb 1st Sat 1914,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in union. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Withdrew fellowship from Sister Beachy Farmer for joining the missionary Baptists, a people we consider in disorder. 3. Rec’d a petition from Roan’s Creek Ch. for elders C. C. & E. Davis to take a part of pastoral care of said church . 4. Then pub an open door when Carey Taylor joined by experience, a candidate for baptism. 5. Then closed the meeting.

Eld E. Davis, MD
C. N. Davis, Clerk

March 1st Sat 1914,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain, met and was in union. 1. Read and rec’d the last minute. 2. Published an open door when none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Elder E. Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk

April the 1st Sat 1914,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Reed a petition from Senter for Elders C. C. & E. Davis to take part of the pastoral care of said church, also a petition from Riverview for ministerial aid. 3. Then pub an open door when none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk

May the 1st Sat. 1914,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & Rec’d the April minute. 2. Moved and second that we leave Sister Carey Taylor where we found her. 3. Set apart our communion at our regular time in August. 4. Give any of our members the privilege of inviting any church in good standing to our communion. 5. Then pub an open door & none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Elder E. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clk

June the 1st Sat. 1914,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met and were in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d the May minute. 2. Granted letters of dismission for Bro Silas Davis & wife. 3. Reed invitation from Horse Creek to their communion. 4. Pub an open door & Bro. Gray Farmer joined by experience and a candidate for baptism, then closed the meeting.

Elder E. Davis, Mod.
C. N. Davis, Clerk

July the 1st Sat 1914,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met and were in fellowship. 1. Read and received the June minute. 2. Received invitation from Silas Creek to their communion. 3. Then pub an open door when Bro. Harison Cox & Sister Dulcey Farmer joined, as candidates for baptism, then closed the meeting.

E. Davis, MD
C. N. Davis, Clerk

August the 1st Saturday 1914,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met & were in fellowship. 2. Messengers reported and were discharged. 3. Chose our beloved brethren to represent us in the association try wit: Elders C. C. Davis, E. Davis, J. H. Eldreth. 4. Then pub an open door & none came forward then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, MD
C. N. Davis, Clk

Sep the 1st Sat 1914,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in union. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Read & reed the association letter. 3. Pub an open door & none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld E. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clk

Nov the 1st Sat 1914,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met and were in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d back minute. 2. Move & second that Elders C. C. & E. Davis take the pastoral care of our church for the ensuing year. 3. that we allow any of our members to invite any preacher of our faith & order who are in good standing at home to preach for us in the ensuing year. 4. Then pub an open door for the reception of members, when none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld E. Davis M D
C. N. Davis, Clk

Dec the 1st Sat 1914,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Rec’d petition from Horse Creek Ch. for Elders C. C. & E. Davis to take the pastoral care of said Church for the ensuing year. 3. Pub an open door for the reception of members & none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld E. Davis, MD
C. N. Davis, Clk


Jan the 1st Sat 1915,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in union. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Received a petition from Helton for ministerial aid. 3. Then pub and open door for the reception of members when none came forward closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clk

Feb the 1st Sat 1915,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Elected C. N. Davis Church Clerk. 3. Then pub an open door for reception of members, when John Barker, Cora Barker & Lee Taylor, Ettie Taylor joined by experience as candidates for baptism, then closed the meeting.

Eld E. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clk

March the 1st Sat 1915,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & Rec’d the back minute. 2. Messengers agreed to ask for ministerial aid. 3. Then pub an open door for the reception of members when Bro. Arthur Stidhams joined by recantation & Sister Cora Roark joined by experience, a candidate for baptism, then closed the meeting.

Eld E. Davis, MD
C. N. Davis, Clk

May the 1st Sat 1915,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & Rec’d the back minute. 2. Rec’d the report from the messengers that agreed to ask for ministerial aid. 3. Then pub an open door when Dora Ham joined experience & baptism, then closed the meeting.

Eld. C . C . Davis, Mod
C. N. Davis, Clk

June the 1st Sat 1915,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & Rec’d the back minute. 2. Set apart our communion at our regular time in August. 3. Rec’d messenger from Helton, Senter, Roan’s Creek, Horse Creek, South Fork inviting us to their communions. 4. Then pub an open door when none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld C. C. Davis, MD
C. N. Davis, Clk

July the 2n sat 1915,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Appointed J. C. Ham Clerk Protem. 2. Pub an open door Jinnie Ham joined as a candidate for baptism. 3. Then closed the meeting.

Elder C. C. Davis, MD
C. N. Davis, Clk

August the 1st Sat 1915,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Appointed messengers to represent us in the next association too wit: Elders C. C. & E. Davis, J. H. Eldreth, C. N. Davis, Alternate. 3. Then pub an open door when none came forward, then closed.

Eld C. C. Davis, MD
C. N. Davis, Clk

Nov. the 1st Sat 1915,
W e the PB C C at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Appointed E. Davis Clerk Protem. 2. Read & Rec’d the back minute. 3. Withdrew from R. A. Ham for disobeying the order of the church. 4. The Church installed Elders C. C. & E. Davis pastors for the ensuing year. 5. Petition to Helton & Senter for ministerial aid. Petition from Helton. Pleasant Grove, & Horse Creek for pastoral aide for the ensuing year. 7. Retina & Brother received. 8. Closed the meeting.

Eld C. C. Davis, MD
E. Davis, Clerk Protem

Dec. the Sat 1915,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in fellowship. 2. Appointed C. N. Davis Church Clerk for the ensuing year. 3. Then pub and open door when none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld E. Davis, MD
C. N. Davis, Clk


Jan the 1st Sat 1916,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met & were in fellowship. 1. Read and rec’d the back minute. 2. Pub an open door when none came forward, then closed.

Elder E. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clk

Feb the 1st Sat 1916,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Then pub an open door, none came forward, then closed.

Eld. E. Davis, MD
C.. N. Davis, Clk

March the 1st Sat 1916,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Pub an open door, then closed.

Eld E. Davis, MD
C. N. Davis, Clk

June the 1st Sat 1916,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Pun an open door, then closed.

Eld. E. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clk

July the 1st Sat 1916,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Appointed J. C. Ham Clerk Protem. 2. Rec’d petition from Helton & Roan’s Creek inviting us to their communions. 3. Then pub an open door, then closed.

Elder E. Davis, MD
J. C. Ham, Clk

Aug the 1st Sat 1916,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Appointed our delegates to the association to wit: Eld E. Davis, J. C. Ham, John Davis, W. M. Taylor alternate. 3. Then pub an open door & the closed.

Eld E. Davis, MD
C. N. Davis, Clerk

Sep the 1st Sat 1916,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Pub an open door then closed the meeting.

Eld E. Davis, MD
C. N. Davis, Clk

Oct the 1st Sat 1916,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. That Elder E. Davis take the pastoral care of our church for the ensuing year. 3. That C. N. Davis be our clerk for the ensuing year. 4. Pub an open door then closed.

Eld E. Davis, MD
C. N. Davis, Clk

Nov the 1st Sat 1916,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met and were in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Rec’d a petition from Riverview for Eld E. Davis to take part of pastoral care of their church for the ensuing year. 3. Then Pub an open door then closed.

Eld E. Davis, MD
C. N. Davis, Clk

Dec the 1st Sat 1916,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Pub an open door & none came forward then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clk


Mar the 1st Sat 1917,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Rec’d petition from Helton & Roan’s Creek Churches asking for pastoral aid. 3. Then pub an open door for the reception of members & none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clk

April the 1st Sat 1917,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Pub an open door & none came forward then closed the meeting.

Eld E. Davis, MD
C. N. Davis, Clk

May the 1st Sat 1917,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & Rec’d the back minute. 2. Set apart our communion at regular time in August. 3. Brethren agreed to invite sister churches to our communion to wit: Helton, C. N. Davis, Horse Creek, John Davis, Pleasant Grove, E. Davis, and all other churches he has a chance, then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clk

June the 1st Sat 1917,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & reed the back minute. 2. Pub an open door when none came forward, then closed.

Eld. E. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clk

July the 1st Sat 1917,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Appointed Bro. Lucious Darnell clerk protem for the day. 2. Rec’d invitation from Horse Creek to their communion. 3. Pub an open door for the reception of members when Sister Birty Taylor joined by experience, a candidate for baptism, then closed.

Eld. E. Davis, MD
Lucious Darnell, Clerk Protem.

August the 1st Sat, We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & Rec’d the back minute. 2. Reinstated Bro. John Davis House keeper & also turned over the grass on our land to pay him for his trouble. 3. Rec’d invitation form Pleasant Grove Church asking us to there communion, then closed.

Eld. E. Davis, MD
C. N. Davis, Clk

Sep the 1st Sat 1917,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Read & rec’d the associational letter. 3. An order to visit Sisters Baney & Bany Farmer & find out what their reasons for not filling their seats. 4. Pub an open door & none came forward, then closed.

Elder E. Davis, MD
C. N. Davis, Clerk

Oct the 2n Sat 1917,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Reinstated Eld E. Davis for our pastor for the ensuing year. 3. Reinstated C. N. Davis for our clerk for the ensuing year. 4. Agreed to call our sisters churches for ministerial aid to wit: Helton, Beaver Creek, & Horse Creek. 5. Pub an open door & none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, MD
C. N. Davis, Clk

Nov the 1st Sat 1917,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Pub an open door, when none came forward, then closed.

Eld E. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clk

Dec the 1st Sat 1917,
W e the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Appointed J. C . Ham clerk protem. 2. Pub an open door & none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld E. Davis, MD
C. N. Davis, Clk


Jan the 1st Sat 1918,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Messengers who agreed to ask for ministerial aid reported satisfactorily & were discharged. 3. Rec’d petition from Horse Creek Church for Eld E. Davis to take pastoral care of said church for the ensuing year. 4. Pub an open door & none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clerk

Feb the 1st Sat 1918,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & Rec’d the back minute. 2. Pub an open door & none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Elder E. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clk

March the 1st Sat 1918,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & Rec’d the back minute. 2. Pub an open door & none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clk

April the 1st Sat 1918,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Pub an open door and none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clk

May the 1st Sat 1918,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Appointed L. W. Darnell, Clerk Protem. 2. Pub an open door & none came forward then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, M D
L. W. Darnell, Clk Protem

June the 1st Sat 1918,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Appointed J. H. Eldreth clerk protem. 2. Agreed to commune at our regular time in August. 3. Pub an open door & none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld E. Davis, MD
J. H. Eldreth, Clk Protem

July the 1st Sat 1918,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Rec’d invitation from Helton, Horse Creek & Roan’s Creek inviting us to their communions. 3. Withdrew fellowship from Minnie Roark for bring forth a base child. 4. Appointed Brethren to visit Bro. Wilburn Farmer, Gray Farmer, Harrison Cox & Arthur Stidhams & find their cause for not filling their seats to wit: W . M . Taylor, L. W . Darnell, John Davis, then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clk

August the 1st Sat 1918,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Move & second to refer the 4th item in the back minute. 3. Rec’d the invitation from Pleasant Grove Church for Eld E. Davis to take pastoral care of said church for the remaining year, also for the ensuing year. 5. Elected our delegates to represent in the next association to wit: Elder E. Davis, L. W. Darnell, C. N. Davis, J. H. Eldreth, alternate, then closed the meeting.

Eld E. Davis. M D
C. N. Davis, Clk

Sep the 1st Sat 1918,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read and rec’d the back minute. 2. Appointed Sisters Viney & Lissey Davis to visit Baney & Baney Farmer & find out what is wrong. 3. Pub an open door when Bro. Roe Darnell joined by be experience, a candidate for baptism at a meeting latrer Sister Dulcy Darnell joined – by experience, a candidate for baptism.

Eld. E. Davis, MD
C. N. Davis, Clk

Nov the 1st Sat 1918,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship, appointed J. C. Ham Clerk Protem. 2. Move & second that we put off the back reference another meeting. Withdrew Sister Linsey Ham for bad conduct. 4. Sent Bro. L. W . Darnell to see Arthur Stidham & find out the cause of his not representing. 5. Then closed the meeting.

Eld E. Davis, M D
J. C. Ham, Clerk Protem


Feb the 1st Sat 1919,
W e the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & Rec’d the back minute. 2. Withdrew fellowship from Bro. Arthur Stidhams for failing to hear to the church. 3. To notify Carey Weaver to come and clear herself of the publick report that is on her. Put the case off of Wilburn Farmer & Roby Davis, agreed to send brethren to visit them & try to settle their trouble to wit: J. H. Eldreth, C . N. Davis & L. W . Darnell & report at the next meeting. 4. Rec’d a petition from Horse Creek Church for Eld E. Davis, to take pastoral care for the insuing year, also one from Riverview Church for pastoral aid, then closed the meeting.

Eld E. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clerk

March the 1st Sat 1919,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & Rec’d the back minute. 2. The Brethren who were sent to visit Bro. Wilburn Farmer & Roby Davis reported satisfactorily & were discharged. 3. Cora Weaver asked through a letter for restoration, when the Church made an order for her to come to the church & make a full statement. 4. Rec’d a petition from South Fork Church for ministerial aid, then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clerk

Apr the 1st Sat 1919,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in union. 1. Read & Rec’d the back minute. 2. Withdrew fellowship from Cora Roark for disorderly walks. 3. Rec’d a petition from Helton Church for pastoral aid, then closed the meeting.

Eld E. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clerk

May the 1st Sat 1919,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in union. 1. Read & Rec’d the back minute, then closed the meeting.
Eld E. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clerk

June the 1st Sat 1919,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clerk

July the 1st Sat 1919,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d a letter from Elk Creek Church asking all who have anything against Elder B. F. Caudill to file it at their conference July 12, 1919, ours are as follows:
1. Sowing the seed of discord & causing divisions among the brethren. 2. The report or not such as the scriptures demand of a minute.
3. Not Practicing and following the qualifications of a minister, see First Timothy the 3 Chapter verse 1-7.
4. Falsefying his word.
5. Chose our beloved Brethren to bear this letter to wit: Eld E. Davis & C. N. Davis. Done by the order of the Church, this July the 1st Saturday 1919.

Eld. E. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Church Clerk

August the 1st Sat 1919,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Appointed J. H. Eldreth Clerk Protem for the day. 2. Agreed to ask the association to print the obituary of Bro. John Barker in this minute & his mother paid $1.00 for same, then closed the meeting.

Eld E. Davis, MD
J. H. Eldreth, Clk Protem.

Oct the 1st Sat 1919,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in union. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Called Elder E. Davis to take pastoral care of our church for the ensuing year. Also installed C . N. Davis Clerk for the ensuing year agreed to ask for ministerial aid from Helton, Senter & Beaver Creek, then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. D. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clerk

Dec the 1st Sat 1919,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & Rec’d the back minute. 2. Rec’d a petition from Bear Creek Church for ministerial aid, then pub an open door and none came forward, then closed.

Eld E. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clerk


Jan the 1st Sat 1920,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Rec’d a petition from Helton Church for Elder E. Davis, to take part pastoral care of said church, Also one from Riverview for ministerial aid, then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clerk

Feb the 1st Sat. 1920,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Rec’d a petition from Pleasant Grove asking for Eld E. Davis to take pastoral care of said Church for the insuing year. One from Horse Creek asking for the same. Then closed.

Eld E. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clerk

Apr the 1st Sat 1920,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & Rec’d the back minute. 2. Published an open door for the reception of members when none came forward then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, MD
C. N. Davis, Clerk

May the 1st Sat 1920,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & Rec’d the back minute. 2. Set apart our communion at our regular time in August. 3. Brethren agreed to invite sister churches: Eld E. Davis, Senter, Beaver Creek, Silos Creek and L. W. Darnell to Helton, J.H. Eldreth to Horse Creek, C. N. Davis to Pleasant Grove. 3. Rec’d an invitation from Riverview to their communion. 4. Pub an open door & none came forward, then closed.

Eld E. Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk

June the 1st Sat 1920,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read and Rec’d the back minute. 2. Pub an open door, when none came then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk

July the 1st Sat 1920,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & Rec’d the back minute. 2. Rec’d invitation from Horse Creek & Helton inviting us to their communions. 3. Pub an open door & none came forward then closed.

Eld E. Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk

August the 1 Friday 1920,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & Rec’d the back minute. 2. Chose our beloved brethren to represent us in the next association to wit: Eld. E. Davis, J. H. Eldreth, John Davis, R. D. Davis, Alternate. 3. Pub an open door when Sister Lina Hurley joined by letter, then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk

October the 2nd Sat. 1920,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in union. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. The church installed Eld E. Davis for pastor the ensuing year. 3. Agreed to apply for ministerial aid to Beaver Creek, Horse Creek & Senter & Helton. 4. Appointed C. N. Davis Clerk for the ensuing year. 5. Petition from North Fork asking for our ordained authority to help ordain James Church for a minister also asking for ministerial aid. 6. Then pub an open door when Sister Viola Ham joined by experience & baptism, then closed.

Eld. E. Davis, Mod
C. N. Davis, Clerk

November the 2n Sat., 1920,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & Rec’d the back minute. 2. Rec’d a petition from Horse Creek Church asking this church for Eld E. Davis to take the pastoral care of said church for the ensuing year. 3. Then pub an open door & none came forward, then closed.

Eld. E. Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk


Feb the 1st Sat 1921,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in union. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Rec’d a petition from Pleasant Grove Church asking for Eld E. Davis to take pastoral care of said church for the ensuing year. 3. Appointed brethern as our housekeeper & to take after our land property to wit: John Davis & L. W . Darnell. 4. That we set apart W . R. Davis & wife & C. N. Davis & wife to the function of deacons & deaconesses. Agreed to ask our sister churches for their ordained authority to ordain the same, to wit: Senter, Horse Creek & Helton. 5. Pub an open door & none came forward, then closed.

Eld. E. Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk

March the 1st Sat 1921,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & Rec’d the back minute. 2. Rec’d a petition from Helton Church asking for Eld E. Davis to take part pastoral care of said church for the ensuing year. 3. Move & second that we turn Bro. Roby & C. N. Davis over in the hands of the Presbytery for ordination & after brethren ordained turned back to church. then pub an open door & none came forward, then closed.

E. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clerk

March the 1st Sat 1921,
The Presbytery organized by choosing Elder C. B. Kilby, Moderator
, J. H. Eldreth, Clerk, Received Bro. W. R. & C. N. Davis in their hands for examination & we find them qualified that we ordain & deliver them back to the church. Presbytery composed as follows:

Ordained ministers 3 Eld C. B. Kilby Deacons 4 Whey Pennington
  Eld J. A. Cave   J. H. Eldreth
  Edd. Davis   John Davis
      John Roop

C. B. Kilby, Moderator
J. H. Eldreth, Clerk

Apr the 1st Sat 1921,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Move and second that we Pond Mountain Church accept the advise of the association, which was not to preach B. F. Caudill no more and those who affiliate with him in our church. 3. Rec’d invitation from Senter asking our ordained authority to help ordain some deacons, then pub an open door & none joined.

Eld. E. Davis, MD
C. N. Davis, Clerk

Apr the 30th day, 1921,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in union. 1. read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Set apart our communion at our regular time in August the following brethren agreed to invite sister churches as follows: Pleasant Grove, C. N. Davis, Horse Creek, John Davis, Helton. L. W. Darnell, Eld E. Davis to invite the churches he can. 3. Move and second that we appoint brethren who have been failing to fill their seats & find out the reason & tell them to come to the next meeting & answer for themselves to wit: Brother John Roop & A. J. Davis in that end & J. H. Eldreth & L. W. Darnell in that end. 4. That we appoint Bro. W. R. Davis, for our treasurer to look after keeping up our property. 5. Rec’d petitions from Bear Creek & Riverview for ministerial aid. 6. Rec’d invitation from North Fork asking for our ordained authority to help ordain some deacons, then pub an open door & none came forward.

Eld. E. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clerk

June the 1st Sat 1921,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & Rec’d the back minute. 2. Rec’d the report of the brethren that had been failing to fill their seats, the brethren made satisfactorily except one. 4. The church agreed to take Harrison Cox on public report. 5. The brethren who was appointed to notify him was A. J. Davis & John Roop. 6. Rec’d invitations from Senter, Horse Creek, Pleasant Grove & North Fork inviting us to commune with them. Pub an open door & none joined.

Eld. E. Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk

August the 1st Sat 1921,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & Rec’d the back minute. 2. Move & second that the church Harrison Cox on public report of swearing. 3. Move & second that we send brethren to tell him to wit: C. N. Davis & Lee Taylor & report at the next meeting. 4. W e chose our beloved brethren to represent us in the next association to wit: Eld E. Davis, J. H. Eldreth, W. R. Davis, John Davis, Alternate. Then pub an open door & none joined.

Eld E. Davis, MD
C. N. Davis, Clerk

Dec the 2nd Sat 1921,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ met & were in union. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Withdrew fellowship from Harrison Cox for failing to adhear to the church. 3. That we chose Eld E. Davis to take pastoral care of our church for the insuing year, also Bro. C. N. Davis for our clerk and agreed to ask Senter, Beaver Creek, North Fork & Helton for ministerial aid. Then Pub an open door & none joined, then closed.

Eld. E. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clerk


March the 1st Sat 1922,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ met & were in fellowship. 1. Read and Rec’d the back minute. 2. Rec’d messengers from Pleasant Grove Church asking for our ordained authority to ordain a deacon & deaconess also asking for Eld E. Davis to take part of the pastoral care of said church for the ensuing year. 4. Pub an open door & none joined.

Eld E. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clerk

April the 1st Sat 1922,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in union. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Pub an open door & none joined.

Eld. E. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clerk

May the let Sat 1922,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Set our communion at the regular time in August. The following Brethren agreed to invite sister Churches to our communion to wit: Pleasant Grove, C. N. Davis, Horse Creek, John Davis, Helton, J. H. Eldreth, Eld. E. Davis agreed to invite all our churches he could. 3. Rec’d a messenger form Senter inviting us to their communion. 4. Rec’d a petition from Riverview for ministerial aid, then pub an open door then closed.

Eld E. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clerk

June the 1st Sat 1922,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & Rec’d the back minute. 2. Rec’d a petition from Roan’s Creek Church for ministerial aid, also one from Horse Creek Church inviting us to their communion. 4. Pub an open door then closed.

Eld E. Davis, MD
C. N. Davis, Clerk

August the 1st Sat 1922,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & Rec’d the back minute. 2. Messengers reported who agreed to invite sister churches & were discharged. 3. Appointed our beloved Brethren to represent us in the next association to wit: Eld E. Davis, J. H. Eldreth, John Davis, W. R. Davis, Alternate. Received an invitation from Beaver Creek & Pleasant Grove Churches inviting us to their communions. 5. Rec’d a petition from Troutdale Church asking for our ordained authority to help ordain a deacon & deaconess. Then pub an open door, then closed.

Eld. E. Davis, MD
C. N. Davis, Clerk

October the 1st Sat 1922,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & Rec’d the back minute. 2. The brethren that represented us in the association reported satisfactorily & were discharged. 3. Move & second that we install Fad. E. Davis for our pastor for the ensuing year. & also C. N. Davis Church Clerk. The Brethren agreed to ask for ministerial aid to wit: C. N. Davis to Senter, Roby Daive to Helton, North Fork, Eld E. Davis Troutdale and Beaver Creek, Eld E. Davis, Pub an open door then closed.

Eld. E. Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk

Dec the 2nd Sat. 1922,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & Rec’d the back minute. 2. Rec’d a petition from North Fork for ministerial aid. 3. Then pub an open door then closed.

Eld. E. Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk


Jan the 1st Sat 1923,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Pub an open door, then closed.

Eld E. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clerk

Feb the 1st Sat 1923,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Appointed J. H. Eldreth Clerk Protem for the day. 2. Excluded Enoch Roark for public drinking & lying. 3. Pub an open door then closed.

Elder E. Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk

Apr the 1st Sat 1923,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in fellowship. 1. Read& Rec’d the back minute. 2. Rec’d messengers and petition from Senter Church asking for ministerial aid, then published an open door, then closed.

Eld. E. Davis, Md
J. H. Eldreth, Clker Protem

May the 1st Sat 1923,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in union. 1. Read & Rec’d the back minute. 2. Set Apart our communion at the regular time in August. The following brethren agreed to invite sister churches to our communion to wit: Pleasant Grove, A. J. Davis, Horse Creek, Bro. John Davis, Helton Roby Davis, North Fork, L. W . Darnell, Senter & Beaver Creek Eld E. Davis, Troutdale Eld B. F. Blevins. 4. A move & second to appoint brethren to visit South Fork Church & find out if they are going to rid themselves of their disorder & report to this church.

Eld E. Davis, MD
C. N. Davis, Clerk

June the 1st Sat 1923,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Pub an open door & none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Church Clerk

August the 1st 1923,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d the June minute. 2. Chose our beloved brethren to represent us in the association to wit: Eld E. Davis, J. H. Eldreth, C. N. Davis & Roby Davis alternate. 5. Then pub an open door & none came forward.

Eld E. Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk

Oct the 1st Sat 1923,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & Rec’d the back minute. 2. Elected Eld E. Davis for our pastor for the ensuing year, also C. N. Davis for our Church Clerk. 3. Rec’d petition from Pleasant Grove & Horse Creek for E. Davis to take the pastoral care of said churches. 4. Our brethren that was sent to the association reported & were discharged. Brethren who agreed to ask for ministerial aid as follows: North Fork, J. H. Eldreth, Helton, Roby Davis, Troutdale, Beaver Creek, Eld E. Davis then pub an open door & none came forward.

Eld E. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clerk

Nov. the 1st Sat 1923,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in fellowship. 1. Read & Rec’d the back minute. 2. Rec’d a petition from Big Helton asking for Eld E. Davis to take the pastoral care of said church for the inking year, also from Senter for the same. 3. Then pub a open door & none came forward.

Eld E. Davis, Mod
C. N. Davis, Clerk

Dec the 1st Sat 1923,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Appointed J. H. Eldreth Clerk Protem. 3. Pub an open door & none came forward then closed the meeting.

Elder E. Davis, M D
J. H. Eldreth, Clerk Protem


Jan the 1st Sat 1924,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship except Bro. Lee Taylor & he made his acknowledgment for being drunk & agreed to forgive him then read & rec’d the back minute. 3. Rec’d petition from Troutdale & North Fork Churches for ministerial aid also one from Roans Creek for Eld. E. Davis to take the pastoral care of said church for the ensuing year. Then pub an open door & none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk

Feb the 1st Sat 1924,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Rec’d a petition from Horse Creek Church asking for Eld. E. Davis to take pastoral care of said Church for the insuing year. 3. Then pub an open door & none came forward then closed the meeting.

Eld E. Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk

April the 1st Sat 1924,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in union. 1. read & Rec’d the back minute. 2. Move & second that we move the fence out from in front of our church House & deliver the rails back to Jordan Davis. 3. Rec’d a petition from Pleasant grove for Eld. E. Davis to take the pastoral care of said church for the insuing year. Petition also from Riverview for ministerial aid, then pub an open door & none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk

May the 1st Sat 1924,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in fellowship. 1. Read & Rec’d the back minute. 2. Set Apart our communion for the let Sat & Sun in Aug for this year. The following brethren agreed to invite sister churches to our communion as follows: North Fork, L. W. Darnell, Horse Creek, John Davis, Senter & Helton, C. N. Davis, & Beaver Creek, Riverview, Roan’s Creek & Bear Creek, Eld E. Davis, 3. Rec’d invitation from Roan’s Creek & Senter asking us to their communions. 4. Pub an open door & none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clerk

July the let Sat 1924,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Pub an open door & none came forward then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clerk

Aug the let Sat 1924,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Appointed our beloved brethren to represent us in the next association to wit: Eld. E. Davis, J. H. Eldreth, C. N. Davis, W. R. Davis alternate. 3. Pub an open door & none came forward, the closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, MD
C. N. Davis, Clerk

Oct the let Sat 1924,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in union. 1. Read & Rec’d the back minute. 2. Then pub an open door & none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clerk

Dec the 1st Sat 1924,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in union. 1. Appointed W. R. Davis, Clerk Protem for the day. 2. Rec’d a messenger from Horse Creek Church asking for pastoral aid, also one from Helton for the same. Then pub an open door & none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, M D
W. R. Davis, Clerk Protem


Jan the let Sat 1925,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in union. 1. Read & Rec’d the back minute. 2. Installed Eld. E. Davis, for our pastor for the ensuing year, also C. N. Davis for our clerk. 3. Agreed to ask our sister churches for ministerial aid to wit Senter, North Fork, & Troutdale & C. N. Davis agreed to write those churches. 4. Rec’d a petition from Roan’s Creek & North Fork asking for ministerial aid. 5. Pub an open door & none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clerk

Feb the let Sat 1925,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in union. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Rec’d a petition from Senter asking for Eld E. Davis to take part pastoral care of said church for the ensuing year. 3. Pub an open door & none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clerk

Mar the let Sat 1925,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in union. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Pub an open door & none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clerk

Apr the let Sat 1925,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in union. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Pub an open door & none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clerk

May the let Sat 1925,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in union. 1. Read & Rec’d the back minute. 2. Set apart our communion at our regular time in Aug. the following brethren agreed to invite sister churches as follows: Pleasant Grove, C. N. Davis, Horse Creek, J. H. Eldreth, Helton, L. W. Darnell, North Fork, Senter, Roan’s Creek & Troutdale, Eld E. Davis, Bear Creek, Eld Everett Thompson. The clerk agreed to invite by mail Riverview, St. Clair’s Bottom, Silas Creek, & Beaver Creek. 4. Rec’d invitations from St. Clair’s Bottom, Senter, Roan’s Creek & Horse Creek asking us to their communions. 5. Pub an open door & none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, MD
C. N. Davis, Clerk

June the 1st Sat. 1925,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn met & were in union. 1. Read & Rec’d the back minute. 2. Pub an open door & none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clerk

August the let Sat 1925,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in union. 1. Read & Rec’d the back minute. 2. Chose our beloved brethren to represent us in the next association to wit: Eld. E. Davis, J. H. Eldreth, C. N. Davis, W. R. Davis, alternate, then pub an open door & none came forward then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk


Jan the let Sat 1926,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in union. 1. Read & rec’d back minute. 2. Installed Eld. E. Davis for our pastor for the insuing year. also C. N. Davis Church Clerk for the ensuing year. 4. Agreed to petition sister churches for ministerial. aid & the following brethren agreed to carry the petitions as follows Senter & Troutdale, C. N. Davis, North Fork, J. H. Eldreth, Helton, E. Davis. 5. Pub an open door when Sister Viola Taylor joined by experience, a candidate for baptism, then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, M D
C. N. Davis, Clerk

Feb the let Sat 1926,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in union. 1. Read & Rec’d back minute. 2. A move & second to withdraw fellowship from Bro. Lee Taylor for violating Federal Law & misconduct. 3. Move & Second too send Sister Lisey Davis to see sister Ettie Taylor about some public reports that being circulated of her being guilty of helping make whiskey. 4. Then pub an open door & none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk

March the 1st Sat 1926,
W e the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in union. 1. Read & Rec’d back minute. 2. Move & second try refer the 3d item over to the next meeting on account of the tyes not being here. 3. Rec’d a petition & messenger from Senter asking for ministerial aid. 4. Pub an open door & none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk

April the 1st Sat 1926,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in union. 1. Read & rec’d back minute. 2. Took up the 3d item referred from last meeting & found Sister Ettie Taylor not guilty and acquitted her. 3. Appointed a committee to carry the letter from this church to Cranberry to wit: Eld E. Davis, J. H. Eldreth, C. N. Davis. 4. Pub an open door when Bro. Dewey Farmer joined by experience & baptism. 5. Then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk

The Letter of Greeting to Cranberry as follows:

State of NC, Ashe Co.

We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain now in fellowship & in session do send this latter of Greeting to our sister Church at Cranberry in answer to your letter referred to us from the association asking us to point you out a way to get back to the association. Our answer is as follows. Make you confession for unlawful exoneration of Bro. C. J. Taylor also the non-conditional letter given him. We also ask that the church at Cranberry demand that Bro. C. J. Taylor make satisfaction for the many hurts he has inflicted on the brethren by writing & railing letters & using harsh expressions about the brethren. When peace in general is made we will ask the association to take you back.

Done & signed by the Church.

Elder Ed. Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk
This April the first Saturday 1926.

May the 1st Sat 1926,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in union. 1. Read & rec’d back minute. 2. Set our communion at our regular time the 1st Sat in Aug, the following brethern agreed to invite sister churches try our communion, to wit: Senter, C. N. Davis, Horse Creek, J. H. Eldreth, Helton, L. W . Darnell, North Fork, Fad E. Davis, Pleasant Grove, A. J. Davis, Troutdale E. Davis, then pub an open door & none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk

June the 1st Sat 1926,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in union. 1. Read & Rec’d back minute. 2. Pub an open door & none came forward, then closed.

Eld. E. Davis, Mod
C. N. Davis, Clerk

August the 1st Sat 1926,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in union. 1. Read & Rec’d the back minute. 2. The messengers that agreed to invite sister churches to our communion reported satisfactorily & were discharged. 3. Elected our brethren to represent us in the next association to wit: Eld E. Davis, C. N. Davis, J. H. Eldreth, & W. R. Davis, alternate. 4. Reed an invitation from Pleasant Grove, Beaver Creek & Riverview inviting us to their communions. Then pub an open door & none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld E. Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk

Oct the 1st Sat 1926,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn met in union. 1. Rec’d the last minute. 2. Move & 2d for Eld E. Davis to take the pastoral care of this church for the ensuing year. 3. Move & 2d. to petition our sister churches for ministerial aid. C. N. Davis agreed to ask Senter & Troutdale for Ministerial aid, Helton Roby Darnell, then pub an open door & none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, MD
C. N. Davis, Clk


Jan the 1st Sat 1927,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn met in union. 1. Read & Rec’d the back minute. 2. Rec’d messengers with a petition from Troutdale Church asking for ministerial aid. 3. Pub an open door & none came forward, then closed.

Eld. E. Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Church Clerk

Feb the 1st Sat 1927,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn met in union. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Rec’d petition from Big Helton asking for Eld E. Davis to take part pastoral care of said church to the ensuing year. 3. Pub an open door & none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, Mod
C. N. Davis, Clerk

Apr the 1st Sat 1927,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn met in union. 1. Read & Rec’d the back minute. 2. Rec’d petitions from Sister Churches asking for pastoral & ministerial aid for the ensuing year, as follows Reddies River, Roan’s Creek, Horse Creek & Riverview also a petition from Troutdale asking for our ordained authority or ablest counsel to meet with them at Barton’s Cross Roads Church on the 2nd Sat 1927 to see if we can help them to adjust their trouble a move & 2d to send the following brethren to wit: Eld E. Davis, J. H. Eldreth, C. N. Davis & W. R. Davis. 3. Then pub an open door & none came forward then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk

Apr the 30th 1927,
we the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn met in union. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Agreed to hold our communion the 1st Sat & Sun in Aug 1927. The following brethren agreed to invite sister churches too our communion as follows, C. N. Davis agreed to invite Troutdale, Senter & Bear Creek. W. R. Davis to Big Helton. L. W. Darnell to Horse Creek, J. C. Ham to North Fork, Eld. E. Davis to invite Pleasant Grove, Beaver Creek, Roan’s Creek, Riverview. 4. Then pub an open door & none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld. R. A. May, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk

June the 1st Sat 1927,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn met in union. 1. Read & Rec’d the back minute. 2. Rec’d invitation from sister churches inviting us to their communions as follows: St. Clair’s Bottom, Riverview, Senter, also Riverview ask for ordained authority to help constitute a presbytery to ordain Bro. T. E. Hartzog & wife for deacon. 3. Pub an open door & none came forward, then closed the meeting.
Eld. E. Davis, MD
C. N. Davis, Church Clerk

July the 1st Sat 1927,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in union. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Rec’d petition from Helton asking us to their communion. 3. Pub an open door & none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, MD
C. N. Davis, Church Clerk

Aug the 1st Sat 1927,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in union. 1. Read & Rec’d the back minute. 2. The brethren who agreed to invite sister churches to our communion reported and were discharged. 3. W e have chosen the following brethren to represent us in the next association. to wit: Eld E. Davis, J. H. Eldreth, C. N. Davis, then pub an open door & none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk

Oct the 1st Sat 1927,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in union. 1. read & Rec’d back minute. 2.Installed Elder E. Davis as our pastor for the insuing year also C. N. Davis for clerk. Agreed to ask for ministerial aid as follows, Senter, North Fork, Helton & Troutdale, then pub an open door & none came forward, then closed.

Eld. E. Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk


Feb the 1st Sat 1928,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in union. 1. Read & rec’d back minute. 2. Pub an open door & none came forward then closed the meeting. Eld E. Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk

Mar the 1st Sat 1928,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in union. 1. Read & Rec’d back minute. 2. Rec’d an invitation from Senter for ministerial aid. 3. Then pub an open door & none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, M D
J. H. Eldreth Clerk Protem

May the 1st Sat 1928,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in union. 1. Read & Rec’d back minute. 2. That we set apart our communion the 1st Sat in Aug. That we have a 3 day meeting. The following brethren agreed to invite sister churches to our communion as follows, Helton, W. R. Davis, Horse Creek, L. W. Darnell, North Fork, J. H. Eldreth, Senter, A. J. & C. N. Davis, St. Clair’s Bottom & Troutdale, C. N. Davis agreed to write or go. Rec’d invitation from Senter & Helton asking us to their communion then pub an open door & none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, Moderator
C . N. Davis, Clerk June the 1st Sat 1928,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in union. 1. Read & Rec’d the back minute. 2. Pub an open door & none came, then closed.

Elder. E. Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk

Aug the 1st Sat 1928,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in union. 1. Read & Rec’d the back minute. 2. Appointed our beloved brethren to represent us in the next association as follows: Elder E. Davis, J. H. Eldreth, C. N. Davis, A. J. & W. R. Davis, Alternates. Appointed J. H. Eldreth treasurer. 3. Then pub an open door & none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, Mod
C. N. Davis, Clerk

Dec the 1st Sat 1928,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in union. 1. Appointed J. H. Eldreth Clerk Protem. 2. Installed Elder E. Davis for our pastor for the ensuing year. 2. Agreed to petition sister churches for ministerial aid. 4. Pub an open door for reception of members & none came forward, then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis, Mod
J. H. Eldreth, Clerk Protem


May the 1st 1929,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in union. 1. Appointed J. H. Eldreth Clerk Protem. 2. Agreed to hold our communion at our regular time in Aug. 3. Agreed to invite sister churches to commune with us, the following brethren agreed to bear the invitations as follows: Horse Creek, J. H. Eldrerth, Helton, W. R. Davis, Senter, North Fork, Troutdale, Riverview, Eld E. Davis also any other churches he may visit. 3. Rec’d a petition and messengers from Horse Creek Church for our ordained authority to help ordain a deacon. 4. Then pub an open door for the reception of members when the following came forward & joined by experience & candidates for baptism. Hatie Hartzog, Birda Hartzog, Ethel Lyle, then closed the meeting.

Eld. E. Davis Moderator
J. H. Eldreth, Clerk Protem

July 2d Sat 1929,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & after service were in fellowship. 1. Rec’d the 2n back minutes. 2. Rec’d the invitations from Helton, Horse Creek, Roan’s Creek, Troutdale & Beaver Creek asking us to commune with them. Elected J. H. Eldreth Church Clerk for the insuing year. 4. Came to dismission in regular order by publishing an open door when Ninee Farmer came forward and joined by experience, a candidate for baptism.

Elder E. Davis, Mod
C. N. Davis, C. Clk

Aug 2, 1929,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & after service were in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d the minute of the last meeting. 2. Called on the brethren that agreed to invite sister churches to report, report rec’d & the brethren discharged. 3. Appointed our messengers to represent us in the next association as follows, Elder E. Davis, C. N. Davis, J. H. Eldreth & L. W. Darnell alternate. 4. Appointed C. N. Davis, treasurer. 5. Came to dismission in regular order by publishing an open door & none came.

Elder E. Davis, Mod
J. H. Eldreth C. Clk

On Sunday the Church came round the communion table with the correspondence & washed each others feet & it seemed to be a feast for all of God’s humble poor that were present Sunday, August 25, 1929,
The Church door was published open at the water’s edge when Chester Lyle came & joined by experience & was baptized by Elders E. Davis & G. W. Barker.

Dec. 2, 1929,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met & after services were in fellowship. 1. Appointed Brother W . C. Carter, Mod. 2. Rec’d the minute of our last meeting. 3. Agreed to install Elder E. Davis as our pastor, also agreed to petition sister churches for ministerial aid for the insuing year, to bear the petitions to Senter, J. H. Eldreth, to North Fork, A. J. Davis, to Helton, W. R. Davis, 4. Came to dismission in regular order.

Brother W. C. Carter, Mod
J. H. Eldreth, C. Clk.


Feb the 2nd Sat 1930,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & Rec’d the minute of our last meeting. 2. Came to dismission in regular order.

Brother W . C. Carter, Moderator
J. H. Eldreth, C. Clk.

Mar. the 2nd Sat 1930,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain, met and were in fellowship. 1. Appointed Bro. Dewey Roten Moderator. 2. Read and received the minute of our last meeting. 3. Received the petition from Big Helton Church asking for our ordained authority to aid in ordaining an Elder and also 2 deacons. 4. Came to dismission in regular order by publishing an open door & none came.

Brother Dewey Roten, Mod
J. H. Eldreth, Clerk

April the 2nd Sat 1930,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in fellowship. 1. read & Rec’d the minute of our March meeting. 2. Rec’d the petition from River View Church asking for ministerial aid. 3. Came to dismission in regular order.

Brother W. C. Carter, Moderator
J. H. Eldreth, Clerk

May the 1st Sat 1930,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in fellowship. 1. Rec’d the minute of our last meeting. 2. Agreed to hold our communion meeting at our regular time commencing on Friday before the Second Sunday in August & the brethren agreed to invite sister churches to commune with us as follows, to Helton, W. R. Davis, to Horse Creek, A. J. Davis, to North Fork, J. H. Eldreth, to Senter & other Churches in good standing, Elder E. Davis. 3. Rec’d the messengers from North Fork inviting us to their communion. 4. Came to dismission in regular order by publishing an open door when Winney Davis, Lacey Davis, Maggie Hartzog & Reeby Eldreth came & joined by experience.

Elder E. Davis, Moderator
J. H. Eldreth Clerk

Also on Sunday morning, May 11, 1930,
the church door was published open at the water’s edge when Ora Sheets came & joined by experience & they were all baptized y Elders E. Davis & Dewey Roten.

June the 2nd Sat. 1930,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in fellowship. 1. Rec’d the minute of our last meeting. 2. Rec’d the invitation from Roan’s Creek Church inviting us to commune with them. 3. Came to dismission in regular order.

Elder Dewey Roten, Moderator
J. H. Eldreth, Clerk

July the 2nd Sat 1930,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in fellowship. 1. Rec’d the minute of our last meeting. 2. Came to dismission in regular order.

Elder W . C . Carter, Mod
J. H. Eldreth, C. Clk

Aug the 2nd Sat 1930,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in fellowship. 1. Read & Rec’d the minute of the last meeting. 2. Appointed our messengers to represent us in the next association as follows, Elder E. Davis, J. H. Eldreth, A. J. Davis, Dewey Farmer, alternate. 3. Called on the messengers that were appointed to invite sister churches to our communion to report. Report rec’d & brethren discharged. 4. Rec’d the request of North Fork Church asking for our ordained authority to aid in ordaining an Elder. 5. Came to dismission in regular order by publishing an open door & none came.

Elder E. Davis, Moderator
J. H. Eldreth, C. Clerk

October the 2nd Sat 19330, We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Rec’d the minute of our last meeting. 2. Appointed Elder E. Davis as our pastor for the ensuing year also agreed to petition Helton, North Fork Churches for pastoral aide & Senter & Troutdale for ministerial aid. 3. Came to dismission in regular order.

Elder W. C. Carter, Mod
J. H. Eldreth, C. Clk

Nov the 2nd Sat 1930,
no church meeting.

December the 2nd Sat 1930,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn met & were in fellowship. 1. Rec’d the minute of our last meeting. 2. Came to dismission in regular order.

Eld. W . C. Carter, Mod
J. H. Eldreth, C. Clk


Jan the 2nd Sat 1931,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Rec’d the minute of our last meeting. 2. Came to dismission in regular order.

Eld. E. Davis, Mod
J. H. Eldreth, Clerk

Feb the 2nd Sat 1931,
no church meeting.

March the 2nd Sat 1931,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Rec’d the minute of our last meeting. 2. Withdrew from Sister Odra Cox for disorderly walk. 3. Rec’d the petition from Roan’s Creek Church asking for ministerial aid. 4. Came to dismission in regular order.

Eld. E. Davis, Mod
J. H. Eldreth, C. Clk

April the 2nd Sat 1931 We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Rec’d the minute of our last meeting. 2. Came to dismission in regular order.

Elder E. Davis, Mod
J. H. Eldreth, Clerk

May the 2nd Sat 1931,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in union. 1. Rec’d the minute of the last meeting. 2. Came to dismission in regular order.

Elder Dewey Roten, Mod
J. H. Eldreth, C. Clk

Thursday June 11, 1931,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn met in union. 1. Rec’d the minute of our last meeting. 2. Agreed to hold our communion at our regular time the 2nd Sat in Aug 1931 and the following brethren agreed to invite the sister churches as follows to J. H. Eldreth also to write St. Clair’s Bottom, To Horse Creek, Elder E. Davis, to Senter, C. N. Davis, also to write Troutdale. 3. Came to dismission in regular order.

Elder E. Davis, MD
J. H. Eldreth, C. Clk

July 2d Sat 1931,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in union. 1. Rec’d the minute of our last meeting. 2. Came to dismission in regular order.

Elder E. Davis, Moderator
J. H. Eldreth Clerk

Aug 2d Sat 1931,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in union. 1. Rec’d the minute of the last meeting. 2. Appointed the following brethren to represent us in the next association to wit: Elder E. Davis, J. H. Eldreth, L. W . Darnell, & C. N. Darnell, alternate. 4. Appointed L. W . Darnell, treasurer. 4. Rec’d the messengers that were to invite sister churches to our communion. 5. Came to dismission in regular order.

Elder E. Davis, Mod
J. H. Eldreth, C. Clk

Oct the 2nd Sat 1931,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn met in union. 1. Rec’d the minute of our last meeting. 2. Rec’d the report of the messengers that represented us in the association. 3. Withdrew from Sister Hattie Hartzog for teaching Sunday School for the Presbyterians. 4. Agreed to change the time of our meeting from the 2nd Sat back to the 1st Sat in each month. 5. Came to dismission in regular order.

Elder E. Davis, Mod
J. H. Eldreth, Clerk

Nov the 1st Sat 1931. We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in union. 1. Reed the minute of our last meeting. 2. Appointed Elder E. Davis, as our pastor & also J. H. Eldreth C. Clerk for the ensuing year. 3. Agreed to petition sister churches for ministerial aid as follows: to Helton W. R. Davis, to North Fork, A. J. Davis, to Senter, Edler E. Davis, also J. H. Eldreth to write to Troutdale. 4. Rec’d a petition from Big Helton church asking for Elder E. Davis to take the pastoral care of their church for the next year. 5. Came to dismission in regular order by publishing an open door for the reception of members when Foster Ham came & joined by experience & was received a candidate for baptism.

Elder E. Davis, Mod
J. H. Eldreth, C. Clerk

Dec the 2nd Sat 1931,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in union. 1. Rec’d the minute of the last meeting. 2. Excluded Sister Maggie Hartzog for joining the Presbyterians. 3. Rec’d the petition from Roan’s Creek asking for ministerial aid, also from Horse Creek asking for pastoral aid of their church. 4. Came to dismission in regular order.

Elder E. Davis, Mod J. H. Eldreth, C. Clk


Jan the 1st Sat 1932,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in union. 1. Rec’d the minute of our last meeting. 2. Came to dismission in regular order.

Elder E. Davis, Moderator
J. H. Eldreth, C. Clerk

Feb the 1st Sat 1932,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met and after receiving the acknowledgement of Sister Ennice Farmer were seated in fellowship. 1. Rec’d the minute of the last meeting. 2. Excluded Sister Jane Taylor for joining the Union Baptists. 3. Came to dismission in regular order by publishing an open door and Millard Davis cam forward and joined by experience & was Rec’d as a candidate for baptism.

Elder E. Davis, Moderator
J. H. Eldreth, C. Clerk

Mar the 1st Sat 1932,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in union. 1. Rec’d the minute of our last meeting. 2. Rec’d the request from Senter Church asking for ministerial aid. 3. Came to dismission in regular order.

Elder E. Davis, Moderator
J. H. Eldreth, C. Clerk

April the 1st Sat 1932,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in union. 1. Rec’d the minute of our last meeting. 2. Came to dismission in regular order.

Elder E. Davis, Moderator
J . H. Eldreth, C. Clerk

May the 2nd Sat 1932,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in union. 1. Appointed C. N. Davis, Clerk Protem for the day. 2. Rec’d the minute of our last meeting. 3. Set apart our communion at our regular time the 2nd Sat & Sun in Aug & the following brethern agreed to invite the sister churches to commune with us too Horse Creek, A. J. Davis, to Helton, W. R. Davis, to North Fork, Riverview & Roan’s Creek, E. Davis, to Beaver Creek, W. C. Carter, to Senter & Pleasant Grove C. N. Davis, & the clerk to write to Troutdale, St. Clair’s Bottom, & Reddies River: 4. Rec’d the messengers & invitation from Senter Church asking us to commune with them also rec’d the invitation of Riverview, St. Clair’s Bottom Churches asking us to commune with them.

Sunday morning the ordinance of baptism were attended to of Foster Ham & Millard Davis by Elder E. Davis, then published an open door & none came.

Elder E. Davis, Mod
C. N. Davis, Clk Protem

Jun 1st Sat 1932,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Appointed C. N. Davis, Clerk Protem for the day. 2. Move and second to withdraw fellowship from Sister Viola Farmer for joining a disorderly sect. 3. Rec’d the invitations from Helton & Horse Creek Churches asking us to commune with them, also Big Helton asking for our ordained authority to help ordain Worth Davis for an elder, then published an open door and none came.

Elder E. Davis, Moderator
C. N. Davis, Clerk Protem

Aug the 1st Sat 1932,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d the minute from our June meeting. 2. Rec’d the report of the messengers that were to invite sister churches to commune with us. 3. Appointed our messengers to represent us in the association to wit: Elder E. Davis, C. N. Davis, J. H. Eldreth and W. C. Darnell alternate. 4. Appointed J. H. Eldreth Treasurer. 4. Rec’d the messengers & invitation form Pleasant Grove Church asking us to commune with them. 5. Chased in regular order.

Elder E. Davis, Moderator
J. H. Eldreth, Clerk

On Sunday the Church with the visiting brethren & sisters came round the communion table and washed one another’s feet and it appeared to be a treat for all that were present.

Sep the 1st Sat 1932,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d the back minute. 2. Excluded Sister Mary Miller for fornication & adultery. 3. Rec’d the associational letter. 4. Came to dismission in regular order.

Elder E. Davis, Moderator
J. H. Eldreth, Clerk

Oct the 1st Sat 1932,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Rec’d the minute of our last meeting. 2. Appointed Elder Ed Davis as our pastor for the ensuing year & also J. H. Eldreth, C. Clerk for the inking year, also agreed to petition sister churches for ministerial aid as follows: to Helton, W. R. Davis, to North Fork & Pleasant Grove, A. J. Davis & J. H. Eldreth to write to Senter & Troutdale. 3. Came to dismission in regular order.

Elder W . C . Carter, Moderator
J. H. Eldreth, Church Clerk

Dec the 1st Sat 1932,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Rec’d the minute of our last meeting. 2. Rec’d the petition from Roan’s Creek also the request from North Fork Church asking for ministerial aid. 3. Came to dismission in regular order.

Elder E. Davis, Moderator
J. H. Eldreth, Church Clerk


Jan the 1st Sat 1933,
no church meeting.

Feb the 1st Sat 1933,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. read & rec’d the minute of our last meeting. 2. Rec’d the petition of Senter & Troutdale asking for ministerial aid. 3. Came to dismission in regular order.

Elder E. Davis, Moderator
J. H. Eldreth, C. Clk

March the 1st Sat 1933,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & Rec’d the minute of the last meeting. 2. Came to dismission in regular order by publishing an open door and none came.

Elder E. Davis, Mod
J. H. Eldreth, C. Clerk

April the 1st Sat 1933,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d the minute of our last meeting. 2. Came to dismission in regular order by publishing an open door when Hattie Baldwin & Edna Sheets came forward & joined by experience & were received candidates for baptism.

Elder E. Davis, Mod
J . H. Eldreth, C. Clerk

May the 1st Saturday 1933,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mountain met & were in fellowship. Read & Rec’d the minute of our last meeting. 2. Agreed to hold our communion meeting at our regular time the 1st Saturday & Sunday in August & the following brethren agreed to invite the sister churches to commune with us as follows: to Horse Creek & Pleasant Grove, Millard Davis, to North Fork, A. J. Davis, to Helton, J. H. Eldreth, to Senter, Troutdale & any other churches where he may go, Elder E. Davis, 3. Sister Margaret Stike called for a letter of dismission, and she will be dismissed from us when joined to any other church of the same faith and order. 4. Rec’d the invitation from St. Clair’s Bottom & North Fork Churches asking us to commune with them. 5. Came to dismission in regular order by publishing an open door & none came.

Elder E. Davis, Moderator
J. H. Eldreth, C. Clerk

June the 1st Sat 1933,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met and were in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d the minute of our last meeting. 2. Rec’d the invitation from our sister churches at Horse Creek & Roan’s Creek asking us to commune with them. 3. Came to dismission in regular order by publishing an open door when Sarah Jane Davis came forward & joined by recantation & was rec’d.

Elder E. Davis, Moderator
J. H. Eldreth, C. Clk

Sunday June 4, 1933,
the ordinance of baptism of Edinal Sheets & Hattie Baldwin was administered by Elder E. Davis.

July 2d Sat, 1933,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met in union. 1. Read & rec’d the minute of our June meeting. 2. Rec’d the messenger & invitation from Big Helton inviting us to their communion. 3. Came to dismission in regular order. Elder E. Davis, Moderator
J. H. Eldreth, C. Clerk

Aug the 1st Sat 1933,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d the July minute. 2. Called on the messengers that agreed to invite sister churches to our communion to report, report Rec’d and messengers discharged. 3. Agreed to appoint our messengers to represent us in the association too wit Elder E. Davis, C. N. Davis, J. H. Eldreth and Gray Farmer alternate. 4. Appointed C. N. Davis, treasurer. 5. Clothed the delegates with the authority to deal with the Cranberry Church matter. 6. Agreed to ask for the next association. 7. Came to dismission in regular order.

Elder E. Davis, Moderator
J. H. Eldreth, C. Clk

On Sunday the Church came round the communion table with the corresponding Brothers & sisters & washed one anothers feet:.

Sep the 1st Sat 1933,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d the August minute. 2. Came to dismission in regular order.

Elder E. Davis, Mod
J. H. Eldreth,, C. Clk

Oct the 1st Sat 1933,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Appointed Elder Worth Davis, Moderator. 2. Read & rec’d the minute of our last meeting. 3. Agreed to appoint Elders E. Davis, Worth Davis & W . C . Carter as our pastors for the ensuing year. 4. Agreed to petition sister churches as follows & the following brethren agreed to bear same to Helton, J. H. Eldreth asking for pastoral care, to North Fork, A. J. Davis asking for ministerial aide to Senter, J. H. Eldreth, ministerial aid. 5. Came to dismission in regular order.

Elder Worth Davis, Moderator
J. H. Eldreth, C. Clk

Nov the 1st Sat 1933,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in union. Rec’d the petitions from Troutdale & Big Helton asking for ministerial aide. 2. Came to dismission in regular order.

Elder Worth Davis, Mod
W. R. Davis, Clerk Protem.

Dec the 1st Sat 1933,
We the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ at Pond Mtn. met & were in fellowship. 1. Read & rec’d the minute of our last meeting. 2. Rec’d a petition from Senter Church asking for ministerial aid. 3. Came to dismission in regular order.

Elder E. Davis, Moderator
J. H. Eldreth, C. Clerk