Minutes of the Ashe County, North Carolina Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions 1864
Minute Docket, February Term 1864
State of North Carolina
Ashe County
Be it remembered that at a court of please & quarter sessions held for the county of Ashe & State of North Carolina at the court house in Jefferson on the 4th Monday in February A.D., 1864, it being the 22d day of said month the following justices of the peace were present & presiding and holding said court, viz:
Geo. H. Hamilton
David Worth, Esqrs
James P. Waugh
Ordered by the court a majority of the justices being present, Hon. Q. F. Neal having resigned as County Commissioner for Soldiers’ families, J. E. Foster was appointed commissioner who filed his bond in the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars [illegible] & security with John Ray, Esqr. & J. P. Waugh, Security.
Ordered by the court that James Wagg be allowed one hundred dollars for extra services.
Ordered by the court that J. M. Carson be allowed one hundred dollars for extra services.
Ordered by the court that Rosalind J. Weaver be appointed Admix of the Estate of Noah Weaver who filed her bond for the sum of six thousand dollars with J. B. Parsons, L. H. Bryant & Wm. Weaver security.
Ordered by the court that Capt. A. N. McMillan be allowed forty-five dollars for going to Raleigh for guns for the home guard.
Ordered by the court that James Oliver be allowed seventy-eight dollars for hauling guns for the home guard from Statesville.
Ordered by the court that the committee on of finance be allowed four dollars per day also that the special court be allowed four dollars per day.
The last will and testament of Jonathan Miller was proven by the oaths of John Baker & John Weaver, Esqr. As to the hand writing of Jonathan Miller was ordered to probate.
Ordered by the court that Geo. H. Hamilton, James Wagg, John Ray & Alexander Elrod were appointed to lay off the year’s allowance of Mary Hardin [illegible] as though at next term.
Ordered by the court that Jacob Goodman be allowed ten dollars for acting as coroner over the case of Wm. G. Smith.
A majority of the justices being present, layed the following taxes for county purposes (vix), one dollar on the pole & twenty five cents on the hundred dollars worth of land & personal prop. And twenty percent on all specific articles.
Ordered by the court that all county claims shall be presented within twelve months from date.
Ordered by the court that Calton Blevins, H. H. Rollins & Isaac Greer be appointed patterroll in Jefferson District.
Ordered by the court that R. T. Hardin, Jacob Goodman, & John Hardin be appointed patterroll in Old Fields District.
Seven magistrates being present, Joseph B. Parsons, tendered his bond as constable for Chestnut Hill District in the sum of four thousand dollars with Jas. T. Harsin, John C. Plummer, James Porter as securities which is ecceptable by the court and the said Parsons duly qualified according to law.
Ordered by the court that Geo. H. Hamilton, J. P. Waugh & E. F. Foster be appointed committee of finance.
Ordered by the court that a jury be summoned to lay off a road from Reason Plummers to Wm. Porters at the fort of Little Helton near James Porter.
Ordered by the court Alexander Calvert & Calvin Calvert be bound apprentices to John Dickinson and that this indenture be filed in the office.
Ordered by the court that G. H. Hamilton be appointed agent to purchase cotton cards for the benefit of soldier’s families to acct according act of the legislation.
Tuesday 23, the court met according to adjournment. Present:
Geo. H. Hamilton
David Worth, Esqr
J. P. Waugh
The court proceeded to appoint the following persons to take a list of the taxable property for the year 1864:
Jefferson District, George H. Hamilton
Pine Swamp, C. R. Phillips
Old Fields, R. T. Hardin
North Fork, David Worth
Stages Creek, John Weaver
Horse Creek, John Eldreth
Piney Creek, David Dickson
Helton, Johnson Perkins
Chestnut Hill, John F. Greer
Peak Creek, John Reeves
The last will and testament of Wm. B. Smith was duly proven in open court by the oath of Alex. Weaver one of the subscribing witnesses thereto and Joseph B. Parsons the Executor therein named was qualified according to law.
Sarah Hash, Exparte
Petition for years allowance ordered by the court that Jesse McMillan, Robert Gambill, Blake Weaver & Elijah Wyatt, free holders be appointed to lay off to petitioner her year’s allowance of her dec’d husband’s estate.
Received from Wm. Weaver, Esqr. $881.00 in Confederate money belonging to John Weaver (Dec’d) son of Isom Weaver
Ordered by the court that no. guardian having been appointed for the children of Hugh Smith (Decd) that the executor of the said estate be directed to pay our of any money in his hands belonging to the same unto David Smith, James Smith and Jonathan Perkins the sum of eight hundred dollars for maintenance & tuition until next May court. Geo. H. Hamilton, J. P. Waugh, Wm. Weaver, Esqrs.
James W. Hardin being appointed coroner entered into bond in the sum of two thousand dollars with John Ray security.
Feb. 27th, present Geo. H. Hamilton, J. C. Waugh, & H. H. Rollins, Esqrs. Ordered by the court that Jesse Neadacin [sic] have license to peddle until 1st of July next.
May Term
State of North Carolina
Ashe County
Be it remembered that at a court of please & quarter sessions held for the county of Ashe & State of North Carolina at the court house in Jefferson on the 4th Monday in May A.D., 1864, it being the 23d day of said month the following justices of the peace were present & presiding and holding said court, viz:
Geo. H. Hamilton
John Reeves, Esqrs
The following good and lawful men were drawn for grand jurors:
John S. Foster | Newel Stewart | Alexander Jones |
William Richardson | John Graybeal | Charles Lewis |
Greenberry Phipps | D. W. Hartzog | Jacob Black |
James Dickson | John Eldreth | Steven Testament |
Jacob Bear | Alfred Barker | Geo. W. Miller |
J. N. Long
Deft. Comes into court and submits on payment of costs.
Elijah Patrick
The following jury was sowrn & charged, G. W. Ray, E. Phipps, Wm. Turner, Reazin Plummer, David Tucker, David Dickeson, Jno. S. Ashley, Isaac Green, Wilborn Thompson, Reuben Pepper, Eli Graybeal, David Burkett, who say for their verdict that the sheriff give the defendant thirty-nine lashes on the bear back well laid on and hold him in custody until he enters into bond for five hundred dollars with good security for his good behavior for twelve months.
Ordered by the court that Andrew Hawthorn be appointed administrator of Taylor Easterly who filed his bond in the sum of five thousand dollars with Eli Graybeal security.
Ordered by the court that John Oliver be appointed overseer of the road in room of Frederick Severt. Same road and hands.
Daniel Tucker
The above jury were sworn and charged: Geo. W. Ray, Elija Phipps, WM. Turner, Rubin Plummer, Daniel Dickson, John S. Ashley, Isaac Green, Wilborn Thompson, Ruben Pepper, Eli Graybeall, David Burkett & Jonas Burkett, who say for their verdict that the find the deft. Gilty.
Neal Colvard orpahn boy of the age of five years & six months was brought into open court [illegible words] James Garner the said guardian agreeing to give hum [illegible[ what the law allows one horse saddle & bridle with seventy-five dollars.
Ordered by the court that Solomon Denny is appointed overseer of the road in the room of Calvin Brinegar same road & hands.
Tuesday the 24th, Present
Geo. H. Hamilton
S. C. Waugh
H. H. Robbins
Ordered by the court that [illegible] is exempt from paying [illegible] tax this year.
Ordered by the court that David Smith be appointed guardian of the heirs of Hugh Smith, dec’d, Cynthia Smith, Rebecca J. Smith, David P. Smith, M. V. Smith and Ellen Smith, who entered into Bond of twenty-six thousand dollars with David Dickson, Alfred Barker & James Smith security.
Ordered by the court that Malinda Eller be appointed guardian of the heirs of George Eller, Dec’d, viz, Mary C. Eller, Martha E. Eller, who entered into bond of five hundred dollars with Peter Eller security.
Odered by the court that Q. F. Neal be appointed overseer of the Road from his own house tot he old Daniels Mill place in room of Alfred Wiatt, same road & hands.
Jurors drawn for the county court, Vix:
Duncan Graybeal | Asa Weaver |
Drura Powes | Isaiah Johnson |
Wm. Thompson | James Johnson |
Wm. H. Goodman | Hugh Bear |
Clisby Edwards | Carter Wade |
Jno.N. McMillan | John Richardson |
John Ham | Larkin Roten |
Eli Blevins | Wm. Shepperd |
Jacob Goodman, Sen | Thos. J. Jones |
Duglas Pennington | Martin Brown |
Ruben Sutherland | Luke Eller |
A. B. McMillan | Jefferson Pierce |
Thos. Reynolds | John Calhoun |
Blake Weaver | Philip Hartzog |
A. P. Coldiron |
Minute Docket Extra Term June Term 1864
State of North Carolina
Ashe County
June the 17th, 1864.
At an extra session of the court of please and Quarter sessions for said county the following justices of the peace were present, to wit:
Geo. H. Hamilton
James P. Waugh
Eli Graybeal, Esqrs
D, .L. Windle
John Weaver
John F. Greer
Wm. Weaver
Ordered by the court that Stephen Pennington be appointed constable for the Helton District.
State of North Carolina
Ashe County
At a special term of the county court of please and quarter sessions for Ashe County held in the Clerks office in the court house in Jefferson on the 29th day of June 1864, present, Wm. Weaver, H. H. Rollins, Geo. H. Hamilton, Esqr.
Special letters of Administration was granted to Jesse Greer upon the estate of Isaac Greer, Dec’d, upon giving bond in the sum of six thousand dollars and the said Admr shall collect and take into his possession of the estate of the sd. Dec’d and also expose to sale upon a credit of six months one Blak horse, one sorrel horse one roan horse, one bay filly, one roan mare, one Mule, ten head of cattle one yoke of oxen ten head of sheep and one rifle gun and he qualified according to law and filed his bond with Owen Trivett security.
State of North Carolina
Ashe County
At a special term of the county court of Ashe County held in the Clerks office in the court house in Jefferson on the 4th day of July 1864, present to wit, S. C. Waugh, Wm. Colvard, John [illegible], H. H. Rollins, D. S. Windle, Jesse McMillan, M. Carson, Esqrs.
Ordered by the court that Jackson Testament be appointed constable for Piney Creek Distrist.
State of North Carolina
Ashe County
At a special term of the court of please and Quarter Sessions for Ashe County July the 24th, A. D. 1864, the following justices of the peace were present presiding & holding said court, to wit:
Geo. H. Hamilton
Wm. Weaver, Esqrs
H. H. Rollins,
S. C. Waugh
Ordered by the court that C. C. Bartlett be appointed agent to receive and distribute the tythes of the County of Ashe.
August Term A. D. 1864
State of North Carolina
Ashe County
Be it remembered that at a court of please & quarter sessions held for Ashe County at the court house in Jefferson on the 4th Monday of August A.D. 1864 it being the 22nd day of said month the following justices of the peace were present presiding and holding court, viz:
Geo. H. Hamilton, Esqr.
David Worth
Ordered by the court that the sheriff summons a jury to lay off the dower of Martha J. Davis widow of Wm. H. Perry, Dec’d.
Ordered by the court that John H. Carson be allowed eighteen dollars thirty seven cents charged for the year 1863.
The following good and lawful men were sworn and charged as grand jurors, to wit: John Koontz, Clisby Edwads, James Johnson, Eli Blevins, Philip Hartzog, W. H. Goodman, Thos. J. Jones, Wilborn Thompson, Hugh Bare, J. M. McMillan, John Richardson, Jacob Goodman, Carter Wade, John Ham, Wilborn Shepherd, Luke Eller
Levi Eldreth
Submits & fined five dollars
Ordered by the court that Jesse Greer be appointed admr. Of the estate of Isaac Wilson, Dec’d. Ordered further that Cornett Johnson, John Osborne, Reuben Sutherland, Alfred Sutherland, Charles Lewis be appointed to lay off the dower & years allowance of Caroline Wilson out of the property of Isaac Wilson (Dec’d).
Ordered by the court that Robert Gambill & James Gambill be appointed Admr of Sylvester Gambill (Dec’d) who entered into bond in the sum of five thousand dollars with James [illegible initial] Hardin security.
Report of Commissioners confirmed changing the road at Jackson Blevins.
Seven magistrates being present and it appearing that no Election for constable in the Helton district for the year, it is ordered by the court that Stephen Pennington be appointed for the Helton District whereupon he enters into bond in the sum of four thousand dollars with Joseph B. Parsons and Eli Graybeal his security.
Ordered by the court that Washington Miller be appointed overseer of the Road from John Ham’s to Simeon Graybeals by the way of John Goss, with the following hands, Jahu Goss, Wm. Price, John Ham (Capt.), Riley Blevins, Isaac Miller, Elihu Weaver, Hiram Weaver, Ambrose Weaver.
Ordered by the court that Isaiah Jones be appointed overseer of the road from Stephen Testament down Silas Creek to Jefferson Hurley with the following hands, W. H. Jones, L. D. Hurley, Wesley Hurley, C. C. [illegible], Ransom Phillips, Thos. Testament.
Ordered by the court that John Weaver be appointed Admr. Of the estate of John Weaver, Junr, Dec’d, bond filed and entered into Bond in the sum of four thousand dollars with Gideon Weaver & Q. F. Neal security.
Ordered by the court that Asa Weaver be appointed overseers f the road from the ford of the North Fork to Eli Reeves with the same hands that was on Noah Weaver’s order.
Ordered by the court that Samuel Plummer be appointed overseer of the road from the ford of New River below Winston Stringer to Chestnut Hill with the usual hands.
Robert Gambill & James Gambill administrators of Sylvester Gambill do petition for the sale of slaves. Ordered that the said Admr. Is directed to sell the two slaves belonging to the said estate to wit: Ben [rest of line illegible]
Caroline Wilson, Exparte, petition for year’s allowance.
Ordered by the court that C. H. Johnson, Esqr, John Osborne, Alfred Sutherland & Charles Lewis be appointed commissioners to petitioner to lay off her years allowance.
Ordered by the court that Elihu Blevins & James Blevins be appointed administrators of Geo. Blevins (Dec’d) who filed bond for eight thousand dollars with Jacob Blevins & Daniel Blevins security. Be it further ordered that William Bolen, Esqr, Joseph Parsons, John Jones, Calvin Sheets be appointed to lay off the years allowance of the infant heirs of said Geo. Blevins decease.
On motion it was ordered by the court that Jesse A. Reeves, sheriff have leave to amend his [two illegible words] land against John Black in favor of John A. Wiles to the use of Hugh Caudill & returnable to January Term 1865.
Tuesday, 23rd court met according to adjournment. Present
Geo. H. Hamilton
David Worth
Ordered by the court that George Howell, Sen. Be appointed overseer of the road in room of Wm.Burk same road and hands in the bounds from 15 to 60 years of age.
Ordered by the Court that Samuel Bower be appointed overseer of the road in room of Daniel Blevins same road with all the hands from 15 to 60 years of age.
Ordered by the court that Geo. E. Miller be appointed overseer of the road from the ford of the river near John Bowers to the Laurel Springs with all the hands in the former bounds from 15 to 60 years of age.
Ordered by the court that Asa Weaver be appointed overseer of the road in the room of Noah Weaver, same road with all the former hands from 15 to 60 years of age.
Ordered by the court that Drury Halsey be appointed overseer of the road in room of Wiley Pasley same road with all the hands in the former bounds from 15 to 60 years of age.
Ordered by the court that Samuel Plummer be appointed overseer of the road in room of John Choat same road with all the hands from 15 to 60 years of age.
Ordered by the court that Andrew Long be allowed twelve dollar over charged in taxes for 1863 his property having been listed in two districts.
Jurors drawn for Superior Court
J. F. Greer
Wm. Pierce
Thos. Farmer
Wm. Baker
Moses Teague
Geo. Baker
Thos. Duvault
John Church
Jas. Richrdson
Wm. Farmer
S. Miller
J. Stamper
Ben. Phipps
M. D. Miller
John Stephens
Sol. Perry
Wm. Roten
Geo. E. Miller
Peter Eller
Noah May
J. H. [illegible] John Weaver
Wm. Mash
Jacob Lewis
Adam Sheets
J. Hudler
Geo. Ketchum
J. Jones
Wm. Carson
Samuel Bower
Larkin Rotin
Jurors for County Court:
W. Porter
David Howill
J. Ham
J. M. Privett
J. Cahoon
E. Weaver
R. Orsborne
H. Baker
P. M. Houser
John Cox
A. J. Vanoy
Milas McGuire
J. O. Orsborne
W. Rose
J. H. Carson
R. A. McGuire
J. B. Parsons
John Richardson
Thos. Cornett
J. Setser
Wiley Church
John Pinnington
Geo. Bower
W. F. Ashley
Wm. Phipps
Wiley Pasley
Alexdr. Lory
And. Lovelace
Ordered by the court that Andrew Dickson be appoitned sheriff of Ashe County by the following Magistrates & A. Dickson filed his bond. David Worth, Geo. H. Hamilton, J. W. Martin, John Duvaul, Wm. Weaver, John F. Greer, John Baker, Eli Graybeal, John Weaver, W. R. Colvard, C. R. Phillips, Jesse B. Miller, H. H. Rollins.
Ordered by the court that E. C. Bartlett be appointed overseer of the streets of Jefferson with the same hands.
Ordered by the court that Isaac Greer be appointed constable for the Jefferson District who filed his bond, Justices present, H. H. Rollins, S. C. Waugh, John F. Greer, Wm. Weaver, J. P. Waugh, Wm. R. Colvard, & Geo. H. Hamilton.
Tuesday the 27th court met according to adjournment. Present G. H. Hamilton, Wm. Johnson, S. C. Waugh, James P. Wagg, John Duval, John Poe & H. H. Rollins, Esqrs.
Whereupon it is ordered by the court that Jackson Testerment be appointed constable for the Piney Creek District that said district failed to elect. Bond filed with A. C. Jones & Newel Stewart his security and he qualified according to law.
Same Justices present
Wm. Carson was appoitned constable who filed his bond with M. Carson, & E. C. Barlett security.
State of North Carolina
Ashe County
At a special term of the county court of please & quarter session held in the clerk’s office at the court house in Jefferson on the 11th day of Nov. 1864. Present William Weaver, S. C. Waugh, & H. H. Rollins, Esrs.
Special letters of administration was granted to Douglas Pennington upon the Estate of Frederick Sheets, deceased, having give bond in the sum of five hundred dollars and the said Admr. Shall collect and take into his possession of the estate of the said decease and allow expose to sale upon a credit of twelve months one filly, one cow and calf, one hog, 2 sheep, One Rifle gun and he qualified according to law by giving bond with Jacob Blevins security in the sum of five hundred dollars.
Minute Dockett, November Term 1864
State of North Carolina
Ashe County
Be it remembered that at a court of Please and Quarter Session is this day opened & held in the town of Jefferson on the 4th Monday of Nov. 1864, it being the 28th day of said month, A. D. 1864. The Justices of the Peace present presiding & holding said court, to wit:
C. R. Phillips
John Duvaul, Esqr
John Weaver
Ordered by the court that the following persons be exempt from double tax for the year 1863: Emeline Taylor, Jacob Taylor & William Taylor for Mary Cook.
Ordered by the court that Letters of Administration be granted to Susan Severt on the estate of Bethany Patrick dec’d and that she enter into bond in the sum of two hundred dollars.
The Last Will and Testament of James F. Hurley was duly proven in open court and ordered to probate and ordered to be registered. David Dickson the executor therein named appears and qualifies according to law and enters into bond in the sum of four hundred dollars & Alfred Barker security.
Ordered by the court that a committee be appointed to settle with Andrew McMillan, administrator of the estate of Andrew Turner, Dec’d, Dr. E. F. Foster, S. C. Waugh, E. C. Bartlett.
Ordered by the court that Felix Blevins & his wife Mary be appointed Admrs of the estate of Frederick Severt, Dec’d and give bond in the sum of four hundred dollars.
The last will and testament of Alexander Pardiagan was duly proven in open court by Joseph Hudler and ordered to probate.
Ordered by the court that Johnson Perkins & John H. Whitman be appointed to settle with Thomas Wayman Admrs of Jacob Duvaul, Dec’d
Ordered by the court that Levi Eldrith and his wife Nancy be appointed Admrs. on the estate of Haskill Duncan, Dec’d, and that they enter into bond in the sum of four hundred dollars. The Sheriff Returned the following good and lawful men as jurors and of the aforesaid the following was duly sworn as Grand Jurors
1. Wiley Church
2. Thomas Cornett
3. Geo. Bower
4. Miles McGuire
5. John Richardson
6. John Ham
7. John H. Carson
8. J. B. Parsons
9. Elihu Weaver
10. Robert McGuire
11. William Phipps
12. Jacob Setser
13. Isaac Greer sworn as and officers to attend as grand jurors
Levi Eldrith
Heirs of Haskell Duncan (Dec’d)
Ordered by the court that the Sheriff summons five commissioners to lay off and allott to pet. Her down out of the estate of the said deceased Haskell Duncan.
Levi Eldrith & wife, Exparte. Ordered by the court that John Weaver, Esqr, Wm. Ashley, Hiram Weaver & Joseph Graybeal be appointed commissioners to lay off & a lott to pet this years allowance out of the estate of Haskell Dincan Dec’d.
Ordered by the court that Daniel Blevins & James Blevins, Jr. be appointed administrators on the estate of Geo. Blevins Dec’d and that they enter into bond in the sum of one thousand dollars with Eli Blevins security.
Ordered by the court that A. B. Cox be appointed admr. On the Estate of James Hill (Dec’d) and that he enter into bond in the sum of three thousand dollars with Andrew Dickson security.
A Majority of the justices being present, Andrew Dickson, sheriff of Ashe County appeared in open court and tendered his resignation as sheriff which resignation was accepted by the court.
Levi Eldrith
The Deft. come into open court & submits judgment & fined penny and costs & custody of the sheriff [until] fine and cost are paid. Isaac Ham confesses judgment for fine & costs are paid.
Ordered by the court that the will be admitted to probate which was proven by the oath of Joseph Hudler.
Ordered by the court that William Bell be bound to John Dickson that the said Dickson is to give the said Ball twelve months school, one house and bridle worth fifty dollars at the sale of property of 1864.
James M. Barker
J. M. Barker comes into court, submits, fiend five dollars and costs
Alfred Barker confesses judgment for fine & cost
Ordered by the court that Amos Mikel, John Spaldin, Elija Teague, Wm. Teauge, Elias Burkett, W. H. Goodman & Thos. Johnston appointed hands on the road from Amos Mikel to the Gap of the Mulatto Mountain and Moses Teague to be overseer of said road.
Wels Blevins & wife, exparte. Pet. For years allowance.
Ordered by the court that Wm. Baker, Esqr, Wilborn Thompson, Jarrott Duvaul & Thos. Duvaaul be appointed commissioners to lay off the years allowance out of the estate of hundand’s estate therein.
Ordered by the court that John D. Yates be appointed overseer of the road from mouth of Pine Swamp to Phillips Gap, Wilis Burge, Jesse Battle, Voluntine Jones, C. Phillips, [illegible] Denny, Elija Hartzog’s slaves Ervin & James.
The deed of conveyance from Thomas Jones & wife Tamsey Jones, Marion Beaman and wife Hiley Beamer was duly proven in open court by the oath of Calton Blevins one of the subscribing witnesses thereto and upon it being made appear that the said female covents are unable through bodily infirmity to attend the court. It is therefore ordered that William Baker & S. D. Windle, Esqr be appointed to take the private examination of the said female covents separate and apart from their husbands touching their willingness to execute said deed & return their report to the next term of the court.
George Ferington
Bastardy Bond Filed. Ordered by the court that George Ferrington pay into the Clerk’s office sixty dollars for the benefit of Martha Penington.
A majority of the justices being present, James M. Dickson was duly elected sheriff of the county of Ashe and entered into bond as required by law with Andrew Dickson, E. C. Bartlett, M. Carson & James Gambill his securities, and the said James M. Dickson took the oath of office and was qualified according to law.
A majority of the justices being present B. V. Idol, Elected coroner of the county of Ashe & entered into bond as the law directs with Geo. W. Ray, & W. R. Colvard his securities and the said B. V. Idol took the oath of office and was duly qualified all according to law.
A majority of the justices being present, A. P. Coldiron was elected constable for the town District having been no previous election in the said district, who entered into bond with Isaac Little and he qualified as the law directs.
J. M. Barker
The Deft submits, fined one dollar & costs. Alfred Barker confeses judgt. For cost & fine.
Alfred Barker
Defent submits fined $25.00 & costs. Monroe Barker confessed judgt. For cost and fine.
Saturday December 3d 1864
Present, J. P. Waugh, R. T. Hardin, S. C. Waugh, Eli Graybeal, Esqrs
Ordered by the court that letters of administration be granted to J. M. Gentry on the estate of David Burkett (Dec;d) and that he enter into bond in the sum of three thousand dollars, James M. Gentry, R. T. Hardin, & N. H. Waugh enter into bond and qualified according to law.
Catherine Burkett, Exparte. Petition for year’s allowance
Ordered by the court that Geo. H. Hamilton, Esqr, Thomas Calloway & John Dickson, Jacob Graybeal be appointed to lay off a years allowance to peitioner our of the estate of her dec’d husband.
Elizabeth Hill, Exparte. Pet. For years allowance.
Ordered by the court that Wm. Johnson, Esqr, Andrew Long, John Richardson, Wm. Reed, free holders be appointed to lay off a years allowance to Elizabeth Hill.
January Term, Extra Session of the Court, 1865
State of North Carolina
Ashe County
Be it remembered that at a special session, January the 24th 1865 the following justices being present, William Weaver, H. H. Rollins, S. C. Waugh were present when special letters of administration was granted to A. J. Vanoy on the estate of John Goin, Dec’d, who is hereby authorized to take into possession the following property to wit, one sorrel horse, one cow, and thirty-five bushels of corn, expose them to sale according to law.
William Weaver
S. C. Waugh, Esqrs.
H. H. Rollins
[This ends the record of the Ashe County, North Carolina Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions under the government of the Confederate States of America