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Minutes of the Jefferson Baptist Association — 1869

Twenty-first Annual Session

Held With the Apple Grove Church Ashe County, N.C.,

September 10th, 11th and 12th, 1870
J. Eller, Clerk, Jefferson, N.C.

[Note, there are inconsistencies of dates in this document. The information is presented as in the original minutes, however 1869 would appear to be the proper date. Also note that it appears that some division in this association had taken place since the 1868 Association. – Jeff Weaver, 1999]


Apple Grove, Ashe County, N.C.
Friday, September 10, 1869

The Jefferson Baptist Association met, pursuant to adjournment, with the Baptist Church at Apple Grove, at the above date.

The introductory sermon was preached by Elder J. Blevins, from Jeremiah 5:22

After a short recess, the Association was called to order by J. Blevins, Moderator. Prayer by the Moderator.

Letters from five churches read and their messengers’ names enrolled.

On motion, proceeded to the election of officers, Elders Hollar and Howel appointed tellers, which resulted in the choice of Elder J. Blevins, Moderator, and Br. J. Eller, Clerk and Treasurer.

Read Rules of Order and invited correspondents from sister Associations: Elders I. Hollar and W. Dowell and Brn. J. T. Privett and H. C. Edmund from the Brier Creek Association; and Elder S. Blackman and Br. P. McCarter, accepted seats as transient members from the Lebanon Association.

The Moderator then appointed the following Committees:

On Devotional Exercise, Brn. A. Barker and Levi Barker with the delegates from Apple Grove Church.

On Arrangements, Brn. D. Sheets, D. Blevins, Sr., and J. Green, with the Moderator and Clerk and Correspondents.

On Finance: Brn. I. M. Carter, and David Blevins

On the State of the Churches, Brn. T. M. Duncan and A. Pennington

On Missions, Elder S. Blackman and Jas. Blevins

On Resolutions, Elders I. Hollar and W. Dowel

The Committee on Devotional Exercises, report preaching for to-night, Bro. Privett and Elder Howel; and to-morrow, at the stand, Elder Blackman, at 11 o’clock; and Elder Hollar to conclude.

On motion, adjourned until tomorrow morning, 9 o’clock; and that a half hour he spent in devotional exercise.

Prayer by Elder Blackman.

Saturday Morning, September 11, 1869.

Met pursuant to adjournment, Services conducted by Elder A. Johnson. Then the Moderator called the Association to order.

  1. Read the report from the Committee on Arrangements, which was adopted.
  2. On motion extended an invitation to correspondents from sister Associations, when Elder A. Johnson and Br. M. Camel from the United Baptist Association accepted seats with the Association; and Br. W. Ross, from the Lebanon, as a visiting member.
  3. On motion, called on correspondents to sister Associations to report: The messengers to the Brier Creek attended that body and were kindly received. The messengers to the Yadkin and United Baptist Associations all failed to attend; and, after a sharp reproof from the Moderator, were excused. Elder J. Blevins reported that he attended the Lebanon with a letter. The Association did not take cognizance of the grievance between Landmark and Antioch churches but recognized Antioch church as a legitimate member of its body; and that they receive him, with a letter from the Jefferson, in christian fellowship.
  4. The committee to procure the Minutes of the Jefferson Association, reported that the Minutes had been procured–Report adopted.
  5. On motion, the Clerk was requested to have the Minutes of the Jefferson Association, from its formation till the present time, bound into a book.
  6. On motion, appointed messengers to sister Associations: To Brier Creek (pending the appointment, Elder Hollar presented a letter from Br. John Jennings, from the Brier Creek, asking for an agency to ride and distribute books in the Jefferson Association for the next year, agreed to.) Authorized the messengers from the Jefferson to act in concert with a committee from the Brier Creek, on that subject. Messengers to consist of J. Green, T. M. Duncan, I. M. Carter, E. Blevins, A. Barker, and Edward Blevins. To the United Baptist, Elder J. Blevins, Brn. J. Eller, I. Edmonson, A. Pennington, W. P. Lewis, T. M. Duncan, D. Tucker and I. M. Carter– To the Lebanon, Brn. J. Blevins and A. Pennington.
  7. On motion agreed to invite the churches belonging to the United Baptist and the Lebanon, situated between the Blue Ridge and the Iron Mountains to meet with us in Convention to consider the propriety of organizing into a larger and stronger Association, upon Missionary principles; and after some very lovely remarks from Elder Hollar and Johnson, it was agreed to meet with the Baptist Chapel Church, eleven miles north of Jefferson to convene on Friday before the second Sabbath in June 1870. Elder Hollar to preach the introductory sermon and Elder Johnson his alternate.
  8. On motion, called on the Treasurer, who reported– Report read and adopted. See report at letter A.
  9. Elders Dowel and Hollar to preach tonight, at Br. E. Blevins’ and Elder Johnson at Br. D. Tucker’s. Then, on motion, took a recess for thirty minutes.

    Afternoon Session.

    At 1 o’clock P.M. the Association was called to order and resumed its business.

  10. On motion, called on the Committee on Finance: Report read and adopted. See report letter B.
  11. The Committee on the State of the Churches, submitted their report, which was read and adopted. See report at letter C.
  12. The Committee on Resolutions made their report, which was read and adopted. See report at letter D. Pending the adopting of this report, there were some glowing and lovely remarks made by Elder Holler, Br. McCarter and others.
  13. The Committee on Missions presented their report, which was read and adopted. See report at letter E.
  14. On motion, appointed the next annual session of this body to be held with the Landmark Church 8 miles North of Jefferson, to commence on Friday before the 4th Sabbath in August 1870.
  15. On motion, appointed Elder W. Dowell to preach the annual sermon; and Br. L. Barker his alternate.
  16. On motion, appointed the Clerk to superintend the printing of the Minutes, and that he have 150 copies printed and be allowed $4.00 for his services.
  17. For Sabbath: Elder Dowell to preach at 10 o’clock, A.M.; at 11 o’clock Elder Hollar to preach; and Elder Johnson to conclude at 2 o’clock P.M.
  18. On motion, adjourned to meet at time and place appointed. Services concluded by Elder Hollar.

J. Blevins, Moderator

J. Eller, Clerk


Treasurer’s Report
Item Amount
Received from Committee on Finance $20.10
Paid for Printing Minutes 12.25
Paid former Treasurer 5.87
Clerk’s salary 4.00
Total $22.12
Association in arrears 2.02


Report of Committee of Finance
Item Amount
Received from Baptist Chapel $2.25
Received from Mount Pleasant 3.00
Received from White Top 2.00
Received from Landmark 2.00
Reveived from Apple Grove .98
Total $10.23

I. M. Carter, Chairman.


Your Committee on the State of the Churches, would report that Mt. Pleasant Church has had some accessions during the past year. Pastor, Elder J. Blevins, aided by the labors of Brn. T. M. Duncan, J. Green and L. Barker, Licentiates; and Elder Blackman keeps up a good Sabbath School.–Landmark is in harmony, and has preaching once a month, and regular social prayer meetings once a week, conducted by Brn. T. M. Duncan and L. Barker. Has no Sabbath School, but aids another church in a Sabbath School. Baptist Chapel is a large church, and has preaching once a month. Pastor J. Blevins has a Sabbath School part of the Summer. Apple Grove Church has preaching once a month by Brn. Green and Barker; has a flourishing Sabbath School, the scholars of which recited 470 verses of Scripture; has had a revival this fall. White Top has preaching once a month; Pastor J. Blevins is in union at home, and has a large Sabbath School; has had four school lectures and prays for more laborers in the field.

All of which is respectfully submitted.

T. M. Duncan, Chairman.


Resolved, 1st. That we advise the ministers in the bounds of this Association to encourage Sabbath Schools in all their churches and congregations.

Resolved, 2nd. That this Association tender their thanks to the brethern and sisters and citizens of this vicinity, for the kind and hospitable manner with which they entertained this Association.

I. Hollar, Chairman.


Your Committee, to whom was referred the subject of Missions, beg leave to report: We as Baptists, to which we believe the great cause of missions is assigned; and when we look at the vast destitution of our country, the numbers who are daily living in sin, and many passing into the tomb, leaving no religious influence behind, and having no hope to illuminate the darkness of the grave. Let us then, consider the great cause of missions, and consider every field destitute of preaching, Baptist ground. Nor should we be satisfied until every community in our land should be supplied with Baptist preaching. Brethern, what say you?

Respectfully submitted.

S. Blackman, Chairman.

On Sabbath there was considerable interest manifested by the congregation, and several came to the anxious seat seeking pardon for sin. The meeting continued until Wednesday and there were a good many added to the church.

Among the conversions was an old Lady, Mary Tucker, aged 84 years. This downpouring of the Holy Spirit has done great done in that vicinity; and we should return our devout thanks to God for his blessing and ask him to continue his mercies to us.

J. Eller, Clerk

Church Counties Post Office Delegates
Baptist Chapel Ashe, N.C. Big Helton D. Sheets, M. York, David Blevins
Apple Grove Ashe, N.C. Big Helton Edward Blevins, D. Blevins, Elijah Blevins, W. Lewis
Landmark Ashe, N.C. Big Helton A. Barker, L. Barker, T. M. Duncan, A. Blevins-
Mt. Pleasant Ashe, N.C. Jefferson Eld. J. Blevins, J. Eller, J. Green, D. Blevins, I. M. Carter
White Top Grayson, Va. Big Helton A. Pennington, A. Blevins, James Blevins, Isaac Edmunson

Statistical Table
Church Meeting Baptisms Letters Restored Dismissed Excluded Deceased Fellowship Contribution
Baptist Chapel 1 3 2 1 7 3 81 2.25
Apple Grove 2 2 3 15 .98
Landmark 4 1 18   2.00
Mt. Pleasant 3 9 5 14 2 2 39 3.00
White Top 3 3 1 2 1 2 42 2.00

Ordained Ministers

J. Blevins

Licensed Preachers

J. Green,
T. M. Duncan
L. Barker