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Ashe Baptist Association — 1898

Minutes of the 12th Annual Session of the
ASHE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION (Formerly Ashe and Alleghany Baptist Association)

Held With
Friendship Baptist Church, Ashe County, N.C.
Sept. 27, 28, 29, 1898
James Eller, Moderator, Berlin, N.C.
G. L. Porter, Secretary and Treasurer, Bud, N.C.

Next Session will be held with New River Baptist Church, Weaversford, Ashe County, N.C., beginning on Tuesday before the 1st Sunday in September, 1899 and continue through Wednesday and Thursday of same week.


Officers of the Ashe Association:
James Eller, Moderator, Berlin, N.C.
G. L. Porter, Secretary and Treasurer, Bud, N.C.

State Board

James Eller, Berlin, N.C.

Executive Committee

H. A. Eller, Berlin, N.C.
J. J. Garvey, Weaversford, N.C.
L. J. Sturgill, Solitude, N.C.
A. E. Graybeal, Jefferson, N.C.
A. N. Johnson, Nettle Knob, N.C.

Ordained Ministers

Barker, W. F. – Bud, N.C.
Blackburn, S. – Bud, N.C.
Blevins, J. A. – St. Clair’s Bottom, Va.
Blevins, C. – Hermitage, N. C.
Blevins, S. – Hermitage, N.C.
Blevins, E. – Blevins, N.C.
Carter, I. M. – Bernice, N. C.
Campbell, N. – Thaxton, N. C.
Caloway, James – Jefferson, N.C.
Duncan, T. M. – Beaver Creek, N.C.
Eller, Jacob – Helton, N. C.
Eller, G. W. – Grimsley, N.C.
Glenn, W. H. – Grigsby, N.C.
Hurley, A. – Thaxton, N.C.
Stanley, J. F. – Solitude, N.C.
Shoaf, R. L. – Linney, N.C.
Tucker, E. – Bud, N.C.


The Ashe Association met at Friendship Baptist church, on Tuesday at 11 a. m., Sept, 27, 1898 in its 12th Annual Session. The introductory was delivered by Eld E. Tucker, Text, Psalms, l07:7 “And he led them forth by the right way, that they might go to a city of habitation.” The Association took a recess of 60 minutes and then reassembled for business. Bro. J.H. Doughton, former Moderator called the Association to order.
Prayer by Eld. I M. Carter.
The list of churches was called and letters from all but Clifton and Obids were present and read by G. L. Porter and R. L. Shoaf, and a roll of delegates were made:
Apple Grove-E. Tucker. M. Miller, H. Clark, E. Grayham.
Baptist Home-J. M. Sluder. R. Lewis, L. J.Sturgill.
Beaver Creek-W. F. Goodman, J. W. Garvey, T. M. Duncan.
Bethel- J.. E. Johnson.
Big Laurel-W. H. Glenn. N. Campbell, N. Stewart.
Bristol-L. McLure, E. Hughs. Thos. Day.
Brushy Fork-D. Martin, Wm. Snider.
Buffalo-S. A. Campbell, T. H. Ray.
Bethlehem- Robt. Johnson, Wm. Goodman.
Clifton-R. R. Elliotte.
Forest Home-I. M. Carter, R. L. Shoaf, I. Eller. J.T. King, H. A. Eller.
Friendship-C. A. Dickson. J. B. Burkett, T. K. Luther.
Grayson’s Chapel-H. Lewis.
Healings Springs-W. Blevins, B. H. Blevins, F.A.Blevins,
Jefferson-C. M. Graybea1. A. Graybeal.
Landmark-W. F. Barker, G. L. Porter, W. Hurley, C. Jones, S. Blackburn
Liberty-C. J. C~rter, F. M. Eller. J. A. Pierce. G.W. Eller,
Long Branch-Owen Welch, Jas. Welch.
Mission Home-P. H. Harre, J. M. Teague.
Mt. View-J. Glenn.
Meadow View-H. Gaultney.
New River-R. C. Spence, J. A. Garvey. N. Dancy.
Obids-Not represented.
Peak Valley-Frank Sluder, G. W. Milam, W. Lewis.
Pleasant Home-R. B. Hudler, W. G. Thompson, O. Blevins.
Pleasant Hill-D. S. Blevins. James Coldiron.
Three Top-T. M. Jones, G. Eldreth.
Zion Hill-W. H. Sheets.

Brethren A. Brown and E.L. Wagoner were appointed tellers to receive the vote for officers who reports; James Eller elected moderator, and G. L. Porter, secretary and treasurer, who accepted and proceeded to their respective duties.
On motion the thanks of this Association. were tendered to the former officers.
The delegates form the following churches. viz: Grayson’s chapel and Bethlehem presented letters asking membership with us, which after being read were received and hand of welcome extended to them by the moderator.
The articles of faith, etc., were read and the name Alleghany was dropped leaving this the Ashe Association.
Visiting and Corresponding brethren report themselves and were welcomed to seats by the moderator, viz: H. Doughton and E. L. Waguner, from Alleghany and Grayson Association; J. R. Brown, New River; J. H. Farthing. Threefork; J. Blevins and M. E. Simcox, Mt. Union.
The following committees were announced, on religious exercises: delegates of this church with John Robertson and L. J. Sturgill; on resolutions, T. M. Duncan. E. F. Anderson, H. A. Eller; on finance, C J. Carter. J.T. King, S. A. Campbell; on time, place and preacher of next session R C. 5pence, J A. Pierce and W. G. Thompson.
Committee on religious exercises report preaching tomorrow at 11 a. m . by Elders J. H. Farthing and E. F. Anderson and at 3 p. m., by Elders I. M. Carter and N. Campbell.
On motion agreed to adjourn ’till 9 o’clock a. m., tomorrow morning and subsequent days of session, and spend half an hour in devotional exercises and begin business at half past nine.
Prayer by N. Campbell.
Benediction by J. H. Farthing

WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 28, 1898.

The Association met pursuant to adjornment. Spent half an hour in devotional exercises conducted by Elders P. H. Harre and others.
The Association then proceeded to business.
Proceedings of yesterday were read corrected.
The letter from Clifton was read and delegates enrolled. Bro. E. C Woodruff from Stoney Fork, reported as a visitor, and was seated.
The report of Executive Committee was read.
Discussion by H. A. Eller. T. J. Sturgill, J. H. Doughton and Elders T M. Duncan. E. Blevins. I. M. Carter, E. Tucker, R. L. Shoaf, W. H Glenn, G. W. Eller, W. F. Barker, N. Campbell, moderator, M. E. Simcox and others.
All the Elders present belonging, to this Association agreed to donate ten days time or as much time as they could to the mission work in the bounds of this Association and report at next session.


To the Ashe Association.
Dear Brethren:–Your committee has the following report to make of the present state of Mission work: At the beginning of the year we were confronted by a very discouraging state of affairs, viz.: Much destitution and urgent necessity to occupy and cultivate points previously occupied by our missionaries, with growing demands from other points in our territory for missionary labor together with the inability of the State Convention to aid their field as formerly, and to this may be added an unwillingness to maintain and push the work on the part of some of our churches. These are some of the disadvantages under which your committee and missionaries have had to labor. Consequently large plans for the extension of the work were not laid. But, we are happy to report that some work has been done. Though it has been largely through individual sacrifices. With no spirit to dictate your committee would urge the importance of our people, relieving to some extent, at least. the burdens unequally borne in this work. With no assurance of support your committee thought best to divide our territory (for convenience and expediency) into two fields and the work in each was offered to two of our own ministers, us a labor of love for the cause, more than the hope of gain, which offer was accepted by Elders T. M. Duncan and E. Blevins, the former in the south field and the latter in the north field with instructions to each to cultivate his field to the fullest extent of encouragement given by the churches and people, and we regret that this has been less than was anticipated That you may be informed of their individual effort, we incorporate the substance of their report to us in this report: Elder T. M. Duncan began work in the south field, Nov. 13th, 1897. He reports l000 miles traveled, 177 sermons delivered. Professed conversions 52. Religious visits 109. Aided in organizing 6 Sabbath Schools. One house of worship completed and two under course of construction. Organized two churches (Bethlehem and Grayson’s Chapel). Kept 6 appointments as regular as time and circumstances would allow, besides visiting all the churches in his field as often, as time would allow. He expects to close his work about Nov. the l5th, 1898. He reports our cause advanced in some localities and at a stand-still at others. Having met the strongest opposition during the past year in his experience. He reports, received from his field $63.31
Elder E. Blevins began work in the north field about Nov, 1st. 1897, He reports sermons delivered 106. Baptized 11. Religions visits 71. Organized 5 Sabbath Schools. One church house completed, two under course of construction. Kept four regular appointments. Looked after two out stations as much as circumstances would allow. He expects to close his work with the meeting of the State Convention. He reports the cause advanced at some points at Pleasant Home in particular. while other localities are at a stand-still as to our work for lack of missionary labor. He thinks the work should be pushed vigorously the next year. He reports, received from his field $9.30. Your committee comes again with the information so often furnished by the same agency, that of destitution to Baptist preaching. Will we yield the territory to others or will we struggle on? By all means let us choose the latter. Your committee recommend that a strong and united effort be made in all our churches to work our members up to a willingness to maintain and advance their work. Pardon your committee for saying that we believe if we will become willing and anxious about this work that we will find ourselves able to carry Baptist principles and preaching to every neighborhood in this Association, and as our boundary is now on every side by the county line, let our effort be Ashe county for Christ, the Baptist. Submitted. H. A. Eller, L. J. Sturgill, G. L. Porter, J. J. Garvey, Committee

The report was adopted.
Chair announced preaching in the grove. Elders J. H. Farthing and E. F. Anderson preached to a large and attentive audience at 11a.m.
The committee appointed at the preceding association to investigate the validity of church letter of 1897 from Threetop church report an error in inserting the names of delegates contained in said letter. Their report was received. The association still holds said Threetop church in good standing.
The Association took a recess ’till 1:30 p.m.
Benediction by Eld. S. Blackburn.
At 1:30 the association reassembled and proceeded to business.
In the absence of the original committee on Orphanage, Brethren G. W. Eller and J. Robertson were appointed. Committee on the query from Big Laurel church. H.A. Eller and N. Campbell. Committee on colportage was supplied by W. F. Barker. and J. E. Johnson. Committee to name an executive committee, R. L. Shoaf, J. M. Teague. Report on Foreign missions was read and discussed by Elders T. M. Duncan and J. H. Farthing. The Association contributed $2.34 to this object. The report was adopted is follow:


The Foreign Mission work is moving on amid strong opposition. It is the Lord’s work and He continues to bless it and will until all nations shall have beard of Jesus. A few years ago the prayer was for the gospel doors to be opened to the heathen. Now we see through the providence of God by men and means that is answered. Today we have missionaries in China, Burma, Africa, India, Brazil and Japan, aid  – still millions of souls are perishing for the “Bread of Life.” Can we, who are so abundantly blessed in this gospel land, realize that we are doing our duty in this great work of Christianizing the “heathens?” We answer no. The angels said to the shepherds: “I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people.” Your committee advise that the pastors of the Ashe Association indoctrinate their churches on this important work of our denomination that the good work may go on until the name of Jesus shall be glorified in all the world. T. M. DUNCAN.
The Chair announced preaching in the grove. Elders I. M. Carter and N. Campbell preached to a large audience at 3 p. m.
Report on Home Missions was read and adopted without discussion.


We your committee on Home Missions desire to say the Home Mission Board is laboring to have the gospel preached in all destitute places in the United States, Indian Territory, District of Columbia and the Island of Cuba. The number of missionaries employed this year was 467 against 372 last year Baptisms this year 4,739 against 4,709. Total additions to churches this year 9509 against 9455 last year. This board has done a grand and noble work in the spread of the gospel. But still there is almost constantly adding demands to this great work. The Board has frequently called the attention of the churches and Association to the needs of this great work In the mountain district of our country we have tried in the most impressive way we could command to awaken our churches to its pressing wants. Its value to future generations has tried to be shown. Recently a new danger threatens it. The “Mormons,” whose southern headquarters are in Chattanooga, have sent 400 missionaries in this district to penetrate these mountains. find access to the homes of many of our Baptist people and are winning them awav from the truth of God to the acceptance of the abomination of their Christless system. What effort are God’s people willing to make to preserve from the destroying power of a moral pestilence souls of multitudes of our fellow-men. The mountain region lies in the State of Va., W. Va.. Ken., Tenn., N. C. and Ga. The Board is at work in every part of this field. Others who oppose us are at work there too and where we can find but a few hundreds to expend they are furnished with thousands. It is an unequal contest we are called to wage against the opposers of our faith. When will our brethren come to our help.’ Submitted. REV. W. F. BARKER and G. L PORTER, Committee.

Report on State Mission was read and discussed by R. L. Shoaf, T. M. Duncan and L. J. Sturgill and was adopted as appears below:


The design or purpose of State Mission work is to give the gospel to the destitute of N. C., establish churches organize Sunday Schools to aid weak churches and promote Christian benevolence among our people The Lord has greatly blessed us in the past. Our missionaries have preached the gospel in more than three thousand places. Many thousand souls have been converted. Near six hundred churches have been constituted during even the past twenty years. Eternity alone will reveal the far-reaching result from the work done by the State Mission Board in N.C.. Yet we must not so great a mistake as to imagine that the time is come for doing less of this kind of work for not withstanding the vast amount of good accomplished in the past there are more unsaved people in N.C. today than ever before. There are scores, yea, hundred of places in our State in which the gospel has never been preached. The opportunity is given us, the responsibility is upon us. So let us use every effort possible to make ours a Christian State. Let us remember North Carolina belongs to Christ and the Baptist. Our Board of Missions have at present 103 missionaries under its directions. New fields continually being opened the harvest truly is great, the laborers comparatively few. So let us pray the Lord to send more laborers into His vineyard and let us contribute more liberally to their support. We your committee would insist that the Ashe Association continue the State mission work more earnestly than ever before, knowing the above to be facts, and that the Lord will continue to bless our efforts in the future. R. L. Shoaf, L. J. Sturgill, Committee

On motion suspended the regular order of business. The report of Periodicals was read; discussion by J. H. Farthing and Dr. S. L. Perkins of Baltimore, Md.


All our churches should be strong and well informed so as to become efficient in all our church work. as a means to that end we should read good periodicals, such as the Biblical Recorder and the Foreign Mission Journal. The Recorder is the organ of the Baptists of N. C., and should be patronized by all our churches it will inform us of the progress of all the departments of our church work in our convention, and will bring us into sympathy and hearty cooperation with missions, Orphanage, Sunday School work and the support of the pastors and indoctrinate the members in our faith and practice. J. ELLER, C. J. CARTER, Committee.

The report was adopted.
Committee on religious exercises report preaching tomorrow at 11 a. m. by Elders W. H. Glenn and E. Blevins. Committee on Time, Piace and Preacher, report Time, on Tuesday before the second Sunday in Oct. 1899; Place, New River Church, Ashe Co.. N. C. Eld. W. H. Glenn to preach the introductory sermon and Eld. E. Blevins, Alternate. After due consideration the time was changed to Tuesday before the 1st Sunday in Sep. 1899. J. A. PIERCE. W. G. THOMPSON, R. C. SPENCE, Committee
On motion, adjourned prayer by D. S. Blevins; E. Blevins.

Thursday. Sept. 99, 1898.-The Association met at 9 a. m., spent half an hour in devotional exercises conducted by Eld. N. Campbell and others. The Association then proceeded to business. The report on Temperance was read and discussed by E. Tucker, J.R. Brown. Bro. W. C. Fields, from Alleghany and Grayson Association, was recognized and accepted a seat. The discussion was continued by E. Blevins, W. C. Fields, T.- M. Duncan. G. W. Eller and J. H. Farthing. The report was received.


The sin of intemperance has and is causing more sorrow and weeping than any one sin that the Devil has introduced into this world, and we as Baptist ought to set our seal against this evil. We claim that we have thus saith the Lord for what we do. and He says, “Touch not. taste not, handle not the unclean thing.” Submitted. E. TUCKER, N. CAMPBELL, Committee.

RESOLUTIONS.-In connection with the Report on Intemperance Brethren H. A. Eller and T. M. Duncan offered the following resolutions:
Seeing the encroachments upon our morals and churches made by the liquor traffic and consequent intemperance therefore Be it Resolved. (1st), That, we covenant afresh to put forth every legitimate effort to suppress this growing evil and abstain from its use; (2nd), seeing the great destitution to Baptist preaching in our bounds, Resolved, That, we all ministers and laymen covenant to put forth a strong and united effort to preach the gospel through our bounds; (3rd), Resolved, That, the thanks of this Association are due and are hereby tendered to its officers for the courteous and efficient manner they have conducted the business of this session; and that we return our appreciation to this church and entire community for their hospitality manifested to us at this time. H. A. ELLER, T. M. DUNCAN. Committee.

Resolutions were adopted.
The Report on Orphanage was read. Remarks by R.L. Shoaf, P H. Harre and J. R Brown.


We have an institution at Thomasville known as the Baptist Orphanage. It was founded about 12 years ago. This institution has grown in the hearts of our people so that at present we have 300 acres of land with a number of magnificent buildings completed and an other under course of construction known as the Central Building. We have 150 orphan children there who are fed, educated, clothed and taught the useful avocations of life. It also has a printing press operated by these children and a good paper issued weekly from their own hands-called “Charity and Children.” at One dollar per year. Any who will contribute one dollar to this institution will get the paper free for one year. Respectfully submitted. JOHN ROBERTSON, G. W. ELLER, Committee.

The above report was adopted.
A collection of $4.18 was taken up to send Elder J. R. Brown to Baltimore. MD., for surgical treatment.
Chair announced preaching in the grove Elders W. H. Glenn and .E Blevins. preached to a large and attentive audience at 11 a. m.
The association still continued business.
The report on Education was read. Remarks by E. L. Wagoner. W. C. Fields. The report was adopted.


The committee wishes to emphasize the importance of the acquisition of the best education by those who propose to enter the ministry. For the purpose of a preparatory school we heartily recommend to the people Whitehead Academy, Whitehead, Alleghany Co., N. C., under the principal ship of Prof. E. Leff Wagoner. To those who seek a college education, we recommend Wake Forest and those who desire to pursue a theological course, we recommend the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary at Louisville. We strongly urge our churches to support by sympathy and patronage our educational institutions. JOHN J. GARVEY.

The report on Colportage was read. Remarks by W. F. Barker, T. M. Duncan, J. H. Farthing, R. L Shoaf, H. A. Eller, L J. Sturgill The report was adopted.

The Colportage is one of very great importance, especially in this mountain section. There are so many of our people destitute of religious literature and some of the word of the Lord. We recommend that this Association put one or two active brethren in the field. W. F. BARKER, J. E. JOHNSTON, Committee.

On motion it was agreed to instruct the Executive Committee to secure two colporteurs in the bounds of this association.
The committee to name an Executive Committee report H. A, Eller. L. J. Sturgill, A. N. Johnson. J. J. Garvey and A. E. Graybeal as an Executive Committee.
The above report was received.
The query asked by Big Laurel Church was read and answered as fol1ows: Query. Is it right to receive members by application from other churches that could get letters of dismission? Answer. We think it best to get letters when practicable.- H. A. ELLER. Committee.
The following report on Finance was submitted by the undersigned committee which was adopted.


Your committee report:
Received for State Missions $0.50
-Home $00
Foreign $0.15
Orphanage $2.75
” Colportage $0.85
Minute Fund $20.68
Total $24.93

(Signed), C. J CARTER, S. A.CAMPBELL, J.T, KING, Com.

The chair announced the following standing committees:
Foreign Missions-H. A. Eller, J. A Pierce.
Home Missions-Elihu Tucker, G. W. Eller.
State Missions-T. M. Duncan, E. Blevins.
Temperance-W H. Glenn, Newel Stuart.
Ministerial Education-I. M Carter, P. H. Harre.
Colportage-J. J. Garvey, S. Blackburn.
Periodicals-E Phillips, W G. Thompson.
On motion the chair was elected a member of the Board of Missions, State of N. C., for this association, and 59 cents was raised with the $3.01 left over from last year. to be used in defraying his traveling expenses in attending the meeting of said board.
On motion the Secretary was instructed to expend the minute fund in hand in getting out and distributing the minutes after retaining five dollars for his services.
Below is a list of the amount the churches agreed to raise for the support of a missionary in the bounds of this association for 1899:
Apple Grove, $10.
Baptist Home. $5.
Bethel, $5.
Big Laurel, $2 50
Beaver Creek, $5.
Bristol, $2.
Brushy Pork. $2.50.
Buffalo. $2 50
Clifton, $2.
Forest Home,
$10. Friendship, $2.50.
Healing Springs. $1.
Jefferson, $3.
Landmark. $5.
Liberty, $2.
Long Branch. $3.
Mission Home, $5.
Mt. View, $2.50
Meadow View. $5.
New River, $5
Peak Valley $2.50.
Pleasant Home.$4.
Pleasant Hill, $2.
ThreeTop, $1. (paid to Treas.)
Zion Hill, $2.
Bethlehem, $2.
Grayson’s Chapel, $5.


Receipts.-Received from Committee on Finance as follows:
For State Missions $0.50
Foreign .15
Orphanage 2.75
Colportage .85
Foreign Missions (from a collection) 2.34
Total $6.59

For Minute Fund 20.68
Total Amt. Received $27.27
Disbursements.-Mailed to J. D. Bonshall,
Raleigh, N. C., for the different objects, $6.59
Expended for Printing, Postage, Stationery, etc. 15.68
Retained for services, as instructed 5.00
Total Amt. Expended $27.27

There is in my hands $3.60 contributed to be used by the member of the Board of Missions in traveling to the meeting of the Board. There is also $1.00 in my hands to pay to a Missionary in the bounds of this territory for 1899. G. L. PORTER, Treasurer.
On motion adjourned to time and place, before named. The Association united in prayer led by Eld. J. H. Farthing and also sang a hymn giving to one another the parting hand. Benediction by Eld. E. Tucker. Thus passed another very pleasant and harmonious session. J, ELLER, Mod., G. L. PORTER, Sec.

Statistical Table
Churches Post Office Membership
Apple Grove Weasel 121
Baptist Home Solitude 36
Bethel Nettle Knob 94
Bethlehem Baldwin 7
Beaver Creek Beaver Creek 20
Big Laurel Thaxton 18
Bristol Jefferson 36
Brushy Fork Wheeler 75
Buffalo Three Top 88
Clifton Clifton 22
Forest Home Berlin 38
Friendship Idol 49
Gravson’s Ch. Fig 8
Healing Springs Crumpler 82
Jefferson Jefferson 29
Landmark Bud 108
Liberty Silas Creek 25
Long Branch Ashly 22
Mission Home Gap Creek 67
Mt. View Grigsby 57
Meadow View Vernon 22
New River Weaver’s Ford 55
Obids Obids No Report
Peak Valley Sutherland 36
Pleasant Home Sussex 21
Pleasant Hill Hermitage 73
Three Top Trout 11
Zion Hill Wagoner 15
Total 1235