American Legion, CLARKSVILLE POST NO. 123 — 1924
Clarksville, Virginia
Clarksville Post No. 123, American Legion, was chartered April 10, 1921, and has been actively and aggressively engaged in Legion work from its inception.
The first commander of the Post was John W. Russell; second, Wm. K. Taylor; third, John W. Tisdale, now serving his second term, and is also mayor of the town.
The present officers are as follows: Commander, John W. Tisdale; vice-commander, Flavius Puryear; adjutant, J. Frank Ligon; treasurer, Wm. K. Taylor; chaplain, Dr. Asa Driscoll.
These officers and the great majority of the members of this Post saw service in France, and some of them bear the marks of that service upon their bodies.
This Post has been especially active in the observation of Memorial Day, and has worked up a great attendance upon that day in this section. Through its membership public sentiment has aroused; a great basket dinner is provided each year; services are held in one of the churches; a suitable address is delivered by a Legionnaire; a procession is formed and marched to the cemetery, where the usual honors are paid to our comrades who made the supreme sacrifice.
The activities of the Post reach out to the community. Under its auspices the Boy Scouts were organized, and the town has a flourishing troop, the scoutmaster of which is a member of the Legion.
The Post also helped to finance the formation of a company of the Virginia National Guards, the officers of which are members of the Post.
The graves of our dead members have been marked with the official Legion markers.
While the Post is a small one numerically, we are very much alive, and hope to accomplish something worth while in taking care of the interests of our comrades in the bonus matter, as well as to aid in all matters pertaining to the interests of our community.