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New River Notes Photo Gallery

A Collection of historic and current photos mostly covering the upper New River area of southwestern Virginia and northwestern North Carolina.

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Perkins, Gordon Family841 viewsHere is, as written on the back of the picture, front row, Gordon Perkins, holding Foy? Perkins.
Standing-Clarence Perkins, "mama", Ed Perkins
Seated by Gordon and Foy are "grandma", "aunt Sally", Rudy and Mrs. Reedy. The picture was badly damaged. Gordon is a brother to Elvira Perkins Holdaway and son of Timothy and Elizabeth Sturgill Perkins. Share with others. Courtesy of Cathy Bell
966.jpg840 viewsGarfield Blevins, son of Jeter Calton Blevins and Rosa Sage with Mattie Weaver, daughter of Clayborn Monroe Weaver and Martha Litisha Phipps. Lived in Smyth County, Virginia.
457.jpg840 viewsDaughter of Arthur Fred Weaver and Fannie Blevins. School teacher at Marion Elementary when she died October 31, 1971.
Worth, David840 viewsThis is an apparent circa 1865 image of David Worth, of Creston, Ashe County, NC who was born in 1801 and died in 1888.
Weaver, Arthur Fred with daughters Mae and Mattie840 viewsThis photo was taken in 1954 by Clarence Weaver at Grassy Creek.
Allison Gap - Henderson Boardwine Store839 viewsHENDERSON-BOARDWINE STORE / ALLISON GAP, VA. / CIRCA 1920 Courtesy of Don Smith [email]dsmith1043@comcast,neet[/email]

Weaver, Maxine and Sue Lee Phipps Weaver839 viewsThis photo dates from the late 1950s.
rr_10.jpg838 viewsThis is a First National Bank of Rural Retreat $10 National Currency note, issued in 1933.
Lebanon - Farming Scene ca. 1932838 viewsThis is a 1932 postcard showing men stacking oats.
blackbass.jpg838 viewsThis is from a circa 1910 postcard.
grahamsforge.jpg838 viewsThis is a 1960s postcard view of this Wythe County landmark.
spencergreelymaggie.jpg837 viewsIsaac Greeley and Maggie Sturgill Spencer.
Uncle Blake said this picture was made before they were married.
Courtesy of Eleanor Jo Cox
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