
Orange - Church of the Blind Preacher328 viewsFrom Henry Howe's 1846 History of Virginia. From the historical marker at this location "Near here was the church of James Waddel, the blind presbyterian preacher. Waddel, who had been a minister in the Northern Neck and elsewhere, came here about 1785 and died here in 1805. William Wirt, stopping 1803 to hear a sermon, was impressed by Waddel's eloquence. He made it the subject of a classic essay.
Conservation & Development Commission 1929"

goldmineorange.jpg253 viewsThis is from a 1940s era postcard.

grymesmill.jpg229 viewsFrom a 1940s era postcard.

IMGP0337.jpg285 viewsWithin this photo frame probably lies the old home place of James Stodghill-- the father of Elizabeth Stodghill, the second wife of old John Hash. It was here that old John Hash met and married Elizabeth. Land records place the location at Parker Mountain (hill in photo) and includes the waters of Swift Run Creek which is just out of sight to the left of this photo. Of course, this lies in present Orange County just east of Swift Run Gap which is in the Blue Ridge section of the Appalachian Mountains in northern Virginia. Courtesy of Larry Hash larryhash@triad.rr.com

madisongrave.jpg244 viewsFrom a 1950/60 postcard.

madisonhotel.jpg258 viewsFrom a circa 1930 postcard.

mainstorange1907.jpg280 viewsThis is a 1907 postcard of Main Street in the village of Orange, VA.

montpelierva.jpg263 viewsThis is the home of President James Madison, Montpelier, Orange County, VA.

oldoakenbucket.jpg257 viewsFrom a 1940s postcard.

orangech.jpg232 viewsFrom a 1960s postcard.

orangedepot1912.jpg273 viewsThis is from a 1912 postcard.

Orange -St. Thomas Episcopal Church246 viewsFrom a 1960 postcard.