
899.jpg1312 views

985.jpg713 viewsPhoto by Jeff Weaver 1979.

986.jpg977 viewsThe Helton Academy was one of the first high schools in Ashe County.

AlfredHamm68NCInfCSAHeadstone.jpg632 viewsAlfred Ham served in Company L, 58th North Carolina State Troops, Confederate States Army. Courtesy of Chrissie Peters.

Fleetwood = Amos Howell's grave marker741 viewsThis photo is of Amos and Rhoda Edwards Howell's graves in Fleetwood, NC. Amos is son of William and Sarah Howell and Rhoda is daughter of Sterling and Salina Cobb Edwards. Courtesy of Paul Howelldocnpaul@bellsouth.net

appletree.jpg826 viewsSpring 2004, by Jeff Weaver

arnoldsarah.jpg654 viewsGrave Marker for Sarah Arnold. Born May 20, 1839 - Died ____ 1898.

ashech~0.jpg516 viewsThis view of the 1904 Ashe County Court House is from a 1930s postcard.

ashefair1911.jpg835 viewsTaken from a 1911 photographic postcard.

ashehospital.jpg682 viewsThis is a view of the Old Ashe County Memorial Hospital. This building was built by the WPA in 1939-40. It opened in 1941. The hospital moved to newer facilities in the 1970s, and this building houses county offices.

asheore1.jpg1160 views

ashetwpmap.jpg1003 views
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