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American Legion, POCAHONTAS POST NO. 14 — 1924

Pocahontas, Virginia

American Legion, 1924

On November 11, 1921, the ex-service men of Pocahontas and vicinity engaged in a celebration commemorating the signing of the armistice between Germany and they Allied Nations. From this event dates the movement towards an organization of the American Legion in the town of Pocahontas.

At a meeting on February 6, 1922, held in the town hall, a temporary charter was applied for. The permanent charter was granted by National Headquarters of the Legion on June 10, 1922.

Being handicapped by not having quarters of our own, the Post meetings have been conducted in the council chamber and town hall which allowed more informality than was necessary or prudent as the business meetings should be conducted in a dignified manner.

The total amount of monies deposited in both the banks of Pocahontas amounts to $3,916.66. Of this sum, $91.50 consists of dues collected from sixty-one members at $1.50 each retained from the $3.50 paid in by each member on joining the Post; the remainder, $2.00, going towards the maintenance of State and National Headquarters and publication of The Legion Weekly. The difference between the two sums mentioned above, $3,825.16, was realized from the sale of buttons, tags and flowers; carnival and chautauqua companies; baseball games, sale of chances on radio apparatus and the importation of a football team from Washington and Lee and West Virginia Universities and moving picture exhibitions.

During the course of ten months past we have conducted four funerals in town and two outside of town. Assisted two disabled men in an adjustment of claims against the government. Helped two stranded ex-soldiers in a financial way. Given substantial aid to one member and his family for five months. Purchased three musical instruments for the band. Bought and erected six flags for the graves of ex-soldiers. Cash donations of $157.00 to the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts. Provided entertainment for the residents of Pocahontas through the medium of a carnival; exposition and chautauqua; baseball and football; celebrations, in which every body participated, and by bringing speakers of note to the town. Bought a home for our Post at a cost of $9,000.00-$1,000.00 of which has been paid-which provided a constant source of revenue to the extent of $732.00 per year, at the present time, and, after being improved, should return in rentals $1,200.00 per year.

When the title to the building passes into the hands of the trustees the Post will be placed on a self-supporting basis. Organization of a Legion band under a capable director, which has progressed to such an extent that it has been in demand at public gatherings, and, I neglected to mention previously, has contributed considerably to our finances through the playing. Under this paragraph devoted to achievements, I believe should come the statement that, to date, we have struggled along without requesting the citizens of Pocahontas to contribute to our relief, leaving us in a position to ask for their assistance at the time of greatest need.


1922 ……………………………. 61
1923 ……………………………. 79
1924 ……………………………. 92


Christmas, 1923, delivered twenty-five baskets to as many needy families, costing $3.00 each. Bought $5.00 worth of Red Cross tubercular seals. Gave each member a key to the Dig-In. Given write-up by Times Dispatch. (Clipping enclosed.) Staged minstrel show by John B. Rogers producing company, netting nice sum. At a called meeting January 22, 1924, Department Commander Wicker and Vice-Commander Dyer made addresses. Powder River motion picture shown in January. Display of wartime trophies and souvenirs in window of local store attracts attention in March. Negotiated loan to purchase uniforms for band at a cost of $750.00. Half of this sum raised to date by band playing for organizations. Observance of Memorial Day with appropriate ceremonies. Fourth of July observed by Legion working with trade bureau and baseball association. Met note of $1,000 on Dig-In on June 1st. The Whipping Boss film shown. Rees, Butt, Smith and Hammitt delegates to Bristol convention. Numerous improvements made to building purchased by the Legion and revenue increased to $1,200 a year from rental of same. Constantly getting in better shape financially and growing more in favor with the community. Have done nothing “big” for the town as yet, but on the other hand, have asked nothing from the citizens. Have contracted with the John B. Rogers Producing Company to stage a minstrel show in November on the 10th and 11th. Secured contract from the United Lyceum Bureau for four attractions to be shown in the winter of ’24 and ’25. Did the same thing last year and broke about even on it. This is one thing we have done for the town. Booked these attraction and only charged $2.00 for a season ticket, or 50 cents a number. Co-operated with the Virginia Department in disseminating literature and giving publicity to State department bulletins in the press and by means of two bulletin boards, one of which is stationed in the heart of town on; the main street. Performed various acts of charity, assisted in funerals of deceased ex-service men and their wives, none of whom were members of the Legion. Never lose a chance to advertise ourselves and endeavor at all times to keep in touch with the membership through letters, postals and the press.


Paid $3,000 so for plus the interest, on a nine thousand dollar building that rents for $1,200 a year and in addition gives us a “Dig-In” free, 22 feet wide and 80 feet long-not so bad. Got a piano, Edison, three showers, toilet, washbasin, 100-gallon boiler with stove, post colors (silk), Legion standard (wool), pictures, tables, books, etc., and a band that’s a humdinger, to express it mildly. Not so worse! Ninety-two paid-up members in a town of 2,%00, forty per cent of which are colored. (The population not the members!)

Total paid-up membership as of this date: Ninety-two.
Members in arrears: Thirteen.
Total membership: One hundred and five.
Percentage, 1923, membership paid up for 1924: Eighty-three-One-half per cent.


One Hundred Members by Convention Date and Each Member a Voter. Let’s Go!