American Legion, CORNELIA THORNTON POST NO. 110 — 1924
Norfolk, Virginia
Cornelia Thornton Post 110 was organized March 8, 1923, in the City of Norfolk, Norfolk County, Va., to further the sentiments as expressed in the preamble, and to affectuate the objects set forth in the National Constitution and that of the Department of Virginia. Nineteen veteran nurses formed this Post and elected Mary B. Waldron, Post commander; Mary E. Downs, adjutant. A membership drive secured the two remaining eligibles, making the membership twenty-one.
All members are qualified voters and wearers of the Legion button. Two meetings each month, one day and one night, so all members can keep in touch with Post, State and National activities.
During the summer of 1923, the Post rendered many hours of nursing service gratis; provided clothing for five persons and agreed to pay half of the expenses of raising and educating Virginia girl of four years. Participated in an Armistice Day parade.
At the election of officers in January, 1924, Mary B. Waldron reelected Post commander; Julia B. Hier, first U. Comrade; Alene S. Whitaker, second U. Comrade ; Mary E. Downes re-elected Post adjutant; Josephine Curran, finance officer; Ada M. Ande, Post chaplain; Minnie B. Parker, Post historian; Florence D. Miller, sergeant-at-arms; Alene S. Whitaker, service officer. Chevron worn by Mary E. Downes.
Post adopted two buddies for 1924.
Rendered service in obtaining evidence of disability for four men.
Visited disabled veterans at Soldiers’ Home, Hampton, Va., took pipes, tobacco, cigarettes and matches. This visit is especially intended to ascertain their needs as a visit each month will be continued.
Subscriptions to have’ paper sent by request to a totally disabled veteran. Four boxes sent to friendless veteran in Neuropsychiatric Hospital.
Public welfare lectures on sanitation, public health and care of infants.
Clothing provided for six persons made homeless by fire.
The Social Committee keep us entertained with beach parties, cards and socials.