American Legion, SIDNEY COULLING POST NO. 133 — 1924
American Legion, 1924
Pittsylvania Post No. 132, originally Chatham Post, was organized under the name of Chatham Post No. 132. The Post is located at Chatham in the heart of a large agricultural community, Pittsylvania County, containing more than one-half million acres of land, with its ex-service men widely scattered. Realizing that Chatham is an integral part of Pittsylvania County, in order to foster the common interest between the town and county it was decided to change the name to Pittsylvania Post. This Post now has members scattered throughout the entire county, many of whom attend its regular meetings.
Pittsylvania Post staged a much appreciated minstrel show during the year of 1922. Several of the acts were originated by Comrade William Rison, one of its talented members. In fact, its great success was principally attributed to Comrade Rison. At the Armistice Day celebration in Chatham on November 11, 1921, this Post furnished a float representing one of the famous French box cars camouflaged with the inscriptions “8 Cheveux” “40 Hommes,” and the majority of the Legionaires marched in the parade in uniforms. Pittsylvania Post during its existence has also taken part in every patriotic celebration held in the town of Chatham.
Since its organization Pittsylvania Post has had regular meetings at least once per month. Through the indomitable efforts of its executives it has striven at all times to make its meetings interesting. It has held, at least once in each year, a smoker and has served refreshments to all exservice men who cared to attend, whether or not they were members of the Legion. This feature has contributed largely in holding the Post together and has renewed the bonds of comradeship, for which the Legion was founded.
Pittsylvania Post was represented at the State convention at Norfolk in 1921 by C. O. McCormick as its delegate. In 1922, the Post sent to Charlottesville as its delegates, C. O. McCormick and B. C. Goode. At that meeting C. O. McCormick was elected as one of the department executive committeemen for the Fifth Congressional District of Virginia, and was also elected as one of the State delegates to the National Legion Convention held in New Orleans in the fall of 1922. During the same year the Post sent to the frst district conference held in Danville, as its delegates, B. M. Reid and C. O. McCormick, who assisted in formulating many of the policies of the various districts posts. In 1923, the Post sent to the State convention at Fredericksburg as its delegates, B. M. Reid and C. O. McCormick. At this meeting C. O. McCormick was re-elected one of the department executive committeemen of the Fifth Congressional District. In this capacity he has attended several of the committee meetings at Richmond and has rendered material service to the Legion throughout the district. In December, 1923, this Post was represented by B. M. Reid, Post commander, and C. O. McCormick, district committeeman, at the District Conference in Martinsville.
Pittsylvania Post has always taken a special interest in the disabled ex-service men. Its present adjutant, B. M. Reid, has been untiring in his efforts to assist the disabled veterans to procure their, just compensation from the government. W. G. Vansant was elected war risk officer in 1921 and after becoming familiar with the duties has been continued in office until the present time. He has assisted more than a score of veterans in making their proper claims upon the United States Veteran Bureau. Both the adjutant and the war risk officer have been accessible at all times to aid all ex-service men in making applications for benefits under the Adjusted Compensation Act. The, Post used all legitimate methods to aid the passage of the Adjusted Compensation Act by communicating with all of the Virginia representatives in Congress and by other methods. On Memorial Day, 1924, the Post placed poppies on sale and donated the proceeds to the disabled veterans in the various hospitals in the State.
It has been the policy of Pittsylvania Post to keep its membership fees as low as possible in order that no worthy veteran be denied the benefits of the Legion on account of finances. This Post has resorted to a number of methods for raising funds for its current expenses. The method which has proved most successful was devised by Comrade Allan T. Davis, the present Post commander, and one of its most loyal members.
An agreement was made with the manager of the local movie theater whereby the Post is allowed to arrange a special show on any night there is not a regular show and to receive onehalf of the net proceeds. As the consideration for the benefits received the Post agrees “to police” the theater, both. before and during the performance, and to advertise the show. However, it is not allowed to do any advertising until the day of the show.
Since its organization Pittsylvania Post has had the misfortune to lose one of its most active members on account of death, Comrade Raymond Hunt. The Post has officiated at a number of funerals of ex-service men. It is the aim of the Post to have markers placed at the graves of all men who died in service.
1921-Post commander, C. O. McCormick: vice-commander, B. M. Reid; adjutant and finance officer, John D. Law; war risk officer, W. G. Vansant ; Post historian, T. C. Williams.
1922-Post commander, C. O. McCormick; vice-commander, William Rison; adjutant and finance officer, B. M. Reid; war risk officer, W. G. Vansant; Post historian, John A. Moses; chaplain, Frank H. Norman.
1923-Post commander, B. M. Reid (Dr. J. C. Anderson, resigned) ; vice-commander, Willie D. Yeatts; adjutant and finance officer, William Rison; war risk officer, W. G. Vansant; Post historian, Dr. E. S. Allen; chaplain, Frank Fuller.
1924-Post commander, Allan T. Davis; vice-commander, John D. Law; adjutant and finance officer, B. M. Reid; war risk officer, W. G. Vansant; Post historian, E. E. Friend; chaplain, Rev. R. H. Baker, Jr.