American Legion, ADAMS POST NO. 86 — 1924
Kilmarnock, Virginia
The Adams Post was organized at Kilmarnock in the latter part of 1919. The territory covered includes all of Lancaster County and parts of the adjoining counties. The name is in honor of Robert Dunaway Adams, of White Stone, who gave his life as a supreme sacrifice on the battlefield of France. The Post had the honor in 1921 of rendering its services in the burial of Rob Adams at his home in White Stone.
The Post each year since its organization has had a paid-up membership of between forty and fifty members. It has contributed liberally to the needs of Department and National Headquarters. It has looked after the disabled and others having claims against the government. Representatives were sent to the Department conventions in Roanoke, Charlottesville and Fredericksburg.
On July 1st of this year a lease for five years was secured on a very desirable hall in Kilmarnock. Complete payment was made in advance from funds secured last year in a Fourth of July celebration. The main objective this year, aside from the equipping of the new home, is to have every ex-service in this territory make application for his adjusted compensation.
The regular meeting of the Post is held each month on the first Saturday night.
The officers of this Post have been as follows:
1920–Commander, Dr. C. T. Peirce, of Nuttsville; adjutant, J. E. Currell, of Weems.
1921-Commander, J. E. Currell, of Weems; adjutant, Dr. F. W. Lewis, of Irvington.
1922–Commander, Clarence Walker, of Kilmarnock; adjutant, J. E. Currell, of Weems.
1923-Commander, Wallace Smith, of Irvington; adjutant, J. E. Currell, of Weerns.
The officers for this year are: Commander, T. D. McGinnis, of Molusk; vicecommander, W. C. Hazzard, of White Stone; adjutant, J. E. Currell, of Weems; finance officer, J. E. Currell, of Weems; chaplain, Chas. N. Lawson, of White Stone.
Deceased member: Fred Mason, of Irvington.