The Maryland Directory — 1878
The following county links will lead to the individual county accounts contained in the 1878 Maryland Directory, published by J. Frank Lewis & Co. of Baltimore. The preface to this work reads:
“Being a descriptive compilation of the counties, towns, villages, and post offices and names of merchants, manufacturers, professional men, farmers, tobacco planters, peach growers, mechanics, churches and pastors; also price and quality of farming and other lands, and amount produced per acre; mountain, valley, and river scenery; suitable points for emigrants and others to locate; mills and mill owners; country merchants, and general stores; state, federal, judicial, municipal, town and county officers; hotels and summer resorts; shipping, express, postal and freight routes, taxable property and rates of taxation; newspapers, banks, bankers, benevolent societies, colleges, schools, and other new and valuable information never before published.”
Annapolis – Famers’ National; capital $251,700; Alexander Randall, President, Louis G. Gassaway, Cashier
Annapolis – Savings Institution; capital $25,000; Wm. H. Gorman, President, Eugene Worhington, Cashier
Baltimore – Chesapeake, capital, $359,903; J. S. Gittings, President, J. M. Littig, Cashier
Baltimore – Citizen’s; capital $1,000,000, Henry James, President, J. Wesley Guest, Cashier
Baltimore – Commercial & Farmers’ National; capital $512,560, Jesse Slingluff, President, John D. Early, Cashier
Baltimore – Farmers & Merchants’ National; capital $650,000; J. Hanson Thomas, President, James Sloan, Jr., Cashier
Baltimore — First National; capital $1,110,000; J. S. Norris, President, E. J. Penniman, Cashier
Baltimore — Franklin; captial $625,000; C. J. Baker, President, Geo. Sanders, Acting Cashier
Baltimore – Marine; capital $405,490, B. A. Vickers, President, Samuel T. Shaw, Cashier
Baltimore – Merchants’ National; Captial $1,500,000; Alexander H. Stump, President, Wm. L. Gill, Cashier
Baltimore-National Bank of Baltimore; capital $1,210,700; Henry A. Thompson, President, J. Thos. Smith, Chasier
Baltimore–National Farmers and Planters’; capital $800,000; Enoch Pratt President, Richard Cornelius, Cashier
Baltimore–National Mechanics’; captial $1,000,000; Robert T. Baldwin, President, C. R. Coleman, Cashier
Baltimore–National Union; capital $1,258,725; Wm. W. Taylor, President, R. Mickle, Cashier
Baltimore-Old Town; capital $150,000; E. G. Hipsley, President, James R. Edmunds, Cashier
Baltimore-Third National; capital $600,000; Thos. Y. Canby Vice President, A. M. Carter, Cashier
Baltimore – Traders’ National; captial $250,000; Isaac S. George, President, Clayton Cannon, Cashier
Centerville-Centerville National; capital $75,000; Wm. McKenney, President, R. E. Feddeman, Cashier
Chestertown–Kent National; capital $50,000; George B. Wescott, President, W. N. E. Wickes, Cashier
Cumberland–First National; captial $100,000; Joseph Shriver, President, Edwin T. Shriver, Cashier
Cumberland–Queen City Savings; capital $100,000; James M. Schley, President, W. E. Weber, Cashier
Cumberland–Second National; captial $100,000; Lloyd Lowndes, Jr., President, Daniel Annan, Cashier
Easton–Easton National Bank of Maryland; capital $200,000; J. L. Adkins, President, R. Thomas Cashier.
Easton–Workingmen’s P. B. & L. Ass’n; capital $140,000; M. M. Dawson, President, R. B. Dixon, Treasurer
Elkton–National Bank of Elkton; capital $50,000; Jacob Tome, President, Charles B. Finley, Cashier
Frederick–Central National; capital $200,000; George R. Dennis, President, P. M. Englebrecht, Cashier
Frederick–Farmers and Mechanics National; capital $125.000; Ezra Houck, President, Samuel Nixdorff, Cashier
Frederick-First National; capital $100,000; Thos. Gorsuch, President, Thos. M. Markell, Cashier
Frederick, Franklin Savings; capital $90,000; A. D. O’Leary, President, W. H. Nicodemus, Cashier
Frederick-Frederick County National; capital $150,000; John H. Williams, John H. Williams, President, Perry B. McCleery, Cashier
Frederick–Frederick Town Savings Institution; capital $175,000; Louis Markell, President, L. V. Scholl, Cashier
Hagerstown–First National; capital $100,000; Geo. Schley, President, P. B. Small Cashier
Hagerstown–Hagerstown Bank; capital $150,000; Wm. T. Hamilton, President, Joseph Kausler, Cashier
Hagerstown–Washington County Savings Institution; capital $30,000; Geo. W. Smith President, Thomas Taggart, Secretary and Treasurer
New Windsor–First National; capital $55,000; Thos. F. Shepherd, President, N. H. Baile, Cashier.
Port Deposit–Cecil National; captial $300,000; Jacob Tome, President, R. C. Hopkins, Cashier
Rising Sun–Rising Sun Banking Co.; capital $100,000; James M. Evans, President, H. H. Haines, Cashier
Uniontown–Uniontown Savings Institution; capital $40,000; John Gore, President, Wm. H. Starr, Cashier
Westminster, Farmers and Mechanics National; capital $75,000; Joseph Schaeffer, President, Wm. A. Cunningham, Cashier.
Westminster–First National; capital $125,000; G. S. Haines, President, Geo. R. Gehr, Cashier
Westminster–Union National; capital $100,000; J. K. Longwell, President, J. W. Hering, Cashier.
Westminster, Westminster Savings Institution; capital $10,000; Jesse Reifsnider, President, B. W. Bennett, Cashier
Williamsport–Washington County National; capital $150,000, S. S. Cunningham, President, E. G. W. Stake, Cashier.
Agricultural College–Independent Farmer, Tuesdays, Independent; subscription $1; established 1878. Dr. Thomas Foster, editor and publisher.
Annapolis–Anne Arundel Advertiser, Thursdays, Democratic; subscription $1; established 1870. Wm. T. Iglehart, editor and publisher.
Annapolis–Gazette, Tuesdays, Republican; subscription $1; established 1745. J. Guest King, editor and publisher.
Annapolis–Maryland Republican, Saturdays, Democratic; subscription $1; established 1809. L. F. Colton & Co., editors and publishers.
ANNAPOLIS–THE RECORD, Saturdays, Democratic; subscription $1; established 1875. E. B. Riley, Jr.,editor and publisher.
BALTlMORE AMERIcAN, daily, except Sunday, and weekly, Saturdays, Republican; subscription, daily $10, weekly $1.50; established, daily 1773, weekly 1849. Charles C. Fulton & Son, editors.
BALTIMORE–BALTIMOREAN, Saturdays, Democratic; subscription $2; established 1872. Crutchfields & Hass, editors and publishers.
BALTIMORE–BULLETIN, every evening, except Sunday, Democratic; subscription $6; established 1875. Bulletin Publishing Co., editors and publishers.
BALTIMORE-CATHOMC MIRROR, Saturdays, Religious; subscription $3; established 1850. Kelly, Piet & Co., editors and publishers.
BALTMORE-DEUTSCHE CORRESPONDENT, daily, except Sunday, and weekly, Fridays, Democratic; subscription, daily $7, weekly $2.50; established, daily 1840 weekly 1844. Frederick Raine, editor and publisher.
BALTIMORE-GAZETTE, daily, except Sunday, and weekly, Saturdays, Democratic; subscription, daily $10, weekly $1.60; established daily 1840, weekly 1864. Gazette Publishing Co., editors and publishers.
BALTIMORE-HERALD, daily, except Sunday, Republican; subscription $3; established 1873. Herald Publishing Co., editors and publishers.
BALTIMORE–JOURNAL OF COMMERCE–Saturdays, Commercial; subscription $5; established 1849. Porter & Hamilton, editors and publishers.
BALTIMORE MARKET JOURNAL, Saturdays, Commercial; subscription $2; established 1871. E. J. Simpson editor; Smith & Simpson, publishers.
BALTIMORE-NEWS, daily, except Sunday, Democratic; subscription $3; established 1870. Hermange & Brewer, editors and publishers.
BALTIMORE–PRESBYTERIAN WEEKLY, Thursdays, Reilgious-subscription $1.50; established 1872. Rev. George Morrison, editor; Graham, Morrison & Pratt, publishers.
BALTIMOE-SUN, daily, except Sunday; and weekly, Saturdays, Independent; subscription, daily, $6; weekly, $1.50; established, daily, 1799, weekly, 1838. A S. Abell & Co., editors and publishers.
BALTIMOR–STANDARD, Saturdays, Independent; subscription $1.50; established 1875. Wm. K. Connelly, editor and publisher.
BALTIMORE–SUNDAY NEWS, Democratic; subscription $1.50; established 1874. liermange & Brewer, editors and publishers.
BALTIMORE–UNDERWRITER, Thursdays; aubscriptlon $3; establisbed 1865. Bombaugh & Ransom, editors and publishers.
BEL AIR-THE AEGIS AND INTELLIGENCER, Fridays, Democratic subscription$1.50; established 1856. F. W. Baker, editor and publisher.
BEL AIR-HARFORD DEMOCRAT, Fridays, Democratic; subscription $1.50; established 1868. J. M. Streett & Co., editors and publishers.
BOONSBORO–ODD FELLOW, Thursdays, Republican; subscription $1.50; established 1842. J. M. Mentzer, editor and publisher.
CAMBRIDGE-CHRONICLE, Wednesdays, Democratic; subscription $1.50; established 1828. Sulivane & Vinton, editors and publishers.
CAMBRIDGE-DEMOCRAT AND NEWS, Saturdays, Democratic; subscription $150; established 1838. J. H. Johnson, editor and publisher.
CENTERVILLE–OBSERVER, Tuesdays, Democratic; subscription $1.50; established 1864. Wm W. Busteed, editor and publisher.
CENTREVILLE-RECORD, Thursdays, Democratic; subscription $1.50; established 1875. W. Scott Roberts, editor and publisher.
CHESTERTOWN-KENT NEWS, Saturdays, Democratic; subscription $2; established 1840. Plummer & Usilton, editors and publishers.
CHESTERTOWN – TRANSCRIPT, Fridays, Democratic; subscription $2; established 1862. George A. Hanson, editor and publisher.
CRISFIELD-LEADER, Saturdays, Independent; subscription $1.50; established 1872. Wm. R. Reese, editor; Hodison, Bock & Co., publishers.
CUMBERLAND-CIVILIAN, Sundays, Republican; subscription $2; established 1828. Wm. H. Lowdermilk, editor and publisher.
CUMBERLAND NEWS, daily, (Sunday excepted,) Republican; subscription $7; established 1871. Henry J. Johnson, editor and publisher.
CUMBERLAND-MOUNTAIN SENTINEL, Fridays, Independent; subscription $1.50; established 1878. Gordon & Sheiry, editors and publishers.
DENTON – AMERICAN UNION, Thursdays, Republican; subscription $1.50; established 1860; Jno. H. Emerson, editor and publisher.
DENTON – JOURNAL, Saturdays Democratic; subscription $1.50; established 1847. Melvin & Steele, editors and publishers.
EASTON-GAZETTE, Saturdays, Republican; subscription $1.50; established 1816. W. H. Councell, editor and publisher.
EASTON-LEDGER, Thursdays, Democratic; subscription $1.50; established 1863. Julius A. Johnson, editor and publisher.
EASTON-STAR, Tuesdays, Democratic; subscription $1.50; established 1800. T. K. Robson, editor and publisher.
ELKTON-CECIL DEMOCRAT, Saturdays, Democratic; subscription $2; established 1841. G. W. Cruikshank, editor and publisher.
ELKTON-CECIL WHIG, Saturdays, Republican; subscription $2; established 1841. H. R Torbert, editor and publisher.
ELLICOTT CITY-AMERICAN PROGRESS, Fridays, Republican; subscription $1.50; established 1871. I. Wolfersberger, editor and publisher.
ELLICOTT CITY-TIMES, Saturdays, Democratic; subscription $2; established 1869. Louis J. and J. Harwood Watkins, editors and publishers.
FEDERALSBURG MARYLAND COURIER, Saturdays, Independent; subscription $1.10; established 1872. Wm. D. Noble, editor and publisher.
FREDERICK-EXAMINER, Wednesdays, Republican; subscription $2; established 1804. Keefer and Knauff, editors and published.
FREDERICK-MARYLAND UNION, Thursdays, Democratic; subscription $2; established 1854. Chas Cole, editor and publisher.
FREDERICK-REPUBLICAN CITIZEN, Fridays, Democratic; subscription $2; established 1821. Baughman Bros., editors and publishers.
FREDERICK-TIMES, daily and weekly Republican; subscription $1.50; established 1876. Kaufman & Bouldin, editors and publishers
FROSTBURG-MINING JOURNAL, Saturdays, independent; subscription $2; established 1871. J. B. Oder & Bro., editors and publishers
HAGERSTOWN-NEWS, daily, except Sunday, and weekly, Saturdays, Republican; subscription, daily, $5; weekly, $1; established 1873. Adams & Herbert, editors and publishers.
HAGERSTOWN – HERALD AND TORCH LIGHT, Wednesdays, Republican; subscription $2; established 1813. Negley, Mittag & Sneary, editors and publishers.
HAGERSTOWN-YEOMEN’s GUARD, Tuesday, Democratic – subscription $1.50; estabilshed 1878. Robert Haydn & CO., editors and publishers.
HAVRE DE GRACE-HAVRE REPUBLICAN, Fridays, Republican; subscription $1.50; established 1868. A. P. McCombs, editor and publisher.
LEONARDSTOWN-ST. MARY’s BEACON, Thursdays, Democratic; subscription $2; established 1868. King & Downs, editors and publishers.
LIBERTY-BANNER OF LIBERTY, Fridays, Republican; subscription $1.25; established 1850. J. S. L. Rodrick, editor and publisher.
LONACONING – VALLEY TIMES, Fridays, Independent; subscription $2; established 1877. M- Frost, editor and publisher.
MECHANICSTOWN – CATOCTIN CLARION, Thursdays, Independent; subscription $1.50; established 1870. Alex. P. Beatty, editor and publisher.
MIDDLETOWN-VALLEY REGISTER, Fridays, Republican; subscription $1.50; established 1844. G. C. Rhoderick, editor and publisher.
NEWTOWN-RRCORD&GAZETTE, Saturdays, Independent; subscription $2; established 1865. A. J. Merrill, editor and publisher.
OAKLAND-GARRETT CO. HERALD, Saturdays, Democratic; subription $1.50; established 1878. H. P. Tasker, editor and publisher.
OAKLAND-REPUBLICAN, Saturdays, Republican; subscription $1.50; established 1877. James A. Hayden, editor and publisher.
PORT TOBACCO-MARYLAND INDEPENDENT, Thursdays; subscription $1; established 1878. John S. Button & Co., editors and publishers.
PORT TOBACCO-TIMES, Fridays, Democratic; subscription $2; established 1844, Samuel O. Wells, editor and publisher.
PRINCE FREDERICK-CALVERT JOURNAL, Saturdays, Democratic; Subscription $1.50; established 1866. Parran & Sollers, editors and publishers.
PRINCESS ANNE – SOMERSET HERALD, Tuesdays, Independent; subscription. $1.50; established 1860. C. W. Fontaine, editor and publisher.
PRINCESS ANNE-TRUE MARYLANDER, Tuesdays, Democratic; subscription $2; established 1865. E. G. Polk, ed itor and publisher.
REISTERSTOWN-PEOPLE’S VOICE, Saturdays, Independent; subscription $1 established 1874. B. Howard Scott, editor and publisher.
ROCKVILLE-MONTGOMERY ADVOCATE, Thursdays, Democratic; subscription $1.50; established 1872-Wm. Brewer, editor and publisher.
ROCKVILLE-MONTGOMERY CO. SENTINEL, Fridays, Democratic; subscription $1.50; established 1855. M. Fields, editor and publisher.
SALISBURY-ADVERTISER, Saturdays, Democratic; supcription, $1; established 1867. Lemuel Malone, editor and publisher.
SALISBURY–EASTERN SHOREMAN, Saturdays, Democratic, subscrption $1, established 1868; E. Stanley Toadvin, editor and publisher.
SNOW HILl-DEMOCRATIC MESSENGER, Saturdays, Democratic; subscription $1; established 1869. Littleton Dennis, editor and publisher.
SNOW HILL-WORCESTER Co.SHIELD, Saturdays, Democratic; subscription $1; established 1844. B. Everett Sraith, editor and publisher.
ST. MICHAEL’S-COMET AND ADVERTISER, Saturdays, Independent; subscription $1; established 1866. Geo. E. Haddaway, editor and publisher.
TOWSONTOWN-BALTIMORE COUNTY HERALD, Saturdays, Democratic; subscription $1.50, established 1869. Joseph B. Mitchell & Co., editors and publisher.
TOWSONTOWN-BALTIMORE COUNTY UNION, Saturdays, Republican; subscription $1.50; established 1854. LougneckerBros., editors and publishers.
TOWSONTOWN–MARYLAND JOURNAL, Saturdays, Democratic; subscription $1.50; established 1865. Wm. H. Ruby, editor and publisher.
UPPER MARLBOROUGH–MARLBOROUGH GAZETTE, Wednesdays, Democratic, subscription $2; established 1836. I. S. Wilson, editor and publisher.
UPPER MARLBOROUGH–PRINCE GEORGIAN, Fridays, Democratic; subscription $2, established 1862. Thomas J. Turner, editor and publisher.
WESTMINSTER–AMERICAN SENTINEL, Saturdays, Republican; subscription $1.50, established 1834. E. J. Rippard & Co., editors and publishers.
WESTMINSTER–DEMOCRATIC ADVOCATE, Saturdays, Democratic; subscription $2; established 1866. H. & W. H. Vanderford, editors and publishers.
WILLIAMSPORT–PILOT, Saturdays, Democratic; subscription $1.50; established 1870. Oscar S. Shawen, editor and publisher.
WOODBERRY–NEWS, Saturdays, Independent; subscription $2; established 1872. F. L. Morling & Co., editors and publishers.
ALLEGANY COUNTY is in the western division of the State, and is bounded on the east by Washington County, south by the north branch of the Potomac River to the mouth of Savage River, then in a north easterly direction to summit of Savage Mountain, (which is the dividing line between it and Garrett County,) and on to the Pennsylvania line. This county is crossed by the ranges of the Mlegany Mountains, from which it takes its name. The geology is composed principally of sandstone and limestone, with quartz and slate. The most valuable minerals are the vast coal fields and iron ore beds. The soil is of varying character, of sand and clay; in some parts quite fertile, though mostly uncultivated and covered with natural forests. The waters of the county are the north branch of the Potomac and Savage River, and George’s, Wills’, Town, Fifteen Mile and Evitt’s Creeks, with many tributaries heading in the mountains, and all flowing into the Potomac. The surface of Allegany is broken and irregular, the greater part being in the mountains, and covered with the original forests of fine timbers; whilst between the mountain ridges are many broad and level valleys, which have in most cases rich, deep soil, and are covered with excellent grasses, forming naturally, very fine grazing lands, and yielding large crops of good hay. The lands also make good farms, producing all kinds of grain and fine fruit Allegany possesses in its immense coal fields the most valuable mineral deposits in the State.
The celebrated Cumberland coal field lies west of the city, in a basin formed by the Great Savage Mountain on the north-west and the Dan’s Mountain on the south-east, and running north-east and south-west from Pennsylvama State Line, through Allegany County, into Mineral County, West Virginia. The basin is about five miles wide between the two ranges and about twenty miles long. The floor of the basin slopes from either end upwards to Frostburg, where it attains its greatest altitude, from 2,000 to 2,100 feet above mean tide.
The southern slope of the basin is drained by George’s Creek, flowing south-west from Frostburg and emptying into the Potomac River. The northern slope, by Jenning’s Run, flowing north-west into Wills’ Creek. The aggregate depth of the coal formation here is 1,100 feet, its base being the Millstone Grit. Capping the summits of Savage and Dan’s Mountains, it extends down their sides into the valley, where it dips below the surface. The principal coal veins are, first, the “Big Vein,” fourteen feet of coal, lying 1,860 feet above tide. This is the vein from which most of the coal is now mined. It underlies the surface of the valley at Frostburg and Borden Shaft, but southward, down the George’s Creek, water has cut away that portion of the measure lying in the lowest part of the valley and with it this vein, (which here must have been very near the surface), leaving the higher parts only of the vein standing in the hills thus formed on either side of the water course. Second, the “Four Foot Vein,” which lies about 800 feet below the “Fourteen Foot Vein.” This vein is below water in the higher part of the basin; but appears about sixty feet above at Barton, and lies above the level from that point southward, down the George’s Creek. This vein has been opened by the Piedmont Coal and Iron Company, and proves to be equal In quality to the BIg Vein, and in the southern portion of the basin lies in such a way as to be easily mined. Lastly, the Six Foot Vein,” which lies 160 feet below the “Four Foot Vein,” and is above water level in the lower part of the valley only. This vein is now successfully mined at the New Reading opening, at Westernport. These two lower veins, though smaller in size than the “Big Vein,” have a much greater acreage, as but ilitle of either vein has been cut away by erosion. At present the abussent supply contained in the large vein is so easy of access and can be so cheaply mined, that these smaller veins have not received the share of attention which they eventually will. Several new openings other than those mentioned are now being made in these smaller veins, with very encouraging prospects.
The total acreage of coal land in this field is 44,132. Of this, 17,300 acres contain the large “Fourteen Foot Vein,” and of course all contain the two smaller veins. Besides these, which are the working veins, there are numerous other small veins, throughout the entire depth ol the coal measure; these veins are from six inches to three feet In thickness; they have never received any attention from mining companies or experts, and we are not able to say what may be their actual value in workable coal. The Cumberland coal field is one of extraordinary wealth. Mining began in 1842, and since then over 81,000,000 tons in all, and 2,410,891 tons in a single year, have been sent into the market by twenty companies, the portion of the field now most worked being that between Frostburg and Piedmont, on George’s Creek. This immense transportation has been chiefly done over the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. in the two principal veins there are estimated to be now 318,000,000 tons, besides several underlying veins not yet developed. The coal occurs in such a manner as to make the expense of working a minimum, being never far from the surface and In veins of great thickness, the one of fourteen feet having no parallel elsewhere.
The coal produced is semi-bituminous, burns very easily and to a very light ash, having no slack or clinker; it is excellent for blacksmithing, and unexcelled for manufacturing purposes generally, being the very best fuel for generating steam. It is largely furnished for the supplies of New England, the State of New York, for steamship purposes, and to all the Atlantic cities, and is largely exported to the West Indies, the eastern and western coasts of South America, Cailfornia, etc. It is also sent by the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad and its connections, for manufacturing purposes to Ohio, Indiana, Illnois, and many other Western States. This county has also large supplies of iron ores which are smelted in several large furnaces; many undeveloped beds being a very fine description of ore; also, excellent building materials of limestone and sandstone, and large quantities of hydraulic cement; sandstone suitable for manufacturing glass can be found in large quantities on the suburbs of Cumberland. Fine clay, of a very superior quality, is found and manufactured in immense quantities at Mt. Savage. This county has great and most innumerable water powers, comparatively little used, having only some few grist and saw nillis for local uses only. The climate is pure and healthy. The principal productions are corn, oats, buckwheat, potatoes, butter, hay, wool, liquors, leather, coal and lumber.
Judges – Fourth Judicial Circuit: Hon. Richard H. Alvey, Chief Judge,Cumberland. Hon. Wm. Motter and Hon. George A. Pearre, Associate Judges, Cumberland Commissionrrs of Court- Robert W. McMichael, John B. Fay and Gliasan T. Porter, Cumberland. Auditor-M. A.Healey. Clerk to Court–Theodore Luman, Cumberland. P. Rowland, W. O. Hoffman, J. H. Thurston, S. B. Harrison, and F. McCulloh. Crier-B. T. Garlitz. Sheriff John G. Bauer, Cumberland. Deputy Sheriffs-F.M. Offutt, W. Montgomery, G. B. Paker and M. Reid. State’s Attorney. A. Hunter Boyd, Cumberland. Warden of Jail–John G. Bauer. Physician to Jail- Dr. G. B. Fundenberg. Judges of Orphan’s Court–John Coulehan, Chief Judge, Robt. Bruce, and Wm. Piatt. Register of Wills-John Rhind, Cumberland. Deputy-M. F. Howard, Cumberland. County Commissioners–A. C. Greene, W. R. Beall, Geo. Reuschlein, A. B. Shaw and A. Trail. Attorney to Commissioners– Henry W. Hoffman. County Treasurer–Robert Shriver. School Commissioners-John M. Buchanan, Pres’t., Dr. G. B. Fundenberg and Jesse R. Wilson. Secretary–Geo. G. McKay. Trustees of Almshouse–T. W. Shryer, L. W. Brant and Amos Gross. Steward-J. H. Stallings. Physicians–Dr. G. B. Fundenberg. Register of Voters–H. H. Yonkers, Orleans; Frankis Darkey, Oldtown; Owen McElfish, Flintstone; E. J. Edwards, Joesph Wegman, J. C. Hoffman, and E. E. Grannon, Cumberland, A C. Rawlings; Maurice A. Miller, Westerport; Aden A. Everstine, Barton, J. T. Brady and John H. Kenney, Lonaconing; John Hitchins and Worthington McCulloh, Jr., Frostburg; James Stevens, Mt. Savage. Constables–H. White, J. H. Houx, J. George, Jacob Wickard, Wm. Bell, M. Reed, H. Thomson, Wm. Findlay, S. H. Sechman, G. B. Parker, John Johns, and L. Shaw. Tax Collectors–J. B. Stottlemyer, Wm. Hall, J. D. Armstrong, A. M. Rush and Patrick Mullen. Justices of the Peace–Daniel Blocker, H. J.Flanisagan, Andrew Gender H H Hobrock, J. Wm. Jones, J. M. Strong, J. B.Widener, J. F. Harrison , S.Cresap,O. Riordan, G.W. Sheets, O. G.Barcbus, John Ryan, Jas. Dooley, John Laveue, John Barth, Jas.Watson, Henry R.Atkinson,Perrin Lennox J M Turner, C. B. Murphy, John Sammon, John C. Weis, Patrick Kaden and H. Shiruliff. Notaries Public–W. E. Griffith, J. B Humbird, Jas. A, MeHenry, and G. L. Wellington. Congressman, Sixth District-Hon. Wm. Walsh, Cumberland. U. S. Commissioner–Henry W. Hoffman, Cumberiand, Revenue Collector-Daniel C. Bruce, Cumberland. State Senator-Hon. Thomas G. McCulloh, Cumberland. Members House of Delegates–Hon. George M. Rawlings, Henry R. Atkinson, Wm. O. Sprigg, and John R. Brooke, Cumberland. Terms of Circuit Court, which are held in the Court House at Cumberland, the county seat. Law Terms-2nd Monday in April and October, and 1st Monday in January. Chancery Terms–1st Monday in January, 3d Monday in February, and 2nd Mondays in April, June, August, and October. Population of County–White 27,000; Colored 1,500. Registered Vote 7,000. Assessed Valuee of Personal, Real, Stocks and Rail Road Property–$20,656,340. State and County Tax–88 cents on $100.
Is on the Cunaherland & Penna. Railroad, 5 miles north of Piedmont, W. Va. third division of the Balto. & Ohio R R., 33 miles from Cumberland via B. & O., 21 by pike, 11 from Frostburg, and 15 from Mt. Savage. The climate is healthy, and the land is mostly cleared out, with some oak, hickory, ash, walnut, beech and chestnut yet standing of a light growth; oak the heavies. The land is thin and slaty, can be bought for $10 to $12 per acre, and produces 25 bus. oats, 150 bus. potatoes, 25 bus. corn, 12 bus. buckwheat, 10 bus. rye, and a ton of hay; not much wheat raised, average per acre 10 bus. There are no inducements for emigrants, this being a mining town, and all the support of the inhabitants is obtained from that source. Plenty of good water; George’s Creek, a small stream, passes here, and furnishes an abundant supply for local use. Peter Goodwin, Postmaster. Population, 1900.
CHURCHES AND PASTORS – M. E, Rev. J. K. Walsh Roman Catholic, Rev. Father M. A Fennie; ~resbyter~au, Rev. J: A. Bower; Baptist, no pastor; Lutheran, (German,) no pastor.
BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES – A. F. & A. M. –Allegany Lodge No. 157. K. of P.–Monterey Lodge, No. 90. I.O.O. F.-Barton Lodge No. 94. Free Gardiners–Oliver Lodge. Foresters– Lincoln Court.
Dick, James
Dick, James
Dick, James
Davis, James P
Baker and Confectioner.
Sweet, Edward
Barnes, George
Pierce, John
Shafer, Wm
Boots and Shoes.
Conn, Washington
Kight, Zedekiah
Mcleod, Alexander
Miller, Gotleib
Miller, George
Book, and Stationery.
Campbell, Robert
Cabinet Maker
Santsmyer, H & Son
Wolf, John W
Kelley, Phillip
Thompson, Hugh
Coal Companies.
Caledonia Coal Co, A J Clark, Supt.
Piedmont Coal and Iron Co, John Somerville, Supt
Potomac Coal Co, Geo W Lyons, Supt
Swanton Coal Co, A McDonald, Supt
Dry Good, and Notions
Creutzburg, H
Darby, C A
Somerville, J & Bro
Campbell, Robert
General Merchandise
Kalbaugh, Z W
Park, James
Tibbets, J & Co
Groceries and Provsions.
Creutxburg, H
Darby, C A
Schramm, Henry
Somerville, J & Bro
Barton, Mrs M Ward
Valley, O G Barchus
Weir, A Weir
Justices of the Peace.
Barchus, O G
Kaden, Patrick
Mining Supplies.
Creutzburg, H.
Millinery and Fancy Good,.
Hocking, Miss Nannie
Crawford, Dr
Owens, Dr
Piper, J W
Pig Breeder and Shipper.
Shaw, H Clay
Saddles and Harness
Dean, J W
Jarboe, John H
Saloons and Restaurants.
Boyd, Mrs M
Davis, Thomas
Gannon, Michael
Mansfield, John
Stock Denier.
Shaw, H Clay
Stoves and, Tinware.
Murrie, John W
Tailor, and Clothier,.
Somerville, John & Bro
Telegraph Operator.
Dick, James
Wolf, John W
Barnes, John
Blunt, Joseph
Broadwaters, Amos Sr
Broadwaters, Amos Jr
Broadwaters, Geprge 0
Broadwaters, Henry M
Broadwaters, John W
Broadwaters, W W
Clayton, Martin
Colmer, Peter
Custer, Jarvis
Dawson, Mrs Louisa
Duckworth, Alton C
Duckworth, George
Evans, David
Foundling, Arthur
Francis, Joseph
Green, Robert
Inskeep, Joseph
Klipstine, John
Klipstine, Philip
Magruder, James
Mcintyre, Peter
Merril, Elias
Micbaels, Jesse
Michaels, Kilta
Moore, Levi
Norman, Jacob
Polland, James
Ross, Henry
Ross, John
Ross, Salem
Ross, Wm of H
Russell, Robert
Shaw, A B
Sbaw, John
Trenear, Henry
Wagner, John A
Warnick, Ashford
Warnick, David
Warnick, JohnBRADY’S MILL
Is on the second division of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, and the north branch of the Potomac River, seven miles west of Cumberland. The situation is pleasant, climate medium, crops generally good. Land can be bought at $50 per acre, and produces 20 bus. of wheat, 85 bus. of corn, 40 bus. of oats and 25 bus. of potatoes. The village contains a manufacturer of lime, cattle dealer, and a mill. Robert Deremer, Postmaster. Population 100.
Winters, John
Deremer, Robert
Shook, Jacob
Cattle Dealer.
Brady, JohnC
Sechman, S H
General Stores
Hudson, J B
Seehman, Samuel
Winters, Elijah
Justice of the peace.
Cresap, Stanly
Lime Manufacturer.
Roman, Martin L
Wigfield, Elijah
Athe, B
Brady, J C
Cisle, James
Darrow, Mrs M G
Daugherty, Michael
Elliott, Franklin
Frost, M
Hemming, Wm
Jones, John
Long,Upton D
McKenzie, David
McKenzie, R
McKenzie, Thornton
McKensey, C.
Martz, Peter
Sipes, W
Stoteler, M.
Squires, John
Winters, Daniel
Th on the Cumberland & PennL Railroad, 4 miles north-east of Cumberland, and one-half mile west of Mt. Savage Junction, The location is in a narrow Valley of Wills and Short Mouutains. The scenery is grand and sublime. Climate healthy. Land is sand loam and can be bought for $10 to $15 per acre; about one-half of which is cleared. Oak, walnut, chestnut and locust compose the timber yet standing, A Jenning’s Run and Wills’ Creek passes here, and furnished plenty of good water. There is one good school and one M. E. Church, Rev. Mr. Wilson, Pastor. Postmaster, Matthew Corrigan.
Clarke, John
Bancord, Mrs C
Bancord, Thomas
Clawson, George
Jenkins, Manuel
Logsdon, Henry
Taylor, ReubenCUMBERLAND
The, county seat, is a flourishing town, the second largest and most important town in the State. It is situated at the confluence of Wills’ Creek with ‘he North Branch of the Potomac River, and on its left bank. The location in a basin or amphitheatre formed by the Wills’ and Knobly ranges of the great Allegany Mountains, completely surrounding it with mountain ranges and peaks, and It is called the “Queen City.” Wills’ Creek here bursts through Wills’ and Dan’s Mountains to join the Potomac, and up the magnificent gap so formed runs the old National Road with its single arched bridge. Here is the superb Queen City Hotel, owned and operated by the Balto. & Ohio Co., from the gallery of which can be seen a pretty yellow stone gothic church, standing on a hill in the heart of the town. Here stood Fort Cumberlnnd, and here wss the rendezvous for Braddock’s expedition.
The City is on the outer edge of the great coal basin and is connected with it by the Cumberland & Penna R. R., which runs from Cumberland to Piedmont, through the coal basin, and by the Eachart mines branch, which runs from Cumberland to Echart and other mines on the eastern edge of the coal fields. It is the principal shipping point for the celebrated Cumberland coal’. It is near the centre of the main stem of that great National highway the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, 204 miles from river navigation at Parkersburg and. Wheeling, in West Virginia, and, 178 miles from tidewater at Baltimore. The Pittsburgh and Connellaville Branch joins the main stem here and connects it with Pittsburgh, 149 miles, and the oil regions of Pennsylvania. The Bedford and Huntingdon branch of the Pennsylvania Railway connects it. with all important points in central and eastern Pennsylvania,. The Chesapeake and Ohio Canal has its western terminus here, and connects it with, tidewater at Georgetown,.in the District, of Columbia, and Alexandria, Virginia.
Cumberland is an incorporated town, and is governed by a Mayor and Board of Councilmen, and has a regularly organised police force. The city is lighted with gse, and is furnished with an abundance of Potomac River water by the “Holly System of Fire Protection and Water Supply.” It is well supplied with churches and good schools several church buildins are very handsome, and by their picturesque situation and architectural beauty add greatly tothe appearance of the “Mountain City.” The inhabitants of Cnmberland are industrious and enterprising; they are noted for their hospitality and good morals. The city beingsitnated at an elevation of from six to seven hundred feet above tide level, is free from miasma and its climate pure and healthy. It hss grown rapidly since the war, and now with cheap fuel and cheap iron, offers ununual facilities for the sucessful establishment of all classes or iron manufacture. Persons would do well to further acquaint themselves with its facilities before locating elsewhere. The Cumberland Steel Works, an important enterprise, are located near the city; they manufacture a fine quality of steel, and make tool steel a specialty. A Hunter Boyd, Esq., Attorney-at-Law, State’s Attorney for Allegany County, has frunished us with much valuable information in regard to the city and county. His office is No.8 N. Liberty street, Cumberland. W. H. Lowdermilk, Postmaster. Population 14,000.
BENEVOLENT SOCITIES–A. F. & A. M.-Salem Royal Arch Chapter; Antioch Commandery Potomac Lodge, No. 100; Ohr Lodge, No.181. I.O.O. F.—Cumberland Encampment, No.23; Chosen Friends’ Lodge, No.84; Herman Lodge, No.51; Buena Vista Lodge, No.53. 1.0. R. M.- Mohegan TrIbe, No.126. K. of P.-Cumberland Lodge, No.60. I. O. M. Mountain City Lodge, No.27. Heptasopki-Omicron Conclave, No.15; Sigma Conclave, No. 15. I. O. B.-B. B’er Chajim Lodge, No.177. I. O. G. T.-Sheffer Lodge, No.25.
CHURCHES AND PASTORS–First Presbyterian Church, (New Church,) Rev. E. B. Raffensperger; Emanuel (Protestant Episcopal) Church, Rev. S. C. Thrall, D. D.; Christ’s Reformed Episcopal Church, Rev. J. K. Dunn; (English Lutheran) Christ Church, Holloway; Centre Street M. E. Church, Rev. W. S. Edwarda, D. D.; Kingsley (Methodist Episcopal) Chapel, Rev. D. M. Browning; Methodist Protestant Church, Rev. T. F. Little, St. Patrick’s (Catholic) Church, Rev. Edward Brennan and res. S. F. Ryan; Sts. Peter and Paul (German Catholic) Rev. Fathers Antonius and Francis; Zion’s (German Reformed Church, Rev. R. F. Schwedes; Hebrew Synagogue, Rev. M,. Wuzel, Rabbi; Baptist Church, Rev. H. J. Chandler; Evangelical Lutheran Church (German,) Rev. F. Keugele; German Lutheran Church, Rev. J. P. Conradi; McKendree Chapel (Colored) Rev. H. Coillns.
MUNICIPAL OFFICERS–Mayor –W. A. Withers. Clerk-T. F. McCardle. Treasurer–Alexander Adams. Collector Henry Shaffer. Attorney-John B. Fay. Chief of Police–George Martz. Lieutenant–Samuel Hodge. Superintendent Water Works–George Charles. Chief Engineer– Joseph Zweng. Trustees Sinking Fund–W. A. Withers, ex-officio President; Dr. C. H. Ohr, and Judge J. T. Coulehan. Councilmen–M. A. Healey, Andrew Spier, John Weible, A.J. Ryland, Francis Vogtman, Jacob Shuck, Lewis Young, E. M. Bryon, J. F. Zacharias, Geo. W. Morgan and Peter Kelley.
Agricultural Implements
Buckey, V. A.
Attorneys at Law.
Blackiston, A. H.
Boyd, A Hunter 3 n. Liberty
Boyd & McCleave 3 n Liberty
Brace & Richmond 4 Washington
Brown, Jacob
Cahill, Joseph A
Candler T F
Chew, J. R.
Cox, S A 56 Baltimore
Fay, John B. 9 Washington
Gonder, T E
Gordon, J H & Son
Harrison, J F 14 n Centre
Healey, Maurice A
Hoffman, Henry W.
Hughey, Thos. Cook 15 Washington
Hurley, B. F. M.
Lowndes, Lloyd Jr 6 Washington
McHenry, J. J. & Son
McKaig, A Beall, 54 Baltimore
McKaig, W M. 54 Baltimore
McCleave, John
McMichael, R W Wash’n & Water
Pearre, Judge Geo. A.
Porter, Glissan T 18 Washington
Price, Wm M
Read, Wm J
Sebley, James M
Seiss, J Frank Blaltimore and R R
Semmes, John E
Semmes, Rich T 68 Baltimore
Thrall, J V L
Walsh, Hon Wm
Williams, Ferdinand, 1 Washington
Gephart, J H (Adams)
Marean, E (B & O)
Lewis, A R & Co
Miller, D P
Brengle, J (Western Md.)
Marean, E (B & O)
Agents-Sewing Machines
Ely, H F
Reynolds, James
Young, Charles
Wickard, Wm
Frantz, Daniel
Hast, J G
Lear, August
Long, George 15 n Mechanic
Nickel, Adam & Son
Bell Hanger.
Laing, James 68 Baltimore
Hendley, J & Co
Bell, Herbert
Cooper, George
Cooper, J T
Cooper, Samuel
Fattor, Rosine
Adams, J W
Buckey, V A
Glick, John
Goddard, Wm Centre and Commerce
Kelley, John
O’Donnell, Barnard
Richards, S M & Bro
Strohmenger, John
Billiard Saloon.
Glisan, W R
Boat Builders.
Coulehan, Richard
Doerner & Bender
Mertens, Frederick
Young, Wm
Books and Stationery
Noon, Peter Baltimore and Liberty
Swartzwelder, E M
Boots and Shoes.
Adler, S & Co
Armbrnster & Co
Ash, Wm H
Brengle, C W & Son
Derr, J C & Sons
Edwards, S J & Co
King, Alexander Jr
Kohl, Henry
Kolb, John
Madore, L C
McGirr, Arthur
Minke, F
Paulus, Jno
Robb, James
Schaefer, G F
Schiller, John 77 Centre
Smith, John
Stubblefleld, J C & Co
Himmier, George & Bro.
Stucklauser, G near Viaduct
Broom Maker.
Grigsbee, Barney
Beer Bottler
Hering, Geo & Co Creek and Canal
Blaul, FA
Blauer, Frank
Griffin, John T
Glos, Casper
Grenning, Chris
Gross, Simon
Hailer, W H
Hildebrand, August
Howell, Charles
Maler, M
McFerran, Alexander
Morrissey, John
Neubisser, Louis
O’Neill, Dennis E
Reichert, Casper
Rylalid, A T
Ryland, Jacob
Shober, J M
Snyder, Joseph Liberty opp City Hall, and 23 City Hall Market
Weigand, Henry
Wolfe & Bro
Young, J C
Book Binder.
Johnson, H J
Haley, Francis
Roft, Andrew
Scott, Arthur
Weibe], Holly
Builders aud Contractors.
Bruce, Dr J J
Crook, A A
Doerner & Bender
Donnelly, J W
Hewitt, Otho
Walton, James B
Warner, Lewis
Ways, S D
Cabinet Makers
Boward, John
Butler, K H
Flrrschutz, H W F
Ingman & Welty
Young, Charles & Son 28 n Centre
Canal Superintendent.
Stanhope, Lewis G.
Canal Collector.
Willison, A
Canal Inspector.
Hammond, C V
Carpets and Oilcloths.
Adler, S & Co
Fox, Charles
Shepherd, L M
Sonneborn, Joseph
White, Isaac
Carriages and Wagons,
Buckey, V A
Furley, Henry
Keiley, Jno
Richards, S M & Bro
Russell, E J & Co
Cumberland Hydraulic Cement and
Manfg Co, Geo F Gephart, see
Civil Engineer.
Sheridan, Denis Wash’n and Water
Coal Companies.
American Coal Co, Charles Robb, agt Blaen, Avon
Consolidation Coal Co, James Millholland, 2d vice prest
George’s Creek Coal and Iron Co
Hampshire & Balto Coal Co. J B Winslow, agent
Maryland Coal Co
New Central Coal Co of Md. Malcolm Sinclair, gen’l manager, 18 Wash’n.
New York Mining Co
Coal and Wood Dealers.
Brant, L W
Bynon, A
Coulehan, Michael Basin Wharf
Coulehan, W T
Krigbaum, J P
McHugh, James
Reichert, Casper
Weld & Sheridan
Cigar Manufacturers.
Shaw & Gephart, near City Hall
Cracker Manufacturers.
Long, George 15 n Mechanic
Rodenhauser, John 24 Bedford
Bruce, Dr John J
Commission Merchants.
Johnson, J S
Orrick, James C & Son
Weld & Sheridan
Confectionary and Fruits,
Bare, James V
Farrell, Mrs. M.
Hast, J. G.
Long, George 15 n Mechanic
Morris, R I
Musarite & Debarbieri
Rodenhauser, John 24 Bedford
Trieber, Mrs John
Hummeishine L K & Son
Porter, H V
Weller, J M.
Wilson, L B 17 n Liberty
Himmler, John
Campbell, E H
Damm, L & M
Laney, H
LeFevre J H & Son
Rohrbach, Theo
Shryer, Thos W 103 Baltimore
Shriver & Co
Zaceharias, J F
Dry Goods and Notions
Adler, S & Co
Baltrell & Rouss, 75 Baltimore and 1 & 3 Centre
Doerner, George
Eisenburg, G
Glos, Casper
Harbaugh, S P
Kranse, J W
Sanders, H & Sons
Shepherd, L M
Shepherd, W H
Sonneborn, Jcseph
White, Charles
White, Isaac
Footer, T
Pasley, Donald
Fancy Goods and Notions
Mayer, Lottie 9 Centre
Percy, Miss Lucy
Thress, Mrs S
Feed and Flour
Beall, W R & Co
Dilley, B
Rimmier, Frederick
Percy, J H & Co
Rohrer, L L & Co
Darnell, A V
Weer, Henry
Founders and Machinists
KcKaig, W W & Son
Roberts, W M & Co
Butler, K H
Ingman & Welty
Toung, C & Son 28 n Centre
General Merchandise
Doerner, George
Flanaghan, H. J.
Gramlich, F. M. & Son
Glos, Casper
Murphy, D.
Sanders, H. & Sons
Sowers, Jacob
Wegman, J. J.
Gun and Locksmiths
Simmons, J. W. L.
Tauber, John
Glass and China
Beall, W H & Co
Hast, Henry
Hetzel, C F & Co
LeFevre, H & Son
Reuschlein, J Centre and Knox
Glove Manutaeturers
Renschlein, George
Shepherd, L M
Bare, James V
Beall, W R & Co
Berg, Conrad
Brengle, Jacob
Buckey, H
Connell, Thomas
Conter, Robert
Coulehan, W T
Daum, Otto
Deibold, George
Dilley, B
Dixon, J T & Co
Dodson, Charles
Embrey, C W
Everline, C
Feldt, W H & Co
Fleckenstein, G F
Frantz, W F Jr
Goldsmith, J
Greer, Mrs H M
Hast, Geo P
Hast, Henry
Hetzel, C F & Co
Hoffman, John
Isaacs, W W
Johnson & Kephart
Kearney, M M 83 Baltimore
Knievrin, W & Son
Koegel, John
Kornhoff, William
Laing, Frederick
Long, W C
Magruder, J N Bedford & Decatur
Murphy, D
Murphy, W
Nolte, C
Percy, J H & Co
Bead, R & Bro
Bemminger, C
Reuschiein, John Centre & Knox
Rice, J N
Sammons, Thos
Sanderson, Joseph
Schmidt, Conrad
Shaw & Gephart, near City Hall
Shinholt, J W
Smouse, Peter
Smouse, J N
Somerlot, Charles
Sommers, D
Speelman, S
Sullivan, James
Tearney, M
Turner, W E
Weibel, John
Wegman, J J
Werkmeister, John A
Anderson, G Espy
Humbird & Carleton
Johnson Bros
Magruder, H C
Hats, Caps,
Derr, J C & Sons
Edwards, S J & Co
Hoover & Ayers
King, Alex, Jr.
Minke, F
Stubblefleld, J C & Co
American House
Centennial Hotel, B F Garlitz
City Hotel, J Newcomer
Farmer’s & Drover’s, J Rinehart
Mountain House, Jno Kelso
Queen City Hotel
Shipley House, John Cessna
St Nichoins, C C Hedges
Ice Dealer
Stucklauser, Gustave
Junk Dealer,.
Lowry, Edward & Co 46 B Meehanic
Pfyenmayer, C
Justices of the Peace.
Blocher, D
Gonder, Andrew
Harrison, J F 14 n Centre
Hobrock, Herman H 70 n Meohanlo
Flanagan, H J
Strong, J M
Williams, J T
Leather and Findiugu.
Shearer, R H & Bro 29 Baltimore
Livery and Sale Stables.
Kelso, John
Smith, Lewis
Willison, H
Lumber Dealers.
Doerner & Bender
Gannon, Francis
Rein, Peter & Co
Landwehr, M & Co 45 Centre
Weld & Sheridan
Leonard, Wm
Marble Yards.
Miliner, I B
Smenner, A E 10 & 12 5 Centre
Merchant Millers
Cook, J W
Johnson, R D & Co
Leonard, Wm
Orrick, Jas C & Son
Rohrer, L D & Co
Millinery Goods.
Cole, Mrs Rebecca
Firley, Miss M
Hodel, Mrs A M
Mayer, Lottie 9 Centre
McGirr, Miss Kate
Miller, Mrs L M & Co
Price, Mrs M
Shuck, Mrs Eliza
Sonnehorn, Joseph
Thress, Mrs S
White, Charles
Clary, J N
Paper Hanger.
Hafler, D B
Carr, M A R F
Craigen, M T
Fechtig, J A
Fundenberg, G. B.
Fundenberg, W. F. (Eye and Ear)
Healey, P A
McCormick, W H
Ohr, C H
Parsons, E H
Perry, G C
Schindel, 0 M
Smith, J M
Welfley,D P
Wiley, W W 14 5 Mechanic
Wilson, J Jones
Bothwell, J N
Darnell, J L
Wuhelmi, F G
Pianos and Music.
Wiesel, J P 28 Baltimore
Picture Frames.
Mason, S A
Wickard, Wm
Plumber, and Gas Fitters
Free, M A 25 Bedford
Laing, James 68 Baltimore
Seay, C A
Alleganian & Times
Dally News
Produce and Provisions.
Brengle, Jacob
Coleman, H J
Hanse, J H
Johnson, J S
Tearney, M
Welsh, E H
Wilson, Richard
Revenue Collector.
Bruce, Daniel C
Restaurants and Saloons
August, I
Clary, J A N
Deneen, John B
George, S S
Grove, John
Gross, R L & Co
Hahne, August
Hast, John T
Herring, G
Kane, M T
Kilgoine, John
Lashansky, David
Lester, M
RuhI, George
Waldeck, George
Webster er Hager, Balto nr bridge
Zimmerman, C
Saddles and Harness
Ext, Wm
Handle, Jacob
Hoblitzell, W T
Ogle, Theodore A
Shearer, R H & Bro 29 Balto
Saddlery Hardware.
Shearer, R H & Bro 29 Baltimore
Salt Dealer.
Brengle, Jacob
Sash, Doors and Blinds
Doerner & Bender
Gannon, Francis
Hem, P & Co
Landwehr, M & Co 45 Centre
Walton, James B
Saw and Planing Mills.
Doerner & Bender
Landwehr, M & Co 45 Centre
Walton, James B
Alpine Hall
St. Edward’s
Slate Dealer.
Shipley, W H
Steel Manufacturers
Cumberland Steel Works
Soap Manufacturers
Cook, J W
Shipping Merchants.
Welsh, E H
Weld & Sheridan
Stoves and Tinware.
Allen, E
Gessner, George 10 n Mecharne
Graw, Geo
Habig & Leasure
Johnson Bros
Laing, James 68 Baltimore
Mathews, Jas L
Morehead, William
Tailor, and Clothier,.
Cain, Thomas
Hamburger & Coleman
Holzshu, C L
Klinger, E
Kratz, Alex
Millinger, W G
Peterman, J T
Schwarzenbach, George
Smith & Isaacs
Sonneborn, Samuel
Strauss, Isaac
Wegman, J J
Tanners and Curriers.
Hoyt, J B & Co
Rabold & Son
Schauwecker, H & Co
Withers, A L & Son
Tin and Sheet Iron Workers.
Allen, E
Cope, John W
Gessner, Geo
Johnson Bros
Morehead, William
Rizer, Charles L
Singer, Charles
Wolz, S L
Tobacco and Segars.
Beall, W H & Co
Bush, A M L
Harbaugh, S P
Hast, Henry
Hetzel, C F & Co
Hilleary, Levi S
Ruler, Ed
Kane, M T
Kearney, M M 83 Baltimore
Korns, Jesse
Shaw & Gephart, near City Hall
Shuck, W S
Young, Charles & Son 28 n Centre
Watches and Jewelry.
Hendley, in H
Hodel, John G
Kelenbeck, 3 H
Little, S T 108 Baltimore
Poole, A A
Smith, P J
Wilkins, W H
Wines and Liquors.
Bruce, M T & Co
Clark, James & Co
Hetzel, C F & Co
Kane, M T
Kearney, M M 88 Baltimore
Rosenhem, S
Wharf Superintendent.
Coulehan, MECKHART
Is a mining village near Frostburg, on the Eckhart branch of the Cumberland and Penna. Railroad. It is picturesquely situated in a basin formed by Dan’s and Great Savage Mountains, making it one of the most interesting mining villages in the Cumberland coal fields. It has a salubrious and sunny climate, and is one of the most healthy of the coal villages. The land is mostly cleared. The timber yet standing is a heavy growth of oak, hickory, maple and locust. The land is a clay loam and is very productive; can be bought for $20 per acre, and produces 20 bus. oats, 200 bus. potatoes, 40 bus. corn, 15 bus wheat, 15 bus. rye, 25 bus. buckwheat, and 1+ tons of hay. Trout Run, a clear stream, furnishes an abundance of good water. Crops are generally good. Population 1,000. Post Office, Frostburg.
Steineman, U
General Merchandise.
Collins, Johnson
Parker, Wm & Bro
Thrasher, Jacob
Womsley, Joseph
Pengelly, Henry
Townsend, M M
Pengelly, John
Is on the Pittsburgh & Connellsville Branch of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, near the State line and six miles N W. of Cumberland; it is a village of considerable business enterprise; the Fire- brick Works of Messrs. Gardiner, Stuart & Co., employing a number of hands, are located here. It contains a Methodist and a Presbvterian Church, and a good Public School. The situation is in a valley of Wills’ Creek, and between two ranges of the Allegany Mountains, making it a beautiful and picturesque location for a town. The climate is healthy, and the land good, varying in price from $5.00 to $200.00 per acre, according to kind and quality. It readily produces 15 bus of wheat, 55 bus. of corn, 25 bus. of oats, and 75 bus of potatoes to the acre. Crops are generally good. We are indebted to the Post Mistress, Mrs. Mary A. Shoup, for favors. Population, 126.
General Merchandise
Gardner, Stuart & Co
Lownsbury, J B
Grist Mill.
Clark, John H Manufacturers of Fire-Bricks
Gardner, Stuart & Co
Buchanan, John M
Buchanan, Thos G
Clawson, George
King, Clarence MFLINTSTONE
Is in the north.eastern section of the County, near the Penna line, 12 miles from Cumberland. The climate is varied and village healthy. The land is limestone, and slate loam can be bought at from $1.00 to $100 per acre, according to quality and improvements. Produces 30 bus. oats, 50 bus. Potatoes, 80 to 40 bus. corn and 15 to 25 bus. wheat. The timber yet standing a medium growth of oak, ash, pine, walnut, hickory and maple. The land is mostly cleared and there are no inducements to emigrants. Flintstone and Town creeks supply an abundance of cool water. M. E. Church North, Rev. E. E. Anderson;M.E.South, Rev. S. R Snapp. Miss M. M. Casteel and Amanda Laney, Teachers. Population 350. Jacob Lashley, Postmaster.
Hamilton, Levi
Leasure, Jeremiah
General Merchandise
Elbin, H B
Montgomery, R R
Turner & Lashley
Willison, J B
Wilson, J W & Bro
Dicken, William
Robosson, T P
Hoyt, J B & Co L. T. Dickinson, Agent
Wagon Makers.
Fitler & BrowningFROSTBURG
Is a growing town, the second largest aud most important in Allegany County. It is situated near the headwaters of George’s Creek, on a plateau letween the Great Savage and Dan’s Mountains of the Allegany Range, seventeen hundred feet above tide. The location and climatic conditions are eminently healthy, and the town is already favorably known as a summer resort, notwithstanding the accommodations have hitherto been confined to private entertainment. Tbe great want is a commodious hotel. The almost universal conclusion is, this is a fine opening for a profitable investment.
The town is near the centre of the great George’s Creek semi-bituminous coal region, and midway between Cumberiand, Md., and Piedmont, West Va, on the line of the Cumberland & Pennsylvania Railroad, and enjoys quick conneetions with the great trunk line railways, east and west. Frostburg is an incorporated town, governed by a Mayor and a Board of six Councilmen, and hss a resularly organized police force. The town is lighted with gas, and is provided with water from the numerous springs on the eastern slope of the Great Savage Mountain, by means of pipes and reservoirs. It contains fourteen churches the Methodist and Catholic being notable for costliness and fine architectural appearance. Several schools afford excellent educational facilities; two weekly papers provide local news for the people, and two fine halls for the public amusement. The Opera House owned by Thos. H. Paul, is well adapted for all kinds of amusements. Among the stores there are two as stylish establishments as can be found anywhere.
Excepting Virginia City, Nevada, Frostburg probably lies higher above tide than any town of equal size in the United States. This altitude affords a view in all directions, rarely excelled for beauty and sublimity anywhere. Eastward, Dan’s Mountain running northward, breaks off into a defile traversed by the National Pike and Eckbart Branch of the Cumberland & Pennsylvania Railroad. Here nestles the picturesque town of Eckhart, 1 Ç miles from Frostburg, with 1,000 inhabitants. Southward, the great George’s Creek Valley, flanked on the left by Dan’s Mountain, and on the right by the Big Savage, stretches seventeen miles away to the Potomac. Traversed by the Cumberland & Pennsylvania Railroad and George’s Creek, both of which are fronted with dwellings, make nearly a continuous town the entire way. Aside from its material significance, the tourist cannot fail to be impresseed with the scene; every element of nature and handiwork of man being present to lend grandeur and diversity to the prospect. On the west, the rugged precipitous sides of the Great Savage stand like a bulwark, as it is, against the storms of winter. Continuing northward, the mountain maintains its altitude, breaking off to the right in hills and gentle declivities, until the bed of Jennings’ Run is reached. Here another valley opens to view, quite as rich in landscape perspective as the George’s Creek. To the right a ridge rises diversified with fertile farms and umbrageous groves all the way over until we reach Eckhart, our starting point.
Standing on the steps of the JOURNAL office, the eye easily sweeps from the hills of Pennsylvania, across Maryland, over into the mountains of West Virginia. A great part of the town is here spread out at our feet. Not far off the site of Braddock’s route to Fort DuQuesne, surveyed by Washington, is visible. A monument of that disastrous expedition still stands just outside the corporate limits, noting, it is said, the first day’s march from Fort Cumland-eleven miles. Six miles by air-line to the south-east, Dan’s Rock towers high and rugged, overlooking the most extended and varied landscape in all this section. From this point Frostburg and Cumberland are plainly seen; the mountains in all directions, the Potomac and its magnificent bottom-lands, farm houses and railroad, comprise a “bird’s eye view” which no one can ever wholly forget. The tourist to this section who has not visited Dan’s Rock has no conception of the wonderful features with which this region abounds. In short, no town of the size and prominence of Frostburg enjoys in its surroundings a more unique topography; and no point of this region array of imposing projections furnishes a more interesting outlook than Dan’s Rock.
If to these we add the novelty of our industrial avocations, the salubrity of our atmosphere and purity of our water, we have a series of conditions, which, properly estimated, must sooner or later give the town a commanding prominence as a summer resort. The inhabitants of Frostburg and vicinity are mainly miners of foreign birth or extraction-made up of English, Welsh, Scotch, Irish, German, etc; they comprise an industrious, thrifty and intelligent population; of good morals and studious habits, they will compare favorably with any people anywhere. To them the town owes its extraordinary growth since the war, and the coal region its immense development. We are indebted to I. B. Oder, Editor “Journal,” for this sketch and other favors. C. H. Walker, Postmaster. Population 5,000.
CHURCHES AND PASTORS-Eckhart Baptist, Rev. Wm. P. Fortney; Reformed, Rev. J. Rubl; St. Michael’s Roman Catholic, Rev. V. F. Schmitt; Welsh Congregational, Rev. J. P. Thomas; M. E. (Colored,) no pastor; Primitive Methodist, Rev. M. Harvey; Presbyterian, Rev. John Thomas; Methodist Episcopal, Rev. W. B. Edwards; German Lutheran, Rev. J. Stumpf; Bethel, (Colored,) Rev. Joseph Thompson; Welsh Baptist, Rev. D. H. Jones; English Lutheran, Rev. D. L. Mackenzie; English Baptist, no pastor; M. E. (bouth,) Rev. T. G. Nevitt; Protestant Episcopal, (St. John’s,) Rev. Geo. S. May.
ORDERS-A. O. Foresters-Court Wineland Bangers, No.5,556. Knights of Phythias-Frostburg City Lodge, No.88. Ivorites-Light of Wales Lodge, No.20, Class E. I. O. O. F.-Frostburg Lodge, No. 49-Lodge meetings, every Tuesday. Degree Lodge, Monday after the first Tuesday in each, month. Frostburg Encampment, No.29, first and third Mondays every month. Home Lodge, No. 127; Savage Mountain Lodge, No.128. A. F & A. M.-Mountaiu Lodge, No.99. I O. Forssters-Court Mt. Pleasant No.8. Imp. O. R. M.-Allegany Tribe, No.67. Free Gardiners -Frostburg Adam Lodge. St. Michael’s Total Abstinence. Knights of Honor-Frostburg Lodge, No.590.
ASSOCIATIONS-Frostburg Building; Frostburg Mutual Building; Frostburg Perpetual Building.
SOCITIES–Young Men’s Christian Ass.; Orion Literary Sociable; St. Joseph’s Benevolent; Welsh Literary Class; St. Michael’s Temperance and Beneficial.
COMPANIES-Gas Company; Water Company.
MUNICIPAL OFFICERS-Mayor-W. H. Ravenscraf~ Councilmen–Richard Beall, E. Clise, Geo.. Boettner, Sr., John Nash, L. C. Burgermeister, W. Y. McCulloh. Bailiff and Chief of Police-George Ort Night Police-Ed. Price. Clerk–J. S. Metzger.
Adams-Hitchins, A E
Bitchins, John
Metzer, J S
McCulloh, J B
Porter, John L
Agent-Real Estate.
Grove, John S
Oder, J B
Koch, W H (C&P)
Steineman, U (C & P) Eckhart
Jandod; J (Ailan Line)
Attorney at Law.
Grove, John S
McCulloh, T C
Thomss, W C
Zellers, G W
Wittig, Gec H
Billiard Saloon.
Reichenbach, Charles
Gaunt, Conrad
Michael, T & Co
Zinken, Conrad
Gorsuch, L M
Builders and Contractors
Michael, Chas O
Building Material.
Beau, Rich’d & Son
Johnson Bros
Bepler, Lewis
Bepler, Wm H
Engle, Wm
Porter, J M & Bro
Wilderman, Robert M
Boots and Shoes.
Cooper, W J
Rartman, J
Hocking, Geo H
Jeifries, Samuel
Mason, H & Co
Sehneider, Henry
Shaffer, H B
Slefker, Conrad
Towles, J L
Thomas, William
Wasmuth, E
Wilbams, James
Carriages and Wagoum.
Robinson, J S
Carpenters and Builders
Fox, Andrew
Griffith, Alexander
Miller, Charles
Sanerbaugh, John
Willison, Andrew
Cabinet Makers
Gross & Nickel
Jarrett, O & Bro
China and Glass.
Wineland, M
Cigars and Tobacco.
Mason, H & Co
Civil Engineers.
Armstrong, Jas D
Armstrong, Wm
Ward James H
Clerk County Corn.
Armstrong, Davidson
Clothing, Mats and Trunks.
Stern, B
Cutlery and Guns.
Beall, H. & F. C.
Coal Mines.
Borden Mines A C Greene agent
Consolidation Coal Co
Cumberland Coal and Iron Co
Johns, John
Parker, G B
Commission Merchant.
Kane, James
Armstrong, J D
Confectionery and Fruit.
Blasse, A R
Fattor, Peter
Lapp, Conrad
Morgan, Richard
Spiel, W B
Theophil, August
Coburn, E E
Knode, J H
McNeil & McCulloh
Percy, D G
Wingert, G A
Doors and Sash.
Daweon, John T
Dry Goods and Notions.
Hitchins Bros
Jandorf, Mrs Fanny
Shaffer, H B
Standish, J M & Go
Wineland, M
Betz, Daniel J
Engines and Boilers
Paul, Robert C
Paul, Thos & Son
Gross & Nickel
Jarrett, O & Bro
Fire-Brick Manufacturer,.
Savage Mountain Works
Founder, and Machiststs.
Paul, Robert C
Paul, Thos & Son
Gas Fitter.
Gerlach, Anthony
General Merchandise.
Bear, H
Clary, Roderick
Edwards & Rogers
Evans, Wm
Standish, J M & Co
Wineland, M
Grain and Feed.
Carlln, Joseph
Kane, James
Gents’ Goods
Valentine, A T
Groceries and Provisions
Ford, Josiah & Bro
Halle, Mbert Jr
Jenkins, Thomas
Jones, James
Keller, John T
Mason, H & Co
McLuckie, Wm
Percy, W B & Co
Beckner & Stevens
Standish, J M & Co
Wehner, George
Wineland, M
Wright, John B
Hats and Caps
Shaffer, H B
Hardware and Steel.
Beall, H & F C
Wineland, M
City Hotel, Owen Evans
Frostburg Hotel, C Lynch
Grand Central, P Payne
Tunneil Hotel
Iron Workd
Frostburg Iron Works
Justice, of the Peace.
Atkinson, H R
Weis, John C
Beau, Richard & Son
Johnson Bros
Michael, Chas O
Wright, John B
Marble Works.
Williams, Andrew
Mattress, and Bedding.
Gross & Nickel
Carlin, Joseph
Millinery and Fancy Goods
Croft, Mrs M
Gross, Mrs Eliza
Jandorf, Mrs Fanny
Mining Machinery.
Paul, Thos & Son
Miners’ Lamps.
Zais, Frederick
Opera House,.
O F Opera House
Paul’s Opera House
Oyster, and Fish.
Wehuer, George
Hawke, James H
Hoblitzell, Chas W
Frost, M
Oder, J B & Bro
Mason, H & Co
Rogers, A A
Brace, C H-Homeopathic
Englar, J W J
Graham, T J
Getzendanne, C H
Ravenacraft, Wm H
Townsend, M M (Eckhart)
Cumberland & Penna
Saddles,and Harness.
Fisher, G W
Saw and Planing Mills
Beall, RIchard & Son
Dawson, John T
Johnson Bros
Michael, Charies 0
Wililson, A J
Kartzell, Allie B
Wheeler Hall
Mimes Korns, Principals
soap Manufacturer.
Hill, George
Stoves and Tinware.
Johnson, Frederick
Zais, Frederick
Steam Heating.
Paul, Robert C
Paul, Thos & Son
Saloons and Restaurants.
Bombach, John
Dufty, Edward
Donohue, Edward
Gunter, Wm
Mitchell, Frederick
Preston, J
Schneider, Conrad
Vogtman, John
Williams, Thomas
Youngerman, M
Tailor, and Clothiers.
Koenig, F W
Valentine, A T
Telegraph Manager.
Walker, C H-W U
Telegraph Operator.
McCuIloh, T C
O F Opera House
Paul’s Opera House
Tinware Manufaeturer.
Zais, Frederick.
Jarrett, O & Bro
Watches and Jewelry
Betz, Daniel J
Tumbleson, John W
Wines and Liquors.
Frey, Otto
Is on the Cumberiand&Pennsylvam.a Railroad, 5 miles south of Frostburg, 24 from Cumberland by (C.&P. R. R.) and 18 by a good pike. It is 8 miles fom Piedmont, W.Va, and 34 from Cumberland by B. & O. Railroad. The location Is pleasant and climate good. The George’s Creek valley narrows here to a glen, with steep rocky spurs of the Allegany Mountains. There are two parallel mountain ridges which blank the George’s Creek valley. This Is an important mining town; there are four companies operating ten openings, capable of producing 27,036 tons per week, and a much larger amount if the demand was sufficient. All the land in the vicinity is owned by the coal companIes, and can be had for $15 to $40 per acre, for agricultural; coal land at from $500 to $1000. The land is generally broken, with a small amount that is productive, which is very valuable. The buckwheat, hay and potatoes grown on these lands are o! the best quality. It mostly produces 10 bus. wheat, 25 bus. c3ra, 20 bus. oats, 200 bus potatoes, 20 bus rye, 15 bus buckwheat and 1 1/2 tons of hay, per acre. The timbered land is alight growth of oak, pine, spruce, maple, chestnut and walnut There are five good pubilc schools. George’s Creek supplies plenty of cool water. Wm. McIndoe, Postmaster. Population. 4,500.
CHURCHES AND PASTORS–M. E., Rev. J. W. Cornelius; Presbyterian, Rev. W. H. McGiffert; Primitive Methodist, Rev. Moses Harvey; St. Mary’s Roman Catholic, Rev. Father J. M. O’Brien; I. P. M. E., no regular pastor; German, E. J., no pastor; Christ’s Baptist, no regular pastor.
BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES-A. F. & A. M.-Georges Creek Valley Lodge, No.161. K of P-Rising Sun Lodge, No.86. 1 0 0. F-Lonaconing Lodge, No.85; Jackson Encampment, No.26. I. O. Red Men-Tuscarora Tribe, No.62. K~ of R.-Lonacomng Lodge, No.591. Foresters-Printy Lodge, No.2. Free Gardinors-Thistle Lodge. Rechabites-Salem Tent, No.28.
SOCIETIES-Lonaconing Literary; St. Mary’s Benevolent; National Total Abstinenee; St. Patrick’s Temperance; A. O. Hibernians.
Matheney, R (Adams)
Porter, Dr G E
Matheney, R
Agent-Sewing Machines.
Angus, D
Mclndos, Wm (Allan Line)
Ryan, D A
Baker and Confectioner.
Huth, L
Bel1, H H
Hanekamp, H
Rohing, Conrad
Bratz, James
Crois, Uriah
Rank, L
Boots, Shoes and Hats.
French, Wm
Gonser, Isaac
Hilber, John
Perry, Frederick
Robinson, Henry
Scott, Robert
Allen, Cbristopher
Boston, Mrs E
Bennett & Engleby
Carr, Robert
Hanekamp, H
Lonaconing Cooperative Co.
Nelson, Andrew
Cabinet Maker.
Elehorn, A
Carpenters and Builder,.
Arnold, Simon
Petrie, Frank
Shockey, C C
Confectionery and Fruit.
Baner, Mrs B M
Huth, Louis
Lau, John
Locke, Mrs Mary
Sauter, P T
Coal Companies.
American Coal Co – A Jackson Clark, Supt
George’s Creek Coal and Iron Co – John Douglas, Supt
Maryland Coal Co – S M Petrie, Asst Supt
New Central – R Boyd, Agent
MacDonald, O T
Myers, Joseph
Porter & Sloan
Dry Goods and Notions.
Dobbie Byrnes & Co
Eisenberg, G
General Merchandise.
Atkinson, W & Son
Combs, John S
Dobbie, Byrnes & Co
Fresh, Geo H
George’s Creek Cooperative Co
Henshaw, W B
Johnson, C D
Lonaconing Cooperative Co
Myers, Joseph
Peebles, Peter
Perry, Frederick
Ryan, John
Sloan, D R & Co
Stewart, James
Tully, P T
Grain Dealers.
Orrick, J C & Son
Groceries and Produce.
Angus, D
Dobble, Byrnes & Co
Hilber John
Speir, Hugh
O. Fellow’s Hall
Myer’s Hall
Rechabite Hall
Brady House J T Brady
Jackson Hotel
McKinley’s Hotel
Merchant’s Hotel John Atkinson
Justices of the Peace.
Murphy, C S
Ryan, John
Millinery and Fancy Goods.
Bell, Miss E M
Whitefleld, Mrs B
Nicklin, James W
Orrick, J C & Son
Henshaw, W E
Paints, Oil and Glass.
Porter & Sloan
Marmion, George
Porter & Shilling
Wililams, J M & D W
Dean & Bro
Saddles and Harness.
Dean &Bro
Stoves and Tinware.
Barber, Samuel
Engleby, Thomas
Stone Masons
Durat & Shue
Saloons and Restaurants.
Bowkley, Wm
Dixon, David
Douglass, J C
Ferrens Wm
Fresh, G H
Karrins, John
Lochner, John
Long, Simon
McDonnagh, Charles
Petrie, Frank
Weber, Fred
Tailors and Clothiers.
Hirsh & Manabach
McCoy & Hannon
Stuiber, Geo
Telegraph operator.
Ryan, D A
Watches and Jewelry.
Weiland, H BMT. SAVAGE
Is on the Cumberland & Penna Railroad, nine miles N.W. of Cumberland; the village is situated on surrounding hills, 100 to 300 ft. above the railroad tracks, which are in a valley, making the altitude over 1500 ft above sea level. The climate is especially fine and healthy. Most all the officers of the Union Mining Co. and of the C. & P.R. R. live here. The population of Mt Savage is fully up to business requirements. The land is good for potatoes, grain, &c. All the available farming land is cleared. The timbered land is well cut out and thinned; white oak, black oak, red oak, chestnut, sugar maple, hickory, locust, with some white pine yet standing. Land sells exclusive of mineral rights from $200 to $400 per acre and produces an average crop, which is generally good. Mt. Savage first became worthy of note by the erection of a rolling mill in 1839 and two blast furnaces in 1840. The first operations were carried on by a company of Engilsh capitalists, but subsequently the property changed hands and was operated by the Mt Savage Iron Company,” an essentially American concern. In the Mt Savage Mill were rolled the first rails made on the Western Continent; in honor of which a medal was awarded by the “Franklin Institute.” For a number years these iron works, alternately prosperous and struggling against adverse circumstances, gave employment to a large number of operatives; population of Mt. Savage being then something over 4,000 souls. In the mill was closed. At the blast furnace several subsequent attempts were made to compete with more modern furnaces; but at present they too are lying in idleness. Of the rolling mill scarcely a trace is now visible, as as been dismantled to make room tor other works. The present industries from which Mt Ravage derives its life, are: The manutacture of fire brick (began as early as 1842), iron and brass foundries and the minnig of coal and fire clay; all operated by the Union Mining Co. operated by McGowan, Wright & Co. of Pittsburg, James Skelding, Sup’t, here manufacture by a new process merchantable pig iron furnace slack and cinder; they employ a number of operativess. On the site of the old rolling mill are being erected new and enlarged works;or the manufacture of fire brick and other clay ware, which are expected to be occupied by the beginning of 18′;S. The old brick works will then be dismantled. There is one public and one private school. St. George’s Episcopal Church, Rev. J. W. Nott; M. B., Rev. H. Clay Smith; St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic, Rev. F. F. O’Connor. Population 2,000. Postmaster H. J. Kenah.
Rainsford, Geo E
Brass Founders
Union Mining Co
Shafer, Ryan
Boots and Shoes
Barth, John
Callaghan, Edward
Callaghan, F
Ewalt, Henry
Miller, Joseph
Logsdon, John
Snyder, Joseph
Clerk and Time-keeper.
Wack, C B
Com. Merchants.
Williamson & Co
Lavelle, John
Holtzman, James L
Miliholland, Henry
Fire Brick Manufactory.
Union Mining Co
Union Mining Co
Furnace Co.
Mt Savage Furnace Co
Gas Furnaces
MacGowan, Wright & Co
General Merchandise.
Carney, A J
Clarke, Martin
Manley, Edward
Munn, S A
Thrasher, Ephraim
Thrasher, P J
Williamson & Co
Yates, Thomas
Groceries and Provisions.
Stevens, Mrs Jane
Mt Savage, B O’Donnell
Varnum, Miss S J Ryland
Ice Cream Saloon
Holtzman, James L
Iron Manufacturers
MacGowan, Wright & Co
Justices of the Peace.
Barth, John
Lavelle, John
Master Carpenter.
Renix, Nathan
Master Mechanic.
Vanhorne, J F
Master Mechanic-Ass’t.
Howson, N W
Master of Transportation
Kenah, H J
Coombs, John S
Thomson, Alexander
Produce Dealers
Williamson & Co.
Road Master.
Burwell, P L
Rolling Mills
MacGowan, Wright & Co
Steves and Tinware.
Beall & Carter
Telegraph Operator.
Klein, JohnMOSCOW
Is on the Cumberiand & PennL Railroad, 11 miles from Frostburg, 5 from Piedmont, and 8 from Lonaconing. Climate good and land medium; mostly cleared; some white oak, beech, chestnut and maple yet standing of a heavy growth. Land can be bought for $25 per acre, and produces 30 bus. oats, 12 bus wheat, 25 bus. corn, 200 bus. potatoes. Crops are generally good. George’s Creek supplies the village with good water. One Presbyterian Church, Rev. J. Bowen, Pastor. Population 800. Postoffice at Barton or Pekin.
McNally, Daniel
Carpenter and Builder
Shaw, A B
General Merchandise.
Snyder, A W
Bernard, N & Bro
Dorsey, J H
Saw Mill.
Shaw, A B
Is 10 1/2 miles west of Cumberiand, its nearest shipping point Climate healthy Lind is limestone, and can be bought for $80 per acre; produces 25 bus wheat, 50 bus. corn, 80 bus. oats, and 300 bus potatoes. Chestnut oak bark is found in the mountains, and delivered at $7 and $8 per cord. Murley’s Branch, a small stream, rises one-half mile west from under an arched rock. The water is very cold in summer, and warm in winter. Good limestone, sulphur, and warm spring water within 20 yards of each other, can be seen two miles from here. Thess springs, a natural curiosity, are often visited by strangers. Iron, coal, and other ores are to be found. The mountains, fields ssd waters abound in game and fish of several varieties. This is considered by the many inhabitants a grand place for a summer resort Willison & Bobinette, Merchants. Amon Wilson, Postmaster.
Is on the Cumberland & Pennsylvania Railroad, and George’s Creek, a few miles south ot Frostburg. The location is in the celebrated Cumberland coal fields; and all the land in the vicinity is owned or leared by the Consolidation, National, Hampshire, and Baltimore Coal Companies. The price of land is governed by the minerals to be found. Coal property has sold within the last ten years from $200 per acre up to .500, wlth sales as high as $1000; other lands $4, $5 to $10. The timber yet standing is an average growth of oak, spruce, with some chestnut. One M E. Church, Rev J . H. Marsh, Psstor and one public achool. The land is mountainous and the cilmate healthy. W. L. Shaw, Postmaster. Population, 500.
Coal Miners
Consolidation Coal Co.–James B. Thomas, Gen. Supt.
Hampshire & Balto Coal Co.–C. W. Shaw, Gen. Supt.
Midland and National Mines – R. I. Anderson, Supt.
General Merchandise.
Ferrens & Co
Shaw & Paul
Price & Smith.
Ferrens, William
McGinn & CusickOLD TOWN
Is on the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal, and the North Branch or the Potomac River; Green Spring, Socond Division Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, is within one-fourth of a mile and affords every convenience for receiving and ahipping goods. The land along the river is nearly all owned by a few persons, viz: Elwood Ginevan and Wm. Conely, 7,00 acres; John Rechembaugh, 200; Isaac Long, 1700; Thomas Young, 800; Luther M. Cresap, 1000; Christian Kelly, 1600 and Mrs. Little, 350. The farms of Messrs. Long, Ginevan & Conely and Christian Keiley, Esq., comprise all the land in the district along the river. It is generally good and can be bought at from $8 to $75 per acre. Crops fair. Produces 6 to 25 bus. wheat, 30 corn, 15 oats and 65 to 250 bus. potatoes per acre. The land away from the river in the hills is very poor, most of it worn out. The Messr& Appolds of Baltimore and the Carroll heirs own large tracts in this district. Old Town is one of the oldest towns in this county, its ancient name being Leipton. A house is yet standing that was used as a fort by members of the Cresap family to fight the Indians. This family were the first settlers here, one only still living, Luther Martin Cresap, Farmer and Miller; he is now an old man, married, but has no children or near relatives. The Lantz family is also an old family; the only good house in the village is a large brick one, built by them in 1811; there are a great many members of thia family still living here and throughout this county and in Virginia. The village contains a new and neat Methodist Church, Rev. Mr. McDonel, Pastor, and one public school. We are under many obligations to Chrlstiah Keiley, Esq., owning 1600 acres of good land for this sketch. Population 50. Postoffice, Green Springs, W.Va.
General Merchandise
Carder & Darky
Mountz, J D
McCully, Wm
Cresap, L M Miller
McElfish, F.
Showacer, C.C.ORLEANS
Is on the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal and Fifteen Mile Creek. Orleans road, 50 miles east of Cumberland by rail, Second Division Balto. & Ohio R. R., is reached by a good ford three quarters of a mile across the Potomac River. Fifteen Mile Creek runs through the district for 12 miles and takes its name from being fifteen miles from Hancock in Washington Co., and fifteen from Oldtown in Allegany. It is five miles from Sidelin Hill Creek, the dividing line of Washington Co., 42 miles from Cumberland by the county road, nine from Pa. line, and seven from National road. There are 29,896 acres of land owned by Richard Caton, Duchess of Leeds, Emily MacTavish; Lady Stafford and Marchioness of Wellesby. There could be a great many good farms cleared out on these lands, if sold in 150 to 200 acre tracts. Mrs. Eveline Bevans also owns 1777 acres of land in this district which is very finely timbered, and is said to be underlaid with iron ore and coal. There are some very fine Sulphur Springs on the lands, one in particular, which is known as Carroll’s Sulphur Spring, and the water is very fine. The land here is well watered, very fine springs on the top of some of the highest hills. Climate is healthy, and crops fair generally. Land can be bought at from $8 to $10 per acre, and produces 10 bus. wheat, 20 bus. corn, 25 bus. oats and 80 bus. potatoes. There is splendid bass fishing, and plenty of deer, turkeys and all kinds of game in the mountains; and it is a good location for the lumber or sheep business. We are indebted to Thos. Callan, Esq., for this information. Population 150. Post office, Great Cacapon, West Va.
Carpenter, John
County Commissioner
Trail, Ashford
General Stores.
Callan, M L
Sprigg, Vanlear
Yonker, RH
Justice of the Peace
Shirdiff, H
Watson, Jas
Lumber Dealers.
Callan, M L
Riley, L
Trail, Nathan
Beach, Wm B
Stock Dealers.
Price, G W
Stottlemyer, J B
Tax Collector.
Stottlemyer, J BPEKIN
Is on the Cumberland & Penna. Railroad, 10 miles from Frostburg and 8 from Piedmont, W. Va. The location is in the mining regions. Climate healthy. The land medium and mostly cleared. Oak, pine, hemlock and walnut of a heavy growth yet to he found. George’s Creek furnishes an abundance of pure water. Coal lands, (none for sale,) average from $500 to $1000 per acre. Other land $5 to $25, and produces 80 bus, oats, 200 bus. potatoes, 80 bus. corn, and 12 bus. wheat. Crops are generally good. There is a M.E.Church, one Primitive M. E. Church, and two public schools. Population 1200. James M. Sloan, Postmaster.
Boots and Shoes
Buckle, Charles
Kelley, Edward
Coal Companies
Atlantic and George’s Creek Consolidated — John Sheridan, Supt
General Merchandise
Ryan & Hoban
Sloan & Bro.
Yost, Mrs. Sarah
Douglass, Wm.
Ford, Patrick
Tennent, Mrs. JennettPINEY GROVE
Is in the eastern section of the county, near the Washington County line; Orleans is its shipping point, and Orleans road, Second Division B. & O. R. R., nearest station. Climate is mild. Crops and land good; can be bought at from $4 to $8 per acre, and produces 10 bus. wheat, 20 bus. corn, 16 bus. oats snd 80 bus potatoes. E. V. Creek, Postmaster. Population 200.
Brady, Samuel
Deputy Sheriff.
Watson, I N
School Teacher
Watson, John D.
Supervisors of Roads
Norris, J. M.
Is twelve miles west of Cumberland, and nine miles east of Keyser, W.V., the terminus of the Third Division of the Baltimore & Ohio R. R. The situation is between two ranges of mountains, forming a beautiful valley for six miles. The Potomac River forms the boundary on the east, and a range of the Alleganies on the west. The climate is excellent, with plenty of good water. Crops are very good; land can be bought for $40 per acre, and produces 20 bus. wheat, 30 bus. corn, 40 bus. oats, and 50 bus. potatoes. The village contains two methodist churches and two public schools. A. C. Rawlings, Esq., kindly furnished the above information. E. Mclntire, Postmaster. Population 100.
Albright, Hiram
Dawson, John O
Dawson, James H
General Merchandise.
Middleton & Mclntire
Luniber Dealer.
Is the southern terminus of the Cumberland & Penna. Railroad, and it is one- half mile from Piedmont,W.Va., on the B. & O. The climate is temperate and healthy. Land is fair, not nunch cleared. Oak, chestnut, pine, beech, maple and walnut, of fine growth, compose the timbered land. Farming land can be bought at from $10 to $12 per acre, and produces 25 bus oats, 150 bus. potatoes, 25 bus. corn, 12 bus. buckwheat, 10 bus. rye and one ton of hay; not much wheat raised, average per acre, 10 bus. The land sold for farming is done with a reservation; should minerals be developed, the price is to be a fixed rate, by whico all these lands are sold. Coal lands sell from $500 to $1000 per acre. No minerals of value developed as yet. Westemport is an incorporated town, and is governed by a board of town commiasioners. George’s Creek supplies good water. John C. McCulloh, Postmaster. Population 1500.
BENEVOLENT SOCITIES:-A. F. & A. M:-Hiram, No.103. I.O.O.F. Philos, No.91; Mt. Carmel Encampment, No.7. I.O.. Rechabites-Samaritan Tent, No.82. U. A. M.-Wappocono, No.49. In’t. G. T.-Potomac, No. 11. Cadets Temperance-Union Section, No.12.
CHURCHES AND PASTORS-St. Peter’s Roman Catholic, Rev. Jeremiah O’Sullivan; United Brethren in Christ, Rev. C. W. Steinapring; other denomnations attend in Piedmont.
TOWN COMMISSIONERS-Martin Fusner, Pres’t; Joseph Fusner, John Onthank, Charles A. Pagenhardt and Austin Jones. Bailiff-Wm. Bell.
Duckworth, Wesley
Klein, B P
Maher, James
Whetesell, Conrad
Boots and Shoes.
Durham, John
Fisher, Lewis
Montgomery, W
McHatton, John
Cabinet Makers.
High, J D
Karp, Frank
Carpenters and Builders.
Kalherg, August
Sheetz, Geo W
Coal Companies.
Canton Mine
John M Kelley, Supt
Franklin Coal Mines
James Boyce, Proprietor
H C Black, Supt
Coal Miner
Spangler, Geo W
Cullen, Mrs C W
Grim, Frederick
Bell, Wm
Daily, John
Founders and Machinists.
White, Gleeson & Co
General Merchants.
Fazenbaker, J S
Getty, John H C
Hugg, R E & Co
Jamisson, J S
Kelley, John M
Kight & Bro
Miller Bros
Roberts, Simon
Ryan & Hoban
Groceries and Produce
Hogan, Michael
Guns and Pistols.
Pagenhardt, C A
Hardware, Iron, &c
Pagenhardt, C A
Allegany, John Naven
Justice of the Peace.
Riordon, Owen
Sheetz, George W
Mine Car Manufacturers.
White, Gleeson & Co
Mineral Water.
Rehs, Henry
Hughes, James
Saloons and Restaurants,
Fraser, John
Gaffney, W
Grim, Frederick
McHatton, John
McManamie, John
Rehs, Henry
Fuller, Stephen
Kuhnle, Christopher
Anderson, G Espey
Bankard, Mrs H
Beall, John T
Beall, Thos
Beall, Wm
Boor, G W
Boor, Jacob
Boor, John
Bowden, Boyd
Brady, J. C.
Broatmarkle, Henry
Broatmarkle, Michael
Bucy, Hanson
Busey, Lemuel
Carleton, Henry
Darrow, Mrs. Wm.
Dean, Mathias
Deekin, Henry
Dilley, Joseph
Dougherty, Daniel
Dressman, B. H.
Eberly, Mathias
Everstine, James
Fonghtman, Mrs C
Frantz, Joseph
Frost, M A
Frost, Orman
Fundenberg, S H
Gross, Amos
Gross, Lewis
Hebb, Hopewell
Hendrickson, O. P.
Hendrickson, Richard
Hendrixon, John
Hinkle, Geo. P.
Hinkle, John
Hinkle, Morgan
Hinkle, Wm.
Humbird, James
Humbird, John
Hutson, John
Lafferty, Isaac
Laing, Fred, Jr.
Lanahan, James
Leasure, Thos.
Leopold, George
Lloyd, Lowndes, Jr.
Logsdon, Henry
Logsdon, Marshall
Logsdon, Wm.
Long, Daniel
Long, U. D.
Lynn, Galloway
Mattingly, Francis
Mattingly, James
Mattingly, Thos.
Melster, John
Millman, Henry
Millman, F. X.
McCormick, Dr.
McKinsey, Thornton
Myers, George
Naughton, Michael
O’Neal, Edward
Perry, Capt. Roger
Potts, Aaron
Read, Nelson C.
Resley, Horace
Ridgley, Charles
Rice, Levi
Rouzer, Martin
Sanders, Henry
Schlunt, George
Schulz, Phillip
Semmes, Rich’d T
Smeezen, Henry
Smith, Dr Jas
Smouse, John
Smonse, Peter
Stallings, John
Steele, Henry
Stottler, Morgan
Tauber, John
Taylor, Reuben
Taylor, Wm
Twigg, Frank
Walker, John
Weber, Henry
Wilheim, John
Wilkinson, Thos
Willison, Owen
Wilson, James
Wilson, Jesse
Winters, George
Wolford, CharlesFlintstone
Ash, Elwell
Ash, John
Beader, August
Browning, Jesse
Browning, Ephraim
Bucey, Henry Sr
Bucey, Henry Jr
Bucey, Denton B
Chaney, Ambrose
Chaney, Leonard
Davis, Wm B
Dicken, Wea
Diebert, H
Deffenbaugh, Dan’l
Elbin, Wm
Fletcher, George
Gordon, Simon
Hardsock, John
Jamison, Thos
Kifer, Jacob
Kifer, Abram
Lashley, George
Lashley, Jacob
McCoy, Jas
McElfish, JOS
McElflsh, Thos
Morgan, Wm
Morgan, Sam’l
North, Henry
Perren, Lenox
Robinett, Jeremiah
Robinett, Moses
Robinett, Jesse of Wm
Robinett, Jesse of M
Robinett, Jasper
Robosson, T P
Slider, Stephen
Smith, Isaac
Turner, B L
Twigg, John M
Twigg, John F
Twigg, John T
Willison, H F
Willison, D L
Wilson, Isaac
Wilson, Lawrence
Wilson, Sam’l
Wilson, John H
Wilson, Moses
Wilson, Joshua
Wilson, James
Wilson, Jackson
Wilson, Argyle
Wilson, WilliamFrostburg
Arnold, Jesse J
Atkinson, H B
Burns, Martin
Clise, Peter
Cutter, Frederick
Davis, Alexander
Engle, William
Graham, C M
Hanna, James
Hansell, George
Hansell, John
Hansell, William P
Harden, John
Humbirdson, A F
Kelly, William
Kimberiy, John
Kirby, John
Lewis, William
Loar, George W
Loar, Henry
Loar, John
Logsdon, Moses
McCaughan, John
McKenzie, Josiah P
Mathias, William
Myers, John
Neff, Thomas W
Poland, Moses
Poland, Thomas
Porter, George W
Porter, John S
Porter, Josiah
Porter, William W
Bace, Conrad
Bephorn, Henry
Shombert, John
Smith, Theodore
Staples, William
Wagas, Henry
Ward, James H
Winebrenner, Isaac
Winebrenner, Morris
Winter, Enoch
Wolf, Charles
Workman, William C
Yeates, BenjaminLonaconing
Broadwater, Amos
Brown, Hanson
Chaney, Jesse W
Chancy, John C
Coleman, Geo W
Coleman, Kelita
Coleman, Wm S
Crow, Isaac
Curry, Amos
Durst, Albert
Dye, Jas J
Dye, John
Garlitz, Isadore
Garlitz, Noah B
Goodwin, John
Green, Adam
Green, Benj
Green, Bobt
Green, Simeon W
Jacobs, Wm
Lancaster, Andrew
Lewis, Thos J
MeRenzie, Isadore
MeRenzie, Jeremiah J
MeRenzie, Sadres
Merrill, Andrew J
Merrill, David
Miller, Jacob F
Miller, Phillip
Miller, Samuel
Miller, Wm
Ritchie, Thos
Robinson, Jesse J
Robinson, John F
Robinson, Morgan
Robinson, Nelson J
Roontz, Jacob W
Skidmore, Joseph
Staup, Peter
Wampler, Daniel F
Weir, Jas
Weitzell, Elias
Wilhelm, JohnMt. Savage
Arnold, Jeremiah
Bluchbaugh, Simon
Brailer, Augustus
Combs, John S
Garey, Cornelius
Kimmel, Peter
Kneiram, John
Logsdon, Leo
Logsdon, Peter
Logsdon, Wm
Martin, Jacob
Mattingly, John
Mattingly, Sylvester
Monaghan, Anthony
Pratt, James
Pratt, Wm
Booney, Patrick
Shaffer, Rhinehart
Trimble, Henry
Trimble, Joseph
Trimble, W S
Weld, H T
Workman, W C
Yates, WmMurley’s Branch
Ash, Amos
Bottomfield, Abert
Chaney, Isaac
Dean, Joseph
Flake, J T
Frazee, Daniel
Fletcher, David
Hamilton, Alexander
Hardsock, Wm
Hinkie, Sumer
House, H
Jamison, C B
Jamison, Eliza
McElflsh, Geo
McElfish, Luther
McElfish, Upton
McElilsh, Owen
Middleton, B
Middleton, Joel
Robinette, G A
Robinette, Geo
Robinette, J C
Robinette, M L
Rice, David
Rice, Levi
Twigg, Gec
Twigg, Thos
Twigg, A
Twigg, Oliver
Willison, Ashford
Willison, James
Wilson, Amon
Wilson, Asias
Wilson, Bliss
Wilson, Hambury
Wilson, Jesse
Wilson, Jonathan
Wilson, Thornton
Wolford, SamuelOcean
Antony, John
Barnerd, Daniel
Clice, J.Peter
Clice, J K
Fair, William
Furley, Henry
Hansel, John
Hansel, Phillip
Holly, Jeff
Lore, George
Llewellyn, John, Jr
Llewellyn, John, Sr.
Liewellyn, Thomas
McKenzie, Joseph
Poland, Harrison
Poland, Thomas
Stevenson, John
Winters, BOld Town
Alterton, Luke
Alterton, Peter
Athey, Geo
Athey, Upton
Barth, Adam
Barth, Christ Heirs of
Beard, Mrs
Carts, Mrs
Crabiree, Lewis Heirs of
Crabtree, Resin
Crabtree, Thomas
Cresap, L M
Daniels, Denis
Daniels, John
Devenhurg, Daniel
Devenburg, John
Byler, Josiah
Fields, Wilson
Fisher, James
Furlow, S D
Ginevan & Conely
Harris, Sophia
Hartley, Martin C
Hartly, John
Hartly, Riley
Herrick, Henry
Kelley Christopher
Kerns, Mrs A
Littel, Mrs M
Littel, Nimrod
Long, Isaac
Mathews, J & Wm
Myers, Henry
Piper, M J
Rise, A
Rechambaugh, John
Reely, Bverhart
Ruby, John
Sheeler, Sam
Shotsen, John
Shryock, Lewis Heirs 0
Stallings, Aaron
Stallings, Charles
Stallings, Norman
Stallings, Samuel
Stump, David
Twigg, Lewls
Twigg, Preston
Twigg, Riley
Twigg, Oliver
Twigg, Charies Heirs of
Wakefield, J
Wagoner, Sam Heirs of
Wilson, Geo
Wilson, JamesOrleans
Apple, Jno H
Barnes, Joseph
Barnes, Samuel
Barahart, Wm
Brinkman, Wm
Brinkman, F
Brinkman, H
Fletcher, Phil
Gross, John
Hailer, Jno W
Harper, Dennis
Hartley, James T
Hettinhouser, L C
Higglns, Jas B
Jima, Hugh
Jilles, Wea
Keefer, M
Keefer, Frank
Kermara, M H
Kisler, Albert
Lindenburg, F
Linn, Wm
Luttrell, F B
Mahony, Sam
Mann, H
Mann, Thos
Many, James
McDonald, William
Nolan, Jerry
Norris, G B
Norris, Jos M
Norris, T H
Northcraft, M H
Northcraft, Bdwd
Potts, Jonas
Price, John
Price, G W
Reiser, Albert
Robinson, John
Robinson, L
Boby, Jas P
Roby, John W
Rockwell, L
Rujan, D S
Shiply, B D
Shiply, H P
Shiply, Heze
Shiply, Sam
Slider, Nathan
Stottlemyer, C O
Stottlemyer, J B
Stottlemyer, B H
Stott, John
Trail, Nathan
Trail, Nathan of
Twigg, Michael
Watson, D C
Watson, I N
Watson, John D
Weaver, George W
Zigler, JacobPekin
Arnold, David
Fitzpatrick, John
Green, Robert
Jacobs, Norman
Jacobs, Wm H
Miller, Samuel
Moffat, Robert
Poland, James
Spencer, John N
Timney, DanielPiney Grove
Barnes, Samuel
Barnes, Joseph
Barnhart, William
Dreek, James N
Creek, Thomas
Fletcher, Philip
HaIler, John W
Mann, Henry
Mann, Thomas
Mahoney, Samuel
Norris, G K
Price, John W
Reisar, Albert
Shipley, Barnard
Shipley, Samuel
Shipley, Hezekiak
Trail, Hugh
Watson, David CRawlings
Carder, John
Cookerly, John C
Cresap, Bdward
Hart, John
Hutson, Lynm
Kelley, J B
Lynn, Sprigg
McCarty, A B
Bavenacraft, B
Bavenscraft, John
Bawlinga, A C
Welch, John
Wilson, James WWesternport
Coleman, Phineas
Crabtree, W H
Dayton, G W
Duckworth, A C
Duckworth, Uriak
Fazenbaker, B N
Fazenbaker, Jesse
Fazenbaker, O C
Kight, Richard
Kight, Wm of E
Kooken, Jesse
McAnally, Patnek
Michaels, Chas
Michaels, David
Michaels, G F
Michaels, G T
Poland, Jesse
Poland, Matilda
Ravenscraft, J F
Wilt, J M -
ANNE ARUNDEL is the most centrally situated county of the State, and is bounded on the east by the Chesapeake Bay, south by Calvert County, west by the Patuxent Biver and Prince George’s County, north-west by Howard County, and north by Baltimore County. At its northern extremity it lies immediately opposite to and is connected with Baltimore City by a draw-bridge about a mile long. Iron ore abounds in the northern part of the county.
This county is of a rolling character, but has no very elevated points, and, like most of the other counties, has all descriptions of soil. Below Annapolis there is generally a stiffer soil, and mostly an excellent fertile country, and very productive in tobacco and grain. The lands along South and West Rivers are the chief grain producing sections, while those in the upper and central portions of the county are noted for their fine fruits and vegetables The country between Annapolis and Baltimore is almost entirely cultivated in truck gardens, and sends to the Baltimore markets a large proportion of their finest supplies, producing immense quantities of strawberries, peas, cucumbers, tomatoes, cantaloupes, watermelons, cabbages, &c. This section is highly adapted for this purpose, being mostly a light soil, easily tilled, and, being protected by the elevated lands north of Baltimore, is several days earlier in ripening crops than the soils around the north of the city The timbers are principally oaks, chestnut, and pines. There are some fisheries in the county though not very extensive, but oysters abound around all the shores south from Sandy Point, and also wild fowl in the season.
Judge Fifth Judicial Circuit-Hon. Oliver Miller, Chief Judge, Annapo1is, Hon. Edward Hammond and Hon. Wm. N. Hayden, Associate Judges, Annapolis. Commissioners of Court-Win. T. Iglehart, S. Thos. McCullough. Auditor-Jas. H. Hodges. Clerk to Court-Sprigg Harwood, Annapolis. Clerks. Deputy, Thos S Beall, Thos. B. Gassaway. Crier-Philip C. Clayton. Sheriff–Thomas S Nutwell, Annapolis Deputy Sheriffs-Augustus Brian, Geo. W. Murdock. State’s Attorney-Henry Aisquith, Annapolis. Warden of Jail-Allen White. Physician to Jail. Dr Geo. Wells. Judges of Orphans Court -Thos. S. Iglebart, Chief Judge; Geo F White and Charles S. Welch. Register of Wills-Dr Wm. T. Revell. Surveyor-Amos H. Harman. County Commissioners–Daniel Caulk, Annapolis; Geo. N. Potee, Brooklyn, and Allen Warfield, Odenton. Attorney to Commissioners–S. Thos. McCullough, Annapolis. Clerk–George M. Duvall, Annapolis. County Treasurer–None. School Commissioners–R. H. Green, Pres’t, Annapolis, Dr. N. S. Knighton, Friendship, and Wm. Shipley, Brooklyn. Examiner, Secretary and Treasurer–Wm. Harwood. Trustees of Almshouse–John T. E. Hyde, Thos. C. Boone, S. C. Acton, John Tucker, and John B. Owens. Physician–Richard H. Green. Steward-Jno. Marshall. Registers of Voters–John S. Marriott, Thos. E. Cooksey, Thos. C. Boone, Charles R. Harman, B. D. Smith, Geo. W. Murdock, and Henry O’Neill. Constable–Thos. Basil. Tax Collectors-_Jno. T. Hammond, A. K. Clayton, E. R. W. Shekells, H. S. Anderson, Jacob Watts, S. S. Tracey and H. G. Webb. Justices of the Peace, W. H. Gassaway, Dennis C. Thompson, Robt. Welch, J. F. Deale, Notary Public–John F. Elliott, Congressman, Fifth District–Hon. Eli J. Henkle, Annapolis. U. S. Commissioner–J. W. Randall. Revenue Collector-Jno. G. Taylor. State Senator-Hon. M. Bannon, Annapolis. Members House of Delegates-Wm. Snowden, Samuel G. Acton and Geo. W. Nutwell, Annapolis. Terms of Circuit Court, which are held in the Court House at Annapolis, the county seat: Law Terms-3rd Monday in April and 4th Monday in October. Chanceys Terms-3rd Monday in January and 3rd Monday in July. Population of County-White, 15,457; Colored, 11,000. Registered Vote-5,875. Assessed Vatue of Personal, Real, Stocks and Railroad Property-$10,267,318. State and County Tax-101 cents on $100.
The capital of the State, county seat of Anne Arundel, is a city and port of entry, situated on the south bank of the Severn River, 2 miles from its entrance into the Chesapeake Bay; 20 miles S. by E. from Baltimore and 87 miles E. by N. of Washington. The Annapolis & Elkridge H. B., 21 miles long, connects it with Baltimore and Washington by rail, and it is in daily eommunication by steamers with Baltimore and other points on the bay and its tributaries. Annapolis was founded about 1649. The settlement was at first called Providence, afterward Anne Arundeltown; and lastly, having received a city charter in 1705, Annapolis, (i.e. “the city of Anne,”) in honor of Queen Anne, who bestowed several valuable presents on the town, giving an organ to one of their churches, &C The State House where meets the Legislature and the Court of Appeals, is a fine old building, and is located on a beautiful elevation in full view of the bay and near the centre of the city. The State Legislature meets biennially in January, and the Court of Appeals holds its sessions from October to July, with a short intermission in the spring. The U.S. Naval Academy; St. John’s College, (a State institution), one of the oldest in the country, and St. Mary’s Seminary for priests, (Roman Catholic), are situated here. The city contains large and well attended Episcopal, Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran and Roman Catholic Churches, also a bank, a market house, 4 newspapers and 4 printing offices, and four good hotels. The Maryland Hotel and the City Hotel are the head-quarters for the sons of Md. when they come biennially to legislate for the State, and lively old times they have in this ancient city during the time of the sitting of the State Legislature, which holds its sessions daily for three months. Annapolis is an incorporated town and is governed by a mayor and board of aldermen, and has a regular police force. The city is lighted with gas and is supplied with plenty of good water. It has a convenient and well protected harbor. Vessels of the largest size anchor with safety in Annapolis Roads, and during the winter of 1877, when access to Baltimore was prevented by the ice, numbers of vessels-many of them foreign barques, sought and found shelter in the harbor of Annapolis. Oyster packing, during eight months of the year, is the principal trade of the place, and the citic contains several large establishments for this trade. During the summer the Annapolis Canning Company is busily engaged in putting up fruit and vegetables, dile fly peaches, peas and tomatoes. The citizens of Annapolis are industrious and enterprising, and are noted for their morality and hospitality. The elty is healthy and presents many attractions for tourists, pleasure seekers and those wanting homes. Population 10,000. W. O. Bigelow, Postmaster.
STRANGER’s GUIDE TO INTERESTING PARTS.-The State House, built of Imported brick. In it are, the Senate Chamber as it was when General Washington resigned; the Executive Chamber, with portraits of all former governors; the State Library and the Court of Appeals. At the foot of the State House Hill are the Treasurer’s Office, where the provisional legislators met before the erection of the State House; the Comptroller’s Office, the Land, Office, containing the recerds of the Colonial Government, and the Office of the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal, where are found archives under the autograph of General Washingtori, when Vice-President of the Potomac Company. Gubernatorial Residence, a splendid modernly built edifice, finished February, 1870, is opposite. United States Naval Academy, founded October 10th 1845 under the Presidency of James K. Polk, is beautifully situated on some fifty acres of ground, fronting Severn River. As an institution for the acquisition of naval knowledge it has, without a doubt, no superior in the world. To visitors it is open from 7 a. m., to 10 p.m. Music on the lawn from 9 to 10 a. m., and from 5 to 7p.m. United States Naval Hospital, on “Strawberry Hill,” is connected with the academy ground by a bridge, and accommodates over three hundred patients. United States Naval Cemetery, on said property, is also a place worthy of note. St. John’s College, founded 1784, endowed by Maryland, adjoins the Naval Academy. It has three large public halls, extensive grounds, a front on Severn River for bathing and boating. A preparatory department Is attached, which qualifies students also for other high schools. The Faculty numbers eleven of the best talent in the country. Average attendance 200 pupils. Churches-there are St. Anne’s Episcopal, Presbyterian, First and Second Methodist and the St. Mary’s (Catholic.) The latter Is built on the estate of John Carroll of Carrollton, and with it is connected a college for the education of ecclesiastics.
BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES–A.F.& A. M.-Annapolis Lodge, No.89; Palestine Commandry, No.7; H. A. Chapter. 5. of T-Annapolis Division, No.10. I.O.M-Capital Lodge, No.22. 1 0.0. P-Metropolis Lodge, No.17. K. of P-Friendship Lodge, No.8. I. O. G. T.-Capital Lodge, No.152. L 0. R. M.-Chesapeake Tribe, No.82.
ASSOCIATION–Annapolis Savings; Workingmen’s B and L.; Young Men’s Christian.
CHURCHES AND PASTORS-First M. E., Rev. Dr. J. H. Dashiels; Wesley M. E., Rev. J. H. M. Lemon; Presbyterian, Rev. H. O. Gibbons; Episcopal, Rev. W. S. Southgate; St Mary’s Catholic, Rev. Father McHerney.
CITY GOVERNMENT.-Mayor–James H. Brown. Counsellor–William H. Tuck. Aldermen– James Andrews, Charles S. Welch, John T. Hammond, John J. Brewer, William Bryan, Augustus Gassaway. Clker, Allen McCullouch. Messenger-Wm. Hinton. Health Officer-Dr. Richard H. Green. Treasurer-Robert W. Tate. Collector of Tax-John T. E. Hyde. Commissoner-William Black. Constable–Thomas Basil. Chief of Police–Henry Burlingame. Poii’eme~Cbas. Stinchcomb, Michael Curran, James Watkins and James Mace. Lamplighters–Adam Miller, Ed. Hurdle.
Attorney at Law
Aisquith, Henry
Claude, Dennis
Hodges, Jas H
Iglebart, W T
McCullough, S Thos
Mullan, Ferdinand
Munree, James M
Randall & Hagner
Randall, J Wirt
Revell, James
Stockett, Frank H
Stockett, J Shaaf
Thcker, W Frank
Tuck, W H
Vansant, Jas H
Jones, T. J. K.
Agent-Ticket and Freight
Brewer, George
Boone, T. C.
Bryan, W. & Son
Muehlmeister, C. 34 Calvert
Smith, M. M.
Bowers, J. P.
Jackson, Norfolk
Smothers, J. H.
Bell Hanger.
Smull, E H 62 Main
Feltmeyer, Gotlieb
Martin & Myers
Peterson, Stites & Co
Books aud Stationery.
Angli’m, Mrs M A
Hopkins & Feldmeyer
Boots. and Shoes.
Berry, C O
Brooks, W E
Englelke, J F
Goodwin, R
Hall, J C
Voilmer, F 86 Main
Boat Builder.
Brown, Wm
Building Material.
Tunis, W W & Bro
Basil, William
Freeman, William
Basil, David
Basil, Fleteher
Brewer, Jackson
King, George
Carpenters and Builders
Baker, A
Butler, W H
Caulk, Daniel
Clayton, P C
Gardner, W B
Himeihaven John
Marshall, J
Ryan, Jas E
Treadway, Henry
Wells, James
Gassaway, L G
China and Glassware.
Hopkins, James
Clothing Dealers
Dorsey, D W 118 Main
Kramer, J Frank 100 Main
Rehn, Louis H
White, F O
Coal and Wood.
Basil, Jos S M
Crass, Geo C
Kealy, John
Confectionery and Fruit.
Smith, M M
Wagner, M
Basil, Thomas
Collector of Claims.
Elliott, John F 77 Duke of Gloucester
St. John’s, Prof. J M Garnett Pres.
St. Mary’s, Rev. Farther Nicholas Firle, Rector
Walton, Thomas O
Dredge Builders
Peterson, Stites & Co
Goodman, H H 109 Main
Handy & Rullman, 68 Main
Stansbury, R A
Dry Goods.
Andrews, James
Kramer, J Frank 100 Main
Munree, James & Son
Schoff, Mrs C
White, P O
Fancy Goods and Notions
Feldmeyer, Mrs
Hopkins, Mrs M C
Kramer, J Frank 100 Main
Marshall, Mrs E C
Rehn, Mrs S J
Ryan, Mrs J E
Stewart, Mrs S W 84 Main
Taylor, Mrs L H
Furniture Dealers
Jacobi, Geo
Pfeiffer, W L
Gas Fitter.
Small, B H 62 Main
General Merchandise.
Anderson, J W
Basil, J S M
Clayton, L S 5 Market Space
Duvall, T J
Franklin, Geo E
Hopkins, James
Kealy, John
Munroe, Thomas
Reyel, M F
Thomas, John H
Tydings, Thomas
White, Mrs H S W
Whittington, J W
Groceries and Provisions
Basli & Russell
Bright, Mrs C
Clayton, Louis S 5 Market Space
Dexter’s Grocery
Hopkins, James
Marks, Mrs C
M6ss, Gec W
Russell, C H & Bro
8mith, L B
Tate, Jas E
Welch, Jas M
Zichike, Chas
Clayton, Louis S 5 Market Space
Black’s, W Black
Carroll, J. A Medley
City, Colton & Co L F
Marx’s, F Bralnard
Maryland, W H Gorman & Co
Insurance Co.
Mutual Fire Ins Co
Justices of the Peace.
Gassaway, W H
Thompson, Dennis C
Welch, R H.
Livery Stables.
Martin, B C
Vansant, J H
Lumber Dealers
Basil & Parlett
Tunis, W W & Bro
Messenger of Court.
Chaney, M D
Durno, G. C.
Williams & Wells
Millinery Goods
Hopkins, Mrs. M. C.
Stewart, Mrs. S. W. 84 Main
Notary Public
Elliott, John F. 77 Duke of Gloucester
Oyster Packers
Annapolis Canning Co
Brown & Bro
Brown, Joseph H & Co
Couletan & Co.
Dorsey, M G
DuBois, C A & Co
Medford, Russell & Co
Russell, J & Co
Sands, J & Co
Stanley & Co.
Basil, T & Co
Kalmey, J W
Strange, B E
Chance, James
Hopkins, C H
Bishop, Wm 2 South
Brewer, William
Claude, A
Green, B H
Handy, Claude
Ridout, M C
Walton, H Roland
Wells, Geo
Smull, E H 62 Main
Stewart, Samuel
Black, William
Deufel, John
Dressel, John
Kaiser, Henry
Kuliman, G
Martin, B C
Lannay, W M
Wooley, A C
Saddles and Harness.
Hays, J S
Schools and Academies
Cowman, Mrs Rose
Hodges, Miss P A
Pindell, Miss B W
Sisters of Notre Dame
Taylor, E C
Welsh, Mrs Richard
Wilcox, Miss G L
Stoves and Tinware
League, Jas. H. & Co., 113 Main
Wilson, Wm. H. F. & Son
Baer, Herman 43 Main
Bellis, Wm H
Richardson, I N
Telegraph Manager.
Johnson, J J (W U)
Tobacco and Cigars
Bishop, J C
Clayton, Louis S 5 Market Space
Coblens, D C
Hart, Alex
Welch, Jas M
Giddings, Luther
Watches and Jewelry.
Boessel,C 83 Main
Hayden J E 59 Main
Martin & Myers
Wines and Liquors.
Coblens, D C
Iglehart, Jas & Son
Moss, Geo W
Is at the junction of the A. & Elkridge Railroad with the B. & O. 19 miles from Baltimore, 21 from Washington, and 21 from Annapolis, the county seat and capital of the State. The situation is pleasant and healthy. Climate mild. Land fair, and sells at from $100 to $200 per acre, principally cleared. Crops are average and generally good. The Patuxent River which is here a small stream, is three-quarters of a mile distant. John T. Couglein and Miss Kate Laynor, Teachers. Centralia Grange, 87, P. of H. T. J. Bowie, Master, C. W. Haslup, Secretary. Population 450. Alphonso Latchford, Postmaster.
Agent-R. R. and Express.
Smith, Joseph B
Attorney at Law.
King, Geo W
Journey, A
Latchford, Joseph
Latchford, J F
Clarke, William
General Merchandise.
Haslup, Jas P
Kelly, James
Latchford, Alphonso
Parkhurst, M Fitzsimmons
Justice of the peace.
Pitt, Thos I
Fitzsimmons, Thos
Kelly, J C
Latchford, Wm
Hughes, A
Latham, P H
Garrison, J W
King, J H
Latchford, JosephARNOLD’S STORE
Is 5 miles from Annapolis and near Joyce’s Wharf, on Severn River, itsshipping point. Climate, land, business, and crops rood, and place healthy. Land is mostly cleared and can be bought at from $20 to $80 per acre, and produces 20 bus. wheat, 30 bus. oats, 150 bus. potatoes, 40 bus. corn, and 1000 lbs. tobacco. M. E. Church, South, Rev. J. L. Kibler, Pastor. Mr. Thomson and Miss Annie Whiteburst, Teachers. Population 200. E. F. Arnold, Postmaster.
General Merchandise.
Arnold, E F
Boone, Thomas
Johnson, Addison
Perrigo, Daniel
Is 5 miles from Upper Marlboro on B. & P.R. R., and near steamboat navigation on the Patuxent River. Climate is changeable and place healthy. The land is medium to good, mostly cleared; a light growth of white oak, red oak, poplar and walnut, yet standing. Land can be bought at from $20 to $50 per acre; produces 20 bus. oats, 100 potatoes, 50 corn, 16 wheat, and 1000 lbs. tobacco. Crops generally good and business fair. M. E. Church, Rev. St John Neal and Jones, Pastors; M. E. South, Rev. E. H. Henry and Williams, Pastors; Episcopal, Rev. T. C. Gambrill. Miss Georgiana and Maggie Owens, Public School Teachers. Planters Grange, 31, P. of H., Thos Owens, Master, H. Tell, Sec. Population 50. Joseph Chaney, Postmaster.
General Merchandise.
Chancy Joseph
Drury, James O
Gardner, Samuel
Smith, G A
Carr, B A
Richardson, HenryBROOKLYN
Is on the middle branch of the Patapsco River, 3 1/2 miles S. E. of Baltimore, and connected with it by a commodious bridge. It is a flourishing village, regularly laid out and rapidly increasing in population and importance; has a well protected harbor, with plenty of deep water. The land is principally cleared, loamy and mixed with sand; the timber yet standing es composed of pine and chestnut. The land is worth from $50 to $150 per acre; it produces 30 bus. wheat, 35 oats, 40 potatoes and 80 corn. Climate healthy, crops generally good. Two churches, one colored. One academy and two public schools. Myrtle Grange, 106, P. of B., W. A. Shipley, Master; W. Linthicum, Sec. Population 140. August Marx, Postmaster.
Geis, John
Irwin, Thomas
Smith, Henry
Zinkhan, J Adam
Brick Manufacturer.
Potee, Geo N
Robinson, O P
McNerry, Wm
General Merchandise.
Fisher, John G
Grieneisen, Lewis
Leiman, Mary
Robinson, C N & Bro
Russell, Mrs John
Stoll, Herman
Wilman, John
Acton S G
McPherson, John W
Welling, Henry
Robinson, O P
Robinson, J B
Warfield, C
Winterson, Rich’d
Gardner, Geo
Hawkins, Jas H (colored)
Hedon, Baptist
Reddish, Purnell
Is 3 miles from Crownsville, on the A. & E. R. R. and 8 miles from Annapolis. South River, which is near, affords plenty of fish. Climate mild, village henithy, business medium, land fair, mostly cleared, and can be purchased at from $10 to $30 per acre, and produces 10 to 15 bus. wheat, 30 bus oats, 25 to 35 bus. corn, and 1,000 pounds tobacco. Crops generally good and inducements to emigrants fair. Two M. E. Churches, Rev. W. A. McDonald, Pastor, and one colored M. E. Church. Two schools, one white and one colored. Population 75. L. B. Talbert, Postmaster.
Cadle, John H
General Merchandise
Talbert, L B
Cooksey, Thomas E.
Hammond, George.CROWNSVILLE
Is 8 miles from Annapolis, and on the A. & E. R. R. Climate mild and village healthy; business and land medium, plenty cleared, one-half heavily timbered; that now standing is chestnut, pine and oak; plenty of land for sale and can be purchased at from $5 to $35 per acre; it produces 10 bus wheat, 20 corn; good corn and tobacco crops. Two churches, one Episcopal, and one school. Population 300. Edward Armistead Owens, Postmaster.
General Merchandise.
Owens, Edward A
Cooksey, Ephraim
Is 4 miles from Rutland, 9 miles from Crownsville, on the A. & E. R. R. and is situated on the county road leading to Owensville, 4 1/2 miles from Taylorsville or South River Landing. Climate temperate, village healthy; fine land and mostly cleared; crops good, business medium; land can he purchased at from $10 to $60 per acre, and produces 5 to 25 bus. wheat, 30 oats and 20 to 60 corn. Population 60. Thos. Talbott, Postmaster.
Talbott, Thos
General Merchandise.
Anderson, Saml
Woodward, D D
Davidson, B R
Shipley, Nathan
Coats, Joseph
Is 13 miles from Upper Marlboro, on B. & P. R. R., and near Fair Haven, on the Chesapeske Bay, the shipping point Climate variable, and health medium; business, crops, and lsnd good; land is principally cleared and can he bought for $20 per acre; it produces 11 bus. wheat, 13 oats, 75 potatoes, 40 corn, 2,000 lbs. hay and 800 lbs. tobacco. The inducements to emigrants are, cheap land and labor, near to navigable water and markets; two M.E. Churches, Rev. St. Clair Neal, Rev. Charles Jones; one M. E. Church South, Rev. E. H. Henry; St. Mark’s P. E. Church, Rev. Theo. C. Gambrill, Public School Teachers, Mrs. G. W. Pembroke, Joseph W. Wood. Friendship Grange, 89, P. of H., Ham. G. Webb, Master, Arthur Carr, Sec’y. Population 200. Richard Owings, Postmaster.
Wood, Joseph W.
Jones, James H.
Leitch, John V.
Wilkerson, Richard
Wilkerson, Wm. T.
General Merchandise
Chew, T. E.
Cole, Samuel
Hutchins, J. T.
Ward, J. Wesley
Plummer, Thomas
Scrivener, Wm. B.
Wood, Mrs. S. E.
Peach Growers
Carr, Arthur
Cunningham, John
Stalling, V. B.
Trout, P. H.
Webb, Wm. H.
Knighton, N. S.
Pembroke, G. W.
Leitch, ThomasHARMAN’S
Is on the B. & P.R R, 12 miles from Baltimore. The Postoffice is 3/4 of a mile west of the station. Climate is temperate and the vicinity healthy. The land is fair and mostly cleared, and worth from $10 to $50 per acre; not much for sale. The cultivation of fruits and vegetables receive considerable attention, and are sent by rail to Baltimore where they find a ready market. Two churches–M. E. South, Rev. B. S. Highly; Colored M. E., no regular pastor. Benten Crisp and Charles Mason, Public School Teachers. Population 80. J. W. Shipley, Postmaster.
Redmiles, R F
Grieves, David F
Kelbaugh, John
Shipley, E H
General Merchandise.
Is 16 miles from Baltimore, and near Jessup’s Cut, its shipping point on the B. & O. R. R. Climate healthy, business medium, crops and land good land is mostly cleared, is worth $100 per acre, produces 20 bus. wheat and average crop of oats, potatoes, corn and bay. Episcopal Church, no regular minister; M. E. Church South, Rev. J. D. Still; Roman Catholic Church, Father Staunton. Public School Teacher, Wm. Whiteside. The House of Correction, a State Justitution, is situated on a beautiful elevation a short distance south. Population 800. J. F. Lowekamp, Postmaster.
Lowekamp, J F
Clarke, Robt. T.
General Merchandise
Clarke, John T.
Lowekamp, J. F.
Ore Banks
Hobbs, Geo. W.
Kerfe, S. E.
Linthicum, A. S.
White, C. B.
Is 7 miles from Upper Marlboro on the B. & P. R. R. and near navigation on West River. Climate good, and village very healthy. Land is a clay loam and principally cleared; can be bought at from $20 to $50 per acre, and produces 12 to 20 bus. wheat, 30 oats, 200 potatoes, 60 corn, 2,000 lbs. Hay and from 800 to 1,200 lbs tobacco. Business fair. Crops good. Two M. E. And one Episcopal church. C. Page, J. B. Swan, and Miss J. S. Lamb, Public School Teachers. Population 300. J. W. Bevan, Postmaster.
Carr, Geo. W.
Hunt, R. S. & Co.
Peake, Chas.
General Merchandise
Bevan & Pindell
Clayton & Bowie
Johnson & Jenkins
Shepherd, R. H.
Is on the A. & B. R. R., 12 miles from Annapolis and 2 from Severn River; climate mild and place healthy; business and land medium, land principally cleared; the timber yet standing is a heavy growth of oak, pine and chestnut; -plenty of land for sale and can be purchased at from $5 to $30 per acre; produces 10 bus. wheat, 20 corn and an -average amount of other products; –corn and tobacco crop good. Two M. B. Churches, Rev. Henry Joyce; one Episcopal Church, Rev. Chas. Ritter; A. A. Co. Academy, P. M. Leskin principal, and a public schooL Population 800. L. Cecil, Postmaster.
McKnew, Geo W
General Merchandise
Cecil & Son
Dicus, Mrs J L
Dicus, J. L.
Williams, Wm. G.
Is at the junction of the B. & P. and A. & E. R. R, 19 miles from Baltimore and 19 from Annapolis. Climate raild and place healthy, business and land medium, not much cleared; the timbered land is of heavy growth and that yet standing is composed of chestnut, pine and oak; land is worth from $5 to $30 per acre and produces 10 bus. wheat, 20 corn. Corn and tobacco crop good. The inducements to emigrants are cheap lands; one church and one public school. Population 100. Jacob Watts, Postmaster.
Agent R. R. & Express.
Creidler, Geo B
General Merchandise
Murray, Geo M
Watts, Jacob
Is 5 miles from Crownsville, on Annapolis & Elkridge R. R. Climate is temperate and village healthy. Plenty of land, which is mostly cleared for sale. Crops and business fair. Land can be bought at from $10 to $30 per acre, and produces 7 to 10 bus. wheat, 80 oats, 25 corn and a heavy crop of tobacco; not much hay or potatoes raised for market. South River Is near and affords plenty of water for easy and cheap means of transportation to Baltimore, Annapolis and other points. Population 50. Jno. T. Beard, Postmaster.
Cadle, John H
General Merchandise
Beard, S & Son
Clark, J T Jr
Hook, W. H.
Is 5 miles from Annapolis, and on White Hall, Deep and Mill Creeks. Climate mild and healthy. Business medium. Crops and land generally good. Plenty ot land for sale, easily cultivated and cheap; can be bought for $20 per acre, and produces 20 bus. wheat, 30 oats, 150 potatoes, 80 corn, and 2,000 pounds hay. Water communications good, and it is convenient to Annapolis, Baltimore and Washington. One white and one colored school. One Episcopal Church, Rev. Samuel Ridout, Pastor; M. E. South, Rev. J. L. Kibler, Pastor. Population 375. De Witt Kent, Postmaster.
Hayman, O
Tate, Joseph
General Merchandise.
Ridout, H S & Bro
Pettibone, Phillip
Revell, H M
Ridout, Z D
Bombarger, Geo.
Ditser, Chas.
Ridout, Weems
Green, Leslie (colored)SAPPINGTON
Is on the A. & E. H. R, 18 miles from Annapolis. Crops fair; not much business; plenty of land, mostly cleared, and for sale at from $5 to $15 per acre; not many potatoes or much hay raised for market. Population 50. M. M Sappington, Postmaster.
General Merchandise.
Baldwin, J F
Is near the River of that name, and 9 miles from Annapolis: The shipping point is Rhode River Landing. Climate moderate and healthy. Not much business. Crops are generally good. The land is a clay loam, principally cleared; can be bought at from $80 to $40 per acre, and produces 12 bus. wheat, 20 oats, 80 potatoes, 40 corn, 1,000 lbs tobacco and 1,500 lbs. hay. Population 200. J. W. Dove, Postmaster.
Bealle, James
General Merchandise
Collison, Capt N G
Dove, James W
Owens, Edward
Bird, Jacob W
Bird, W F
Weems, RichardSUDLEY
Is 4 miles from West River, and 80 miles from Upper Marlboro, on B. & P. R. R. Climate mild. Business medium. Land is mostly cleared, and can be bought at from $20 to 530 per acre, and produces 8 to 12 bus. wheat, 30 to 40 oats, 25 to 80 corn, and heavy crops of tobacco; not much hay or potatoes raised. Population 25. Miss Christiana Crandell, Postmistress.
General Merchandise.
Crandell & Glover
Franklin, J A,
Franklin, T J
Is on Tracy’s Creek, 10 miles from Upper Marlboro’, on B. & P.R R., and near Tracy’s Landing, Fair Haven and West River. Place healthy, climate, business, crops and land good; plenty of cleared land, can be hought for $30 per acre, and produces 12 bus. wheat, 40 oats, 100 potatoes, 85 corn, 3,000 lbs. hay, 1,000 lbs. tobacco. The inducements to emigrants are healthy climate, good society, and cheap lands. P. E. Church, Rev. Theo. C. Gambrill. Population 25. Albert Wilson, Postmaster.
General Merchandise.
Crandell, Wm T
Perry, RobertWATERBURY
Is on the A. & E. R. R., 10 miles from Annapolis and 2 1/2 from Severn River. Climate mild, health, business and land medium; the land is principally cleared, the timber yet standing is a heavy growth of oak, pine and chestnut; plenty of land for sale, and can be bought at from $5 to $85 per acre; producea 10 to 15 bus. wheat, 30 to 50 oats, 100 to 150 potatoes, 30 to 40 corn, 800 to 1,000 Ibe. tobacco, and 2,000 lbs. hay; corn and tobacco crop good. M. E. Church, Rev. 3. D. Still, and a public school 3. E B. Dodson and R. F. Dodson, teachers. Population 250. Richard Baldwin, Postmaster.
Williams, Benj.
Lavage, John
Furlong, H S
General Merchandise.
Baldwin & Co
Justice of the Peace.
Dodson, R F
Mead, Walter
Sand Refiners
Spear & Co
Rauch, C
Rowe, Wm
Williams, Richard TWEST RIVER
Is 12 miles from Annapolis and 3 miles from Galesyille, on West River, the shipping point. Climate good and place healthy; business, principally farming; mostiy cleared land of good quality, can be bought at from $15 to $40 per acre. and produces 15 to 20 bus. wheat, 20 to 80 oats, 20 to 40 potatoes, 40 corn, 2,000 lbs. hay, 1,000 lbs. tobacco; crops are generally good. Emigrants are offered good and cheap lands as an inducement to come here. Episcopal Church, Rev. Dr. Hodges; M. B., Rev. E. H. Henry and Rev. W. A. Willlams. West River Grange 15, P. of H., H. M. Murray, Master. Population 100. J. W. Chew, Postmaster.
Hopkins, J H
Hunt, John
Hunt, Robert
General Merchandise.
Chew & Co
Learch, Emile
Linthicum, Stephen
Tillard, E
Justice of the Peace.
Deale, J Franklin
Bird, J W
Is near Patuxent on the B. & P.R. R and adjacent to Patuxent River, which furnishes an abundant supply of water; village healthy, climate temperate, business medium, the land is various in quality, susceptible of improvement and mostly cleared; the timber yet standing is composed of oak, hickory, gum, sycamore, birch and pine. Some of the land is heavily timbered, Is worth from $5 to $50 per acre, and produces 10 bus. wheat, 15 to 20 oats, 20 to 25 oorn, 800 to 1000 lbs. tobacco. Crops are fair. The inducements to emigrants are healthy climate, nesr churches, schools, mills and markets. Two M. E.. Churches; one P. E. Church; one Roman Catholic Church, and two public schools are near. Population 85. A. G. Woodward, Postmaster.
Attorney at Law.
Ducket, Marion
Schumaker & Co
General Merchandise.
Anderson, C F
Conway, Z P
Hopkins, John
White, G B
Varley, Chas R
Varley, J T
Williams, W G
Lee, G W
Alen, Jas W
Arnold, Thomas
Benjamin, Warren
Berry, N. E.
Boone, Thos C
Brice, C C
Brice, H S
Brown, H L
Bush, H H
Butler, Wm H
Chaney, M D
Claude, D
Conner, J. W.
Coolhan, N. T.
Corner, Theodore
Davids, Clinton B
Diefel, John H
Dorsey, Essex B
Dorsey, Richard
Drever, Dr A
Durno, Geo C
Duvall, Chas E
Duvall, Geo M
Duval1 Grafton
Duvall, Rich’d H
Duvall, Sam’l B
Fowler, Rev Jos O
Frederlck, Chas T
Garner, Benj
Garner, Sam’l
Giddings, Luther
Gunning, John
Higgins, D W
Hoffman, Chas
Holland, Dr J G
Hunter, Jas H
Ireland, Wm
Kent, W L
King, Joseph
Laley, Thomas J
Lane, Henry
Linthicum, Thos J
Lusby, Eli
Mara, Wm
Marshall, John
Miller, John of P
Moran, J W
Moss, James
Moss, R. L.
Nichols, J B
Nichols, J W
Redgrave, Sam’1 T
Seaman, L S
Sevier, Wm F
Sheckels, Ezra
Steel, Frank K
Sweeting,.Wm B
Thomas, John
Tucker, John
Tucker, Tilinnan
Walton, Edward
Watkins, John T
Wells, John B
Wells, Wilson W
Williams, Wm
Winchester, H B
Winchester, Horace
Winchester, JohnAnnapolis Junction
Brown, Basil P
Clarke, JM
Clarke, S V
Clarke, W B
Conner, M
Dorsey, L B
Duvall, W B
Fisher, Frank
Goodwin, B
Goodwin, J L
Haslup, Lewis P
Hamilton, Walter
Hughes, Dr A
King, J H
King, W F
Latcnford, Jno
Latchford, G G
Ogle, R L
Owings, C
Rhodes, B M
Rhodes, J M
Romming, C
Stockett, E
Townsend, W L S
White, Samuel
White, T JArnold’s Store
Arnold, E B
Arnold, Thomas H
Bourke, J M
Brice, George
Cox, Isaac
Joyce, Cyrus N
Joyce, John H
Lucas, Samuel
Mitchell, John S
Nicholas, J B
Revell, Dr. H
Wilson, James
Wilson, T JBristol
Brooke, Samuel
Chaney, Joseph
Darnal, F H
Darnal, P H
Darnal, P B
Drury, H of P
Gardner, Samuel
Gary, Thos H
Gott, E Jr
Gott, B B
Hardesty, Matthew
Hopkins, Joseph T
Hopkins, Wm H
Meekins, Joseph A
Owens, Addison
Owens, C W
Owens, Enoch
Owens, Mrs E C
Owens, Geo W
Owens, Horace
Owens, Jas
Owens, Jas Jr
Owens, J E
Owens, J R
Owens, N W
Owens, W F
Pindell, Gassaway
Pindell, B M
Shepherd, Joseph
Sunderland, Wm E
Welch, Geo WBrooklyn
Anderson, Van
Anderson, Wm J
Benson, James
Bohiman, Henry
Brian, Joseph
Burch; Toliver
Clark, Edwin
Crisp, Grafton
Crisp, Nicolas J
Crisp, Rich’d O
Crisp, Rob’t T
Cogan, John
Cromwell, John
Cromwell, Randolph
Cromwell, Richard
Fisher, J George
Hammond, John T
Hammond, Rezin W
Hawkins, Wm
Helmstetter, Simon
Huber, J F
Jacobs, John
Langville, John
Lehr, Wm
Linthicum, S
Linthicum, W
Lucas, James
Merritt, George
Mewshaw, Franklin
Mewshaw, Wm
Miller, Peter
Muir, Joseph
Phe1ps, Rains
Pumphrey, Chas
Pumphrey, Nathan
Puimphrey, Thomas
Pumphrey, Wm
Rider, Abraham
Riley, George
Sansbury, James
Sansbury, Wm
Shipley, Luther
Shipley. W A
Smith, Geo
Stewart, C D
Stewart, Henry
Stewart, Joshua
Stroh, George
Stull, Daniel
Thmas, Richard
Tracy, Samuel
Warfield, Dr Claudius
Williams, GeoChesterfield
Cadle, John H
Carr, Wm A
Duvall, Daniel
Gantt, J M
Hawkins, John
Hawkins, Wm
Lang, G A
Mead,D B
Nickols, B S
Talbert, Thomas
Tipipet, P F
Townshend, D W
Waters, Chas ACrownsville
Anderson, Frisby
Anderson, Monat
Anderson, Wm
Clark, Judeon
Cooksey, Ephraim
Dodson, John B
Dorsey, Win
Duvall, Daniel
Duvall, Richard
Gantt, Jno F
Hammond, Dr Geo
Linthicum, Theodore
Lusby, Benj
Lusby, Eli
Marsh, Geo S
Meade, Brook
Tongue, Benj
Ward, Joseph
Waters, Richard
Watson, Richard
Wilson, Richard
Worthington, BriceDavidsonville
Beall, Geo T
Davidson, B R
Dorsett, S H
Iglehart, James A
Iglebart, Jno W Sr
Iglehart, Jno W
Iglehart, Thos S
Mackall, W G
Robinson, Mrs B
Seilman, J H
Talbott, Thos
Williams, J. WFriendship
Carr, Arthur
Crosby, Walter
Cunningham, John
Gover, Geo S
Gover, James G
Griffith, F L
Leitch, Thos Jr
Owings, Mrs Maranda
Owings, W Beal
Phibbins, R P
Plummer, Robt B
Prout, Win T
Scrivener, Win B
Smith, Win
Trott, Jersey
Ward, Harry
Webb, H G
Wells, Jno
Wells, O M
Wells, Thomas
Wilkerson, Benj
Wilson, J EHarman’s
Disney, G F
Harman, Amos R
Jeffery, Enos
Jeffery, Richard
Shipley, Alex
Shipley, Geo B
Shipley, L R
Shipley, Richard AHooversville
Anderson, Andrew
Biggs, John W
Clarke, Benj
Clarke, G
Clarke, Jos
Colton, Hon Geo
Gardner, Geo
Gardner, John
Garale, Win
Goodwin, Benj
Hutchens, L H
Jeffrey, John
Kennard, Geo I
Owens, Joshua
Warfield, Geo TLothian
Brashears, J W
Burwell, J B
Drury, J B
Drury, Samuel
Hall, A
Hall, A H
Hall Mrs F
Hall, W H
Hildt, Geo
Jones, J F
McCeny, Thos
Owens, Arthur
Owens G
Owens, M
Shepherd, Owen,
Shepherd, Wm
Wayson, Jas B
Welch, Mrs L P
Welch, W
Wilson, J TMillersville
Anderson, Mrs. M.
Anderson, S. M.
Brown, James
Cecil, J. D.
Cecil, L.
Cecil, O.
Chew, P. L.
Day, Samuel
Gorter, G. O.
Hall, Edward of B.
Hall, F. C.
Hall, T. W.
Higgins, R. F.
Hopkins, Marshal
Hopkins, Montgomery
Jones, Wm.
Joyce, Rev. Henry
Lloyd, A. J.
Morgan, R. G.
Prather, C. C.
Smith, H. R.
Turner, James W.
Turton, Henry F.
Upton, T. A.
Warfield, L.
Williams, Dr. Wm. G.
Woodward, Henry
Woodward, Geo. H.
Woodward, R. D.Odenton
Anderson, E. E.
Comergys, John P.
Day, Nathaniel
Disney, Chas. T.
Disney, N. M.
Disney, R. S.
Disney, Wesley
Downs, Jas. T.
Dyson, N. M.
Fairall, A.
Harman, Enos
Jackson, John
Lowman, John
Lowman, John P.
Nichols, Jas. W.
Phelps, W. W.
Pumphrey, W. B.
Warfield, Allen
Warfield, L.
Watts, James P.
Watts, N P
Wheat, Wm T
Woodward, J HRutland
Beard, Edward
Beard, Stephen
Cadle, John H
Gaither, H
Gaither, Eli
Gai[her, Ephraim
Gaither, Henry
Hodges, Henry
Hodges, Jno T
Hopkins, Isaac
Hopkins, Samuel
Stockelt, J B
Watkins, BenjSaint Margaret’s
Boone, Thos C
Duvall, Grafton
Duvall, Henry
Howes, Wm
Kent, Mrs Juliana K
McTick, Mrs A B
Merikin, Mrs B
Moss, James
Pettibone, Charles
Richardson, Samuel N
Richardson, Samuel R
Richardson, Thos
Ridout, Francis H
Ridout, Rev Samuel
Ridout, Weems
Stinchcomb, Alfred
Stinchcomb, Wm
Thomas, JohnSappington
Donelson Moses
Duvall, Geo
Gardner, John
Higgins, J L
Isaac, Joseph
Joyce, W T
Lowmao, Denton
Mewburn, Edwin
Moke, James
Mules, Mrs Sarah
Higgle, John
Rogers, John
Sappington, Miss M. M.
Sutton, Mrs S M
Turner, James
Turner, James M
Turner, JohnSouth River
Ball, Wm A
Colinson, Benjamin
Colinson, Edward
Duckett, Thos A
Ford, Thus
Harris, Wm F
Lee, Wm D
Meade, John F
Owens, John B
Suit, James B
Tucker, B L
Weems, Dr RichardSudley
Bichell, P
Dashields, W H
Franklin, Dr J A
Franklin, Dr T J
Hyde, G W
Johnson, U M
Johns, Dr Henry
Lewis, L D
Maitland, James
Simmons, W H
Smith, Joseph
Weems, Franklin
Wells, J CTracey’s Landing
Armiger, John
Crandall, Wm T
Hall, Edward
Hall, Thus J Sr
Hall, Thos J
Nutwell, Gao W
Owens, Wm F
Perry, Robert
Sherbert, John
Starlings, Wilson
Wilson, AlbertWaterbury
Baldwin, Richard
Baldwin, Springfield
Bryan, John
Butler, A J
Butler, Wm
Cadle, James
Chaney, James
Chaney, Samuel
Crandle, Wm
Dodson, J E. E.
Dodson, R F
Ford, Joseph
Hatch, Mrs
Lavage, John
Rawlings, S G
Rice, Mrs E
Watson, Chas
Watson, Richard
Whitney, Mrs Milton
Whittington, Wm F
Williams, Benj
WilIiams, R T
Wilson, RichardWest River
Bird, Mrs Emily
Bird, Frank M
Bird, J W
Bird, Mrs Mary
Burwell, Alex
Calhoun, Geo
Cheston, Dr Jas
Clayton, Alex
Clayton, Dr Wm Q
Hopkins, John H
King, Beni
Lyons, Wm
Murray, Alex
Murray, Henry M.
Peake, Wm. H.
Steele, Dr C H
Thomas, Murray
Waters, Dr F
Woollen, J RWoodwardsville
Anderson, C F
Anderson, Randolph
Anderson, Boderick
Anderson, Wm T
Barber, G A
Besiniere, Waters
Bell, Andrew
Carr, P Dorsey
Chany, Andrew
Disney, Wm J
Donaldson, John
Donaldson, Joshua
Harman, Andrew
Higgins, Gao H
Hopkins, John
Hopkins, Joseph
Hopkins, Marshall
Hopkins, R
Lee, Gao W
Linthicum, Mrs L
Linthicum, Thos br
Linthicum, Thos
Macabee, Richard
Malonee, Leonard
Malonee, M V
Mullin, H C
Tharles, J T
Thompson, M
Varley, Chas R
Varley, J P
Watts, Philip H
Watts, Sam’l E
Webb, Mrs M E
White, G B
White, G F
Williams, Dr W G
Woodward, A G
Young, O
Zimmerman, Geo -
BALTIMORE COUNTY is the most central of the northern tier of counties, and one of the largest in the State, being hounded on the north by Pennsylvania, east by Harford County, west by Carroll County, and southwest and south by the Patapsco Falls and River, separating it from Howard and Anne Arundel counties. This county, from its position surrounding the metropolis, is the most important in the State. The surface is uneven and varied, and the rivers and falls which traverse it afford immense water powers, and are the sites of the most extensive milling operations in the Union. The Little and Great Gunpowder Falls, Patapsco River and Gwynn’s and Jones’ Falls are improved with large carpet, cotton and woolen factories, furnaces, foundries, paper and louring mills, all doing a large and flourishing business. The fineet and strongest cotton duck and the best flour are here manufactured. In many parts fruits are extensively cultivated, and the vicinity of Baltimore is remarkable for the fine quality and profusion of its garden vegetables. Iron ores of the brown hematite order, magnetic oxide and carbonate species are found in many parts of the county, and smelted in small furnaces. Southwest from Reisterstown are very extensive beds of chrome ore, yielding a large proportion of that artQele produced by our State, which furnishes the entire supply of chrome used in this country, and much of that used in Europe. The large beds of clay in the vicinity of Baltimore have always been celebrated for producing bricks unequalled in the country for uniformity of color and smoothness. This clay is also manufactured into stoneware and earthenware. Beds of clay for fire-bricks also exist in the same vicinity.
Large quarries of fine building stone are extensively worked, affording good granite and goelis, in the vicinity of Baltimore. In the neighborhood of Texas and Cockeysville are unlimited quantities of excellent marble, the fine-grained while species used for the Capitol extension at Washington, and the slum marble, well known from its use in the construction of the Patent Office at Washington. Large quarries of limestone exist in many parts of the county; a great quantity is burned at Texas. Lime is abundant in Long Green, Dulany’s, Greenspring, Worthington and other valleys, which valleys contain some of the very finest and most productive lands in the State. There are some fisheries on the bay shore, and some of the best points for shooting wild fowl. This county is well provided with traveling facilities; most of the roads leaving the city are turnpikes, whilst all the railway routes also center here. The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad running south-westerly and westerly; the Western Maryland railroad north-westerly; the Northern Central extends the entire length of the county in a northern direction, and the Philadelphia Railroad towards the east. There are also horse railways running westerly to Catonsville, and northerly to Towsontown, seven miles from Baltimore. The county is in length about 35 miles, the greatest width is 28 miles, and the least width on the Pennsylvania line about 11 1/2 miles, giving an area of 718 square miles.
Judges – Third Judicial Circuit-Hon. Richard Grason, Chief Judge; Hons. George Yelloit and James D. Walters, Associate Judges. Commissioners of Court-D. Hopper Emory and W. Fitzhugh Wharton. Auditor-Washington Yellott. Clerk to Court-John Bacon, Towsontown. Cashier-Lewis M. Bacon. County Clerk-Wm. M. Isaac. Equity Clerk-R. Edwin Hook. Record Clerk-Wm. H. Koller, F. Asbury Chilcoat, Walter L. Burke, John D. Bedford and J. Fred. Price. Crier-Lewis Vogle. Interpreter-John J. Pilert. Baliff’s-Geo. W. Seipp, William Morfoot, James H. Linney and John F. Kennedy. Sheriff -Samuel W.Worthington, Towsontown. Clerk-Samuel W. Storm. Deputy Sheriffs-Charles O. Kemp, Morris Elwood and William M. Risteau. 8tatd~ Attormsy-Jervis Spencer, Towsontown. Warden of Jail-William Todd. Pkysician to Jail-Dr. Jackson Piper. Watchman-Thomas M. McDonald. Judges of Orphan’s Court-Joshua F. Cockey, Chief Judge; Albert M. Brown and Luther Timanus. Register of Wills–Joseph B. Mitchell, Towsontown. Deputy- Thos. Philpot Bailiff Henry Bishop. Surveyor-Charles B. McClean. County Commissioners–William Carmichael, President; Edward W. Stiefel and John H Millender. Attorneys to Commissioners-C. Bohn Singluff and D. G. McIntosh. Clerk and Auditor-J. Harman Schone. Watchman and Bailiff-Clark Webb. Keeper of Court House-George L. Stocksdale. County Treasuer-Henry C. Hutchins. Clerk-John C. Bosley. School Commissioners-Wm. M. Isaac, President; O. P. Macgill, John E. Swift, Daniel Jenifer and Charles Gore. Examiner and Treasurer-Thomas C. Bruff. Assistant Secretary-Thomas G. Rutledge. Attorasy-William Grason. Superintendent of Almshouse-Henry J. Zouck. Physician -Dr. Geo. W. Norris. Resident Physician–Dr. Thomas K. Galloway. Engineer–S. L. Scally. Tax Collector–Daniel Shamberger. Congressman Second District–Hon. Charles B. Roberts. State Senator–Hon. Edward D. Freeman. Members House of Delegates. Hons. Wilson Townsend, George H. Williams, Andrew Banks, John I. Yellott, J. Wolff Burton and Malcolm H. Johnson. Terms of Circuit Court, which are held in the Court House at Towsontown, the county seat: Law terms–1st Monday in March and 3d Monday in May. Chancery Terms–4th Monday in August and 1st Monday in December. Population of County–White 70,387; colored 8,363. Registered Vote-17,174. Assessed Value of Personal, Real, Stocks, and Railroad Property–$58,191,703. State and County Tax–64 1/4 cents on $100.
Is on the N.C.R R, 16 miles from Baltimore, and derives its name from the Ashland Iron Furnace, which is here located. Land, limestone, nearly all cleared, is valued at $100 per acre, yields 25 bus. wheat, 50 corn, and 2 tons hay. Freabyterlan Church, one achooL Population 250. John T. Riley, Postmaster.
Agricultural Implements
Miller, U G & Co.
Ambrose, John T
General Merchandise
Duncan, J C D
Hilgeman, J F
Lents, A J
Iron Manufacturers
Ashland Iron Co.
Paper Manufacturer
Hoffman, Wm H
Benson, R B
Thompson, WmBALDWIN
Is on the Harford Road, 5 miles from Baltimore. Land, good, sells at from $100 to $200 per acre, and yields 20 to 30 bus. wheat, and 60 to 100 corn. Roman Catholic and other churches in the vicinity. Public schools near. Population 175. H. B. Bartleson, Postmaster.
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights
Day, Luther
Dilworth, Robert
O’Neil, Henry
Snyder, John
Russell, Chas
General Merchandise
Baldwin, Thomas
Bartleson, H B
McCormick & Hagan
Keuble, Fred
Watkins, J. B.
Lime Quarries
Dilworth, Robert
George, P. T.
Jenkins, Geo.
Gittings, John L.
Baldwin, A. S.
Baldwin, Chas. A.
Is 6 miles from Freeland; land,good, principally cleared, is valued from $15 to $30 per acre, produces 20 bus. wheat, 40 corn, 1,000 lbs. tobacco, and 1 ton hay. Lutheran and Methodist churches. Public schools convenient. Population 400. Daniel Beckley, Postmaster.
Malonee, J
Painter David F
Price, John A
Wolf, Reuben H
Fitz, Geo.
Hare, Geo.
Hare, Philip
Painter, E.
Pergoy, S.
Strevick, Ephraim
Swan, Wm.
Wisner, Geo.
General Merchandise
Fair, Samuel
Wheeler, Wm.
Zouck, G. W.
Crammer, David
Hare, Abraham
Rush, Daniel
Shamberger, John O.
Paper Manufacturers
Beckley, Daniel
Gore, Franklin
Norris, J. B.BELFAST
Is 3 miles from Glencee. Land, limestone, Is valued at $50 per acre, yields 15 bus. wheat, 25 corn and 1 ton hay. Churches and schools convenient, Population 150. Wm. H. Ensor, Postmaster.
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights
Brooks, B C
Crommer, John
Price, Luke B
Wheeler, E. D.
General Merchandise
Ensor, Wm. H.
Merryman, John W.
Ensor, Geo. K.
Morrax, Daniel
Merryman, Moses
Brewel, Mrs. Ann
Is a mountain valley, enclosed by numbers of undulating knolls and heights covered with evergreens and wild flowers of every description, and springs of purest water burst from the hillsides and gush and gurgle through the shrubbery, till they are lost In the noisy stream below. This place is owned by Mr. C. W. Bentley, of Baltimore, and bears his name, and is situated thirty-one miles from Baltimore, on the Northern Central Railroad, 600 feet abeve tidewater. Embracing upwards of 260 acres of land, it forms one of the most beautiful and romantic spots in Baltimore county. The water at this place, as shown by Prof. Alkin’s analysis, is highly medicinal, that of the principal springs resembling closely in composition and curative properties the water of the celebrated Lebanon Springs in New York State. Some years ago a hotel was erected with handsomely improved grounds. This hotel was burned several years ago. In the vicinity are a number of extensive paper mills. All the paper made at these mills Is shipped from Bentley’s, and the materials used are also received through this station. This, taken in connection with the agricultural products of the neighberhood and the other freight shipped from and to this station, manes this a place of no small import. Within two miles of this place are situated three grist mills in connection with several saw mills, which have become a necessary convenience for the farmers in the vicinity. A school house is also being erected to accommodate the pupils who now assemble in one of the lower rooms of the warehouse. The improvements may be briefly enumerated as follows: To the west, at the foot of a high hill, nestles ” Sunny Side,” the summer residence of Mr. Bentley; In front of this is a large stone warehouse, used for the storage of freight; a few yards south of this, on the opposite side, is a neat frame building, used as a store and residence; at some distance north and facing the station is located the M. B. Parsonage of Bentley Springs Circuit; this is a tasty frame cottage, so situated as to command a view of the beautiful suno~nding scenery, and itself constitutes an attractive feature In the landscape of the romantic spot; still further north is the new M. E. Church, a fine large buliding, the material composing it being a fine quality of blue stone, which is abundant in this section. At a point between the railroad track and the parsonage Mr. Bentley is having erected a very extensive foundry, boiler and machine shop, the foundations of which are nearly completed- When this establishment is finished Mr. Bentley contemplates removing his establishment on Front street, adjoining Jones’ Falls, Baltimore city. This will be the means of securing employment to a largenumber of hands, and of giving new life and excitement to this locality. The place promises to become a favorite summer resort very soon again, as the ground has been purchased from Mr. Bentley for the purpose of rebuliding the Glen House on a larger scale. Work will soon be begun, and the hotel will probably be ready or occupation by next season. Population 50. J. Houston, Postmaster.
General Merchandise
Shaffer & Houston
Paper Manufacturers
Abraham, Joseph
Dushane & Glatfelter
Roofing Felt Manufacturer
Is 7 miles from Parkton. Land, good, principally cleared, sells from $20 to $50 per acre, and yields 10 to 20 bus. wheat, 50 corn, and 3 tons hay. Baptist and United Brethren churches. Public schools. Population 150. Thomas Kelbaugh, Postmaster.
Tracy, Cornelius
Wirner, John
Wilhelm, Benj.
Wilhelm, Rev John L
General Merchandise.
Price, Mordecai B
Wilhelm, Daniel
Cox, Oliver
Jsckson, Wesley
Benson, Rev Joshua L
Gorsuch, Jacob
Peregoy, Henry
Is on the Green Spring Branch of the N.C.R. W., 9 1/2 miles from Baltimore. Land, sandy loam, principally cleared, can be bought at from $50 to $200 per acre, according to location and improvements; produces 25 bus. wheat, corn, and 2 tons hay. M. E. Church. Public schools convenient. Population 200. F. H. Mather, Postmaster.
Justus, Levi
Bleaching and Dyeing
Wright, R & Co
Cross, D. W.
Hare, David
Lovett, Sam’l
Zink, J. W.
General Merchandise
Brown, A & Son
Hahn, J.
Mather, F.
Bryan, J. M.
Swen, Geo.
Naylor, H. L.
Stock Breeder
Brown, G. O.BUTLER
Is 7 miles from Cockeysville; land, hmestone, is worth $50 per acre, produces 20 bus. wheat, 50 corn, and 1 ton hay. Black Rock Church, and pubilc school. Population 200. Aquilla Ensor, Postmaster.
Baker, Wm
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights
Brooks, Chas
Cole, J A
Gerver, B
Whitaker, Henry
Brooks, G R
General Merchandise
Benson, Rev Joseph L
Ensor & Co
Ensor, Geo of L
Kemp, C. O.
Davis, Evan
Benson, Rev. Joseph L.
Bolinger, Daniel
Zouck, H. J.
England, F. F.
Merryman, M.
Is on the Baltimore, Calverton and Powhatan Railway, near the city limits, on the west. Climate, moderate; land, very valuable, produces good crops of wheat, corn, potatoes, and market supplies. Churches and schools near. Population 1,000. L. F. Bowen, Jr, Postmaster.
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights
McCormack, Moses
Slack, John
Poole, John
Uhie, John
Bowen, L. F.
General Merchandise
Bowen, L. F.
Delcher, John
Eney, W. J.
Calverton, Ripple & Fawsett
Tinker, Rupley & Berryman
Coale, L. P.
Walbrook, Thos.CARROLL
Is on the Frederick Road, 3 1/2 miles from Baltimore, and at the junction of the Frederick Turnpike and B. & P.R. R. The Baltimore, Catonaville & Ellicott City Passenger Railway can pass every half hour, and six trains of the B. & P. R. R pass daily. Village healthy. Land, valuable, nearly all cleared, yields 25 bus. wheat, 40 oats and 80 corn. M. E. and Roman Catholic churches. Public and private schools, and other religious and educational institutions near. Population 1,500. Aug. Auer, Postmaster.
Bakers and Confectioners
Badger, Mrs Mary
Eitze, Jacob
Schultze, Henry A
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights.
Burgess, W H
Erpron, Conrad
Fallon, B
Hardesty, Nicholas
Kapran, Conrad
Schlosser, Henry
Seldel, B
Roots and Shoes.
Steinwedel, W
Steifel, B W
Mombuger, John
Coal and Lumber.
Kelly, Thos
Sullivan & Co
Harden, Thos J
Brummel, Jobn
Cook, John
Dodd, John
Eyer, Jacob
Feast, John B
Hess, Geo P
Picquett, Geo
Reicbman, Wm
Steinecker, John
Flour and Feed.
Klarner, H A
Dyser, Geo
Bscberick, Geo
Hartmann, John
Hoffman, A
Roasberg, Chas
Sullivan & Co
Fairview, S Balderson
Marble Works
Lachenmayer, E H
Hazelhurst & Co
Legg, J H
Tilton & Tilton
Titlow, H R
Tyson & Bro
Hollyday, J. G.
Saddles and Harness
Baer, M.
Buhn, Hays
Opitz, John
Yarn Manufacturers
Felbus, Lewis
Wines and Liquors
Bopp, John
Detrich, Adam
Gleim, N
Huffer, Geo
Medenwaldt, E
Is on the Frederick Road, 6 miles from Baltimore. The Baltimore, Catonsville & Ellicott City Passenger Railway cars leave every hour to and from the city. The Narrow Gauge Railway, which has been surveyed, reaching from Batimore to Ellicott City via Catonsville, when constructed, will open up and develop one of the most beautiful suburban sections that environ the city. The surrounding country is filling up rapidly with country seats of retired merchants and business men of the city, and with the additional facility of the Narrow Gauge Railway, giving ingness and egress to the city in fifteen to twenty-five minutes, and low fare. With this improvement this section undoubtedly wm attract the attention of capital, and its future will be one of great prosperity. Land, valuable, nearly all cleared, with some oak, hickory, ash, dogwood, poplar, cedar and chestnut yet standing, and produces 20 to 25 bus. wheat, 40 oats, and 80 to 40 corn. M. E., P. E. and Lutheran churches. Public, private and German schools. Spring Grove Asylum, (a State institution for the insane,) an imposing, substantial and well conducted edifice, is located here. Population 2,000. C. P. Fusting, Postmaster.
Bakery and Confectionery
Drasler, Mrs Rosa
Grim, John
Miller, Geo
Seicke, Miss A M
Kelley, S
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights
Adams, Remus
Ammenheuser & Pratorius
Koder, Francis X
Pilert, John J
Boeis and Shoes
Fischbach, Geo
Lynch,M K
Schotta, A
Weber, Fred
Kirh, E
Maisel, N J & Bro
Minnick, C B & Son
Coskery, H J
Dry Good..
Burns, Mrs M A
Schweinsberg, Mrs S M
Feast, Sam’l & Sons
Flour and Feed.
Tumblison, Frank A
General Merchandise
Fusting, C P
Mattfeldt, Chas W
McMiller & Slack
Miller, Henry
Groceries and Provisions.
Ege, John
Myers, L
Platt, John
Unger, Mrs A
Doyle, T
Myers. Humphrey
Petzold, Chas
Justices of the Peace
Pilert, John J
Smith, A
Reed, A K
Gerry, N R
Macgill, C W G
Wysham, W E
Kalb, Geo S
Saddles and Harness
Freund, Jacob
Asperger, John
Fisher, Geo
Smith, Mrs Mary C
Priester, V
Watcehes and Jewelry
Steibel, Geo H
Wine and Liquors
Kilpatrick, R W
McDaniels, L A
Pilert, John J
Sluther, Paul
Wuth, JohnCHASE’S
Is on the P. W. & B. R. R., 15 mlies from Baltimore; land, good, principally cleared, is worth $50 per acre, and yields 20 to 30 bus wheat, 50 to 75 corn, and 2 tons hay. Churches and schools convenient. Population 150. Wilmot Johnson, Postmaster.
Agent-R. R.
Lewis, Frank P
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights.
Brazier, Robert
McClelan, John
Ullrich, F W
Bevans, Wm
Carback, James
Fowler, W
Hughes, John C
James, H M
Sheridan, J A
General Merchandise.
Chapman, C C
Gerst, Jacob
Loy, A
Wilkie, J
Allender, W T
Is on the N. C. R. W., 15 miles from Baltimore. Land, good, valued from $50 to $200 per acre, yields 20 bus. wheat,40 corn, and 2 tons hay. Several fine marble qusrries are In the vicinity, giving employment to a number of people. P. B. Church, one school. Population 300. J. W. Frankenfield, Postmaster.
Agent-R. R.
Frankenfield, J W
Dunean, Wm & Son
Howard, Jarrett
Howard, Wm
Keys, Geo
Zink, John
Carpenters and Builders.
Frantz, Thos
Trimbell, C T
Hubbard, G W
Coal and Lumber
Hardisty, B. McLean
Commission Merchant
Frankenfield, A. C.
Green, J. W.
Cotton Manufacturer
Woodward, Baldwin & Norris
Hyatt & Clark
General Merchandise
Cockey, J. F.
Duncan, J. D. C.
Mordew, Jacob
Mitchell, T. D.
Gill, H. S.
Justices of the Peace
Cain, Joshua
Duncan, Wm.
Marble Quarry
Connolly, J. B.
Ennis, Wm.
Matthews, Thos. H.
Benson, B. R.
Galloway, Joseph B.
Anzel, Martin
Dietz, Geo.
Tracy, W. A.
Zink, JohnCUB HILL
Is 6 miles from Stemmer’s Run; land, inglass and gravelly, can be bought for $75 per acre, yields 20 bus. wheat, 50 corn, and 2 tons hay. M.E. Church, one public school. Population 150. Virginia M. Ady, Postmistress.
Guilfoyle, Harry
Chenoweth, John
Donavin, Owen
Keller, John
General Merchandise
Smith, James
Ady, Mrs. Caroline
Hughes, Wm. T.
Oales, Wm.
Is on the N. C. R. W., 13 miles from Baltimore; land, limestone, can be bought at from $75 to $150 per acre, produces 30 bus. wheat, 30 to 40 corn, and 1 ton hay. St. Joseph’s Church, two public schools. Population 150. Eliza Fitzgerald, Postmistress.
Anderson, Geo L
Price, David
Sparks, Edward
Doyle, Edward
General Merchandise.
Armstrong, John C
Eaton, Mrs Mary
Fitzgerald, Mrs Margaret
Fitzgerald, Mrs Patrick
Fitzgerald, Thos W
Flavin, Mrs
Griffin, Thos W
O’Hara, Martin
Lime Burners
Bosley, John of Wm
Childs, Wm E
Kennedy, Martin
Kennedy, Philip
Price, John O.
Shipley, Vincent T.
Ward, Thos.
Nevin, Thomas
Galloway, John
Galloway, Thos K.EMORY GROVE
Is on the W. M. R. R., 19 miles from Baltimore. It is at the head of Worthington Valley and near the Emory Grove Camp Ground, from which it derives Its name. Land, limestone, weli cleared, sells at from $50 to $100 per acre, as to location and improvements produces 20 bus. wheat, 40 oats, 100 potatoes, 50 eorn, and 2 tons hay. Populatlon 50. S. P. Townsend, Postmaster.
Agricultural Implements
Pennlngton, R. H.
Chaney, Isaiah
Gore, Mrs. L. E.
General Merchandise
Pennington, R. H.
Is 10 miles from Magnolia. Land, good, can be bought for $50 per acre; produces 20 bus. wheat and 50 corn Churches and schools convenient, Population 50. John C. Walton, Postmaster.
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights
Arthur, John
Lee, John H
Smith, Joseph A
Dilworth, John
Canman, Elijah
Robertson, Edward
Fertilizer Manufacturer.
Rockord, Henry
General Merchandise.
Reckord, John H
Wright, W O. B
Dampman, J
Gross, John
Gorsuch, James
Devereaux, James
Wright, John S
Carter, Dennis
Steinmetz, JohnGARDENVILLE
Is on the Belair Road a few miles from Baltimors. The land, well cleared valuable and fertile, and many are engaged in truck farming. Churches and schools near. Population 100. C. Scholl, Postmaster.
Kemp, John W
Krach, Philip J
Beholl, Christopher
Brehm, G
Booksbum, Charles
Oyeman, Robt T
Schone, John & Son
Moller, Valentine
Schafer, F
Justice of the Peace.
Carter, John G
Corse, Geo. F
Brehm, G
Griasell, John
Krause, John
Marhaucke, Mrs Mary
Sommer, M
Brantigan, M
Hartman, F
Frohn, Sebastian
Graner, Geo
Herrman, JohnGARRISON
Is 1 mile from Arlington. Land, clay, is worth from $100 to $400 per acre, yields 25 bus. wheat, 35 corn, and 2 tons hay. Churches and schools near. Population 80. Alfred H. Blade, Postmaster.
Mepham, O
Smidth, John
Carpenter and Builder
Ortwine, Wm.
General Merchandise
Lowrey, M. A.
Arthur, Thos
Powder Manufacturer.
Parks, JamesGLENCOE
Is on the N.C.R. W., 20 miles from Baltimore, 600 feet above tidewater; place health soil rotten rock; land, principally cleared, commands from $75 to $100 per acre; produces 15 to 25 bus. wheat, 40 corn, and 2 tons hay; water excellent; location picturesque. Emanuel P. E. Church and a seminary. Population 125. Geo. R. Mowell, Postmaster.
Eckers, Wm.
Underwood, Geo. A.
Underwood, Joseph
Wilson, Wm.
General Merchandise
Cole, Frank
Mowell, Geo. R.
Ensor, Geo. K.
Matthews, Elias
Austin, P. H.
Mitchell, A. R.
Is 5 miles from Bentley’s Springs. Land, sandy loam, principally cleared, is worth $25 per acre; yields 16 bus. wheat, 50 corn, 1,000 lbs. tobacco, and 2 tons hay. M. E. Church. One public school. Population 100. J. V. Winemiller, Postmaster.
McCoy, Joseph
Seitz, Chas & Co
General Merchandise.
Winemiller, J S
Winemiller, J V
Is on the York Road, 4 miles from Baltimore. The general aspect, when approaching by the York Road Railway, is exceedingly striking and beautiful. It has, for the convenience of travelers and others, hotels and livery stables, and many from Baltimore find this a pleasant retreat in summer. The lands surrounding are fertile, well cleared and valuable; produce 20 bus. wheat, 30 oats, 120 potatoes, 80 corn, and 2 tons hay. M. E., P. E., Presbyterian and Roman Catholic churches near. Woodlawn, St. Mary’s, Notre Dame, boarding, and one public school. Population 1,500. Cordelia Kelley, Postmistress.
Beames, James
Bell, Jesse W
Cross, John H
Hall, B
Haubert, Daniel
Griffin, A J
Rogers, James
Yaste, Milton
Boots and-Shoes
Boon, John
Salon, D
Allison, Joseph
Briteny, John
Crsnson, Wm A
Gether, Wm
Harrison James –
Pool, R. A.
Schulley, James
Tondry, Wm.
Yost, Wm. & Son
Hauhert, D
Bitter, Mrs Mary
Flour and Feed.
Everding, H B L
Brackenridge, A.
General Merchandise
Balls, John
Daugherty & Haubert
Gallagher, Patrick
Norris, James T.
Taylor & Woods
Wilson, James H.
King, James A.
Govanstown, Ely G. Ulery
Guilford, Chas. F. Smith
Livery Stable
Monger, L.
Brackenridge, Wm. D.
Prentiss, John H.
Taylor, Melville
Ward, James R.
Woods, Benj.
Heinecke, T. A.
Martin, R.
Is 2 miles from Woodstock. Land, mostly cleared valued at $50 per acre and yields 20 bus. wheat, 40 corn, and 1 ton hay. Churches and schools adjacent. Population 800. M. W. Weller, Postmaster.
Dunigan, Wm
Isaac, J T
Mansfield, Jacob
Putney, T
Carriage Manufacturer
Webb, Geo
General Merchandise
Trozell, P
Weiler, Wm F
Granite Quarries
Giffin, Robert
Putney, S. P.
Weller, W. F.
Taggart, Mrs. J.
Justice of the Peace
Dorsey, Andrew
Paper Manufacturer
Bull & Bro.
Bailey, G. W.
Is 9 miles from Freeland. Chestnut soil. Land can be bought at from $10 to $40 per acre, yields 10 to 80 bus. wheat, 20 to 70 corn, and 1 ton hay. Grave Run M. E. Church, one public school. Population 160. George H. Hare, Postmaster.
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights
Piper, Wm
Purkey Moses
Stoner, Dan’l F
Matthews, Thos
Alban, Thos
Lambert, A J
Wink, Joseph
General Merchandise
Burgoyne, H A
Frank, John K
Lambert, Geo W
Resh, Daniel
Wareheim, W W Woolen Manufacturer
Is 3 miles from Monkton. Land, variable, principally cleared, is worth $30 per acre; produces 15 bus. wheat, 25 oats, 100 potatoes, 25 corn, and 1 ton hay. M. E. and Baptist chnrcbes. One public school. I. O. O. F. and K. Of P. Lodges. Population 800. Harry O. Jessop, Postmaster.
Bull, Jacob
Hunt,Geo O
Lawson Daniel
Marsh, K
Foster, W.
Haines, Levi W.
Jones Wm.
Pitts, Joshua
Shane, Henry W.
Miller, Geo.
Nelson, Joseph
General Merchandise
Anderson, T B
Elliott, Geo W
Fell, Rachel
Jessop, Chas
Jessop, James O
Kelley, Hoses
Lloyd, Daniel J
Mayes, J T
Ensor, N G
Justice of the Peace
Coney, Geo H
Diven, John E.
Diven, John T
Mayes, B H
Shultz, Amos
Smith, Geo W
Stewart, Joel
Vance, Jacob
Donaldson, D
Gailey, Rebecca
Conn, Daniel A
Hopkins, F
Smith, N
Keech, James O
Mitchell, Alex R
Mitchell, F D
Tracey, M
Ensor, Nathan
Smith, Thos
Wittig, Chas C
Is on the Harford Road, 6 miles from Baltimore. Land, valuable, produces 16 bus. wheat, 45 corn, and 2 tons hay. Churches and schools near. Population 300. M. M. Kilchenstein, Postmistress.
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights
Christopher, B
Fuller, Henry
Fuller, Wm
Hoddinott, Geo & Sons
Snyder, John
General Merchandise
Kilehenstein, Mrs M M
Reuter, John
Toman, John
Wilhelm, Mrs K
Streett, L.
Whiteford, R. A. & C. A.
Brinker, S. W.
Kilchenstein, L. F.
Whiteford, A. X.
Bader, John
Stock Dealer
Is 5 miles from Magnolia. Land, variable, is composed of dark clay loams, gravel and sand, alluvial along the rivers, mostly cleared; is worth from $20 to $40 per acre, yields 15 bus. wheat, 40 corn, and 2 tons hay. Churches and schools in the vicinity. Population 125. H. H. Blackistone, Postmaster.
McCubbin, Ross
Smith, Henry
Bennett, C
Droayer, Jarrett
Pfeifer, Martin
Tyson, Frank
Knight, Wm H
Baxter, Richard
Bensel, Conrad
Myers, Henry
Wells, Thos
General Merchandise.
Blackistone, H H
Gatch, Jacob
Knight, Rebecca
McDow, Alice
Shanks, Mary A
Deiter, J W
Altvater, E W
Schubert, 3 N
Guyton, Wm
Is on the N.C.R. W., 10 miles north of Baltimore, situated on a high, healthy and in a beautiful section of country. Land, limestone, can be bought for $50 per acre; yields 17 bus. wheat, 40 corn, and 2 tons hay. M. E. and Lutheran churches, one private schOOl, and the Lutherville Female Seminary. Population 600. D. A. C. Webster, Postmaster. Blacksmith
Robinson, James
Shriver, Alfred
General Merchandise
Ohambers, John
Leisenring, G M & Co
Cockey, Frank
Galloway, John
Is 2 miles from Freeland. Land can be bought at $40 per acre, produces 20 bus. wheat, 20 corn, and 2 tons hay. M. E. andM. P. churches, one public school. Population 150. Wm. F. McCubbin, Postmaster. Blacksmiths
Bond, J.
Hedrick, G.
Leppo, L.
Carpenters and Undertakers
Day, Wm.
Kurtz, Wm.
General Merchandise
McCubbin, Wm. F.
Reed, J. W.
Green, Mrs. E.
Davis, Geo.
Heathcoat, M.
McDonal, D. M.
Matthews, E. F.MONKTON
Is on the N.C.R. W., 28 miles from Baltimore. Land, principally cleared, with some oak yet remaining; is valued at from $75 to $100 per acre; produces 25 bus. wheat, 60 corn, and 2 tons hay. M. E. and P. E. churches, one pubilc and a private school. Population 40. Samuel Miller, Postmaster.
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights
Bond, Thos.
Young, Abraham
Merryman, Robert
Young, G. W.
General Merchandise
Miller, Sam’l
Kauffman, Thos
Wilhelm, John M.
Miller, Sam’l
Hopkins, W. F.
Price, A. H.
Is 6 miles from Parkton; land can be purchased for $35 per acre, and yields 20 bus. wheat and 70 corn. Churches and schools near. Population 100. Thomas Gonsuch, Postmaster.
Thompson, Jobn T
Tracy, C G
Wisner, John W
Hall, Elijah
Jackson, Wesley
Johnson, Geo W
Ryan, Thos A
General Merchandise
Price, M B
Gorsuch, Jacob S
Gorsuch, Thes J
Is on the N. C. R W., 6 miles from Baltimore. Land, valuable, on account of its proximity to the city; limestone soil; commands from $100 to $1,000 per acre, and produces 10 to 20 bus. wheat, 45 oats, 150 potatoes, and 50 corn. The timber yet standing comprises oak, hickory, chestnut and walnut. Wm. E. Hooper & Sons’ cotton factory, running 1,500 spindles, is located here, and provides employment for a number of people. The Bare Hill copper mine is also in the vlcinity. The scenery of the place is picturesque anf admiring. The economy of living attracts and has the patronage of many visitors during the summer. Mt. St. Agnes, Roman Catholic, St. John’s and St. John’s P. E. churches; ~t. St. Agnes Academy. Catholic Parish and three public schools. Population 600. Wm. Z. Knaub, Postmaster.
Dixon, Thos. & John
Buckley, E.
Bond, Benj. W.
Belt, Mrs. Mary E.
Cotton Mills
Hooper, Wm. E. & Sons
General Merchandise and Groceries
Ayers, James E.
Cooper, M.
Ditzel, C.
Harney, Philip
Hook, J W
Reach, James
Bhea, James
Wiedey, Chas & Co
Cooper, M.
Hill, Wm.
Oyster Dealers
Belt, John
Benberry, Wm.
Bowen, J. S.
Ewing, H. M.
Buttner, C. F.
Stinchecumb, Wm. H.MT. WINANS
Is on the B. & O. R. R., 2 miles from Baltimore, near Gwynn’s Falls. The village Is slightly elevated; climate mild. The land is mostly cleared, composed of iron ore, and is sold in lots for building purposes, ranging in price from $300 to $1,000, according to location. The lots sell fast, and the improvements are rapid. The average production of crops to the acre are 40 bus. corn, 20 wheat, and a fair amount of other farm products. M. E., (colored,) M. P. and United Brethren in Christ churches. Two public Schools. Population 500. Lewis J. Lancaster, Postmaster.
Agent-R. R.
Turfield, P T
Johnson, Margaret
General Merchandise
Elbaugh, Jacob
Gillerman, Miss Eliza
Handy, Mrs Caroline
Russell, Thos H
Wildenfurst, Mrs. T.
Justices of the Peace
Cooper, Alonzo
Jackson, John W.
Hall, T. B.
Coker, Geo. T.
Foster, Wm.
White Lead Manufacturers
Adams White Lead Co.NORTH BRANCH
Is 5 miles from McDonough on the W. M. R. R Land, clay loams, can be bought for $40 per acre; yields 20 bus. wheat, 30 corn, and 3 tons hay. Churches and schools near. Population 50. Wm. A Randall, Postmaster.
Belt, C.
Fogle, Josiah
Green, Wm.
Stanfield, T. B.
General Merchandise
Luttgerding, H. C.
Luttgerding, H. C.
O’Dell, J. D.
Bailey, G. W.
Harker, J. F.
Is on the Phliadelphia Road near the eastern limits of Baltimore. The land surrounding is well cleared, valuable and fertile. The people are mostly engaged in truck farming. There are two M. E. churches and a public school near. Population 400. H. Kimble, Postmaster.
Attorney at law.
Baldwin, O P Jr
Blacksmiths and wheelwrights.
Gruebert, Geo
Jackson, Charles K
Johnson, R
Boots and Shoes
Bahe, C K
Groceries and Physicians
Buck, John T
Johnson, Richard
Kimble, H
Shooman, Jno
Howard, J Dautrich
Justice of the Peace
Carter, John C
Saddles and Harness
Rackemsperger, Jacob
Bennett, C
Rover, Geo K
Is on the W. M. R R., 14 miles- from Baltimore. Land, good, well cleared, commands from $100 to $800 per acre, according to location and improvement; yields 25 bus. wheat, 40 oats, 200 potatoes, and 40 corn. Crops are generally good. Churches and schools near. Population 800. F. B. Harman, Postmaster.
Black, E
Marshall, John T
Flelgh, Aug
Ginrich, W H
General Merchandise.
Harman, F. B. & Son
Tobin, S
Pennington, J
Buffington, S
Ice Cream.
Painter & Bro
Butler, C E
Fishpaw, A & Co
Smith, J B
Campbell, Dr
Long, H
Is 7 miles from Freeland. The Baltimore & Hanover R R., in course of construction, will run within 2 1/2 miles of the place. The Gunpowder Falls which flows through this village, furnishes excellent water power and numerous good mill sites. The paper mills of Messis. Wm. H. Hoffman & Sons are located here; they manufacture four tons of paper per day, and employment to over 100 people. Land, easily tilled, ranges in price from $20 to $50 per acre; yields 15 to 20 bus. wheat, 30 to 40 corn, 40 oats, 150 potatoes, and 2 tons hay. M. E., United Brethren and Evangelical Lutheran churches, one public school. Population 200. .Wm. B. Hoffman, Postmaster.
Belt, G D
Wink, Geo
Hasrris, John
Henry, Abram
Kemp, John
Knott, John
General Merchandise.
Hoffman,Wm H & Sons
Landes, John
Shearer, John D
Sheffer, Chas
Paper Manniseturers.
Hoffman, Wm H & SonsPARKTON
Is on the N.C.R. W., 29 miles from Baltimore; business good. Land, clay, mostly cleared, is worth $45 per acre; produces 15 bus. wheat, 20 corn, and 2 tons hay. Churches and schools near. Population 50. Wm. H. Stiffier, Postmaster.
Little, J C
Litner, D K
Carpenters and Builders.
Sanders, W H
Stiffer, Wm F
Tracy, G. W.
General Merchandise.
Stiffier, M J & Co
Stifier, C M
Cameron, G H
Carr, G W
Is on the N.C.R. W., 18 miles from Baltimore. Land Is valued at from $50 to $200 per acre, according to location and improvements; produces 15 bus. wheat, 40 corn, and 2 tons hay. Churches and schools near. Population 400. John D. Durkees, Postmaster.
Agent-R. R.
Durkees, John D
Attorney at Law.
Mitchell, W Frank
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights.
Hartman, Augustus
Nowell, John W
Brown, J E
Hall, John
Cotton Manufacturers.
Gosnell, Henry
Phoenix Manufacturing Co
General Merchandise
Fristoe, Mark H
Kemp, Thomas E
Royston, Bosley
Royston, Bosley
Dugan, Michael
Morris, Henry D
Belt, Ebenezer
Paper Manufactarers.
Hoffman, Wm H & Sons
Danneily, F O
Is 1 mile from a station of that name on the W. M R. R. Land varies in price from $50 to $200 rer acre, yields 20 bus. wheat, 40 potatoes, 40 corn, and 2 tons hay. Two M. E., Baptist, P. E., and Roman Catholic churches. Public schools convenient. Population 200. P. Murray, Postmaster.
Curtis, C
Davis, Henry
Fauistick F
Shipley, C M
General Merchandise
Corbett & Rickerd
Faulstick, F.
Foley, Wm
Murray, P.
Tobin, L
Watts, A
Winternode, John
Justice of the Peace.
Mettam, Sam’l B
Wilkinson, Wm
Counselman, J T
Hill,C C
Is on the Baltimore & Powhatan Railway, 4 1/2 miles from Baltimore. Land, dark soil, varies in value from $200 to $350 per acre, and yields 20 to 25 bus. wheat, 50 oats, 800 potatoes, 30 corn, and 1 ton bay. M. E. and Presbyterian churches. Public schools near. Population 300. W. P. Bennett, Postmaster.
Forsyth, Joseph
King, Jasper
Smith, E
Smith, John
Bacon, John
Catillon, James
Rimmey,Wm H
Schafer, Andrew
Cotton Goods Manufacturers.
Campbell, Ross & Co.
General Merchandise.
Bennett, Wm P
Wilson, David
Is 3 miles from Pikesville. Land, one-half cleared, commands from $50 to $100 per acre; yields 25 bus. wheat, 30 to 50 corn, and 2 tons hay. M. E. Church, one public school. Population 100. Wm. F. Gardner, Postmaster.
Frieschman, Henry
Spielman, Henry
Sudman, John D
Carpenters and Undertakers.
Frazure, Wm
Frieschman, Henry
Hall, James
Crooks, John
General Merchandise.
Gardner, Wm F
Gosnell, Mrs Sarah
Holt, Aaron
Slade, Lutber
Livery Stable.
Lockard, Wm
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights.
Bayers, John
Baurbor, T K
Hebb, H J
Is 3 miles from Parkton. Land, clay and sandy loams, principally cleared, is valued at $20 per acre, yields 15 bus. wheat, 30 corn and 1 ton hay. Pine Grove Church, Rayville Academy and public schools. Population 36. Wm. Gorsuch, Postmaster.
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights
Davis, R D
Elder, A A
Masemore, T R
Richards, J G
Jones, James
Purkey, O
Stiffler, W F
General Merchandise
Gorsuch, W
Scott, Walter
Simcoe, J S
Is 1 miles from Emory Grove; business, crops and land good. Land mostly good. mostly cleared, commands from $80 to $100 per acre; produces 80 bus. wheat, 40 oats, 80 to 100 potatoes and 50 corn. Lutheran and three M. E. churches. One public and three private schools. Three seminaries, one female. Lodges-A.F. & A. M., I. O. O. F., Mechanics and K. of P. Population 500. Wm. D. Yingling, Postmaster.
Agricultural Implements
Beckley, P E & Co
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights
Chaney, Isaiah
Shriver, Philip L
Stumpf, Lewis
Brown, Wm G
Carpenters, and Undertakers
Barryman, Henry C
Selby, Edwin D
Flory & Cost
Tracey, J. T.
Candler, Dr
Gore, Albert
Brooks, Dr George
Gore, R S V
Henry, Dr Robt J
Fairley, Thos
General Merchandise.
Russell Bros
Shriver, Wm L
Townsend, S P
Welsh, Wm W
Zouck, P
Emrich, Henry F
Stumpf, Henry
Hitshue, W
Nichols, George W
Justices of the Peace
Beckley, John H
Storm, Sam’l P
Livery Stables.
Stone, George R
Lumber, Coal and Fertilizers
Beckley, P. E. & Co
Selby, Edwin D
Fitch, Henry S
Gore, Joseph
Millinery and Dressmaking.
Gettier, L A
Stumpf; Mrs M
Dorsey, C O & Son
Wagoner, David L
Dickson, I N
Gere, James
Larsh, James C
Conrad, Peter
Jacobs, C
Gies, Christian
Gies, H Lewis
Gies, John
Long, Sam’l J
Yingling, Nimrod
Brown, J V
Crout, John E
Watches and Jewelry.
Yingling, Sam’1 BSHAWAN
Is 4 miles from Cockeysville. Land can be purchased at from $38 to $100 per acre, yields 20 bus. wheat, 40 corn and 2 tons hay. Churches and schools in the vicinity. Population 94. S. W. Tipton, Postmaster.
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights.
Pierce, James L
Long, Henry
Tawney, John L
Tawney, Wm J
Cronhardt, John
Gent, Thos
Leaf, John
General Merchandise.
Tipton, S W
Wilson, Henry
Merryman, Moses
Krumholtz, Fleming
Is 3 miles from Parkton. Land, well cleared, varies in price from $20 to $50 per acre; yields 8 to 20 bus. wheat, 10 to 60 corn, and 1 to 3 tons hay. Churches and schools convenient. Population 150. C. M. B. Stabler, Postmaster.
Palmer, A J
Carpenters and Millwrights.
Mathews, Thos
Stabler, H S
Tyson, Geo
Justice of the Peace.
Wier, Henry
Stabler, A J
Wilison, Edwin
Is on the Green Spring Branch of the N.C.R. W., 12 miles from Baltimore. Land, limestone, well cleared, commands from $50 to $200 per acre; produces 15 to 25 bus. wheat, 50 to 75 corn, and 1 ton hay. One church and a public school. Population 50. B. B. Gemmill, Postmaster. Blacksmith
Leaf, J H
Chalk, James L
Cross, David
Iron Manufacturers
Ashland Iron Co.
Scott, John
Naylor, L. H.ST. DENIS
Is on the B. & O. R. R, 9 miles from Baltimore. The Washington Branch is on the main line here and it is known as the Relay Station. The Viaduct Hotel erected and operated by the B. & O. R. R. Co., a new, neat and comfortable structure, is quite a resort for city people; the nearest water course is the Patapsco River, which furnishes sufficient power for milling and other uses. The land Is nearly all cleared, valued at from $50 to $500 per acre; yields 20 bus. wheat and 25 corn. Churches convenient, one public school. Population 800. J. W. Howser, Postmaster.
Agts–Real Estate and Insurance
Hall, Geo W
O’Hern, Col M
Richardson, J. P.
Worthington, Daniel
Agent-R. R.
Howser, J W
Attorneys at Law
Browning, Warield T
Dobbin, Robert A
Dobbin, T M
Donaldson, J J
Banks, Samuel
Boots and Shoes
Clogg, G C
Jackson, Wm
Commission Merchant
Latimer, R.
General Merchandise
Heliman, John J
McDaniel, T J
Old Relay, C I Lowrey
Viaduct, B & O R R Co
Justice of the Peace
English, T J
Isaac, Joseph
Levering & McAtee
Waltzl, A
Hall, James
Is 1 1/2 miles from Monkton. Land varies in value from $35 to $55 per acre; yields 10 to 25 bus. wheat, 40 to 50 corn, and 2 tons hay. Churches and shools near. Population 150. Wm. T. Curtis, Postmaster.
Attorneys at Law
Bacon. Geo
Bacon; L M
Hunter, T J
Akehurst, David P
McComas, Thos
Shepperd, John W
Merryman, Robt G
Nelson, Howard
Young, Geo
General Merchandise
Curtis, Wm. T.
Hess, Jacob S.
Miller, Sam’l
Inglefritz, Martin L.
Stutehoff, John W.
Emory, R.
Mitchell, F.
Is 3 miles from Phoenix, situated on Jarretteville Pike and Old York Road, 8 miles from Towsontown. Soil isinglass; land, high and undulating, mostly cleared, is worth $75 per acre; produces 15 bus. wheat, 35 corn and 2 tons hay. This section is very desirable for country residences, healthy, and excellent water. One church and a public scbool. Population 150. G. H. Duncan, Postmaster.
Harmon, Geo.
Street, R L
Brown, Edward
Brown, Ensor
Damuth, S P
Hall, Melville
General Merchandise.
Duncan, G H
King, Isaac
Smith, John
Bagley, Chas
Smith, ChristopherSWEET AIR
Is 5 1/2 miles from Phoenix. Land, isinglass, principally cleared, is valued at $50 per acre; produces 20 bus. wheat, 40 corn, and 2 tons hay. One church and a public schooL Population 100. E. A. Weakley, Postmaster.
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights
Green, Henry
Hilgartner, Henry
Amrein, Henry
Burk, Henry
Justice of the Peace
Smith, R. T.
Kennedy, Michael
Emory, Richard
Jones, Geo.
Mesiner, Andrew
Naw, John
Sherman, LouisTOWSONTOWN,
The county seat, is on the York Road, 7 miles from Baltimore, the terminal point of the York Road Railway. The court house and jail are located here, the former an imposing and substantial structure, delightfully situated a short distance from the railway. Many pretty villas and private residences dot this section, and being contiguous to the city is quite a resort in summer. The town is laid out in streets and avenues, and well lighted at night with lamps. Land, limestone, is valued at from $50 to $200 per acre, according to location and Improvement; yields 10 to 20 bus. wheat, 25 to 35 oatsland 30 to 50 corn. The timber is of a heavy growth, and consists of chestnut, oak and hickory. M. E., M. P., P. E. and M K (colored) churches, one public and a private school. A. F. & A. M-Mount Moriah 116. I.O.O. F.-Towson 79, and Ridgely Encampment. Centennial Grange 181, P. Of H. A Building Aasoclation and a Temperance Society. Population 900. Sarah Feast, Postmistress.
Agents-Real Estate
Bowen,H L & Co
Jean, Geo. B.
Macgill, O P
Attorneys at Law
Berry, John
Boarman, Robert R.
Bosley, S. P.
Burke, N. C.
Courey, John F.
Daivs, T. Sturgis
Dorsey, John T. B.
Emory, D. C. H.
Emory, D. Hooper
Ensor, A. W.
Ensor, & Grason
Fendall, Chas E.
Grason, Wm.
Herbert, Chase. E.
Hunter, Thos. J.
Keech, Wm. S
Macgill, Carroll S.
Macgill, O. P.
McIntosh, D. G.
Mitchell, W. Frank
Perrie, A. W.
Slingluff, C. B.
Spencer, Jervis
Talbott, J. F. C.
Wharton, Wm. F.
Yellott, John I.
Yellott, Washington
Macgill, O. P.
Owings, James W.
Wilson, Sam’l G.
Baker and Confecitonery
Held, Louis
Jackson, Chas. E.
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights
Ekas, F. A.
Hild Bros.
Sheridan, Chas. H.
Bricklayers and Plasterers
Phipps, Harry
Phipps, Joseph
Whittle, Sam’l
Collings, Sam’l
Debaugh, Phillip
Carpenters and Builders
Boyd, Theodore
Burns, John
Butler, Sam’l F.
German & Bro.
Hamilton, Geo
Horn, Geo
Shriver, Alfred
Brown, Canton
Whittle, B D
Cole, Mrs Johanna
Roach, Mrs. Mary
Sheridan, Mrs. Mary
Willis, Richard
Dry Goods and Notions.
Bryer, A
Ware, Mrs Jennie
Flour and Feed.
Scharf, John
General Merchandise
Feast, Mrs Sarah
German, A J
Lee, J W & Son
Roe, John D & Co
Shealey, M A & Son
Smedley, C H Mann
Towson, Edward H Ady
Justices of the Peace
Herbert, Gideon
Miller, James
Livery Stables
Linzey, Tobias C
Cochran, F B
Jarrett, James H
Piper, Jackson
Stausbury, J T
Wingfield, T H
Longnecker Bros
Saddles and Harness
Dienstbach, Henry
Flanigan, Patrick
Parker, John
Phipps, James
Rudingier, Julius
Stieber, John G.
Loose, August
Emory, Wm. H.
Pilson, Geo. W.
Wines and Liquors
Mann, C. H., Jr.
Robinson, Sam’l, J.
Is 3 miles from Freeland. Land mostly cleared is worth $25 per acre; yields 18 to 20 bus. Wheat, 30 to 40 corn, and 1 to 2 tons hay. The country in this section is high and healthy; the people are industrious, and the merchants doing a good business. Two churches and a public school. Population 286. P. L. Merriken, Postmaster.
Oeligrath, Wm.
Waltemeyer, Joseph
Carpenters and Undertakers
Amos, E.
Amos, J. O.
Ulrich, Wm.
Wilhelm, Daniel
Wineholt, R. E.
Spicer, N.
General Merchandise
Briggs, C.
Merriken, P. L.
Thomas, Henry
Justices of the Peace
Alben, M.
Hoshal, Benj.
Oeligrapth, A.
Rule, Wm.
Price, Geo.
Price, Wm.
Keeney, J. Y.
Miller, John
Paper Manufacturer
Gore, J. W.
Is on the Philadelphia Road near the Harford County line, 7 miles from Magnolia. Land, well cleared, sells at $20 per acre; produces 15 bus. wheat, 30 corn and 2 tons hay. M. E. And Roman Catholic churches. Population 100. B. Chenowith, Postmaster.
Blair, R.
Peterson, C.
Carpenters and Undertakers
Norwood, J. L.
Schultz, F.
General Merchandise
Dilworth, W.
Nichols, Joseph
Standiford, J.
Gitting, David
Mulitzer, E.WAVERLY
Is on the York Road, 2 miles from Baltimore. The location is pleasant and the surroundings picturesque and healthy. The land is fertile, highly improved, and is dotted with many handsome residences, and is held at high prices, lying, as it does, around the northern suburhs of Baltimore. The cars of the York Road Railway, which pass here, afford cheap and quick travel to Baltimore and Towsontown. M. E., P. E. and Baptist churches, a lodge of Masons, a buiding association, a parochial and one public school. Population 900. S. A. Bonsall, Postmistress
Klug, Ph A
Cross, John C
Steigler, Louis G
Balls, John
Kries, John F
Shelley, Mrs H A
Fisher, John H
Livingston, B C
Sylvester, S B
Dry Goods
Klug, Mrs A A
Bayner, J
Spring, Misses
Hamilton, Chas
Massey, W F & Co
Waldenburg, C
White, J H
General Merchandise and Grocers
Bateman, J S
Bertling, B
Blum, Mrs. Barbara
Bordley & Co.
Boyer, Lewis
Cochran, John
Hall, C. W.
Huff, E. H.
Yeager, A. C.
Waddy, Mrs. Bertha
Cold Spring, Lewis Ritter
Dew Drop, Robert Russell
Justices of the Peace
Cole, J. C. L.
Moore, Phil L.
Heiche, P. H.
Monmonier, L. A.
Rankin, R. G.
Deal, Wm. C.
Gibbs, G. W.
Hamilton, Chas.
Steitz, Charles
Uhing, John H.
Hartman, J. H.
Is on the N. C. R. W., 3 miles from Baltimore and pleasantly situated on the slopes of two hills, which form a valley through which runs Jones’ Falls. It lies immediately north and east of Druid Hill Park, and is claimed to be the largest manufacturing village in the titato. The iron works of Messrs. Poole & Hunt, the cotton mills of the Mount Vernon Co., W. B. Hooper & Sons, and the Messrs. Gambrills, are all in the vicinity. These establishments give employment to a large number of people and furnish the principal means by which it derives its prosperity. The country for miles around is attractive and in many places fine residences may be seen. There are churches of several denominations, public and private schools, a market house, public halls, and lodges of K. of P., Mechanics, Masons and Odd Fellows. Population 9,000. J. Brayshaw, Postmaster.
Attorneys at Law.
Davis, Phineas J
Smith, James H
Tipton, Dixon M
Wilhelm, DC
Bakers and Confectioners.
Arthur, J T
Brooks & Co
Ebaugb,W H
Gafney, Mrs Susie
Hawkins, Mrs John
Hoover, Jacob
Kelly, Mrs Jane
Knight, John G
Looz, John
Cooper, John
Wadsworth, C C
Martin, Andrew
Boots and Shoes.
Algire & Wheeler
Dunn, M
Hahn, John
Hume, Hiram
Walters, G T
Brooks, C
Bohr, G W
Yager, J B
Carpet Weaver.
Childs, John P
Brooks, J L & Co
Greenwood, J B
Cress, Dr James
Leef & Co
Shipley, D McG
General Merchandise.
Belt, C T
Benson, J P
Ca mer, G C
Eichelherger, A G
Excelsior Cooperative Co
Gibson, Geo G
Peregoy, Chas & Son
Groceries and Provisions.
Baldwin & Thompson
Bone, J M & Bro
Davis, T
Gibson, James F
Maghar, Mrs Catherine
Reddington, John
Salfner, Chas E
Tilgman, N C
Poole & Hunt
Timanus, John T
Millinery and Dressmaking.
Field, Mrs Fanny
Hicks, Mrs James
Hoshal, Mrs M
Lofflin, Mrs Hannah
Pace, Mrs Susie
Wilhelm, Mrs G C
Bates, John H
Grisson, J G
Litsinger, Harry T
Betts, Chas C
Crowther, Dr John
Jones, B E
Wuhams, D S
Stoves and Tinware.
McCann & Co
Mohar, Robert
Boiler Covers.
Disney, J B
Belt, C T
Lloyd, Wm
Watches and Jewelry.
Is 1 1/2 miles from Glenn Morris on the W. M. B. B. Land, mostly cleared, ‘with some oak and chestnut yet remaining, can be bought at from $20 to $100 per acre, and produces 10 to 85 bus. wheat, 20 to 80 corn and 2 tons hay. Churches and schools in the vicinity. Population 70. C. Musselman, Postmaster.
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights
Reigler, Fred
Reigler, Geo
Wooden, Frank
Abbott, Hanson
Carpenters and Undertakers.
Clark, J W
Deice, John
Lesfe, Jacob
Spearnase, Gustus
Morrison, Wm
General Merchandise.
Musselman, C
Slade, Wm &
Justice of the Peace
Shipley, A F
Stambaugh, Henry
Wilson, J H
Cockey, Peter
Hawkins, J W
Hinton, Wm
Hoover, Chas
Hoover, Geo
Jessop, Chas L
Jessop, Geo
Jessop, Mrs Mary
Massemore, Z
Price, J B
Webster, Wm
Baldwin, A S
Baldwin, J M
Baldwin, James
Baldwin, Thos
Brogden, James
Carman, Caleb
Day, Luther
Dilworth, Robert
George, P T
Gittings, John S
Haile, Chas T
Jenkins, Mrs A M
Jenkins, Edward F
Jenkins, Geo
Lunday, James
Neuhauser, C
Patterson, S L
Rankin, Sam’l
Roach, Robert
Watkins, I
Watkins, John
Watkins, W H
Wilson, John V
Yellott, Geo W
Alben, Jehu
Alben, M.
Armacost, Jabez
Armstrong, Wm.
Baublitz, Dan’l
Baublitz, Geo.
Baublitz, John
Baublitz, Wm., J.r
Beckley, Dan’l
Bone, Chas.
Bull, John
Bull, L.
Bull, Thos.
Cooper, Thos.
Crockett, U. G.
Curtis, Sallie
Deyhoff, Jesse
Ensor, John
Frank, Geo.
Gardner, Basil
Gore, Franklin
Gwin, Jacob
Gwin, Wm.
Hale, Geo.
Hampshire, Geo.
Hare, A. H.
Hare, David
Hare, Geo.
Hare, Geo. A.
Hare, Geo. F.
Hare, Henry
Hare, Jacob
Hare, John
Hare, Joseph
Hare, Michael
Hare, N. H.
Hare, Philip F.
Hicks, Geo.
Holsner, Wm.
Hoshal, Jacob
Hover, Peter
Inghan, John
Ingham, John W.
Kemp, Wm.
Lampert, Geo.
Lampert, Wm.
Lawson, Edward
Marshall, Sam’l
Martin, L.
McCully, J. W.
Milendore, Casper
Painter, Abraham
Parker, James
Patterson, Sam’l
Ports, G. W.
Ports, Wesley
Price, Ephraim
Price, James
Royston, Edward
Rush, Jacob
Schlosser, Wm.
Seiks, Fred
Shamberger, Jacob
Shultz, John
Stifler, Henry
Stifler, John
Weaver, Rufus
Wheeler, Dan’l
Wilhelm, John L.
Wisner, Wm.
Zouck, G. W.
Bacon, Lewis
Bosley, John
Bosley, Joseph
Brooks, Charles
Chilcoat, John
Cole, Sam’l
Crother, M.
Ensor, Geo. D.
Ensor, Geo. G.
Ensor, Geo. S.
Ensor, John of A.
Ensor, John B.
Ensor, John H.
Ensor, Luke E.
Ensor, O. M.
Ensor, Wm. C.
Gorsuch, John C.
Mathews, C. W.
Mathews, Mrs. E. D.
Mathews, John
Merryman, Sallie B.
Nash, Joseph
Price, J. M.
Price, Sam’l M.
Bentley’s Springs
Cameron, Daniel
Cooper, Wm W
Downs, Abraham
Downs, Hinkle
Downs, J K
Downs, Keller
Ensor, Noah
Ensor, Wm.
Hunt, Thomas
Irwin, Henry J
Lewin, John
Mackey, R G
Magee, Thos
McCubbins, B
McCubbins, John
Morris, Lemuel
Palmer, Wm
Price, Valentine
Rigney, John
Scharff, Isaac T
Scharff, T C
Shauck, Wm
Shunk, Geo
Simpson, Wm
Standiford, James
Wilhelm, Sam’l
Williams, David
Wilson, Eli
Wilson, Richard
Winemiller, E
Withers, Edward
Woodruff, H
Young, James
Black Rock
Armacost, E
Ensor, Wm
Hale, Gco
Hoover, Peter
Jackson, Andrew
Kelley, John P
Milander, Casper
Miller, Samuel
Shamberger, Thos
Sparks, Wm
Wheeler, Dan’l
Zouck, John H
Bell, Chas
Bosley, Chas
Bowen, G
Cockey, Samuel
Cockey, Stephen
Cockey, T
Cooke, A
Cowling, E
Cox, A
Cox, U
Gray, D C
Harris, Wm
Johnson, Wm F
Kelly, Eli
Lee, Alfred
Lee, Wm
Parks, J P D
Parks, John
Rogers, Chas B
Shock, J T
Wildeson, R. R.
Chilcoat, Aquilla
Cockey, Thos H
Cole, A of A
Davis, Evan
Fowble, J M
Griffith, Lewis
Royston, Joseph
Scott, Thos H
Wheeler, Chas
Calverton Mills
Creaghon, Patrick
Geiston, E
Gelston, V
Healds, Char
Johnston, E
Cook, Henry
Hammond, C L
Hess, G P
Judic, Joseph F
Sauerwaldt, F M
Sizer, Jacob
Tiepe, Henry
Tiepe, F
Tiepe, John
Walker, L
Young, Thos
Crosby, A L
Crosby, S K
Gary, James A
Glen, John
Heird, S C
Jones, Reuben
Lurman, G W
Richstein, Geo
Skinner, T
Smith, Owen K
Taylor, T J
Upman, John
Upman, Richard
Walker, Bennett
Tilson, John S
Ahern, F J
Ahern, John
Asher, J B
Biddison, C W
Biddison, Thos
Blinkman, H
Btamble, John
Dollinger, John
Dow, L.
Eccleston, J
Eccleston, Wm
Edwards, Geo
Edwards, Philip
Fowler, Thos
Gale, H. O.
Gale, J M
Galie, R W
Galloway, W C.
Hughes, C
Hughes, J W
Hughes, W C
Jackson, A C
King, H
League, J W
Malcomb, Wm
McClary, Joshua
Meeks, Wm
Montgomery, James
Morrow. J
Myers, F
Myers, M
Pitcher, T. J.
Pruitt, H
Ray, F P
Ritter, Geo
Ritter, Geo Jr
Ritter, John
Rollins, W T
Shaffer, D
Shuts, James
Sohn, Adam
Sterling, Geo
Tennison, O
Vincent, Bichard
Wade, Gee H
Wilkinson, John
Wilson, B
Wilson, Wesley
Wilson, Wm
Young, Wm
Zincand, M
Armacost, Jacob
Bond, John
Bond, Thos
Bosley, John
Bosley, John of Wm
Cockey, G
Cockey, Judge Joshua F
Crother, John
Frantz, Wm Sr
Gorsuch, Noah
Hardesty, B McL
Love, Capt
Matthews, John D
Matthews, Thos H
Matthews, Wm W
McDonough, Michael
Merryman, John
Morgan, Jarrett
Morgan, Sam’l
Price, John O.
Starr; B V
Webster, Wm
Wight, John
Worthington, Sam’l.
Worthington, T L
Cub Hill
Ady, Mrs Caroline
Bennett, Geo
Bishop, Edward
Blacklock, Wm
Bowen, Wea
Chenoweth, John
Cowley, Mrs W
Dawson, Wm
Donavin, Owen
Fastie, Gee
Ferguson, Levy & D
Graham, Daniel
Hines, Benj
Hines, John
Hughes, Wm T
Jenifer, Daniel
Mays, E
Perine, Mrs Emeline
Proctor, Robt
Seitz, Geo
Shanklin, Mrs Annie
Shanklin, Isaiah
Shank un, John F
Shanklin, John W
Bosley, John of Wm
Fitzgerald, Michaci A
Kennedy, Mertin
Kennedy, Philip
Parks, Elisba F
Parks, Elisha J
Parks, John K
Parks, Wm
Price, John O
Shipley, Vincent T
Ward, Thos
Emery Grove
Akehurst, Wm
Arnold, Mrs M J
Barr, R
Berryman, Ephraim
Bosley, David
Bosley, Joshua
Cockey, M G
Dyer, Patrick
Eysmans, Chas
Frank, J H
Frantz, Elam
Giest, Jacob D
Gill, Gee M
Gill, Mrs Harriet
GillI, John G
Gill, Joseph
Gill, Stephen
Given, Dr J J
Gore, Mrs L B
Gore, Sam’l
Groff, Chas
Groff, Wm
Johns, John T
Johnson, Mrs B A
Kinear, J C
Landon, Mrs E
Lloyd, J Leachman
Lloyd, John L
Lloyd, Nimrod
Longnecker, David B
Longnecker, John S
Love, H Horace
Metz, Wm
Minor, Mary
Murphy, H H
Naylor, Amos
Pearce, John G
Pennington, H H
Semmes, Chas W
Shipley, Robt L
Sullivan, David
Townsend, Sam’l P
Tracey, Joshua
Worthington, Benj J
Worthington, Edward
Worthington, John T
Worthington, Mrs M Q
Fork Meeting House
Bears, John
Clayton, Elijah
Davis, John
Dilworth, Francia
Duworib, George
Dilworth, John
Doyle, Peter
Garrett, Jesse
Gorsuch, Ed win A
Gorsuch, Jos H
Gorsuch, Thos B
Grover, Grafton
Lawrence, Dr D H
Meyers, henry
Porter, B P
Ridelle, Chas J
Smithson, Henry
Gumpf, John
Kingsley, J
Kleeman, A
Lentz, Henry
Lentz, John
Lents, Philip
Louis, Peter
Lutz, Daniel
Oler, Jacob
Shepperd, James
Sheridan, John
Amos, Wm
Anderson, Wm A
Anderson, Wm H F
Austin, Edward
Carroll, Henry
Conn, Dsniel
Eaton, Wm
Gorsuch, Dickenson
Gorsuch, Joshua
Gomuch, T T
Johnson, Thos
Matthews, Airy
Matthews, Aquilla
Matthews, Evan
Matthews, Gee
McCulloh, J S
Merritt, J N
Mervyman, Henry
Mowell Jos W
Pierce, br Thos
Price, Warrick
Torbut, Upton H
Yost, R D
Gorsuch Mills
Allen, Lewis
Anderson, John
Baker, Isaac C
Bond, Ross
Green, Wesley
Harkness, Thos
Hershiner, B F
Matthews, B
Miller, John
Mitzel, Geo
Blade, Silas
Trout, James
Whitcraft, G W
Ahell, A B
Akehurst, Chas
Bash, H M
Bradford, Hon Aug
Brown, Gee
Brown, Robert P
Clark, James H
Cochran, Thos A
Harrison, Fred’k
Hilberg, T L
Johnson, Reverdy
Perine, David M
Pleasants, J Hall
Pratt, Enoch
Presstman, Gee
Rieman, Joseph H
Huhi, Peter
Sadtler, Gee D
Turnbull, Henry
Walters, Wm T
Wilson, Wm C
Rolander, Geo
Crooks, Sam’l
Dorsey, Andrew
Dorsey, John
Fite, Alfred
Gosnell, N
Lilly, Sam’l
Mason, Robt
Nelson, T
O’Dell, W C
Offutt, Milton
Owings, U H
Penn, John
Putney, Geo
Rehmeyer, H
Sumwalt, J B
Taggart, Robert
Verney, James
Wagner, Dan’1
Worthington, J
Worthington, N H
Worthington, R W
Grave Run Mills
Albah, Thos
Burgoyne, H A
Fowbie, O P
Hare, Henry F
Hoffacker, Geo W
Hoffacker, Henry H
Bosh, Frank
Resh, Jacob
Bauble, C
Wink, Joseph
Armacost, M
Bailey, A
Bull, Gee A
Canoles, Chas A
Donaldson, David
Foster, D A
Foster, John B
Foster, W N
France, Howard
Galilon, Richard B
Hamilton, W
Hicks, J W
Johnson, Wm
Knight, John
Lovell, J
Litzinger, John
Lutz, John
Mayes, J C
Mayes, John P
Mayes, N
Mayes, Thos
Merryman, H N
Miller, S H
Peregoy, J
Peregoy, M
Ruhie, Wm
Saumenig, C
Saumenig, Frank
Sparks, A
Spendler, J
Stilts, Amos
Stilts, J B
Stilts, Wm
Thompson, J
Vance, Howard
Wheeler, J F
Wheeler, T
Lavender Hill
Bash, Henry
Cole, M.
Cowley, Wm.
Craig, Capt. Alex
Duncan, Mrs. E.
Duncan, Mrs. E.
Fowler, Aquilla
Fuller, Isaac
German, Howell
Miss, Mrs. Dr.
Hiss, Jacob, Jr.
Hook, Wm.
Jenifer, Thos. R.
Johnson, John
Kilchenstein, J. A.
Kinline, Michael
Laubach, Henry
Miller, Aug.
Miller, Fred’k
Miller, Henry
Shanklin, Jeff
Shanklin, John
Shanklin, John Jr
Simon, Peter
Stanshury, EW ah
Ulrich, John
Whittaker, L
Little Gunpowder
Allender Dr W T
Baxter, John
Bennett, Wm
Bucbtel, Sam’l
Coupman, Addison
Oropmore, Alfred
Day, Edward
Droayer, Herman
Feusae, Louis
Hawltins, James
Knight, Thos
Knight, Wm H
Milkie, Henry
Onion, J W
Pfeifer, Geo
Pfeifer, Wm
Pyle, P P
Rader, Geo
Taylor, Col Ben F
Williams, Wm
Zingruheim, Geo
Anderson, S M
Corbin, Wm
Gilmor, Wm
Wilson, Wm O
Maryland Line
Caskey, R
Genimell, Wm P
Jordan, B F
Lee, J
Lenn,J H
McDonal, A
McDonal, Aquilla
Rutiedge, T G
Standiford, A M
Sykes, Wm
Wordrouff, A P
Alder, Daniel
Anderson, Geo
Bacon, John
Bosley, E.
Bosley, Samuel
Cuddy, Elihu
Curtis, John
Holmes, J B
Hunt, L
Mathews, Chas
Mathews, Clarkson
Mathews, Eli
Mathews, Mrs O
McBride, James
Merryman, Jno.
Parson, L
Pearce, John
Pearce, Wm.
Perdue, Walter
Remare, R A
Shepperd, Josiah
Sparks, F M
Sparks, Josiah
Tipton, Slicer
Mt. Carmel
Ashe, Henry N B
Alban, John 0
Benson, B Frank
Benson, Benj
Benson, John W
Benson, Joshua T
Bossom, Abraham
Bossom, B Frank
Bossom, Efisha
Cole, Benj
Cole, C M.
Cole, J B
Cole, N V
Dehoff, John B
Ensor, N W
Gorsuch, Benj
Gors’ach, Thos J
Hall, John
Hall, John O
Hall, M
Hall, Thos
Jackson, Noah F
Kelbaugh, Christ
Lovell, Isaac
Miller, John G
Miller, Milton H
Miller, Stephen H
Miller, Thos
Palmer, John
Royston, John
Thompson, Geo
Thompson, Noah
Tracy, Wm L
Turnbaugh, Jacob
Tumbaugh, John
Ulrich, Isaac
Zouck, John H
Zouck, Richard
Mt. Washington
Buchanan, Chas
Coates, Alex
I)iggs, Dudley
Hamuton, James
Lehr, Robert
Nevill, Geo
Smith, Geo W
Sutton, James L
Vaughn & Co
Ward, John
Woolston, B S
Mt. Winans
Carny, Owen
Gable, Charles
Gheb, Araham
Hise, John
Link, John
Linthicum, Matthew
Mitchell, Yerry
O’Brien, Joseph
O’Brien, Patrick
Rittenhouse, James
Wade, Geo
North Branch
Allen, P W
Bailey, G W
Belt, C
Black, Joseph
Conry, H S
Fite, J
Harker, Wm H
Ireland, Edward
Luttgerding H O
Mansfield, John
O’Dell, E C
Oursier, W D
Randall, Lloyd
Randall, Wm
Randall, Wm A
Stanfield, James
Birch, Wm H
Bishop, David
Button, James
Cowley, James E
Dungan, Capt A T
Friend, Lewis
Gambrill, Wm
Hews, Asbury
Horner, Joshua Jr
Jacobs, J W
Laughlin, Chas
Lutz, Tobias
McCormick, Alex
Merritt, Wm
Parlett, A J
Polk, John H
Reese, Thos H
Rever, W H
Owings Mills
Allen, Col. W.
Archibald, John
Bleakley, S H
Carroll, J N
Cooper, A A
Easter, James
Fox, G
Groff, B F
Hook, RW
Lee, Col. J. F.
Mason, W. T. T.
Mole, G W
Nicholas. Col W C
Painter. M
Reese, John
Ryland, John
Wood, Dr
Paper Mills
Arehart. Sam’l
Bailey, Frrd’k
Baublitz, John
Bohn, J A
Bollinger, Joseph
Burke, Chas
Carr, Peter
Dixon, Geo W
Eberhart, Gen
Fultz, Geo M
Goodwin, Joshua
Hampshlre, Gen D
Hampshire, John
Hare, Abram
Hare, John
Hare, Joseph
Henry, Jacob
Hilker, Dan’l B
Hilker, Henry
Hoffman, Geo W
Hoffman, Wm D
Hoffman, Wm H
Hoffman, Wm J
Huffeisen, Henry
Jones, Edward
Markey, Wm
Matthews, J N
Rampha, E
Ruhl, Jacob
Shearer, Jacob
Swem, Wm
Waldman, Conrad
Wirtz, Jesse
Zimmerman, H
Armacost, M
Bull, N H
Cameron, D W
Cathcart, B F
Chilcoat, A A
Cooper, A S
Cooper, James
Cooper, W T
Ensor, Wm
Jones, Joseph
Little, Georre
Little, Wm H
Morton, M
Price, James T
Rampley, James
Milson, Richard T
Anderson, Wm A
Barrett, Edward
Bean, Wm Jr
Carroll, Henry H
Carroll, Wm S
Fuller, Joshua
Griffith, Thos T
Johnson, Jacob
Johnson, Oacar
Masemore, Zedekiah
Mayes, Mrs Mary A
Moore, Samuel
Patterson, Mrs Mary T
Pearce, Jno & Thos
Philpet, Thos
Price, Oliver R
Richardson, John F
Richardson, Thos Jr
Richardson, Thos V
Royston, J M
Royston, Wesley A
Slade, Levi A
Barnett, D
Barron, Edward
Biddell, Alex
Counselman, James B
Cockey, Chas T
Craddock, Thos
Crehen, Augustus
Devries, Wm
Fisher, John
Harrison, Chas K
Maynard, H F
McHenry, Sam’l H
Mirhal, Geo
Mittnacht, Geo H
Moffett, James H
Myer, Thos J
Ridgley, James
Rogers, Chas L
Shipley, B
Shipley, Chas G
Slade, John
Smith, J
Stewart, C M
Taggart, C
Tucker, A
Wagner, Jno W
Walker, P H
Wyse, F O
Arthur, B F
Hammon, J D
Hotton, H B
Kalb, John
Makin, John
Makin, Joshua
Riley, Geo
Smith, Daniel
Timanus, Luther
Weidemyer, Adolph
Weiderman, Wm
Younger, Lemuel
Zimmerman, Chas
Zimmerman, John
Zimmerman, Wm
Burkett, Wm
Campbell, Wm
Carr, Wm
Choate, Edward
Choate, Pearce
Clagett, Adam
Haganritter, John
Harrey, Wm
Jean, D
Klohr, H
Klohr, Henry
Russell, Wm
Shipley, C H
Slining, John
Smith, C F
Spielman, Wm
Sterling, Wm
Wstters, Sam’1
Wolf, J C
Worthington, B
Cooper, B F
Cooper M
Cross, P S
Eareckson, Robert
Garretkj R
Gorsuch, E
Hays,J B
Hoshal, Bennett
Hoshal, E
Kerr, Robert
Kidd, D
Kldd, Eli
Kldd, Wm
Kirschner, J
McCullough, L
Shaver, Jacob
Wilson, D
Bailey, Henry
Banks, Andrew
Baseman, Sylvester
Baseman, Judge V W
Bennett, J L
Berryman, Edward
Berryman, Henry
Brooks, Gen’l H S
Cockey, M G
Downey, Albert
Ducker, Geo
Eighner, David
Porney, Jacob S
Gingrich, Christian
Gingrich, Geo B
Gore, A W
Gore, Albert
Gore, J McHenry
Gore, Jessie
Gore, John F
Gore, John H
Grafton, S H
Humphrey, James
Kane, John
Kemp, J Edwin
Kephart, Geo
Miller, A B
Neal, John
Norris, G S
Norris, Wm
Passano, Joseph
Peirce, J G
Reese, Chas
Rich, A A
Seymour, John
Stockadale, Albert
Stocksdale, Chas W
Stockadale, M
Stocksdale, Thos
Sugars, Dan’l
Sugars, Geo
Triplit, Ephraim
Warner, Edward
Warner, Geo W
Weishample, Christian
Welch, Luther
Williams, James
Boblitz, J
Boblitz, Thos
Bouqueene, Augntns
Carver, Wm
Childs, John D
Childs, Thos C
Cox, Uriah
Geist, Martin D
Gent, Orrick, W
Gent, Wm
Griffith, Abram.
Griffith, Edwin
Harris, Ephraim
Joice, Geo T
Jones, Aquilla
Long, John
Martin, Geo W
Matthews, John D.
Scott, Abraham C.
Scott, Edwin
Scott, Thos, M
Small, James
Wilderson, Remington
Baker, James
Cuddy, Wesley R
Eaton, Samuel
Gettle, Jacob
Gilbert, Thos
Hare, Geo
Harris, Nicholas
Muller, PH
Palmer, A. J.
Pearce, Josias S.
Slade, Madison
Slade, Wm
Stabler, A J
Wier, Henry
Williams, M
Stevenson Station
Bennett, Wm A
BradY, Sam’l
Clayton, S S
Cockey, C T
Cook, Adolphus
Hopkins, Joseph S
Rodgers, Chas B
Shoemaker, S M
Stewart, C Morton
Stump, W G H
Taggart, Cadiff
St. Denis
Mitchell, Perry
Randle, WmT
Reed, MrsGW
Ring, Dennis
Schmidt, Chas T
Shipley, Allen
Smith, John Chandler
Sutton, Samuel
St. James
Anderson, A B
Carroll, Henry
Cockey, Joshua H
Curtis, Geo & Chas
Curtis, John M
Hunt, Levi
Hunt, Wm
Hutchins, H C
Hutchins, Nicholas T
Hutchins, Wm
Nelson, Nathan
Pearce, Jacob M
Pearce, Micajah
Price, WmT
Shepperd, Josiah
Slade, Wm T
Sunny Brook
Brown, Henry
Brown, John
Burnet, Chas
Curtis, W H
Fishpaw, Elijah
Hall, Wm
Jackal, Jacob
King, Isaac
Miller, Peter
Minix, Leopold
Owens, Thos L
Pocock, John
Pursol, John
Schoelkopf, Henry
Smith, Christ.
Smith, Frank
Smith, John
Wheeler James
Wilson, Wm
Sweet Air
Baldwin, John S
Burk, Conrad
Curry, A Jackson
Fitzsimmons, Patrick
Hall, Wm
Henderson, Jas N
Hooper, James
Jessop, Edward
Johnson, Benj
Kennedy, Chas F
Law, Sam’l B
Morrison, Alex M
Morrison, Geo
O’Donovan, Edward
Parker, Nicholas H
Parks, Joseph
Pocock, Eugene
Powell James D
Price, Joshua R
Price, Wm
Sherman, Louis
Stansbury, Thos
Wilson, Gittings
Wlison, Jackson
Anderson, S M
Bosley, Dr G M
Bowen, Geo V
Bowen, Wm
Boyce, James
Buckman Bros
Chew, Mrs Chas R
Davis, T S
Ewing, K
Gilmore Bros
Gittings, R J
Hartman, Isaac
Herman, B
Jenkins, Rob’t
Johnson, Benj
Merryman, Geo H
Owens, John B
Parlett, Wm
Pearce, John C
Pleasant, Richard
Price, Wm
Ridgely, Mrs Chas
Shanklin Arthur
Shealey, Mrs M A
Smith, Geo A
Stansbury, Dr J T
Steteer, John C
Stevenson, John
Stevenson, W
Turubull, H C
Vanhorne, Beni
Ware, R R
Wisner, Jacob
Union Meeting House
Alben, Joseph
Alben, Z
Bull, C
Bull, J N
Cooper, J W
Cooper, John
Cooper, John Jr
Cooper,. Joseph
Cotter, J B
Cotter, N
Cullings, Nelson
Daily, Jesse
Davis, Mills
Gore, C M
Gore, Chas
Gore, Sam’l
Hampshire, Geo
Hampshire, J B
Hoshal, Jesse
Hoshal, Steven G
Housman, John
Housman, Reuben
Housman, Wilson
Kidd, Chas
Kidd, John
Kroh, P
Kroh, W
McCullough, Vincent
McCullough, Wm
Michels, Jacob
Owings, G D
Parrish, John
Barrish, Peter
Peppler,. P
Royston, Caleb
Shauck, J N
Shaver, Enoch
Spicer, Wm
Spicer, John
Spicer, John Jr
Turnbaugh, M
Wilhelm, Henry
Wilhelm, Peter B
Wipperman, H
Wipperman, John
Upper Falls
Bevard, J
Bryerly, M
Davis, G T
Davis, R
Day, J Y
Fleury, B A
Foster, J
Haley, P B
Haman, D
Pfeltz, G A
Raphel, E F
Reynolds, E
Standiford, C
Wann, B
Wilson, K S
Barrenger, Frank
Engle, Gotleib
Erdman, George
Folks, George
Hoen, August
Hoen, Ernest
Quick, Henry
Rutherford, Andrew
Watson, John
Anderson, Mrs B
Blizzard, J
Bond, M A
Coshley, Thos
Deice, John
Duncan, J A
Gill, Benj M
Gill, C M
Haynes, Wm
Helms, J G
Huster, G
Leefe, Jacob
Muaselman, Mrs M M
Nairn, C T
Reigler, Fred
Shamleoffie, Nicholas
Shipley, A F
Slade, J B
Slade, Wm A
Stambaugh, Henry
Starr, Henry
Uhler, C W
Upperco, Benj S
Upperco, J L
Upperco, Jesse
Vickery, H G
Walters, Alex K
Wooden, B
Wooden, Frank -
The following classification embraces the names of firms and individuals, engaged in most all the leading branches of business.
Blackford, Wm H
Proud, John G & Sons
Mann & Co
Agents-Roal Estate
Dugan, Pierre C
Lindsay, Geo W & Son
Agricultural Association
Md. State Agr’l & Mechanical
Agricultural Implements
Cottingharn, S H & Co
Dorsey, Moore & Co
Durborow, John C
Lee, L H & Bro
Norris, Thos & Son
Sinclair, H & Co
Slifer, S H & Co
Underhill, H P
Frederick, Geo A
Gott, Jackson C
Artists, Decorators
Convery, John R
Emmart & Quartley
Artists’ Materials
Minifie, Wm & Son
Rodenmayer, J
Attorneys at Law
Carr & Campbell
Carter, Bernard
Chandler, Geo H
Gleeson, Wm E
Handy, & Bevan
Hennighansen & Smith
Hinkley & Morris
Hirshberg, Lewis N
Horwitz, T B
Johnson, H Edgar
Jones, Isaac D
Lingenfelder, Henry
Mathews, H Stocket
Reese, D Meredith
Ross, John R
Steele & Steele
Stevens, F P
Venable & Packard
Whyte, Joseph
Whyte, W Hollingsworth
Whyte, W Pinkney
Bennett, F W & Co
Grotjan, Mitchell & Co
Snowden, H W & Co
Bankers and Brokers.
Brown, Alex & Sons
Clabaugh, Nelson & Co
Johnston Bros & Co
McKim & Co
Patterson, A B & Co
Wilson, Coiston & Co
Book and Stationery
Baltimore News Co
Bond, J W & Co
Carroll, D H
Cushings & Bailey
DeKatow, A
Guitean, S & Co
Kelley, Piet & Co
Lucas Bros
Murphy, John & Co
Boots and Shoes
Cecil, Geo T
Cullan, Thomas
Eney, Joseph H & Co
Frank & Adler
Spear, J & A
Weinberger Levi
Bottling Establishment
Lewy, S
Beck, Thos & Son
Butterfield & Co
Seeger, Jacob
Building Material.
Thomas, Jos & Son
Carpets, Oil Cloths, &c
Griffith, G S & Co
Nachman, Adolph
Cheap Jewelry
Smith, B
Cigar and Tobacco
Boyd, Wm A & Co
Dillehunt, John G
Dufur, Wm H & Co
Hornthal & Deiches
King, Geo A
Kohier, Geo
Maull, Edward A
Sneeringer, Taylor & Co
Gutman, Moses & Co
Strasburger & Son
Walker, Noah & Co
Coal Miners and Shippers
Boyce, James
Mayer, Carroll & Co
Pratt, E & Bro
Coal and Wood.
Ledley, Benj P
McCullough, John G
Collar Manufacturers
Leonard, S C
Maxwell, F G & Co
Commission Merchants
Baldwin & Cugle
Bay, John W
Belt & Co
Claridge, G D & Co
Crew & Jerome
Crittenden, A C & Co
Desch, C S & Co
Dudley, Fenwick & Co
Gibson, G & Co
Grotj an, Mitchell & Co
Herbert, Hairsten & Co
Jordan, H P & Co
Kimelelter, V V & Bro
Knight, Robert
Moale, Armstrong & Chadwick
Moore, W H & Co
Neale, Francis & Sons
Oliver, L V & Co
Pitte, Geo W & Co
Basin & Co
Sherman & Co
Blagle, C W & CO
Smith & Whiting
Saewden, H W & Co
Staley, Koons & Co
Steliman, John & Sons
Thomas, Wm H
Williar, Geo P & Son
Wilson, Leroy M
Woodaide & Griffith
Worley, Smith & Co
Zimmerman & Co
Miller, Wm A
Cracker and Cake Bakers
Mason, Jas D & Co
Tyler & Bros
Danforth’s Fluid
Danforth, Roderick F
Gill, Bryson & Son
Baily, James
Blaney, F M
Coleman & Rogers
Davis & Miller
Eareckson, Dr Edwin
Habliston, Chas O
Leef Bros
Stehi, Justus
Thornton, W E
Dry Goods
Bevan, Saml & Co
Billingsley & Vernetson
Bruff, Faulkner & Co
Cleaveland, E H & CO
Rose, Joseph
Rosenthal, S & Co
Whiteley, Bro & Co
Dyer and Scourer.
Linck, Fred G
Baugh & Sons
Bullock, John & Son
Gassaway, Wm. A.
Griffith, Wm. R.
Horner, Joshua Jr & Co
Md Fertilizing and Manf’g Co
Patapsco Guano Co
Popplein Silicated Phosphate Co
Reese, John S & Co
Rhodes, B M & Co
Rogers, J R
Russell, John B
Turner, J J & Co
Turner, Robert & Son
U S Fertilizing and Chemical Co
Walker, Joshua
Whann, Walton & Co
Woodeide & Grith
Zell, P & Sons
Fertilizing Materials
Baker, H J & Co
Chappell, P 5 & Son
Price, Wm G Jr
Hunteenufler, H W & Co
Feast, Sam’l & Sons
Pentland, James
Foreign Fruits
Dix & Wilkins
Lumsdon John W
Miller, Wm A
Price, Wm G & Son
Founders and Machinists
Adt, John B
Aitcheson, James
Egghng & Harris
Frank, Ernest & Son
Jones, Dinsmore & Co
McShane, Henry & Co
Reeder, C & Co
Regester, J & Sons
Wilson, J B & Son
Banks, Morton D
Jenkins, Henry W & Son
Rosendale & Co
Rosenthal, M & Sons
Furniture- Church and Office
Thomas, Joe & Son
Gina, Cutter.
Wolf, Ernest A
Gold and Silver Platers
Hamill, Chas W & CO
Holmes Bros & Co
Agnew, T A & Co
Foley, DJ Bro & Co
Green, Thomas M & Bro
Ijarns, Alfred
Kelley, Caleb & Sons
Moale, Armstrong & Chadwick
Moore, W H&Co
Small & Reddie
Smith & Whiting
Staley, Koons & Co
Stump, A H & Sons
Yoe, Benj. R. & Co
Guns and Pistols
McComas, A
Trimble & Kleibacker
Jenkins, Edward & Sons
Warfield & Rohr
Hubs, Spokes and Rims
Stinson, J & E
Ink Manufacturer
Gebhardt, Carl
Iron Dealers
Keyser Bros & Co
Pratt, E & Bro
Variety Iron Works
Wintermitz, Sam’1 G
Laundry Supplies
Dunscomb, T C & Co
Lead Manufacturers,
Robertson, James & Co
Baer, Arthur P & Co
Belt, Wm
Coakley Eros
Curtain, H G & Co
Hoffman, G L & Co
Kerchner.& O’Mailey
Linen Goods.
Killiken, H H
Hoen, A & Co
Duker, Otto & CO
Linthicum, S S
Swain & Banks
Turner, I
Wilion & Hunting
Machinists Supplies
Jackson & Tyler
Morton, Reed & Co
Heuter & Mallory
Manufacturing Chemists
Slingluff & Co
Marble Works
Falkenstein, Fred’k
Marine Railways
Skinner, Wm & Sons
Woodall, Wm E & Co
Mercantile Agencies
Bradatreet, The J M & Son Co
Millinery and white Goode.
~rmBtrong, Cator & CO
Musical Instruments
Elsenbrandt, H H
Nat’l L. & B. Collection Bureau
Mitchener, W A & E P
Oils, Lamps and Glassware
Bokee, Howard
Newbold & Sons
Oyster and Fruit Packers
Foote, D E
Hemingway, H F & CO
Chase, B F & C O
Convery, John H
Enirnart & Quartley
Paints, Oils and Glass
Bolton Bros
Bolton & Sons
Paper Manufacturers
Hoffman, Wm H & Sons
Pimo Manufacturers
Knabe Wm & Co
Stieff, Chas M
Pipe Works
Neudecker, L H & CO
Pork Packers
George, P T & Co
Smith, S H& Sons
Wipfleld, Adam
Buck & James
Daugherty & Wright
Kelly, Piet & Co
King Bros
Lucas Bros
Murphy, John & Co
Kahier, J A C & J J
Saddles and Harness
Boyd, J H
Hammond, Jobn D & Co
Harris, John L & Co
Hunt, Sam’l & Son
Lerch, Augustus
Marden, Jesse
Murdock, Richard
Spear, P Forney
Bolgiano, J & Son
Simpson, W A & Co
Townsend, Sam’l & Son
Shirt Manufacturers
Meginniss, C. Geo.
Milliken, R. H.
Stationers’ Supplies
Gebbrrdt, Carl
Stoves and Tinware
Gluck, Wm J H
Hutchinson Bros
Lenderking, P H
Robinson, Joshua
Sohlimm & Klein
Sexton, S B & Co
Wood, Wm E & Co
Buschman, H
Jones, H C
Keeler, John K
McPherson, Duncan
Roberts & Co
Tailors’ Trimmings
Focke & Spilcker
Tanners and Curriers
Stalfort, J. D. & Sons
Tobacco Manufacturers
Neudecker, L. H.
Wilkins, H. & Co.
Upholstery Goods
Warfield & Rohr
Wall Papers and Window Shades
Mettee, Milton D.
Watches and Jewelry
Blake, Chas. W.
Hare, John R.
Hennegan, Bates & Co.
Justis, Wm. S. & Son
Kirk, Samuel & Son
Sadtler, G. T. & Sons
Wines and Liquors
Decormis & Co.
Fowler & Zeigler
Homrighausen, J.
O’Neal, Chas. H. & Co.
Thomas, Geo. P. & Co.
Thomas & Warfield
Wolfe, Wm. L. & Co.
Wood Engravers
Schertlen & Appleby
Spedden & Co.
Wright, Thomas H. -
CALVERT COUNTY lies on the Western shore of Chesapeake Bay, and is one of the smallest counties, being in length about 32 miles, with an average width of about 7 miles, having an area of 235 square miles. This county is a peninsula, and bounded by the Bay on the East, the Patuxent River on the West, and on the North by Anne Arundel County. The surface is undulating, and drains from a central elevation towards the Bay and River, into which numerous little creeks empty.
The soil is a soft fine mold, except on the Patuxent where it is more clayey, and is well adapted to the growth of corn, tobacco and wheat, though the great staple is tobacco. The climate is generally warm and mild. The waters of the Chesapeake and Patuxent abound in the finest fish and oysters; immense quantities of the latter are annually carried to Baltimore and the Northern markets; the trade employing large numbers of men. Tripoli, which is used as a polishing material, Is found in many localities, the deposit on the Patuxent being very large. Marl exists also, affording a good fertilizer in many localities. Oak, chestnut, pine and locust are the natural timber growths, and mostly line the navigable waters, and are carried to market.
Judges Seventh Judicial Circuit–Hon. George Brent, Chief Judge. Hon.Robert Ford and Hon. Daniel R. Magruder, Associate Judges. Commissioners of Court-Joseph A. Wilson and Chas. S. Parran. Auditor-Chas. S. Parran. Clerk of Court–John H Basford, Prince Frederick. Deputy Clerk–Somerville Sollers. Crier-George W. Bowen. Sheriff-Stirling Smith, Prince Frederick. State’s Attorney-B. B. Hagner, Prince Frederick. Warden of Jail-Stirling Smith. Judges of Orphan’s Court-R. H. T. Norfolk, John A. Sedwick and David Carcand. Register of Wills–Basil S. Dixon. Deputy-Dr.W. H. Norfolk. Surveyor- John B. Gray, Port Republic. County Commissioners-Jas. A. Bnnd, Wm. N. Breeden and Webster L. Webb. Clerk-Edward H. Ireland. Registers of Voters-Wm. H. Hellen, John R. Beckett and W. L. Webb. Constables-Robert S. Allison, James S. Catterton and John W. Ward. Tax Collectors-James S. Thomas, B. O. Bowen and O. W. Spicknall. Jusitices of the Peace-James I. Blackburn, W. W. Dorsey, Thomas H. Grover, Geo. W. Weeden, James L. Hutchins, Thomas C. Carpenter, C. H. Bowen, C. B. Harrison, Jesse Carr, Wm. Ireland, Thomas M. ?lummer and Jas. P. King. Coroner-Stirling Smith. Congressman Fifth District-Hon. Eli J. Henkle. Annapolis. State Senator-Joseph A. Wilson, Prince Frederick. Members House of Delegates-John C. Parker and Thos. H. Jones. Terms of Circuit Court, which are held in the Court House at Prince Frederick, the county seat: Last Term–1st Monday in May and 1st Wednesday in November. Chancery Terms-1st Monday in February and July. Population of County-White, 4,332; Colored, 5,533. Registered Vote-2,200. Assessed Value of Real, Personal and Stocks-$2,145,800. State and County Tax-97 1/4 cents on $100.
Is 4 miles from Lower Marlboro on the Patuxent River, and 15 from Upper Marlboro, on the B. & P. R. R Climate pleasant, village healthy; business, crops and land good, land mostly cleared, Is worth from $10 to $25 per acre, and readily produces 7 to 15 bus. wheat, 25 to 50 oats, 50 to 100 potatoes, 25 to 50 corn and 600 to 1,000 pounds tobacco. The inducements to emigrants are fine lands, naturally good soil and susceptible of the highest improvement; mills, churches, schools and an abundance of good water. All Saints P. E. Church, Rev. Mr. Willis; one public school, Wm. J. Weems, teacher. The people of this vicinity are mostly engaged in farming and are noted for their sobriety, intelligence and industry. Population 75. C. B. Harrison, Postmaster.
Plummer, Thos M
Hardesty, Benj T
Hardesty, Charles
Hardesty, Richard
General Merchandise
Harrison, Frank T
Fowler, Wm. C.
Barber, Philip P.
Hardesty, Chas.DUNKIRK
Is 11 miles from Upper Marlboro, on the B. & P. R. R., and near Ferry Landing on Patuxent River, its shipping point. Climate temperate and place healthy; business, crops and land good; the land is easily tilled, can be bought at from $6 to $40 per acre, and produces 15 bus. wheat, 25 oats, 80 corn, and 850 lbs. tobacco. No potatoes or hay raised for market. Two churches, Smithville M. E. and Shiloh M. E. South. Public Schools, Nos ‘7 and 8, J. B. W. Tanevhill and C. W. Hyde, Jr., teachers. Highland Grange, 61, P. of H., F. B. Smith, Master, T. B. Jones, Sec’y. Population 36. P. S. Sullivan, Postmaster.
General Merchandise
Chaney, L. L. & J. C.
Sullivan, W W & Bro
Chaney, J T
Fowler, J W
Chaney, T M
Petherbridge, J F
Is 17 miles from Upper Marlboro, on the B. & P.R. R., and near Deep Landing, the shipping point, on the Patuxent River; climate variable, village healthy, business and crops good; the laud is a sandy loam, mostly cleared; can be bought at from $10 to $40 per acre, and produces 5 to 30 bus. wheat, 25 to 50 corn, 500 to 1,000 lbs. tobacco, and a fair amount of other crops; two M. E. and two P. E. Churches Revs. Mr. Willis, Lorrison, Lemmon and Cornelius. Huntingtown Grange 55, P. of H., C. B. Belt, Master; Mrs. F. M. Norfolk, Sec. population, 100. R H. T. Norfolk, Postmaster.
General Merchandise
Armiger, John S
Atwell W F
Norfolk, J. J. & Bro.
Spicknall, Thos S
Dorsey, Thornton
Norfolk, W H
Stanforth, B
Is on the Patuxent River, 12 miles from Prince Frederick, the county seat, and 11 from Brandywine, on the B. & P. R. R. Climate mild, place healthy, land medium, mostly cleared; can be purchased at from $5 to $30 per acre, and produces 3 to 20 bus. wheat, 10 to 40 oats, 150 to 200 potatoes, 25 to 50 corn, 400 to 1,000 lbs tobacco; business, crops and water good. One of Weems’ Steamboats twice ‘a week. M. B. Church, Revs. J. T. Gill and H. Baggs. Public School, Miss Bettie Hutchins, principal. Population 100. T. W. Sparklin, postmaster.
Gurdizer, Joseph
Teppitt, John T
Armiger, B F
Varr Jesse
General Merchandise
Thuman, W B
Sparklin, B
Dalrymple, J M B
Thomas, J H
Ireland, John F
Dalrymple, Wm H
Is 25 miles from Upper Marlboro, on B. & P. R. R., and near Governor’s Run, its shipping point. Climate mild, village healthy. Not much business done. Crops generally good. Land is variable in quality, and can be bought at from $5 to $30 per acre and is one half cleared; it is close to markets and has good schools and churches. Plenty good water. Land produces 5 to 40 bus. wheat, 10 to 50 oats, 15 to 100 corn and 400 to 1,000 lbs. Tobacco. Christ Church, Rev. G. W. E. Fisse. Public School, Miss H. B. Frazer, Principal. Chesapeake Grange 73, P. of H., Dr. G.W. Dorsey, Master; Dr. W. P. Dorsey, Sec. Population 50. W. P. Dorsey, Postmaster.
Holland, Thos
Wiesman, Francis
Hawkins, E J
Howe, Anthony
Kelton, F P
Wales, S D
County Surveyor.
Gray, John B
General Merchandise
Boyd, Geo W
Fowler, J W
Hellen, C. E.
Sedwick, John
Sollers, J. P.
Cats, G.
Dorsey, C. H.
Dawkins, J T
Dorsey, W P
Parker, J C
The county seat, is 5 miles from Leach’s Wharf on the Patuxent River, the shipping point, and 20 from Brandywine on B. & P.R. R. The situation is in the centre of the peninsula, midway between the Patuxent River and the Bay. Climate generally mild and healthy. The land is mostly cleared; some oak, chestnut, pine and locust yet standing of a light growth. The land is well adapted to the growth of tobacco; and this with wheat and corn comprise the staple products. It can be bought at from $5 to $25 per acre, and produces 5 to 15 bus. wheat, 15 to 40 corn, and 400 to 550 pounds tobacco. Crops and business medium. St. Paul’s Episcopal church, Rev. Mr. Cornelius, and a public school. Clifton Grange 72, P. of H., Dr. I. A Baden, Master; M. Kate Baden, Sec’y. Prince Frederick Grange 76, Dr Geo. H. Jones, Master; Somerville Sollers, Sec’y. . Battle Grange 115. James A. Bond, Master; A. H. Bowen, Sec’y. Population 100. Edith V. Dowell, Postmistress.
Attorneys at Law.
Briscoe, J P
Briseoe, I T
Hagner, B H
Parran, C S
Wilson, Hon Joseph A
Hall, Joseph
Simmons, C W
General Merchandise.
Bowen, C H
Hall, J J
Shemwell & Bro
Brentford, Jas Alnutt
Baden, J A
Jones, Geo H
Is at the mouth of the Patuxent River. Climate mild, village healthy, business good and crops medium. The land is dark and sandy, mostly cleared, and varies in price from $8 to $50 per acre, and produces 5 to 15 bus. wheat, 8 to 20 oats, 50 to 200 potatoes, 80 to 50 corn, 600 to 1,200 pounds tobacco, and 3/4 to 1 1/2 tons hay. Oak, pine and chestnut comprise the timber yet standing. M. E. Church, Rev. A. C. Gill; M. B. South, Rev. A. L. Torreyson; P. E., Rev. Mr. Fisse. Public schools, Nos. 1 and 8, Misses Alice Ireland and Mollie Hawkins, teachers. Population 200. Jno. D. Schenton, Postmaster.
Kopp, Wilhelm
Marsh, Chas L
Stevens, F B
General Merchandise.
Hellen, James & Son
Lusby, Wm T
Norwood, Richard
Solomon, Chas S Agt
Marine Railways.
Marsh, James T
Solomon, Chas S Agt
Baytleld. Wm
Tolley, Wm A
Oyster Planters.
Coster, Thomas J
Tucker, L J
Sedwick, Wm AST. LEONARD’S
Is 5 miles from Port Republic, and at the head of St. Leonard’s Creek. Planter’s Wharf, on Patuxent River, is the shipping point. Climate mild; not much business done; crops good, land variable in quality; can be bought at from $5 to $80 per acre; about one-half cleared, and produces 5 to 25 bus. wheat, 10 to 15 oats, 15 to 75 corn, and 400to 800 pounds tobacco. Chast Church and Middleham Chapel, Rev. G.W. B. Fisse; a public school, Miss Bettie A. Griffiss, Principal. St. Leonard’s Grange 78, P. of H, John B. Mackall, Master; J. A. Sedwick, Sec. Population 200. James H. Frazier, Postmaster.
General Merchandise.
Bowen, O C
Freeman & Hellen
Farran, S
Dawkins, W S
Gott, Joseph
Briscoe, James T
Briscoe, Philip
Carcand, David
Carcand, Wm M
Chaney, Leroy L
Cox, Wm
Drury, John H
Fowler, James S
Fowler, John W
Fowler, Wm C
Gantt, Francis
Gantt, Geo. B.
Gantt, Thos. J.
Gibbons, Mrs. H. L.
Gibson, John
Graham, Thos. J.
Hardesty, Wm. T.
King, Geo. E.
Owings, Franklin
Owings, Wallace
Plummer, Thos. M.
Prout, Edward
Prout, Joseph R.
Reynolds, Wm.
Sasscer, John
Sunderland, B. A.
Sunderland, Joseph S.
Talbot, J. F.
Turner, Joseph
Turner, Samuel
Ward, Edward S.
Webb, Webster L.
Wilkerson, Alex
Wood, Samuel P.
Briscoe, James T.
Briscoe, Philip
Carcand, David
Carcand, Wm. M.
Chaney, Leroy L.
Cox, Wm.
Drury, John H.
Fowler, James S.
Fowler, John W.
Fowler, Wm. C.
Gantt, Francis
Gantt, Geo. B.
Gantt, Thos. J.
Gibbons, Mrs. H. L.
Gibson, John
Graham, Thos. J.
Hardesty, Wm. T.
King, Geo. E.
Owings, Franklin
Owings, Wallace
Plummer, Thos. M.
Prout, Edward
Prout, Joseph R.
Reynolds, Wm.
Sasscer, John
Sunderland, B. A.
Sunderland, Joseph S.
Talbot, J. F.
Turner, Joseph
Turner, Samuel
Ward, Edward S.
Webb, Webster L.
Wilkerson, Alex
Wood, Samuel P.
Griffith, L M
Griffith, Capt Lewis
Griffith, Bohert H
Howes, J W
Howes, S Z
Howes, Webster
Jones, L B
Jones, Thos H
Lane, Fletcher
Lane, J W
Smith, David P
Smith, F B
Smith, Dr John S
Smith, Thos W
Smith, Wm D
Belt, Chas B
Bird, C C
Bird, Dr S B
Cox, James N
Gibson, David
Hardesty, Joseph
Harris, J T D
King, Joseph
Manner, C H
Norfolk, Joseph J
Williams, S C
Lower Marlboro
Bell, James
Forbes, B
Hance, W H
Howe, Denis
Ireland, H C
Ireland, Dr J F
Jones, J W
Jones, Thos B
Jones, Wm
Lyons, J B
Lyons, John
Bay, James
Scaggs, Geo W
Smith, James S
Younger, Geo
Port Republic
Bond, B D
Bond,B B D
Bond, J J
Bond, John
Dorsey, W A
Hance, Benjamin
Lavelle, A
Boss, G F
Smith, Sterling
Prince Frederick
Baden, Dr J A
Bond, B
Bond, James A
Bone, James
Bowen, A H
Bowen, C
Bowen, C H
Bowen, P A
Bowen, W H
Bowen, W J
Breeden, Joseph B
Brook, J
Dail, W B
Duke, N
Freeman, A
Grover, Thomas B
Hance, M B
Jones, Dr Geo H
Magruder, J A
McDaniel, Dr Wm
Mitchell, J. W.
Morton, H. E.
Parran, W. A.
Roberts, J. G.
Shalley, W. H.
Skinner, W. D.
Sollers, Sommerville
Sollers, W. D.
Thomas, John
Thomas, J. S.
Weeden, S.
Williams, W. G.
Wilson, James A.
Wilson, S. B.
Solomon’s Island
Barreda, F. L.
Bourne, E. W.
Solomon, Chas. S.
Somervell, A.
Somervell, L. W.
St. Leonard’s
Bond, J. Thomas
Bowen, B. J.
Broome, John
Dawkins, W. S.
Frazier, James H.
Gott, James
Griffiss, Joseph W.
Hardesty, Robert
Johnson, John H.
King, James F.
Mackall, John B.
Mackall, Mrs. L. C.
Peterson, John W.
Sedwick, B. J.
Sedwick, John A., Jr.
Wall, James T. -
CAROLINE COUNTY is of small area, and is bounded on the east by the State of Delaware, north-west and west by Queen Anne’s and Talbot, and south by Dorchester counties.
The main branch of the Great Choptank River runs through the county, and is navigated by steamboats to Denton. This, with several creeks, afford excellent facilities for sending produce to market, and in return, obtaining lime, ashes and manures; scarcely any land lying more than five miles from navigable water.
Some of its soils are sandy, some are low meadow-lands of rich black earth, but the largest proportion is a loam with a clay subsoil. The last will produce grains, grasses, vegetables, cotton, and tobacco, which latter two are raised in small quantities very successfully for domestic use. The sandy soil is very productive in sweet potatoes, and every variety of vegetables and fruits. Peaches are very largely cultivated and sent to Philadelphia, Baltimore and New York markets.
The general character of the county is level, but sufficiently undulating to afford drainage, and the roads are mostly level and hard, and give very fine travelling facilities. Some excellent fisheries of shad and herring are in the county, and crabs, wild ducks and other game are abundant in their respective seasons.
Judge Second Judicial Circuit-Hon. John M. Robinson, Chief Judge, Centreville. Hon. J. A. Wickes, Chestertown, and Hon. Frederick Stump, Perryville, Associate Judges. Commissioners of Court–Luther H. Gadd and Clinton Cook. Auditor–Phillip W. Downs. Clerk to Court-John W.Temple, Denton. Deputy Clerks–L. H. Gadd and C. Cook. Crier-James Hignutt. Bailiffs-H. Irwin, W. L. Davis and Thos. P. Davis. Sheriff– J. Evitts, Denton State’s Attorney-G. M. Russum, Denton. Judge of Orphan’s Court-Robert Jarrell, Greensboro, W. A. Ford, Denton, and Dr. H. F. Willis, Preston. Register of Wills-Jas. B. Steele, Denton. Deputy-J. G. Steele. Surveyor–S. H. Melson. County Commissioners- Col. J. E. Douglas, Pres., Preston, Dr. H. C. Comegys and W. S. Ridgely. Secretary and Examiner–Rev. Gen. F. Beaven, Hillsbormlgh. Trustees of Almshouse-H. C. Culbreth, Esma Lowe, J. Boon Dukes, M. Patton and A. N. Davis. Physician-Enoch George. Overseer-Wm. Driggis. Registers of Vote’s-DR. Heather, J. A. Roe, L. H. Gadd, John Rumbold and Eli C. Gullett. Justice of the Peace-Richard Jones, J. P. Fieroe, Perry G. Stevens, Thos. A. Smitb, Jas. E. Johnson,Wm. H. Bullock and W. H Watkins. Constables-Wm. M. Price, W. H. Lowe, Tilghman Roe, Wm. C. Willoughby and Wm. T. Slaughter. Tax Collectors–Alexander Saulsbury, Jas. S. Whithy, B. J. W. Garey, E. M. Towers, Elijah Hignutt. Congressman First District-Hon. Darius M. Henry, Cambridge. State Senator Hon. Thos. F. Garey, Denton. Members House of Delegates-Jas. Massey and Charles H. Todd, Denton. Terms of Circuit Court, which are held in the Court House at Denton, the county seat: law Terms-1st Monday in April and October. Chancery Terms-2d Monday in January and 4th Monday in June. Population of County-White, 12,000; Colored, 1,100. Registered Vote-2,957. Assessed Value of Real, Personal and Railroad Property-$3,730,l76. State and County Tax-103 1/4 cents on $100.
Is 9 miles from Federalsburg on the Dorchester & Delaware R R., and near Gilpin’s Point on the Choptank River. Climate warm; the crops and land are fair. Land can be bought at from $12 to $00 per acre; produces 10 to 20 bus. wheat, 15 to 40 corn, 25 oats and 40 to 75 potatoes. Population 50. Wm. C. Willoughby, Postmaster.
Covey, John
Legates, Wm T
Cohee, Wm H
Willoughby Wm C
General Merchandise
Is 15 miles from Harrington on the Delaware B. H., and near Potter’s Landing on the Choptank River, the shipping point. Climate good, place healthy. The timber yet standing is composed of oak, pine, poplar, gum, &c.; the land is one-half cleared, a light clay; can he purchased at from $10 to $30 per acre, and produces 5 to 20 bus. wheat, 20 to 35 oats, 5 to 40 potatoes, 10 to 40 corn and 2 tons hay. Crops are generally good. H. H. Cannon, C. A. Boop and M. E. Rose, teachers. Population 300. J. W. Stevens, Postmaster.
Roop, J F
Starkey, R
Wooters, W H
General Merchandise
Stevens, J. W.
Pool, L. W.
Is 7 miles from Easton on the Md. & Delaware B. B., and 2 1/2 from Hog Island on the Choptank River. Climate fine, land naturally good and is susceptible of the highest improvement; ample market facilities. The land can be purchased at from $15 to $20 per acre, and produces 30 bus. wheat, 50 corn, 30 oats and 60 potatoes. Bethlehem Church, Rev. John W. Dean and a public school, Henry Vosburg, teacher. Population 32. Isaac W. Davis, Postmaster.
General Merchandise
Hignutt, Wm T
Pool, James
Andrew, Newton
Is 9 miles from Harrington on the Delaware B. R, and near Denton on the Choptank River, the shipping point. Climate mild, business and crops good. The timber now standing is composed of oak; the land is a sandy loam, mostly cleared; is worth $20 per acre, and produces 15 bus. wheat, 20 oats, 60 potatoes, 25 corn and ii tons hay. M. P. Church, Rev. W. C. Ames; M. E no regular pastor. Public School, John Lee, Principal. Population, 100. F. A. Porter, Postmaster.
Harvey, T
Stevens, W B
Stafford, James
Ames, Rev W C
General Merchandise.
Porter, A T
Porter, T W
Stafford,Wm P
Moore, Miss Jennie
Stafford, Mrs Margaret
Saulsbury, Theodore
Warren, Jonathan
Williams, ThomasCONCORD
Is 4 miles from Potter’s Landing on the Choptank River, and 8 from Federalsburg, on the Dorchester & Delaware B. H. Climate mild, village healthy; business, crops and land good; land mostly cleared. Can be bought at from $10 to $25 per acre, and produces 10 to 15 bus. wheat, IS oats, 140 potatoes, 85 to 40 corn. Inducements very good for emigrants. Two M. E. Churches, one colored; public school, Sallie L. Maloney, Principal. Population 20. Wm. Loockerman, Postmaster.
Loockerman, T C
General Merchandise.
Stevens, B G
Justice of the Peace.
Johnson, Jas B
Pool, L W
Meredith, W H
The county seat, is an ancient little town, situated on the Great Choptank River, 6 miles below the head of navigation of schooners of 100 tons burthen, 150 miles by water to Baltimore, and 90 by rail to Philadelphia. It is incorporated and its government confided to five Commissioners and a Bailiff, who hold their places for one year from the date of their election. Its site has an elevation of from 25 to 30 feet above the level of the river, it is well drained, and consequently has the recommendation of freedom from mud, a pest of most country towns. The main street has well paved side-walks which are well shaded by Maple and Georgia Poplars. It has tri-weekly communication with Baltimore. Ridgely Station, on the Md. & Del. Rail Road, can be reached daily by a ride of 6 miles by stage coach. Street lamps afford light. Water is supplied by pumps and is of excellent quality, though somewhat unpleasant to strangers, being slightly impregnated with iron. The public buildings, viz: tile court house and jail (the latter seldom occupied by its appropriate denizens) are built upon a public square of rather more than an acre in extent, filled with shade trees, making it a pleasant resort for the citizens of the town in hot weather, and affording splendid croquet grounds; the square is said to be the largest and prettiest public square on the shore. The court house is built in old English style, having a main building of brick, with wings of the same material on either side. The town is remarkably healthy and equally quiet. It has of places of public worship, for the whites, one Methodist, one Catholic and one Episcopal church, and two churches for the colored people; it has an academy, having a higher and lower department; and two comfortable hotels. The Masonic Fraternity has a commodious hall for their meetings. Population 500. Chas. Stevens Postmaster.
CHURCHES AND PASTORS-M. E., Rev. John E. Smith; P. E., Rev. B. J. Stearns; Roman Catholic, Father John Renchey; Colored M. E., no regular pastor; and one Friends’ meeting house.
BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES AND ASSOCIATIONS: Temple Lodge, 128, A. F & A.M., J. W. Kerr, Master. Denton Grange, 43, P. of H., J. W. Kerr, Master, H. C. Fisher, Sec’ry. Citizens Building and Loan, B. J. Jump, Pres’t, Josiah White, Sec’ry.
TOWN COMMISSIONERS-John W. Temple, J. W. Bryant, Thos Melvin, Dr. Enoch George, and Luther H. Gadd. Bailiff -B. N. Hutson.
Lowe, Wm W
Attorney at Law.
Bryant, Joshua W
Downes, Philip W
Hignutt, James E
Jump, Rohert J
Melvin & Mutchier
Ridgely, Wm S
Bussum, Geo M
Irwin, Henry
Handy, Richard
Comegys, John T
Downes, Samuel T
Macher, Wm O
Pritchett, Edward
Davis, Thos P
Murphy, Thomas
Murphy, Wm F
Smith, Thomas A
Cooper, Thos M
Lednum, J I
Fisher, Gee M
Stevens, Charles
White & Dunning
Kerr, J W
Peters & Dowling
Fruit Packers
White & Dunning
General Merchandise.
Blackiston, Henry & Son
Downes & Stewart
Field, B F & Co
Harris, J H
Heather, T E
Rochester, 0 E
Andrew, Jacob
Cooper, Thos M
Brick, James Melvin
Choptank, Andrew Baggs Jr
Justice of the Peace.
Smith, Thos A
Livery Stables.
Baggs, Andrew Jr.
Melvin, James
Millinery and Notions,
Holmes, Mrs Lucy P
Choptank, Peters & Dowling
Eastern Shore, J W Kerr
Downes, Wm H
Fisher, Geo M
George, Enoch
Straughn, Frederick
Saw Mill.
Emerson, Wm R
Denny, Clinton
Shewbrooks, Wm T
Irving, John W
Pritchett, Edward
Watches and Jewelry.
Blackiaton, C H
West, Luther
Wooters, ThomasFOWLING CREEK
Is 9 miles from Federalsburg, on the Dorchester & Delaware R. R. and near Gilpin’s Point on the Choptank River; climate mild, village healthy, business and crops good; land a light loam, mostly cleared, and can he bought at from $5 to $75 per acre, and produces 5 to 30 bus. wheat, 10 to 30 oats, 100 to 300 potatoes, 5 to 30 corn and 2 to 3 tons hay. Harmony M. E. church and a public school, J. T. Blades, teacher. Population 50. J. B. McNash, Postmaster.
Roe, L. D.
Dukes, C. G.
Stevens, Daniel
General Merchandise
Wright, A. R.
Mowbray, W. H.
Melson, S. H.
Is on the Choptank River, and 12 miles from Denton and 14 from Ridgely, on the Maryland & Delaware R R. Climate medium. Land good, can be bought at from $12 to $50 per acre, and produces 15 bus. wheat, 40 corn, 20 oats and 150 potatoes. Is a shipping point of some local importance. Several steamers ply up and down the river and a large number sailing vessels, weekiy. Population 40. J. H. McNash, Postmaster.
General Merchandise
McNash, J H
Is on the Md. & Delaware B. R, 20 miles from Clayton, Delaware, and 24 from Easton, Md. Climate mild, place healthy. The land is mostly cleared; is an alluvial soil resting upon a clay subsoil, and susceptible of improvement; can he bought at from $8 to $80 per acre, and produces 12 to 15 bus. wheat, 150 potatoes, 25 corn and 1 1/2 tons hay; crops are generally good; business good during fruit season. Fifty-seven thousand baskets of peaches were shipped from this place to Philadelphia and New York in the season of 1877. There is one church and two schools, one colored. Population 75. J. J. Reed, Postmaster.
Agent-R. R. and Express
Graham, J Y
Booker, B
General Merchandise
Graham, R E & Co
Reed, J. Jump
Grist Mill
Saulisbury, A.
Saw Mill
Is on the M. & D. R. R., 5/8 of a mile from a station of that name, 24 above Easton, Md., 90 from Philadelphia, Pa. and 60 from Wilmington, Delaware. By water it is 123 miles to Baltimore, and by the cross route to Chester River it is only 60; it is situated on the head-waters of the Great Choptank River; the river is navigable to the town only by lighters; 4 miles below is the shipping point, called the Stakes. Schooners of ordinary tonnage reach this landing easily and take off large cargoes of grain to Baltimore. Climate mild and temperate, free from pulmonic and rheumatic affections, and the inhabitants are frank, genial and hospitable, and as moral as any people In the country. It is located in the midst of a pleasing, healthful and fertile country. The soil is diversified, the land sandy and clay loams, mostly cleared; can be purchased at from $15 to $50 per acre, and produces 10 to 25 bus. wheat, 15 oats, 15 to 60 Corn and 1 1/2 tons hay. The town is one of large and varied business. There are 2 fruit and vegetable canning establishments, packing and shipping the fruits and vegetables grown in the surrounding country. There is a large steam saw and planing mill, cutting ship and building lumber no order; the same mill produces immense quantities of fruit baskets and crates; the enterprising owners of this mill have built to order and on their own account sea vessels, ranging from 300 to 700 tons. There are large mercantile establishments in the town, doing a thriving business; it has a good hotel, churches and schools. Greensborough Grange 110, P. of H., Wm. J. Clark, Master; Dr. Abiel Bowen, Secretary. Greensborough is an incorporated town and is governed by aboard of commissioners. Population 750. W. H. Comegys, Postmaster.
TOWN COMISSIONERS – J. P. Manlove, Pres’t,-James Massey,Wm: T. Downs and James E. Nichols. Baliff-John C. Brown.
Comegys, W H
Agent, R. R. & Express
Moore, J Allen
Agent-Real Estate.
Orrell, R J
Agricultural lmpl Manufr.
Satterfield & Moore
Simpers, Hugh B
Attorneys at Law.
Melvin & Mutchler
Nickolls, Richard
Greenley, John
Hopkins, Andrew J
Wooters, Wm H
Nicols, James E
Cabinetmakers & Undertakers.
Andrew, M M
Pritchett, T B
Rich, Walter
Letty & Roe,
Wilson, B J
Jarrell, H B
Simpson. Wm H
Whitby, Mrs S M
Carriage Maker
Richards, J. S.
Brown, John C.
Bowen, Abiel
Lobstein, J. E.
Fruit Packers
Bernard & Culbreth
Roe, Andrew B.
General Merchandise
Coursey, Robert E
Jarman T H
Massey & Gray
Satterfield & Moore
Silverthorne, B C
VanGesel, J H
Grain Dealers
Draper, J B & Co
Satterfield & Moore
Jarrell, H. E.
Simpson, Wm. H.
Whitby, Mrs. S. M.
Hardware, &c
Jarman, T H
Rich, J L
Justice of the Peace.
Fieroe, J P
Livery Stable.
Cranor, Wm A
Lumber Dealers.
Satterfield & Moore
Millinery & Notions
Bernard, Mrs M B
Fieroe, Mrs Mary
Betson, G. W.
Comegys, Henry C.
Goldsborough, G. W.
Nickols, James E.
Saw & Plaining Mill
Satterfield & Moore
Booker, John H.
Stoves and Tinware.
Downs, W T
Stoll, J L
Watchmaker & Jeweler.
Cook, Wm F
Wooters, AbnerHENDERSON
Is on the Md. & Delaware R. R, 27 miles from Clayton, Delaware, 17 from Easton, Md., and near Choptank River. Climate pleasant, village healthy, business medium. The land is black and sandy, with some clay loam, principally cleared; not much timber standing. The land can he bought at from $5 to $15 per acre, and produces 5 bus. wheat, 100 potatoes, 20 corn and 2 to 4 tons hay. Crops are good. Pippin’s Church, Rev. Mr. Gregg, one mile distant; public school, Wm. Straughn, teacher. Population 90. Wm. Hynson, Postmaster.
Agent-R. R.
Smith, J N
Ayees, Asa & Sons
Price & Goldstein
Gibson,C W
Fertilizers, Brick, Titling, &c
Smith, J N
General Merchandise.
Pratt & Ford
Walls, Geo
Grain Dealers.
Smith, J N
Horse Dealers.
Price & Goldstein
Anderson, Hugh B
Paper Dealer.
Gibson, C W
Peach and Fruit Growers
Carter, B J
Culbreth, R B
Hardcastle, A
Hardcastle, A
Saw Mill.
Casho, Wm H
Bush, J C
Is on the Md. & Del. R. R, 6 miles from Denton the county seat, by a good county road, and 12 from Easton; it is pleasantly situated in a moderately diversified country, immediately on Tuckahoe Creek, a tidal stream, which is navigable to the town by scows and small sailing boats. The shipping is 2 miles below, and from this point steamers and sailboats ply to Baltimore. The creek empties into the Great Choptank River, and by water the town is 120 miles distant from Baltimore. The place is healthy, having only mild oases of malarial fevers in the early fall. Climate, business, crops and land good. The land is a sandy loam, principally cleared; some oak, pine, hickory, chestnut, poplar and ash yet standing; it can be bought at from $8 to $50 per acre, and produces 15 bus. wheat, 20 oats, 150 potatoes, 25 corn and 1 1/2 tons hay. Hillsborough is an incorporated town and is governed by 5 commissioners; it offers superior inducements to agriculturists and fruit growers. Hillsborough Grange 19, P. of H., James M. Wooters, Master; Charles R. Wooters, Sec. Population 800. Mrs. Margaret Sherwood, Postmistress.
CHURCHES AND PASTORS-M. E., Rev. Wm. M. McQuay M. E. South Rev. Geo. T. Tyler; P. B., Hev. Geo. H. Beaven; M. E., colored, no regular pastor.
TOWN COMMISSIONERS-Thomas Sparklin,Pres’t; Geo. H. Beaven, Sec’y; Alex. H. Matthews, Dr. P.S. Reynolds and Asbury Prouse. .Bailiff-Wm. H. Roiph.
Agent-Railroad and Express.
Diggans, C W
Anthony, John
Collins, Sam’l J
Sneed, Samuel
Ringold, Frederick
Melvin, James S
Russom, John F
Bishop, J B
Rolph, Wm H
Duffey, H
Fertilizers, &c
Wheeler, Capt C C
General Merchandise.
Elliott, Mrs A Z
Fleming & Stayton
Jump, S P
Stewart, Joseph R
Grain Dealer.
Wheeler, Capt C C
Melvin, James S
Roiph, Wm H
Justice of the Peace.
Stevens, Perry G
Millinery and Notions.
Parvis, Mrs Susan
Whitbey, Mrs Harriet L
Jarrell, C B
Hackett, Thomas
Holt, Thomas S
Reynolds. P S
Young, W F G
Ringold, Frederick
Saddle and Harness Maker.
Whitbey, Luther
Ship Timber.
Ford, Geo E
Booker, Walter
Telegraph Operator.
Diggans, C W
Brown, Thomas
Sherwood, Geo CMARYDELL
Is situated immediately on the Md. & Del. H. H., 121 miles from Baltimore and 30 from Easton; it has the unusual fortune of having two counties and two States for its area; it lies mostly in Maryland and partly in Delaware, and derives its name from the abbreviation of those two States. The climate is mild, place healthy and land mostly cleared. It is in the midst of a country whose soil, which consists of sandy loams, is easily cultivated and improved. The land is worth from $15 to $40 per acre, and produces 8 to 20 bus wheat, 10 to 25 oats and 20 to 40 corn, and a fair amount of other products. Crops are generally good. It is not a pretentious town, but it has celebrity and enterprise; deriving the former from the May-Bennett duel, and exhibiting the latter in its large fruit preserving establishment. This establishment preserves or dries by the SEYMOUR process an immense amount of peaches during the season. There is also here a steam saw mill and agricultural implement factory; in connection with the latter is a sorghum syrup mill; the juice from the cane is evaporated in steam heated pans, invented by the ingenious proprietor, Mr. Wm. W. McKnett, and produces a syrup of dense gravity and excellent flavor. There is not much original forest left, and the timber yet standing is composed of oak, gum, maple, poplar and hickory. Good Inducements are offered agriculturalists, fruit growers and truckers. Marydell M.E. Church, Rev. E. H. Hynson; M. E. South, Rev. Mr. Watts. Population 175. James Green, Postmaster.
Dunn, Frank M
Agent R. R. and Express.
George, J T
Agricultural Implements.
George, J T
McKnett, Wm W
Pippin, James L
Green, James
Walters, John B
Stafford, Edward
Dunn, Frank M
Carsons, Miss Elizabeth
Bowman, David P
Fruits and Fertiltzers.
George, J T
Fruit Preserving Co.
General Merchandise.
Boyer, S G
Clark, Andrew
Johns, J & Co
Grain Dealers.
Dunn, Frank K
George, J T
McKnett, Wm W
Boyer, Mrs S E
Carsons, Miss Hannah
McClyments, Dr
Saw Mill.
McKnett, Wm W
Hall, James
Telegraph Operator.
George, J T
Is on the Choptank River and 10 miles from Ridgely, on the Md. & Delaware R R. Climaue mild, place healthy; business and crops good; land medium and mostly cleared, can be purchased at from $5 to $100 per acre, and produces 10 to 30 bus. wheat, 15 to 30 oats, 30 to 200 potatoes, 5 to 50 corn, and 500 to 4,000 lbs. hay. Population 100. B. G. Stevens, Postmaster.
Spenee, James E
Cohee, Geo W
Stevens, A J W
Fruit Packer.
Richman, A
General Merchandise.
Johnson, Thos F
Stevens, B G
Liden, S F
Lankford, G W
Stewart, Capt Thos R
Hignutt, John W
Eliott, J J
Miller, Casper
Griffith & SloanPRESTON
Is 6 miles from Williamsburg on the Dorchester & Delaware R. R., 3 from Choptank River, 1 1/2 from Hunting Creek and 2 from Medford’s Landing, the shipping point. Climate healthy; business, crops and land good; land principally cleared; can be bought at from $10 to $75 per acre, and produces 10 to 20 bus. wheat, 150 potatoes and 20 to 40 corn. The village is elevated, plenty of water power, and not subject to malarial influences; society good; altogether rendering it one of the finest places for residence on the Peninsula. Principal need is capital, combined with enterprise, to create a demand for population and make more demand for home markets for produce. These are some of the inducements offered emigrants to settle here. Churches, schools, (one colored,) mills and good water. Friends Meeting House; one M, E. Church, Rev. J. Jewel; one academy, J. R. Phillips, principal, and Miss Eugenie Willoughby, Lizzie Wright, James A. Trice, W. E. Harrig and Josiah Adams, teachers. Preston Grange 119, P. of H., W. H. Smith, Master; James E. Douglass, Sec. Population 154. J. B. Fletcher, Postmaster.
Adams, James
Patehett, W K
Todd, Herbert
Jones, L C
Cohee, Wm H
Conway, H H
Fluharty, S H
Jones, L C
Pritchett, W L
Todd, J W
Todd, W B
Bradley, W S
Douglass, J H
General Merchandise.
Bradley, W S
Douglass, J H
Fletcher, J B
Hubbard, Jesse
Bradley, H D
Campbell, Mary
Fluharty, T H
Gardiner, W W
Trice, Francis
Stafford, A
Willis, H F
Patchett, W K
Todd, Herbert
Saw Mill.
Douglass, J E
Gale, Geo
Travers, S J
Bradley, J W
Is on the Md. & Delaware R R, 16 miles from Easton, 151 from Baltimore by rai1 and near Choptank River and Tuckahee Creek; its surroundings being on a ridge, almost exactly half way between the bay and centre of peninsula. Climate mild and regular; it has an elevation conducive to health, and perfect drainage; convenient to railroad and navigation. The land Is principally cleared and of more than average good quality; can be bought at from $l0 to $l00 per acre, and produces 15 to 40 bus. wheat, 20 oats,100 potatoes, 20 to 60 corn and 2 to 3 tons hay. The inducements to are salubrity of atmosphere, natural fertility of soil, which is well adapted to the growth of all kinds of fruits and yegetables, hay and grain. The country is settling up and improving rapidly, and it is destined to become a rich and highly productive community. M. E. church, Hey. Wm. K. McQuay; public school, James Swan, teacher Population 75. James K. Saulabury, Postmaster.
Agent-Railroad and Express
Smith, Thos A
Swan, James
Stevens, H A
Gerhart, J B
Smiley, Moses
Vernon, Wm H
Perry, J A
General Merchandise.
Sanlsbury, James R
Smith, T W
Smith, T W & Bro
Smith, Thomas A
Gerhart W
Peach Growers
Patterson, Joseph L
Ridgely, Wm B
Sanson, J
Smith, Sylvester
Saw Mill.
Smith, A G
Telegraph Oprator.
Smith, T A
Is 8 miles from Federalsburg, on the Dorchester & Delaware R. R, and 8 from Potter’s Landing, on the Choptank River. Climate mild, village healthy, business medium, land mostly cleared and easily improved; can be bought at from $10 to $25 per acre, and produces 5 to 30 bus. wheat, 10 to 25 oats, 50 to 100 potatoes and 10 to 25 corn. Crops are generally good. M. E. Church and a Public School. Population 85. James L.Bullock, Postmaster.
Thompson, Francis
General Merchandise.
Bullock, James L
Hignutt, John W
Hignutt, Wm T
Is 4 miles from Greensboro, on the Md. & Delaware R. R. Crops land, and water good; land can be purchased at from $15 to $35 acre, and produces 10 to 30 bus. wheat, 15 to 25 oats, and 20 to 75 corn. Church, Rev. John Irvin, Pastor; and a public school. Population 60. Enoch Clark, Postmaster.
Davis, Henry
Spencer, John M.
General Merchandise
Clark, Enoch
Holland, John
American Corners
Dean, Shadrach
Duke, Wm. T.
Trice, Silas A.
Turner, J. W.
Andrew, T.
Butler, J. A.
Collison, M. K.
Dill, J. K.
Dixon, E. E.
Dixon, J. A.
Evitts, W. S.
Goolee, J. E.
Green, F.
Harrop, Peter
Hignutt, P. F.
Hobbs, C. W.
Hobbs, S.
Johnson, J. M.
Johnson, J. M., Jr.
Layton, Beauchamp
Moore, E. W.
Neal, Wingate
Nuttle, E. E.
Nuttle, T.
Nuttle, W. B.
Stevens, G.
Stevens, H. F.
Todd, T. N.
Towns, M. F.
Birkright, Wm.
Blades, Wm.
Dillin, John
Dilnowinkel, Ernest
Holmes, James H.
Laing, Robet
Legates, Nathaniel
Messick, R M
Nichols, Jeremiah
Parrott, James
Sisk, Wm
Valliant, Henry
Valliant, Wm. H.
Waddell, Collison
Waddell, Wm
Warren, Alfred
Baker, Alex
Baker, James
Baynard, F
Cahall, John A
Cleaves, John
Cowan, John
Deweese, Wm H
Garrett, James
Harvey, Wm T
Porter, F A
Porter, T W
Russell, John
Smith, H H
Stephens, Capt W B
Thawley, Henry
Thawley, J. W.
Voss, James
Voss, John
Walls, L
Webber, Wm
Williams, Wm T
Ahearn, John
Andrew, Wm
Beachamp, James
Davis, Tilghman
Dixon, James A.
Everngam, Joseph H.
Everngam, Joseph M.
Fountain, A. H.
Hignutt, Elijah
Horsey, John
Hubbard, J. P. J.
Johnson, Caleb T.
Johnson, Edward
Loockerman, J. W.
Loockerman, Wm.
Manship, J R
Mervine, Washington
Nichols, John
Stevens, Wm
Waggamon, Tilghman
Wright, Peter
Anthony, Joshua
Anthony, Robert
Atkinson, Dr E B
Ayer, F
Baily, Stephen
Bloxsom, L J
Busb, C D
Butler, Moses
Butler, Thomas
Butler, W H
Cannon, Henry
Carlisle, James
Carlisle, Richard
Carroll, Wna
Carter, Col H C
Clark, John W
Clark, H W
Collison, G W
Downes, Ernest
Dukes, JHoon
Dukes, Levi T
Dunning, Chas A
Dyer, Edward
Emerson, Robert H
Evitts, Jonathan
Fisher, Henry
Fisher, John J
Fisher, R W
Ford, Wm A
Fountain, John T
Fountain, H E
Garey, H J W
Garey, Thos F
Glazser, Henry
Griffin, John
Griffith, W H
Grimes, O
Hignutt. James E
Hobbs, Chas W
Hobbs, Saulsbury
Horsey, W G
Irwin, Henry
Jarrell, John
Jewell, L
Jones, Thomas
Jopp, Henry
Kerr, John W
Kinemon, B
Kirkman. Wm
Morgan, Evan
Peters & Dowling
Potter, Geo & Bro
Price, Martin
Redden, J G
Richardson, G W
Richardson, Wm P
Ridgely, Wm S
Ringold, John
Ringold, W R
Robertson, W T
Roe, James
Sanders, Wm
Saulsbury, Edward
Sanlsbury, Wm E
Shields, Chas
Slaughter, Thos H
Smith, T S
Spurey, G W
Urry, Thomas
White, Josiah
Wilison, Elias
Wilison, Henry
Wilison, Solomon
Willey, W W
Wilson, A J
Wilson, J W
Wyett, John
Fowling Creek
Butler, J
Corkran, F
Fleetwood, P
Frampton, H S
Friend, F
Handy, T
Hutchinson, M P
Nichols, TW
Patton, M
Rumbold, J
Sparkim, E
Todd, C H
Todd, F S
Townes, F. W.
Tribbett, J.
Willis, P
Willougbhy, W
Glipin’s Point
Butler James
Corkran, T F
Handy, N P
Payne, J L
Saulsbury, W B
Blank, S.
Casho, Wm H
Cheffins, B
Cuibreth, H C
Goldsborough, Dr G W
Hardcastle, Dr Alex
Jarman, S J
Jarman, W S
Jarrell, R
Jones, B W
Jones, Wm
Kinamon, James
McGonigal, Mrs J A
Murphy, A V
Pennington, Wm
Powell, M B
Pruitt, Wm
Simpers, H B
Verril, B
Watling, S
Barthell, J
Bennett, J C
Bernard, Joseph H
Bibby, W J
Bowen, Dr A
Boyce, Wm T
Butler, W P
Carter, Edward C
Carter, James
Carter, John T
Carter, Richard
Carter, Samuel M
Cartwiight, H
Clark, L D
Clark, Wm J
Cohee, Henry
Cooper, J W
Coursey, Thomas B
Cranor, S D
Cranor, Wm
Cuibreth, H B
Curry, Thos B
Dawson, John F
Day, Wm M
Eliwangor, C.
Fieroe, J P
Green, Natham
Greenley, A J
Groff, Robert
Heavaloer, Bernardi
Heavaloer,. Wm
Hobbs, J
Hobbs, W. B
Horsey, James C
Horsey, John H
Horsey, Nathaniel
House, Benjamin
Jackson, Fletcher
Jackson, Robert H
Jarman, George
Jarrell, Robert Jr
Jewell, J
Kennard, Thos
Kline, Jacob
Lowe, Esma
Lewis, J C
Longhellow, J B
Longfellow, Jonathan
Marvell, H D
Massey, W B
Maxwain, A B
Mitchell, T A
Moore, David H
Moore, Geo H
Morris, B V
Orrell, Joseph B
Pippin, James
Pippin, Marcellus
Pippin, Trustin
Plummer, Moulton
Plummer, Riaden
Porter, G W
Powell, John H
Ridgeway, Alex
Ree, James A
Ree, Nathaniel
Sangston, John T,
Satterfield, Wm C
Shanger, W F
Sipple, J
Sipple, N
Stevens, Geo A
Stokely, Jacob
Tuttle, J M
Whitaker, John
Whitnack, C
Willig, Dennard
Young, Samuel
Arnntz, Wm B
Ayres, Asa & Sons
Carmeier. J W
Carter, B J
Clark, H H
Clark, N
Cuibreth, H B
Gaudel, John
Gaudel, Nicholas
Gibson, C W
Gougb, T H
Guewell, Isaac
Guewell, J
Hardcastle, A
Hudson, Peter
Hynson, Wm
Jones, James
Jones, John W
Lamb, Wm G
Lant, Wm
McDaniel, Henry
Montague, Chas
Montague, D
Montague, Wm
Morris, Charles
Newler, C B
Reckards, W W
Ross, R
Seward, John
Shaw, James B
Smith, J N
Sumle, Wm B
Vinson, James & Bro
Allee, J H
Andrew, Luke
Anthony, James T
Anthony, Joseph
Barton, F T
Barton, J H
Barton, Wm B
Beachamp, Jeremiah
Beck, Joseph
Bonwell B M
Breeding, Lewis
Brown, James
Cahall, Byard
Cahall, Wm B
Callahan, Mrs Matilda
Calloway, Dean
Calloway, J C
Cannon, Wm
Carroll, John W
Carson, A
Chance, Samuel
Christopher, A H
Clough, Sarah A
Colgan, Samuel
Covert, J H V
Creveling, Isaac
Dean, Charles
Dukes, Capt L T
Dukes, Wm J
Eaton, Mrs Mollie
Fisher, H S
Fleming, C H
Flowens, Nathan
Gadd, A
George, John H
Gait, Joseph
Griffin, John R
Hackett, Thomas H
Harrison, Wm H
Hendrix, Frank
Hicks, Richard O
Ireland, Isaac A
Jarrell, C E
Knotts, J W
Legg, Mrs Martha
Long, John D
Long, Wm T
Mason, Wm B
Meredith, John T
Montague, John T
Moore, Geo H
Morgan, F B
Mullican, F A
Mullican, Henry
Mullican, James T
Mullican, Mrs S A
O’Dowd, J H
Powell, Geo T
Price, Wm T
Rhodes, Dennis F
Rhodes, Henry
Richardson, John W
Richardson, Joseph
Ringold, Elisha P
Ringold, Wm T
Saulsbury, Andrews
Saulsbury, Robert
Seward, John M
Sewell, Charles
Sewell, Thos S
Sexton, A J
Smith, Garrison M
Smith, Geo B
Smith, Julius
Smith, S N
Sparkun, Thos B
Stanton, T B
Starkey, John B
Stevens, Mrs Emeilne
Traynor, John
Turner, Daniel
Turner T B
Walls, Wm H
Whitbey, Richard
Wilkinson, Wm J
Willis, Andrews
Wilson, Marion
Wooters, C R
Wooters, J M
Beddle, John
Beddle, Wm
Boudle, John H
Boyer, James E
Clemments, Thomas
Cole, Thomas
Couley, Tilman
Dill, Benj
Dill, Robert
Downs, Daniel
Ford, Martin R
Greenwell, Frank
Hall, James H
Harwood, James
Hayden, Daniel
Heather, David R
Heather, M V B
Heather, Wellington
Hinsley, Daniel
Hubbard, Edward
Hubbard, Newton
Hutchins, James
John, Geo H
Kersey, John B
Livingston, James
Luff, Thomas
Moore, Thos E
Moore, Washington C
Moore, Wm
Pippin, Titus J
Pippin, Wm
Price, James J
Reed, Daniel S
Scott, Nathaniel
Scotton, Philip
Scotton, Spencer
Vinson, Nicholas
Virden, John
Voshell, Geo T
Voshell, James B
West, Simon
Williams, James
Austin, Wm H
Billups, Wm
Bradley, R D
Carmine, Capt C S
Carroll, Peter
Carroll, Willis
Coates, John
Cohee, J F
Cohee, Wm H
Collins, John G
Collins, Capt P N
Collins, Peter
Collins, S J
Connelly, C
Connelly, Joseph
Dean, Henry
Dean, S F
Douglass, J E
Douglass, Joseph
Douglass, J H
Fluharty, A
Fluharty, S H
Harris, J N
Harrison, Joseph
Holmes, James H
Hubbard, Jesse
Hubbard, O
Johns, Joshua
KelIy, J F
Kelly, Wm T
Moore, E T
Noble, T S
Noble, Wm
Palmer, W F
Parker, W A
Patchett, J P
Pool, Isaac
Pool, John
Sherron Bros
Sisk, Wm
Stafford, J O
Taylor, P D
Taylor, H P
Todd, Elijah
Todd, J W
Towers, A
Towers, Wm
Trice, Alex
Trice, Geo
Trice, James A
Waidron, D L
Whitely, G F
Williams, L P
Williams, M
Williams, W H
Williamson, W W
Willis, H F
Wiliis, J S
Willis, Z
Willoughby, D
Wright, Jesse
Wright, John
Wright, John R
Wright, Nichols
Potter’s Landing
Chaffinch, S L
Hignutt, James
Holbrook, W A
Saulsbury, James W
Stevens, B G
Towers, Elijah
Williamson, E W
Willis, A J
Atkins, Dr E E
Babes, Warner
Blake, Alex
Bowers, Jacob D
Covert, J H
Curtis, Monzo
Dawson, John F
Dawson, T L
Doolittle, J D
Dorris, Christian
Dukes, Thomas
Eaton, George
Frazer, C
Frazer, James H
Griffin, John H
Harlow, Alex
Heller, J
Heller, Jacob A
Jackson, Wm
Kephart Jacob
Knots, James
Lane, James
Lane, John
Lathrop, Z
Long, John D
Lynch, John
Lynch, Owen
Mason, Isaac
Maxwir, A B
Melvin, Riley
Patterson, Joseph L
Perry, James A
Peterson, Thomas
Philips, Peter
Pippin, James
Pippin, T
Ridgely, Wm S
Roe, Thomas Sr
Roe, Thomas
Sanson, F
Sanson, J
Segler, Isaac J
Sigler, J J
Smith, Nathaniel
Smith, Perry
Smith, Sylvester
Smith, Wesley
Sparkun, J D
Starkey, John E
Stephens, W A
Stephenson, J T
Swann, Gilbert
Thomas, Aaron
Thompson, Alfred
Thompson, Chas C
Tilghman, Nathaniel
Voaks, John T
Whitby, Chas H
Wiley, John
Williams, S
Wilison, James D
Wend, Charles H
Wood, Wm
Bowdie, Henry
Bulock, Robert
Bullock, Thos E
Bullock, Wm H
Liden, Shadrach
Liden, Wm. E.
Liden, Willis A.
Neal, F. E.
Noble, Philip
Noble, Thomas
Noble, Thomas H.
Segebaden, G.
Todd, Bennett
Williamson, M.
Carter, E. C.
Carter, R. J.
Cooper, J. W.
Ellewanger, Chas.
Green, Thos C.
Green, Thos. P.
Horsey, N.
Irvin, Rev. John
Schabinger, Jno. H.
Singer, Christian
Smith, E. B. -
CARROLL was created by an Act of the General Assembly passed at the session of 1835-86, and again at the succeeding session of 1836-37, and it was organized early in 1837. The county was named in affectionate honor of the then venerable and yet venerated Charles Carroll of Carrollton, the last survivor of the Signers of the Declaration of American Independence. It was formed from the eastern portion of Frederick and the western portion of Baltimore Counties. The soil of a large part of the county is of singular fertility, and especially in the regions known as Pipe Creek Valley, Sam’s Creek Valley, and Bachman’s Valley, is unsurpassed as to productiveness, probably by an equal area in the world. The community is essentially agricultural; perhaps, it is more entirely an agricultural county than any other in the State. A large number of considerable fortunes have been amassed by patient industry and prudent painstaking, economy, by farmers, before the advent of railroads and the mighty rush of modern progressiveness. Indeed, every farm, particularly in each of the valleys mentioned, was occupied by an owner, who accumulated surely by slow processes. With the advent of the stock and bond era, came, to many of these careful men, the thirst to grow rich more rapidly. The mines of wealth lying around them were, to an extent, neglected for more shiny ores; and it may be doubted whether, during the new era, the particularly fat and fruitful regions of the county have advanced in substantial wealth. But, as compensation, other large regions, with whose soil nature had been less prodigal of favor, have wonderfully increased in value and productiveness, by the combined agencies of labor, lime, and other fertilizers. In population it is fourth in rank, being exceeded only by Baltimore, Frederick and Washington. In the moderate, comfortable, competence of the people, it is believed to be at least equal to that of any county in the State. There is very little of overgrown wealth, and very little aching poverty. The aggregate wealth is distributed amongst the mass with remarkable comparative equality. It has not one millionaire to curse or bless it as the case might be; considerable number of its citizens own one hundred thousand dollars in value, and perhaps a fraction more, whilst large numbers are possessed of ten, twenty to fifty or sixty thousand dollars, and large numbers yet of smaller sums, but equal stalwart independence and manliness of feeling and sentiments, with any and all their neighbors. Steady moderation is a peculiar characteristic of the people of the county. The juries are distinguished for giving moderate verdicts. The county authorities never subscribe for railroad stocks or bonds; and display no taste for grand undertakings in architecture, or other of the huge arts. The people thought they needed one railroad and they built it, substantially, with their own means, so far as they had need for it; but when others thought that it ought to be grander and bigger, and go further, the people listened but kept their hands off their own and their neighbor’s pockets, and left to the others to do their own way, in their own way. The products of the county are mainly cereal, and of the dairy. In the southern part of the county the land is adapted to tobacco, and formerly large quantities were produced, and smaller quantities -are still produced. Limestone is superabundant, and facilities for the improvement of the soil are all that can be reasonably expected, or desired, by men willing to work. The lands of Carroll, like those of all other counties, in all other States, have shrank in salable value, until that which only has any actual intrinsic value, (which is the only basis of all values,) has hardly any market price. Consequently there is more or less opportunity for men of moderate means, and who desire to increase them by honest labor, to come in and make homes, and raise their own corn, bacon and grapes; nature has not exhausted her beneficence. In Carroll at all events; and keeps in store, even grapes, for those who will plant and tend the vines. Every man’s palate and his children’s palates may be refreshed and gladdened, if only be be willing, in earnest. The soil is of great variety, but each variety is yielding to the touch of labor, and sends out its fruits with a sort of joyful gladness, to meet that honest touch. The surface is rolling and variegated, presenting no flat lands, or standing water, nor mountainous heights, but a succession of valleys and hills, all of which are of easy cultivation from base to summit, and yet presenting sceneries of much general beauty. The principal streams are Little and Big Pipe Greeks, Sam’s Greek, Morgan’s Run, and the north and south branches of the Patapsco, each affording tine water power, many of which are appropriated by numerous flour mills and minor manufacturing enterprises. The north branch of the Patapsco has its rise at Westminster, and, within two miles of its head, acquires large proportions, increasing in volume steadily until it reaches Finksburg Station on the Western Md. R R This road runs immediately by the side of the stream from this station to its head, about 9 miles. A flouring mill of good capacities is very near the head of the stream; a short distance below is a large and important tannery, conducted by Messrs. Bear; again a flouring mill, and these are the only appropriations, thus far, of the numerous magnificent water powers with which the stream abounds. The attention of manufacturers ought to be, and will assuredly, in time, be attracted to the peculiar advantages offered by the succession of powers, within this short distance; one amongst which is an entire immunity from destructive floods, growing out of the fact that the head of the stream is too near to permit sudden large accumulations of water. In healthfulness this county is unsurpassed. There are no local causes for disesees of any kind; chills and fevers and mosquitoes are unknown. At New Windsor, a flourishing village on the W. M. R. R., surrounded by as beautiful country as earth contains, there has been carried on for several years a fine hotel and boarding house, which has been extensively resorted to during the summer months. At Westminster there are several good hotels and comfortable boarding houses, which have become resorts, to a moderate extent, for a few years past; and during the past summer the City Hotel was opened to visitors, and patronized to the full measure of its capacity, after extensive additions and improvements had been made, enabling accommodation for largely over one hundred guests. Westminster is believed to be now as agreeable a summer resort for moderate people in search of health and comfort only, as can be found anywhere. Taneytown, one of the oldest villages In the State, abounds in health and comforts; so of Uniontown a sweet, clean, inviting village, and so also of Manchester, Hampstead, Union Bridge and other smaller towns, which are scattered through the county, and all which invite the toil worn and city-be-grimmed to the quiet repose and pure healthful comforts of God’s own beautiful and gracious devisings, which He has properly scattered around them all. The county, when formed, had one bank, one of the first chartered in the State, and conducted with great skill and profit to its stockholders, and Some advantage to the community perhaps. It still continues, having renewed Its youth, and dispensing its benefits to its stockholders anyhow, to say no more, under the broad aegis of the U.S. Three young and lusty sisters have been added to the family so that now we are blessed with four, almost enough. The Western Maryland College, under the general patronage of the Methodist Protestant Church, Is located at Westminster, and is a vigorous institution of most respectable standing, with an able, careful and laboring faculty Calvert College, at New Windsor, is resuming the usefulness and regaining the position which it occupied for many years, and up to the war, under the energetic control of Its founder, Mr. Andrew H. Baker. It was his own private enterprise, and a most honorable one; but its weight, under the reverses occasioned by the war, crushed him. Its magnificent location at New Windsor, and fine buildings, finely arranged and again occupied,. remain and invite more extensive use than is now made of them. A private academy of high grade Is conducted by A. McKinney, near Taneytown, excluded from all contact with the distractions of the outside world. There are other respectable private schools. The public school system is in healthful condition throughout the county, at an annual expenditure of about fifty thousand dollars At Union Bridge are the workshops of the W. M. R. R., and several miner manufacturing establishments; so also at Manchester are some manufactories, and at New Windsor. At Westminster is located a very extensive and important establishment, the “Taylor Manufacturing Company” which does a large business in the manufacturing of vertical, horizontal and stationary engines, which are in demand in all parts of the country from Maine to Texas. The engines manufactured by this company have some peculiar excellencies not yet attained by other establishments, this at least is the inference from the very extended demand for its products from almost all other localities. The agriculture of the county is in an advanced state, with room, however, for improvement by added labor. The capacities for manufacturers, especially the water powers, strongly invite more enterprise. The men of the county are perhaps equal to the average of their neighbors of the State, but are not pretentious, and in fact possess no title to superiority over the mass of mankind; and if there be any, the number is very limited who conceive themselves to be above the common average of their neighbors. Moderation is a characteristic of Carroll County.
Judges Fifth Judicial Circuit–Hon. Oliver Miller, Chief Judge, Ellicott City. Hon. Wm. N. Hayden, Westminster, and Hon. Edward Hammond, Elliott City, Associate Judges. Commissioners of Court-Chas. B. Roberts and Joseph M. Parke, Westminster. Auditor-John J. Baumgartner. Clerk to Court-Frank T. Shaw, Westminster. Crier-Wm. S. Brown. Sheriff -Peter Woods. States Attorney-D. N. Henning, Westminster. Warden of Jail-Peter Woods. Physician to Jail-Dr. Leonard Zepp. Judges of Orphan’s Court–Adam Shower, Chief Judge, L. P. Slingluff and Isaac C. Baile. Register of Wills–Henry E. Beltz. Surveyor-J. Henry Hoppe. County Commisioners-David Fowbie, Jonas S. Harner and John J. Abbott. Attorney to Commissioners- Richard B. Norment. Clerk and County Treasurer–Lewis G. Trumbo. School Commissioners- Wm. Reese, David Pugh, Alfred Zollickoffer, Francis L. Hering and Wm. Reindollar. Examiner and Secretary-Joseph M. Newson, Westminster. Steward to Almshuse–John Tracy. Physician–Dr. W. K. Fringer. Registers of Voters-Wm. L. Rudisel, John B. Haines, Jonas Frock, Noah Stocksdale, Samuel S. Spauld ing, George Shower, Lee McElroy West, Francis S. Hann. Abraham Albaugh, John Shunck, Jesse Lambert, John Hartsock. Constables James Kuhns, Adam Danner, John Boose, Elias B. Arnold, Wm. G. Lindsay, Geo. L. Beagle, Robert G. Matthews, Benj. Groft, Philip J. Dietrich, Charles F. Roop, L. T. Veitch, John B. Eppley. Tax Collectors -Washington Reaver, J. Hamilton Singer, Daniel Myers, Jesse Long, Richard H. Wadlow, Joseph Weimer, Geo. P. Albaugh, Isaac T. Green, Byron S. Dorsey, Jacob Sharretts, Joseph A. Waesche, Geo. P. Buckey. Justices of the Peace-Henry Gait, Daniel E. Ghrist, Jesse W. Legore, Azariah Oursier, J. Oliver Wadlow, Francis Warner, G. W. Crapster, Geo. W. Matthews, Hanson M. Drach, Joab Brown, Isaiah Hann, Wm. T.Smith, Thomas Jones. Notaries Public–Hugo E. Fiddis, John F. Buffington. Congressman-Second District–Hon. Chas. B. Roberts, Westminster. Revenue Collector-Henry B. Grammar. State Senator-Hon. James Fenner Lee. Memiers House Delegates-Hon. Frank T. Newbelle, T. Herbert Shriver, Robert Seliman, Jr. and Frank Brown. Terms of Ctrcuit Court, which are held in the Court House at Westminster, the county seat: Law Terms-Second Mondays in February and August. Chancery Terms-Second Mondays in May and November. Population of County-White, 27,160; Golored, 1,987. Registered Vote-7,400. Assessed Value of Personal, Real, Stocks and Rail Road Property–$17,410,521. State and County Tar- 64 1/4 cents-on -$100.
Is on the W. M. R. R., 3 miles from Westminster and 34 from Baltimore. The nearest stream is Pipe Greeh, which supplies plenty of good water. Climate mild, place healthy and crops good. The land is composed of limestone, principsily cleared, and commands -$80 per acre, produces 20 to 25 bus wheat, 40 to 50 oats, 100 to 150 potatoes, 60 to 70 corn and 2 tons hay. Population 50. James W. Beacham, Postmaster.
Close, Geo W
Ice Cream
Beachman, James W.
Baker, Daniel
Moule, David
Reese, Edward
Brothers, J
Haines, Washington
Clouther, VerleyBIRD HILL
Is 6 miles from Westminster, on the W. M. R. R., and near Morgan’s Run, which furnishes an abundant supply of pure water. Climate mild, village healthy, business medium and crops good. The land is hiuy, mostly cleared, can be bought at from $10 to $60 per acre, and produces 15 to 30 bus. wheat, 25 to 40 oats, 60 to 100 potatoes, 40 to 60 corn and 1 1/2 tons hay. Population 30. J. W. Nelson, Postmaster.
Mengel, Wm.
Smith, H. T.
General Merchandise.
Nelson, John W
Beicker, John
Edmondson, John W
Shanck, Jarret FCARROLLTON
Is on the W. M. R. R., 26 miles from Baltimore and 7 from Westminster, the county seat. Climate pleasant, village healthy; business, land and crops plenty of cleared land; can he bought at from $20 to $100 per acre, and produces 15 to 25 bus. wheat, 80 to 50 oats, 200 to 300 potatoes, 50 corn, and 2 to 2 1/2 tons hay. Emigrants are offered superior water power and excellent facilities for business. The North Branch of the Patapsco River passes here and furnishes an abundance of good water for manufacturing and other purposes. Population 250. Ezra Chew, Postmaster.
Agent-R. R.
Chew, J H
Fertilizer Manufacturers.
Chew & Smelzer
Flour and Feed.
Koons, E E
General Merchandise.
Bash, E H
Chew, J H & Co
Chew, M
Justice of the Peace.
Oursler, A
Koons, E E
Is on the W. M. R R., 5 miles from Manchester and 6 from Westminster. The village is healthy; not much business done; crops are good, and plenty of cleared land. The land is worth $80 per acre, and yields 40 bus, wheat, 60 oats, 80 potatoes, 100 corn and 1/2 ton hay; plenty of good timber yet standing. One Public School, J. Dehoff, Teacher. Population 85. Samuel Snyder, Postmaster.
General Merchandise
Snyder, Samuel & Edward
Bixler, George
Yingling, Daniel & Bro
Is 4 1/2 miles from New Windsor, on the W. M. H. H., and near Sam’s Creek. Climate mild, village healthy; business and crops good; land gravelly, mostly cleared; can he bought at from $10 to $100 per acre, and produces 18 bus. wheat, 25 oats, 75 potatoes, 50 corn and 1+ tons hay. There are some fine chestnut timber yet standing. Two churches, Tunkard and Methodist. A. P. Albaugh and E. Lovell, teachers. Population 70. Joseph T. Stern, Postmaster.
Helm, John W
Yingling, Fillmore
Brick Manufacturer
Vantz, E.
Butter and Cheese Manufacturer
Bennett, P. J.
Haines, John T.
Haines, Rubin
Keefer, John
General Merchandise. –
Stern, Joseph T
Jones, Thomas S
Aldridge, L A
Is on the W. M. R. R., 51 miles from Baltimore. Double Pipe Creek, from which it takes its name, is near, and furnishes water sufficient for milling and other purposes. Climate is mild and healthy; business good, and the improvements indicate the zeal and energy of the people; it is being paved and buildings constructed. Crops good; land, red soil, principally cleared, can be bought at from $80 to $65 per acre, produces 10 to 25 bus wheat, 30 to 50 oats, 100 potatoes, 40 corn and 1 1/2 tons hay. Dunker Church, Revs D. P. and Dan’1 R. Sayler. Public School, Mrs. A. Grossnickle, teacher. Population 125. Elizabeth J. Renner, Postmistress.
Forney, Albert
Dotterer, Franklin
Fogle, Emanuel
Miller, Wm T
General Merchandise.
Angell, J H
Weant, J W
Stoner, W S
Cover, T F
Diller, Charles HEBBVALE
Is on Bachman’s Valley R. R. The nearest stream is Pipe Creek. Climate temperate and healthy. Crops good; soil is limestone; land principally cleared and sells at $70 per acre, yields 20 bus wheat, 35 oats, 40 corn and 1 ton hay. Public School, Miss Lamotte, teacher. Population 50. C. Wentz, Postmaster.
Sullivan, E
Rurgenhorn, Martin
General Merchandise.
Palmer, D T
Lime Burner.
Greider, A
Garrett, Eli
Hoover, O
Stoner, David
Mine Boss.
Tragesser, F
RR Superintendent
Is 3 1/2 miles from Sykesville, which is 32 miles from Baltimore, on the Main Stem of the B. & O. R. R The nearest streams are Piney Falls and Morgan’s Run. Climate healthy, business fair and crops good. The land is 2/3 cleared, can be bought at from $15 to $18 per acre, and yields 12 to 37 bus wheat, 15 to 40 oats, 150 to 300 potatoes, 20 to 90 corn and 2 tons hay. M.E., Church, Rev’s C. Baldwin and W. Redgers; M. B. South, Rev, D Bush, Episcopal, Rev. B. Piggott. Public School, C. Gorsuch and Miss Shipley Teachers. Freedom Grange 139, P. of H., N. D. Norris, Sr., Master; N. Dorsey Norris, Sec. Population 50. T.A. Barnes, Postmaster.
Frizzell, E T & B S
Kelly, Thomas
Barnett, Sam’l
Clemons, J M
General Merchandise.
Barnes, T A
Malonee, J
Swartz, W D
Selby, J
Selby, M
Shipley, H C
Barnes, J E
Is 22 miles from Baltimore. The main portion of the village lies 1 1/4 miles from the W. M. R. R. Ulimate pleasant, village healthy. The land is splendid and valuable, principally cleared, and yields to the acre 30 bus. wheat, 50 to 60 oats, 200 to 300 potatoes, 50 corn, and 2 to 3 tons hay; very little tobacco raised. Crops are good. There is more milk shipped to Baltimore from this station than from any other on the W. M. R. R. It has convenient churches and good schools. Finksburg Grange 143, P. of H., L. A. J. LaMotte, Master; S. B. Stockdale, Sec. Population 150. J. M. Williams, Postmaster.
Agt.-R. R. and Express.
Clark, L
Orem, C
Shipley, D
Baxter, W.
General Merchandise
Horner, Geo. W.
Williams, J. M.
Fitch, H. S.
Rouston, J
Hering, F L
Moores, S L
Bouger, D B
Telegraph Operator.
Fitch, Miss Alice BFREEDOM
Is 4 miles from Sykesville, on the B. & O. R. R., and adjacent to Morgan’s Run and Piney Falls, which furnish a plentiful supply of water. Country exceedingly healthy, business medium, crops good. The land is mostly cleared, Is a sandy loam with clay subsoil,- easily cultivated and susceptible of improvement, equal to any in the State; it varies in price from $10 to $50 per acre and produces 15 to 37 bus. wheat, 20 to 40 oats, 100 potatoes, and 1 to 2 1/2 tons hay. Plenty of timber yet standing for all purposes. Any quantity of land for sale at cheap prices. The Patterson estate containing 1,800 acres, and owned by the daughter, is within 1/2 mile of this place; it is in a high state of cultivation, made so by judicious farming with plenty of lime Population 22. Mary E. Wadlow, Postmistress
Carpenter and Undertaker
Ohler, Lewis
General Merchandise
Wadlow, J. & Son
Deckebaugh, John
Justice of the Peace
Wadlow, J. Oliver
Hines, Wm. M.
Steele, J. W.
Is 5 miles from Westminster, on the W. M. R. R.; the nearest stream is Meadow Branch. Climate medium, village healthy, business and crops good. Soil, limestone; land, principally cleared, Is worth $75 per acre, and realizes 20 bus. wheat, 40 oats, 200 potatoes and 100 corn. Bethel Church, Rev. Levi Fleagle. Public School, S. P. Weaver and James Little, Teachers. Population 200. F. Hollenberry, Postmaster.
Willet, Abraham
Zentz, Wm F
Fleagle, Mordecai
Singer, Jeremiah & Son
Cattle Dealers.
Cover, E & Son
Babylon, Frank T
Koons, John L
Warner, A S
General Merchandise.
Hollenberry, Frank
Warner, A
Derr, John T
Frizeil, E L L
Decker, Upton
Fleagle, L
Haifley, Joel
Matthias, Frank
Babylon, Geo W
Sheets, Jesse
Rinehart, Jacob
Fleagle, J T
Handley, J H
Telegraph Operator.
Cover, H F
Yingling, Wm
Myerly, Geo & BroHAMPSTEAD
Is 6 miles from Patapsco on the W. M. R.R. The health of the place is unexceptionable, and the country is pleasingly diversified. The soil is composed of sand and clay loams, and is capable of easy improvement and tillage; it varies in price from $12 to $50 per acre, and produces 10 to 18 bus. wheat, 12 to 40 oats, 25 to 50 corn, and 1 to 2 tons hay. The health of the country and the character of the lands offer inducements to agriculturalists. Lutheran Church, no pastor; M. E. Church, Rev. D. Haskell; United Brethren in Christ, Rev. J. R. Snoke. Public School, Jacob Christ, teacher. Concord Lodge No. 48, K. of P.; Red Jacket Tribe, 1.0. P. M. Population 270. C. M. Murray, Postmaster.
Attorney at Law.
Myerly, Lewis C
Shugars, James L
Coppersmith, David
Wooden, Wm F
Cox, Daniel A
La Motte, John E
General Merchandise.
Hunt, T J
Murray, C M & Bro
Murray, John W
Wooden, Lewis H
Horses and Mules.
Richards, Wm
La Motte, Harrison H
Merryman, Gao
Myerly, Wm H
Justice of the Peace
Drach, H M
Richards, Chas
Smith, Jeremiah
Drach, H M
Stansbury, John W
Wells, B C
Palmer, Isaac J
Saddle and Harness
Tovell, Caleb
Saw Mills.
Gross, Geo
Houck, Wm
Marshall, James
Turner, Jacob
Gill, J L
Is on the Western Md. Railroad, 10 miles from Westminster, and 43 from Baltimore. Climate mild and healthy. Business, crops and land good. Land is principally clearcd and sells for $60 to $125 per acre; it readily produces 12 to 28 bus. wheat, 30 to 50 oats, 60 to 150 potatoes, 60 corn, and 2 tons hay to acre; no tobacco raised. Pipe Creek is near and supplies good water. Population 50. Josiah Englar, Postmaster.
Agent-Railroad and Express.
Englar, Josiah
Crumbacker & Bro
General Merchandise.
Albaugh, D F
Englar, Josiah & Son
Grain Dealers.
Englar, Josiah & Son
Ice Cream Manufacturer.
Albaugh, D F
Lime Burner.
Leister, W H
Englar, J & J
Royar, L
Is 2 miles from Melrose on the Bachman Valley R. R., by pike 10 from Westminster, and 30 from Baltimore: it is 900 ft. above tidewater. From the hills adjoining the town a wide and rich landscape spreads out into Pennsylvania, and the far-off mountains on the west and north. The business or the place is not very active; trade has been diminished by the Bachman Valley and W. M. R. Roads. It is hoped that it will be restored when the Hanover & Baltimore B. B. is put in operation, which is now in process or construction, and will reach the town by a short branch. Climate and health good. Land is three-fourths cleared; the soil is of a red, gravelly formation, easilv tilled and capable of high fertility. The land varies in price from $20 to $60 per acre, and produces 10 to 25 bus. wheat, 15 to 35 oats, 15 to 50 corn, and 1 to 2 tons hay. The timber yet standing is composed of oaks and chestnut. Public School, Dr. Hanson Drach, principal, Geo. Shower, teacher. Select Private School, Jacob Baithausen, principal. The town is incorporated and is governed by a mayor and five councilmen. Population 700. E. A. Ganter, Postmaster.
CHURCHES AND PASTORS-Lutheran, Rev. Geo. Sill; German Reformed, Rev. Wm. Roupe; M. E., Rev. J. H. Haskell; Roman Catholic, Rev. Fathers Gloyd and Delaney; United Brethren, Rev. J. R. Snoke.
BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES-Daniel and Jacob Lodge 23, L 0.0. F.; Carroll Encampment 17, 1.0.0. F.; Manchester Lodge 78, K. of P.; Lebanon Lodge 104, A. F. & A. M.
MUNICIPAL OFFICERS-Mayor-Jacob Campbell. Councilmen. Henry Beagle, Edward ()ursler, John Bentz, John Lynard and Luther Trump.
Agricultural Machinery.
Shower A & Son
Albaugh, Edwin
Sellers, E G
Schaffer, Jacob
Everhart & Wink
La Mott, John
Wink, J
Young, Nelson B
Frist, James
Cigars and Tobacco.
Everhart, Wm T & E S
Lilly, S L
Wareheim, Nelson
Fultz, John
Burns, Geo
Beagle, Geo
Kelly, James
Belschner, G L
Campbell, C
Trump, Luther
Thomas, H W
General Merchandine
Bosley, Thomas M
Crumrine, E J & Go
Eisenbrown, W J
Everhart, Chas
Everhart, E S & Co
Hoffacker & Kopp
Masenheimer, Henry
Belschner, John L
Black Horse, Jacob Warner
Franklin, A D Grove
Washington, Wm Green
Danner, John
Lynard, John J
Ballauf, Frederick
Schaffer, Edward S
Justices of the Peace.
Baltozer, Jacob P
Motter, Henry
Shower, A & Son
Marble Worker.
Miller, Cornelius
Cox, Mrs. M E
Motter, Mrs J M
Wolf, Mrs
Beltz, Henry E
Shower, Jacob
Shower, T A
Weaver, J F B
Shower, George
Boose, H
Burgeman, August
Cox, Emanuel
Leese, J E
Stoves & Tinware
Belschner, John L
Belschner, G L
Trump, Geo
Kelly, James
Lippy, Oliver
Appold, A
Frankforter, Conrad
Menchey, LewisMAYBERRY
Is 5 miles from Taneytown, on the F. & P. line R. R., and near Bear Branch, which supplies an abundant quantity of good water; climate mild, village healthy, business and crops good. The land is composed of slate, mostly cleared, and sells at from $60 to $100 per acre, yields 25 bus. wheat, 30 oats, 50 potatoes, 55 corn and 2+ tons hay. N. H. Kester, Wm. N. Marker, teachers; P. Lookingbill and Wesley Rodkey, ministers. Population 64. N. H. Fleagle, Postmaster.
Myers, J
Tany, J T
Fleagle, Jacob
Harman, A
Humbert, Wm
Morelock, D E
General Merchandise.
Fleagle, N H
Eck, Henry
Stonesifer, Wm
Davidson, H
Hiltabidle, H
Is 2 miles from Linwood, on W. M. B. B., the shipping point, 12 miles from Westminster and near Sams Creek, which furnishes an ample supply of water. Climate and health excellent; business flourishing; soil is limestone and blue slate, very fertile and retentive of manures; lands range in value from $50 to $100 per acre, and produces 15 to 80 bus. wheat, 12 to 25 rye, 30 to 60 oats and 50 to 75 corn; barley, clover and timothy are produced in high perfection. The timber yet standing, consists of white and black oaks, hickory, walnut, locust, ash and chestnut. The Postmaster is perhaps the oldest officer in official servitude in the State, he received his appointment from Amos Kendall, under Andrew Jackson, and has hald it continuously from that time to the present. Population 75. Samuel McKinstry, Postmaster.
Jones, Benj
Senseney, John Q
Englar, A
General Merchandise.
McKinstry, John
Dorsey, Reazin
McKinstry, M C
McKinstry, Sam’l
Zumbrun, Jacob & Sons
Saddles and Harness
Shaw, J H
Saw Mill.
Zumbrun, Jacob & Sons
Is on the W. M. R. R., 48 miles from Baltimore and 15 from Westminster, in a fertile and thriving section of country. The nearest streams are Little and Big Pipe Creeks. Climate and crops good. The place is healthy and the business is not heavy; land is principally cleared, it is a red soil, easily cultivated and capable of high fertility, and can be bought at from $40 to $100 per acre, and produces 15 to 35 bus. wheat, 15 to 35 oats, 35 to 65 corn, and 1 to 2 tons hay. One M. E. Church, Rev. H.P. West; one Public School. Population 180. M. L. Babylon, Postmaster.
Agent-Organ and Piano
Bierly, F. T.
Agent-R. R. & Express
Agricultural Implements
Buckey, Daniel E.
Miller, John N.
Arnold, Joseph
Green & Bro.
Reifsnider, Wm.
General Merchandise
Babylon, M. L.
Warner, Ferdinand
Grain Dealer
Winemiller, J. H.
Lynn, Lewis F.
Justice of the Peace
Hann, Isaiah
Lampert, Washington
Bollinger, Joel K.
Buckey, Daniel E.
Thompson, Chas.
Wilt, Levi
Farrow, L. B.MORGAN
Is on the B. & O. R. R., 34 miles from Baltimore, and near Patapsco River. Ohm ate van shie, place healthy, business and crops good; land principally cleared, and clay soil; can be bought at from $15 to $40 per acre, and produces 25 bus. wheat, rye and a fair amount of other crops. Mr. John A. Dusbane, of Baltimore, has a large paper mill here, giving employment to a number of persons. and manufactures all kinds and grades of paper. Population 100. Geo. F. Jones, Postmaster.
Agent-R. R. and Express
Jones, Geo F
Pickett, Geo H
Paper Mills
Dushane, John A.
Supt. Paper Mills
Jones, Geo. F.MOUNT AIRY
Is on the main stem of the B. & O. R. R., 43 miles from Baltimore. Climate, business and crops good; village healthy; land can be purchased at from $60 to $100 per acre, and produces 20 to 30 bus. wheat, 30 to 50 oats, 125 to 150 potatoes, 30 corn, 1 1/2 to 2 tons hay and 800 to 1,000 lbs. tobacco. Population 100. J. C. Duvall, Postmaster.
Agent-R. R.
Mullinix, Thos P
Majors, Thos
Vansant, O P
Commission Merchant
Dorsey, W. H. B.
General Merchandise
Anderson, A.
Grove, S. E.
Rankles, J. B.
Esgie, R A Nelson
Ridgeville, C A Smith
Lewis, Mrs T
Bromwell, J E
Todd, B H
R. R. Supervisor.
Hipsley, John
R. R. Track Foreman.
Duvall, J C
Detrick, P J
Gilbert, Geo H
Howser, T F
Is immediately on the W. M. R. R., 7 miles from Westminster and 40 from Baltimore. The nearest streams of water are Pipe Creek and Dickinson Branch. Business good. It is in he midst of a beautiful, salubrious and fertile country, deservedly popular as a summer resort. Soil is of limestone and blue slate formation, highly productive and readily commands from $60 to $100 per acre, and produces 15 to 30 bus. wheat, 25 to 40 oats, 75 to 125 potatoes, 40 to 60 corn, and 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 tons hay. The land is mostly cleared; the timber yet standing is composed of oaks, hickory and chestnut. One Public School and the New Windsor College. The town is incorporated and is governed by four commissioners. New Windsor Grange 146, P. or H., Sol. S. Ecker, Master; Jos. A. Stouffer, Sec. Population 400. Elhannan Stouffer, Postmaster.
CHURHCES AND PASTORS–German Baptist, (Tunkard); M. E., Rev. W. A. Koontz; Presbyterian, no regular pastor; Roman Catholic, Rev. Father Gloyd.
TOWN OFFICERS-Burgess-Cbarles P. Baile. Commissioners-Wm. Norris, Wm. H. Vansant and Jeremiah Baile.
Agent- R. R.
Engel, C C
Agricultural Implements.
Barnan, Wm H
Attorney at Law.
Norris, A H
Vansant, W H
Boots and Shoes.
Lambert & Erhard
Carriage Makers
Biser, Josiah
Woods, C W
Cattle Dealers
Lambert, John
Norris, Wm H
Woods, Andrew
Binge, Simon
Tipton, Thomas
Maynard, D H
Brown, G H
Norris, C Edward
Engel, Peter
Ergel, Peter & Son
Furniture Manufactory.
Baile, C P
General Merchandise.
Ingersoll, F R
Stouffer, E
Windsor, J H
Grain Dealers
Engel, Peter & Son
Grist Mill
Johnson, Jethro
Diehl, Jacob
Lambert & Erhard
Woods, Andrew
Lambert & Erhard
New Windsor, Louis Dielman
Justices of the Peace
Dielman, Louis
Smith, Wm. T.
Engel, Peter & Son
Machinist and Founder
Smith, Samuel A.
Smelzer, David W.
Yingling, Wm.
Notary Public.
Buffington, Dr John F
Brown, G H
Bufflngton, John F
Rogers, Dr
Saddle and Harness Maker
Lambert, Jesse
Diehl, Jacob
Smelzer, John
Trite, John
Trounfelter, Jacob
Veitch, Louis
Slaugenhaupt, Albert
Thomson, Albert
Watches and Jewelry.
Is on the F. & P. Line, R. R, midway between Frederick, Md., and York, Pa., near the Pa. line. The vicinity is healthy; land good, can be bought at from $30 to $75 per acre, and produces average crops of all kinds. Population 10. C. Schue, Postmaster.
Schue, C
General Merchandise
Schue, C
Lime Manufacturer
Schue, C.
Is 6 miles from Sykesville, on the B. & O. R R., and near Piny Run a small water course. Climate good, vicinity healthy; land is partly cleared, can be bought at from $15 to $40 per acre; produces 15 to 37 bus. wheat, and an average of other crops; tobacco is raised in small quantities. Population 20. Joshua Leatherwood, Postmaster.
Birnes, Elias
General Merchandise
Smith, John
Trenwilth, Mrs M
Buckman, Thos.
Rawlins, Frank
Rawlins, Gassaway
Wheeler, AndrewSAM’S CREEK
Is 3 miles from New Windsor, and near Sam’s Creek, a small stream from which it derives its name. Place healthy, business medium, crops and land good. The land is mostly cleared, can be bought at from $50 to $100 per acre. Produces 30 to 35 bus. wheat, 30 to 40 corn, and a fair amount of other farm products; butter and cheese is manufactured to some extent. M. E. Church, Rev. Charles A. Reid; Public School, Wm. R. Curray, and S. Roberts, teachers. Population 75. D. E. Stem, Postmaster.
Bair, Nathaniel
Brown, Charles
Wilt, John W.
Bair, Geo.
Nicodeumus, Morgan
Shivers, Geo.
General Merchandise
Stem, D. E.
Manufacturers, Butter and Cheese
Bennet, Pinkney J.
Cold Spring Dairy Co.
Devilbiss, Geo.
Devilbiss, Jesse L.
Wilson, Jesse T.
Yingling, Wm.
Haines, Reuben W.
Cashorn, Hezekiah
Stimmell, CorneliusSILVER RUN
Is situtated on the turnpike leading from Westminster to Littlestown, Adams Co., Pa., 9 miles from the former and 5 from the latter. Silver Run, from which it derives it name, flows near by. Climate mild, village healthy; business crops and land good; land mostly cleared, valued at about $80 per acre, and produces 30 bus. wheat, 60 oats, 60 potatoes, and 70 corn. Wheat, corn and oats are the staple production. It is as pleasant a situation as any in the country, and surrounded by as fine a country as any in the State; its people are busily engaged in various occupations. J. R. Lippy and A. S. Morelock, teachers. Population 100. John N. Mark, Postmaster.
Koontz, Henry
Koontz, Jacob
Little, Geo. L.
Kesselring, Sam’l
General Merchandise
Albaugh & Hanes
Mark & Morelock
Justice of the Peace
Messinger, Samuel
Wolf, Geo.
Marshall, James S.
Bemiller, J.
Is on the Frederick Division of the Penna. R. R., 5 miles from its junction with the W. M. R. R., 48 from Baltimore, and 137 from Philadelphia, by rail. The climate is equable and healthy. Soil is of red sandstone formation, with a clay subsoil, easily improved and retentive in its character. The land is mostly cleared and commands from $20 to $100 per acre; produces 10 to 30 bus wheat, 10 to 40 oats, 15 to 75 corn, and 1 to 2 tons hay. The timber is composed of oak, hickory, beech and maple. There are great inducements here for agricultural implement makers and machinists; and the soil offers in price and character, inducements to agriculturists. Associated Reformed Church, Rev. Mr. Long; Lutheran, Rev. Mr. Luchenbach; Roman Catholic, Rev. Fathers Gloyd and Delaney. One public, and the Eagle Institute, a select school, Andrew McKinney, principal. Frederick City Lodge, K. of P.; Taneytown Grange 154, P. of H., A. N. Hess, Master; C. M. Hess, Sec. Population 500. Charles C. Currens, Postmaster.
Agent-R. R.
Burns, Edmund
Fink, Henry
Haugh, Wm T
Scilidt, James
Fleagle, Benj
Shriner Bros
Cabinetmaker and Undertaker.
Fair, Geo H-
Fair, Daniel
Hildebrand, John
Hockensmith, E
Sponseller, Chas A
Thompson, Joseph
Galt, Washington
Koons, James
McKellip, J
Eckenrode, Tobias H
Eckenrode, T H
Reindollar. B. B
Reindollar, John
General Merchandise.
Bekenrode, T H
Elliott, F H
Plickinger & Reiismder
Haughf J H
Reindollar, J & Co –
Grain, Lumber and Coal.
Eckenrode, T H
Reindollar, S B
Davidson, J & Son
Currens, Chas O
Fisher, Wm
Elliott, R Stonesifer
Union, Wm H Crouse
Job Printers
Steiner & Reid
Justices of the Peace.
Fisher, Wm
Flickinger, Geo A
Leather and Oils.
Davidson, J & Son
Lime Manufacturer.
Flickinger, Geo A
Haugh, Wm T
Fleagle, Beni
Ecks, Henry T
McFadden, Chas
Mehring & Heiners
Roberts, Frank A
Millinery and Notions.
Fink, Mrs W
Root, Miss Amanda
Birnie, C
Motter, Geo T
Swope, Sam’l
Harner, Ephraim
Rider, John S
Thompson, Thos D
Stoves and Tinware.
Angel, Nathan
Is a thriving and important town on the W. M. R lit., 18 miles from Westminster and 45 from Baltimore. Climate and health good. It has a large trade in grain, lumber and coal. The town was originally known by the name of “Buttersburg,” derived from the quantity and quality of butter taken in exchange for merchandise, by one of the early merchants of the place. It was made a post village in 1810, and the present name given to it. It is to this town that the proud honor belongs of having given the first conception of the reaping machine to America. Jacob B Thomas, a resident of the place, gave birth to this conception, and so far completed his plans as to put a reaping machine with automatic attachment, in the harvest of 1811. This machine was pushed by men, and like many of the earlier productions or Inventors, was a partial failure. It did, however, cut and gather grain, by its crudeness subjected the inventor to ridicule, and his sensitive spirit could not cope with this and the incredulity of his neighbors; he abandoned his work and left the glory to be gathered by his cousin, Obed Hussey who, taking up the Union Bridge model, perfected it into an operative machine, and thus became known to fame as the pioneer of reaping machine. Capt. Daniel Rinehart, a brother of the sculptor and producer of Clytie, lives but a short distance south; It was upon a marble quarry, upon his elegant farm, that the young Rinehart first attempted to give life to the cold marble. There is a charming succession of meadows, fields and hills surrounding the town, and all fat with richness; and from a hill one mile west of Union Bridge, the eye rests upon a scene beyond description. Off to the northwest, in towering grandeur, are the Catoctin Mountains, which serve as a background to the ever varying hill, dale, meadow and wild wood. To the south, verdant fields rolling, rising and rolling, hide behind nestling forests, clothed in the drapery of autumn’s richest foliage. It Is here that the artist can find many views superior to the beautiful, natural scenery, already upon canvas, in Corcoran’s art gallery; it is here that the Maryland farmer is a millionaire, his lime fields are gold fields; here substantial houses, costly barns, neat, enduring fences – all tell that prosperity is at home. The soil is of limestone and old red sandstone, and varies in price from $50 to $150 per acre, and produces 15 to 40 bus wheat, 80 to 60 oats, 40 to 90 corn, and 1 1/2 to 3 tons hay. There is a flourishing cabinet furniture manufactory here; one high, one public and a private school, under the management of the Friends. The town is incorporated and is governed by a mayor and hoard of councilmen. Population 600. Moses Shaw, Postmaster.
CHURCHES AND PASTORS-German Baptist, (Tunkard,) no regular pastor; M. I., Rev. W. A. Koontz.
BENEVOLENT SOCITIES-Plymouth Lodge 143, A. F. & A. M.; Olive Council 50, O. U. A. M.; Union Bridge Grange 30, P. of H., Thos. F. Shepherd, Master; S. Shepherd, Sec.
MUNICIPAL OFFICERS–Mayor–John Hartsock. Councilmen–Moses Shaw Joseph Wilson, Daniel lit. Fogle and Wm. Kelly; Sec’y and Treasurer John B. Eppley.
Agent Express
Stoner, M C
Agent-R. R.
Beard, Albert L
Agt.–Real Estate and Collection
Eppley, John B
Winter, Geo H
Hollenberger, W.
Shunk, Geo. W. & Bro.
Furney & Morningstar
Wolfe, Joseph
Snyder & Krise
Hitechew, A. P.
Kelley, Wm. & Son
Wilson, Joseph
Wolfe, Joseph
Weaver, Joseph
Myers, J. & Bro.
Furniture Manufactory
Furney & Morningstar
General Merchandise
Anders & Lightner
Buckey, Geo. P.
Clary, Jesse T.
Clemson, James H.
Rowe, Levi
Shaw & Engel
Wilson, Wm.
Grain, Lumber and Coal
Stoner & McKinstry
Myers, J. & Bro.
Wolfe, Joseph
Hitechew, A. P.
Kelley, Wm. & Son
Knight, U. R.
Union Bridge, D. H. Linn
Western Maryland, W. M. Brower
Justices of the Peace
Jones, Thomas
Yingling, Granville T.
Engleman, Eden
Millinery and Notions
Sayler, Mrs Ella B
Stewart & Tipton
Dehoff, John W (Homeopathist)
Mannakee, E O
Maynard, C
Kelley, Edward
Winter, Geo H
Clay, Theodore
Telegram Operator.
Beard, Albert L
Gardner, John P
Garber, Wm
Russell, Thomas W
Watches and Jewelry.
Hyder, Geo M
Woolen Mills
Wood, ShepherdUNION MILLS
Is 7 miles from Westminater, on the W. M. B. B. and Dear Big Pipe Creek. Climate mild, village healtliy, business medium and crops good. The land is composed of flint and slate and slate, one-half cleared, can be bought at from $25 to $100 per acre, and produces 10 to 30 bus. wheat, 30 to 40 oats, 30 to 50 corn and 2 tons hay. Public School, John Burgoon and Michael G. Webster, teacher. Union Advance Grange 157, P. of H., S. W. Erb, Master; J. Wm. Earhart, Sec. Population 125. A. K. Shriver, Postmaster.
Orem, Samuel
Tagg, Wm. & Son
Brick Manufacturer
Myers, John
Carpenters & Cabinetmakers
Byers, Wm. G.
Renaker, Wm.
Yingling, Martin
Bankert, Wm
Erb, Joseph
Stonesifer, Samuel
Fruit Packers
Shriver, B F & Co
Fullen Mill.
Earhart, David B
General Merchandise
Hall, F. M.
Justice of the Peace
Legore, Jesse
Myers, Jesse
Shriver, B. F. & Co.
Stiteley, Thos. J.
Wolff, P.
Saw Mill
Myers, Jeremiah
Bemiller, John
Koontz, Jesse
Earhart, J. Wm.
Shriver, A. K. & Sons
Yingling, Albert
Yingling, Ephraim
Yingling, PiusUNIONTOWN
Is situated in a pleasingly undulating and healthful country, 2 3/4 miles from Linwood on the W. M. R. R. And is distant by pike 7 miles to Westminster, 35 from Baltimore by rail. The nearest streams are Little and Big Pipe Creeks. Crops good, business fair. Soil is of a yellow slate and limestone. The land is principally cleared and can be purchased at from $40 to $100 per acre, and produces 15 to 30 bus. wheat, 20 to 50 oats, 50 to 100 potatoes, 50 to 75 corn, and 1 to 3 tons hay. The timber is composed of oak, hickory, and some walnut. The tannery of Messis. G. L. Hoffman & Co., of Baltimore is located here. Church of God, (Weinbrennenarian) Rev. Samuel Nail; German Baptist, (Tunkard); Lutheran, Rev. David D. Floyd; M. E. (Colored) Rev. John Valentine; M. E. P., Rev. C. H. Littleton; P. E., no pastor. Two public schools, Theodore Adams and Misses Mary Heyder and Ella Beam, teachers. Nu Conclave 13, Heptasopha; Wyoming Tribe 36, I. O. R. M. Population 400. Thomas F. Shephard, Postmaster.
McCollum, Wm. H.
Routson, T H & Bro
Englar, John W
Cabinetmaker and Undertaker
Fuss, David
Gilbert, J Wesley
Harman, David
Slonaker, Andrew
Davis, JesseTH
Danner, Adam
Rhinehart, Isaiah
Kuhn, Mrs Catherine
Fancy Goods
Burrall, Miss. M.
General Merchandise.
Devilbiss, C S & Son
Formwa1t, E
Starr, Wm H
Weaver, Harrison
Eckert, Jacob
Stanabury, Wm J
Weller, J O
Uniontown, John W Eaglar
Devilbiss, J S
Justice of the Peace.
Christ, Daniel E
Bankard, Jesse
Engleman Wm
Flesgle, Benjamin
McFadden, Chas
Roop, Upton
Weaver, J J & Son
Saw Mill
Roop, Upton
Mathias, Reuben J
Anders, Wm A
Hoffman, G L & Co
Buyers, Thomas F
Watches and Jewelry.
Christ, Daniel EWAKEFIELD
Is on the W. M. R R., 40 miles from Baltimore, and near Little Pipe Creek, which furnishes a liberal supply of pure water. The location is in the midst of as fertile a part of the Co., “Wakefield Valley,” as any in the State. The people are known for their simplicity, industry and hospitality. Climate very healthy crops are excellent, and business medium. The land is nearly all cleared; can be bought at from $80 to $130 per acre, and readily produces 25 to 30 bus wheat, 40 oats, 100 potatoes, 65 corn, and 8 tons hay. The “Wakefield Valley Creamery,” a stock Co. composed of 20 dairy farmers of the “valley,” is an important business enterprise, conauming 600 gallons milk daily in the manufacturer of butter and cheese. Population 50. Joseph Hoover.
Snyder, Geo.
Warren, Elias
Butter & Cheese Manufacturers
Wakefield Valley Creamery
Waesche, Joseph A.
General Merchandise
Engel, Joshua
Lime Burner.
Roop, David
Roop, David
Haines, Washington
Stock Raisers
Englar, Ezra
Is 3 miles from Avondale and 4 from Westminster, on W. M. R B. Morgan’s Run is near, and supplies plenty of water for milling and other purposes. Climate and business medium, village healthy, land good, of a limestone formation, not much cleared, can be bought at from $30 to $80 per acre, and yields 15 to 80 bus. wheat, 20 to 50 oats, 50 to 100 potatoes, 60 to 80 corn, and 1 to 2 tons hay; crops generally good. Church of God, (Weinbrennenarian) Rev.W.M. Palmer. Public School, Miss Laura Pool, teacher. Population 96. J. B. Allison, Postmaster.
Somers & Barnes
General Merchandise
Allison, James B
Sellman, J W
Lime Burner
Albert, R. F.
Appler, Jacob
Ranoull, Wm
Baile, Daivd
Nicodemus, Washington
Shuey, J. T.
Somers, J. P.
Is on the B. & 0. H. R, 40 miles from Baltimore. Climate temperate, place heathy, crops and land good. The land is principally cleared; is worth $25 per acre, and produces 20 bus. wheat, 25 oats, 100 potatoes, 40 corn, 2 tons hay and 1,200 pound tobacco. The inducements to emigrants are good water and cheap land; M. E. and Baptist churches, and a public school. Population 26. J. W. Z. Narr, Postmaster.
Agent-R. R. And Express
Steele, James H
Eisenhauer, John
Gosnell, W. Harry
General Merchandise
Gosnell, Wesley P.
Narr, John W. Z.
Miller, Daub, John
Waters, S. R.
R. R. Foreman
The county seat, is situated at the head waters of the Patapaco, immediately on Parr’s Ridge, 1,000 feet above tide and on the W. M. R. R., 33 miles from Baltimore. it was founded in 1766 by an English family, from whom it received the name ‘Winchester,” which was afterward changed by an act of the General Assembly to Westminster. The year after the county was created (1836), it was incorporated as a city and selected as the county seat. This old city is in some respects interesting. Lying as it does between two ranges of Parr’s Ridge, – sits surroundings are picturesque and romantic. On College Hill, a beautiful undulating country may be seen from the cupola. A view of the mountains is obtained, extending from the Potomac to the Susquebanna, while at your feet, as it were, is Westminster, with its tall church steeples, fine public buildings and handsome private residences. The surrounding country is as healthy, rich and productive agricultural region as any in the State; it is well watered by the Patapsco and other streams, which afford ample power for all kinds of manufacturing establishments iron and copper ore abound in large deposits, and are successfully mined and shipped to Pennsylvania and New York. Quarries, containing the finest varieties of marble, have been opened and are worked In the vicinity. Westminster contains the usual number of county buildings, all well adapted to the purposes br which they were erected. The fair grounds are located at the west end, contains 30 acres of land, with stabling to accommodate 500 head of stock; the track is elliptical in form half mile, and is nearly level. The Western Md. College, a fine four-story brick building, is well located on the highest site around Westminster; it is well arranged and adapted to the purpose for which it was founded; The Democratic Advocate building, corner Main and Court streets, 40×80 feet, two-stories high, is well fitted to be the headquarters for this ably conducted and largely circulated Maryland newspaper. The Cemetery, containing 14 acres of land, is beautifully laid out in walks and drives, and planted with shrubbery. The Churches are mostly built in the best style of ecclesiactal architecture. Some of them very beautiful; and the private residences of the inhabitants are broad, comfortable, substantial structures, suggesting a thrifty and contented community. Population 3,000. A. H. Huber, Postmaster.
Western Maryland College, Westminster, Maryland – 1878 CHURCHES AND PASTORS-Baptist, Rev. L Cole; German Reformed, (St. Paul’s), Rev. J. G. Noss; Evang. Lutheran (Grace), Rev. John A. Earnest; M.E. (Centenary) Rev E E. Shipley; M. E. (colored), Rev. A. Valentine; M. P., Rev. S. B. Southerland P. E. (Ascension), Rev. Isaac L. Nicholson; Roman Catholic (St. John’s), Rev. Father Gloyd.
BENEVOLENT SOCIEIES–A. F. & A. M–Door to Virtue and George Washington Lodges. 1; 0.0. P.- Salem Lodge, No.6. and Columbia Encampment. K of P.–Charity Lodge, No.58. S. of T.-Carroll Division, No.42.
ASSOCIATIONS-Westminster Savings, Westminster Gas Light, Westminster Cemetery, Carroll Co. Agricultural, Carroll Building, Mutual Fire and Taylor Manufacturing Co.
CITY GOVERNMENT-Mayor-P. H. Irwin; Counsellor-Joseph M. Parke; Councilmen–Jesse Yingling, W. B. Thomas, Geo. W. Sullivan, N. I. Gorsuch and J. W. Perkins; Secretary–John Matthews; Treasurer-W. B. Thomas; Com. Collector and Bailiff-Israel Zeibor.
Berrett, Jos. W.
Diffenbaugh, John T.
Knipple, J. Henry
Yingling, J. M.
Fritchey, Theo. L.
Thomas, Wm. B.
Fritchey, Theo. L.
Thomas, Wm. B.
Manning, Richard
Shriver, Francis
Agent-R. R. And Express
Grimes, E. O.
Agricultural Implements
Stouch, George
Wagoner, E.
Attorneys at Law
Bamgartner, J. J.
Bond, James A. C.
Crouse, B. F.
Henning, D. N.
Maulsby, Col. Wm. P.
Norment, R. B.
Parke, Joseph M.
Pearson, Isaac E.
Reifsnider, Chas. T.
Roberts, Hon. Chas. B.
Settle, Milton B.
Smith & McKellip
Bakers and Confectioners
Bankard, Peter
Biggs, James W.
Callahan, Margaret
Grammar, H.B.
Hesson, Joseph
Keefer, James
Sheets, Jacob
Wilson, Miss M. E.
Zellers, Samuel
Zepp, David
Bankers and Brokers
Fritchey, Theo L
Thomas, Wm B
Gerke, John H
Hope, James
Myers, Andrew
Henry, Wm D
Shipley. Edward
Shoemaker, Samuel
Shreeve, Jesse
Books and Stationery.
Grammer, H B
Sheilman, James M
Boots and Shoes.
Lawyer & Beaver
Legore, I U
Oursler, Wm
Cabinetmakers & Undertakers
Bankert & Fowler
Crouse, Ira E
Sharrer & Son
Elgen, Jacob
Geiselman, John
Kase, Henry
Lantz, M L
Leas, Geo
Eckenrode, John
Herr, F K & Bro
Cigars and Tobacco.
Hesson, Joseph
Liedlich, P
Mitten, H & Bro
Sheliman, James K
Wantz, Charles V
Gorsuch, Nathan I.
Mathias, O. H. P.
Schenthal, H.
Hoppe, J. H.
Western Maryland, J. T. Ward, Pres.
Billingslea, Chas.
Fouke, Geo. S.
Boyle, Joseph B.
Huber, A. H.
Wilmer, John W.
Dry Goods
Derr, Theodore
Miller & Lindsay
Yingling, J. & Co.
General Merchandise
Bixler, Jacob
Blanchard, B. G.
Gehr, E. K.
Haines, H.
Norris, H. L.
Orndorff & Albaugh
Reese, Wm. & Son
Wampler, John T.
Grain and Fertilizers
Grimes & Weaver
Ebaugh, Mrs. Caroline
Mackley, E.
Matthews, John
Zepp, David
Knight, J. W.
Reisnider & Stephan
Schaeffer, M. & Bro.
Harness and Saddlemakers
Miller & Zeigler
Utz, Jehu
Zepp, Edward
Zepp, Wm. H. H.
Achor, F. E. Cootes
City, F. I. Wheeler
Marsh, John Marsh
Montour, Henry Hann
Wilson, G. Wilson
Justices of the Peace
Hoppe, J.H.
Matthews, Geo. W.
Reifsnider & Stephan
Schaeffer, M. & Bro.
Zentgraf, John
Strasburger, A. C. & Bro.
Wilson, Jacob
Livery Stables
Thomson, John
Lumber and Coal
Dell, H. W.
Lynch, E.
Marble Worker
Beaver, A. J.
Knight, J. W.
Taylor Manuf’g Co.
Gladhill, James
Malehorn, Mrs. E. B.
Moritz, Miss. C. A.
Pool, Miss. Eliza
Sherman, Mrs. G. W.
Notions, Toys, &c.
Copenhaver, Miss Kate
Keefer, James
Wilson, Miss M. E.
Oysters and Fish
Keen, John H.
Perkins, J. W.
Billingslea, J. H.
Billingslea, James L.
Butler, Francis
Hering, J. W.
Shaw, F. T.
Wells, E. D.
Woodward & Swormstedt (Homeopathists)
Zepp, L.
Plumbers and Gas Fitters
Callaghan & Son
Bankard, Joseph
Matthais, B J
McElroy, Lee
Wickert, S C
Bankard, Joseph
Berestine, John
Cagle, Geo
Doyle, Hugh
Willet, C J
Yingling, O P
Zahn, Edward
Stoves and Tinware.
Callaghan, P & Son
Grumbine, J C
Schaeffer, M & Bro
Anders, John T
Henneman, Chas.
Kretzer, John A
Telegraph Operator.
Crouse, Mrs M
Wall Papers & Window Shades
Coon, Wm
Watches and Jewelry.
Moore, Wm
Shoemaker, Sam’1
Is 6 miles from Woodbine, on the main stem of the B. & O. R R. Gillis’ Falls, a small stream, is near, and furnishes water for local use. Climate moderate and healthy; business and crops good. The soil is clay and honey comb. Land is 2/3 cleared; can be bought from $12 to $60 per acre; produces 18 bus. wheat, 40 oats, 100 potatoes, 50 corn, 900 to 1,200 lbs. tobacco, and 2 tons hay. M. B. Church, (Ebenezer) Rev. Mr. Koontz. Bethel Church of God, Rev. Mr. Palmer. Pine Orchard and Jenkins Schools, A. P. Buckingham and M. Spurner, teachers. Population 100. James Easton, Postmaster.
Butler, John H
Dicus, Gro
Knootz, Frederick
Powers, James
Carpenter & Undertaker.
Pickett, Chas R
Richey, Thos B
General Merchandise.
Nelson, W B
Shipley, H L
Justice of the Peace.
Zile, H M
Cronk, Wm H
Easton & Pickett
Gilliss, Jos H
Pickett, Geo
Crawford, F J
Warfield, R O DYORK ROAD
Is the P.O. and Station for Bruceville, a small village at the junction of the W. M. R. R. with Frederick Division of the Penna. R. R. It is 16 miles by W. M. R. RH. from Westminster, the county seat. The lands are of the red stone formation, mostly cleared, and capable of high fertility, and vary in price from $30 to $70 per acre, and yield 12 te 25 bus. wheat, 15 to 25 oats, 30 to 50 corn, and 3/4 to 1 1/2 tons hay. The timber yet standing is composed of white and black oaks and hickory. Population 80. David Hiltsbidle, Postmaster.
Agent–R. R. And Express Hiltabidie, David
Haugh, T F
Koons, Nicholas
Mehting, Fred
General Merchandise.
Weant, Sam’1
Grain and Forwarding.
Hiltabidle, David
McGinnis, W L & Bro
Myers, Joel
Lauver, M A
Beacham, James W.
Bixler, H.
Casell, David
Clouther, Verley
Danner, Abraham
Englar, David
Haines, H
Harmna, A.
Kane, Richard
Lane, Timothy
Longe, Richard
Orendorf, Wm.
Pennington, Noah
Ryehart, Lynk
Shriver, E.
Stephenson, Thomas
Van Bibber, Thomas
Bird Hill
Barnes, Perry G
Bartholow, H T
Bowers, Sebastian
Davis, Elias N
Davis, Hanson
Davis, Harrison
Davis, John
Ogg, Nicholas
Osterhus, Edward
Phillips, J. T.
Selp, Phillip
Allgire, Amon
Armacost, C.
Babylon, J.
Brown, Chas. W.
Bush, Jabez A.
Chew, John H.
Davidson, J. W.
Davidson, John
Elsroad, John
Elsroad, John
Flater, P A
Hering, G S
Lingenfelter, P
Mages, John
Miller, David
Miller, Wm
Mummaugh, Geo
Oursler, A
Rauscb, E
Read, E J
Read, J B
Rhodes, James
Stull, Daniel
Stull, Geo
Taylor, E
Taylor, K
Taylor, Sam’l
Uhler, John
Wampler, J L
Weaver, G W
Westaway, Wm H
Bixier, Noah
Brown, D K
Boyer, J
Gummel, Geo
Reese, A J
Reese, Daniel
Royer, C
Snyder, Samuel
Albaugh, Abraham
Bair, A
Bennett, P J
Buckingham, L.
Cover, C.
Demmitt, Henry
Farver Robert
Franklin, Stephen
Gorsuch, S
Greenwood, Mrs
Haines, Andrew
Jones, Thomas S
Kelly, Thomas G
Kiler, Daniel
Kiler, Isaac
Kiler, Jacob
Murray, Sam’l
Naill, W W
Robertson, J
Roop C
Shilling, Chas
Stern, Jesse
Warner, U S
Double Pipe Creek
Birely, Jacob
Birely, O D
Cash, Lewis
Cormack, Joshua
Dern, Geo W
Dotterer, Joshua
Dotterer, Josiah
Englar, David
Fox, Hezekiah
Fox, Samuel
Frock, Jacob
Haugh, Samuel
Kolb, Thomas
Morningitar, Levi
Ritter, Peter L
Sayler, Daniel H
Stumbaugh, Jacob
Valentine, Albert
Valentine, Grace
Valentine, Sylvester
Weybright, John
Weybright, Samuel
Whitmore, Emanuel
Wilhide, Reuben
Frederick County
Albaugh, J & M
Bireley, A. D.
Eiler, Horatio
Eiler, Josiah
Grossnickle, Cyrus
Grossnickle, Daniel
Miller, Joseph A
Miller, L F
Warner, Barton
Warner, D C
Wilhide, John L
Garrett, E
Garrelt, Wm
Gorsuch, N
Masamore, J H
Rice, John
Roth, James
Sullivan, Noah
Wareheim, H F B
Wentz, C
Armour, J D
Barnes, T A
Barnett, J
Bier, G
Coffey, J
Friisiell, P
Gibson, W
Henson, G
Johnson, A
Lee, R
Norris, N D Sr
Norris, N D
Purvis, J F
Rennels, J
Serivner, E
Shipley, J & S D
Slack, J & S
Slack, W D
Snyder, B
Wealton, C
Armacost, G W
Blizzard, J.
Brown, T
Cole, L H
Evans, L
Fitch, H S
Frazier, D
Gist, J
Gray, J J
Hollingsworth, J H
Lamotte, F
Lamotte, L A J
Leister, A
Lisle, J D
Maitin, J
Power, J
Small, J
Baker, H J
Bennett, John
Bevrct, Julins B
Buckingham, O P
Cumming, A P Gordon
Devries, Wm T
Harris, John
Hewitt, Robert K
Lee, Josbua
Manro, Geo W
Penne, Joshua T
Prugh, David
Prugh, Geo M
Scrivner, Joshua
Shipley. Edwin & James
Steele, Henry
Wadlow, J Oliver
Babylon, -Jesse
Coltrider, Daniel
Frizell, Wm
Myers, Jacob
Myers, James
Myers, Wm
Rinehart, Jerennlah
Roop, David J
Royer, John
Strevig, E
Warchime, John
Warehime, Samuel
Zill, L
Armacost, Geo W
Armacost, John A
Armacost, Joseph
Baker, Elias
Bixler, Absalom
Bromall, David
Bromall,. David O
Bush, John M
Cooper, Henry S
Cox, Amos A.
Cox, D A
Deal, Geo S
Ebaugh, N F
Face, Richard
Grogg, David
Grogg, Wm
Houck, Elias
Houck, Wm
Jackson, Benj
Kagle, Wm
Kelbaugh, John W
Keller, John
Kemp, Wm
Little, Joseph
Martin, Caleb
Martin, Mordecai
Martin, Richard
Merriman, Elisha
Millender, Casper
Miller, R. H.
Miller, Rebecca
Munoy, Ephraim
Munoy, John P
Munoy, John W
Munoy, Wm A
Null, Daniel
Nyres, Mrs.
Richards, David W
Richards, Geo C
Richards, Wm
Rill, Leonard
Rinehard, Henry
Rinemon, David
Rinemon, Jacob
Rinemon, Wm
Shaffer, Andrew
Shaffer, David
Shaffer, Geo
Shaffer, Jacob of John
Shaffer, John of K
Shaffer, John W
Shaffer, W H
Shearer, Adam
Shubkagle, Wm
Shultz, John
Smith, J H
Stousbury, Henry
Stousbury, Micajoh
Stousbury, Whitfield
Wisner, Henry
Wooden, C C.
Zepp, Wm
Benedict, John
Brough, H. H.
Crumbacker, David
Delaplane, John
Englar, Jonas
Englar, F. J.
Ebbert, Jonas
Garner, E. B.
Garner, Ephraim
Haines, Evan
Haines, Moses
Jordan, J. H.
Lambert, Geo.
Messler, John T.
Royer, Dr. Levi
Rinehart, I. C.
Sauble, E.
Sauble, Jacob
Senseney, J. E.
Shriner, E. L.
Shriner, J. C.
Smith, Nathan
McKinstry’s Mills
Bankerd, Alfred
Byers, Daniel
Clemson, Dennis U
Foutz, Richard R
Fuss, Adam
Graham, Sam’l
Haines, Thos J.
Harp, Benj.
Kelley, Joseph
McKinstry, J. & E.
Parrish, Chas.
Pearre, O. H.
Renold, Israel
Repp, M. O.
Rinehart, Israel C.
Shriner, Peter H.
Simpson, O. B.
Smith, Chas. E.
Stoner, Sam’l
Albaugh, Joshua
Bechtol, Martin
Becker, E.
Berkheimer, Henry
Berwager, Edward
Berwager, Godfrey
Beltz, H. E.
Bixler, Daniel
Bixler, Geo.
Bixier, Henry
Boring, J W
Boring, John M
Boring, Mordecai
Bosley, Benj
Bosley,T M
Bowman, Daniel
Bowman, Jacob
Brelhart, Isaac
Burns, David
Caltrider, Danl
Caltrider, Geo
Caltrider, Joshua F
Campbell, J
Cams, Nicholas
Cramer, B
Crouse, John
Crumrine, B J
Dehoff, Sami
Everbart, Geo
Face, Richard
Fair, Jacob
Fair, Levi
Frank, Geo K
Frankferter, C
Fruhrman, Edward
Fultz, Philip
Garrett Danl
Grentzer, Jacob
Grove, Charles
Hare, Jesse
Hawk, David
Herpst, John
Hively, Adam
Hively, Wm
Hoffacker, D H
Hoffacker, Geo
Hoffacker. Jacob
Hoffacker, Samuel
Kealer, Wm
Koontz Reuben
Koller, John
Kreitzer, Leonard
Knizendaler, Conrad
Lamhert, Conrad
Lawson, Daniel
Lippy, David
Lippy, Lewis B
List, John S
Loats, John
Lucahaueh, W F
Markel, Elias
Menciley, Valentine D
Miller, Aaron
Miller, Geo P
Miller, Henry
Miller, Wm
Musselman, W
Myerly, Elias
Nenninger, Daniel
Oursler, B
Panabaker, David
Pfuffer, A
Pfuffer, John
Reagle, Geo L
Reagle, Henry
Reagle, Jacob
Redding, L S
Reed, John
Reinhart, Henry
Reth, James
Roads, A J P
Roads, W E F
Robenstein, Bliss
Sellers, N W
Sellers, Peter
Shaffer, E
Shaffer, Jacob of J
Shaffer, Martin
Shaffer, Noah
Shaffer, Beubin
Sherman, Henry
Sherman, Jesse
Shower, Adam
Shower, Geo
Shower, Jacob
Sinkers, Geo
Smith, John H
Snyder, S
Stansbury, Geo
Steffe, Henry
Streevig, Henry
Streevig, John L
Trump, Geo
Walter, Wm
Wareheim, E
Wareheim, Geo
Wareheim, Henry S
Wareheim, Philip
Wareheim, Samuel
Wareheim, Samuel S
Weike, John
Werner, Eli
Werner, Henry
Werner, Jesse
Wilhelm, Michael
Wilison, Wm
Wilson, James
Yasto, Heury
Yingling, Ephraim
Yingling, George
Yingling, Jacob
Yingling, Sainnel
Yost, Frederick
Zepp, Wm
Arthur, A
Bankard, F
Bankard, J
Davidson, J
Erb, B
Favorite, Wm L
Fleagle, Jesse
Harnish, H
Hiltabidle, A
Hym flier, H
Jones, H
Keefer, J
Marker, J
Nusbaum, J
Rodkey, J
Stonesifer, D
Stonesifer, S
Yingling, M
Zepp, T A
Angle, John W
Bittinger, Wm
Buckey, D B
Bnffington, Bphraim
Clabaugh Bdward
Dutrow, Eli
Fuss, Henry
Fuss, Sam’l
Haines, David
Harhaugh, Sam’l
Harman, John
Hitechew, Ephraim
Koontz, Conrad
Koontz J H
Koontz, John A
Landis, Robert
Lynn, Lewis
Newman, Thornas
Norris, Oliver
Otto, T G
Otto, Thomas
Pittinger, John
Sharretts, Jacob
Sharretts, John
Shoemaker, Frederick
Shriver, Henry
Stoner, Augustus
Trimmer, Isaac
Williams, H T
Winemiller, J H
Bentz, John
Betts, Thos J
Chaney, B F
Danna, Henry
Gaither, J K
Gartrell, John B
Gartrell, Stephen B
Gibson, W H
Henderson, N B
Mercer, Thos B
Rowland, John W
Warfield, John M
Mt. Airy
BewaIl, Joshua
Brashears, Cornelius
Brashears, B J
Bussard, Henry
Cisry, B T
Davis, A G
Grove, Geo
Hood, J V
Hood, James
Seliman, B Jr
Sparvis, Joseph
Vansant, R
New Windsor
Baile, Jesse
Barnes, Augustus
Barnes, John
Carbaugh, Louis
Chew, Wm
Condon, R W
Diehi, Sam’l
Ecker, Elsworth
Ecker, S S
Buglar, B W
Englar, Hiram
Englar, J W
Englar, Louis P
Englar, S P
Englar, Uriah
Fritz, Geo
Frownfreller, D
Greenwood, Dan’l
Haines, Jesse
Harisock, Marshal
Hibberd, Job
Hibberd, Josiah
Hibberd, Theodore
Lambert, John W
Lindsey, Louis
Maynard, D H
Myers, Chas T
Myers, Jesse
Myers, John W
Myers, Wesley
Otto, Peter
Repp, Wm
Roop, A A
Sauble, John
Shirgluff, L P
Smelzer, Wm
Smith, Joshua
Snader, Elwood
Snader, John T
Snader, L. N.
Snader, Philip B
Stouffer, Ephraim
Weaver, Jesse
Winters, Levi
Winters, Wm
Allen, Thos
Barnes, Joseph & Bro
Bushey, L M
Day, F
Dorsey, B
Dorsey, Mrs M & Sons
Dorsey, Wm & Bro
Grimes, David
Hewitt, R M
Lee, Joshua
Parrine, Joshua T
Paynter, John & Wilson
Penn, James
Place, John
Rawlins, Gassaway Sr
Shipley, Brice
Smith, John
Streaker, H
Wilson, C
Wilson, N
Wilson, Wm
Sam’s Creek
Bond, John T
Carlisle, A
Cover, Peter
Curray, W R
Devilbiss, Charles
Devilbiss, George
Devilbiss, Isaiah
Buglar, S P
Ensor, Hamilton
Klees, John
Lindsey, Columbus
Long, Abraham
Naill, David W.
Naill, Jacob L.
Nusbaum, Isaiah
Plaine, Hiram
Reid, Chas. A.
Shrivers, George
Snader, E. T.
Stem, John H.
Silver Run
Cover, Samuel
Dutterer, James E.
Hesson, Isaac
Koontz, Absalom
Koontz, Geo
Mause, John
Study, John
Baumgardner, Henry
Baumgardner, Wash’ng
Benner, Geo
Birnie, Rodger
Bollinger, J. K.
Buffington, David
Clabaugh, G W
Crabbs, John
Crapster, Basil
Fair, James S.
Flickinger, Amos
Fogle, Jacob
Galt, Henry
Galt, James B.
Galt, Sterling
Galt, Washington
Garner, Oliver
Good, John
Goulden, Wm.
Harnish, Joseph
Haugh, WM.
Hawn, Samuel
Hitterbrick, Henry
Kautz, Joshua
Keefer, Wm.
Lambert, Jacob
Martin, David
McAllister, Alex
Mearing, Jacob
Mentzel, Charles
Null, Daniel
Raitt, Nathan
Reaver, Washiogton
Reifsnider, Wm
Reindollar, David
Beindollar, Henry
Reindollar, John
Renner, John
Roberts, Frank
Rudisel, Thomas
Sell, Bmanuel
Shoemaker, Geo A
Shriner, Samuel
Slaughenharpt, Sam’l
Smith, Peter
Smith, Wm P
Swope, Dr Samuel
Wilt, Henry C
Union Bridge
Bollinger, Geo
Bowers, Stephen
Clemson, D D H
Clemson, John
Clemson, John D
Cox, James L
Crumbacker, Jesse
Davis, Hiram
Davis, Wm H
Dern, Isaac
Devilbiss, Chas M
Bcker, Lewis B
Engelman, Eden
Englar, Francis J
Farqubar, Jos & Wm
Fogel, Wm H
Forrest, Wesley
Garber, John of S
Graham, Archibald
Hahn, Jacob
Haines, G S
Haines, Lewis
Johnson, Christopher
Johnson, Peter
Jones, Hiram
Jones, Thomas
Koontz, Albert
Lightner, Dani B
Mannakee, Dr B O
McConkey, Geo W
Myers, Charles
Myers, John
Norris, Wm G
Null, Abraham B
Ogle, James W
Penrose, B G
Rakestraw, James
Repp, Chas D
Repp, B Hamilton
Repp, lsaac
Repp, Jacob
Repp, Samuel
Rinehart, Oapt Dani
Rinehart, David
Rinehart, W S
Sauble, Emanuel
Saylor, Reubin Jr
Senseney & Son
Shepherd, Solomon
Shirk, John
Singer, B T
Smith, Gideon
Smith, Peter
Starr, Thaddeus
Stitely, David H
Stitely, Gen W
Stoner, Abraham
Stoner, Bphraim
Stoner, Jacob
Strausburg, Josiah
Utz, John H
Wakefield, Capt
Williams, L T
Wolfe, Daniel
Wolfe, Samuel
Wood, Pemberton
Wood, Shepherd
Wood, Thomas
Union Mills
Bankert, Christian
Bankert, Wm
Baumgartrer, Peter
Brown, Henry
Burgoon, John
Burgoon, Wm
Dutro, James B
Earhart, D B
Erb, Joseph
Erh, Samuel
Frock, John
Frock, Peter
Humbert, Jacob
Koontz, Abraham
Mathias, Leander,
Morelock, Samuel
Myers, Henry P
Myers, Jeremiah
Myers, Jesse
Renaker, Paul
Renaker, Wm
Rumler, Perry
Adams, E.
Babylon, P H
Babylon, Wm
Banbaker, J. C.
Bankerd, Emanuel
Bankerd, Franklin
Bankerd, Henry
Bankerd, J. C.
Baust, Joseph
Baust, W H
Beck, S
Benedict. J P
Bowers, Joseph
Brown, G H
Buffington, B
Bylmyer, J H
Caylor, Joel
Caylor, Levi
Cookson, D
Cornell, Alex
Cover, H C
Culvertson, Joseph
Devilbiss, J S
Devilbiss, James
Dhiel, Daniel
Erb, J
Fiscie, Geo
Flickinger, Frederick
Fogle, H
Foreman, B
Formwalt, Ii M
Foutz, David
Foutz, Joseph
Garber, JM
Garher, John
Garner, Jasper
Gilbert. Wm
Gore, John
Habn, S
Heek, N
Hitchew, W
Hollinburger, J H
Keepers, E
Kelly, E
Lemon, J
McFadden, C H
Myers, Charles
Myers, Davis
Myers, J
Myers, Lewis
Myers, S
Nusbaum, B
Nusbaum, Wm
Roop, Daniel
Roop, Upton
Routson, David
Routson, T H
Row, B
Row, Jacob
Segaffose, J W
Senseney, A H
Senseney, B M
Shaw, M G
Shephard, T F
Shorb, Joseph
Singer, H J
Smith, J
Starr, J N
Starr, J T
Starr. Milton
Stauffer, P H
Steward. W A
Stoner, David
Stoner, J D F
Stoner, Samuel
Stoner, Solomon
Winters. B
Wortz, M
Wright, J C
You, Jacob
Zollickoffer, A
Beard, E
Bixler, Aaron
Bowersox, B D
Cassell, David
Cassell, Joseph
Englar, D H
Englar, D W
Englar, Ezra
Englar, Wm H
Formwalt, Lewis
Geiger, John
Haines, Ephraim
Hoover, Joseph
Marker, Henry
Pennington, N
Richardson, James
Rinehart. B L
Shriver, D K
Stevenson, Jesse
Stouffer, Joseph A
Wagoner, Samuel
Baile, Lewis N
Barnes, A H
Biggs, John T
Carr, Alex
Duvall, Geo W
Forest, Isaac
Gorsuch, Roht D
Harris, John
Manahan, Levy
Manahan, Lennox
Owings, D A
Robertson, D H & Bro.
Robertson, D & J
Robertson, Jeremiah
Seilman, Vachel R
Shipley, Nathan
Shuey, J L
Shuey, J T
Snader, Henry M.
Williams, J. N.
Burall, Wm
Davis, Henry S
Davis, Nimrod
Davis, Samuel G
Fleming, C F
Gillis, Thomas of F
Gosnell, J T
Gosnell, W Harvy
Gosnell, Wesley
Henry, R
Lowman, Zachary
Poole, John F W
Russell, Wm
Seihy, J N
Warfield, Beale
Wood, Basil
Zepp, John
Baile, Henry
Bankert, Jacob
Baumgartner, Daniel
Biggs, Wm J
Bixier, Benj
Blizzard, James
Bonsack, D D
Bowers, John H
Buckingham, Wm
Burns, Daniel
Byers, David H
Cole, C H
Crowl, Josiah
Englar, Theo F
Fenby, Wm
Geiman, David
Geiman, Jeremiah
Gault, John
Gist, Mordecai
Goodwin, Mrs. Daniel
Hering, Dr. J. W.
Koontz, Emanuel
Lawyer, Wm.
Longwell, Hon, John K.
Lucabaugh, Jno. W.
Lynch, Edward
Marker, Jacob
Miller, Geo.
Myerly, Jacob
Orendorff, F. H.
Orendorff, Joseph
Reese, David
Rinehart, Wm. G.
Roop, John D.
Roop, Samuel
Royer, Margaret
Sauble, Samule
Schaeffer, Geo
Schweigart, Cyrus
Shaeffer, Joseph
Shaeffer, Lewis
Shaeffer, Noah
Shasifer, Simon
Shreeve, Mrs Mary
Stevenson, Thomas
Stoner, Joseph
Wampler, Francis
Winters, Airheart
Young, John
Zacharias, Jacob
Zepp, Lawrence
Bowers, Conrad
Condon Upton
Cover, Josiah
Frizzell, Joseph
Gist, Col. J C
Pickett, Thos
Plckett, Wesley
Sellman, J B T
Shipley, Larkin
Zile, David
Zile, H M
York Road
Biehl, John
Birely, Frederick
Buffington, Jacob
Fringer, N.
Haugh, W. H.
Keefer, J. L.
Koons, G. W.
Landers, Robert
McGinnis, F. A.
Mehring, Marhal W.
Miller, Geo.
Myers, Joel
Otto, Thomas G.
Reifsnider, Isaiah
Sharretts, Jacob
Snook, Wm.
Trimmer, Isaac
Wilhide, Chas. R.
Wilhide, Chas. W.
Winemiller, J. W.
Yingling, Edward -
CECIL COUNTY was organized in 1674, and named in honor of Cecilius Lord Baltimore. It is the most northern of the Eastern Shore counties, and forms the north-east corner of the State, being bounded on the north by Pennsylvania, on the east by Delaware, (the celebrated Mason and Dixon’s line separating the three States,) on the south by Sassafras River, and west by Chesapeake Bay and and Susquehanna River.
This County is one of the most thriving and enterprising in the State. The character of the land is mixed, the part above the Bay being mostly rolling and quite hilly, like the Western Shore, and below Elkton, quite level and similar to the adjoining Eastern Shore counties. The soil comprises every variety; a considerable portion centrally situated, called The Barrens,” being pure sand and gravel, (though this section has of late much improved), whilst other parts have heavier clayey soil, mixed rocky, and the lower part an excellent light clay loam. The County is well populated, and the farming and improvements generally are in advance of the average throughout the State.
Wheat, oats and corn are the staple farm productions; very large crops of hay are raised and sent to Baltimore and elsewhere in bales. In the southern part, known as Sassafras Neck, are many large peach farms. The crop is very large and profitable here.
Cecil County possesses inexhaustible quarries of excellent granite at Port Deposit, on the Susquehanna River. Soapstone exists on the same river, and in the northern part near Pennsylvania are large beds of iron ore and chrome, comprising a good proportion of the most valuable chrome mines in the world. Near North East River are extensive deposits of clay suitable for making fire-bricks, and, laterally, discoveries are reported or kaolin or porcelain clay or a fine quality. At North East fire-brick is manufactured extensively by two firms. They give employment to a large number of persons and their goods find a ready sale. Here are also the extensive rolling mills of the MoCollough Iron Co., and a razor-strop factory, making this quite a manufacturing village.
The County is welt watered and possesses some of the best water-powers, which are in most cases well improved with large furnaces, forges, rolling mills, paper, grist, and saw mills. All the paper used by the Baltimore Sun and Philadelphia Ledger is manufactured at mills a few miles from Elkton.
“Gilpin’s Falls,” on Great North East Creek, is a wild and romantic place, and is also a great water-power, which is at present not used. The creek falls about a hundred feet in a very short distance. Cecil has the largest number of shad and herring fisheries of any county in the State extending from the mouth of the Susquehanna River around the bay and river shores into the Sassafras River. These shores also afford abundance of wild fowl in season. The County enjoys excellent facilities for transportation.
Judge Second Judicial Circuit–Circuit-Hon. John M. Robinson, Chief Judge. Hon. Joseph A. Wickes and Hon. Frederick Stump, Associate Judges. Commissioners of Court-Francis A. Ellis and James T. McCullough. Auditor Clinton McCullough. Clerk to Court-Arthur W. Mitchell, Elkton. Clerks-Wm. K. Reckefus, W. H. May and H. H. Gilpin. Crier.-John B. Brown. Sheriff-Wm. T. Bouldin, Blkton. State’s Attorney-Clinton McCullough, Elkton. Judges of Orphans’ Court -James McCauley, Chief Judge; James M. Evans and James A. Lewis. Register of Wills-Reuben D. Jamar. Deputy-Reuben E. Jamar. Surveyor-James J. McCauley. County Commissioners-Benj. M. Crawford, David T. Cameron and Richard H. Crothers. Attorney-Noble T. Biddle. Clerk-Isaac F. Vanarsdale, Elkton. School Commissioners -Francis S. Everist, Prest., Geo. Bidd1e and Samuel J. England. Secretary and Examiner-Rev. John Squler, Elkton. Trustees of AlmsAouse-Wm. Mackey, Nicholas P. Manley, John B. Alexander, John B. Russell and John Steele. Steward-Stephen Plack. Pkysician-Dr. Chas. M. Ellis. Registers of Voters-John Wroth, Noble Biddle, Wm. O. Gilmour, Wm. R. Mahan, Granville S. Jefferis, Joseph Golibart, John B. Abrab am S, John J. Bennett and H. H. Duyckinck. Constables-John Richards, James H. Benson, Geo. R. Carpenter, Samuel B. Grant, Isaac S. Deford, Thomas Tyson, John C. Hendman, Chas. R. Kirk, Benj. T. CaIdwell, John T. Rutler and James Davis. Justices of the Peace-Benj. F. Terry, G. F. Chrisfield, Samuel B. Foard, Geo. R. Howard,James Spence, Joseph Benjamin, Isaac N. Benjamin, Samuel Logan, Isaac R. Taylor, David Archibald, Sheldon Beach, Joseph W. Abrahams, Robert Burroughs, James Cummings and David Wherry. Notaries Public-Reuben B. Jamar, Wm. R. Gilpin, Geo. W. Vandever, Andrew Orr and Horatio J. Sheppard. Congressman, Second District-Hon. Chas. B. Roberts, Westminster. State Senator-Hon. John M. Miller. Members House of Detegates-Hons. James Turner, Wm. M. Knight and James M. Touchstone. Terms of Circutt Court which are held in the Court House at Elkton, the county seat: Law Terms-3rd Mondays in March, June and September. Chancery Term-2nd Monday in December. Population of County-White, 21,860; colored, 4,014. Registered Vote-6,100. Assessed Value of Personal, Real, Stocks and Railroad Property-$18,278,958. State and County Tax 80 1/2 cents on $100.
Is 3 miles from North East, on the P. W. & B. H. H., and is a place of considerable business and trade. Climate healthy; crops and land good. The land is principally cleared; can be bought at from $10 to $100 per acre; produces 20 to 30 bus. wheat, 35 oats, 150 potatoes, 25 to 100 corn, and 1 to 3 tons hay. M. P. Church and a Public SchooL Population 60. Joseph T. Reed, Postmaster.
Burns, Samuel
McDugall, Wm
Fields, John R
Fields, Wm C
Fitzgerald, John
White, John T
Cigars and Tobacco.
Milburn, Nicholas
Alexander, Nathan
Riddell, Thomas
Passmore, Ellis P
General Merchandise.
Reed & Bro
Simcoe, Geo & Son
Taylor, Joseph
Cooper, Chas
Cooper, John
Poultry Dealers.
Burns, Jonathan P
Janney, John T
Ramsey, Wm T
Benjamin, Geo W
Carr, Henry
Carr, Wm
Heapes, James L
Woolen Mills
Johnson, H C & WmCECILTON
Is 9 miles from Middletown, on the Delaware R. R., and near Frederick Town, the shipping point on the Sassafras River. Climate, healthy; business land and crops good. The land is mostly cleared, is worth $50 per acre, and produces 20 bus. wheat, 30 oats, 150 potatoes and 40 corn. Population 300. H. M. Hayes, Postmaster.
Black & Piser
Myers, F F
Sanders, Caleb P
Mattaux, Wm
Morris, John
General Merchandise.
Beaston, J M
Crookshank, J C
Davis, G N
Ernest, J. M.
Ford, G. A.
Crawford, E N
Hardcastle, Jerome
Hall, Samuel.
Russell, John
Terry, F F
Anderson, PatrickCHARLESTOWN
Is near a station on the P. W. & B. R. R. of that name, 40 miles from Baltimore. It is beautifully located on the west bank of the North East River, and commands a picturesque view of the Chesapeake Bay for over 20 miles. It is regularly laid out into streets and squares, and is one of the most pleasant locations in the State for a town. You can in almost any part take in at a glance the North East, Elk, Sassafras and Susquehanna Rivers, with their hundreds of sails. It is healthy at all seasons; the farms are highly productive and worked by intelligent and enterprising men; Fishing is carried on to a considerable extent from the waters in the vicinity, which abound in fish of several varieties. The land is clay and sandy loam, principally cleared; can be bought at from $25 to $40 per acre, and yields 20 bus wheat, 50 oats, 100 potatoes, 40 to 50 corn, and 1 1/2 tons hay. M. E. Church, Rev. Samuel Logan. Public School, Gen. S. Mattingly and Miss Jennie Killough, teachers. Population 250. Wm. T. Richardson, Postmaster.
Baker, John W
Gibson, B B
Alexander, Nathan
Graham, F D L
Graham, John B
Holland, John H
Thompson, Benj L
General Merchandise.
Richardson, Wm T
Jordan, A M
Frederick, Henry
Logan, John W
Is 4 miles from Elkton, on the P. W. & B. R. R., and near Big and Little Elk Creeks. Climate mild, place healthy, business, crops and land good; the land is principally cleared, and is worth $40 per acre; yields 25 bus wheat, 50 oats, 300 potatoes and 50 corn. There is within 3 miles of this place 5 flour mills, 4 paper mills, 2 cotton mills) and 4 saw mills, located on Big and Little Elk Creeks, and doing a thriving business. A Church, Rev. John France, and a Public School, E. S. Quigley, teacher. K. of P. Lodge 41, Mechanics Lodge 19, I.O.R.M. Tribe 50. Population 260. Harriet Brown, Postmistress;
Campbell, John
Work, D C
Scott, Winfield
Miller, J W
Grant, S B
Cotton Mills.
Baldwin & Co
Brewster, John
General Merchandise.
Brown, J W
McCullough, James H
Price, W H
Spence, James
Spence, Kate
Grant, Wm C
Justice of the Peace.
Spence, Jarnes
Lewis, Joseph K
Mackall, R C
Mackey & Bro.
Scott, Howard
Taylor, Job
Burnett, Joseph T.
Paper Mills
Cecil, J. D. Carter
Ledger, G. W. Childs & Co.
New Leeds, Harlan & Bro.
Providence, J. B. Patton
Carter, H C
McNeal, G W
Ross, Robert
Grant, Wm. J. & Co.
Hammond, L. B.
Kelley, James T
Is picturesquely and advantageously situated on the Elk River, 12 miles from its entrance into the Chesapeake Bay, and at the western terminus of the Chesapeake and Delaware canal. Here enters Back Creek into the Elk River, giving another water advantage to the town. This rare combination of water facilities give unequalled resources for all the purposes of trade and manufacturers. No place is better located for fruit and vegetable canning and drying houses. Daily steamers (Ericsson Line) to Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, place these large cities in easy and cheap communication. The surrounding country produces the peach, the pear and apple in the finest perfection. Grapes, berries and all market vegetables are produced with ease and remarkable success. The town is equi. distsnt 60 miles, between Baltimore and Philadelphia, and is 6 miles from Elkton. There is one other shipping point, Bohemia Wharf, on the Bohemia River, 5 miles distant. Sailing vessels go from this point to Baltimore. The climate is mild and equable, and the health very good. The waters of the Canal are strongly impregnated with the sulphate of iron, brought down from the agent prevents even incipient stagnation in the waters of the Canal, and thus exerts a controlling influence upon the general health. Business is large and increasing. The town is on a portion of the famed “Bohemia” Manor. The soil of the adjacent Country is composed of red clay and sand loams, with occasional recurrences of white oak clay; it commands from $25 to $75 per acre, and produces crops of wheat varying in yield from 10 to 30 bus., the same of oats, corn 20 to 60, and hay from 1 to 2 tons. It is an incorporated town, and is governed by a President and Town Commissioners. Population 1,500. A. P. Barwick, Postmaster.
CHURCHES AND PA5TORS.-M. E., Rev. J. D. Kemp; M. E. (Colored), no regular pastor, ‘; Presbyterian, Rev. Chas P. Mallery; Roman Catholic no regular pastor. Universalist, no regnlsr pastor.
BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES–A. F. & A. M., Cecil 125; K. of P., Hand in Hand 45, I. O. O. F. Bohemia 65; O. U. A. M., Chesapeake 20.
CHESAPEAKE AND DELAWARE CANAL.-Supt, J. F. Price; Collector, J. T. Hedrick, Chief Engineer Water Works, T. Lorraine.
TOWN COMMISSIONERS-Dr. J. V. Wallace, G. W. Hume Craig, Thomas Correy and H. C. Biddle.Bailiff–N. A. Colmary. Lamplighter. Samuel Lloyd.
Craig, G. W. Hume
Bakers and Confectioners.
Krastle, John
Layman, James G
Queck, Wm
Queck, Geo.
Hemphill, James
Lewis, Wm
Steele, James P
Terrell, John M
Cabinetmaker and Undertaker
Ooleman, Wm B
Fillingame, G W
Griffin, Thomas R
Rague, John
Forrest & Carpenter
Metz, Jacob
Carpenter, Geo H
Hopper, T B
Woolley, G S
Flour and Feed.
Vandegrift, Thos P
General Merchandise.
Barwick, W. J.
Boulden, F.
Boulden & Bowen
Clark, John
Correy, Thomas
Hyrons, W. P.
Reed Bros.
Reed, J. M.
Reese & Bouchelle
Young, Phillip
Grain, Coal and Fertilizers
Steele, J. H.
Bayard, Capt. F. Layman
Chesapeake City, M. L. Realey
Justice of the Peace.
Chrisfield, G F
Keeper Drawbridge.
Morgan, Chas H
Lime Manufacturers
Diament, John E
Garrison, Edward
Livery Stables
Biddle, Henry C
Wood, Samuel P
Lumber Dealers
Burgett, H
Lindsey, Wm
Freeman, Wm H
Millinery and Notions.
Anderson, Mrs Sarah
Colmary, Mrs S A
Karsner, Wm C
Wallace, J V
Banks, Joseph
Layman, James G
Stapp, Michael
Vance, James
Ship Chandler.
Barwick, Wm J
Evar, Evans
Houck, James T
Powell, Alex
Barwick, A P
Tinware and Stoves
Buchanan, John W
Watches and Jewelry.
Michener, SmithCOLORA
Is on the P. & B. C. R. R, 8 1/2 miles from Port Deposit. The situation is healthy and in the midst of a tine farming and grazing section. Crops of all kinds are produced in abundance, and dairying and stock raising is carried on to some extent. The ]and is in a high state of improvement and sells at from $40 to $80 per acre, and produces large yields of wheat, corn, oats, potatoes and hay. Friends Meetings (Orthodox and Hicksite); M. E. Church, W. J. O’Neal; Presbyterian, Rev. S. A. Gayley. West Notingham Academy, G. K. Bechtel, Principal, and a Public School. Colora Lodge 62, K. of P. Population 100. Street Brown, Postmaster.
Dorsey, Milton
Tosh, R L
Brinton, B F
Gray, Z.
McCardle, S.
Fertilzer Manufacturers
Waring, Thos. & Bro.
Florist and Nurseryman
Balderson, George.
General Merchandise
Elliott, A. S.
Kennard & Moore
Thomas, William
Tosh, Joseph H.
Hay Dealers.
Brown, Street & Bro
Masons and Plasterers.
Brown, John
Brown, John Jr
Brown, Jos P
Ewing, Ambrose
Magraw, H S
Moore, Amos
Kennard, J
McKinney, Wm
Is on the Columbia & Port Deposit R. R., 7 miles from Port Deposit. Conowingo Creek, a small stream, flows through the town. Climate mild and healthy. Business, crops and land good. Land is hilly, and varies in price from $50 to $100 per acre. Produces a fair average of all farm products. Conowingo is divided by the Susquehanna river, the western part being situated in Harford county, (called West Conowingo,) and eastern part in Cecil county, (called East Conowingo,) connected by Conowingo bridge, a very commodious structure, and profitable to the stockholders, the only bridge across the river between Havre de Grace, Md., and Columbia, Pa. There are good shipping facilities by railroad and by the Susquehanna River and Tidewater Canal. The Independent Telegraph Company, having direct wires, is located here. James C. Bell, a wealthy gentleman, owns 1,000 acres of land, which he has and continues to improve. There is considerable timber yet standing on hills and along the river. The scenery on the Susquchanna at this point is truly romantic. Good schools and churches are 1 1/2 miles distance. Population 150. C. C. Caldwell, Postmaster.
Agent-Dupont’s Powder.
Archer, H H
Crothers, Hiram
Ross, James
General Merchandise
Archer, H H
Caldwell, S J
Caldwell, C C
Moore, R D
Matthews, S. H.
Roman, S. T.
Lecompt, C. C.
Telegraphy operator
Caldwell, S. J.
Telegraph President
Caldwell, C. C.EARLVILLE
Is 12 miles from Middletown, Del., and 4 from Fredericktown, on the Sassafras river; is in daily communication with Baltimore and Philadelphia. Climate changeable, with some chills in mild form. Business and crops good. Soil and climate well adapted to the growth of peaches, corn, wheat, berries and fruits of all kinds. Large quantities of herring and shad are caught in the Sassafras and other streams. Land can be bought at from $20 to $100 per acre; produces 10 to 25 bus. wheat, 75 to 150, potatoes, 20 to 60 corn, and 1 to 2 tons hay. Episcopal Church, Rev. Lewis Walk; Presbyterian. Rev. G. W. Gailord, and three public schools. Population 50. R. A. Duhamell, Postmaster.
Duhamell, Wm. J.
Taylor, Thomas
Morgan, Jas. A.
Stephens, Wm.
General Merchandise.
Duhamell, R A
Crooksbanks, Francis
Freeman, Wm
Is 6 miles from North East. The situation is on an elevation, between the Elk and North East rivers, and commands a fine view of the surrounding country. Climate moderate and very healthy. Land is sandy loam, excellent quality, and easily improved and very productive. The timber standing is a second growth of chestnut, hickory, walnut and locust. Improved land can be bought at from $20 to $40 per acre, and the unimproved at from $10 to $20. Produces 12 to 30, bus. wheat, 20 to 40 oats, 60 to 100 potatoes, 20 to 60 corn, 1 to 2 tons hay; no tobacco raised. One white and one colored M. E. churches, and two public schools. Population, 250. J. W. Purner, Postmaster.
Groves, A
Groves, J
Brick Mason
Montgomery, Wm
Hyland, N J
Gainor, Thos B
McNamee, J C
Stockhouse, W K
Wilson, Wm J
General Merchandise.
George, A H
The county seat, is on the P. W. & B. R H., 52 miles from Baltimore, and 46 from Philadelphia. The situation is at the head of Big Elk river, a small winding stream, navigable to its head only for the smallest craft. It is in the midst of a fertile and well tilled country, the soil of which is a light loam. At the present time these lands command an average of $40 per acre, and yield from 15 to 30 bus. wheat, 30 oats, 100 potatoes, 40 corn and 2 tons timothy hay. The principal woods are oak, chestnut, hickory, walnut, locust and some pine. The town has a fair business, and some manufacturing interests. The paper mills, at which all the paper used in printing the Baltimore Sun and Philadelphia Ledger, are located on two small streams, one to six miles distant. The rolling mills of the McCullough Iron Company are near, and the factories of the Elk Mills Company, manufacturing large quantities of linen diaper for table-cloths, are situated within four miles. There, are here all necessary buildings for county purposes. The Court House is an old structure, having been built in 1791. The jail recently erected is a commodious building, and will meet all requirements for many years. The order of Odd Fellows have a good hall, the lower floors of which are ueed as offices; the Mutual Fire Insurance Company occupying the entire first floor. The facilities for education are the Elkton Academy, T. L. Graham, principal, and several public and private schools for both white and colored. Population, 2,000. P. C. Strickland, Postmaster.
CHURCHES AND PASTORS .-M. E., Rev. D. C. Ridgeway; two M. E., (colored,) no regular pastors; Presbyterian, Rev. W. W. Heberton; P. E., (Trinity,) Rev. H. A. Skinner; Roman Catholic, Rev. Father Wm. Dallard.
BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES.-A. F. and A. M., Union 48; I.O.O.F., Cecil 62; K. of P, Washington 51.
TOWN OFFICERS.-John Partridge, President; P. H. Cleaver, Secretary; R G. Reese, Treasurer; Dr. H. H. Mitchell, H. E. Jamar, M. Dunbar and Thomas Drennen; Bailtif, A. P. Shockley.
Brown, Edwin
Henry, Mrs Anna
Dunbar, Wm
Agent-R. R
Wells, Benj
Agricultural Implements
Strickland, P C
Hinchilife, Joseph
Attorney. at Law.
Riddle, Noble T.
Blake, Geo. A.
Constable, Albert
Cruikshank & Wirth
Ellis, Franics A.
Evans, Hon. Alex
Evans, W. S.
Groome & McCullough
Haines, Reuben
Jones & Haines
McCullough, Hiram
McCullough, James T.
Miller, Hon. John M.
Physick, H. L.
Thackery, R. C.
Torbert, John
Vandiver, R. R.
Warburton, W. T.
Wilson, John E.
Bakers and Confectioners
Brown, John E.
Cummings, Morris
Giles, E. E.
Hall, Mrs. C.
Heatzig, Mrs. Elenora
Henry, Mrs. Anna
Realey, Capt. Wm.
Dunbar, Wm.
Morgan, D.
Titus, Howard
Books and Staionery
Brown, John E.
Hinchliffe, Joseph
Boots and Shoes.
Ash, J M
Crouch, Thomas C
Hochheimer, Samuel
Brick Manufacinrers.
Gilpin, John
King, Geo T
Cantwell, John W
Gallaher, J R
Wells, Joseph L
Carpenter. and Builders.
Merritt, J P
Nelson, W R
Purnell, W G
Rambo, J C
Strickland, P C
Thomas, J E
Cabinetmakers and Undertakers
Boyd & Gibney
Heatitig, W B
Marshbank, R
McGrady, Patrick
Meisel, McCloskey & Co.
Cigar and Tobacco
Hinchliffe, Joseph
Simon, S.
Taylor, George W.
Goodman, Philip
Lieberman, M.
Full, R. T.
DeVou, Mrs. M. M.
Rhoades, Mrs. M. A.
Frazer, R. B.
Mitchell, Dr. H. H.
Dry Goods
Brown, Mrs. M. J.
Lichtenstein, M. L.
Fish, Oyster &c.
Manley, C. & Son
Boyd & Gibney
Marshbank, R.
General Merchandise
Drennen, Thomas
Levis, R. C.
McCrery & Boulden
Reese, R. G.
Grain, Fertilizers and Coal
Scott, D. & Bro.
Groceries and Provisions
Cantwell, Mrs. J.
Maxwell, C. W.
Wells, J. L.
Witworth, Geo.
Witworth, R.
Hardware, Stoves and Tinware
Alexander, J. E. & Bro.
Rambo, S. S.
Witworth, R.
Harness & Saddle Manufacturer
Perkins, John
Exchange, S Simon
Felton, C P Clemson
Kearady, Patrick
Justices of the Peace
Foard, Saml B.
Howard, Geo. R.
Livery Stables
Carter, Wm. G.
Crouch, R. T. C.
Price, Geo. S.
Davis & Keys
Lair, John
Marble Yard
Strickland, P. C.
Millinery and Notions
Hall, Mrs. Caroline
Litzenberg, Mrs. Lucy N.
Nelson, Mrs. M. D. J.
Scott, Mrs. Ann
DeVou, D. I. L. (homeopathic)
Ellis, Chas. M.
Frazer, James H.
Jamar, John H.
Mitchell, H. H.
Tuft, R. H.
Alexander, James B.
Draper, J. W.
Hawes, James W.
Mason, A. S.
Crow, W. C.
Frazer, John
Kerr, Frank
Meyer, John B.
Telegraph Operator
Frazer, W. E. K.
Watches and Jewelry
Alrich, Wm. J.
Alexander, Robert
McCawley, John D.
Wines and Liquors
Bennett, H. H.
Maxwell, C. W.
Simon, S.
Stocklein, JohnFAIR HILL
Is 7 miles from Elkton, and near Little Elk Creek, a small stream of water flowing in the vicinity. Climate moderate, and generally healthy. Business fair. Crops and land good; the land is two-thirds cleared, and commands from $50 to $80 per acre; readily yields 20 bus. wheat, 37 oats, 75 potatoes, 80 corn and 3 tons hay. “Rock” and “Centre” public schools, W. H. Brokaw and Annie Strahorn, teachers, and “Rock” Presbyterian church. Population 50. Milton S. Sentman, Postmaster.
Borland, A A
Borland, John
Gallagher, Wm J
Strahorn, T W & Bro
Biles, C R & Bro
Cann, Gilbert
Cann, John
Cannan, W A
Seniman, A J
Willis, John T
Cider Manutacturer.
Strahorn, J. S.
Jefferis, Emmer
General Merchandise.
Quein, J W
Seutman, Milton S
Sentman, R P
Hess, Henry
Levis, Joseph K
Mackie, A A
Music Teacher.
Kimble, S T
Saw Mill.
Strahorn, T W & Bro
Russell, A M
Is 2 miles from Rising Sun on the Phila. & Balto. Central Railroad. Climate is mild and healthy, and it is a place of considerable business and trade. Crops and land are good, can he bought at from $60 to $70 per acre, and produces 20 bus. wheat, 45 oats, 100 potatoes, and 60 corn. One M. E. Church and one Public School. Population, 50. H. Mayberry, Postmaster,
Atkinson, L R
Johnson, L S
Johnson, John H
Brickley, Samuel
Lincoln, A S
General Merchandise.
Brickley, Theodore
Mayberry, H
Is on the Phila. & Balto. Central R R., a few miles from Port Deposit. Climate mild; village healthy; business and crops good. The land is of a granite formation, mostly cleared, and can be bought at $40 per acre; produces 35 bus. wheat, 65 oats, 150 potatoes, 60 corn and 1 1/2 tons hay. Public School, Miss Annie Markiand, principal. Population 300. W. T. Woodrow, Postmaster.
Agent-R. R.
Woodrow, W T
Caragan, Elihu
Green, John S
McCardle, Geo
Caldwell, Benj T
Wright, Hugh
General Merchandise.
Rowland, R. J.
Coal and Fertilizers
Woodrow, Wm. T. & Bro.
Job Printer.
Bancroft, J. J.
Caldwell, John
McDowell, R P
McDowell, W C
Saunders, J C
Saunders, R A
Woodrow, Robert
Gillespie, Wm
Kirk, B T
Kirk, J P
Saw Mills.
Hand, B R
Kirk, B T
Harris, John
Is 2 miles from North East, on the P. W. & B. H. B., and near Little North East Creek. Climate mild; place healthy; business, crops and land good; the land is nearly all cleared, and sells at from $50 to $75 per acre; readily yields 15 to 20 bus. wheat, 40 oats, 150 potatoes, 40 to 70 corn and 1 1/2 tons hay. Union M. E. Church, Rev. J. O. Sypherd, and Oak Grove School. Population. T. M. Tyson, Postmaster.
McCrea, J E
Scarborough, H F
Rose, Geo
Miller, Andrew
Miller, John
Stewart, Stephen
Lynch, Wilson
General Merchandise
Tyson, T. M.
Rose, Geo.
Weldie, S. L.
Burroughs, EliNORTH EAST
An incorporated town, is situated on the P. W. & B. R R., at the head of North East river, 46 miles from Baltimore, and 52 from Philadeiphia. The location is in a fertile and healthy country, soil of which is composed of sandy and clay loams, well adapted to the production of grain and hay, the latter of which extensive crops are raised. These lands vary in value from $10 to $100 per acre, and produce 15 to 30 bus wheat, 20 to 50 oats, 50 to 150 potatoes 25 to 60 corn, and 1 to 2 tons hay. North East offers large inducements to emigrants in its advantages for fruit growing, trucking and remunerative farming. Business is good, having several manufacturing establishments, which give employment to a large number of persons. Here are the forges, furnaces and rolling mills of the McCullough Iron Company, and two large firs brick companies, which manufacture a superior line of all descriptions of ware. The goods from these establishments rank high in the estimation of stove founders and furnace proprietors. The Cecil Fire Brick Company, by a judicious combination of various clays and other materials, give great durability and cohesiveness to their goods. The manufactory of J. H. White & Co., removed from Philadelphia, produce and ship to all points of the country immense quantities of patent razor strops, spectacle and eyeglass cases. One of the most complete general stores in the county, is located here under the management of Messrs. Thomas & Anderson. There are one public and two private schools and three churches; among the latter is the very ancient, quaint and interesting St. Mary Ann, Episcopal. This church dates back to Colonial days; among its weather-stained tombstones are those dating far in the seventeenth century; its bible is over a century in age. Population 1,800. L. W. Thomas, Postmaster.
CHURCHES AND PASTORS–M. E., Rev. J. A. B. Wilson; M. P., (St Philips’ colored). Rev. R. B. Cheney; P. E., (St Mary Ann,) Rev. E. K. Miller.
BENEVOLENT SOCITIES:-I. O. R. M., Octorora 59; K. of P., Fellowship 42. O. U. A. M., Independent 14.
TOWN COMMISSIONERS-Hiram Shalicross, President; Thomas W. Nowlan, B. F. Thomas, Wm. Simcoe and James Roney.
Agent-R. R. and Express.
Cosden, G. W
Bakers and Confectioners.
Ferguson, J S
Johnson, John
Williams, T F
Larue, Edward
Oliver, Wm.
Anderson, Andrew
Cameron, M
Biddle, E H
Roney, James
Cabinetmakers and Undertakers
Foster, F. A & Son
Alexander, James
Ferguson, Scott
Fields, Randolph
Carriages and Wagons
Gardy, Geo W
Deford, S.
Britton, S. J.
Beatty, Wm
Houskeeper & Moore
Thomas, L W
Fire Brick Companies.
Green Hill
General Merchandise
Cameron, H H
Ford, Alfred
Heeder & Drummond
Honey, James
Simcoe, W II
Thomas & And’ rson
West, H M
Grain, Fertilizers & Coal.
Davis, Pugh & Co
McCracken & Bro
Grocery and provisions.
Roach, Joseph
Hardware, Stoves & Tinware.
Benjamin, I N
Garrison, E G
North East. B F Thomas
Rail Road, Jacob Gilbert
Iron Manufacturers.
McCullough Iron Co
Justice of the Peace.
Benjamin, I M.
Livery Stables.
Moke, John
Nowland, Thos W
Alexander & Montgomery
Groves, Mrs A B
Simcoe, J S
Painter & Paperhanger.
Baldwin, G H
Houskeeper, P B
Worrall, Theodore A
Razor Strep Manufacturers
White, J H & Co
Gardy, Henry D
Saw Mill.
Davis, Pugh & Co
Cheadle, Walter
Haley, John
Fooks, Albert
Moore, Geo
Telegraph Operator.
Coaden, G W
Watches and Jewelry.
Is 1 1/2 miles from Conowingo, on the Susquehanna river. Climate mild and healthy. Business moderate. Land medium; can be bought at from $25 to $75 per acre, and produces good crops of all kinds. Population 100. J. C. Warner, Postmaster.
Haines, John T
General Merchandise.
Bennett, J J
Zimmers, David L
Is on the P. W. & B. R. R., 37 miles from Baltimore, and is beautifully situated on the east bank of the Susquehanna river, near its mouth. The railroad here crosses the river over a bridge, consisting of thirteen iron spans, and is the longest and finest piece of railroad bridge architecture in the world. An important industry is duck shooting; large numbers are shot, and shipped to Baltimore and Philadelphia market. Adjoining tile station are beautiful flower gardens, and a splendid park has been laid out by the railroad company. The scenery is truly grand and romantic. The farms are well cultivated, and no liquor sold. The ice houses of Messrs. Cocbran & Co. and W. H. Oler, large Baltimore ice dealers, are located on the river bank, and near the depot. These firms give employment to a number of people during the season, and are an important element of the business of the place. Land is good, the average price $100 per acre; produces 25 bus. wheat, 50 corn, 50 oats and 2 tons hay. if. B. and Presbyterian churches; one public school. Population 250. W. H. Cole, Postmaster.
Owens, E
Aikin, H C
General Merchandise
Cole, Wm. H.
Owens, E.
Evans, Wm. J.
Is on the east bank of the Susquehanna river, 3 1/2 miles from Perryville, on the P. W. & B. R. R, 41 from Baltimore, and at the terminus of the P. & B. C. R. R. and the Port Deposit and Columbia railroads. Climate good. It is a bustling, thriving, quaint town, compressed by the Susquehanna against the rock-bound cliffs, which rise almost perpendicularly to the height of one and two hundred feet. There is room only for two streets along the face of the river. Most of the houses on the eastern side of the main street just against these cliffs. Some have terraces rising from the rear yards, far up the cliffs. The Hon. Jacob Tome has a magnificent dwelling here of roughly dressed granite, chaste in its architecture, and elaborately embellished by extensive conservatories and gardens. He has greatly enriched the town by extensive enterprise and munificence, and presented to the trustees of the M. E. Church, a strikingly handsome structure of granite roughly dressed, and adorned with stained glass windows, at a cost of $65,000. The land adjacent to the town is of rotten rock soil, 3/4 cleared, and valued at from $25 to $100 per acre, and yields 15 to 25 bus. wheat, 25 to 50 oats, 40 to 75 corn, 150 potatoes and 2 tons timothy hay. It has extensive granite quarries, and a large trade in lumber, hay, grain and fertilizers, and an extensive foundry and machine shops. The timber yet remaining is composed of oak, hickory, chestnut, walnut, poplar and cedar. Three public schools, two colored and two private schools. The town is incorporated and governed by commissioners. Population 2,200. Alonzo Snow, Postmaster.
CHURCHES AND PASTORS-M. E., Rev. J. D. Rigg; Presbyterian, Rev. T. J. Aiken, P. E., Rev. G. W. Easter; Roman Catholic, Rev. Father Joseph Barry, and two colored, no regular pastors. BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES-Cecil Lodge 31, K. of P.; Harmony Lodge 53, A. F. And A. M. Mount Pisgah Lodge 24, I.O.O.F.; Riverside Council 36, O. U. A. M.
TOWN COMMISSIONERS–John Keaveny, President. John M. McClenahan, Wm. T. Way, Lyman Mauldin, Thomas C. Bond and John W. Malone.
Reynolds, James E
Vanneman, Theo J
Agent-R. R.
Wilson, D G
Agricultural Implements
Brown, Elliot
Bakers and Confectioners
Merritt, Mrs Phoebe
Moran, Mrs Catherine A
Sitzler, C. F.
Sitzler, Leonard
Jackson, James
Oliver, Alexander
Books and Stationery.
King, W C
Cabinetmakers & Undertakers.
Foster, W F A
Short & Moore
Reynolds, A H & Bros
Nickle, W W
Loag, Wm if
Smith, N B
Ely, A M
Hurlock, Mrs H A
Richardson, Mrs M C
Frazer, E B
Williams, W C & Co
General Merchandise.
Abrahams, J W
Kerwin, P
Mauldin, L & Co
Nesbitt, H C & Co
Riaggold, Thomas
Thompson & Peeples
Vannort G A
Vannort, John
Grain, Fertilizer, and Lumber
Buck, J J
Davis & Pugh
Pugh, J H & Co
Rowland, J H & Co
Tome, J & Co
Granite Dealer,.
Buck, J J
Malone, John W
McClenalian & Bro
Rice & Co
Groceries and Provisions
Ely, John S
Grant, C N
Jennings, Jacob
Johnson, Henry
Moran, Mrs Catherine A
Quinn, Owen
Stebbings, Wm J
Hardware, Stove. and Tin.
Reynolds Bros
Alexander, F M
Depot, Theo Whitaker
Farmers & Commercial, J R Miller
Granite, Wm Castles
Ice Cream and Oysters
Shmidt, Henry
Iron Railing Manufacturers
Touchstone, J M & Bro
Justice, of the Peace.
Abrahams, J W
Beach, S
Ladies and Gents Furn. Goods
Kidd, W. F.
Gottscbalk & Orr
Long, John
Livery Stable.
Olden, John
Armstrong & Co
Reynolds, David M
Millinery and Notion..
Jones, Miss Augustine
Nickle, Mrs Eliza
Wilson, Mrs Eliza
Barry, A L
Bromwell, R E
Evans, John
Hanna, A A
McCullough, J H
Shore, C A
Cornish, E
Mohriein, Casper
Grant, G. N.
Hamm, D
Lamm, J
Wilson, J. B.
Stove Manufacturers,
Armstrong & Co
Hamer, John C
Katz, Kaulinan
Telegaph Operator.
Vandiver, George W
Watche, and Jewelry.
Beach, Sheldon
Is 4 miles from Rising Sun, on the P. & B. C. R. H., and near Principio Creek, a small water course. Climate changeable, but healthy. Land is good, partly cleared. Moderate amount of business done, and crops generally good. Land can be bought at from $40 to $100 per acre; produces 20 to 25 bus. wheat, 40 to 50 oats, 100 to 150 potatoes, 50 to 60 corn. Ebenezer and Hopewell M. E. churches, Revs J. O. Sypherd and W. J. O’Neil, are within 1 mile; also, Jefferson Public School. Population 70. John Lackiand, Postmaster.
Boots and Shoes
Mahan, John
Lackland, N T
Whyte, John
Harrison, W H
General Merchandise.
Lackland, John
Jackson, E J
Is less than a mile from a station of that name on the P. W. & B. R. R., and 2 miles from Charlestown. The location is on Principlo creek, near a point of the Chesapeake bay. Large numbers of fish and oysters are caught along the bay and shipped from this point, giving employment to a number of people, and furnishing considerable business and trade. The situation is healthy. Land is mostly cleared, and is a clay loam; can be purchased at from $30 to $60 per acre, and yields 20 to 35 bus. wheat, 30 to 50 oats, 40 to 60 corn, and an average amount of other crops. M. E. church, Rev. L. M. Layfield; public school, J. Warner, teacher. Population 300. P. Hartenstine, Postmaster.
Brumfield, Abraham
Haines, Geo T
Anderson, H M
Bentman, E S
General Merchandise.
Hartenstine & Moore
Jackson, John E
Taylor, Wm
Whitaker, E S
Iron Furnace.
Whitaker, Geo P
Whitaker, E S
Jackson, Alex
Evans, W J
Saw and Flour Mill
Whitaker, E. S.
Andrews, Wm. H.
Fredericks, HenryRISING SUN
Is charmingly nestled on a hill of easy grade in the midst of a fertile, salubrious and beautiful country, immediately on the Phila. & Balto. Central R. R., 52 miles from Baltimore, 60 from Philadelphia, 11 from Port Deposit, 16 from Elkton, the county seat, by county road, 2 from Pennsylvania State line, and near Stony Run, a small stream. The town is well and handsomely bulit, flourishing in its business, embracing commercial and manufacturing. The lands are valuable, principally cleared, producing large crops of the best timothy hay. The wheat and corn crops are heavy. Lands range in price from $40 to $70 per acre. Soil is known as “gray rock,” and produces 15 to 30. bus. wheat, 80 to 50 oats, 40 to 80 corn, and 1 1/2 to 3 tons hay. The timber yet remaining comprises white and black oaks, hickory, chestnut, beech and some walnut. The inhabitants of this town and the adjacent country are of high moral character, intelligent, cultivated, and of kindly and courteous spirit. M. E. Church, Rev. Wm. J. O’Neil; public and a normal school; Good Templars and Excelsior 67, L 0.0. F. Population 400. Jesse A. Kirk, Postmaster.
Haines, Hanson H.
Reynolds, Barclay
Agents, R. R. And Express
Carter, W W
Drennen, Elam
Bird, Joseph C
Kirk, John
Krewaon, Samuel
McDougal, Chas
Brown, Amassa
Cameron, Geo
Cabinetmaker & Undertaker.
Taylor, Isaac R
Garvine, Theodore
Wilson, Chas
Pegue, Joseph
Cigars and Tobacco.
Shure, Job.
Kimball, Jerome
Kirk, Chas.
Hindman, John C
Kirk, Chas R
Smith, Albert
Kirk, Dr. L R
General Merchandise.
Buffington, E R
Passmore Bros.
Kardwnre, Tinware and Stoves
Haines & Kirk
Burkins, John T
Reynolds, John T
Maryland, Wm Grason
Washington, J T Burkins
Justice of the Peace
Taylor, Isaac H
Livery Stables
Grason, Wm
Jones, S A & Co
Halnes & Co
Reynolds & Kirk
Millinery and Notions
Buckley, Mrs I W
Reynolds, Mrs J
Dare, Geo S
Heston, Eber
Buckley, John W
Jenkins. Wm,
Mahan, Reese
Sheppard, Horatio
Telegraph Operator.
Carter, W W
McClure, C C
Watche, and Jewelry
Brown, EllwoodROCK SPRINGS
Is 3 miles from Conowingo, on the Susquehanna river, and near the Pennsylvania State line. Climate mild and healthy. Not much business. Crops generally good. Land is medium, not much improved; sells at from $25 to $60 per acre, and produces a fair average of all farm products. No tobacco raised. Population 100. W, C. Mullen, Postmaster.
General Merchandise
Mullen, W C
Is on the Phila & Balto. Central B. B., 2 miles from Liberty Grove, and near Octorora creek, which supplies an abundance of good water. Climate variable. Village healthy. Business, crops and land good. The land is principally cleared, and varies in price from $75 to $100 per acre. Produces 15 to 30 bus. wheat, 30 to 40 oats, 50 to 60 potatoes and 60 to 100 corn. The timber yet standing is composed of white and black oaks, chestnut, hickory, walnut, poplar, &c. M. E. and M. P. churches, Rowlandsville M. E. Academy, John Crother, teacher. Population 800. W. B. Rowland, Postmaster.
Ewing, James
Boyd, Wm.
McCardell, Geo.
McCardell, Samuel
Brown, Joseph
General Merchandise
Barrett, Philip
Christie & Hindman
Frank, Levi
Cummings, Lewis
McDowell, Nelson
McDowell, R P
Davis, Christie & Co
Christie, Geo M
Crother, B B
Rowland, Samuel
Kitchen, Thomas
Supt. Iron Farnace.
Is 5 miles from Mt. Pleasant, Delaware, on Delaware Division of the P. W. & B. R. R. Near Cheasapeake City, on the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, and Bohemia river and Back Creek. It is healthy. Business light. Land good, principally cleared, sells at from $30 to $70 per acre, yields 16 bus. wheat, 40 oats, 100 potatoes and 45 corn. The crops are generally good. Timbered land is of a heavy growth, and that remaining comprises oaks, chestnut, hickory &c. Plenty of peaches raised, and some small fruits. Manor M. E. And Saint Augustine Episcopal churches; also public schools. Population 50. J. J. Williams, Postmaster.
Simpson, John
Warner, James B Sr
General Merchandise.
Coursey, Mrs A J
Williams, J. J.
Sweatman, H.
Biddle, Edward
Warner, James R.WARWICK
Is 4 miles from Middletown De., on the Delaware Division of the P. W. & B. R. R. R., and 1 1/2 from Bohemia river, which furnishes a liberal quantity of water. Climate mild. Village healthy. Business fair. The land is exceptionally good, nearly all cleared. Can be purchased at from $50 to $100 per acre, and yields 18 bus wheat, 40 to 50 oats, 60 to 70 potatoes, 40 to 60 corn, and 3 tons hay. Very little tobacco raised. Crops rarely ever fail; fruit in abundance. Peaches unsurpassed in quality or quantity, some farms having on them as high as eight thousand trees. Corn, wheat and peaches are the staple products. Plenty of land for sale. Some emigrants have purchased land adjoining this town at $45 and $50 per acre. One church, Rev. R. L. Rowe, and a public school, Miss Ella Simpkins, principal. Population 400. R. B. Merritt, Postmaster.
Dorsey, Patrick
Budd, Wm
Marsh, E B
Wallace, J
Wilson, Amos
Jamison, J H
Morton, F. D.
General Merchandise.
Hayes, J S
Merritt R B
Stapp, Joseph
Gillispie, Samuel
Elliot, James
Drake & Bro
Murphy, Thomas
Wright, B W
Wright, J J
Standert, H L
Is 3 miles from Port Deposit, on the Columbia and Port Deposit R. R. and near the Susquehanna river. Climate mild. Village healthy. Business medium and crops good. The land is of a gray stone formation, mostly can be bought at from $40 to $100 per acre; produces 20 bus 100 potatoes, 50 to 75 corn and 2 to 3 tons hay. Hopewell M. E. Church, Rev. W. J. O’Neil; Chapel School, Miss Belle Jackson, principal. Population 200. C. S. Abrahams, Postmaster.
Linton, F. A.
Barnes, James
Barnes, Joseph
Thomas, Jasper
Country Produce.
Poster, John
General Merchandise.
Abrahams, C S
Boyd, F J
Jenness, David
Phillips, Ezra
Jackson, WesleyZION
Is 6 miles from North East, on the P. W. & B. R. R. Climate mild; place healthy; business medium. Crops and land good; the land is all cleared; specially adapted to the growth of hay, large crops of which are raised. The land is valued at from $60 to $70 per acre, and produces 20 bus wheat, 40 oats, 150 potatoes and 80 corn. M. E. Church, Rev. J. H. Johns. Population 150. J. M. C. Carhart, Postmaster.
Rittenhouse, D M
Watson, H
General Merchandise
Carhart & Co
Chandlee, J. B.
Justice of the Peace
Wherry, David
Mathews, W. R.
Gifford, C. L.
Astle, John
Gifford, John W
Harris, Samuel
Janney, J Taylor
Janney, Jesse
Janney, Thomas
Laird, Benjamin
Lews, Capt. E. S.
Murray, John C.
Reed, Joseph T.
Rose, Timothy V.
Simcoe, Geo.
Trimble, Robert
Warburton, Wm. T.
Biddle, G.
Biggs, Joseph
Crookshank, T C
Davis, JW
Eldridge, H F
Etherington,W G
Freeman, W B
Jones, E. S.
Jones, T. P.
Knight, Wm.
Lofland, S. B.
Price, J. C.
Price, T.
Price, T. T.
Simons, Richard
Ward, Thomas
Abrams, James
Black, J N
Barnes, Geo W
Cooper, John T
Cooper, Wm Chas
Graham, Chas C
Grant, John
Heveral, Wm H
Jackson, John
Lewis, Geo W
Owens, Wm F
Tucker, David
Watson, Jeremiah
Cherry Hill
Able, Samuel
Allen, W W
Arbuckle, Daniel
Arbuckle, Philip
Beers, Geo
Beers, John
Beers, Thomas
Blackson, Aaron
Blackson, Richard
Bonner, John
Boulden, John
Brewster, John W
Brown, John
Burnes, E
Burnes, Wm
Burnett, Joseph T
Campbell, John
Cantwell, Joseph T
Carter, J D
Carter, Dr B C
Chapman, J B
Chapman, W H
Devun, David
Dick, Wm
Drummond, Alex
Drummond, Amos
Dwyre, Denis
Egnor, Joh’n
Flounders, Nathaniel
Foard, James L Sr
Foard, James L
France, Rev John
Furguson, Samuel
Gallaher, Robert
Gilbert, Geo M
Gilbert, Peter D
Grant, C S
Grant, J O
Grant, John F
Grant, S B
Grant, Samuel B
Grant, Wm C
Grant, Wm J
Grayson, David
Green, Francis
Green, Joshua
Green, Philip
Green, Thomas
Hamond, Levi
Harlan, Geo F.
Harlan, John
Heren, John
Hess, Wm
Hushebeck, Saml
Johnson, John
Jorden, Joseph
Kelley, Chas
Kelley, James T.
Lazalare, E. F.
Leach, Amos
Long, Thomas
Mahan, Wm.
Mahoney, Alfred
McCauley, J.
McCormick, Patrick
McCrery, James
McCrery, John
McCullough, Jas. H.
McDannell, John
McFaddin, H. H.
McKnight, Frank
McLane, Allen
McNeal, Geo. W.
Miller, John W.
Miller, Saml B.
Miller, S. Kenard
Moore, D. S.
Moore, J. T.
Moore, Wm. V.
Morgan, James
Mullen, James
Nandaine, Jas. N.
Nandaine, M. M.
Otley, Edward
Otley, Wm.
Peterson, Thomas
Pierson, Henry
Pierson, Jacob
Pluck, Stephen
Pryce, W. N.
Quigley, E. S.
Ramsey, John
Rickard, Philip
Rosine, J. K.
Ross, Joseph
Ross, Robert
Ross, T.
Saxton, A. L.
Scarborough, Harry
Scarborough, Thos.
Scarborough, Wm. K.
Scott, Howard
Scott, W.
Scotten, Ambrose
Simpers, Henry
Simpers, John G.
Smith, Harry
Smith, James
Smith, Thomas
Smith, Wm.
Spence, James
Spratt, Wm. H.
Strickland, J. S.
Sutton, Lloyd
Taylor, Jesse
Tyson, Wm.
Valentine, Gibson
Work, D. C.
Chesapeake City
Barwick, Wm J
Beaston, Andrew
Bennett, Mrs. A. E. R.
Biddle, Armina
Biddle, Cecil
Biddle, Edward H.
Biddle, Lorenzo
Biddle, Noble
Bouchelle, Augustus W.
Bouchelle, John W.
Boulden, Alonzo
Boulden, Henry
Boulden, Lambert D.
Bowen, E. P.
Brady, Henry H.
Burgett, Harvey
Cayott, Jacques
Cenry, Thomas
Clayton, Wesley
Clean, Thomas J.
Craig, Joshua
Dickinson, Saml
Dittmore, Geo.
Egee, Rudolph
Fears, Wm.
Foulks, Orson D.
Freeman, Wm. R.
Hanson, Benj. P.
Harrutt, John W.
Hazell, Wm. A.
Hopper, Thomas B.
Howard, Wm. P.
Iler, Talbot S.
Kirk, Geo. L.
Knorr, J. Hanson
Lake, Reuben
Manning, Reeder
McCoy, James P.
McCoy, Nathan
Meekins, Nathaniel
Reese, Thomas A
Rhoades, Chiarles
Rhoades, Wm H
Spear, James
Stephenson, Nicholas
Thompson, H ugh
Wallace, Dr JY
Walters, Charles
Walters, James
Williams, Wm B
Balderson, George
Balderson, John P
Balderson, Joseph
Balderson, Lloyd
Balderson, W m H
Brady, Peter
Brown, Tobias
Coulson, Wm P
Ewing, Ambrose
Ewing, John
Hindman, B A
Hindman, R N
Ivins, George
Jenness, S. J.
Magraw, A. R.
Michener, A J
Moore, Amos
Moore, Geo W
Moore, Wm M
Nesbitt, J A
Nesbitt, R H
Nesbitt. M T
Nichols, James
Nickle, J S
Preston, H A
Richards, Stephen
Reman, J A
Saum, Emanuel
Seebolt, John
Tosh, John
Tosh, James
Waring, D G
Waring, William
Way, Thomas
Weldon, W T
Wiley, Andey
Adams, John T
Alexander, Reuben
Bell, James C
Bentz, David
Berry, John
Butler, Samuel
Cummings, Samuel
French, Jesae T
Fulton, Thomas
Gillespie, Samuel
Kirk, Thomas
Roman, Dr S T
Clark, Chas
Chanlee, I!: G
Deshane, A
Deshane, W H
Emerson, Wm H Sr
Emerson, Wm H
Ford, Jas
Ford,S H
Heverlow. Jesse
Knight, Wm
Merredith, John
Price, B B
Price, J C
Richardson, A C
Rowen, John
Rowen, Henry
Rothwell, S T
Veach, Joseph
Ward, Thomas
Ward, Wm
Elk Neck
Bryson, Thomas
Clark, Nicholas
Coe, Amos B
Collings, Amos
Collings, J. Z
Collings, Samuel
Creswell, Charles
Crouch, Thos C
Deacon, W H
Gainor, Thos B
George, Anthony
Groves, Philip
Groves, Richard
Hart, Robert
Herrington, George
Herrington, Mathew
Laws, Alexander
McCullough, Robert
McNamee. I C
Purrier, J W
Stackhonse, W K
Ulery, William
Veolker, Nicholas
White, A
Wilson, Wm J
Akin, Delbert
Alexander, John B
Biddle, H F
Booth, Joseph
Boulden, Geo W
Boulden, Wm T
Buchanan, Lewis
Cantwell, Howard
Collins, B C
Collins, Jacob
Denver, Wm
Dunbar, Morris
Fowler, Wm P
Gallaher, John T
Griffith, Anson
Grosh, Warren H
Harvey, Daniel
Hitchens, Meyers
Jackson, Joshua
Kegan, John
Lambert, James
Larsalare, Nicholas
Lee, John T
Lee, Wm T
Lincoln, Thomas B
Manly, N P
Marcus, Hyland L
McEl wee, D
ifeNamee, Chas
McNeal. Amos B
Miller, Samuel H
Mitchell, H H
Mullen, Dennis
Penington, Frank
Poole, Townsend
Ricketts, Geo
Rudolph, Tobias
Scud der, Jonathan if
Smith, Wm B
Veach, Wm
Warner, Henry
Warrington, John
Fair Hill
Anderson, Chas
Anderson, Robert
Armstrong, W & W
Borland, A A
Butler, John T
Cannan, Wm
DeWitt, John T
Gallaher, F M
Gatchell, Samuel
Green, Joshua
Holland, D C
Holland, Wm
James, T C
Kimble, I H
Mackie, I A
Mahan, Wm R
McCleary, John
McMaster, David
Moore, David
Morrison, John
Ott, John
Peterson, Geo
Peterson, Tobias
Steele, James L
Strahorn, J S
Warren, Theodore
Brickley, J
Brickley, Wm S
Cameron, John
Cameron, Wm
Conden, G W
Gibson, A C
Gibson, Wm F
Kirk, Alfred
Lincoln, A S
Rittenhouse, Jeremiah
Riall, J T
Sebold, I W
Slicer, J T
Slicer, Samuel
Liberty Grove
Craig, David
Graham, James
Hall, Samuel
Hendeman, J H
Hopkins, Thomas C
Jack, Wm
Nesbitt, Moses
Peepless, Wm
Russell, K S
Russell, E T
Woodrow, S F
Woodrow, W T
Mechanic Valley
Atkinson, S M
Harris, Elisha
Holt, John T
Maffitt, J S & Co
McVey, R C
Miller, J B
Pierson, P P
Potts, Lambert
Rose, T V
Simpers, J W
Simpers, W W
Tyson, J. W.
Warrington, John
North East
Barber, J.
Benjamin, Joseph
Benjamin, Thomas
Bryson, Thomas
Cameron, A.
Camerson, Robert
Clark, Wm. J.
Collins, J. Z.
Cox, Amos
Ford, Geo. W.
Ford, John
Ford, Dr. S. E.
Hyland, A. E.
Johnson, J.
Johnson, Samuel
McCullough, Robert
McDaniel, D.
McNamee, John
Mears, W. R.
Mearns, Stephen S.
Meny, Geo.
Meny, W.
Moffett, S. D.
Pryor, W. A.
Pryor, W. H.
Purner, J.
Roach, John F.
Rutter, John A.
Scatter, Wm.
Simpers, John W.
Simpers, Johnson
Stout, Joseph
Sweet, B. B.
Whitaker, F. A.
Wilson, Wm. J.
Wingate, C. L.
Wooley, Geo.
Bentz, David
Boyle, John
Dorsey, William
Gillespie, W. R.
McVey, Wm.
Smith, John
Aikin, H. C.
Chamberlain, Mrs. Geo.
Chamberlain, H.
Chamberlain, S. L.
Coudon, H S
Coudon, Joseph
Craig, Wm
Evans, H S
Gillispie, James
Jackson, Robert
Jones, F W
Lamdin, Wm J
Mauldin, John
McMullin, John B
McMullin, Lewis J
McMullin, Wm
Reynolds, Joel
Stump, John
Taylor, Geo W
Ward, Jas & Wm
Wilson, Wm
Port Deposit
Abrahams, J J
Adams, Wm
Alexander, John J
Armstrong, Wm
Braven, John W
Bromwell, Dr H B
Brown, Elisba
Burlin, James G
Carson, S R
Coulson, Jesse R
Evans, Mrs Anna
Evans, Dr John
Everist, Frank S
Everist, John
Gay, J Maxwell
Gay, Samuel
Golibut, Joseph
Haines, James
Jack, Wm.
Lyon, Andrew
Mackey, James
Marx, Worick
McCay, Henry B
McCay, James
McCay, James G
McMullin, Thomas
Murphy, Mrs R E
Noyes, Enoch
Patten, John P
Patten, Thomas H
Patten, WmT
Physick, Henry L
Ramsay, Jefferson
Rawlings, F M
Reynolds, J W
Rowland, James H
Smithson, Henry
Stebbings, Joseph
Stull, Hugh
Thomas, John
Winchester, Geo T
Winchester, John
PrincipioCameron, D P
Cameron, James
Cather, Walter
Gifford, Benj
Gifford, Geo W
Gillespie, Geo
Gillespie, T B
Gillespie, T J
Gillespie, W B
Jackson, E J
Keilholtz, C
Keithly, John
Maxwell, I H
McCall, J
McCall, J A
Taylor, John
Principio Furnace
Black, W W
Craig, B
Craig, Wm
Evans, Dr W J
Gillespie, Alex
Gorrell, Geo
Harris, Joseph
Hynes, John T
Jackson Alex
Little, James
Lynch, Wm
Owens, Wm F
Ruesell, John
Rutter, Richsrd
Sentman, E G
Sentman, E S
Shaw, John & James
Sheridan, Mrs
Whitaker, E S
Whitaker, G P
Wilson, Wm T
Rising Sun
Addison, James S
Albertson, Chas W
Briscoe, A H
Briscoe, H J
Brumfield, A
Caidwell, John W
Cameron, John & Geo.
Coulson, James A
Egan, Miss A G
Evans, Henry M.
Evans, Jas. H. Of John
Evans, Hon. James M.
Evans, John P.
Evans, Wm. James
Haines, Basil
Haines, Edwin
Haines, Geo. W.
Haines, Jefferson
Haines, Job
Hammersmith, John
Headley, James D.
Hunt, M. J.
Jackson, Mrs.
Keilholtz, N. C.
Keilholtz, John
Kester, Elijah
Kirk, A. C.
Krauss, Thomas M.
Langdon, Hampton
Lincoln, James H.
McCullough, Geo.
Moore, Gibbons
Moore, Wm.
Phillips, David,
Pierce, A.
Pyle, C. C.
Reynolds, B. C.
Reynolds, Barclay
Reynolds, E. H.
Reynolds, Frank
Reynolds, Isaac
Reynolds, Henry
Reynolds, Jonathan
Reynolds, S. J., Sr.
Reynolds, S. J.
Reynolds, Wm. R.
Rial, J. T.
Richards, Granville
Ricahrds, Isaac
Richards, Wm.
Richardson, James
Richardson, Stephen
Robinson, Dr. E.
Shepherd, H. J.
Stephens, J. L.
Tosh, Samuel
Wiley, W. W.
Wilson, Thomas J.
Rock Springs
Ayers, Wilmer
Boyle, Patrick
Garwine, B.
Hill, H. R.
Hill, W.
Lowe, Silas
McCullough, S. B.
Pierce, Wm.
Riley, Chas.
Riley, Henry
Alexander, John
Coale, David
Gerry, Samuel
St. Augustine
Baker, Robert
Bouchelle, J. W.
Egee, James
Ellison, Clayton
Griffith, I. G.
McCoy, Nathan
Peach, John
Roberts, James K.
Williams, J. J.
Wilson, John P.
Craddock, Mollie
Dickson, Thomas
Flintham, Wm.
Ganding, Dr.
Gillispie, Samuel
Ginn, James
Green, Benj.
Hanser, Richard
Lockwood, Geo. W.
Lockwood, J. J.
Lockwood, Wm. K.
Lupton, Thomas
Lusby, Wm.
McCrone, Mrs. M.
Merritt, J. L.
Morton, F. D.
Price, Wm.
Wilson, Wm.
Abrahams, J. Wesley
Bowman, David
Brown, Edmund T.
Burlin, David W.
Clendenin, James T.
Hasson, Samuel
Kelly, Edward
Marshall, Theodore
McCullough, Nathan
McMullin, Wm.
Rawlings, R. K.
Rea, David
Shannon, John
Thompson, A. G.
Toulson, James
Warner, J. C.
Cameron, A. J. H.
Cameron, H. M.
Cameron, Wm.
Crothers, J. C.
England, J. H.
England, J. S.
England, Job
England, S. J.
Fox, H.
Gale, Wm.
Gifford, G. W.
Gifford, Samuel
Howard, R. T.
Martincal, H.
Mathews, Chas.
Mearns, A. F.
Mearns, S. J.
Mearns, W. L.
Oldham, G. W.
Reeder, C. V.
Reeder, W. H.
Reynolds, G. T.
Smith, R. R. -
CHARLES COUNTY, containing an area of 499 square miles, and occupying the southwestern part of the State, is bounded on the west and south by the Potomac River, which here makes a large curve in its course. Prince George’s County binds it on the north, and St. Mary’s on the southeast. The county is entirely devoted to agriculture, the principal crops being tobacco, corn and wheat. Tobacco is the staple production, of which large crops are raised. Fruits, berries and vegetables are also produced to a limited extent, although the soil and climate are well suited to their growth. Fine fish and oysters abound plentifully on the shores of the numerous creeks; also game and wild fowl in season. The surface of the county is generally low and sandy, but sufficiently rolling to be well drained by the many streams flowing into the bordering rivers. The soil is easily improved and well adapted to the growth of all kinds of crops, with fruits, vegetables, hay and stock raising. Climate is mild and healthy, temperate in winter and pleasant in summer. The county offers unusual inducements to emigrants in its favorable climate, cheap lands, nearness to navigable waters, good soil, easy of access to markets, churches, schools, &C The construction of the Pope’s Creek Branch of the B. & P. H. H. affords quick and convenient communication for a large portion of the county with the markets of Baltimore and Washington; and the waters of the Patuxent, Potomac and Wicomico Rivers also furnish cheap means of transportation for the products of the county. Many farms border on these waters, and the planters use their own landings or wharves. The county has a splendid outlet on the Patuxent at Benedict. The river front is here from three to four miles, and is available at all seasons. The county needs emigration to till the soil and to start mills, factories and shops. There are splendid openings in several good localities for mills and mechanics. Many farmers are compelled to go long distances for these facilities. We unhesitatingly recommend all seeking good homes to visit this county before locating.
Judges Seventh Judicial Circuit-Hon. George Brent, Chief Judge, Port Tobacco; Hon. Robert Ford, Leonardtown, and Hon. D. H. Magruder, PrinceFrederick, Associate Judges. Commissioners in Equity-John W. Mitchell and Josias Hawkins. Commossioners to take Testimony-N. Stonestreet and Samuel Cox, Jr. Auditor-Vivian Brent. Baiaffs–J. D. Covell, J. H. Jenkins and Samuel Maddox, Mess’enger-J. B. Mattingly. Clerk to Court B. G. Stonestreet, Port Tobacco. Deputy-Sellman Stonestreet. Crier-Joseph H. Mattingly. Sheriff -George I. Chappelear. Deputy-George A. Wade. State’s Attorney-Eugene Digges, Port Tobacco. Warden of Jail. Geo. A. Wade. Physician to Jait-Rohert Digges. Judges of Orphans’ Court -Geo. P. Jenkins, Chief Judge; James M. Harvey and W. B. W. Rowe. Register of Wills-Marcellus Thompson, Port Tobacco. Surveyor-James L. Brawner, Port Tobacco. County Comsnissioners-P. A. L. Conies, A. Marbury, S. Mudd, and Levi Ricks. Attorney-N. Stonestreet. Clerk-Chas. B. Hannon. School Commissioners-Samuel Cox, Dr. Thomas C. Price and Dr. A. M. Brooke. Examiner–Geo. M. Lloyd. Trustees of the Poor– John Hamilton, Geo. P. Jenkins, Samuel Hanson and N. Stonestreet., Overseer–Thomas M. Welch. Regusters of Voters–J. T. Lacy, R. E. Rison. T. A. Smith, S. G. Lancaster, W. Page, J. H. Hancock, S. W. H. McPherson, J. A. Mudd and H. Roby. Constal’e&-G. A. Wade, R. Davis, A. J. Graves, J. J. Kendrick, R. B. Herbert, F. MaWilliams, W. T. Hicks, S. M. Southerland, S. Smoot and J. H.. Chappelear. Tax Collectors-D. J. Bragonier, G. B. Lancaster, T.O. Medley and F. D. Mudd. Justices of the Peace-Wm. Boswell, H. H. Bowie, F. A. Hanson, W. W. Dunnington, T. H. Bowie, Wm. Dunnington, H. L. Smoot, J. T. Colton, J. H. M. Dutlon, T. C. Wilkison, Wm. McDaniel, T. R. Halley, Thomas Carrico, B. F. Bowling, T. Rohy, T. J. Jamison, T. Murray and H. D. R. Bean. Congresman, Fifth District – Hon. E. J. Henkle. State Senator-Hon. F. M. Lancaster. Members House of Delegates -Hon. W. D. C. Mitchell and Samuel Cox, Jr. Terms of Circuit Court, which are held in the Court House at Port Tobacco, the county seat: Law Terms-3rd Mondays in May and November. Chancery Terms-3rd Mondays in February and July. Poputation of County-White, 6,739; colored, 9,412. Registered Vote 3,400. Assessed Value of Personal, Real, Stocks and Railroad property- $3,522,432. State and County Tax 127 1/4 cents on the $100.
Is 4 miles from Cox’s Station on the Pope’s Creek branch of the B. & P.R. R. The situation is in a healthy locality, near Zekiah Swamp Creek, a tributary ot the Wicomico River. The land surrounding is one-half cleared and quite fertile; sells at from $5 to $15 per acre. Produces 8 to 10 bus. wheat, 12 to 15 oats, 25 to 40 corn, and 1,200 lbs. tobacco. Not much hay grown or many potatoes raised. Population 35. H. Payne, Postmaster.
Hayden, L M
Irwin, John C
General Merchandise
Colton, John T
Norris, J E.
Payne, Alice A
Payne, R.
Oliver, Robert
Posey, W. A.
Dent, S. W.
Reeder, John H.BEANTOWN
Is on the Pope’s Creek branch of the B. & P.R. H., 57 miles from Baltimore. The situation is healthy; business and land medium; land well watered; partly cleared; can be bought at from $5 to $70 per acre. Yields generally good crops of tobacco, wheat, corn, oats and hay. Population 30. P. A.Sasscer, Postmaster.
Trotten, W H
General Merchandies
Sasscer & Gibbons
Bealle, A. F.
Is 5 miles from Beantown on the Pope’s Creek branch of the B. & P.R. R, and 12 from Benedict on the Patuxent River. The location is quite healthy, and the land surrounding devoted to farming, soil of which is a mixture of sand and loam, easily improved; can be bought at from $5 to $50 per acre. Produces 8 to 20 bus. wheat, 40 oats, 100 potatoes, 25 corn, 1,000 lbs. tobacco and 1 to 2 tons hay. St Mary’s Catholic Church, Rev. Father Voltz; two Public Schools, one for colored, and a convenient Town Hall. Bryantown Grange 47, P. of H., Dr. S. A. Mudd, Master; Dr. W. L Boarman, Sec, Population 120. T. I. Boarman, Postmaster.
Langley, Charles C
Trotter, Peter
Carriages and Wagons.
Langley, Charles C
Gray, C M
General Merchandise.
Boarman, Thos I
Turner Bros
Murray, Thos H
Turner, Jno A
Justices of the Peace.
Jamison, Thos I
Robey, Townley
Haviland, Philip
Mudd & Edelen
Peach Growers
Robey, Rufus
Boarman, W. I.
Hawkins, P. W.
Mudd, G. D.
Mudd, S. A.
Shaw, John
. Bond, C. M.
Bond, Peter
Swaun, Edward HCOX’S STATION
Is on the Pope’s Creek branch of the B. & P. R. R., 70 miles from Baltimore. Climate healthy; business fair; crops generally good; land is medium, easily improved, mostly cleared, but plenty of timber for all purposes yet standing. Land can be bought at from $5 to $15 per acre. Produces 15 to 80 bus. wheat, 15 to 40 oats, 25 to 50 corn, and 500 to 1,200 lbs. tobacco; potatoes and hay not raised as a crop, but the land is well adapted to the growth of each. Churches near; Public School, Miss Lizzie Semmes, teacher. Population 25. Samuel Cox, Postmaster.
Attorneys at Law
Cox, Samuel Jr
Matthews, J F
Hayden, C F
Taylor, Joseph
General Merchandise.
Tennison, B Z
Schmidt, John
Ammon, Col J S
Milton, Chas H.
Is 20 miles from Cox’s Station on Pope’s Creek branch B. & P.R R, 90 from Baltimore by rail, and adjacent to the Potomac River, a fine body of water. Climate medium and healthy; business fair; crops good. The land is one-half cleared, and varies in price from $5 to $40 per acre; produces 15 to 80 bus. wheat, 20 to 40 oats, 80 to 120 potatoes, 30 to 75 corn, 800 to 1,000 lbs. tobacco, and 3/4 to 1 1/2 tons hay. One church, Rev. Saml. Saunders. Population 50. Thomas Skinner, Postmaster.
Thomas, Sampson
General Merchandise.
Skinner, Thos
Miller, John W
Is 12 miles from Port Tobacco, and pleasantly situated on the east bank of the Potomac River, which is at this point considerably elevated. It has daily communication by steamer to Washington, and excursionists from that city find it a quiet retreat during the summer months. Land is medium, mostly cleared, near the river hilly; can be bought at from $10 to $30 per acre. Produces 20 bus. wheat, 30 oats, 35 potatoes, 30 corn, 1,000 lbs. tobacco and 1 ton hay. Population 75. James A. Cooke, Postmaster.
Mason, Edgar
Marbury, Addison
Garner, R A
Scroggins, J W
General Merchandise.
Cooke, James A
Smith, S. F.
Walter, George
Chapman, N.
Is 15 miles from Cox’s Station on Pope’s Creek branch of the B. & P.R.R. The Potomac and Wicomico Rivers, which are near, afford excellent shipping facilities, many farmers using their own landings. Climate, health and business medium. The land is variable, mostly cleared; can be purchased at from $5 to $100 per acre. Yields 8 to 30 bus. wheat, 15 to 40 oats, 25 to 50 corn, and 1,500 lbs. tobacco. Emigrants will here find cheap land, well adapted to the growth of all kinds of crops, and especially hay and stock raising. There is plenty of good timber standing, and here is a good location for a saw and grist mill. M. E. Church, no regular pastor; Episcopal, Rev. .J. M. Todd; Roman Catholic, Rev. Father B. F. Wiget. Public School, S. B. G. Harris, J. S. Higdon and Miss Taylor, teachers. Population 85. J. H. Perry, Postmaster.
Steward, John
Tignor, Wm
General Merchandise
Dutton, E C
Perry, J R
Smith, Saml.
Walker, A. J.
Dill, P.
Lancaster, F M
Is 10 miles from Beantown on the Pope’s Creek branch of the B. & P.R. R, and near Benedict on the Patuxent River, the shipping point. Climate, business and crops good. Land is mostly cleared, and can be bought at from $10 to $40 per acre, according to location and improvements. Produces 8 to 25 bus. wheat, 40 to 60 corn, and 1,000 to 1,200 lbs. tobacco. Churches and schools near. Hughesville Grange 83, P. of H., Dr. Thos. A. Carrico, Master; Rufus Robey, Sec. Population 50. J. W. Chappelear, Postmaster.
Chappelear, J H
General Merchandise.
Bean, E D R.
Edwards, J R
Lawrence, A F & Co
Chappelear, Geo I.
Carrico, Thos A.
Is on Pope’s Creek branch B. & P. R R., 65 miles from Baltimore. Place healthy; business and crops good; the land is fertile, principally cleared, and commands from $5 to $20 per acre. Produces 10 to 25 bus. wheat, 20 oats, 60 to 100 potatoes, 20 to 50 corn, 1,200 to 1,500 lbs tobacco. The timber yet standing is composed of oak. M.E. Church, Rev. W. R McNeer. Public School, Mrs. Jane Huntt and J. F. Pennington, teachers. Population 35. R. F. Chapman, Postmaster.
Attorneys at Law.
Chapman, Gen A G
Hawkins, Josias
Stone, Hon F
Stonestrect, N.
Padgett, C B & Bro.
General Merchandise.
Farrall, T R
Robertson & Roberts
Hoffman, John
Young, R J.
Edelen, E V
Sanders, Wm N.
R. R. Boss.
Is 15 miles from La Plata on the Pope’s Creek branch of the B. & P. R. R. Mattawoman Creek, from which it derives its name, and on which it is located, affords shipping facilities for market and other purposes. Village healthy; not much business done; crops and land good. The land is mostly cleared, can be purchased at $10 per acre, and produces 8 to 10 bus. wheat, 10 oats, 10 to 20 potatoes, 20 to 40 corn, and 600 to 1,000 lbs. tobacco. W. C. Tippett, teacher. Population 10. E. L. Huntt, Postmaster.
Gates, A. N.
Huntt, T. J.
Saw Mill.
Huntt, T J.
Is 7 miles from Cox’s Station on Pope’s Creek branch B. & P.R. R. 77 from Baltimore, and near the Potomac River. Climate mild and variable; business and crops good; the land is one-half cleared; it is light and of a clay and gravelly formation; sells from $8 to $20 per acre. Produces 6 to 25 bus. wheat, 15 to 40 oats, 160 to 200 potatoes, 10 to 30 corn, 500 to 1,200 lbs. tobacco, and 1 ton hay. The timber now standing comprises oak, pine, chestnut, poplar, &c. There is a fine opening and several good locations for a mill and a blacksmith. Baptist Church, no regular pastor; P. E., Rev. John M. Todd; Roman Catholic, no regular pastor. Four Public Schools, two colored. Population 75. Samuel Smith, Postmaster.
Tignor, Mark
General Merchandise.
Simpson, Geo & Bro
Smith, Saml. & Co
Walker, A J
Dill, Peter
Price, Francis
Reeder, JohnNEWPORT
Is 8 miles from Cox’s Station on Pope’s Creek branch of B. & P.R. R. The nearest stream is Gilbert Swamp, a tributary of Wicomico River. Climate mild and healthy; business and crops fair. The lands are one-half cleared, cheap and good; they vary in price from $10 to $20 per acre. Yield 10 to 20 bus. wheat, 20 to 30 oats, 30 to ‘0 corn, and 1,000 to 2.000 lbs. tobacco. P. E. Church, Rev. Mr. Jackson; Roman Catholie (St. Mary’s), Rev. Father B. F. Wiget. Four Public Schools, one colored; J. Richard Cox, J. W. Posey, Miss Annie Turner aind J. T. Hilton, teachers. Wicomico Grange 69, P. of H., H. H. Bean, Master; B. H. Mattingly, Sec. Population 60. R S. Corry, Postmaster.
General Merchandise.
Boswell, J F
Corry, R. S.
Latimer, T T
Shannon, Geo B
Adams, Mrs Adeline
Higdon, J T
Shannon, Geo B
Brooke, A M
Dent, S W
Saw Mill.
Shannon, Geo B
Is 10 miles from La Plata on Pope’s Creek branch B. & P. R. R. Potomac River, which flows in the vicinity, furnishes an abundance of water. Climate mild and healthy; business and crops good; not much cleared land. Soil is of clay; the land is worth $10 per acre, and produces 10 to 20 bus. oats, 50 to 75 potatoes, 40 to 50 corn, and 1 to 3 tons hay. Plenty of good timber yet standing. Pisgah Church, Rev. W. H. McNeer; Smith’s Chapel, Rev SamI. Aquilla. Two Public Schools, James A. Franklin and Mrs. Helen Ondle, teachers. Population 100. J. C. Compton, Postmaster.
Blacksmiths Anderson, John
Young, Robert
Allen, H M
Padgett, Richard
General Merchandise
Carpenter, Miss M
Greenebaum, M
Carpenter, E
Grinder, B M
Compton, J. C.
Compton, R. K.
Is 9 miles from White Plains on Pope’s Creek branch B. & P.R. R., and near the Potomac River. Village healthy, crops good, land medium, and varies in value from $3 to $20 per acre. Yields 11 to 24 bus. wheat, 15 corn, 8 oats, and 900 lbs. tobacco. M. E. Church South, M. E. (colored), P. E., and Roman Catholic. Six Public Schools, two colored. Agricola Grange 95, P. of H., Thos. R. Halley, Master; W. E. W. Rowe, Sec. Population 50. J. W. Waring, Postmaster.
Rowe, W E W
General Merchandise.
Gross, B
Spaids, L
Waring, J W
Tubman, B D
Chapman, N
Compton, R K
Pye, Chas H
The county seat, is 2 miles from a station of that name on the Pope’s Creek branch of the B. & P. R R., and 4 miles from Chappell’s Point on the Potomac River. The situation is near the head of Port Tobacco Creek, a small stream that makes up from the river. Port Tobacco contains the usual number of county buildings. A canal has been dug to drain the marshy ground in the vicinity, and if kept properly cleaned would add much to the health of the town. Climate is mild, and the crops are generally good. Land is fertile, mostly cleared, and is capable of improvement; can be bought at from $5 to $50 per acre, according to location and improvements. Produces 12 bus. wheat, 15 oats, 150 potatoes, 30 to 40 corn, 800 to 1,200 lbs. tobacco, and 1 ton hay. The churches and schools are ample for the accommodation of the inhabitants. Crescentia Grange 57, P. of H., M. Chapman, Master; Wm. Boswell, Secretary. Population 200. Miss Kannie Welch, Postmistress.
Attorneys at Law.
Chapman, A G.
Edelen, H H
Hawkins, Josiah
Btone & Mitchell
Stonestreet & Digges
Wade,C. E.
Cobey, A. D.
General Merchandise
Boswell, Wm. & Co.
Lacey, Joseph I.
Padgett, W. W.
Roberts, J. H. & Co.
Centennial, Geo. A Huntt
St Charles, T J Moore
Ammon, Col J S
Ketchicy, William
Millinery and Notions.
Quenzel, Mrs Adelaide
Smoot, Mrs J V
Milton, Chas H
Stoves and Tinware.
Wheeler, B L
Murdock, R L & Son
Watches and Jewelry.
Quenzel, JuliusRIVERSIDE
Is near Tolson’s Wharf on the Potomac River, the shipping point, and 20 miles from Port Tobacco. The situation is healthy; business and crops fair generally. The land is level, mostly cleared, and sells at from $8 to $10 per acre. Produces 7 to 10 bus. wheat, 10 to 20 oats, 4 to 6 corn, and 810 lbs. tobacco. Public School, J. T. Carpenter, teacher. Population 20. F. A. Tolson, Postmaster.
General Merchandise.
Shackelford, Wm M
Tolson & Co
Justice of the Peace.
Dunnington, W W
Is 12 miles from Cox’s Station on Pope’s Creek branch B. & P. R. R., and near Lancaster’s Wharf, the shipping point. Climate healthy; the land is chiefly shell; can be bought at Irom $5 to $50 per acre. Produces 5 to 20 bus. wheat, 15 to 40 oats, 25 to 50 corn, and 1,000 lbs. tobacco. Population 40. E. C. Dutton, Postmaster.
General Merchandise.
Dutton, E C
Is on the Pope’s Creek branch of the B. & P.R. R., 59 miles from Baltimore, and near Glymont on the Potomac River, affording good shipping facilities. Climate mild and healthy, business fair, and crops good. The land is light and gravelly, principally cleared; is worth from $10 to $30 per acre. Yields 20 bus. wheat, 40 oats, 75 potatoes, 25 corn, and 1,000 lbs. tobacco. The timber now rem aining romprises osk, pine, poplar, gum and hickory. P. E. Church (St. Paul’s), Rev. T. H. Adams. Public School, T. T. Hancock, teacher. Population 32. W. Hicks, Postmaster.
Agent-R. R. And Express.
Hicks, W
Commission Merchant.
Stewart, Joseph
General Merchandise.
Hicks, W
Dixon, John
Hoffman, John
Willet, R H
Robey, Mrs S A
Hawkins, Peter W
Saw Mill.
Hoffman, JohnFarmers in Charles County and their Post Office Address
Allen’s Fresh
Barber, John F.
Boarman, John W.
Briscoe, R. B.
Butler, H.
Carlin, J. R.
Carpenter, F. A.
Campbell, W.
Chesley, Charles
Colton, John T.
Crismond, John T.
Dorsey, Charles
Edelen, John J.
Edelen, Lawrence
Hawkins, Warren
Hayden, R. T.
Holton, John
Jamison, Mrs. J. A.
Jamison, Wm. P.
Latimer, Jas. B.
Payne, R.
Posey, Adrian
Posey, C H
Posey, W A
Ross, A.
Stone, Thos D
Taylor, James
Taylor, H
Wood, W B
Young, Thomas
Acton, W J
Adams, W D
Ricks, J L
Langley, J T
Moore, JM
Monroe, L M
Sasscer, P A
Acton, W H
Akin, Wm E
Bowling, Mrs A M
Bowling, B F
Bowling, W F
Boarman, Dr W I
Boarman, R T
Boone, E D
Bnrch, J M
Hurch, M
Burch, William
Burch, W M
Carrico, Dr Thos A
Carrico, Thos
Dent, F L
Dyer, A M
Edelen, B M
Elelen, Dr E V
Franklin, W B
Gardiner, F D
Gardiner, Geo H
Gardiner, L
Gardiner, Thos L
Gibbons, John S
Goldsmith, Geo A
Goldsmith, Hooper
Gray, M C S
Hardy, John T
Haviland, Ebenezer
Haviland, Merritt
Hayiland, M M
Haviland, Philip
Hawkins, Josiah
Hawkins, Dr P W
Horned, Hugh
Jamison, Wm M
Langley, A
Langley, Jno H
Middleton, W J
Miles, N V
Miles, H H
Montgomery, Jas H
Montgomery, Jas H, Jr.
Mudd, Jas A
Mudd, Mrs Jere T
Mudd, H L
Mudd, Dr S A
Mudd, Sylvester
Murphy, A F
Murray, James A
McPherson, Jno W
McPherson, M L
Montgomery, F B
Padgett, J H
Queen, Wm
Reed, Capt S D
Robey, Townley
Smith, Jas H
Smoot, A
Swann, Elizabeth
Turner, J Thomas
Turner, H A
Ward, Jos T
Weatherall, Thomas
Wheatley, William
Cox’s Station
Cox, Samuel
Carpenter, C L
Digges, F N
Furgusson, H C
Howard, J H A J
Jackson, John
Jamison, Dr B A
Maddox, John B
Neale, A W
Nevilt, Oscar
DoncasterBurgess, John
Gliroy, Thomas
Maddox, Thos M
Posey, James
Posey, H B
Posey, H H
Price, Albin
Skinner, Thomas
Brawner, H
Brawner, H Hyland
Chapman, RA
Green, JA
Green, Thos
Hardey, B. W
Johnson, J H
Mason, E F
Maddox, Thos
Miles, S A
Miles, W H
Mitchell, B
Mitchell, H
Mitchell, W D C
Nelson, F M
Spaids, C D
Wills, C H
Harris Lot
Bailey, John H
Contee, PA L
Harris. H H
Hungerford, Mrs N G
Lancaster, C F
Lancaster, S
Lloyd, A T’
Morgan, J H
Posey, Thomas
Willett, J H
Wills, J J
Adams, A
Carrico, A T
Carrico, B H
Carrico, Dr Thos A
Carrico, Thos.
Clements, Leonard
Contee, A. E.
Contee, H. A.
Contee, W. H.
Cross, Wm.
Dudley, J.
Farrell, R.
Gibbons, Warner
Lamon, R.
Moran, A.
Moran, J. P.
Moran, R. J.
Slye, A. B.
Wall, R. P.
La Plata
Albrittain, John W.
Berry, Geo. W.
Berry, Wm. H.
Chapman, John G.
Chapman, Marshall
Garner, John W.
Hamilton, John
Hawkins, J. H.
Hindle, John A.
Matthews, Geo. W.
Mills, N. J.
Mills, R. E.
Monroe, J. T.
Monroe, John E.
Murphy, P. A.
Osbourne, James F.
Padgett, J. V.
Padgett, Thomas A.
Rawlings, A.
Robey, F. A.
Sanders, D. J.
Airt, A G
Baden, Geo
Burch, J M
Dent, B M
Gardiner, G W
Gardiner, M P
Garner, Benj.
Hamilton, H. W.
Huntt, G A
McSherry, B
Moore, G L
Mudd, H B
Mudd, T
Murray, J L
Queen, H P
Rowe, F A
Tippett, W C
Townshend, J F
Townshend, W B
Ward, H A
Williams, L
Barber, Yates
Contee, Philip A L
Cooksey, Summersett
Dutton, John
Freeman, Frank
Hunger ford, John
Hungerford, Mrs N G
Maddox, B
Maddox, Pratt
Marshall, John
Mastin, Miss Elenor
Page, Mrs Mary
Price, Joseph
Price, Richard
Beoder, John
Richmond, Frederick
Shaw, Chas A F
Shaw, Neal
Sheribern, Chat
Sumervill, Mrs Mary
Tennison, John E
Wingate, Franklin
Wingate, John H D
Wood, Thomas
Bailey, A
Boarman, A J
Boarman, F L
Boarman, Joseph S
Bruoke, Mrs A C
Brooke, Dr A M
Budd, J L
Uhing, Thos H
Ching, Thos K
Dent, Dr S W
Gough, Mrs Lucy
Herbert, J T
Higdon, B L
Higdon, J T
Kineman, B H
Lancaster, B J
Lancaster, G B
Lancaster, Mrs L
Lancaster, S G
Latimer. J B
Lloyd, Geo M
Lyon, John B
Mattingly, B H
Sanders, Mrs R
Simpson, J W T
Spalding. Gee
Stone, T D
Thompson, N A
Turner, John R
Ward, Thomas
Bowie, Henry
Bowie, Pliney
Carpenter, A R
Carpenter, Geo M
Carpenter, J B
Carpenter, J M
Delozier, Henry
Delozier, T B
Franklin, Alex
Franklin, Hezekiah
Gray, C
Haislip, Alex
Mustead, Albert
Mustead, Edward
Simmons, Honey
Simmons, Thos P
Simmons, Wm
Williams, Geo F
Brawner, B H
Bryan, R W
Clagett, W H
Cox, S H
Cox, W H
Ducker, D C
Halley, Thos R
Harris, Edwin
Jenkins, J W
Joinq, J L
Martin, C M
McPherson, B W B
Miles, Sidney
Rowe, W E W
Thomas, A W
Tubman, B D
Warren, J S
Waring, J W
Port Tobacco
Boswell, Wm
Carrington, Samuel
Clements, Thos A
Cocking, John
Croft, Thomas
Gibbon, J P
Hamilton, Frank P
Hamilton, J E
Hamilton, Wm
Hancock, J N
Hindle, W T
Howard, Wm M
Jenkins, Geo P
Jenkins, J J
Matthews, Mal Wm B
Mitchell, Hugh
Norris, A J
Owen, H H
Owen, J W
Roby, S
Roby, T Y
Wade, J R
Wade, B
Welch, Benj
Welch, Thos M
Chandler, S T
Dows, E
Hanson, Samuel
Millar, Col T A
Miller, Chas W
Pye, WB
Speake, F R
Tayloe & Callaghan
Wheeler, Thos M
White Plains
Adams, Samuel F
Berry, Wm I
Cox, John H
Davis, John I
Dennut, Oapt W F
Dennut, Wm B
Dixon, John
Gates, D A
Grove’s, James H
Hardey, C C
Hardey, W C
Lucas, Chas F
Lucas, Jas A
Moore, B W
Murray, A R A
Murray, B W
Murray, S L
Robey, Geo B
Robey, Geo W
Robey, Peter W
Robey, H A
Robey, Sami H
Robey, T Yates
Robey, Thomas I
Stewart, Chas
Stewart, Joseph
Stuart, B H
Turner, J Smith
Willett, James B
Willett, H H
Willett, W O -
DORCHESTER COUNTY is one of the Eastern Shore counties, and extends from the Chesapeake Bay to the Delaware State line, and is bounded on the south-east by the Nanticoke River, which separates it from Wicomico County, and on the north by the Choptank River, which is between it and Talbot County, and by Caroline County.
The county contains an area of 770 square miles. The surface is generally level and easily tilled. The upper part is sufficiently undulating to create some water-powers, which are in some cases improved by grist and saw mills. The soil is variable and of the same character with most of this shore of the Bay. It ranges from a stiff clay to a light sand, and in many places a black loam. No better lands are known than those along the banks of the Choptank River. Shell mantle, which is to be found in some localities, affords a good fertilizer. Oak, hickory, pine and walnut are the natural timbers, and are abundant, and largely exported for ship building, cord wood, lumber and other purposes.
A good part of the county is uncultivated, but where well tilled, the land is generally quite productive. The favorable climate, water, and general location of the county is attracting the attention of emigrants and others, and quite an addition to the population has been made in the past five years. Wheat and corn are the staple farm production’s, with large, quantities of fruits, berries, and vegetables. The production of peaches is largely increasing, and becoming very profitable. Shad and herring fisheries are numerous and generally do a fair business, the trade of some localities being almost entirely of this kind, whilst most all sections have plentiful supplies of fresh fish. Oysters are very abundant and of the finest kind, the county taking in some of the upper part of the great oyster beds of Tangier Sound, the most famous oyster field of the State.
Several firms are largely engaged at Cambridge in packing and shipping these oysters, adding much to the trade of that already growing and prosperous town.
The county is almost surrounded by navigable waters, and is intersected by the Transquaking, Chicacomico, Honga and Black Water Rivers, also Church, Fishing, Slaughter’s and other creeks, which give the county facilities for transportation not excelled by any other locality in the State. The construction of the Dorchester & Delaware Railroad, extending from Cambridge to Seaford in Delaware, places a large part or the county within quick and convenient communication at all seasons with Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. The section through which this road runs has and continues to improve. Settlers have been attracted and many farms sold. Dorchester County presents many attractions to emigrants, and large numbers have already settled in several localities. Good water, fertile lands, churches, schools, healthy climate, plenty of fish, oysters and wild fowl, are some of the indncements here offered.
Judges First Judicial Circuit-Hon. James A. Stewart, Chief Judge, Cambridge; Hon. John R. Franklin, Snow Hill, and Hon. Levin T. H. Irving, Princess Anne, Assoctate Judges. Commissioners of Court-Thos. H. Handy, Jr., and Alfred Stewart. Cierk to Court-F. J. Henry, Cambridge. Clerks-C. H. Holiingsworth, T. H. H~ly and F. J. Henry, Jr. Crier-Geo. H. Austin. Sheriff-Pollard S. Collins, H. Ne” Market. Deouties-Jas. A. McAllister and B. Hart. State’s Attorney-Charles E. Hayward, Cambridge. Judges of Orphans’ Court-John H. Keene, Airey’s; Jas. M. Wrightson, E. New Market, and Peter Harrington, Tobacco Stick. Register of Wills-R. W. Lecompte, Cambridge. Surveyor-James M. Robertson, Vienna. County Commissioners-F. B. Clifton, Vienna; Wm. M. Msce and Thos J. Jones, Church Creek. Clerk and County Treasurer- George J. Meekins, Cambridge. AI.torney-D. M. Henry, Jr. School Commissioners-L. D. Travers, Taylor’s Island; Edwin Dashiell, Airey’s, and Dr. R. J. Price, Vienna. Superintendent and Treasurer-Dr. Jas. L. Bryan, Cambridge. Constoiles-John Neville, H. A. Marshall and W. V. Brannock. Justices of the Peace –J. B. Thompson, J. P. Russell, J. T. Vickers, T. P. Mobray, J. K. Bramble, W. J. Abdell, A. R. Anderson, S. B. Neal, H. W. Webb, R. Tall, S. F. Kirwan, H. R. Christopher, C. V. Crockett, S. T. Phillips, S. F. Tyler, H. C. Woodland, I. Tubman, Dr. J. W. Henry, H. T. Winterbottom, J. Carroll,W. M. Robinson, W. Lamdin, W. Bennett, J. Richardson, J. Fooks, H. P. Cannon, J. T. Robinson, C. Johnson, D. O. P. Hlliott, Enoch Lowe, R. B. Mobray, and S. P. Smith. Tax Collectors–W. L. Smoot, J. B. Nesbitt, W. Keene, A. W. Cooper, W. A. Twilley, T. B. Travers, A. D. Jones, and Uriah Hurley. Congressman, First District-Hon. D. M. Henry, Cambridge. State Senator-Hon. Clement Sulivane, Cambridge. Me’niers House of Detegates- Hons. Samuel M. Travers, Dr. J. H. Houston, and JosH. Johnson. Terms of Circuit Court, which are held in the Court House at Cambridge, the county seat: Law Terms-4th Monday in April and 2nd Monday in November. Chancery Terms–4th Mondays in January and July. Population of County-White, 17,000; colored, 5,000. Registered Vote 5,182. Assessed Value of Personal, Real, Stocks, and Railroad Property, $6,066,804. State and County Tax 98 1/4 cts on $100.
Is pleasantly situated on both sides of the D. & D. R. R., 6 miles from Cambridge. The location is in a healthy and thriving section. The village is increasing, and business is double what it has been. The land moderately good, and is composed of yellow and white loam; can be bought at from $15 to $50 per acre; produces unusually good crops. Churches and schools near. Population 200. M. J. Perkins, Postmaster.
Fox, Wm
Vane, J. T.
Windsor, J. T.
General Merchandise
Beckwith, Job W.
Mowbray, L.
Perkins & Marshall
Higgins, Mrs Isabel
Kurtz, J. F.
Phelps, F P
Printing and Stencils
Perkins & MarshallBISHOP’S HEAD
Is situated 36 miles from Cambridge, on a narrow neck of land, between Pishing bay on the east and Honga river on the west. These waters abound in fine oysters, and large quantities are caught by the inhabitants daily during the season, and shipped to market. The climate is temperate and healthy. Land is a clay subsoil, most all cleared; sells for $30 per acre; produces 20 bus. wheat, 50 oats, 150 potatoes and 50 corn; no tobacco or hay raised. Good churches and schools near. Population 100. E. Murphy, Postmaster.
Anderson, Greenbury
Tall, John
Bramble, Risdon
Bramble, Thomas
Wingate, William
General Merchandise.
Fallin, C C
Fooks, B L
Insley, L A & Bro
Insley, Geo C
Jones, Caleb
Parks, J J & P H
Todd, James
Is situated near the Transquaking river, 5 miles from Airey’s, on the D. & D. R. R. Climate uniformly mild and healthy. Land medium; sells at from $8 to $20 per acre; produces 10 to 15 bus. wheat, 12 to 20 oats, 60 to 150 potatoes, 25 corn and 1+ tons hay. Public school, C. A. Lecompte, teacher. Population 20. J. B. Meredith, Postmaster.
General Merchandise.
Holt, H
Meredith, J B
Wall, I B
Willey, E M
Wheatley, WilliamCAMBRIDGE
The county seat, is delightfully situated on Cambridge Creek and on the left hank of the Choptank River, about eighteen miles from its mouth, and has a water front on two sides. The river at this point is two miles wide, and furnishes one of the chief attractions to strangers, who indulge in boating, bathing, fishing and the sports usually sought by pleasure-seekers, while the natives and others find it a source of revenue from the oysters that abound in its bottoms, and the ducks and geese which haunt its creeks and coves.
The town is of great antiquity, as evidenced by the style of architecture in which some of the houses are built, the material in a few instances having been brought from the mother country. They are open, southern, commodious, and surrounded by ample and neatly kept grounds, with lawns and gardens. The grounds of some slope down to the water of Cambridge Creek, where the banks are terraced and protected by low parapet walls.
At the present day no town on the Peninsula is making more rapid growth. Its population has increased fifty per cent, within the last eight years. It is lighted with gas, and mainly supplied with water from pumps, wells and cisterns. Its mechanics all find employment, and numbers from Baltimore and elsewhere have had constant work at remunerative wages. Upwards of three hundred houses have been erected during the past five years. Enterprises of different kinds have sprung up, stimulated no doubt by the excellent facilites of transportation to Philadelphia, distant only 140 miles by railroad, over which daily trains are passing; and to Baltimore, distant about 70 miles, to and from which are daily lines of handsome and commodious steamers.
The oyster trade is considerable, both by canning and shipments in their natural state. Four packing-houses are in active operation, while others at this writing but projected will soon increase the number. The largest and most complete flour mill on the Eastern Shore has just been completed. A marine railway gives employment to many, and does the repairing of boats built and heretofore repaired in the city. Numerous saw-mills are busily engaged in convelting the choice timber of the surrounding neighborhood into good and merchantable lumber.
The people are refined, educated and hospitable. The climate is healthy, and seldom severe; the people look ruddy, and consumption is seldom known.
The land is a clay loam, mostly cleared. Oak, pine, gum and maple comprise the timber standing. Lands range in price from $10 to $100 per acre, according to location and improvements. Produces 10 to 40 bus. wheat, 10 to 70 oats, 100 to 250 potatoes, 20 to 75 corn, 2 to 8 tons hay; tobacco not raised as a crop. Crops and business generally good.
The town is incorporated, the management of its municipal affairs being entrusted to a Board of five Commissioners, whose ordinances and edicts are scrupulously carried out by a faithful bailiff, who constitutes the police force. The only public building of note is the Court House, a handsome edifice of brick, built in 1852, said to be the most convenient in the State. The Jail, located in the rear of the Court House, is an old building, erected in the last century, and not at all in keeping with the other buildings. Efforts, however, are making to supplant it with a new and more modern one.
Previous to the hurricane of September, 1876, a beautiful willow grove ornamented a deep vale on one side of the Court Honse, where excursion parties during the hot months enjoyed the cool shade and the water of a delightful, sheltered spring. But the hurricane desolated the vale and prostrated the noble trees.
The Government, appreciating the importance of this location, has expended considerable money in connection with private capital in digging out the Cambridge Creek and widening the channel, so that at all times the town has a safe harbor and plenty of water. Many people from Delaware and the lower counties of Maryland avail themselves of the steamboats plying between Cambridge and Baltimore for traveling and freight purposes. The facilities for education are: Seminary for Young Ladies, a High School for Boys, and several primary schools for both sexes, white and colored. Population 3,000. Wm. F. Pattison, Postmaster.
CHURCHES AND PASTORS-M. E., Rev.W. L. J. Murray; ME. South, Rev. John H. Pattison; P. E., Rev. Theo. P. Barber, D. D., Rector; Ass’t, Dr. James Bryan; M. E. Colored, (Bethel), Rev. Mr. Green; and M. E. Colored, Rev. Mr. Johnson.
BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES.-K. of P., Cambridge 82; A. F. & A. M., Cambridge 66; I. O.O. F., Dorchester 19; Cambridge Grange 120, P. of H., Edwin Dashiell, Master; A. H. Bayler, Sec.
TOWN OFFICERS: Dr. A. H. Bayley, Prest., W. F. Pattison, Thomas P. Vinton, W. H. H. Todd, and J. B. P. Bradshaw. Treasurer and Attorney–Henry Lloyd. Bailiff -John Neville.
Agent Express.
Pattison, Thos P
Agent -Insurance
Anderson, Thos W
Goldsborough, H T
Agent-Real Estate
Plummer, J C
Agent-R. R.
Wright, Thos E
Bradshaw, Joseph
Jackson, E L
Attorneys at Law.
Barton, W H Jr
Dorsey, Geo E
Goldsborough & Henry
Hayward, C B
Henry & Sulivane
Johnson, J H
Lloyd, Henry
Milbourne, Sewell T
Waddell, James W
Wallace, Col James
Basket Manufacturers.
Clark & Hopkins
Bakers and Confectioners.
Barnctt, E D
Todd, W H H
Bunting, A
Moler, J B
Spence. W T
Truitt, John
Derry, J W
Kerr, C H
Bricklayers and Plasterers.
Davis, J E
Harris & Moore
Sinclair, Syrus
Boots and Shoes.
Merrick, M H
Shepherd, Edward
Carpenters and Cabinetmakers.
Brown & Bro
Hopkins, W H
Willis, H & Son
Coal Dealers.
Hubbard & Bennett
Schieigh, G H
Hainebach, B
Contractors and Builders
Drain & Hutchinson
Constable and Collector.
Marshall, E A
Dawson, T G
Flint & Craig
Thomas, Wm
Dry Goods.
Anderson, Thos W & Co
Dali, T E & Co
Marshall & Howard
Snellenberg, E
Flour and Feed.
Crowell, J W & Co
Fruit Drier.
Cleveland, Edward
Furniture Dealers,
Phillips, J B
Tubman, R C
Fertilizers. Goldsborough & Hood
General Merchandise.
Anderson, T W & Co
Bayly & Bro
Bennett, T C
Creighton, Wm
Clark, W A
Eaton, T C
Hubbard, W A
Jones & Willey
Jordan, W H
Kemp, Lewis
Medford, T H
Phelps, F P
Redditt, G
Straughn, Jas & Bro
Wright & Sherman
Blakslee, B E
Groceries and Provisions.
Bunten, A
Dail, J S
LeCompte, Wm H
Reese, W H
Todd, W H H
Wright, T H
Hood, Jennings
Cambridge, W J Thomas
Central, Capt T J Frazier
Dorchester, R H Muir
Maryland, —– —–
Justices of the Peace.
Henry, J W
Winterbottom, H T
Millinery, Notions & Fancy Goods
Burns, John
Cook & Thomas
Dail, Misses E & B
Goslin, Miss E W
Hooper, Mrs L M & Co
Hopkins, Mrs E W
Jordan, Miss F S
Shepherd, Mrs L C
Straughn, Mrs Belle
Todd Mrs S A
Merchant Millers.
Brown, Geo R & Bro
The Cambridge Manufacturing Co
Oyster Packers.
Johnson & Cleveland
Parks, W H
Phillips, J H
Wallace, Jas & Son
Wright & Sherman
Oyster Saloons.
Collins, J I
Hurley, J G
Squire, Chas
Bayley, A H
Dekrafft, S C
Steele, Thos B
Forbes, H
Saddles and Harness,
Anthony, J H
Parrott, Joseph
Stoves and Tinware.
Anthony, W F
Bothum, L W
Ship Builders.
Davis & Johnson
Littleton, W C
Pennington, S H
Telegraph Operator.
Hooper, E L
Tobacco and Cigars.
Foble, John
Mitchell, W O
Willis, R & Son
Watches and Jewelry
Fletcher, W M
Pattison, W F
Davidson, W
Is 7 miles from Cambridge, and is also the postoffice for Milton, a village 2 miles distant. Church Creek, on which it is situated, is a tributary of the Choptank River, and supplies an abundance of fine oysters and fish in season. Ship building and packing oysters, fruits, &c., are carried on, and furnish considerable business and trade for the inhabitants. Climate healthy. Land good; sells at from $10 to $50 per acre; produces 30 bus. wheat, 45 oats, 125 potatoes and 40 corn; not much hay grown, and no tobacco raised. M. E. Church, Rev. W. W. Green; P. E., Rev. W. M. Green; M. E., colored, Rev. J. Broughton; O.S. Baptist, no regular pastor. D. W. Newberry, Miss L. J. Pattison and Fannie Creighton, primary school teachers. Population 350.Jas. E. Graham, Postmaster.
Dorman, John M
Harris, Alfred
Marine, J
Byus, J W
Coursey, Thomas
Mills, Samuel
Mills, Wm
Richardson, W C
Wells, Thos
Constable and Collector.
Parker, Jonas
Colston, John M
General Merchandise.
Condon, Mrs H
Crawford, Miss L
Fitzhugh, Levin
Fooks, James
Graham & Jefferson
Newberry, D W
Linthicum, J & Son
Parker, Josiah
Willis, Thos A
Woolford, S W & Co
Mason and Bricklayer.
Condon, Henry
Powell & Nettleton
Mace, J W & Co
Carroll, T K
Ship Builders.
Richardson. Edward
Vickers, T T
Byns, Thos J
Jester, Wm
Richardson, LevinCORNERSVILLE
Is 7 miles from Cambridge, and is pleasantly situated, convenient to the Choptank River. It has considerable business; good crops and a healthy climate. The land is a clay subsoil, well cleared; sells for $30 per acre; produces 20 bus. wheat, 80 oats, 100 potatoes, 40 corn and 2 tons hay. St. John’s P. E. Church. Rev. T. P. Barber Beckwith M. E., no resident pastor. Mrs. N. Hicks, Miss T. C. Wheeden and Miss Belle Radcliffe, public school teachers. Popnlation 200. Samuel Corner, Postmaster.
Mills, John
Beckwith, N
Bennett, H C
Hubbard, H P
North, John H
General Merchandise
Aplegarth, T. S.
Beckwith, J. M., Jr.
LeCompte, D. H.
Applegarth, G H
North, J H
Warren, J
Peach Growers.
Spedden, J H
Travers, Thos B
Hicks, G L
Williams, R W
Treago, T J
Is situated on the northwest fork of the Nanticoke River, 7 miles from East New Market on the D. & Del. R. R., and 17 east of Cambridge. Climate moderate; health generally good. Business is good, and consists of that done with vessels and fishing. Several masters of vessels live in the village There are also three saw mills and a basket factory. Land is a light soil, with dark loam in some sections; two-thirds cleared, balance set in pine and oaks; sells at from $10 to $100 per acre, according to location; yields 15 to 30 bus. wheat, 30 oats, 75 to 100 potatoes, 30 to 40 corn. Tobacco not grown extensively, but 600 to 700 lbs. can be raised to the acre. J. L. Trice, F. P. Corkran and Miss A. Hurlock, teachers. Population 350. Geo. E. C. Bell, Postmaster.
Basket Manufacturers.
Allison, Faich & Co
Ellis, William
Goslin, William
Holder, James
Phillips, W R
Spear, Wm F
General Merchandise.
Bell, Geo E C & Bro
Brinsfield, Wm H & Son
Lankford, Z M
Murphy, Isaac C
Murphy, D W
Saw Mills
Allison, Faich & Co
Hackett, Harper & Co
Wilson, Jacob N
Humphreys, Joshua
Vessel Masters
Griffith, John S
Martino, J L
Martino, Wm
Is situated on the Chicacomico River, and 8 miles from Airey’s, on the D. & D. R. R. Vienna, on the Nanticoke River, is the nearest point to navigable water. Climate mild and healthy. Land white clay; sells at from $5 to $10 per acre; produces 10 bus. wheat, 15 to 20 oats, 50 to 100 potatoes, and 15 to 30 corn. M. P. Church, Rev. S. S. Willey. Four schools, two colored. Population, 50. Thomas Bassett, Postmaster.
Molock, George
Carpenters and Wheelwrights
Hurley, Hudson W.
Vincent, William
General Merchandise.
Bassett, Thomas
Layton, WilliamEAST NEW MARKET
Is 14 miles from Cambridge, and is pleasantly situated within one-half mile of the D. & D. R. R. The location is in the midst of a rich farming section. Good water; healthy climate; near to churches and schools. Land is three-fourths cleared; sells at from $5 to $100 per acre, according to location and improvement; yields large crops of wheat, corn, oats, hay and potatoes. Population 200. F. Heberton, Postmaster.
Merrick, M W
Collins, S E
Sherman, B F
Houston, H W
General Merchandise.
Andrew, J W
Andrew, T & Son
Birely, W H
Dean & Helsby
Fletcher, M S
Johnson, W E
Justices of the Peace.
Abdell, W J
Bramble, J K
Mowbray, T P
Fletcher, K B
Smith, Thos K
Millard & Co
Jacobs, J T
Is 3 1/2 miles from Hurlock’s on the D. & D. R. R., and is situated on the main county road running from Vienna to Federalsburg. The northwest branch of the Nanticoke River is within one-half mile, and affords shipping facilities by that means. Climate changeable, but healthy. Land is sandy and clay loam; sells at from $8 to $30 per acre; produces 10 bus. wheat, 15 oats, 20 potatoes, and 10 to 20 corn; no tobacco or hay raised. Population 20. L. N. Corchran, Postmaster.
General Merchandise.
Corebran, John
Is 24 miles from Cambridge, and is a thrifty, growing village, the division line between Caroline and Dorchester counties. The N. W. fork of Nanticoke River and the Dorchester & Delaware Rail Road pass through the village; its position, therefore, as a business point, is most eligible. There are two churches, Methocist Episcopal and Presbyterian; a wide-awake weekly newspaper,Maryland Courier, two handsome public school buildings, several saw-mills, one fiouring mill, located on one of the most extensive water-powers in the State; two temperance hotels, one foundry, and several mechanics’ shops. The streets in the village are wide, most of the dwelling houses are finely shaded, and many of them have handsome flower gardens attached, while none are built in “blocks,” but all have ample grounds for vegetable and fruit gardens. By a special act of the Legislatnre, passed 12 years ago, the sale of all intoxicating liquors was prohibited, and the law has never been violated; consequently the moral standing of the community is of the highest order. Cilmate mild and salubrious. Land sandy loam with clay sub-soil; one-half cleared; oaks, pine, gum and maple are the timber yet standing; land sells atan average of $15 per acre. Yields 10 to 25 bus. wheat, 100 to 150 potatoes, 20 to 50 corn, and 1 to 11/2 tons hay. M. E. Church, Rev. Isaac Jewell; Presbyterian, Rev. E. L. Boing; M. E. colored, Rev. J. E. Webb; two puolic schools, one colored. Nanticoke Lodge 172, A. F. and A. M.; Ivy Grange 52, P. of H. I. S. Warren, Master, H. P. Chambers, Secretary. Population 1000. P. Allen, Postmaster.
Agents-Express & R. R.
Smith, M. L. Agent-Real Estate
Chambers, H P
Agents Insurance
Noble, Dr W D
Attorney at Law.
Logan, W C
Williams, John A
Moore, J W
Moore & Albuger
Williams, C M
Bricklayer and Plasterer
Sparklin, Silas
Carpenter and Builder
White, James P
Carriagemakers & Undertakers
Framptom & Hollis
Davis, J M A
Jenkins, J H
Davis, L H
General Merchandise
Davis, W J
Goslin Bros & Sons
Harris & Bro
Stack & Bro
Charles, James A
Garrett Bros
Payne, Jehu
Hardware, Stoves and Tin
Stayton, W. M.
Williams, B. F.
Depot, M. L. Smith
Federalsburg, S. H. Smith
Justices of the Peace
Elliott, D. O. P.
Watkins, W. H.
Machinists and Founders
Moore & Albuger
Millinery, Notions, Fancy Goods
Charles, Miss M.
Charles, Wm.
Davis, Mrs. L. C. & Co.
Moore, Mrs. C.
Brown, J. Wesley
Davis, Edward F.
Randolph, J. W.
Redhead, Edward
Jefferson, C. W.
Noble, Wm. D.
White, Thomas A.
Corkran, Willis
Isler, John B.
Jennings, John
Watches and Jewelry
Gullett, Eli C.
Moore & Albuger
Is 25 miles from Cambridge, and situated near a small stream of that name. Fishing and oystering are carried on to some extent. Climate mederate and healthy. Land light and sandy; sells at from $10 to $20 per acre; produces 10 bus wheat, 30 potatoes and 15 corn. Population 50. Jeremiah Torley, Postmaster.
Adams, Wesley
Hall, S W
General Merehandise.
Hooper, M T
Ruark, W T
Tyler, Jabez
Tyler, Jabez
Is 7 miles from Oak Grove on the D. & D. R. R., and three-fourths of a mile from Truitt’s Wharf, the shipping point on the Nanticoke River. The situation is pleasant, and the vicinity healthy. Land sandy loam and clay, easily improved; one-half cleared, and productive; sells at from $5 to $25 per acre; produces 10 to 20 bus. wheat, 10 to 30 oats, and from 150 to 200 potatoes. The land is well adapted to the growth of vegetables and fruits of all kinda M. E. church, Rev. T. H. Harding. Two public schools. Population 200. J. H. Bell, Postmaster.
Carpenter and Mason.
Jones, G W
General Merchandise.
Bell, J H
Swith & Wheatley
Bell, J H Bro & Co
Truitt, J J & A B
Is 16 miles from Cambridge, and is situated near a point of the Honga River. Climate mild and healthy. Crops generally good. Land one-half cleared; some ship and other timber yet standing. Land sells at $15 per acre; produces 12 bus. wheat, 25 corn and 1 ton hay; oats and potatoes not raised as a crop. Oak Grove and St. John’s M. E. churches, Rev. E. Dalby ; St. Mary’s, Catholic, Rev. Edward Henchy, and several public schools for white and colored, Population 100. Wm. F. Applegarth, Postmaster.
Bradshaw, Jos W
Bradshaw, Jos W
Bradshaw, John R
Carriage Manufacturer.
Bradshaw, Jos W
General Merchandise.
Applegarth, Jno E & Son
Bibby, Geo E
Cooper, A W & Bro
Shenton, Wm R
Tyler, Jabez
Birckhead, Johnson & Co
Peach Growers,
Dunnock, L T
Keene, T H of L
Meekins, Geo H
Meekins, Wm W
Gross, Henry IHARRISON
Is 2 miles from Williamsburg on the D. & D. R. R. Climate temperate and healthy. Crops fair. Not much business. Land light loam, mostly cleared; sells from $10 to $20 per acre; produces 10 to 20 bus., wheat, 20 oats, 100 potatoes and 25 corn. St. Paul’s M. E. Church, Rev. R. H. Conway. Harrison Primary School, W. S. Smith, teacher. Population 25. J. Conway, Postmaster.
Windsor, W. W.
Fertilizer Manufacturers
Conway, J. & B
Conway, J. & B
Smith, C. B.
Brown, Daniel
Milligan, Jas. H.
Hastings, Wm.HILL’s POINT
Is 12 miles from Cambridge, and situated near Spedden’s Wharf, on the Choptank River. Climate temperate. Land white clay; sells at $30 per acre; produces 15 to 25 bus., wheat, 100 potatoes, and 40 to 50 corn. Churches and schools convenient. Population 50. T. J. Seward, Postmaster.
Stewart, W. N.
General Merchandise
Bradshaw & Bro.
Cook, John T.
Rhea, Thos. E.
Seward, Thos. J.
Spedden, Thos. E.
Justices of the Peace
Spedden, W.
Is 35 miles from Cambridge, and situated on a neck of land bounded on the west by Tar Bay, east by Honga River, and south by Hooper’s Straits. Location healthy. Business principally oystering, and that done with boatmen. Some small farms, which produce wheat and corn. Land is good; sells at an average of $40 per acre. M. E. Church, Lodge of Good Templars, and two public schools. Population 40. Wm. H. Meekins, Postmaster
Tyler, Benjamin
Ruark, Henry W.
Ruark, Major
General Merchandise
Meekins, W. H.
Parkes, Josiah
Ruark, H. W.
Tyler, Corbin
Tyler, James
Tyler, O. P.
Ruark, H. W.
Simmons, John T.HURLOCK
Is pleasantly situated on the D. & D. R. R., 16 miles from Cambridge. Climate mild and healthy. Land medium; sells at from $10 to $25 per acre; produces fair crops of wheat, corn, oats, bay and potatoes. Churches and schools near. Population 20. J. M. Hurlock, Postmaster.
Agent-Sewing Machine
Thomas, F L
Harper, Elisha
General Merchandise.
Hurlock, James M
Sellers, Jas E
Is 20 miles from Cambridge, and is situated near Honga River. Climate healthy. Business and crops good. Land yellow clay, not much cleared; sells for $10 per acre; yields 20 bus. wheat, 30 oats, 100 potatoes, 40 corn and 2 tons hay. Churches and schools near. Population 150. Charles Lake, Postmaster.
Simmons, John W
Christopher, R R
General Merchandise.
Bibby, Geo E
Cooper, A W & Bro
Haywood, Zebadee
Staplefort, Wm T
Woodland, J A M & Son
Wroten, Geo W
Lumber Dealer.
Lake, Charles
Burneston, E R
Johnson, L E
Is on the D. & D. H. R., 10 miles from Cambridge, and pleasantly situated in a mild climate and healthy neighborhood. Sherman’s Wharf, on the Choptank River, is the nearest point to navigable water. The land is white and yellow loam, easily tilled, and well adapted to the growth of wheat and corn; sells at from $20 to $300 per acre, according to location and improvements; produces 10 to 30 bus. wheat, 100 to 150 potatoes and 20 to 80 corn, Two M. E. and one M. P. churches are within 3 miles One school in the village. Population 75. J. S. Vincent, Postmaster.
Agent-R. R.
Vincent, J S
Phillips, Wm H
Twilley, Mrs M H
Wrightson, Mrs Sarah
Vane, Jno A
Woolen, Ed
Wroten, L M
Smith, G W L
Fruit Packer.
Goslin, Thos H
General Merchandise.
Jones & Twilley
Vane, Jas H
Justice of the Peace.
Carroll, Josiah
Higgins, Mrs Jas
Newton, F A
Hooper, Mrs M E
Willey, Jerry
Wright, Jno WSALEM
Is 2 1/2 miles from Linkwood on the D. & D. R. R. Vienna, on the Nanticoke river, is the nearest point to water navigation. Climate variable and healthy Land fair; sells at from $10 to $50 per acre; produces 15 to 25 bus. wheat, 25 to 40 oats, 100 potatoes, and 25 corn. Churches and schools convenient. Population 50. F. A. Le Compte, Postmaster.
White, David Carpenters.
Davis, W E
Phillips, J E
Vincent, Thos W General Merchandise
LeCompte, F. A.
Fleming, E. T.
Is 16 miles from Cambridge, and situated on an island of that name, formed by the Chesapeake Bay and Slaughter’s Creek. Climate temperate and healthy. Business and crops generally good. Land stiff clay; sells at from $10 to $100 per acre, according to location and improvements; produces 10 to 30 bus. wheat, 10 to 40 oats, 20 to 100 potatoes, 10 to 50 corn, and from 2 to 3 tons hay. Churches and schools convenient. W. M. Travers, Postmaster.
Dashiell, William
Barnes, John T
General Merchandise.
Dunnock, L T
Leonard, J T
Seward & Lambdin
Travers, Wm M
Justice of tne Peace.
Kirwan, S F
Noble, J. L.
Smith, W. A.
Lamdin, Joseph
Ship Builder.
Lamdin, W J
Is situated near the Little Choptank River, 12 miles from Cambridge. Climate moderate. Business mostly fishing and catching oysters. Numbers of sailors live near. Lands one-half cleared; composed of clay and dark loams; sells at from $10 to $50 per acre; produces 20 bus. wheat and 40 to 50 corn. M. E. and M. P. churches; one public school. Population 200. J. W. Craig, Postmaster.
Woolford, W W
Boat Builder.
Brooks, Joseph M
Bromwell, Jas.
Bromwell, Lake
Craig, Samuel
Keen, Jas H
Keen, Robert
Woolford, Jno W
General Merchandise.
Bromwell, Thos J
Craig, James & Son
Harrington, E L
Tall, L M
Jones, Geo W Sr
Jones, Geo W
Smith, B L
Hopkins, E MVIENNA
Is 8 miles from Linkwood, on the D. & D. R. R., and pleasantly situated on the west bank of the Nanticoke River, in a temperate and healthy climate. Land white clay loam, mostly cleared; can be bought at from $10 to $50 per acre; yields 15 to 25 bus. wheat, 20 to 40 oats, 100 to 200 potatoes, 20 to 50 corn, and 2 to 4 tons hay. Vienna Lodge 78, K. of P. Church–M. E., M. P., P. E. and Baptist. Two public schools. Population 350. Jas. A. Higgins, Postmaster.
Hughes, J A
Johnson, R M
Insley, Jacob
Carriage Manufacturers.
Hitch & Bro
Morgan, Wm
Smith, D A
Fruit Packers.
Houston, J H & Co
General Merchandise.
Gray, M A
Higgins & Son
Hurlock, Wm. & Co
Webb & Bro
Higgins, Thos & Son
Robertson, G D
Anderson, A R
Keys, Samuel
Camper, Mrs E
Willoughby, Miss B
Ewell, S S
Houston, J H
Price, R J
Anderson, A. R.
Keys, Samuel
Moore & McCready
Vessel Owners.
Sherman & Bennett
Is on the D. & D. R. R., 20 miles from Cambridge, and near Williams’ Wharf on the Nanticoke River, the shipping point. Climate mild; vicity healthy. Lands sandy and clay loams, three-quarters cleared; can be bought at $20 per acre; yields 12 bus. wheat, 20 oats, 200 potatoes, 25 corn, and 3 tons hay. Churches and schools convenient. Population 75. J. H. Williams, Postmaster.
Pierson, John
Todd, W W
Medford, John
General Merchandise.
Turpin, J B
Williams & Smith
Justices of the Peace
Lowe, Enoch
Conway, C B
Conway, Paul
Is 25 miles from Cambridge, and situated near Honga River and Hooper’s Straits. Climate moist and salty. Business consists mostly in Oystering and cord-wood. Land is composed of clay and shell loam, quite productive in corn; sells at from $5 to $15 per acre; yields 15 to 20 bus. wheat, and 20 to 40 corn. M. E. church, Rev. C. H Williams. Public school, Dr. O P. Harrington, principal. Population 150. E. R. Burneston, Postmaster.
Dudley, Daniel
Simmonds, John W
Tall, John
Kirwan, John H
Wingate, Wm W
General Merchandise.
Insley, L A & Bro.
Woodland, J A M & Son
Pritchett, John H
Bradford, Geo
Meekins, Jno E
Mills, Wm
Moore, Wm H
Phillips, Thos
Pritchett, Geo
Roberts, John
Tall, Joseph
Truitt, Robert
Willey, Wm E
Burneston, E R
Austin, G E
Bradley, J W
Collison, T J
Dashields, E
Hayward, T H
Holland, W J
Hubbard, D
Kurtz, J F
Mowbray, J W
Mowbray, R B
Mowbray, T J
Nabb, J D
Phelps, F P
Ross, E.
Ross, T. C.
Rock, W. J.
Smith, S. P.
Twilly, J.
Twilly, T. H.
Windsor, F. F.
Windsor, J. T.Bishop’s Retreat
Bramble, Clement
Bramble, Goodman
Bramble, Moses
Bramble, M. A.
Cannon, Clement
Cannon, R. P.
Elliott, John
Fallin, C. C
Fallin, Mrs. Sarah
Hurley, Levi L.
Jones, Daniel
Jones, Dr. E.
Jones, Harrison
Jones, Silas
Johnson, Ezekiel
Kirwan, John S.
Langrall, I. M.
Langrall, John
McNamara, Asbury
Pritchett, Edward
Pritchett, John M
Pritchett, John N
Robbins, James
Robinson, John
Robinson, Mrs Nancey
Todd, James
Todd, Thomas
Todd, WilliamBucktown
Austin, Geo E
Bachelor, J
Bassett, John
Brodess, B B & Bros
Dashiell, Edwin
Gilliss, Wm W
Holland, Wm J
Hurley, W J
Keys, Alex
Meredith, T M
Sherman, Jas
Shorter, J
Smith, S PCambridge
Abbott, Geo
Anderson, T W
Austin, Geo E
Barton, W H
Bayly, Edgar
Beckwith, I W
Brannock, James
Brannock, John
Brannock, Wm
Brace, T M
Breerwood, Samuel
Byrn, S L
Byrn, W W
Carroll, Josiah
Carman, W C
Clark, E N
Clark, Jos
Creighton, I B
Dail, J W
Dail, W B
Dail, W W
Dashiell, Edwin
Dawson, W John
Easley, T I
Fletcher, W M
Flint, T M
Goldsborough, M W
Grason, Wm
Handley, D C
Handley, W J
Harggett, Henry
Hearn, B B
Henry, D M
Henry, Dr J W
Hopkins, S W
Hooper, A D
Hubbard, J F
Hughes, Denwood
Hughien, Richard
Hurley, Tilghman
Johnson, E C
Johnson, James
Johnson, T A
Jones, James
Jones, Levin
Jones, Z D
Jolley, Levin
Jordan, W H
Kinney, Wm
Kinnemount, D C
Kurtz, J F
Lecompte, W G
Lewis, L B
Mills, B
Mills, H
Mobray, A J
Mobray, Lerin
Munros, H L
Nabb, John
Neill, D H
North, Wm
Orem, J
Palmer, T
Pattison, J R
Pheips, F P Jr
Phinney, Col J
Radcliffe, John
Radcliffe, Wm
Radcliffe, W H
Robinson, John
Robinson, W M
Ross, Clinton
Ross, T C
Seward, C H
Sherman, Oscar
Shehe, W J
Skinner, A
Skinner, H
Skinner, Levin
Smith, G W L
Snow, Joseph
Steele, J M
Stewart, JI B
Stewart, Levin
Tubman, B C
Vincent, J F H
Wallace, Col James
Waters, Dr E G
Weedon, I H
Windsor, James
Willey, C
Woolford, Col J
Wright, H B
Wright, M LChurch Creek
Bramble, Goodman
Crawford, W W
Jones, Asbury
Jones, Thomas
Griffin, S N
Linthicum, Josiah
Linthicurn, Richard
Mace, I W
Mace, Wm W
Martin, Luther
Mills, J. J.
Nild, J K
Shepherd, Frank
Skinner, J. J.
Tubman, Charles
Tubman L E
Willis, ‘I’homas
Wills, William
Woolford, J. S. B.
Woolford, S B
Woolford, S WCornersville
Dawson, J N
Frazier, C B
Fear, J G
Lambdin, Wm
Lecompte, Thomas
Marshall, J B
Radcliffe, J A L
Spedden, JH
Spedden, B B
Travers, Thos B
Travers, W H
Wheeler, Wm J
Wilison, Mrs FCrotcher’s Ferry
Bell, Cyrus
Bramble, H J
Brinsfield, W H
Hackett, B D
Hackett, Tilghman
Hackett, W H
Howeth, M D
Lord, Geo E C
Marine, William
Price W N
Rhodes, Richard
Smoot, Thos H
Taylor, Mrs R C
Vincent, Sol C
Wheatley, Jesse HDraw Bridge
Bradley, James K
Camper, Isaac
Camper, George
Camper, James A
Dayton, William
Denis, John
Donho, C W
Dutton, George
Dutton, William
Graham, Thomss
Hurley, Alfred
Hurley, Asa
Hurley, H.
Hurley, Joseph
Hurley, Thos U
Hurley, Uriah
Horsmon, D
Horsmon, Oliver
Horsmon, W W
Hughs, C C
Hughs, John W
Johnson, Ch aries
Langiord, Thomas
Layton, W J
Lewis, L M
Low, Isaac W
Marshal, Major B
Moore, L B
Murphy, J as M
McNamar, L B
Sellers, Thomas
Travers, D J
Walles, Thomas
Willey, David
Willey, Mathias
Willey, BEast New Market
Dean, Jas
Micks, Thos
Johnson, E S
McAllister, James A
Webster, John Br
Webster, Bamuel
Wright, J H
Vickers, WEnnall’s Springs
Corchran, John
Corchran, W J
Hackett, John T
Nesbltt, J B
Thompson, G A
Thompson, J M
Windsor, Jas A
Wright, H DFederalsburg
Andrews, Elisha
Andrews, Richard
Andrews, S B
Ayres, E R
Brown, John W
Buck, Wm J
Collins, John
Davis, Alfred
Davis, A N
Davis, Nathaniel
Duncan, Robert
Gambrfll, James
Gray, W L
Hubbard, Fdward
Hubbard, Tilghman
Jackson, G H
Lehman, I
Logan, W C
Maxwell, David
Mobray, Henry
Nichols, Bayard
Nichols, Daniel
Nichols, Francis
Nichols, James
Nichols;J B W
Nichols, Bamuel
Noble, John H
Noble, J M
Noble, Wm A
Phillips, Andrew
Phillips, D F
Pool, Frank
Pool, H M
Pool, Leonard
Pool, Bamuel
Robinson, Wm
Rook, Robert
Sisk, David
Sullivan, M L
Sullivan, Bylvester
Sullivan, Wm
Trice, Wm F
Wilson, John
Wright, JamesFishing Creek
Barkley, Wm
Creighton, Robert
Hoddinott, W B
Lewis, Robert
Meekins, J W
Meekins, Robert
Phillips, B A
Ruark, WmT
Tolley, Jeremiah
Polley, Samuel
Tyler, Jabez
Pyler, M T
Woodland, H CGalestown
Ellis, T J
Gordy, J J M
Hackett, D G
Marine, J W
Marine, W H
Messick, M M
Russell, J G
Thompson, L
Truitt, A B
Truilt, J J
Truitt, P T
Vinson, A I
Vinson, C
Wheatley, A
Wheatley, A T
Wheatley, G
Wheatley, G M
Wheatley, J K
Wheatley, J T
Wheatley, J R
Wheatley, B
Wheatley, W MGolden Hill
Applegarth, John E
Barnett, Peter
Bibby, Geo E
Burton, James
Burton, John
Burton, Robert
Cooper, A W
Cooper, Wm O
Dunnock, David
Edgar, John
Gore, Edward
Gootee, Washington
Gootee, Wm
Jarrett, John
Johnson, W F
Keene, Geo
Keene, L L
Keene, Vachel
Keene, Wesley
Kirwan, Martin
Mace, Geo A
Pane, Wm
Reid, Joseph
Riggins, John
Shenton, Chas
Shenton, M A
Shenton, W R
Spicer, L J
Todd, Michael
Tubman, John
Tubman, Richard
Tyler, Robert
Tyler, SamuelHarrison
Conway, B
Conway, J
Milligan, J
Milligan, L
Neal, T W
Smith, Jas HHoopersville
Meekins, W H
Parkes, John
Phillips, Gee W
Ruark, H W
Ruark, Major
Travers, Henry H
Travers, W V
Tyler, Solomon FHurlock
Andrews, Jas M
Andrews, Stephen
Carroll, C W
Harper, Daniel
Harper, Thos B
Harper, Thos B
Hazzard, R B
Hurlock, John M
McFarland, Charles
Tucker, James
Williams, N C
Wright, Jabez
Wright, J M
Wright, Kennerly
Wright, Thos JLakesville
Adams, Levin T
Crockett, Chas V
Crockett, Wm B
Jones, Wm L
Johnson, Denwood
Johnson, Howard
Mills, John J
Meekins, Wm L
MoNamara, Jerome L
Todd, George
Todd, Thos J
Tyler, Thos
Tyler, Thos J
Willey, George L
Wroten, Henry LLinkwood
Brady, Samuel
Biggs, Geo
Dunn, Jas
Fountain, J A
Gambriel, R H
Goslin, Thos H
Heisby, Josiah
Jones, J. S.
Kimmey, Elias
Le Compue, S B
Le Compte, T J
Mills, James
North, Wm
McBride, Samuel
Ried, William
Packard, Edeon
Roberson, J W
Rook, Wm
Smith, B P
Vincent, J S
Vincent, R G
Willey, Geo WSalem
Bradley, Thos J
Brohawn, Samuel
Carroll, Tyson
Clifton, Jas A
Carter, Richard
Colbourn, Daniel
Donoho, J R
Fleming, G B
Foolks, M T R
Getman, H
Gore, D J
Gore, James
Goslin, John
Helsby, Josiah
Harper, E M
Henry, William
Holland, Albert
Lanning, W H
Le Compte, G W
Le Compte, S B
Lord, Sylvester
Merrick, Stanshury
Merrick, Alfred
McKnett, J E
Phillips, U W
Reid, J M
Storr, W W
Turpin, Walter
Turpin, William
Twilley, John
Willey, George
Willey, Newton
Wrightson, John LTaylor’s Island
Barnes, Robert
Cater, Thomas
Griffith, E L
Smith, Dr W A
Spicer, Theophilis
Spiliman, Robert
Travers, J H
Travers, L D
Travers, S MTobacco Stick
Abbott, Thomas
Harrington, John E
Harrington, Peter
Harrington, Samuel
Jones, Harrison
Jones, Thos W
Jones, W J.
Maguire, Uriah
Phillips, Levin
Smith, Jas H
Tall, Richard
Wheeler, Jno B
Woolford, J F
Wooltord, R D
Woolford, Thos JVienna
Bell, B. E.
Bennett, J. J.
Bradley, A. R.
Christopher, Edward
Christopher, James
Clifton, F. B.
Collins, Noble
Corkran, J. R.
Craft, W. S.
Dillyha, R. F.
Fleming, E. T.
Gore, D. J.
Gore, Jas.
Harper, W.
Hearn, Robert
Hearn, W. W.
Higgins, Samuel
Hodson, Dr B
Holland, Clarence
Houston, J H
Hurst, L
Lewis,L M
Millard, J S
MoAlister, Capt J
McBride, William
Oliphant, N
Oliphant, O P
Oliphant, William
Post, W J
Ralph, J T
Reid, J
Sherman, W S
Short, C B
Smith, T W
Stora, William
Thompson, S B
Wainwright, J
Webb, Thos H
Webster, John
Webster, Thos H
WiHey, S J
Wrightson, J LWilliamsburg
Broaders, Joshua
Corkran, Jno B
Griffin, Thomas
Hill, Benjamin
Hill, Jas
Hill, Manship
Hill, WW
Hubbert, Henry
Lowe, J W
Medford, Nathaniel
Medford, R W
Mobray, JasA
Noble, John H
Payne, Benjamin
Payne, Joseph
Payne, S L
Smith, W G
Stevens, Wm
Todd, J W B
Williams, B
Williams, J HWoodlandtown
Bramble, Lennox
Edgar, Mrs H
Foxwell, Chas
Foxwell, M W
Foxwell, H H
Hadaway, James
Hayward, Geo W
Hayward, Jas B
Hayward, John
Insley, Corbin
Insley, L A
Insley, R H
Johnson, D
Johnson, Horace
Johnson, Dr L E
Kirwan, John H
Kirwan, Thomas
Mason. Severn
Wingate, Wm W
Wroten, Geo -
FREDERICK COUNTY ranks with the largest counties, having an area of 642 square miles, and is bounded on the North by Pennsylvania, on the East by Carroll, South-easterly by Montgomery, South by the Potomac River and Virginia, and on the West by the Blue Ridge, or South Mountains, separating it from Washington County.
This is one of the richest and most beautiful counties in the State. The soil is mostly limestone, with some slaty and considerable “red lands.” The surface is undulating–partly mountainous– The Catoctin Mountains dividing the county into two broad valleys, that to the Westward being known as the Middletown valley, which is drained by the Catoctin River and its branches; and that East of the Catoctin range is the valley of the Monocacy. Both rivers flow Southward into the Potomac. These two great valley are unsurpassed for rural beauty, and excellent farming, and produce extraordinary crops of the principal grains of this latitude. The Eastern slope of the Catoctin Mountain is a most excellent grape country.
The county is well watered by innumerable pure springs which flow into the branches of the rivers before named, and create abundance of water powers which are improved by large grist and saw mills, and merchant or flour mills. There are also a number of other mills, tanneries, and various domestic manufactures. An immense water-power unimproved, exists on the Potomac River at Weverton. The narrow valley between the Monocacy and Buckeystown has a rich deposit of marl composed of lime and earthly substance, which extends to a considerable depth; this with the limestone yield an inexhaustible supply of manure.
Copper mines in the Linganore section have been worked since the Revolutionary war. New Liberty and New London are several mines, now extensively operated. There are several slate quarries, one of which near Ijamsville on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad produces a large supply of excellent roofing material. Along the side of Catoctin Mountain iron ore abounds, of the brown hematite speciea. Some of these beds although worked for 80 years seem to be inexhaustible. From Woodsborough to the Potomac is a range of limestone marble unusually pure, varying in color from blue to dove cr. It takes a beautiful polish, and is similar to the famed Italian marbles of that color. At the foot of Catoctin Mountain there is a similar bed, and one resembling verde antique. West of Frederick is another kind of variegated shades of light and dark red, and on the West side of Monocacy is found the variety widely known, from having been used for the columns in the old hall of the House of Representatives of the Capitol at Washington. Frederick County is centrally traversed by the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, with a branch from Point of Rocks through Montgomery County direct to Washington, materially shortening the distance from the West to the National Capital, at the same time affording needed facilities to the local sections through which it passes. The Chesapeake & Ohio Canal rims along the Southern boarder near the Potomac River, and the Western Md. Railroad along the Eastern boarder to Hagerstown and Williamsport, with connections at the York Road in Carroll County with the Frederick and Pennsylvania division of the Pennysivania Railroad Company, for Frederick and other points in the county. The county enjoys good facilities for transportation to alt sections and is rapidly increasing in wealth and prosperity.
Judges Sixth Judicial Circuit-Hon. Richard J. Bowie, Cnief Judge, Rockville; Hons. William V. Bouic and John A. Lynch, Associate Judges. Auditor-F. J. Nelson. Clerk to Court-Thomas Gorsuch, Frederick. Clerks -A. Fearhake, Jr., John S. Repp, E. A. Gittinger, Edward Young, Capt. H. O. Naill, and C. C. Buhrman. Crier-James Bartgis. Sheriff–Wm. Richardson. Deputies-J. S. B. Hartsock and Walter Saunders. Warden of Jail–C. A. Danner. State’s Attorney-John C. Motter, Frederick. Physician to Jail–Bruce Thomas. Judges of Orphans Court-William J. Black, John Hightman and Thomas M. Holbrunner. Register of Wiltl-John R. Rouzer. Surveyor-John S. Ramsburg. County Commissioners -John Witherow, Joseph Cronise, D. M. Whip, S. R. Bowlus and S. D. Devilbiss. Clerk–H. F. Steiner, Frederick. Attorney-W. O. Tyler. School Commissioners-James W. Pearre, W. G. Baker, James Troxell, Henry Boyle and Joseph Brown. Examiner-Daniel T. Lakin. Registers of Voters-O. J.Keller, Hiram Bartgis, V. B. Swearingen, George W. Barrick, James A. Elder, E. R. Stottlemyer, George W. Beall, George W. Strawsberger, Charles Hobbs, Joseph B. Brown, William Carmack, Lewis E. Karn, C. A. Riddlemoser, Luther Shaff, B. Collillower, Joseph Brown, C. K. Morningstar and William R. Dorse Constables-J. W. Rine, James Staup, M. F. Harding, H. W. Waters and C. Vaniossen. Tax Collector-William H. Miller. Justices of the Peace-James J. English, R. Stokes, W. Mahoney, W. R. Johnson, James Higgins and R. Barrick. Notaries Public–Henry Williams and Wm. Walsh. Congressman Sixth District-Hon. William Walsh, Cumberland. State Senator-Hon. L. H. Steiner, Frederick. Members House of Delegates-Hons. W. H. Hinks, Frederick; C. M. Riggs, Ijameville; Lot Hartsock, Johnsville; Wm. J. Leib, Buckeystown, and Peter Lugenbeel, Uniontown. Terms of Circuit Court, which are held in the Court House at Frederick City, the county seat: Law Terms-Third Mondays in February and Sepember. Chancery Terms-Second Mondays in May and November. Popuplation of County-White, 40,000; colored, 7,000. Regtst.ered Vote 12,000. Asassed Value of Personal, Real, Stocks and Railroad Property-$27,176,892. State and County Tax-86 1/4 cents on $100.
Is on the B. & 0. R. R., 9 miles from Frederick and 64 from Baltimore. The location is on the rich, fertile and beautiful Carroll’s Manor, the farms and houses of which denote the prosperity of the people. The Sugar Loaf and Catoctin Mountains can be plainly seen; and the Tuscarora and Monocacy Rivers flow in the vicinity. The land is limestone; sells at from $30 to $75 per acre; produces 12 to 25 bus. wheat, 40 oats and 30 to 50 corn. White and black oaks and hickory compose the timber standing. German Reformed Church, Rev. N.H. Skyles. Two public schools. Population 160. G. T. Kohlenberg, Postmaster.
Agent-Express & R. R.
Kohlenburg, G T
Hoffinan, Frank
Bassford, A
Whitter, G
Lambert, J C
Carpenter & Undertaker.
Reck, Osburn
Carriages & Wheelwright.
Bowersox, E F
Hood, Jas D
General Merchandise.
Davis, J L
Thomas, J Fenton
Grain Dealers.
Kohlenberg, G T & Co
Brady, E T
Justice of the Peace.
Michael, Ezra
Copeland, M D
Krantz, W B
Johnson, W H
Thomas, J D
Bell, L W
Biggs, J W
Brengle, G WARABY
Is on the B. & O. R. R., 3 miles from Frederick City. The situation is pleasant, and near the Monocacy River, which is here crossed by the railroad on a substantial iron bridge. The land is limestone and slate; sells at from $50 to $125 per acre; produces 12 to 35 bus. wheat, 50 corn, 40 oats, 150 potatoes and 1 1/2 tons hay. The large Merchant Mills of James H. Gambrill, Esq., are located across the river in a little valley. Population 20. W. T Mullix, Postmaster.
Agent-Express & R. R.
Mullinix, W T
Skeggs, Henry
Keefer, A B
Gambrill, Jas H
Shryock, WmBARRY
Is on the B. & O. R. R., 75 miles from Baltimore and 15 from Frederick by county road. The town has great advantages for trade, and does a large business in grain, fertilizers and coal. The Merchant Mills of Messrs. Jordan, Graham & Wenner, who manufacture a superior brand of flour, is located here. Land is good, mostly cleared; sells at from $35 to $70 per acre; produces 10 to 25 bus. wheat, 10 to 20 oats, 25 to 50 corn and fine crops of hay. M. E. Church, Rev. J. Hall. Catoctin Lodge 91, K. of P., and Delaware Tribe 43, I. O. R. M. Population 300. Edward Bernard, Postmaster.
Agent-Express and R R
Boteler, Lingan
Bernard, William
Watt, Thomas
Carpenter and Builder.
Bernard, Edward
General Merchandise
Boteler & Gross
Wenner, M S
Grain, Coal & Fertilizers
Jordan, Graham & Wenner
Jordan, Graham & Wenner
Leopold, T B
Shilling, JosephBRIDGEPORT
Is 3 miles from Emmittsburg and near the Carroll County line. Land medium, produces fair crops of wheat, corn, oats, hay and potatoes. Churches and schools are convenient. Population 25. M. E. Correll, Postmaster.
Fink, Sylvester
Finefrock, David
Ohier, John
Bishop, Amos
Harmer, M
Hobbs, Joseph
Long, John
General Merchandise.
Linah, Samuel
Pool, Benjamin
Maxwell, Samuel
Motter, Lewis
Starner, Wm
Zentz, Daniel
Wool Manufacturer.
Switzer, SamuelBROAD RUN
Is pleasantly situated in the centre of the great Middletown Valley, 7 miles from Knoxville, and said to be surrounded with the richest and most beautiful buildings and land in the county. Large crops of corn and wheat attest in a high degree the superior quality of the farms. The land is clay and rich in loam, mostly cleared; sells at from $50 to $150 per acre; produces 20 to 36 bus. wheat, 30 to 40 oats, 100 to 150 potatoes, 40 to 60 corn and large crops of hay. Churches and schools convenient. Population 50. J. H. Grove, Postmaster.
Cochran, P G
Flock, J E
Grove, Wm T
General Merchandise.
Grove, John H
Ahalt, Samuel
Huffer, Geo W
Harrison, Geo. W.
Selsam, Jas. W.
Fink, M. F.
Whip, John D.
Stock Dealers.
Delaughter, R S
Delaughter, Samuel
Huffer, G Dawson
Huffer, Geo W
Is on the B. & 0. B. B., 4 miles from Frederick Junction and 7 from Frederick City. Climate mild and healthy. Land, limestone, nearly all cleared; sells at from $60 to $150 per acre; produces 20 to 30 bus. wheat, 30 to 40 oats, 100 to 150 potatoes, 40 to 60 corn and 1 1/2 tons hay. M. E. Church, Geo. Feelmyer; M. P., Rev. Mr. Malory. School, Geo. W. Blessing, Teacher. Population 100. John A. Delashmutt, Postmaster.
Agent-R. R.. & Express.
Suman, W B
Keller, C E
General Merchandise.
Delashmutt, J A & Bro
McKenna, A. J.
Lime Merchant.
Peters, Wm T
Simmons, C S
Boone, H J
Poole, B
Is situated in the Middletown Valley, near the Blue Ridge Mountains, 2 miles from Claggett’s on the Washington County Branch of the B. & O. R. R. Land is very productive, and the vicinity healthy. Land sells at from $75 to $100 per acre; produces 25 bus. wheat, 50 to 60 oats, 100 to 150 potatoes, 50 to 60 corn, and 2 tons hay. Lutheran, Reformed and Union Churches. and a Female Seminary. Population 275. M. L. Hightman, Postmaster.
Architects and Builders.
Thos P & Sons
Chair Manufacturer.
Ausherman, Eli
Myers, B M
Horsey, O
Furniture Manufacturers
Karn, EL
Karn, Josephus
General Merchandise.
Hightman, Jno & Sons
Hightman, Thos
Shuford, L S
Harness and Saddles.
Hilleary, D E
Ausherman, M E
Garrott, J B
Is pleasantly situated on the Emmittsburg Road, 14 miles north of Frederick City 1 1/2 miles from the Monacacy River, and 2 miles from Loy’s Station on the W. Md. R. R. The land is a red loam; sells at from $25 to $75 per acre; produces 10 to 20 bus. wheat, 35 corn, 30 oats, 75 potatoes, and 1 1/2 tons hay. Lutheran, Reformed, Church of God, and several Public Schools near. Popul ation 200. Josiah Kolb, Postmaster.
Beightier, David
Shorb, Augustus
Derr, Jno
Harbaugh, Levi
General Merchandise.
Cramer, W J & Sons
Miller, J L
Krise, H J
Justice of the Peace.
Krise, H J
Matthias, J A P
Staup, Wm H
Warner, David
Zimmerman, Wm
Devilbiss, Jno W
Favorite, Henry
Hann, Geo W
Kolb, Josiah
Kolb, Michael
Kolb, Matthias
Wool Manufacturer.
Is 9 miles from Smithsburg, Washington County, which is on the W. Md. R. R, and near Catoctin Creek. Climate, changeable, but healthy. Land is a clay and dark loam formation; sells at $60 per acre, produces 15 bus wheat, 50 oats, 100 potatoes, 50 corn, and 1 1/2 tons hay. Churches and schools near. Population 100. Thos. F. Bittie, Postmaster
Poffenberger, H
Moser, J H
Palmer, J E
Palmer, J C
Palmer, Joseph
Weadle, James
Weadle, M L
General Merchandise
Bittle, Thos. F.
Miller, Harp, Josiah
Is situated at the terminus of the railroad of that name, and 7 miles from Rocky Ridge on the W. Md. R. R. The location is in a fertile and diversifed country, the surroundings of which are rich in mountain and valley scenery. To the West, Jack’s Mountain and Carrick’s Knob may be towering hundreds of feet in the skies and then sloping in graceful lines to the productive and beautiful valley below. The magnificent scenery, purity of the atmosphere, good mountain water, cordiality and refinement of the people make it a great place of summer resort; it is also enriched by educational institutions of great merit and celebrity. St Joseph’s Academy, conducted by the Sisters of Charity, and Mount St. Mary’s College, an institution of high endowment and character, are both near the town. There are also two Public Schools for whites, one for colored, and a Catholic Parochial School. The land adjacent is composed of red sandstone, quartz- and limestone; varies In price from $20 to $60 per acre, according to location and improvements; yields 15 to 30 bus. wheat, 20 to 40 oats, 50 to 150 potatoes, 20 to 50 corn; and 2 tons bay. Massasoit Tribe 41, I. O. R. M.; Junior Building Association. Population 900. Samuel N. McNair, Postmaster.
PASTORS.-M. E., Rev. H.P. West; Presbyterian, Rev. Lutheran, Rev. E. S. Johnston; Reformed, Rev. A. R. Kramer, Roman Catholic, Rev. Father Daniel McCarthy.
TOWN OFFICERS.-Burgess-John Hopp. Commissioners-Wm. Lansinger, J. H. T. Webb, Daniel Sheets, Isaac Hyder, Thomas Fraley and R. H. Gelwicks. Bailiff-Wm. Ashbaugh.
Agent R. R. and Express
Zimmerman, E. R.
Parker, S A
Basket Maker.
Ellower, John
Bakers and Confectioners.
Hoke, Peter
Seabrook, J A
Tawney, J A S
Adams & Zeck
Brick Makers.
Bell & Keilholtz
Brick Masons
Lingg & Myers
Boot and Shoemakers.
Bishop, George
Gelwicks, Theopholis
Hopp, J. F.
Hoover, John
Lantzer, Jacob
Rowe, Jas. A.
Horner, W. G.
Bushman, Thomas
Sweeney, Martin
Carpenters and Builders
Snouffer, Joseph
Tyson & Lansinger
Carriage and Wagonmakers
Baker, L A F
Baker, Nicholas
Harley, Wm
Hess & Weaver
Houck, Wm H
Cigars and Tobacco
McNair, S N
Scheek, Francis
Clothing, Hats, &C
Rowe, J & C F
Gillelan, Geo L
Bussey, J. T.
Eichelberger, C D
Elder, James A
General Merchandise.
Annan, I S & Bro
Bussey, Mrs J P
Helman, J A
Rowe, G W & Sons
Groceries and Produce.
Hays, J T
Hoke, Peter
Waddle, J S
Zeck, Dietrick
Emmett, C S Smith
Western Md D G Adelaberger
Justices of the Peace.
Adelsberger, M. C.
Knauff, James
Stokes, Henry
Livery and Sale Stables.
Guthrie & Beam
Lumber, Coal, &c
Motter, Maxell & Co
Marble Worker.
Lough, N A
Praley, Thos & Son
Rowe, Nathaniel
Millinery and Fancy Goods.
Hoke, J L
Offutt, Miss H
Winter, Miss S A
Bell, John M
Grimes, Charles
Hovise, Francis
Maxwell, Samuel
Motter, L M
Myers, Jacob
Sell, Peter
Septer, James
Rowe, J & C F
Annan, Andrew
Annan, R L
Brawner, John B
Eichelberger, C D
Eichelberger, James W
Eichelberger, James W Jr
Lawrence, Daniel
Saddles and Harness
McGuigan, James S
Stokes, Henry
Stoves and Tinware,
Adeisberger, Jas F
Hays, J T
Fayorite, H J
Webb, J H T
Motter, Lewis M
Watches and Jewelry.
Is situated near Bennett’s Creek, 2 1/2 miles from Monrovia on the B. & O. R R. Land well improved, most all cleared, and sells for $40 per acre; produces 15 to 35 bus. wheat, 25 cats, 150 potatoes, 40 corn, 900 lbs. tobacco, and 1 tons hay. Churches and schools near. Population 80. J. M. Davis, Postmaster.
Scheel, Geo
Carriages and Wagons.
Jacohs, Jonathan
Howard, J. W.
Price, Leri
General Merchandise
Davis, J M
Engle, Reuben
Hobbs, Samuel
Lawson, Geo L
Davis, B B
Turner, W T
Davis, Jas A
Davis, S. B.
Turner, W. T.
The County seat, is beautifully situated in a rich, fertile valley, 3 miles from Frederick Junction on the Main Stem of the B. & O. R. R. And connected with it by branch road, over which daily trains are run. The Frederick and Pa. Line R. R. also affords good accomodations for freight and passengers to local points in Md. And Pa. And Baltimore and other cities can also be reached by this route. The land surrounding the city is limestone, well improved and produces large crops of wheat, corn, oats, hay and potatoes. Some of the finest farms in Md. are to be seen near here. The city ranks as the third city in the State; is incorporated and well built, the houses being generally of brick or stone; the streets are broad, straight, and laid out regularly. It contains a fine Court House and other county buildings, a magnificent City Hall, 2 Colleges, 2 Female Seminaries, a number of handsome Churches and several excellent public and private schools. The Deaf and Dumb Asylum, a State institution, is located here. The fruit and vegetable packing estbalishment of Louis McMurray, Esq., is near the city, and in busy season affords employment for a large number of people, thus materially adding to the prosperity of the city. Frederick City is renowned for its good health, cleanliness, pure mountain air, good water, its wealth and refinement, and the sterling business habits of its citizens. It enjoys good hotel accomodations. The City Hotel, Col. F. B. Carlin, proprietor, has long been recognized as one of the best in the State. Population 10,000. C. W. Miller, postmaster.
CHURCHES AND PASTORS–Presbyterian, Rev. R. H. Wililams; Lutheran, Rev. George Diehi; Reformed, Rev. B. R Eschbach; Episcopal, Rev. Osborn Ingle; M. E, Rev. W. W. Weech; M. P., Rev. W. W. White; ME. South, Rev, S. S. Rozzeli; Roman Catholic, Rev. Father Stonestreet; German Reformed, Rev. H. Bielfield; Asbury M. E.. and Bethel, Rev. J. Hall.
BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATIONS–A. F. & A. M -Columbia 58 and Lynch 183; Enoch Royal Arch Chapter. I. O. O. F.-Adam Lodge and an Encampment. K. of P.-Mountain City 29. I. O. R. M.–Chippewa Tribe 19. O. U. A. M.-Fredonia Council 46. G. A. R-Reynolds Post 2. K. of H.-Mutual 603, Alpha Temple of Honor, Young Men’s Christian Association.
CITY OFFICERS–Mayor-Lewis H. Moberly. Register–Godfrey Koontz. Tax Collector– Lewis S. Clingan. Chief of Police-W. F. Buesing.
Agricultural Implements Hargett, P L & Co
Page, Calvin
Stewart & Price
Adams–V B Bruner
Doll & Albaugh
Agents-Real Estate
Brown, B F
Doll & Albaugh
Webster George F
B & O-George Morgan
F & P. L. – P. Janney
Steiner, W R
Agent-Sewing Machines.
Griffin, J W
Architects and Builders.
Frazier, David
Hailer, C W
Landerkin, Thos C
Moore, John T
Fout, C F
Saunders, Walter
Attorneys at Law
Bowlus, Noah
Brengle, Francis
Eckstein, C
Goldsborough, E Y
Hinks, Wm H
Levy, C V S
Maulsby, Wm P Jr
Motter, John O
McSherry, James
Nelson, Frederick J.
Nelson, William B
Pampel, B F
Pearre, Jas W
Ritchie Hon John
Ross, C W
Ross, W J
Shafer, Canton
Sheliman, George K
Tyler, W Otis
Urner, Milton G
Wilcoxon, William
Wood, C H
Wood, J E R
Bakers and Confectioners.
Abbott, O
Beckley, Gabriel
Blumenaner, N
Buesing, Frederick
Koester, L
Neidhardt, William
Nussbaum, J
Ruland, Adam
Schleigh, Mrs. L. V
Schrodel, J.
Shilling & Shawen
Ulrich, Chas
Walling, M
Lambert, D M
Lambert & McLean
Myers, C G
Young, C L
Young, John R
Bell Hanger.
Grace, J H C
Bill Poster
Butler, C E
Babel, Andrew
Buck, Justin
Eader, P
Esterly, Frederick
Lohman, Edward
Mullen, Charles E
Ross, Peter
Seeger, Peter
Strube, A
Vanfossen, Arnold
Blinds and Shades
Shaffner, A H
Books and Stationery.
Henderson, R B
Miller, B L
Smith David F
Winchester, M C
Boot and Shoe Dealers.
Anderson, R G
Biggs, E H
Brengle, A
Delp, J
Duvall & Dertzbaugh
Fromke & Bro
Gilbert, Geo A
Gittinger, Z James
Green, John T
Hilton, H K
Lewis, J H
Markey, J H
Miller, Henry
Morgan,T W
Real, Geo A
Steiner, Jno A
Titlow, Isaac
Thomas, H F
Whalen, B H
Yeakle,, A R
Yeakle, W H
Bear, Peter
Hauser, Paul
Lipps, John
Brick Manufacturers.
Hunt & Sifford
Winchester, B F
Lorentz,. Henry
Simmons, S C & Son
Book Binder.
Chambers, William
Broom Manufacturer.
Staley, Gideon
Derr, Charles
Englebrlght, Luther
KoIb, Wm
Koor, Wm
Lambright, Johh
Lambright, Phillip
Wills, William
Cabinet Makers.
Obernderfer, L
Rice, P & A T
Carriage Manufacturers.
Boteler Bros
Hane & Hood
Ramsburg, J H
Carriage Materials
Ebert, B & Sons
China and Glassware.
Eisenhauer, John
Winebrener, D C & Co
Cigars and Tobacco.
Blackston, J L
G S & Bro
Faubel, J N & R E
Kingsbaker, S
Kline, H T
Lorentz Bros
Miles, William
Pope, Thomas E
Storm, W B
Thomas, David O
Clothing and Furnishing Goods
Lowenstein, D
Resenour, B
Resenstock, J.
Siedling, Geo
Shriner; G W B
Straus, M
Wineberger, S
Commission Merchants
Hargett, P L & Co
Hart, J H & Son
Tyson, J & Son
Coal Dealers.
Biser, Jonathan
Groshon, G S
Pyfer, P H
Confectionery & Fruit
Keasrdel,A C
Nussbaum, P H
Rhodes, F T
Bowlus, E
Crise, Geo A
McGill, L T
McSherry, K C
Nelson, K
Garrott & Co
Hughes, T S
& Bro
Thomas, S F
Tyler, H B
Williamson & Co
Dry Goods, Notions and Fancy Goods.
Cramer, Geo L
Doll, G J
Eldridge, E J
Hendrickson, J D
Landauer, A
Landauer, James
Lewis, C J
Markell, Francis
McCaffrey, M A
Nixdorf, H M
Smith, C C
Smith, D F
Stern, Philip
Walker, James B
Winebrener, D C & Co
Wistland, H
Fertilizer Manufacturers
Ramsburg, Koogle & Co
Tyson, J & Son
Flour, Grain and Feed.
Anders & Reifsnider
Brengle, Nicholas
Cartzendafner & Bro
Hilderbrand, L M
Jarbee, J. S. W
Rine, Geo A
Titlow & Bro
Zimmerman, Kilas
Furniture Dealers
Brooks & Keller
Carty, C C
Etchison, H N
Sohroeeler, F
Gas Fitter.
Grahe, J. H. C.
General Merchandise.
Rosenour, B
Scholl, D
Ways, W H
Wilcoxon, D C
Glove Manufacturers
Ebert, Valerius
Myer, George
Glue Manufacturer.
Attick, John
Teryar, Wm
Adam, Wm
Albaugh, Charles
Attick, J M P
Beckley, Q S G
Bender, John
Beger, W H
Besant & Knott
Birely Bros
Benger, Samuel
Brooks, Sopha
Cockey, S S
Dutrow, R J & Co
Eisenhauer, John
Eves, J T
Getzendanner, M E
Green, B F
Heintz, Jacob
Hood, Mrs M J
Hunt & Sappington
Kline, W H
Koontz, Edward
Lampe, C L C
Lutz, John
Michael, J L
Miller, Justus
Miller, J M
Moberly, Wm
Raileng, H
Ramsburg, Robert
Rohrback, M N
Ruland, C
Ripley, W H
Shipley, J A
Starr, J W
Whalen, J W
Winebrener, D C & Co
Woodward, A
Zellars, C E
Zimmerman, Wm H
Hat and Cap Manufacturer.
Saitzgiver, G B
Hardware, Iron, &c
Birely Bros
Doll, Samuel V
Macgill, J S & Bro
Sahm & Dill
Stewart & Price
Quynn, A G & C O
Blackhorse, J Schmidt
Central, H Bisys
City, F B Carlin
Dill, H H Power
Frederick City, B H Hobbs
Groff, Joseph Groff
Ice Dealers
Kolb, N O & Bro
Smith, Sidney
Junk Dealers.
Wallace, John
Walters, John
Livery Stables.
Mealey, CE
Myers, J Oliver
Sinn, Edward
Lumber Dealers.
Hardt & Keefer
Rontzabn & Bowers
Wilcoxon & Markley
Abbott, Jno H
Page, Calvin
Pample, Henry
Marble Workers.
Roelke, Wm
Sifford, J E
Masons & Plasterers.
Brenner, J F
Hailer, N T
Hergusheimer, James.
Martin, O H
Murphy, J Dennis
Norris, Lafayette
Woodward, Jacob
Mattress Manufacturer.
Groff, W S
Anders & Reifsnlder
Bruner, Lewis
Gambrill, J H
Belch, H C
Shriner, Edward A
Millinery Goods
Goldenberg, Henry
Hoffman, Ira H
Morris, W L
Morris & Miller
McMurray, Louis
Lampe, H J
Moberly, Daniel
Koberly, C B
Paints, Oils, &c.
Macgill, J. S. & Bro
Quynn, A G & Co
Paper Hangers
Dennis, J. M.
Haller, M B
Burger, W A
Byerly, J Davis
Marken, J R
Provisions and Produce
Derr, Geo C
Lewis, Geo T
Sahm, P
Woodward, M. A.
Nottnagle, J. J.
Ott, John
Baltzell, W. H.
Burck, F. T.
Dunott, J.
McGill, Thomas
Maynard, S. S.
Roth, A. A.
Smith, Charles
Smith, Frank
Turner, Thomas
Wooten, W. T.
Brubaker, J W
Falk, John
Merchant, J W
Mulhahn, Wm
Wenz, Geo
Soap Manufacturer.
Rudolph, Max
Saddles & Harness.
Bentz & Son
Birsh & Castle
Clingan, L B
Stoves and Tinware.
Blumenauer, Geo W
Fox, E A C
Hopwood, Jas W
Koontz, Edward
Smith, C P
Wilson, N J
Tanners and Curriers
Baker, Joseph D
Bantz, Gideon
Kunkel, Phillip B
Printers and Publishers.
Baughman Bros
Cole, Charles
Kaufman & Boulden
Keefer & Knauff
Blackston, B H
Blum, N
Cramer, Geo L
Gilbert, J A
Lowenstein, Isaac
Renner, B
Treich, Jobn B
Winebrener, D C & Co
Zieler & Son
Groff, W B
Ruprect, H F
Watches and Jewelry.
Bauman, F
Corey, P & Co
Fox, C F A
Fox, C H O
Myer, G B
Simmons, Wm A
Wines and Liquors.
Besant & Knott
Dutrow, R J & Co
Neuwahl, Julius
Is situated near the Washington County Line, 4 miles from Smithsburg on the W. M. R. R. Land ordinary, one-half cleared; sells at from $10 to $30 per acre, produces 14 bus. wheat, and 40 corn. M. E. and Lutheran Churches. Two public sohools Population 250. Harvey Buhrman, Pos~ master.
Attorney at Law.
Harbaugh, John C
Krise, E
Weller, Jacob
Wolf, Henry
Wolf, Upton
Hayes, H Clay
General Merchandise
Brown, H T
Fox, Thomas C
Ridenoner, Jacob
Justice of the Peace.
Fox, George H
Buhrman, Harvey
Prior, Emanuel
Renner, Elias
Timber Merchants.
Brown, W B
Bussard, Samuel
For, George L
Moser, Ezra
Is on the W. Md. R R., 57 miles from Baltimore, and pleasantly situated in a mild and healthy climate. The land is good, and sells at from $25 to $60 per acre and aces 15 to 80 bus. wheat, 40 oats, 80 potatoes, 60 corn and 1 1/2 tons hay. Moravian Church and a public school. Population 250. Caroline Siess, Postmistress.
Agent-Express and R. R.
Firor & Yonson
Hesser, Geo S
Boot and Shoe Manufacturers
Collifiower, B C
Colliflower, S
Cigar Manufacturers
Gernand, S A & Co
Crum, John
Doney, Owen
Late, A
General Merchandise
Cramer, W J
Firor & Yonson
Gernand, S A
Yenson, Mr B C
Justice of the Peace.
Firor, C L
Black, C H
Eieholtz, Samuel
Hoover, G A
Miller, S W
Saddles and Harness.
Gernand, John
Smelser, U W
Wagon and Plow Maker.
Is 2 miles from Tusacarora, and 4 from Adamstown, on the B. & O. R. R. Noland’s Ferry on the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, 3 miles, is the shipping point by that means. The Sugar Loaf Mountains rise in grandeur 6 miles east, and may be seen for miles around. Land is slate and limestone, sells at from $10 to $75 per acre, and produces good crops of wheat, corn, oats, hay, and fine fruit. Churches and schools near. The Greenlleld Mills are owned and operated by Messrs. Newcomer & Co., of Baltimore, who manufacture a superior brand of flour from the wheat grown on the farm in the county, Jas. L. Roberts, Esq., is their resident agent. Population 50. Jas. F. Beall. Postmaster.
Gisler, W T
Peters, Horace
Carpenters & Wheelwrights
Bowersox, F
Peters, John H
General Merchandise
Beall, Jas F
Justice of the Peace
Mobley, J O
Peters, John H.
Roberts, Jas. L.
Johnson, W. H.
Thomas, Jacob
Viers, C. S.
Roop, J. W.
Is on the Emmittsburg Road, 5 1/2 Miles from Frederick City and 2 from Harmony Grove on the Frederick & Pa. Line R. R. Land is limestone, and sells from $20 to $80 per acre, produces 20 bus. wheat, 40 corn, 30 oats, 60 potatoes and 1 1/2 tons hay. PublIc school, J. E. Palmer, teacher. Population 50. Hichard Harper, Postmaster.
Lime Dealers
Frey, William
Sunday, Daniel
Buckey, B V
Dunlap, Gipson
Palmer, J. E.HARMONY
Is 9 miles from Frederick City and pleasantly situated in a healthy neighborhood, near Middle Creek. Land, good mountain, well timbered; sells at from $50 to $75 per acre; produces 15 to 80 bus. wheat, 30 to 60 oats, 60 to 100 potatoes, 35 to 50 corn, and l ton hay. Churches and schools rear. Population 150. W. B. Taylor, Postmaster.
Brandenburg, John N
Biblngton, Joseph
Blesson, Claton
Brandenburg, M
Harp, Geo. S.
General Merchandise
Unverzagt, Henry
Rothanheofer, L.
Summers, Geo W
Summers, Joshua
Baker, E
Bibington, Joseph
Saddles and Harness.
Brandenburg, Eli
Castle, J. E.
Harshman, Geo.
Gladhill, D.
Wool Manufacturer
Taylor, W. B. & SonHARMONY GROVE
Is on the F. & P. L. R. R, 2 1/2 miles from Frederick City. The location is healthy; near the Monacacy River, and the lands adjacent arc composed of limestone; sells at from $100 to $150 per acre, produces 25 bus. wheat, 45 oats, 50 corn, 75 potatoes, and 1+ tons hay. M. E. Church, and a public school. Population 85. B. N. Plummer, Postmaster.
Grabenhcrst, H C
General Merchandise.
Plummer, R N
Cronise, S C
Miller, Thomas
Trimmer, Abraham
Worman, W S
Is on the B. & O. R. R, 52 miles from Baltimore and 9 from Frederick; place healthy, business and crops fair; soil is of a slate formation; land mostly cleared, is variable in price from $35 to $50 per acre and prodnoes 15 to 30 bus. wheat, 80 to 50 corn, 1,000 lbs. tobacco and 2 tons hay. Population 100. W. Hammond, Postmaster.
Agent-Express & R. R.
Hammond, W
Blacksmiths & Wheelwrights.
Anderson, John
Case, David
Dronenburg, J C
Poole, Lemuel
Riggs, Joseph
General Merchandise.
Crawford, T L
Hammond, Wellington
McComas, J. T.
Is 8 miles from Frederick City and 4 from Berlin; the situation is healthy, crops and land good. Land can be bought at from $25 to $50 per acre, and produces 20 to 80 bus wheat 40 oats, 100 potatoes, 50 corn and 2 tons hay. M. E., M. P., Reformed and Lutheran Churces. Several public schools. Population 275. C. E. Thomas, Postmaster.
Cochran, R. F.
Poole, Peter
Wise, H. C.
Feaster, F. T.
Shaff, F.
Stockman, W. P.
General Merchandise
Culler, Wm. L.
Little, S. E.
Walker, Isaac
Harness and Saddles
Doty, A. D.
Shaff, D. C.
Lewis, Basil
Long, John
Parker, Edward
Steiner, F. J.
Crum, Geo. W.
Crum, J. H.
Culler, J. J.
Thomas, Chas. E.JOHNSVILLE
Is 5 miles from Union Bridge on the W. K. B. B., and pleasantly situated near Beaver Dam Croek. and limestone and blue slate, mostly cleared; sells at $75 per acre; produces 20 bus. wheat, 40 oats, 150 potatoes, 60 corn, and 2 tons hay. M. E., M. P. and Dunker Churches. several public schools. Population 250. C. B. Baylor, Postmaster.
Bellisan, George
Morningstar, Jesse
Boon & Katz
Crum, Wm
Shivers, S W
Waltz, W R
Gilbert, C B
Yantis & Eberly
General Merchandise
Ball, C. E.
Devilbiss, R. W. & Co.
Saylor, C. E.
Appler, Elias
Engler, J. D.
Etzler, G. W.
Devilbiss, H. C.
Sidwell, R. W.KEMPTOWN
Is pleasantly situated near Bush Creek, 3 1/2 miles from Monrovia. The land is very good, sells at from $25 to $50 per acre, produces 25 bus. wheat, 40 oats, 60 potatoes, 25 corn, 1,000 lbs. tobacco and 1 ton hay. Providence M. E. Church and a public school. Population 70. K. R. Lewis, Postmaster.
Hyatt, John
Cabinetmaker & Undertaker
Lewis, Wm T
Lewis, A. B.
Pool, James M.
General Merchandise
Fout, O. T.
Lewis, M. R.
Baker, G. W.
Glaze, W. M.
Justice of the Peae
Morphy, W. E.
Browning, Jeremiah
Bradshaw, J. J.
Browning L H H
Is on the B. & O. R. R., 70 miles from Baltimore and 15 from Frederick City. The village is p1easantly nestled on an easy slope and shielded from the winds by the surrounding hills. South Mountain is near; and on the Va. side of the Potomac the mountains rise in picturesque grandeur. The railway and canal here offer unusual facilities for business. The soil is clay and free stone; sells at from $30 to $70 per acre; yields 15 to 30 bus. wheat, 30 to 40 oats, 150 to 200 potatoes 25 to 60 corn and 2 tons hay. M. E., Lutheran and Reformed Churches. Public schools for white and colored. Population 250. Robert Porter, Postmaster.
Agent-Express & R. R.
Reid, Dr John
Porter, John W.
Coal Dealer
Merchant, I. N.
General Merchandise
Main, J. D. & Bro.
Miller, J. M. & Co.
Grain Dealers
Darby & Rice
Knoxville- James Reely
Justice of the Peace
Reid, Dr. John
Livery Stable.
Porter, Robert
Darby, Miss Kate
Reid, John
Saddles & Harness.
Porter, Robert
Fry, Charles W
Mitchell, JohnLADIESBURG
Is on the F. & P. L., R. R. 14 miles north of Frederick City. The location is pleasant, within 2 miles of the Monocacy River and near the Carroll county line. Land, red limestone and slate; sells at from $20 to $100 per acre; produces 15 to 20 bus. wheat, 40 corn, 30 oats, 75 potatoes and 1 ton of hay. Churches and schools convenient Population 50. W. H. Martz, Postmaster.
Fogle, Francis
Haugh, David
Staup, Daniel
General Merchandise
Fox, Jessie
Martz, W. H.
Keefer, John L
Patent Medicines
Byerly, J K
Liggett, J. J.
Delphey, Joseph
Bowman, Wm.
Duttero, Wm.
Haugh, Wm. A.LANDER
Is on the B. & O. R. R. and C. & O. Canal; 71 miles from Baltimore and 16 from Frederick City by rail. Land can be bought for $30 to $60 per acre; produces 30 bus. wheat and 50 corn. Public school, C. Marriott, teacher. Population 15. L. Rodrick, Postmaster.
Cochran, C
Rodrick & Smith
Is situated on the Emmittsburg road, 10 miles from Frederick and 5 from Harmony Grove. Land, red clay and limestone, sells at from $10 to $100 per acre; produces 12 to 30 bus. wheat, 50 corn, 40 oats, 100 potatoes and 2 tons bay. Crops are generally good. M. P. Church and two pubb’c school, Population 175. A. N. Cramer, Postmaster.
Layman, Jacob
Weller, J P
Boots & Shoes
Bishop, Jacob
Shaeffer, Jno F D
General Merchandise
Cramer, A N
Zimmerman, G T
Justice of the Peace.
Cator, Henry
Gonso, George
Leatherman, Daniel
Taylor, C W
Leatherman, M. E.
Saddles & Harness
Is distant by county road 12 miles from Frederick, 37 by pike from Baltimore and 8 from Union Bridge, the shipping point on the W. M. R. R. It is situated in the midst of a fertile, pleasing and healthful country, the surface of which is charmingly diversified. The nearest streams are Linganore and Dollyhide. The business of the town is good, and within 2 miles is the Liberty Copper Mine, in successful operation. The soil is varied, composed chiefly of limestone, blue slate, gray rock and quartz. The lands are principally cleared, worth from $25 to $40 per acre, and produces 10 to 30 bus wheat, 30 to 50 oats, 80 to 60 corn, 75 to 100 potatoes, 1,000 pounds tobacco and 1 1/2 tons hay. Crops are generally good. The timber yet standing is chiefly oak, hickory, chestnut and walnut. The town lass a well conducted newspaper and a fire company; German Reformed Church, Rev. R. Schulenburger; M. F., Rev. C. C. Cronin; M. P., ILev. J. IL. Nicholls, and Roman Catholic, Rev. Father Daniel Hall; two public schools, one private. Population 600. J. S. L. Rodrick, Postmaster.
Blacksmiths & Wheelwrights
Etzler, Dennis
Etzer, Hamilton
Medcalfe, Calvin
Vansant, John M
Gallagher, R
Groff, Levi
Medcalfe, John W
Wilhide, J W
Bowhan, G. W.
Norwood, R. N.
Sweadner, Wm.
Gorrell, R. B.
Munshour, Wm.
Null, Geo.
Sweader & Sons
Whitmore & Son
Carriage & Wagonmakers.
Etzler, H & Bro
McMaster, Samuel
Scheirer, Alex C.
Benner, Alonzo
Norwood, C A
Radcliffe, J M
Davis, Thomas S
Hitselberger, C F
General Merchandise.
Etzler & Sweadnor
Harris, James H
Maynard, T G
Grocers & Confectioners
Benner, A
Mitchell, H
Wright, S D
Radcliffe, Joseph M
National, Gibson Smith
Union, G W Strasbarger
Trundle, Clayton
Wagner, W T
Justices of the Peace.
Sappington, Dr Sidney
Unkerfer, John E
Beall Bros & Sons
Roberts Bros
Albaugh, H
Linthicum, Miss B E & Sister
Hitselberger, C. F.
Sweadmer, D & Bro
Bowlian, Thos W
Sweadner, W T
Devilbiss, Kamhall
Sappington, Augustus
Sappington, Sidney
Simme, Thomas
Simpson, Thomas
Rodrick, J S L
Colleberg, F
Hoffman, John H
Roberts, James H
Stevens, Saml
Young, J T
Stoves and Tinware
Wagner, Henry S
Bowhan, F M.
Carr, Thos & Son
Baker, Henry
Tobacco Growers.
Sweadner, R D & Wm
Wines and Liquors.
Is 1 mile from Tuscarora on the B. & O. R. R., and near the Potomac River and Chesapeake & Ohio Canal. Climate temperate; business and crops good. Land limestone; mostly cleared; sells at from $50 to $100 per acre; produces 20 to 35 bus. wheat, 80 oats, 150 to 200 potatoes, 40 corn and 2 tons hay. Forest Grove Church and Licksville School. Population 75. J. C. Spalding, Postmaster.
Blacksmiths and wheelwrights
Butcher, P H
Dronenberar, Henry
Roberson, Benjamin
Carpenters and Undertakers.
Butcher, John
Plummer, M W
General Merchandise
Spalding, J C
Justice of the Peace.
Allnutt, Wm P
Lime Burner
Monehan, OwenLIME KILN
Is on the B. & O. R. R., 60 1/4 miles from Baltimore and 41/2 from Frederick City. Climate moderate; land limestone, sand and clay, most all cleared; some oaks and hickory yet standing. Land sells at from $100 to $175 per acre; produces 20 to 85 bus. wheat, 50 to 200 potatoes, 30 to 60 corn, 500 lbs tobacco and 2 tons hay. Population 150. M. J. Grove, Postmaster.
Rideout, A S
Delashmutt, Jas
Grinder, Jos S
Leib, S D
General Merchandise
Grove, M J & Son
Lime Manufacturers
Grinder, M. A.
Grove, M. J.
Phleeger, A. S.
McKinney, D. F.
Is 7 miles from Mount Airy on the B. & O. R. R. Climate temperate and healthy; crops good. Land, blue slate and limestone, sells at $40 per acre; produces 15 to 35 bus. wheat, 20 to 40 oats, 100 to 200 potatoes, 30 to 50 corn, 600 to 1000 lbs. tobacco and 2 tons bay. Some splendid mill and factory sites, and fine country for dairy and beef cattle. Population 80. T. Poole, Postmaster.
General Merchandise
Boland, Wm F
Douty, Moses
Reifsnider, SamuelMECHANICSTOWN
Is on the W. M. R. R., 56 miles from Baltimore, 15 by pike from Frederick and 27 by rail, and three-fourths of a mile from the Catoctin Mountains. The nearest streams are the Hunting and Owing’s Creeks; it is located in a pleasing and thriving country. The climate and health are good, business fair. Soil is of red shale, yellow slate, alluvial, and some limestone. The land is principally cleared, ranges in prices from $30 to $60 per acre, and yields 8 to 20 bus. wheat, 10 to 40 oats, 80 to 50 corn and 1 to 2 tons hay. The Catoctin Furnace is within 2 miles and in operation. The timber now remaining consists of oak, hickory, walnut, chestnut, poplar and beech. Population 700. John Root, Postmaster.
Agent-R. R. & Express
Horn, W A
Lucas, Amos
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights
Firer, Benj F
Hess, Wm
Horn, Wm
Loy, Wm
Webb, Wm.
Eigenbrode, Dan’l
Moser, Cyrus
Brick Manufacturer
Fleagle, John A.
Damuth, Wm.
Carpenters & Undertakers.
Creager, James
Dorsey, Geo B
Shaw, Thomas
Smith, E. M.
Weddle, Joseph A
Weller & Creager
Weller, Simon A
Cigar Maunnicturers.
Orndorff, A F
Whitmore, K S
Martin, J E
Peddicord, Caleb.
Renner, John A
Radcliffe, Dr H G
Gilds & Co
Flour, Feed & Fertilizers.
Cassell, Chas E
Stockedale, Geo W
Witherow, S H
General Merchandise.
Gilds, N E
Johnson, Geo H
Root & Groff
Freese, Joseph
Martin, D C
Central, Jacob Sprow
Gilbert, John B Gilbert
Damuth.C A
Justice of the Peace.
White, Frederick
Hammaker, B F
Jones, John
Martin, J & D C
Milliners & Dressmakers.
Gernand, Miss Jennie
Hesson, Miss Kate
Lony, Kiss Mary
Stokes, Miss Susan
Biggs & Carmack
Adelsperger, Jas
Mackley Bros
Boblitz, B L
Marsh, Wm H
White, Wm
Zimmerman, a K
Cover, B N
Cover, J H
Picking, Leonard
Stull Bros
Stock Dealers-
Anders, Thomas
Barton, Isaac N
Stoves and Tinware.
Osler, V P
Landers, John
Picking, Leonard
Sleek, A B
Rouner, John
Telegraph Operator.
Horn, W A
Stokes, Joshua
Watches & Jewelry.
Is on the old National Pike, 8 miles west of Frederick, and one mile from the Catoctin, a tributary of the Potomac; it lies between the Catoctin and Blue Ridge Mountains, in the beautiful, fertile and salubrious valley bearing its own name. The approach to this town from the East is full of varied and pleasing interest; from tbe mountains, looking Westward, on towards the Blue Ridge, an unsurpassed picture of wide and diversified landscape, flanked on either hand by mountain ranges, rolls upward and downward before the eyes of the charmed observer; from this point the town is seen lifting its spires above the hills which environ it on the east. The whole valley lies outspread, rich, smiling and fruitful; farms, lusty barns, dwellings, orchards, and mills attest the fatness of the land. The soil is composed of clay and quartz; land mostly cleared, is valued at from $25 to $80 per acre, and produces 10 to 20 bus. wheat, 15 to 80 oats, 25 to 60 corn and 1 to 2 1/2 tons hay. Crops generally good. The forest is composed of oaks, hickory, chestnut and some walnut and poplar. There are five schools, two public and three private. Population 800. A. C. Bragonier, Postmaster.
BENEVOLENT SOCITIES.- I. O. O. F.-Catoctin Lodge 118; Middletown Grange 97, P of H., Thos. Shafer, Master.
CHURCHESC AND PASTORS.-German Reformed, Rev. T. F. Hoffmeier Lutheran, Rev. L. A. Minn; M. B., Rev. W. G. Herbert; M. B., (colored,) Rev. James Brown; Roman Catholic and United Brethren, Rev. J. W. Funk.
TOWN OFFICER-Mayor-Allen Sparrow. Commissioners-S am’l Leazer, Charles L. Gaver, Wm. H. Miller, Jno. W. Darner and Jno. Tracy.
Schultz, Fred
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights
Crone, Henry
Koogle, Adam
Hagen, Peter A
Hemp, Peter
Miller, Dan’l C
Cabinetmakers & Undertakers
Feete, Henry
Feete, Harrison
Powers, Benj
Shearer, Geo
Cookerly, John A
Leazer, Sam’l
Wise, Chas E
Kahle & Davis
Hagan, Peter A
Minnick, Ezra
Kesselring, Geo
McQuade, Arthur
Tracy, George
Ramsden, Jno F
General Merchandise
Culler, John
Kepler, D S
Levy & Swearinger
Rudy, T. C.
Smith, Adam
Wright & Sanner
Grocers and Confectioners
Herring, Edward
Linkum, Mrs. Mary
Lorentz, Adam
Minnick, Ezra
Shafer, P. W.
Crouse, Geo. V.
Groff, David
Kepler, Luther M.
Crone, John E.
Delauder, Geo.
Fink, John
Sparrow, Chas.
Justices of the Peace
Coblentz, Oliver P.
Minnick, Ezra
Leather & Shoe Findings
Schlosser, Peter G.
Cramer, Geo. W.
Heagy, Chas. A.
Weaver, Alex & Sons
Keafauver, Richard C.
Keller, Daniel
Phleeger, Fred
Snook, John M.
Speck, Samuel
Milliners and Dressmakers
Brandenburg, Mrs. M.
Crone, Mrs. Harriett
Meredith, Eliza
Chamberlain, James & Son
Sparrow, Howard E
Beatty, Joseph E
Butler, Wm B
Getnendanrier, J
Bowersox, Geo
Gaver, Chas L
Lorentz, Joseph
Niemeyer, Chas
Stephen, Septimus
Thomas, Robert
Wacliter, W N
Young, Joseph B
Davis, Thos F
Wines and Liquors.
Herring, Edward
Woolen Mills,
Remsburg, BenjMONROVIA
Is on the B. & O. R. R., 50 miles from Baltimore and 38 by pike; it is 9 from Frederick by pike and 12 by R. R.; the situation is in the midst of a fertile agricultural district. The soil is of the blue slate formation; lands are principally cleared, estimated at from $20 to $50 per acre, and yield 20 to 30 bus wheat, 30 oats, 50 to 200 potatoes, 30 to 50 corn, 800 to 1000 pounds tobacco snd 1 ton hay. There is an extensive flouring mill here, and a large trade in fertilizers, &c. The timber now standing comprises hickory, oaks and chesnut. Churches and schools near. Population 150. Miss Wood, Postmaster.
Agent-R. R. and Express
Oghorn, Wm
Page, Geo. D.
Fertilizers and Coal
Ogborn & Sullivan
General Merchandise
Wood, M. P.
Shearer, John D.MOTTERS
Is on the Emmittsburg R. R., 3 1/2 miles from Rocky Ridge; climate changeable and healthy. Land red loam, sells at $30 per acre, produces 15 bus. wheat, 40 oats, 200 potatoes, 60 corn and 2 tons hay. Population 20. Wm. Motter, Postmaster.
Weaver, David
Hobbs, Joshua
General Merchandise
Deilman, Francis
Molter & Taylor
Cretin, John T.
Maxwell, Samuel
Seabold, Nicholas
Knott, J. W.
Is on the Liberty Road, 5 miles from Frederick City and 3 from Georgetown on the F. & P. L. R. R. Climate healthy; crops generally good. Land limestone and slate, sells at from $25 to $100 per acre; produces 18 to 25 bus. wheat, 40 corn, 30 oats, 100 potatoes and 2 tons hay. Reformed and M. E. Churches and a public schcol. Population 125. John W. Ogburn, Postmaster.
Stevens, B & Bro
Kemp, Daniel S
General Merchandise.
Ogburn, Jno W
Riddlemoser, Jas L
Taylor, S T
Wagner, John
Stone, D F
Damon, Jno
Buckey, Geo W
Sheetenatlm, AMYERSVILLE
Is 13 miles from Frederick and near Catectin Creek, a small water course which flows in the vicinity. Climate moderate; village healthy; business medium and crops good. Soil is composed of yellow clay; land nearly all cleared, is worth $60 per acre and yields 15 bus. wheat, 80 oats, 75 potatoes, 50 corn and 2 tons hay. U. B. Church, Rev. J. W. Fonk; Evang. Luth., Rev. J. W. Forsyth. Public School, D. U. and Wm. E. Schildknecht, teachers. Population 150. C. A. Buhrman, Postmaster.
Toms, John H
Poffenberger, Enoch
Poffenberger, Isaac
Poffenberger, Isaiah
Poffenberger, Sno F
Moser, Isaiah
Gaver, O. J.
Carpenters and Undertakers.
Flock, Henry
Flock, Lewis
Fox, Fred’k
Morgan, Jas W
Routzahn, Cyrus
Suman, Hezekiah
General Merehandise.
Brown, Joseph
Buhrman, Upton
Wachtel, Joshua D
Duval, Marcellus
Harp, Josiah
Peugh, AM
Watkins, John L
Milliners and Confectioners.
Gayer, Mrs Kate
Poffenberger, Mrs Caroline
Weaver, Harriet
Zimmerman, L K
Shepley, Aaron
Shepley, Dan’l
Koogle, John
Ketzger, Mosheim
Hildebrand, Jno TNEW LONDON
Is 4 miles from Monrovia on the B. & O. R. R. and near Ben’s Branch. Climate and business medium, place healthy and crops good soil. It is composed of slate and lime; land mostly cleared and is valued at $50 per acre, yields 18 bus. wheat, 40 oats, 100 potatoes, 40 corn and three-fourths ton hay. Central Chapel (M. P.) and New London M E. Churches; two Public schools, Mn. L. A. Huffinan and Bradley Hyett, teachers. Population 75. A. W. Baker, Postmaster.
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights
Poole, C
Poole, Wm H
Simpson, B J F
Aidridge, E. J.
Wagner, Frank
General Merchandise
Baker & Danner
Barnes, N
Webb, M A
Justice of the Peace
Shultz, John
Cartzendafner, J. E.
Hess, Samuel
Keller, Jacob
Smith, Miss. L. P.
Shultz, John
Danner, JohnNEW MARKET
Is three-fourths of a mile from Monrovia on the B. & O. R.R, and 8 from Frederick by pike; the nearest water course is Bush Creek. Climate and health of the place is excellent; it is in a fine farming district, the soil of which is diversified as well as the face of the country. The characteristics of the soil are gravelly loam, yellow slate and limestone; land is principally cleared, can be, purchased at from $25 to $50 per acre, and produces 15 to 30 bus. wheat, 80 oats, 30 to 50 corn, 75 to 200 potatoes, and 800 to 1000 lbs. tobacco. The timber yet standing consists of oaks, hickory and chestnut. M. B. Church, Rev. C. C. Cronin; M. E. South, Rev. W. a. Stringer; K P Rev. C. F. Cochel; P. B., Rev. James Stevenson. Public School, D. E Hammond, teacher. A. F. & A. M.-Philanthropic 168; I. O. O. F.-Fidelity a Population 450. Hamilton Stier, Postmaster.
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights
Bear Bros
Mount, Elias & Son
Broom Manufacturer
Rhodes, Geo H
Lease, Thos W
Runkels, Basil T
General Merchandise
Gladson, A J
Hammond, Gralton
Hammond, Grafton B
Stier, HamiltonHarnessmaker
Lowe, John T
Hilton, I T Hilton
Justices of the Peace
Hall, Joel
Smith, John T
Boyer, Peter
Barnes, Mrs. Caroline
Orem, Edward
Winberry, Elias
Dorsey, Harry W.
Downey, Jesse W.
Moberly, E. W.
Wood, Isaac N.
Fowler, Vernon
Lickel, Francis
Rinehart, Frederick
Roelky, Chas.
Houck, Edward
Wines and Liquors
Mealey, Chas. E.NEW MIDWAY
Is pleasantly situated on the F. & P. L. R. R. Climate mild. Land, red loam and slate, mostly cleared; oak, ash, walnut, hickory and chestnut comprise the timber standing. Land sells at from $40 to $100 per acre produces 10 to 50 bus. wheat, 15 to 40 oats, 20 to 100 potatoes, 30 to 60 corn, and 2 ton hay. Population 40. T. C. Renner, Postmaster,
Renner, F C
Blacksmiths and wheelwright
Dougherty, Charles
Renner, E
Carpenters and Builders
Barrick, William
Boser, Jesse
Barrick, Robert
Fly Brush Manufacturers
Renner & Hines
General Merchandise
Butt, M. D.
Strine, FrankOAK ORCHARD
Is 5 miles from New Windsor on the W. M. R. R. Village is healthy and crops good; soil is composed of slate and limestone, principally cleared, and produces per acre, 15 to 25 bus. wheat, 25 to 50 oats, 100 to 200 potatoes, anti 40 to 80 corn. PuMic School, Miss Georgia D. England, teacher. Population 25. John T. Barnes, Postmaster.
Reck, Jeremiah
Carpenters and Undertakers
Devilbiss, Martin L
Miller, A
Summerville, John
Carriage Maker
Waltz, John E
General Merchandise
Franklin, Noah J.
Ensor, Elijah C.
Fisher, Wm.
Garber, Wm. H.OWENS’ CREEK
Is near Loy’s on the W. M. R. R.; climate, health, business and crops good; red soil; land principally cleared, is valued at $40 per acre and produces 20 bus. wheat, 30 oats, 100 potatoes, 40 corn and 1 1/2 tons hay. Public School, Wm. Miller, teacher. Population 75. C. Mr. Loy, Postmaster.
Agricultural Implements
Loy, C W.
Campbell, John
Loy, D S
Loy, M D
Dorsoy, James
Harbaugh, L C
Hiner, Addison
Walter, Carl
Martin, Jeremiah
Shaw, Geo. W.
Devilbiss, J. W.
Is 2 1/2 miles from Knoxville on the B. & O. R. R., and 12 south-west of Frederick City; it is situated about the centre of Maryland Tract, in the lower portion of the Middletown Valley, between the South Mountain on the west and the Catoctin Mountains on the east. The neighborhood has been for many years a favorite summer resort; but a refined and cultivated society, and was the former residence of Gov. Lee, Hon. John Lee and Gov. Francis Thomas. Climate salubrious, soil excellent; land nearly all cleared, is valued at from $40 to $75 per acre, and yields 10 to 30 bus. wheat, 40 to 60 oats, 50 to 60 corn, and 100 potatoes; crops are generally good. Lutheran Church, Rev. Mr. Thruer; MIn., Rev. E. Smith; P. E., Rev. Joseph Trapneil; P. E. (Reformed), Rev. 0. L. Staley; Roman Catholic, (St Mary’s), Rev. Father Jno. Gaffney, S. J; four public and two private schools, and a seminary. Population 200. Wm. Gardner, Postmaster.
Kinney, David
McKinzie, Francis
Werking, E
Goodman, J
General Merchandise.
Biser, D
Dennis, Henry
Meek, John
Smith, Mrs M E
Smith, J.
Steiner, Francis
Hilleary, John W.
West, Geo. W.
Hoffman, Geo.
Seigler, H.
Winter, ThomasPLANE No. FOUR
Is on the B. & O. R. R., 46 miles from Baltimore. The land is medium, principally cleared, can be bought at from $10 to $15 per acre, and produces 10 to 20 bus wheat, 15 to 20 oats, 50 to 60 potatoes, 40 corn and 900 lbs. tobacco. Population 20. A. M.D. Mullinix, Postmaster.
Agent-R. R.. & Express
Mullinix, A M D
Browning, L H H
Fleming, Samuel
General Merchandise
Buxton, James L.
Griffith, P. G. M.
Spurrier, Mrs. J.
Wilson, Henry B.
Bartholow, FrankPOINT OF ROCKS
Is on the B. & O. R. R., 69 miles from Baltimore, 12 from Frederick, and near the Potomac River and the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal. Here the R R., the canal, and the river press closely side by side, and give unusual interest and facilities to the place. The rocky barriers have been tunnelled by the railroad, and reverberate almost continuously the triumphant scream of the locomotive. Business and health fair. Soil, limestone and freestone, and produces excellent crops; land is three-fourths cleared, ranges in price from $25 to $60 per acre, and yields 15 bus. wheat, 35 corn, 35 oats, and 1 ton hay. The timber still remaining comprises oak, chestnut and hickory. M. B. Church, Rev. Oco. W. Feelemeyer; M. F. (Colored), no regular pastor; and two public schools, one colored. Population 75. B. D. Chanthem, Postmaster.
Agent- R. R.. and Express.
Trundle, O W
Oden, F A
Colbert, Andrew
Gencral Merchandise.
Chambers, B D
Hickman & Williams
Grain and Fertilizers
Snonifer, George W
American, C L & J Nichols
St. Charles, Charles Boyle
Justice of the Peace.
Michael, Ezra
Snouffer, George W
Trapnall, H W
Nichols, P O
Wines and Liquors.
Is on the W. Md. R. R. at the junction of the Emmittsburg Road, 51 miles from Baltimore and 7 from Emmittsbnrg and 16 from Frederick City. The soil is red slate and is valued at from $20 to $50 per acre; produces 8 to 25 bus. wheat, 15 to 30 oats, 80 to 40 corn and 2 tons hay. Lutheran, Reformed and Baptist Churches and public school. Population 60. H. D. Fuss, Postmaster.
Agent-Express and R. R.
Eichelberger, M S
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights
Appold, George
Campbell, S B
Wood, Basil
Carpenter and Builder
Bugler, O A
Commission Merchants.
Biggs & Eichelberger
General Merchandise
Fuss, H. D.
Lickle Bros.
Ecker, Hanson
Justice of the Peace
Norris, A. L.
Riggs, Joshua
Martin, Jeremiah
Troxell, FrederickSABILLISVILLE
Is on the W. M. R. R., 66 miles from Baltimore. Land is mostly cleared, can be purchased at from $15 to $40 per acre, and produces 12 to 25 bus. wheat, 20 to 50 oats, 100 to 200 potatoes, 20 to 40 corn, and 1 to 2 tons hay. German Reformed Church, Rev. H. Wissler; United Brethren, Rev. Mr. Freed; and a public school. Population 50. H. S. Duphorne, Postmaster.
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights
Arnsparger, Dallas
Freshour, Nelson
Broom Manufacturer
Stein, Henry
Willard, Joel
Stotelinger, J. C.
Homerick, Susan
Manahan, Jane
General Merchandise
Crawford & Bro
Hiteshew, Charles
Stern, John
Justice of the Peace.
Luckett, W F
Kenna, Simpson
Luckett, W. F.
Watson, J. G.
Is on the Liberty Road, 2 miles east of Liberty and 5 from New Windsor; land medium, sells at from $10 to $40 per acre, produces 10 to 20 bus. wheat, 30 oats, 40 corn and 1 ton hay. Churches and schools near. Population 40. H. Lindsay, Postmaster.
Douty, John
General Merchandise
Lindsay, H
Luggenbeel & Norris
Lindsay, C J
Justice of the Peace
Brenneisca, Wm
Deddera, G W
Nicodemus, P
Whitehill, Polk
Brenneisen, G. E.
Sappington, G R.
Whitehill, M.
Beach, P.
Gilbert, J. C.
Hartsock, D.
Brenneisen, J. E.URBANA
Is on the mail road leading from Frederick City to Washington, and 8 miles from Ijamiville on the B. & 0. ft, B., and 5 from Frederick City. The location is pleasant, and the vicinity is healthy. The land is red loam, well improved and highly productive. Lands range in price from $20 to $100 per acre, according to location and improvements, and yield good crops of wheat, corn, oats, hay and potatoes. M. E. and Roman Catholic Churches one primary school. Population 50.Thomas A. Smith, Postmaster.
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights
Dronenburg, Chas
Kesler, Jacob & John
Knott, Frank
Sibley, Wm F
Henrickson, Ephraim
Murray, Henry C
Howard, James M
General Merchandise
Hendry, Mrs C C C
Jamison, J. J. & Sons
Smith, Thos. A.
Peters, Thomas
Rinehart, A. H.
Simmons, A. K.
Hellen, Wm. D.
Saw Mills
Keller, Joseph C.
Rinehart, A. H.UTICA MILLS
Is on the Frederick and Emmittsburg Road, 8 miles north of Frederick and 3 from Georgetown on the F. & P. R. R. Location healthy, crops generally good; land is worth from $30 to $90 per acre, and produces 15 to 25 bus. wheat, 50 corn, 40 oats, 100 potatoes, and 1 ton hay. The village contains a Lutheran and Reformed Churches and a public school. Population 100. W. H. Todd, Postmaster.
General Merchandise
Shaw, E.
Todd, Wm. H. & Son
Walters, K.
Clem, Augustus
Is on the Woodsboro turnpike, near Georgetown on the F. & P.R. R, 6 miles north from Frederick. Climate healthy and crops good. The land is limestone; is worth from $75 to $150 per acre, and produces 18 to 25 bus. wheat, 50 corn, 20 oats, 150 potatoes and 2 tons hay. Population 100. S. W. Stauffer, Postmaster.
Barrick, David M
Bishop, George
Greesey, Theo
Carpenters and Undertakers
Cromwell, Arthur & Orrick
Perry, Jacob S
General Merchandise.
Stauffer, H Clay
Stauffer, S W & Son
Fink, G W
McCormick, S
Zimmerman, Michael
Is 6 miles from Smithburg on the W. M. It. It. and near Catoctin Creek. Land is mostly cleared, can be bought at from $20 to $80 per acre, and produces 15 bus. wheat, 80 oats, 100 potatoes, 80 corn and 2 1/2 tons hay. German Reformed Lutheran, Tunkard, United Brethren Churches and several public schools. Population 100. John H. Mangans, Postmaster.
Barkdoll, Geo H
Kline, Lawson
Myers, John
Hoover, Mrs E
Wolfe, S N
Carpenters and Undertakers
Brandenburg, C U
Grove, James A
Haynes, John
Stottlemyer, Mrs Anna C
General Merchandise
Holter & Phleeger
Hoover, J. W.
Leatherman, F.
Mangans & Bartgis
Martin, Scott T.
Biser, D.
Eccard, N.
Lamar, Lewis
Smith, J. G.
Hoover, J. WesleyWOODSBORO
Is on the Frederick & Pennsylvania R. R and Woodsboro turnpike; it is 55 1/2 miles from Baltimore, 10 1/2 from Frederick, and near Israel’s Creek and the Monocacy River; it lies in the midst of a fertile and salubrious country. The lands are of diversified formation and pleasingly undulating; the chief formations are of limestone, blue and yellow slate and the old red sand-stone; they vary in value from $25 to $100 per acre, and yield 8 to 20 bus wheat, 15 to 85 oats, 25 to 50 corn and from 1 to 2 tons hay; about seven-eighths of the lands are cleared or timber, and that yet remaining is composed of chestnut, oak and hickory. Woodsboro points with affectionate pride to the old edifice which gave rest and refreshment to Washington, when he encamped his foot-sore army on their march to Philadelphia, on the adjacant hills. The town was then on the great highway from the South, by way of Frederick, York and Lancaster, to Philadelphia. The old house which served Washington for his headquarters, was built of split logs and filled in with mortar and stone; it is now incorporated in a stone and brick building. The old house subsequently became a tavern, and bore, until the last quarter century, the sign of Washington mounted on his charger. The town was plotted in the colonial days by Col. Joseph Wood, who afterwards served in the war of Independence. A lenial descendant of Col. Dr. H. L. Donsife yet preserves the old original charter of the town, now nearly 100 years old. There is yet standing, in good preservation, the old edifice of Col. Wood, built in the old English style of bricks imported by him from England. The town was named in honor of Col. Wood. There is within 1 1/2 miles of the town rich deposits of magnetic iron ore, which were extensively mined when the iron trade was flourishIng. There is also most excellent hematite iron ore in the neighborhood. German Reformed Church, Rev. Orange E. Lake; Lutheran, Rev. D. N. LaMotte; M. E., Rev. C. C. Cronin; M. P. Rev. J. R. Nicholls, and one public school. Population 350. John Baker, Postmaster.
Agent-R. R. and Express.
Shank, Geo D
Cavanaugh, Thos
Donsife, Francis G
Donsife, Otho S
Dougherty, Olin
Gilbert, Wm H
Welker, C A
Bridge Contractors.
Anden, Moses & Son
Led ‘ridge, James D
Carpenters and Undertakers.
Beck, John W
Bowers, Jacob H
Crum, Simon H
Foglc, Nicholas
Gilbert, E AM & Bro
Working, M O
Grimes, Ephraim D
Stambaugh, John B
General Merchandise.
Beard, Jacob
Bourn, Mm L A
Dorcus & Shank
Newman, S M
Ruby, M
Single & Myers
Harness and Saddles
Smith, Benj
Union, Jas M Smith
Barrick, Geo P
Locke, Geo F
Stimmel, John W
Justices of the Peace.
Bowers, S H
Locke, John H
Shank, Geo W
Lime Manufacturer
Dorcus, D F
Livery Stable.
Stimmer, Jas H
Cramer, Augustus
Cramer, T F
Marble workers.
Lough, J Q
Snyder, James S
Anders, Moses & Son
Kolb, David
Young, David
Lynn, Aaron
Ruby, M
Trimmer, Abraham
Woods, Chas
Millinery and Confectionery.
Adams. Mrs Maria E
Best, Mrs Christina
Bowers, Mrs L A
Saylor, B P
Donsife, O L
Donsife, H L
Hammond, H T
Wagner, Harrison
Wagner. Wm H
Sheetiron workers
Fletcher, John W
Winebrenner, Geo L
Gilbert, Geo H
Gilbert, Simeon H
Weikert, Geo F
Fox, Jeremiah
Baker, Jno A
Bassford, Geo E
Bassford, Jacob
Brady, Bros
Boogher, C C
Cary, James
Crist, Jacob
Crist, William
Davis, A J
Delashmutt, B
Dutrow, J W
Dutrow, H C
Dutrow, S
Fitzsimmons, J I.
Fulton, H H
Harwood, C
Harwood, M N
Hoffman, Wm
Johnson, AC
Johnson, H A
Kline, J R
Michael, A
Michael, D J
Michael, Ezra
Michael, Wm H
Myers, J. N. & C. W.
McDevitt, John
Padgett, Geo W
Plummer, T G
Ramnburg, Calvin
Renn, Isaac
Snouffer, A T
Snouffer, George
Snouffer, G A T
Snouffer, G F
Specht, Mrs Anna
Specht, Michael
Thomas, Amos
Thomas, C M.
Thomas, David O
Thomas, D P
Thomas, Geo of H
Thomas, J Franklin
Thomas, J S
Thomas, Lewis
Thomas, Thomas L
Trundle, S H
Trundle, Thomas
White, John
Williard, Geo WAraby
Best, Jno T
Dixon, Thomas A
Font, Charles
Gambrill, Jas H
Knode, Joseph
Lease, A J
Mahoney, D L
Mants, Frank
Ogle, Jon B
Smith, W
Thomas, Col C K
Worthington, S T
Wilcoxon, Casper
Wilcoxen, JeromeBarry
Dixon, Benjamin
Frazier, John
Forrest, W
Long, James
Marlew, H
McBride, Martin
Phillips, Then
Potterfield, Jonah
Shafer, Charles
Swank, Phillip
Wenner, John
Wenner, WilliamBridgeport
Althouse, H D
Baumgardner, F
Bishop, Henry
Bollinger, Lewis
Bower, Adam
Clabaugh, John
Fair, James
Gardner, Wm
Hay, James
Kiser, Wm
Morrison, W B
Naill, Abraham
Ott, Samuel
Smith, A
Smith, Stephen
Snider, Wm
Vaughn, WmBroad Run
Ahalt, B F
Ahalt, Samuel
Beschley, Daniel
Biser, H H
Bowlus, Frank
Bowlus, Capt S R
Boyer, Columbus
Boyer, Hanson
Eoyer, John E
Boyer, Oliver
Delaughter, Samuel
Fink, Emanuel
Fink, M F
Garner, B W H
Grove, Maj G. W.
Grove, S S
Grove, Wm A
House, B F
House, G H
Huffer, C G
Huffer, David
Huffer, G Dawson
Huffer, Geo W
Huffer, John
Huffer, JacobS
Moser, John
Ringgold, C
Ringgold, J Y
Shaff, Solomon
Slifer, John
Slifer, P 0
Whip, John D
Williard, Dewalt
Williard, E L
Williard, HBuckeystown
Baker, D
Chiswell, Capt. J. N.
Chiswell, Wm T
Cromweu, Arthur
Day, James T
Larch, Charles
MeKenney, A F
Nicodemus, Eli
Padgett, Geo. W
Regers, Jos P
Simmons, C S
Sian, Col John T
Thomas, F C
Thomas, F GBurkittsville
Ahalt, C P
Ahalt, Joshua
Ahalt, Jno D
Ahalt, M
Arnold, David
Arnold, Joshua
Arnold, Thomas
Crampton, D P
Enniss, Jos
Flook, Jno
Fout, M W
Garrott, B V
Horine, Ezra
Horine, Jno A
Horine, L A T
Horine, O
Karn, E L
Young, Thaac
Young, JacobCreagerstown
Bell, Benjamin
Delaplane, Ephraim
Delaplane, Joshua
Fisher, Jno M
Fox, Battaell
Fox, Ephraim
Graham, George
Geisbert, Hamilton
Hankey, Frederick
Hankey, Isaac L
Hankey, Peter,
Hoffman, George
Hoffman, Jno
Hull, William
Knee, Elias
Matthias, Philip
Myers, George
Myers, Ephraim
Martz, George
Ogle, George
Oyler, Solomon
Powell, Daniel
Ridenour, S
Shaw, George
Sheak, Jno
Staup, Eugene
Simmon, E A
Smith, Jno
Stevens, Charles
Warner, David
Warner, Emanuel
Witmore, DavidEllerton
Bittle, John H
Bittle, Thos F
Bussard, J M
Carter, F G
Gaver, Henry
Gaver, John T
Grossnickle, Daniel
Grossnickle, Ellis
Grossnickle, Geo.
Grossnickle, Mahion
Grossnickle, Martin
Grossnickle, Peter
Harshman, Daniel
Harshman, Elias
Harshman, Israel
Harshman, Samuel
Herrong, J T
Hooper, Chas.
Johnson, Charles
Leatherman, Adam
Palmer, A W
Palmer, Daniel
Routzahn, Elias
Routzahn, Ezra
Routzahn, Ludwick
Summers, Geo
Toms, JosiahEmmittsburg
Annan, Dr Andrew
Annan, A A
Allison, J & B
Barton, Thomas
Beam, Geo P
Bell, John K
Bowers, Adam
Buhrman, Thomas
Byers, Joseph
Clabaugh, Thomas
Close Elijah
Close, John
Cretin, John T
Eisenhardt, William
Feezer, Amos
Fuss, John
Gamble, David
Gardner, W. P.
Geiss, John
Gelwicks, H. J.
Gillelan, D. S.
Gillelan, Jacob
Gilson, W. J.
Gurthrie, W. S.
Hays, Joseph
Hockinsmith, J. J.
Hockinsmith, R.E.
Horner, A. L.
Horner, Eli
Hospelham, James
Hovise, Francis
Keilholtz, B.
Koontz, William
Krise, D. C.
Krise, E. F.
Lantz, Christian
Linn, Isaac
Manning, C. A.
Martin, Geo. T. M.
Martin, Mathias
Maxwell, Samnel
McCanon, Denis
Motter, L M
Motter, Samuel
Morrison, Ruben
Munshower, Jacob
Myers, Jacob
Mt St. Mary’s College
Neely, James
Newcomer, Jacob
Ohler, Geo
Ohler, S G
Ovelman, Hiram
Paxton, Samuel
Peddicord, John T
Rider, Geo K
Sell, Peter
Shriver, L P
Shriver, William Jr
Sluss, John
Springer, Edwin
Stansberry, N C
St Joseph’s Academy
Taney, Edward S
Tayler, S K & Bros
Topper, las B
Troxell, Sas W
Troxell, John
Walter, John
Winter, Harvey
Wivel, J. C.
Zacharias, C. T.
Zacharias, M. P.
Zentz, AaronFountain Mills
Baker, S L
Baker, G T
Baker, Thomas of T
Baker, W H
Barnes,John B
Boyer, James
Burgee, F
Burgee, K
Davis, C G
Davis, Eli
Davis, Geo W
Davis, I. T.
Davis, S F
Davis, Richard
Davis W K
Day, R K
Edmonston, Geo D
Griffith, L
Griffith, L Jr
Kindley, Geo F
Kindley, Geo F Jr
Kindley, Sebastian
Lawson, Gabriel
Lawson, Jas H
Lawson, Jas N
Lawson, W L
Norwood, S B
Furdum, Wm H
Roberts, William
Wolfe1 WilliamFoxvilIe
Berklite, Daniel
Brown, Daniel
Brown, Ezra
Brown, Ignatius
Brown, M. L.
Brown, William
Brown, W B
Buhrman, David
Buhrman, George
Buhrman, Henry
Buhrman, John
Buhrman, Levi
Buhrman, Silas
Buhrman, S H
Buhrman, William L
Buhrman, W W
Bussard, Samuel
Delauter, George W
Draper, William
Fox, George H
Fox, George L
Fox, George P
Fox, Joseph S
Fox, John P
Fox, Thomas C
Hauver, Ephraim
Hauver, Melancton
Hauver, Peter
Hays, H C
Kalebaugh, Adam
Kalebaugh, John
Lewis, Alfred
Lewis, Barney
Lewis, David
Lewis, Lee
Lewis, Samuel
Lovel, Greenberry
Mannahan, Daniel
Mannahan, Henry
McPherson, John
Moser, Ezra
Partner, Isaac
Ridenouer, David
Smith, Henry
Smith, Samuel
Smith William
Sturdevant, William
Swope, Jacob
Toms, Abraham
Toms, Abraham of W
Toms, Daniel
Toms, David
Toms, Hiram
Toms, Wiliam of D
Toms, William of W
Willard, Peter
Wo1f, Daniel
Wolf, H A
Wolf, William
Wyant, YostGraceham
Barton, Henry
Bennett, B
Black, Coradius
Colliflower, S T
Crum, Henry
Dutrow, Lemuel
Eicholtz, Samuel
Elder, John F
Firor, M. O.
Firor, William
Fisher, David
Hahn, John
Hankey, George
Hoover, G. A.
Kling, George
Lohr, Abraham
Lohr, John
Lohr, Nicholas
Martin, David
Martin, Jacob
Martin, Joshua
Null, G. W.
Ogle, John
Ramsburg, Henry
Shearer, A. E.
Stess, Oscar
Stoner, John R.
Stull, Alexander
Troxell, SamuelGreenfield Mills
Boyers, S. L.
Crist, Jacob
Crist, William
Davis, A. W.
Leapley, P. N.
Maxwell, J. S. & Bro.
Mobley, J. O.
Moore, W. H.
Nichols, Edwards
Oland, Charles
Oland, Carlton
Ordeman, H. D.
Simmons, B. H.
Snouffer, A. T.
Spalding, E.
Thomas, S. A.
Trundle, Thos.
Yingling, E. L.
Yingling, G. W.Hansonville
Bowers, John
Clem, Enos
Craver, David
Eyler, Christian
Getzendanner, E. T.
Harshman, John
Hildebrand, Oliver
Miller, Isaac
Miller, J. W.
Miller, Dr. T. E. R.
Palmer, J. E.
Palmer, F. T.
Ramsburg, Lewis
Shaffer, David F.
Sunday, Daniel
Stull, Frederick
Snook, D. J.
Snook, Wm. G.
Warrenfeltz, Ezra
Wilson, JohnHarmony
Brandenburg, Daniel
Brandenburg, Eli
Brandenburg, Mathias
Brandenburg, Thomas
Bittle, M.
Bussard, D. F.
Bussard, John W.
Delauder, Eli
Harp, Geo. S.
Harp, Isaiah
Kinnel, Samuel
Leatherman, Geo.
Miller, Adam
Miller, Samuel
Putnam, J. J.
Summers, Geo. W.
Summers, John
Summers, L H.
Summers, Samuel M.
Summers, Samuel T.
Toms, Ezra
Wiles, Jacob
Young, SampsonHarmony Grove
Cronise, Isaac
Cronise, Chas.
Derr, Geo.
Grabenhorst, H. C.
Houck, Geo.
Houck, Ezra.
Kefauver, M. M.
Plunkard, Henry
Plunkard, James
Plunkard, John
Thompson, Sam’l J.
Worman, Geo. M.
White, Wm.Ijamsville
Addison, Jno. D.
Anderson, A.
Biggs, Jno.
Crawford, Geo.
Crawford, James
Crawford, Thomas
Curlett, James
Deatrick, Jno. N.
Dorsey, James
Duvall, Dan’l T.
Gallagher, Chas.
Ijams, Mrs. Eliza A.
Knode, Martin
Magruder, Rufus
Montgomery, Jas.
Mussetter, John
Smith, Louis E.
Williams, John S.
Worthington, Chas. E.
Worthington, N. J.Jefferson
Blessing, Francis
Bowlus, L. H.
Crum, J. W.
Culler, J. Harman
Culler, J. Henry
Culler, W. L.
Dade, C.
Easterday, Geo. E.
Easterday, Thos. E.
Feaga, C. E.
Feaster, Jacob
Figgins, Jas. M.
Hawker, G. W.
Helm, David L.
Hemp, W. A.
Herring, D. R.
Horine, C. R.
Horine, Joel
Johnson, Thos.
Kessler, Andrew
Kessler, Israel
Lakin, J. F.
Lakin, Jno. S. & Bro.
Laking, Wm. H.
Long, Jno. W.
Main, Tobias
Miller, Frederick
Ramsburg, J. W.
Remsburg, D. S.
Remsburg, W. Z.
Sencil, John
Shaff, A.
Shaff, Daniel
Slagle, H. M.
Slagle, Geo. W.
Slifer, Samuel
Stine, Jacob
Souder, Geo.
Thomas, Ezra M.
Zimmerman, D. J.Johnsville
Baldner, M.
Buckey, R. R.
Buffington, A.
Boon, Emanuel
Devilbiss, A. A.
Devilbiss, B. P.
Diehl, John
Diehl, M.
Diehl, Wm.
Detterow, Wm.
Engler, Jesse
Engler, John
Engler, N.
Etzler, G. W.
Garber, A.
Garber, Adison
Gernand, Andrew
Giseman, Wm.
Grabill, Reuben S.
Grabill, Samuel
Hoffman, W. O.
Hyder, H.
Pfoutz, J. S.
Repp, Charles
Repp, Samuel
Repp, Wesley
Rout, Wm.
Sauble, Wm.
Saylor, Daniel
Saylor, D. O.
Saylor, John
Smith, Jacob
Spurrier, S.
Starr, L. N.
Starr, M.
Steel, A.
Stitley, Isaac
Stitley, J. E.
Stitley, S.
Stoner, D.
Stoner, E.
Stonecifer, U.
Warfield, L.
Wilson, P. L.
Wolf, John
Zimmerman, D.Kemptown
Baker, J. T. & Bro.
Baker, T. M.
Baker, W. H.
Baker, W. H. of L.
Boyer, William
Boyer, Wesley
Brandenburg, E.
Brandenburg, G.
Brandenburg, J.
Browning, Richard
Browning, Thomas
Clay, Jesse
Clay, John H.
Cleary, W. L.
Day, L.
Engle, F. H.
Fleming, M.
Hyatt, Eli
Kindley, B.
Molesworth, John
Morphey, B.
Mount, W.
Mosley, J. & Bro.
Mosley, R.
Mosely, R. M.
Mussetter, L.
Purdum, John D.
Purdum, Josiah
Thompson, C. T.
Waters, N. W.Knoxville
Brashear, Theodore
Crampton, B. P.
Crampton, C. A.
Deaver, H. T.
Garrott, Barton
McDuell, Jas. H.
McDuell, Robert
Morrison, Wm. L.
Moss, Zach.
Philpot, B. G.
Staley, Rev. Geo. L.
Thomas, John E.
Willard, EzraLadiesburg
Angel, Uriah
Albaugh, Jno.
Byerly, Frederick
Byerly, A. D.
Byerly, David
Boston, George F.
Clabaugh, Wm.
Crum, Frederick
Fogle, David
Fogle, John H.
Fogle, Peter
Flickinger, George
Hartsock, Asbury
Haugh, Addison
Haugh, Wm.
Koons, Jno. A.
Keller, J. W.
Liggett, J. J.
McGinnis, Samuel
McGinnis, J F
Miller, Geo D
Penner, Samuel
Bouers, Adam
Snook, Wm
Shoemaker, Jno W
Smith, Jno GLander
Alexander, Martin
Boteler, W H
Dade, C
Easterday, Thos B
Helm, David
Kessler, Andrew
Lakin, Jno S
Lakin, J & D
Miller, Charles
McGill, Thos J
Souders, Geo
Summers, Geo WLewistown
Albaugh, Andrew
Baltzell, Levi
Bear, John
Eaton, Henry
Fresbour, Coleman
Gough, Daniel
Grun, J D
Geesey, Thomas
Houcir, Jacob
Hines, Jacob H
Howard, Isaac
Isanagle, Michael
Long, Wm
Leatherman, I
Leatherman, Dan’l
Leatherman, Dr M B
Leatherman, Levi
Michael, Ezra
Mort, Geo W
Miller, Geo W
Null, James
Hamsburg, Lewis P
Hamaburg, Alexander
Ramsburg, Nelson
Ramsburg, Daniel
Roberts, Michael
Rice, Samuel
Selsan, Jno C
Shader, Thomas
Wilhide, Henry
Zimmeiman, O TLiberty
Albaugh, E V
Albaugh, Joshua
Applebee, H H
Baker, Henry
Baker, John B
Beard, Geo P
Bohn, Michael
Bowlian, H U
Bayer, Henry
Boyer, W H
Boyle, HC
Brown, Jeremiah
Burgess, B W W
Carter, Milton
Colleberg1 Frank
Creager, Adam
Creager, Theodore
Crum, John
Devilbias, A C
D utrow, Josiah
Ecker, Aaron
Ecker, Sam’l
Ecker, Sam’l B
Egler, Eplirairn
Egler, John F
Esohelberger, Franklin
Etzler, Dan’l
Etaler, Taylor
Eves, Peter
Griffith, Lyde
Hammond, Dawson V
Hammond, John P
Hines, John C
Hobbs, Edward
Jones, J Dorsey
Keisler, T J
Kiug, J D
Kregle, Jonas
Lindsay, C E
Long, Reuben
Medcalfe, N H
Miller, Dan’l
Mills, John H
Norwood, R N
Radcliffe, Upton
Reisler, Thomas
Riebmond, Epbralm
Riordan, Cornelius
Riordan, Dan’l
Sechnat, Michael
Simmons, Emory
Simpson, Ri W
Smith, D R
Smith, Daniel
Smith, Jacob of B
Smith, John
Smith, Joseph M.
Smith, Sam’l D.
Snider, Jacob
Sweader, O. M.
Sweadner, R. D.
Swope, Henry
Thomas, C. M.
Unkerfer, John E.
Valentine, Josiah
Welsh, Luther
Wright, John
Yingling, J. T.
Yingling, Thos.Licksville
Beall, L. C.
Leapley, P. N.
Myers, Frank M.
Nichols, Edward
Ranneberger, Chas.
Ranneberger, R.
Snouffer, A. T.
Spalding, H. J.
Thomas, A. S.
Thomas, D. D.Lime Kiln
Baker, Wm. H.
Brosius, C. T.
Bushey, C. A.
Buckheimer, Wm. H.
Davis, Wm. B.
Day, Jas. T.
Delashmutt, Jas.
Engle, Noah
Grinder, Jos. S.
Grove, M. J.
Hildebrand, L. H.
Jarboe, Thos. R.
Leib, Judge S. D.
Sechrist, Wm. H.
Smith, H. E.
Thomas, ChristianLinganore
Dixon, Jas. E.
Fisher, Abraham
Fisher, John
Glisan, Saml
Greenwood, J.
Hanna, Nathan
Lease, Charles
Lease, Gideon
Poole, Charles
Poole, Thornton
Roop, Jesse
Roop, Samuel
Shoemaker, Daniel
Smith, Peter
Trostle, Jacob
Warner, WilliamMechanicstown
Boller, Henry
Boller, Israel
Caughman, Andrews
Damuth, C. A.
Eckenrode, H.
Eignebrode, Jacob
Eigenbrode, Jacob, Jr.
Eyler, Chas.
Eyler, Cyrus
Firor, B. F.
Firor, Wm.
Fleagle, John A.
Flohr, Jeremiah
Flohr, Joseph
Foreman, H. C.
Freese, Michael
Frey, Joseph C.
Gall, Henry
Hahn, John
Kelly, J. W.
Livers, Joseph
Lohr, Simon
Moser, Joseph
Orndorf, A. F.
Payne, J. W.
Roddy, John
Roddy, Abraham
Roddy, Simon
Rouzer, Henry
Rouzer, John
Seigmond, G. J.
Smith, H. S.
Stansburg, Nicholas
Stoner, John
Webster, Joseph
Wilhide, F. A.
Wilhide, Joseph
Wilhide, Nelson
Wilhide, Samuel
Zentz, A. S.Middletown
Ahalt, Jacob
Ahalt, Joshua D.
Ahalt, Lewis H.
Ahalt, Matthias S.
Ahalt, Matthias S., Jr.
Beachley, Ezra
Beachley, Jonas
Beachley, Martin H
Biser, Cyrus
Biser, Henry
Brandenburg, Daniel
Bussard, James
Bussard, John W.
Bussard, P. Hanson
Castle, Henderson
Coblentz Calvin
Coblentz Chas H
Coblentz Edward F
Coblentz Henry
Coblentz John C.
Coblentz Lewis P
Coblentz Martin
Coblentz Oliver P
Coblentz, Philip
Cookerly, Lewis C
Crone, Jacob
Dean, Hezekiah
Delauder, Samuel
Derr, Charles
Derr, Daniel
Derr, Samuel
Derr, Thomas
Doub, Cornelius
Doub, Jonas
Doub, Josiah
Doub, Lewis P
Easterday, Daniel S
Flook, J Hanson
Flook, S Henry
Flook, Millard F
Gaver, Geo. W
Grambine, John A
Hedges, Joseph H
Herring, Lloyd H
Holter, Peter
Huffer, Jacob M
Huffer, Joseph L
Huffer, Wm E
Hyatt, Eli
Ifert, J J
Joy, James F
Keafauver, D Edward
Keafauver, U Germans
Keafauver, Eugene
Keafauver, George
Keafauver, Horatio B
Keafauver, Lewis F
Keafanver, M Calvin
Keafauver, Morgan N
Keafauver, Richard C
Keafauver, Samuel
Keafauver, Wm D
Keller, Daniel
Keller, John D
Kepler, John H
Koogle, Adam
Koogle, Charles
Koogle, John of D
Leatherman, Peter
Lighter, Charles H
Lighter, John H
Lighter, Samuel L H
McBride, H Clay
McBride, Lewis
Miller, Daniel C
Miller, John D
Miller, Wm H
Nikirk, George Jr
Phleeger Fred
Remsburg, Asa C
Remsburg, Benjamin
Remsburg, David
Remsbnrg, G Wm
Remsburg Geo I
Remsburg, Henry C
Remsburg, John H
Remsburg, Mahlon C
Remsburg, Singleton B
Remsburg, Thos
Rontisalin, D Bittle
Routzahn, Edward
Routzahn, Eli
Routzahn, Geo H
Routzahn, Harnian L
Routzahn, Hezekiah
Routzahn, S Henry
Routzahn, Jacob
Routzahn, Noah
Rudy, Geo B
Rudy, Hanson
Rudy, Joshua
Sanner, Daniel
Sanner, John
Shafer, Charles
Shafer, Daniel
Shafer, Geo
Shafer, S Edward
Shafer, John B
Shafer, Joseph
Shafer, Samuel
Shafer, Thomas
Sheffer, Philip
Smeltzer, Daniel B D
Smith, Ezra
Smith, Samuel L
Snook, John M
Speck, Samuel
Stone, John C
Summers, Lawson
Toms, John H
Waters, Peter
Wiles, John T
Wilson, Robert
Young, Daniel H
Young, Daniel of J
Young, Isaac
Young, LewisMonrovia
Boteler, John B
Crampton, Lloyd
Diffendall, Sam’1
Edmonston, Geo.
Gardner, Wm
Griffith, L
Griffith, P H
Jones, Frank
Keifer, Chas H
Mason, John S
Norris, Mrs H
Plummer, Samuel W
Rice, James H
Rogers, Nicholas
Smith, Geo. H
Thompson, Chas W
Thompson, John W
Thompson, Moses
Talbott, Gco B
Waters, N
Waters, U
Wood, S Newton
Wood, Jacob G
Wood, Jno B R& Bro
Wood, John WMotters
Appel, George
Black, Joseph
Black, William
Creatin, Joseph
Dorsey, John
Dorsey, Charles
Dudderow, E
Eckenrode, E
Grimes, Clinton
Hobbs, John
Knode, Elms
Lingg, Henry
Long, Jacob
Manning, Charles
Martin, A
Martin, David
Martin, H
Motter, William
Ovelman, Geo. R.
Orndorf, Jas A
Shriver, William
Siers, Daniel
Smith, George
Walter, John
Zacharias, Christian
Zacharias, MMount Pleasant
Burrier, Jacob S Jr
Burrier, Jno
Burrier, Simon
Burrier, Win
Burrier, Jacob S Sr
Boogher, A
Buckey, G W
Buckey, Edward F
Bradenburg, Mrs E
Bell, John
Bumgardner, Henry
Bimbrink, Henry
Cramer, Henry
Cramer, C C
Crum, Adam
Diller, Jno.
Diller, Jacob
Droneberger, Jacob
Etzler, M.
Fox, John
Griffith, John
Hoke, Samuel, Jr.
Hoke, Martin
Houck, Daniel
Hammond, Upton J.
Kemp, Daniel S.
Lease, Amos
Lease, Luther E.
McDannel, Wm.
Murphy, Hezekiah
Nusbaum, Samuel of J.
Nusbaum, F. Wash’n
Poole, Samuel
Ramsburg, Gideon
Riddlemoser, Jas. L.
Riddlemoser, C. Aug’s
Stimmel, Jno.
Stevens, Reuben G.
Sheetenaltm, Reuben
Sheetenaltm, George
Stone, Dr. D. E.
Thomas, Chas. A.
Zimmerman, EphraimMyersville
Betts, Samuel
Bowers, David
Bowlus, Josiah
Brandenburg, Martin
Delauder, Elias
Doub, Isaiah
Duple, Jacob
Dutro Jacob
Eldridge, A C
Flook, U F
Gaver, Elias
Gaver, Joseph
Grosanickle, T
Harp, U V
Harshman, Dan’l
Keller, Henry
Kellcr, Isaac
Keller, Mrs Mary F
Sefler, T Canton
Koogle, Capt Jacob
Linebaugh, Sam’l
Longman, Geo
Ludy, Wm
Marker, Ezra
Michad, James
Morgan David
Moser, Jacob
Poffenberger, Geo
Renner, Adam
Renner, Joshua
Ridgely, Wm
Roatzahn, Ezra
Sanner, Chas
Schildknecht, Jacob
Schildknecht, Mrs S
Schroyer, John
Shank, Cariton
Shank, Geo
Shank, John
Smith, Geo
Smith, J J
Snyder, M H
Summers, Sam’l
Toms, Ezra
Yonng, Wm RNew London
Albaugh, J
Bennett, J P
Brengle, N.
Burall, S.
Burk, H
Burrier, A
Cashone, A
Clay, W H H
Clay, Wm of P
Creager, M
Danner, C H
Dorsey, V W
Downey, J
Gissen, J B
Hammond, T H
Harding, O P
Hobbs, J M
Hobbs, N
Huffman, T
Jones, J G
Jones, J. P.
Jones, M
Jones, W
Kimmel, A Z
Lease, S
Lowe, C
Maynard, H G
Maynard, N
Meredith, J
McCaffry, A B
Rippian, J T
Unglesbee, G W
Wetzell, ENew Market
Bartholow, J B
Beau, Basil T
Berand, Jonathan
Foyer, Adam
Boyer, Peter
Chambers, Greenberry
Clay, Graften
Cronise, Jonathan
Croniac, Simon
Dorsey, J W
Dorsey, Pottinger
Eader, Manasa
Fowler, Hanson
Fowler, Thomas
Hammond, Burgess
Jones, Frank
Kelly, John
Knode, Martin
Mayne, Lawson
Meredith, Jno T
Moberly, Jno C
Molesworth, Thos
Molesworth, Jas P
Ogborn, W W
Plummer, Wm H
Price, S W
Rice, J K
Rice, J H Jr
Roberts, Wm
Russell, Samuel H
Salmon, Charles
Salmon, William
Shipley, Dr N O
Smith, Geo H
Swomley, Daniel
Swemley, Elisha
Talbett, Geo F
Thompson, Ittobert
Trayer, M P
Trayer, Win K
Wagner, Grafton
Wagner, Wm T
Waters, H W D
Waters, N M
Wood, CharlesNew Midway
Ashbangb, Jacob
Barrick, Robert
Butt, Levi G
Delaplane, H
Delapiane, J H
Biler, Ames
Biler, Daniel
Fogle, Isaac
Fegle, Michael
Grim, Joseph
Hummer, John
Kline, John
Lippy, John
Loek, John
Philips, L N
Renner, Geo J
Renner, M O
Renner, W A
Rowe, William
Sager, H
Sowers, Adam
Stoner, Absalom
Stoner, John
Wilhide, John L
Young, SamuelOak Orchard
Baker, Joseph G
Barnes, John T
Duddera; Benj F
Dudderar, Peter
Nicedemus, Jesse
Nicodemna John H
Nusbaum, Isaac L.Owen’s Creek
Butler, Jesse
Colliflower, Jno F
Dorsey, Chas.
Elder, John F.
Fisher, David
Fisher, J. M.
Fisher, John M.
Hiner, H. A.
Hobbs, Benj.
Hoffman, Geo. W.
Hoffman, John
Martin, Jacob
Martin, Jeremiah
Naill, T. L.
Ogle, John S.
Ramsburg, Henry
Ridenour, James
Sigmund, G. J.
Smith, John
Stevens, Chas.
Troxell, Fred’k.
Troxell, John F.Petersville
Boteler, Wm. H.
Claggett, Samuel
Claggett, Thos. J.
Dunlop, Col. H.
Ferrall, James
Fout, Wm.
Gouvernor, Mrs. Mary D.
Hilleary, Clarence
Hilleary, J.
Hilleary, John H.
Hilleary, Thomas
Hilleary, Tilghman
Lee, Thomas S.
Luckett, Joshiah
Marght, Andrew J.
Martin, Richard C.H.
Roelky, J.
Shaffer, George
Shroeder, Capt. Henry B.
Weeden, Jas. H.
Willard, ThomasPlane No. Four
Buxton, Brook
Buxton, John T.
Cain, Joseph
Chaney, Nath’l E.
Dorsey, Wm. R.
Duvall, Dan’l W.
Flemming, Otho.
Gartrell, Greenberry
Hood, Ephraim
Jones, C. J.
Mullinix, T P
Purdum, Josiah
Smith, C C
Sprigg, Samuel
Spurner, Wm GPoint of Rocks
Besant, James H
Brown, Joseph L
Colbert, Andrew J
Crist, G B
Downey, James K
Harwood, Wm T
Hiems, E
Kemp, David
Orison, John
Orison, Stephen
Shelman, D J
Snouffer, B T
Snouffe; George W
Stouffer, P B
Sti’nklc, Charles
Stunkle, Luther
Thompson, Philip
Tolbert, John
Trundle, Joseph
West, P M
Wins, Jacob
Wirts, K C
Wright, J P
Wright, S PRocky Ridge
Anders, John
Appold, George
Barriek, C J
Barrick, Geo W
Beard, George
Beitler, Jesse
Biggs, Joshua
Black, Joseph
Black, William
Holler, W H
Dotterer, Josiah
Faker, Reuben
Eiler, Thomas
Filer, John
Hinea, Addison
Hines, Calvin
Hines, Levi
Knauff, John
Knee, William
Late, Jacob
Long, A
Long, Edward
Lippy, Michael
Martin, Edward
Miller, John
Miller, Martin
Mort, Frederick
Mort, William
Naill, L. L.
Norris, Joshua
Ovelman, Reuben
Ovelman, William
Ott, Eli
Pusey, Thomas
Stambaugh, Samuel
Stitely, J. Q.
Sigman, William
Valentine, Grason
Valentine, James
Valentine, Lewis
Weant, Elias
Wood, Jas ASabillisville
Ambrose, George H
Ambrose, Georue W
Crawford,D & Lewis
Harbaugh, David
Harbaugh, Ephraim
Harbaugh, Henry
Harbaugh Hiram
Harbaugh, L C
Harbaugh, Taylor
Harbaugh, Washington
Harbaugh, Yost
Waggaman, RichardUnionville
Gaither, G E
Gaither, H C
Gaither, Wm
Lawrence, C A
Lugenbeel, Thos
Norris, H
Norris, N E
Pearre, T O
Whitehill, Chas
Wilson, WUrbana
Addison, J D
Bennett, Jamns W
Bussard, Gideon
Carter, Tobias
Cecli, C C
Cook, Otho J
Crawford, Geo & Thea
Davis J W
Dixon, Thos
Duvall, Benj W
Funk, WH
Grinder, J S
Hinks, Samuel
House, Geo
Hughes, Dr Beni C
Jamison, B S
Jamison, J J
Jamison, J V
Johnson, Wm
Kindley, W S
King, Singleton
King, Singleton Jr
Kramer, Lewis N
Lamar, B S
Lawson, S H & Bro
Leinhart, S M
Linthicum, J H & S W
Mikesell, A
Murdock, H H
Smith, T A of T
Thomas, Col C K
Warfield, Garrison
Windsor, Z H & Bro
Worthington, C E
Worthington, S T
Worthington, James
Worthington, N J
Yaste, Jas Wm
Yaste, JonathanUtica Kills
Bell, Mrs S
Eyler, Mrs. Daniel
Geisbert, Christian
Getzendanner, E T
Haltzopole, Fred’k
Hill, Mrs E
Hill, Wm
Lenhart, Henry
Mohler, Reuben
Myers, Abraham
Pippinger, Hezekiah
Ramsburg, Emanuel
Snook, D J
Snook, Dan’1
Stottlemyer, Frank
Wachter, Andrew
Wachter, Caleb
Wachter, Michael
WalkersvilleBaker, Aaron
Baugher, Jno. & Jno. D.
Best, Geo. W. & J. C.
Buckston, S T
Burrier, Dan’l & Eli
Cramer, Edw & E D
Cramer, Geo & S H
Cramer, Jacob & Jno D
Cramer, Noah
Creager, E D & Solom’n
Cromwell, Arthur
Crum, Solomon
Devilbiss, Solomon
Dinterman, Jacob
Droneberger, J & T
Fulton, C H & John
Grabill, Jacob
Harbaugh, Geo
Harris, Henry
Harshman, David
Jones, Morris
Kemp, Wm H
Linck, Geo
Miller, Harrison
Nicodemus, Jno. L.
Ramsburg. C D & E
Rebbert, E
Riggs, P J
Scholl, Lewis P
Seachrist, Michael
Smith, Lewis
Todd, W N
Wachter, John
Withers, C BWolfsville
Baker, S H P
Dubel, J ID
Easterday, L
Frey, E
Frey, H
Grossnickle, E
Harshman, C
Harshman, D
Harshman, B
Harshman, J T
Harshman, L
Hessone, S
Hoover, Mrs E
Hoover, Samuel
Kline, M
Leatherman, E.
Moser, S L
Recher, J
Schroeger, Lawson
Warrenfeltz, D
Warrenfeltz, J C
Wolfe, SFrederick City
Abb, Henry
Adkins, C. M.
Anders & Reifsnider
Anderson, Thos W
Angelberger, Geo D
Angelberger, Lewis S
Bailie, Jesse
Barrick, Lewis E
Bast, Elias
Best, John T
Best, Simon D
Blank, John H
Blentlinger, Wrn H
Bowers, Win D
Breagle, Ezra M
Brenneman, J B
Broadrup, Chas
Brown, Henry C
Brown, Sam’l H
Brunner, Chas A
Brunner, Henry
Brunner, Isaac
Buckey, Basil V
Burger, Geo P
Burkhart, Chas H
Bushey, Jacob M
Bussard, David
Buxton, Basil
Castle,T F
Clagett, Thos
Cline, N. O.
Cockey, S G
Cramer, Amos
Cramer, S C
Cronise, Chas L
Cronise, Isaac
Cronise, S Calvin
Cronise, Joseph
Culler, Philip
Cutasil, Geo W
Dean, John
Degrange, John
Denegre, W O
Dennis, G H
Derr, David
Derr, E L
Dixon, Thos. O.
Dutrow, Samuel
Falconer, Wm H
Feaga, Wm K
Fleming, S Alfred
Fout, Bradley T
Fout, Geo L
Fout, Grafton
Fraley, F M
Garman, J H
Getzendanne; Jno D
Gilpin, G F
Gittinger, Geo W
Gladhill, Jas S Jr
Goldahorough, B Y
Goldaborough, Dr John
Grabenhorat, H C
Grove, David
Gmve, Elias
Hagan, John
Hagan, John C
Hargate, A H
Hargate, D H
Hargate; John E
Hargate, Sam’l
Hedges & Baker
Heffner, Lewis C
Hildebrand, Jacob
Hildebrand, Joseph D
Hildebrand, Wm O
Hoffman, Wm
Hoke, David
Holtz, A B
Holtz, John
Hood, James H
Hopwood, F T
Houck, Ezra Jr
Houck, Geo
Houck, James
Honek, Michael
Howard, Wm H
Hummer, Edward
Jackson, Adolphus
Kauffman, John C
Keller, D H
Keller, John D
Kemp, D Columbus
Kemp, Edward
Keyser, Benj
Keyser, Sam’l
Kimmel, Fred’k
Kintz, Fred’k
Kline, C Sam’l
Klipp, Henry
Koib, John M
Koib, Wm
Krantz, Fred’k
Lakin, FT
Lease, Robert
Lewis, F J
Lewis, Jacob
Lighter, S L H
Loans, John
Main, David of J
Main, Geo J
Mainhan, C C
Mainhart, Daniel
Marriott, A W
Martz, Lewis J
Martz, W N
MeDevilt, C W
MeDevitt, John
MeKinney, M S
MeKinsey, J B
McMullen, J F
MeMurray, Louis
Mehrling, Casper
Mercer, Wm B
Michael, Abram
Michael, Isaac
Miller, C W
Miller, J W
Miner, Joseph G
Miller, Samuel
Miuer, Dr T B R
Miller, Wm S
Mon, Joseph
Mullinix, L C
Neighbours, N 0
O’Leary, A D
Palmer, Jacob~E
Picking, Thos
Preston, Wm T
Ramsburg, John S
Bamsburg, Lewis S
Raiosburg, Samuel
Ramshurg, Uriah
Ramsburg, Wm H
Reich, Isaac H
Reich, Philip
Reich, R C
Reifsnider, John
Remsburg, A F
Remsburg, Dennis
Rhoderick, Mahion
Rice, Samuel
Rizer, Geo H
Roelkey, John
Rontzahn, D H
Roatrahn, Joseph L
Saurwien, Christian
Schaeffer, John A
Schindler, H F
Shook, Daniel
Shook, Daniel H
Shook, G. G.
Shriner, E A
Shultz, Conradt
Simpson, Thos
Smith, Dan’1 L
Smith, David O
Smith, Geo Wm
Smith, John
Smith, John J
Smith, Luther C
Snook, Wm G
Staley, C
Staley, C A
Stniey, David L
Staley, Ezra
Staley, Fleet
Staley, Lewis M
Steiner, James 0
Stein, John F
Straeffer, Dan’l
Straeffer, Daniel Z
Stull, E J
Stull, E T
Stull, Francis A
Stull, Geo
Stull, Lewis H
Stull, Wm H
Stull, Wm M
Stup, J J
Stup, Joseph
Stup, Joseph Jr
Summers, J. V.
Sunday, Dan’l
Thomas, Lews M
Thomas, Z G
Wachter, Henry
Wachter, L F
Wachter, Philip
Wachter, Philip
Wachter, T.
Wagner, Isaac K
White, Wm
Whitmore, John M
Whitmore, R M
Wolf, Samuel
Worman, Wm J
Young, John of C
Zeigler, Jacob H
Zellers, John F
Zimmerman, E J
Zimmerman, E Joshua
Zimmerman, Elias
Zimmerman, J A J
Zimmerman, J E
Zimmerman, J N
Zimmerman, Joseph E
Zimmerman, S. J.Woodsboro
Adams, B F
Adams, Wm
Albaugh, David
Albaugh, Jeremiah
Anders, W H
Baker, Nathan
Barrick, George P
Barrick, S
Beard, Geo
Beard, Mathias
Beard, Solomon
Biddinger, John
Burton, Samuel
Carmack, Wm.
Cramer, John W
Cramer, Peter
Cutshall, Wm
Delaplane, Wm
Delaplane, Wm H
Dorcus, Jacob
Droneberg, Jno F
Feizer. Parana L.
Fogle, David
Fogle, Joshua
Fogle, Nicholas
Fogle, Nicholas, Jr.
Fulton, H. C.
Geiselman, George K.
Graham, James
Hardy, L.
Harness, Oliver
Hoffman, Henry
Ledgwood, Owen
Locke, J. Fred’k
Locke, John H.
McCoskey, Joseph
McKroskey, G. W.
Miller, John D.
Otto, Charlton
Putnam, H.
Putnam, Samuel
Saxton, Wm.
Saylor, Geo. C.
Saylor, John
Saylor, John H.
Saylor, Simon
Shank, Michael
Shank, Wm.
Slagle, Eli K.
Slagle, Martin
Smith, Calvin
Smith, Ezra
Smith, George L.
Smith, James W.
Smith, John of J.
Smith, Solomon
Spahr, Abraham
Spahr, Littleton O.
Stull, Randolph G.
Wilbrener, R. J.
Woods, Charles
Working, Henry
Young, J. D.
Young, S. D.
Zimmerman, Henry O. -
GARRETT COUNTY, the last formed county in Maryland, is the extreme western division of the State, and is bounded on the east by Allegany County, south by the North Branch of the Potomac River, west by the State line of West Virginia, north by Mason and Dixon’s line, and contains an area of six hundred and seventy square miles of territory. Is crossed its entire length north and south by the Great Savage Mountain, a distance of over forty miles. This Alain Ridge of the Alleganies divides the east and western waters. Two-thirds of the territory of the county lies west of this Summit Ridge; on the east is the Maryland Coal Basin, one-third of which is in Garrett County; on the west, flowing north from the south end of the county, is the Yougbiougheny River and Castleman’s River, draining with their tributaries and other valuable but undeveloped coal and iron region. The streams flowing from the west side into the Youghiougheny are Laurel River, Snowy Creek, Harrington, Muddy Creek, and Buffalo Creek; on the east side, Cherry Creek, Little Youghiougheny, Deep Creek, Lary Run, Bare Creek, and Mill Run. The Savage River has its sources and tributaries in this county, and empties into the North Branch of the Potomac, at the extreme eastern end of Garrett County.
The geology is composed of sand stone, lime stone of fine quality, and stone coal of fine quality, as above stated. No county in the State contains more valuable mineral deposits in coal and iron ore. The elevated table lands on the western side of the Savage Mountain, and between that and Meadow Mountain, covering an area of four hundred square miles, is an elevation of two thousand five hundred feet above tide, comparatively level; is about one-third glade, interspersed regularly by ridge or timber land, and is admitted to be the best grazing portion of the State; is only partially settled, and offers superior advantages for farming and stock raising. Immense forests of timber cover large portions of the county. Pine, oak, maple, and all hard wood found in high latitudes of the best quality. Products, wheat, corn, rye, buckwheat, oats, potatoes, wool and butter. Grass grows naturally on the glades, and timothy and clover in abundance follow cultivation. The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad passes from east to west, a distance of thirty miles, through the southern end of the county, and the National Road through the northern end of the county a distance of over twenty miles.
Judges Fourth Judicial Circuit-Hon. H. H. Alvey, Chief Judge; Hons Wm. Motter and Geo. A. Pearre, Associate Judges. Clerk to Court-W. H Tower, Oakland. Crier-Wm. Smouse. Auditor~W. P. Townahend. Standing Commissitonors- John M. Read and C. A. Snyder. Messenger- Jas. M. Bell. Bai~ffs-Wm. Waltz and T. Bosley. Sheriff-Thomas Coddington, Oakland. State’s Attorney-John W. Veiteb, Oakland. Judges of Orphans’ Court-Joseph Dewitt, Chief Judge, A. J. Michaels and Wm. Harvey, Associate Judges. Register of Wills-W. L. Rawlings, Oakland, Surveyor-John Harned, Oakland. County Commissioners-E. C. Tilison President, Deer Park, John Riley and Jeremiah Guard. Clerk-W. H. Hagans, Oakland. Sekool Commissioners-Wm. A. Brydon, President, G. W. Delawder and Dr. Wm. Burns. Secretary and Treasurer-Dr. B. H. Bartlett, Oakland. Regusters of Voters-Henry O. Hamill, James H. Rush, Isaiah Fuller, Wm. H. Bernard, Daniel Hinebaugh, Thos. Browning, Richard T. Browning, Wm. F. Deakins, and Joshua Fazenbaker. Tax Collector-E. Miller, Oakland. Justices of the Peace- Jonathan H. Wilson, Henry Rasch, Ben j. Griffith, Isaac Umbell, John T. Patterson, Sylvanus Butler, Andrew J. Warnick, Wm. Hinebaugh, William M. Miller, William Browning, Sr., Frances Seabold, Alex. L. Osbourn, Richard B. Jamison, Henry Thompson, James Mason and Orman Fazenbaker. Notary Public-John M. Read, Oakland. Congressnaan, Sixth District-Hon. Wm. Walsh, Cumberland. State &nator-Hon. Baithaser Weifley. Members of House of Delegates-Hons. George W. Wilson and George W. Blocher. Terms of Circuit Court, which are held in the Court House at Oakland, the county seat: Law Terms-3d Monday in March and 2d Monday in September. Chancery Terms-3d Mondays in January, March, May and July, and 2nd Mondays in September and November. Population of County-White, 11,000; colored, 1,000 Registered Vote-1,900. Assessed Value of Personal, Real, Stocks and Railroad Property-$3,988,177. State and County Tax $1.30 on $100.
Is 20 miles from Oakland on the B. & 0. R. R. The land is rolling, mostly cleared; is estimated at $30 per acre, and produces 20 bus. wheat, 40 oats, 150 potatoes, 20 corn, 25 buckwheat and two tons hay. Lutheran and Tunkard Churches, and a public school. Population 50. J. W. Boyer, Postmaster.
Gobringer, Adam
Grower, Fred’k
Hartman, Wm
Menhorn, Geo F
Carpenters and Undertakers
Englehart, Geo. F.
Henry & Val Kahl
Miller, M. J.
General Merchandise
Boyer, J. W. & Son
Gnagey, John E.
Ries, Mrs. A. B.
McMillen, Eli
Snyder, Christian
Ries, Mrs. A. B.
Justice of the Peace
Hinebaugh, Wm.
Casey, Henry
Engle, Samuel
Weller, Melchor
Glodfelty, E. H.
Hanftling, Alex
Richter, Edward
Ries, Fred’k
Hinebaugh, Wm
Richter, John L.
Eckhart, John
Zinken, HenryALTAMONT
Is on the B. & O. R. R., 9 miles east of Oakland and 223 from Baltimore. The situation is upon the extreme summit of the Alleganies, 3,000 feet above tide. It is here that the mountain streams divide, flowing in one direction towards the Ohio River, the Mississippi and the Gulf of Mexico; and in the other towards the Potomac River and the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. From Altamont westwatd for a distance of nearly 29 miles are beautiful meadows, known as the “Glades,” lying along the upper waters of the Youghiougheny River and its numerous tributaries, divided by ridges of moderate elevation and gentle slopes, with fine ranges of mountains in the back ground. Population 50. H. Zimmerman, Postmaster.
General Merchandise.
Wilson, J H
Zimmerman, HarryBLOOMINGTON
Is on the B. & O. R. R., 208 miles from Baltimore, 24 east of Oakland and at the junction of the Potomac and Savage Rivers; place healthy, business fair; the lands are underlaid with coal, and are worth from $10 to $100 per acre. M. E. Church, Rev. H. Kolb. Population 200. M. E. Moody, Postmaster.
Agent-R. R. & Express
Mullen, Wm
Santmyer, Harrison
Warnick, Mason O
Nethkins, Joseph T
Brown, John L
Kemp, Elijah
Stiff, Moses
Coal Companies
Empire, Jno Somerville, Supt
North Branch, W A Brydon, Prest
Bevers, David J
Bell, Frank
Hepburn, Collins
General Merchandise.
Moody, Wm
Mullin, Andrew
Justices of the Peace
Warnick, A. J.
Keefer, D. P.
Ambrose, N. M.
Dolley, G. W.
Bartlett, Thomas
Saw Mills
Lochiel Lumber Co
Meese, N H
Gilpin, Thornton
Harshberger, Sam’l
Wines and Liquors
Garvey, ThomasDEER PARK
Is on the B. & O. R. R, 225 miles from Baltimore and 3 from Oakland. The nearest stream is little Youghiougheny River. The land is rolling and glades, can be bought for $25 per acre, and produces 30 bus. wheat, 40 oats, 200 potatoes, 20 corn, and 2 tons hay. Lutheran, M. E., United Brethren, and Union Churches, and a public school. Population 150. E. C. Tilison, Postmaster.
Agent- R. R. & Express.
Tilisen, E. C.
Wolf, Wm
Schoolfield, L H
General Merchandise
Davis & Bro
Steele, Mrs W
Wheeler, J L
Deer Park, B & O R R Co
Wing & Wing, E C Tillson
Lumber Mannfacturers.
Davis, H G & Co
Lashorn, Joseph
Lantz, W S
Rodeheaver, J CENGLE’S MILLS
Is 16 miles from Confluence, Pennsylvania, and near Bear Creek. Land is principally cleared, and can be bought at $10 per acre, and yields 15 bus. wheat, 25 oats, 100 potatoes, 30 corn and 1 ton hay; one school and a church. Population 50. Lewis Swalp, Postmaster.
Gross, Fred
Beeghley, Michael J.
General Merchandise
Swalp, Lewis
Engle, Sam’l
Is 14 miles from Frostburg. The nearest stream is Castleman’s River. Land is fertile, principally cleared, well timbered; ranges in value from $12 to $45 per acre, and readily produces 25 bus. wheat, 35 oats, 150 potatoes, 40 corn, and 1 ton hay. German Reformed Church, Rev. C. U. Heilman; Lutheran, Rev. J. J. Young; M. E., Rev. C. S. Harrison, and public schools. Population 150. H. Muhlenberg, Postmaster.
Chapman, Wm. H.
Smouse, Daniel S.
Smouse, Henry
Winterberg, Henry
Burrier, W G
General Merchandise.
Broadwater, J S
Keller & Matthew
Lichty & Keim
Mellinger, John
Stanton, Eli
Keller, B F
Saw Mills.
Dorsey, Patrick
Durst, Saml S
Miller, E J & Bro
Durst, David
Yanmers, John
Loewenstein, Chas
Telegraph Operator.
Glotfelty, Joseph
Woolen Mills.
Is 9 miles from Confluence, Pa., and near the Youghiougheny River. There are several veins of coal in this vicinity, two, three and five feet thick; the bottom land is generally sandy, the high land is good, producing all kinds of grain, grass, &c. Land is worth from $8 to $20 per acre, and yields 15 bus. wheat, 25 oats, 200 potatoes, 50 corn and 3 tons hay. One public school. Population 50. P. T. Garthright, Postmaster.
Miller, John M
General Merchandise.
Garthright, P T
Guard, Jerry
Neil, August
Sellers, J L
Speelman, Otho
Saw Mills.
Miller, John M
Speelman, Otho
Guard, Jerry
Woolen Mills.
Griffith & GuardMcHENRY
Is 14 miles from Oakland on the B. & 0. R. R. The land is easily tilled; can be bougbt at from $6 to $10 per acre; produces 20 to 30 bus. wheat, and an average amount of other crops. One public school. Population 50. S. P. Specht, Postmaster.
Wolf, Asbury
Saw Mills
Glotfelty, Jonas
Glotfelty, Mahlon
Keefer, F.
The county seat, is situated on the B. & O. R. R., 232 miles from Baltimore. The location is on the summit plateau of the Allegany Mountains, 2,800 feet above tide water; and the atmosphere is noted for its purity and healthfulness. The neighboring streams abound with trout, and the surrounding mountains with game of all descriptions. The land is good, produces from 16 to 25 bus. wheat, good rye and no better potatoes anywhere; also, oats and buckwheat. It sells at from $5 to 10 per acre, in the woods; plenty for sale. Grass grows abundantly in its native state, and timothy and clover when sown. Oakland contains the usual accommodations for a county seat, and a fine hotel, the “Oakland,” owned and operated by the B. & O. R. R This hotel is quite a summer resort; hundreds of people from all sections enjoy during the summer season the splendid scenery and the pure water, and bracing mountain air. Population 1,400. Ralph Thayer, postmaster.
CHURCHES AND PA5TORS.- M. E., Rev. B. Ison; Stone Church, Rev. Dr. Scott; Lutheran and Presbyterian.
BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATIONS.-A. F. & A. M.-Oakland 60. I. O. O. F. Shealtiel 122. K. of H.-Alta 574, and Lodge 114 I. O. G. T.
TOWN OFFICERs.-Burgess-D. E. Offutt. Commsssioners-Peter Martin, A. L. Osbourn, J. W. Smith and D. Little. Clerk–M. V. Grim. Bailiff P. A. Chisholm.
Agent-R. B. & Express.
Delawder, G W
Agents-Real Estate.
Hamill, P
Tasker, H P
Attorneys at Law.
Gonder, E H
Hamill, Gilmor S
Peddicord & Gonder
Price & Boughner
Head, J M
Veitch, J W
Browning, I F
Little, David
Sincell, Charles H
Bosley, George
Davis, Mrs M B
Rhinehart, Mrs David
Thayer, Mrs Ralph
Brooks, A C
Shatzer, John
Brooke, A C
Chishoim, P A
Crim, Joseph M
Jarboe, John M
Spedden, Geo A
Sturgiss, Geo C
General Merchandise.
Brooks, I H
Bush & Co
Davis & Townshend
Legge, G W
Loar, D H
Michael, C C
Michael, J 0
Offutt, D E
I Osbourn, A L
Richardson Bros
Scott, M L
Stalnaker, I W
Wayman, N B
Bosley, E L Bosley
Browning, H T Browning
Coddington, W M Coddington
Oakland, B& O R R
Livery Stables.
Browning, H T
Martin, Thomas
Stahl, J D
Masons and Plasterers.
Arnold, James
Chambers, D & Son
Johnson, J S
Porter, John
Pritchard, H & Son
Martin, P
Millinery and Notions.
Davis, Mrs M E
Scott, M L
Painters and Paper Hangers
Fringer, B I
Ward, S V B
Bartlett, E H
McComas, I Lee
Saw Mills
Davis & Bro
Offutt, D E
Bell, A L
West, C T
Whetsell, C H
Loughrldge, Geo F
Lucas, C
Wagner, Wm M
Stoves and Tinware.
Shirer, G A
Brant, J B
Hamill, M H
Harned, John
Mason, A C
Woolen Mill
Lawton, SamuelSELBYSPORT
Is 12 miles from Confluence, Pa. Soil medium, land one-third cleared; can be bought at from $2 to $30 per acre, and produces 10 to 25 bus. wheat, 20 to 50 oats, 100 to 200 potatoes, 20 to 60 corn, and 1 to 2 tons hay. A church and several schools. Population 25. John H. Kessler, Postmaster.
Blacksmith Welch, Alpbeus
Frazee, H
General Merchandise.
Dunham, Jas A & Son
Guard, Jeremiah
White, H B
Frazee, H M
Speelman, Otho
Kessler, John H
Frantz, JohnSWANTON
Is on the B. & O. R. R., 219 miles from Baltimore and 13 east of Oakland; land is worth from $4 to $6 per acre, and produces an average crop of wheat, oats, rye and potatoes. Population 75. A. Fairall, Postmaster.
Agent-R. R. And Express
Fairall, A
Friend, T. F.
General Merchandise
West, C. T.
West, R. J.
Murphy, Chas.
West, C. T.
Sand Refiner
Sharpless, Wm.
Saw Mills
Beckman, Theo.
West, C. T.
Wines and Liquors
Beeghley, Jonas
Boyer, Aaron
Englehart, Wm.
Frotz, Conrad
Frush, Alex
Gorrick, John
Grower, Joseph
Hinebaugh, Dan’l
Hinebaugh, Wm.
Kamp, Henry
Kolb, Fred
Kolb, Henry
Leninger, Lewis
Margroff, Edward
Miller, M. J.
Mosser, Jonas
Richter, Henry
Schlossnagle, Chas.
Schlossnagle, Christ.
Shartzer, Jacob
Snyder, Fred’k.
Sperling, Conrad
Spiker, John P.
Turney, AbrahamAltamont
Beckman, Harmon
Blackburn, E. G.
Brady, James E.
Carrol, John
Cassidy, J B.
Custer, Jacob
Friend, Albert
Friend, Sam’l W
Friend, Sam’l W Jr
Garrett, Michael
George, A F
George, Wm
McCrobie, Frank
McCrobie, W H
Rexrode, JacksonBloomington
Abernathy, Ezekiel
Abernathy, James
Abernathy, Wm
Adams, David
Bernard, Chas
Bernard, Edward
Bernard, John E.
Bernard, John G
Bernard, Otho
Bernard, Wm. H.
Brant, John G.
Copeland, Simon
Dawson, Lloyd R.
Duckworth, A. C.
Groves, Dennis
Hamilton, G. R.
Knight, Joshua
Loar, D. H.
Michaels, Geo L
Michaels, Geo W
Michaels, Philip
Miller, Gilead
Paugh, Henry
Paugh, Joseph
Paugh, Nicholas
Sharpless, Jno L
Sharpless, Wm
Simpson, James
Titchnale, John M
Titchnale, Joshua
Titchnale, Moses
Titchnale, Wm
Twigg, A S
Twigg, John T.
Warnick, Henry
Warnick, Joseph
Warnick, Wm
Wilson, Joseph
Wilson, WmDeer Park
Archibald, James
Cooper, Hugh
Davis, H. G.
Droege, Emil
Foster, Joseph
Friend, John
Friend, Sam’l W.
Garrett, Michael
Harshberger, Elijah
Harshberger, Jacob
Harvey, Elisha
Head, R. J.
Hill, Geo.
Hinebaugh, Sebastian
Hoye, Samuel C.
King, Isaac
Male, Luke
Marley, Geo.
Miller, John H.
Moon, Garrett
Nesbitt, Joseph
Paugh, James E.
Riley, John
Schooley, Mahlon
Schooley, Wm.
Spiecher, Joseph
Stemple, L. A.
Stemple, P. A.
Stottlemeyer, A. J.
Tasker, James W.
Wilson, Daniel
Wilson, J. W.Engle’s Mills
Beckerd, Jacob
Camp, John
Deihl, John C.
Hasetedler, David
Kamp, Henry
Margraff, Edward
Masser, Jacob
Miller, Sam’l A.
Orndorff, Christ.
Pysell, Andrew
Richter, Geo.
Sahr, Michael
Siminger, Lewis
Speicher, Austin
Swalp, Lewis
Weller, M.Grantsville
Baker, Daniel
Beachy, Aaron
Beachy, Samuel
Broadwater, Wm C
Engle, Samuel
Fresh, Jacob
Gnagey, Emanuel
Miller, Henry
Miller, Joel
Wagoner, Henry
Yoders, SolomonMineral Spring
Augustine, Abram
Augustine, Dani
Fike, Elizabeth
Green, Benj H
Grove, Dennis
Grove, Jesse
Grove, Wm
Guard, James
Guard, Jerry
Pollard, Alex
Riley, John
Speelman, Otho
Swalp, JohnMcHenry
Casteel, Wm
Eckhard, Levi & Peter
Fox, John
Fraker, D W
Fulmer, Geo H
Glotfelty, Adrian
Glotfelty, Jesse
Glotfelty, Jonas
Glotfelty, Mahlon
Glotfelty, Nimrod
Gletfelty, Thaddeus
Keefer, Peter
Kimmell, Christian
Meese, Joseph B
Pysell, Jacob
Smith, Eli
Specht, SamuelOakland
Ashby, Jesse
Ashby, Thos W
Ashby, Wm W
Bailey, Elinore S
Bernard, Normand
Beckman, Henry
Bishop, James U
Bowers, Jackson
Bowers, John T
Brant, E P
Brant, Peter
Bray, Wm W
Browning, Stephen
Browning, Wm
Casteel, Nathan
Casteel,T W
Dailey, John
Davis, J B
De Berry, Clark
Enlow,D avid
Goodwin, James
Gortner, Fred
Gortner, Peter
Hall, E G
Hall, Wm
Hann, John
Hart, Owen
Hoops, Isaac
Hughes, Martin
Irvinn, Nelson
Johnson, Bowie
Kelly, Gen’l B F
Kepner, E D
King, Isaac
King, Joseph
Lee, John W
Lower, Alex
Lower, John
Lower, Wm
Martin, Peter
Mason, J McClure
Mehan, James
Merrill, Nicholas
Perry, H M
Porter, Robert
Proctor, Wilson
Reynolds, Barney
Riddle, Henry
Russell, Henry
Schley, James M
Shaffer, Benj A
Shaffer, Chas
Shaffer, Henry
Shaffer, Joseph
Spiker, Abraham
Spiker, Geo
Stambaugh, Christ
Stambaugh, David
Thompson, Chas &
Thompson, Henry
Totten, Ezekiel
W~link, Daniel
White, B
White, Johnson
White, Wm
Wootring, A C
Yutzy, C
Yutzy, SolomonSelbysport
Frazee, G W
Geary, I T
Grovers, D
Groves, Wm
Hileman, H
Kessler, S H L
Mathews, G
Riley, John
Tankaster, H
Welch, A
Beckman, Randolph
Friend, T F
Geos & O’Brien
Hamill, A C
Mason, B
McRobie, Thomas
Moaser, Christ
Mosser, Dan’l
Mosser, Trueman
O’Brien, Dan’l
O’Brien, John W
Paugh, Otho
Paugh, W H
Sharpless, F K
Sharpless, Theo L
Sharpleas, Wm
West, Trueman -
HARFORD COUNTY is of medium size, having an area of 480 square miles, is the North-eastern corner of the Western shore, and is bounded on the east and south-east by the Susquehanna River and Chesapeake Bay, on the north by Pennsylvania, and on the west and south-west by Baltimore County. This county possesses a great variety of soils, the lower part being level, and composed of some sandy and some clay lands, but mostly of a light loam, very easily worked and improved. The section called the Necks has mostly very fine and large farms, with extensive peach orchards. The country above the Philadelphia turnpike is undulating and in some parts very limy, the soil comprising clay, light loam, and considerable limestone, the last mentioned being mostly found in the upper part of the county.
This county is well watered by branches emptylng into the Little Gunpowder River, and Winter’s and Binum’s Runs, which flow southward Into the Chesapeake, and by Deer Creek and its tributaries, which drain the northern part of the county, and flow into the Susquehanna. “The Rocks of Deer Creek” is ohe of the most romantic spots in the State, and well worth a visit of the admirers of the great works of nature. These rocks form a great promontory projecting over the road, passing along the bank of the Creek.
Perhaps no county in the State has improved more in appearance, fertility and general prosperity, during the last few years, than Harford. The productions are wheat, buckwheat, oats, corn and hay. This county possesses fine water powers, improved by furnaces, factories, foundries, flour mills and numerous saw and grist mills. In this county are large quarries of excellent building stone of a goelsa or granite character. The county possesses large beds of iron ore, asbestos, and some of the most valuable chrome beds in the world. Near the Pennsylvania line, extensive slate quarries have been worked, and near Ahingdon there exists a very large deposit of kaolin or porcelain clay, of a pure white color, very good quality, fit for making fine porcelain ware. Very large shad and herring fisheries are located around the Susquehanna and Bay shore, and innumerable flocks of wild fowl swarm around the tide waters of the county, and afford with the fisheries a good business for many of the inhabitants of that region.
The Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore Railroad passes through the county from Havre de Grace, and the Tidewater Canal runs along the west bank of the Susquehanna, having its outlet at Havre de Grace. The Baltimore, Towsontown and Delta Railroad, which is now being laid out, when constructed, will give additional facilities to a large portion of the county.
Judges Third Judicial Circuit-Hon. Richard Grason, Chief Judge; Hons. Geo. Yellott and J ames D. Watters, Associate Judges. Clerk of Court-A. Lingan Jarrett, Bel Air. Clerks-Richard T. Martin and Joseph R. Ely. Crier-Thomas Hendon. Sheriff -Henry C. Johnson. Deputy Sheriff–W. R. Cunningham. State’s Attorney -J. Thos. C. Hopkins, Bel Air. Physician to Jail-W. B. Munnikhuysen. Judges of Orphan’s Court-C. W. Billingslea, George Hays, and A. H. Gicenleld. Regieter of Wills-Dr. Wm. S. Richardson. Deputy Register-A. B. Hanson. Surveyor-James W. McNabb. County Commissioners-Wm. Mechem, Wm. C. Wilson, James K. Keech, Martin Colder, and Michael Whitelord. Clerk to Commissioners-James A. Fulton, Bel Air. Attorney to Commissioners-Geo. Y. Maynadier, Bel Air. School Commissioners-Dr. E. H. Richardson, A. Voshury, and J. H. Scarff. Secretary and Examiner-W. H. Harlan, Bet Air. Constables-John B. Price, John Keys, H. S. McNutt, Geo. A. Markiand, Robert A. Nelson, Lewis King, Jr., John J. Alexander, Isaac C. Pyle, John Hopkins, Thos. J. Sunderland, John C. Charshe, and Samuel W. James. Tax Collectors-E. F. Johns, Ambrose Cooley, James M. Anderson, James Colder, and M. Nelson Whiteford. Justices of the Peace-Richard T. Martin, James A. Fulton, Theo. H. Snowden, Everett G. Hughes, Richard Loflin, Wm. Wiles, A. W. Scarborough, Amos Gilbert, Wm. E. Woodhouse, A. S. Adams, Caleb Wright, T. B. Devoe, Benedict Legoe, John H. Bradford, Jos. W. Shroff, John Daugherty, John M. Cooley, Samuel Arthur, Geo. Harris, Wm. T. Cronin, John D. Alderson, Robert D. Orr, John Trago, and Eli Turner. Congressman, Second District-Hon. Chas. B. Roberts, Westminster. State Senator-Col. Herman Stump, Jr. Members House of Delegates-Wm. C. Scott, Murray Vandiver, and Dr. Silas Scarborough. Terms of Circuit Court, which are held in the Court House at Bet Air, the county seat: Law and Equity-2d Monday of February, May, September, and November. Population of County-White, 17,750; colored, 4,855. Registered Vote-6,500. Assessed Value of Personal, Real, Stocks and Railroad Property-$12,340,289. State and County Tax 82 1/4 cents on $100.
Is on the P. W. & B. R. R., 31 miles from Baltimore; business and health good; land fertile, nearly all cleared, is worth $55 per acre, and produces 18 bus wheat, 40 corn, one and a half tons hay. Grove Presbyterian Church, Rev. Geo. Morrison; M. E., Revs. Givin and Savage; M. E. South, Rev. Mr. Lightner; one public school. Population 75. Taylor Cole, Postmaster.
Baldwin, J T
Nichols, James
Carriage Maker
Harris, Geo
Morgan, Wm
Fruit Packers.
Baker, Chas
Baker & Hanway
Richanison & Greenland
General Merehandise.
Gallion, E C & Co
Walker, Geo
Blooming, John M. James
Justice of the Peace
Harris, Geo.
Millinery and Notions
Carr, Kate
McCullough, Mrs
Pritchard, Mrs
Kennedy, J H
Saw Mill
Richardson & Greenland
Campbell, Wm
Clark, DanielABINGDON
Is 4 miles from Edgewood, on the P. W. & B. R. R., and near Bush River; land is principally cleared, can be purchased at from $20 to $50 per acre, and yields 10 to 25 bus. wheat, 20 to 30 oats, 50 to 100 corn, and 1 to 3 tons hay. A church and public school. Population 35. John T. Wilson, Postmaster.
Harword, Walter
McComas, Thos
Swertz, John W
Carpeaters and Undertakers.
James, W J
McComas, W A
Mitchell, J A
General Merchandise
Price, J & Son
Wilson, John T
Carroll, B F
Cunningham, J A
Hooker, E G
Pannell, W F
Slatery, W
Wagner, HBEL AIR
The county seat, is pleasantly situated, 9 miles from Edgewood on the P. W. & B. R. R., and connected with it by a fine public road, over which stages pass daily, thus placing it in easy and quick communication with Baltimore and Philadelphia. The location is beautiful, and in the midst of one of the most fertile agricultural regions in the State, and surrounded by many highly cultivated farms. The town enjoys a temperate climate, and has excellent water power. The land is composed of red and gray loam, with clay subsoil, is mostly cleared; some oaks, hickory, chestnut, beech, locust, walnut and maple yet standing. Land sells at from $20 to $60 per acre, according to location and improvements; produces 15 to 25 bus. wheat, 20 to 50 oats, 30 to 60 corn, and 2 tons hay. Bel Air is incorporated, and has the usual number of comfortable county buildings, also an academy, and several public and private schools for whites and colored. Mt. Ararat Lodge 44, A. F. & A. M. Population 1,000. John T. Spicer, Postmaster.
CHURCHES AND PASTORS-Episcopal, Rev. S. H. S. Gallaudet; Presbyterian, Rev. E. J. D. Finney; M. P., Rev. Doctor Swentuel; M. E., Rev. Mr. West.
TOWN COMMISSIONERS-S. A. Williams, Pressdent; John T. Spicer, Secretary; August Knofier, John Bauer, John T. Lingan, and Geo. A. Cairnes.
Agents-Insurance & Real Estate.
Alexander, J J & Co
Dallam, C L & Jno S
Attorneys at Law.
Archer, Henry W
Archer, Stevenson of John
Archer & Van Bibber
Cooley, Wm L
Dallam, Wm H
Farnandis, Hon Henry D
Fulford, Alex M
Galloway, Wm
Gilbert, A Preston
Hopkins, J J C
Lee, Otho S
Maynadier, Geo Y
McNabb, J Martin
McNabb, J W
Price, John H
Richardson, Geo. W
Rutledge, P H
Scott, Daniel
Scott, Wm G
Streett, J M
Stump, Herman Jr
Webster, Hon Edwin H
Whaland, Robert W
Whitaker, N B
Willisms, S A
Young, Wm
Cairnes, Geo A
Richardson, Jas S
Martin, August
Saunders, Thos P
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights.
Alexander, John J M
Colder, John E
Flick, Conrad
Jones, Harvey S
Kennedy, Jacob
Moore, E J B
Boots and Shoes
James, Geo
Jeifry, Wm Mc
Keith, Jno H
Knofler, August
Makinson, L C & Co
Carpenters and Undertakers,
Dean, Nathan Jr
Dunnigan, Patrick
Gordon, John W
Harryman, Wm D
Lingan, John F
Hanna, John A
Commission Merchant.
Greenfield, A H
Dance, J G
Smith, Benj
Baker, E Wyatt
General Merchandise.
Herman, Wm
Herron, James
Martin & Anderson
Norris, Chas W
Baner, Wm H
Fulton, James A
Amoe, Isaac.
Clayman’s, John Clayman
Eagle, Robt N Hanna
Edgewood, Wm H Stagmer
Grangert, W S Forwood
Dunnigan, James
Whittaker, Octavian L
Millinery and Dressmaking.
French, Mrs H
Waters & Wetherlil
Garrettson, E C
Wann, John A
Crane, J B (homeopath)
Lee, R D
Munnikhuysen, W B
Richardson, E Hall
Richardson, Wm S
Coale, Joseph A
Sheetiron Workers,
Holland, James D
Huer, August
Stoves and Tinware.
Amos, Isaac
Armstrong, Thomas
Groom, Geo T
Nolan, John
Telegraph Operator.
Snowden, G H
Tobacconists and Wail Papers,
Garrettson, E C
Groom, Geo T
Skinner & Bradbury
Watches & Jewelry.
Wattenscheidt, August
Wines, and Liquors
Cahen, Louis
Clayman, John
Dunnigan, B
Is 5 miles from Monkton on the N. C. H. W. Climate healthy, business fair, and crops good. The land is variable, mostly cleared; is worth from $10 to $100 per acre, and produces 10 to 80 bus. wheat, 10 to 50 oats, 50 to 200 potatoes, 20 to 100 corn, and 1 to 3 tons hay. Church’ and a public school. Population 100. Thos. Henderson, Postmaster.
Gilbert, S H
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights
Hughes, Naason
King, Lewis
McComas, Joshua
Morris, Joseph F
Sutton, Luther
Turner, Andrew
Wheeler, H G
Carpenters and Undertakers.
Reeser, Lewis
Rutledge, Chas A
Standifbrd, David
Tarner, Robert C
Turner, Thos
Wilson, David
Barton, John W
General Merchandise
Maul, Upton R
Pennington, Wm Riston, Jesse
Turner Eli
Ward, JohnT
Almony, Joseph
Gilbert, Mrs. Jane
Sutton, E.
Fife, Robert
Henderson, J Wesley
Nelson, J H
Payne, J T
Brookhart, J
Amos, E H
West, James
Henderson, Jno B
Woolen Mills.
Schilling & CoBOOTHBY HILL
Is 1 mile from Short Lane on the P. W. & B. R. R., and near Swan Creek. The situation is pleasant and healthy. Land good, nearly all cleared; some hickory and oak yet standing. The land is valued at from $20 to $200 per acre, and yields 20 bus. wheat, 30 oats, 100 potatoes, 40 corn, and one and a half tons hay. Churchs and schools adjacent. Population 40. S. N. Hyde, Postmaster.
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights.
Cain, Thos
Chesney, James H
Gorrell, James L
Orr, John
Fruit Packers
Hyde, S N & Sons
Mitchell & Bro
General Merchandise.
Hyde, S N
Cole, H M
Is 3 miles from Aberdeen on the P. W.& B. R. R. and pleasantly situated near Swan Creek. Land, red loam, mostly cleared; sells at from $10 to $50 per acre, produces 15 to 30 bus. wheat, 30 to 50 oats, 50 to 80 potatoes, 30 to 60 corn and 2 tons hay. Population 200. Jno. T. Akers, Postmaster.
Deswan, C H
Keithley, John T
Baily, Josiah
Gilbert, C H
Greenland, J A
Cigar Maker
Bendorf, A
Fruit Canners
Armstrong, G S.
Baker, Geo. H.
Baker, Nicholas
Calahan, P.
Jewins, S. D.
Jewins, Wm. E.
Preston, Jas. H.
Preston, Wm.
General Merchandise
Akers, Jno. T.
Stone Mason
Is 13 miles from Edgewood, and situated near Deer Creek. Climate mild; land good, mostly cleared; sells at $35 per acre; produces 20 bus. wheat, 40 oats, 150 potatoes, 50 corn, and 2 tons hay. No tobacco raised. Church and a school. Valuable ore mines and soap stone quarries in the vicinity. Population 100. Hester Pyle, Postmistress.
Johnson, Uriah
Phelps, Wesley
Grier, Jas A
Grier, John P
Harkins, Joseph A
Rarkins, Stephen W
Pyle, Isaac C
Grier, Jas A
Fertilizer Dealer.
Black, H H
General Merchandise.
Rigdon, Alvin
Clark, W. T.
Robinson, Thos. J.
Smith, John S.
Pyle, C. T.
Clark, W T
Veterinary Surgeon.
Welch, Theodore
Grafton, Wm A
Harkins, Jno WCHROME HILL.
Is 8 miles from Delta, Pa. The lands are composed of mineral, mostly cleared; can be bought at from $10 to $50 per acre, and produces 10 bus. wheat, 85 corn and 1 ton hay. Baptist Church, Rev. Wm. Wilson; M. E., Rev. T. T. Wysong; Chrome Hill Literary and a Library Association, the latter containing 500 volumes; one public school. Population 40. H. F. Bishop, Postmaster.
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights
Norris, T
Streett, Lawrence
Kellogg, E H
England. John
Wilson, J B
General Merchandise
Hull, A A
Wetherill, J R
Dinsmore, Scott
Preston, John
Downs, James
Downs, Samuel
West, W. D.
Vickers, A.
Campbell, Wm.
Sassafras Oil
Is 6 miles from Aberdeen. Land good, plenty cleared; sells at from $50 to $100 per acre, and produces 20 bus. wheat, 60 corn and 2 tons hay. Holy Trinity Church, Rev. E. A. Coihurn; Presbyterian, Rev. T. W. L. Keiffer, and a public school. Population 50. P. G. Hawkins, Postmaster.
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights
Chesny, Wm H
Hawkms, P G
Jones, H C
Martin, Sam’l H
Hawkins, James H
General Merchandise.
Hanson, A B
Maskison & Co
Axer, John
Sauner, W. L.
Finney, John M
Roberts, Thos H
Flowers, JohnCLAYTON
Is 5 miles from Magnolia on the P. W. & B. R. R. Soil sandy, not much cleared; land is valued at $20 per acre, and produces 15 bus. wheat, 35 corn and 1 1/2 tons hay. A church, schools and literary society. Population 85. Benj. Orsburn, Postmaster.
Brazier, Hobert
Sour, Wm
Fruit Packer.
Sheppard, Chas S
General Merchandise.
Orsburn, Benj
Price, Wm J
Ice Dealer.
Orsburn, John H
Justice of the Peace.
Legore, B
Brazier, Thos
Whalan, Thos
Townsley, Wm E
Steele, Chas H
Spicer, A B
Drerker, John HCOOPSTOWN
Is 12 miles from White Hall on the N. C. H. W. Climate mild and healthy; soil, sandy toam; land easily cultivated, principally cleared; can be bought at from $15 to $50 per acre, and yields 15 to 35 bus. wheat, 40 to 60 oats, 150 to 200 potatoes, 30 to 70 corn, and 2 tons hay. Chrome and magnesia mines, also asbestos found in the vicinity. M. K Church and two public schools. Population 40. J. Howard Watters, Postmaster.
Bay, Thos A
Patton, Wm H
General Merchandise.
Hurst, Nathan
Watters, J Howard
Hurst, Nathan
Hanway, Wm E
Watters, W & Bro
Sassafras Oil.
Hulligan, John
Reed, Thos W
Zimmerman, John C
Saw Mills.
Hanway, Wm E
Morse, Geo W
Watters, W & BroCHESWELL
Is 4 1/2 miles from Perrymansville. Land good, mostly cleared; can be purchased at from $10 to $60 per acre, and yields 15 to 30 bus wheat, 20 to 40 oats 40 to 100 potatoes, 5 to 30 corn, and 2 tons hay. Population 25. A. H. Strasbaugh, Postmaster.
Kemper, A W
General Merchandise.
Strasbaugh, A H
Miller, Geo T
Webster, James
Webster, J. B.
Saw Mill
Is 4 miles from Conowingo, and near the Susquehanna River. Place healthy; land, red and sand loam, ranges in price from $30 to $80 per acre, and produces 20 bus. wheat, 30 oats, 100 potatoes, 65 corn and 2 tons hay. M. E. and P B. Churches, and Society of Friends, (Orthodox and Hicksites;) Darlington High School. Population 100. H. Clay Whiteford, Postmaster.
Attorney at Law
Price, John H
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights
Gorrell, G. S.
Harper, Sam’l
Hopkins, C. W.
Lee, John T.
Sweet, Mrs. F. C.
Hopkins, Geo. F.
Hopkins, J. R.
Carpenters and Undertakers
Ely, Thos.
Holloway, Chas.
Holloway, John O.
Jordan, Oliver P.
Lamb, John
McNutt, S. J.
McNutt, T. A.
Whiteford, W. H. H.
General Merchandise
Miller, E. L. & Co.
Whitelock, F. M. & Co.
Whitelock, G. D.
Chandler, Wm. E.
Allen, E M
Noble, Benj
Wilson, David E
Millinery and Notions.
Tollinger, Mrs Rebecca
Ely, Joseph E
Kirk, John P
Forwood, W Stump
Sappington, Jno
Whiteford, H Clay
Day, S S
Miller, John
Monsees, Otto
Prigg, T T
Is 5 miles from Conowingo. Village healthy; soil, red clay; land one quarter cleared, sells at from $10 to $80 per acre, and yields 15 bus. wheat, 30 oats, 100 to 200 potatoes, 40 to 60 corn and 1 ton hay. M. E., M. E. South, and P. E. Churches, and the Society of Friends. Public and private schools. Population 75. E. Willis, Postmaster.
Agent, Havre Iron Co.
Bye, E M
Attorney at Law.
McNabb, J M
Burkens, Joseph R.
Jones, J.
McDoon, J
Watson, John
Clement, Thos
Burkens, Isaac
Carr, Wm
Crawford, John
Hawkins, John
Jones, John
Jones, John P
Flint and Spar Manufacturers.
Husband, J & W P
General Merchandise.
Bailey, Daniel
Orew, J F
Klair, Vesta B
Proctor, 0 W
WIllis, B
Klalr, Hiram
McCoy, H B
Bell, N B
Hiley, David
Scarborough, SilasEDGEWOOD
Is on the P. W. & B. R. R., 21 miles from Baltimore and 9 miles from Bel Air; It is located in a diversified, improved and generally fertile country, enriched and beautified by tasteful dwellings and ornamental grounds; it is equidistant from the Gunpowder and Bush Rivers, on a ridge which declines by such emy lines on either band as to lead the eye to suppose the whole peninsula a unllbrm plain. Gen’l Cadwallader’s magnificent domain of nearly 10,000 acres adjoins the place, and extends away to the shores of both of the above mentioned rivers. This is a noted point for sportsmen, the rivers abounding with fish and crabs in the summer, and in the autumn and winter they afford to the canvas back and red head ducks, celery grass and other marine plants, which will impart in 24 hours to these lordly water fowl, that high perfection of flavor so prized by epicures. These rivers are so famed that they are visited by sportsmen from remote points. The health of the place is generally good, subjected in early autumn to slight malarial diseases. Soil is composed of sand and clav barns lands one-half cleared, vary in value from $20 to $50 per acre, and produce 10 to 20 bus. wheat, 25 to 50 bats, 25 to 60 corn, 100 potatoes and 2 tons hay. Population 30. T. J. Tydings, Postmaster.
Agent-R. R. and Express.
Tydings, T J
Neiter, Nicholas
Fresh, Basil
Seigman, Henry
Duck Dealer.
Tydings, T J
General Merchandise.
Mechem & Son
Carroll, B F
Edgewood, Allen Hoffman
Holmes Wm
Snow, E J & Co
Taylor, Wm P
Is 9 miles from Magnolia, and pleasantly situated in a very healthy neighborhood. The soil is clay, well cleared; sells at from $40 to $50 per acre; produces 18 to 25 bus. wheat, 30 to 60 corn, and 2 tons hay. Oakland Boarding School, Geo. G. Curtis, A. M., Principal. Population 100 James A. Watson, Postmaster.
Ely, David & Son
Lee, Joseph
Pennington, Lambert
Rogers, Geo
Steigler, Geo
Waters, Wm
Waters, Geo
Carpenters & Undertakers.
Beaumont, Elias
Carman, Robert
Lewis, David
Lewis, Geo
Shas, James
Commission Merchant.
Ambler, Jonathan
Bond, Chas
Price, Mordecai
Hutton & Worthington
General Merchandise.
Hollingsworth, Chas B
Scott, Ann D
Spicer, J A
Watson & Moore
Anderson, Ellwood T
Ice Cream.
Hollingsworth, Daniel P
Justice of the Peace.
Shroff, Joseph W
Guyton, Benj A
Mitchell, Howard
Mitchell, Robert
Reckerd, Henry
Waters, Wm H
Hamilton, James Jr
Kirk Geo
Montague, Sam’l
Dickey, Robert
Saw Mill.
Reckerd, Henry
Keith, B F
Magness, Patrick
Osthine, Henry
Quinn, Barney
Shroff, Joseph W
Taheiney, Matthew
Is 10 miles from Aberdeen. Soil, gray and isenglass; land principally cleared, with some oak, hickory, chestnut, and poplar yet standing; is worth from $50 to $75 per acre, and produces 20 to 80 bus. wheat, 30 to 40 oats, 100 to 150 potatoes, 60 corn, and 2 tons hay. Monnt Zion M. E. Church and a public school. Population 50. Nathan Dean, Postmaster.
Blacksmiths and wheelwrights
Bradley, Patrick
Busey, Thos
Richardson, Wm
Carpenters and Undertakers
Bull, Henry
Bull, Jacob E
Dean, Nathan
Martin, Patrick
Schuck, John & Son
Carriage Maker
Markley, John
General Merchandise
Forwood, James O.
Sellers, Robert
Harward, Wm. H.
Is 10 miles from Havre de Grace; the land is good, nearly all cleared; is valued at $50 per acre, and produces 30 bus. wheat, 60 corn and 2 tons hay. Harmony Church, Rev. Wm. H. Hartzell, and public schools. Population 25. Wm. H. Starr, Postmaster.
Silver, John A.
Bond, Edward
Giles, John
General Merchandise.
Starr, Wm H
Wilson, D E
Is 4 miles from Perrymansville, and near Bush River. Clay soil; land mostly cleared, can be bought at $10 per acre, and yields 20 bus. wheat, 35 oats, 50 corn and 2+ tons hay. Public school. Population 40. B. H. Hanson, Jr., Postmaster.
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights
Martin, Wakeman
Stansbury, Walter J
General Merchandise.
Hanson, B H Jr
Lilly, John W & Sons
Iron and Chemicals.
Harford Furnace Co
Sills, Jacob
Harford Furnace Co
Treadwell, A J
Rowe, Walter B
Woolen Mills.
Is one of the oldest towns in the State, a settlement having been made here about the same time Claiboine settled Kent Island, in 1634 or ‘5. Several houses are still standing, dating back over a century. The town is beautifully located on the south bank of and near the mouth of the Susquehanna River, where it empties into the Chesapeake Bay. It occupies a portion of a plain extensive enough to contain a city equal to London; flanked on the west by gracefully rising hills of checkered green and gold, while further in the background, rising to greater heights, are the laureled-browed mountains overlooking the river. Along the eastern front winds the bright, majestic river, emptying just below the town into the wide extended arms of the lovely Chesapeake, whose blue waters are here and there gemmed with emerald islands rising from the shining surface.
The harbor is said to closely resemble that of Rio de Janeiro, the most beautiful in the world. History tells us that General Lafayette recognised a striking resemblance in the harbor and surrounding scenery, to that of Harve, (formerly Harve de Grace) in France, and it is said, that owing to the expression of Lafayette’s, the name of the town was changed to Havre de Grace.
The Susquehanna, extending more than four hundred miles to the great falls, and draining, as it does, a district more rich in agricultural and mineral products than any other on the continent, makes Havre de Grace the cheapest and most natutal outlet to the seaboard for the products of the pine forests, petroleum districts, and the great anthracite and bituminous coal fleids of Pennsylvania. With water and railroad communication to all points of the compass, in close proximity to the great Atlantic cities and commercial centres, within two hours by rail of the capital, and about four to the metropolis of the nation, in the midst of a rich agricltural country, abounding in wood and water; the waters in the immediate vicinity yielding in great abundance and at the cheapest rates, the most desirable varieties of fish and water fowl, make, when combined with a genial and salubrious climate, Havre de Grace a delightful and desirable place of residence, either for business or leisure.
The town is incorporated and governed by a Board of five Commissioners, elected annually; it is handsomely laid out with wide streets. The general architecture of the town is not costly or imposing. The houses are neat, and the flourishing gardens and yards, ornamented with shrubbery and flowers, display the cultured taste of the residents.
The manufactures, consisting mainly in a steam merchant flouring mill, two canning establishments, a bone grinding and fertilizing factory, an extensive saw and plaining mill, and a double track marine railway, capable of hauling out the largest class vessels.
The shad and herring fisheries in the immediate vicinity afford employment to many, and add considerable to the business of the town. During the fall and winter, quite a number of the residents are engaged in ducking, and a large revenue is derived from this source. Another branch of industry, in favorable seasons, is the cutting and storing of ice; as much as 200,000 tons have been cut in one season. Probably the largest business carried on here is the re-shipping of anthracite coal. Two of the great mining and carrying companies are represented-the PenuL and the Reading, the former by Measra Hilles, Boyd & Co., and the latter by A. P. McCombs & Co.
There are here several fine Churches, a Town Hall, Odd Fellow’s Hall, a High and Primary Schools, for white and colored. Population 2,000. T. M. Sumption, Postmaster.
BENNEVOLENT SOCIETIES.-A. F. & A. M.-Susquehanna 130. K. of P.- Harford 54. I.O.O.F -Morning Star Lodge 20, and Susquehanna Encampment 20; Havre Lodge 43, Good Templars. O. U. A. M.-Venus Council 44.
CHURCHES AND PASTORS.-M. E., Rev. J. F. Ockerman; M. E., (colored,) Rev. W. H. Arnold; P. E., Rev. H. B. Martin; Presbyterian, Rev. W. H. Cooke; Roman Catholic, (St. Patrick’s,) Rev. Father Barry.
TOWN COMMISSIONERS.-J. T. Frieze, J. Osmond, A. B. Treadway, B- B- Vandiver, and R. Seneca. Clerk to Board-J. T. Frieze. Bailiff-W. J. Wilkinson.
Agent-R. B. and Express
Courtney, H Jr
Seneca, H
Blackamiths and Wheelwrighis,
Alexander, John T
McVey, Joseph L
Mitchell, J G
Morrison, Wm
White, Thomas M
Agents-Sewing Machines
Adams, A S
Penning, S E
Simpson, Wm D
Agricultural Implements
Hopper, James & Co
Bakers and Confectioners
Bechtold, August
Faulkner, Mrs Arabella
Herbet, Louis
Hopper F & J
Moitz, Chas.
Vieshon, Henry
DeCouroy, J I
Richardson, John H
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights
Alexander, John T.
McVey, Joseph L.
Mitchell, J. G.
Morrison, Wm.
White, Thomas M.
Books and Stationery
Wilson, J S
Boots & Shoes
Frech, Jacob
Gilbert, J M
Harman, Michael
Hergenrother, Jacob J
Hergenrother, John M
Levi, H
Miseheil, W K
Rieser A
Ross, Daniel
Brush Manufacturers
Wevner, John
Fairman, A E
Lawder & Bro
Lubenatein, Wm
Carpenters and Undertakers.
Burke, James
Mitchell, Geo V
Pennington, Joseph A
Alexander, John T
Clothing and Gent’s Goods.
Harman, Michael
Kind, Leopold
Levi, H
Rieser, August
Hilles, Boyd & Co
James & Co
McCombs, A P & Co
Bockins, S Atlee
Hopkins, H H
King, Wm G
Sadler, Thos., Jr.
Dry Goods and Notions.
O’Neill, B J
Patterson, Mrs M A
Duck Shooters.
Barnes, F
Barnes, Geo
Dobson & Mahon
Leithiser, John
Poplar, J H
Dyer and Scourer.
Runge, August
Hopper, James & Co
Spencer, John N.
Taylor & Co
Brown,A F & Co
Carver, J H & Co
Coale & Bailey
Green, L & Co
Sadler & Osborn
Simmons & Mitchell
Treadway, Aquilla
Fruit Packers.
Seneca, Stephen J
Stevenson, Joseph
General Merchandise.
Green, L
Green, O
Lyon, A & G T & Co
Seneca, R
Spencer, A D
Spencer, John N
Wright, John
Grain Dealers.
Hopper, James & Co
Taylor & Co
Groceries and Provisions
Baldwin, James
Dawson, Jane
Drexier, Jacob
Fairman, A B
Hedden, John W
Keen, Mrs S A
McNulty, Mrs Ann
Taylor, Mrs Sarah H
Ward, Mrs Margaret
Woolford, C A
Hardware, &c.
Alexander, John T
Dugan, C J
Hopper, F & J
Harford, Mrs B M Reasin
Nixon’s, James Nixon
U S, J P Adams
Justice of the Peace.
Adams, A S
Lime Manufacturers.
Hopper, F & J
Livery Stables.
Hall, Edward
Hopper, Franklin
Kelly, Chas
Kurtz, Sebastian
Lumber Manufacturer.
Dubois, John
Marine Railway.
Magowan, B A
Taylor & Co
Milliners and Dressmakers.
Heaton, Mrs J H
Kelly, Mm M J
Leffler, Mrs E
Simpson, Mrs W D
Painter and Paper-hanger.
Moore, H L
McFadden, O S
Cochran, J H
Hopkins, D W
Hopkins, W W
Scarff, J E (Homeopathic)
Smith, R H
Plaster Mills.
Spencer, John N
Trapnall, Geo W
Mitgowan, H A
Ship and Canal Snpplies.
Hall, Edward
Hopper, F & J
Stoves and Tinware.
Case, C
Murphy, L W
Adams, A S
Culley, Hubert,
Baekey, Geo H
Burke, David Y
Myers, GT
Watches and Jewelry.
Simpson, Wm D
Zeitler, Chas
Wines and Liquors.
Brown, Henry
Stiller, John M
Is 13 miles from Edgewood and situated in a thickly settled country; red clay and gray soil; land three-quarters cleared, can be bought at from $50 to $75 per acre and produces 20 bus. wheat, 30 to 40 oats, 200 potatoes, 30 to 50 corn and 2 tons hay. Mt. Tabor M. P. Church, Rev. A. A. Harryman; Grace Chapel, P. B.; St. Ignatius Roman Catholic, Rev. Father J. A. Gailen, and two public schools. Population 150. Mrs. Z. E. Brown, Postmistress.
DeBow, Z
DeCourcy, H & Son
Johnson, Uriah
VanCourt, Wm
Bussey, B
Gorrell J
Grier, G J
McCommins, J
Pyle, H
General Merchandise.
Minnick, Mrs B
Stever, Wm A
Walter, Mrs L
Minnick,S P
Peterson, James
Wann, J S
Walter, A S
Robinson, S S
Doxen, Jacob
Holland, J C
Wines and Liquors.
Is situated 6 1/2 miles from Havre de Grace; lands good, principally cleared; varies in value from $15 to $75 per acre, and yields 18 to 25 bus wheat, 30 to 50 oats, 100 to 150 potatoes, 50 to 60 corn and 2 tons hay. Hopewell M. E. Church, Rev. J. T. Lassell. Population 35. J. B. Kenly, Postmaster.
Sherdiin, John
Carpenters and Undertakers.
Bailey, Geo & Son
Mitchell, John H
General Merchandise.
Kenly, J B
Mather, T W
Rogers, R P
Parker, C J
Is 10 miles from White Hall on the N. C. R. W. Soil is composed of isinglass and clay; most of the farms are in a high state of cultivation; land principally cleared, is worth $40 per acre, and produces 20 bus wheat, 30 oats, 100 potatoes, 50 corn and 2 tons hay. Tyson’s Chrome Works are near here; chrome abounding in quality and quantity. M. E. Church, Rev. B. F. Clarkson; M. E. South, Rev. J. W. Steele; German Evang., Rev. P. F. Jarrett; Presbyterian, Rev. Joseph Nelson and several public schoo1s. Population 150. Benj. Mason, Postmaster.
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights
Carman, David
Carroll, John
Miller, John
Carpenters and Undertakers.
Deets, Geo A
Kurtz, Martin
Mason, Benj L
Jipton, John F
General Merehandise.
Jarrett, Thos B
Carroll, Wm C Jr
Streett, Samuel
Justice of the Peace.
Arthur, Sam’l J
Downs, James
Pennington, Carroll
Clark, Wm
Jarratt, Martin L
Nelson, Joshua R
Meads, James B
Cathcart, Thos E
Is 7 miles from Magnolia; land good, plenty cleared, is valued at from $50 to $75 per acre, and produces 30 bus. wheat, 50 to 75 corn and 2 tons hay. Schools and churches adjacent Population 25. David Lee, Postmaster.
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights.
Smith, John
Vogt, Wm N
Hardesty, John E
General Merchandise.
Lee, David
Howard, Isaac
Lee, David
Is on the west bank of the Susquehanna River, nearly opposite Port Deposit in Cecil County, and 8 miles from Havre de Grace. Here, as on the other side of the river, the Messrs. Cochran & Co., of Baltimore, have several ice houses, capable of storing many thousand tons of the well known Susquehanna ice. The land near is medium; can be bought at from $20 to $40 per acre, and produces fair crops of wheat, corn, oats and potatoes. M. P. Church, Rev. J.T. Lassell, and a public school. Population 20. W. T. Makinson, Postmaster.
Osborn, Robert A
Courtney, W H
Paul, G W
Sandess, Geo N
General Merchandise.
Smith, James R
Lumber, Grain and Fertillizers.
Barnes & Archer
Parker, Joseph C
Is on the P. W. & B. R. R, 19 miles from Baltimore; it is located in a very pretty section of country and takes its name from the Magnolia trees which grow in the vicinity, and is situated near the centre of a peninsula, formed by the Chesapeake Bay, Bush and Gunpowder Rivers; land medium and produces to the acre 16 bus. wheat, 35 oats and 30 to 40 corn. Population 35. J. H. Lytle, Postmaster.
Agent-R. R. and Express
Lytle, J H
Brown, Geo W
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights
Shipley, C J
Swift, H.
General Merchandise
Brown, Geo. W.
Hanway, J. B.
Is 3 1/2 miles from Perrymansville. Land fair, can be bought at from $10 to $100 per acre, and yields 10 to 40 bus. wheat, 20 to 50 oats, 100 potatoes, and 40 corn. Population 80. J. J. Michael, Postmaster.
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights
Botts, John & Son
Osborn, G & Son
General Merchandise.
Michael, J J
Osborn, G B
Michael & Malcolm
Courtney, G
Is 10 miles from Monkton on the N.C.R. W. Land medium, sells at from $10 to $20 per acre; produces fair crops of wheat, corn, oats, hay and potatoes. Churches and schools near. Population 75. E. A. Strawbridge, Postmaster.
Barton, James R.
Stifler, R. B.
Sweeney, Edward
Pollock, Wesley
General Merchandise
Butler, Joseph W.
Lanieus, Jacob
Strawbridge, Isaac
Hersey, Joseph
Payne, Joseph
Wiley, Geo N
Wiley, Nicholas
Is on the P. W. & B. R. R, 27 1/2 miles from Baltimore. Soil, light loam, and land is valued at $50 per acre; produces 25 bus. wheat, 35 oats, several hundred potatoes, 50 corn and 2 tons hay. Schools and churches In the vicinity. Population 50. James H. Michael, Postmaster.
Agent-R. R.
Emmord, J H
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights
Taylor, John M
Taylor, H M
General Merchandise
Michael & Bro
Quinlan, Dan’l
Taylor, D. W.
Mitchell, John
Chapman, Pearson
Tredick, John
Is 13 miles from Monkton. Land good, mostly cleared; varies in price from $15 to $75 per acre, and produces 18 bus. wheat, 25 oats, 150 potatoes, 40 corn, and 2 tons hay. Public schools, and Providence M. P., Friendship M. E and Baptist Churches. Population 75. T. Bradenbaugh, Postmaster.
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights
Beaumont, Holland
Cannon, T
Debow T A
Ely, W F.
Jones, Wm
McCrery W A
Proctor, Wm
Carpenters and Undertakers
Rockey, W H
Walker, T Davis
General Merchandise
Bradenbaugh, T
Harkins, T
Lomax & Bros
Harkins, T.
Hanway, David
Wright, W.
Ehrhardt, D.
Davis, Wm.
Dickey, R.
Atkinson, M.
Is 7 miles from Conowingo; land loamy, three-fourths cleared. Can be bought at from $20 to $50 per acre, and yields 16 bus. wheat, 20 oats, 150 potatoes, 85 corn, 500 lbs. tobacco and 2 tons hay. The location is in a thickly settled country. Population 50. Isaac Scarborough, Postmaster.
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights
Heaps, J K
Terrell, D T
Sealor, Henry
Day, James H
Soarborough, W D
General Merchandise.
Scarborough, Isaac
Justice of the Peace.
Orr, R D
Day, W. N.
Bell, N R
Heaps, W
Andrews, G W
Hamlett, Benj H
Saw Mill.
Enfleld & Day
Day, G W
Is 3 miles from Delta, Pa. Land fertile; is worth from $30 to $75 per acre, and produces 10 to 25 bus. wheat, 30 to 60 oats, 50 to 150 potatoes, 50 to 100 corn and 1 to 2 tons hay. Asbestos quarries, lead, copper and iron ore abound here. Fair View and Sylvan Retreat Schools. Population 40. N. Pyle, Postmaster.
Wilson, L
Harry James
Pyle, D L
Asbestos Miner.
Jenkins, J W
Buins, J D
Allen, J
Deaver, R J
Kinsey, C A
General Merchandise.
Pyle, Nathan
Pyle, E Everett
Pyle, Nathan
Pyle, D
Wines and Liquors,
Stearns, J OTAYLOR
Is 6 miles from Monkton, on the N.C.R. W., and surrounded by good land which sells at from $10 to $40 per acre; produces fair crops of wheat, corn, oats, hay and potatoes. Churches and schools convenient. Population 75. A. Garrison, Postmaster.
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights
Arthur, George
Arthur, S
Gunther, C
Phelps, S
Standiford, W C
Carpenters and Undertakers
Phelps, J. O.
Walter, W.
Chalk, M. E.
General Merchandise
Hess, J H
Patterson & Folley
Lime Burner
Hess, Henry
Caskey, R W
Emory, H
Rutledge, C A
Campbell, JosephTHOMAS’ RUN
Is 11 miles from Aberdeen. Soil, red clay; land, well timbered, ranges in price from $50 to $100 per acre, and yields 25 to 30 bus. wheat, 70 to 80 oats, 50 to 75 potatoes, 50 to 100 corn and 2 tons hay. Population 50. James H. Bull, Postmaster.
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights
Kelly, Robert A
Treadwell, Chas W
Arthur, James
General Merchandise.
Riggs, Wm G & Son
Huff, James H
Magraw, Jas M
Saw Mill
Is 9 miles from Monkton on the N. C. R. W. Land good; is worth $15 to $75 per acre and yields 15 bus. wheat, 30 oats, 100 potatoes, 35 corn and 1 ton hay. Population 50. John B. Curry, Postmaster.
Attorney at Law
Rutledge, P H
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights
Coe, Moses
Ely, Thomas
Scarl, Geo R
Spencer, Wm
Engle, J H
Johnson, Thos
General Merchandise
Curry, John B.
Justice of the Peace
Alderson, J. D.
Ball, H.
Millers, Z
Baldwin, Wm.
Rutledge, C. A.
Saw Mill
Fowble, Geo.WILNA
Is 7 miles from Magnolia. Soil, clay loam; land is valued at $60 per acre, and yields 20 bus. wheat, 40 corn and 2 tons bay. Population 75. S. S. Stauffer, Postmaster.
Thompson, Charles
Carpenters and Turners.
Addison, Wm
Hardesty, I E
Hollingsworth, Edward
Hollingsworth, J H
Carriage Materials.
Hollingsworth, I C
Hollingsworth, Nathan’l
General Merchandise.
Cairnes & Moutray
Whitaker, Franklin
Henderson, A B
Townsley, Wm
Middendorf; Henry
Norris, Silas W
Baker, C W
Baker, G H
Baker, G W
Brown, A F
Cole, Benj
Cole, O N
Cronin, Benj
Fulton, W J
Gilbert, C T
Harris, W B
Laylor, H L
Michael, J C
Michael, W B
Mitchell, J A
Morgan, R L
Moulidale, Mark
Osborn, Amos
Oshorn, Cyrus
Button, JAbingdon
Bradford, J H
Carroll, P E
Gallion, J W
Johns, E F
Johns, W A
Mouladale TBel Air
Amos, Henry C
Amos, Thos A
Archer, Caleb G
Archer, Henry W
Archer, Stevenson
Blake, John M
Dallam, John S
Davison, John C
Davison, Wm
Dean, James
Dean, John J
Dean, M M
Farnandis, Henry D
Farnandis, James
Fendall, Wm L
Forwood, Parker F
Fulford, A L
Fulford, A M
Holland, R W
Howard, Patrick
Jones, Wm H
McCormick, J M
Mechem, Isaac
Moores, John
Munnikhuysen, W F
Norris, Alei
Norris, G S
Pue, Michael E
Quinby, James H
Richardson, E H
Richardson, John S
Rogers, Wm
Scott, Dan’l
Scott Wm G
Stump, Herman
Sullivan, Jeremiah
Whitaker, FrankBlack Horse
Almony, Benj
Anderson, W F
Ayres, Benj F
Barton, James
Beaty, James F
Boarman Frank
Bradenbaugh, Jacob
Cathcart, Jno T
Cathoart, W N
Gorsuch, Luther M
Green, Thos
Henderson, Jno B
Henderson, Thos
Henderson, Wm F
Hughes, Naason
Hughes, Wm N
Jackson, Jno R
Jordan, Conrad
Kirkwood, A W
Kirkwood, Jas H
Kirkwood, Jno H
Kirkwood, Jno R
Kirkwood, N C
Kirkwood, Richard H
Kirkwood, Robert
League, C W
Lemmon, Geo
Luckey, J G
Lytle, Geo W
Marklein, J J
Meads, Jno D
Meads, Wm L
Norris, James
Norris, Thos
Patterson, J N
Rampley, R N
Robinson, J C
Robinson, Wm T
Slade, Christopher
Treadway, John
Turner, James
Turner, John
Vance, James
Watt, Nicholas
Wiley, A. Jackson
Wiley, Thos. H.
Wright, CalebBoothby Hill
Aaronson, Ambrose P.
Aaronson, Wm. F.
Archer,R H.
Cox, Elisha
Godwin, Thomas
Hyde, H S
McGaw, B F
Mitchell, C P
Mitchell, D E
Mitchell, Paca
Mitchell, T P
Rickey, S B
Smith, R H
Taylor, W H
Thompson, J T
Way, IsaacCarsin’s Run
Bowkley, Fred
Carsins, Wm.
Dick, Robert
Foreman, J. F.
Greenland, James
Greenland, Richard
Greenland, Wm.
Hopkins, Richard
James, Jno. L.
Jeffrey, James
Maxwell, Wm.
Morris, Wm.Chestnut Hill
Barrow, Jno. H.
Forwood, Parker L.
Grafton, Corbin
Grafton, John H.
Grier, Jno. P.
Pyle, Eli
Robinson, Thomas
Ward, John
Ward, John T.Chrome Hill
Baird, Wm.
England, J.
Gladden, Wm.
Smith, R.
St. Clair, James
St. Clair, Wm.
Stansbury, T.
Street, C. G.
Wilson, W. A.Churchville
Archiver, R. Harris
Barnes, H.
Barnes, John
Barnes, W. S.
Beeman, J. J.
Blackburn, John
Coale, J. W.
Finney, Geo. J.
Glasgow, Geo. R.
Hays, N. W. S.
Hays, Thos. A.
Hays, Wm. F.
Janney, Johns H.
Kelly, James
Lee, P. H. & Son
McIlvain, Jeremiah
Silver, Silas & Geo.
Waterman, Joseph P.
Woolsey, Wm.Clayton
Archer, D. T.
Brazier, Thos. J.
Gabler, Michael
Gorrell, Theodore
Hurtt, Wm.
Livezey, Isaac W.
McComas, Geo. M.
McComas, Geo. W.
Smith, Daniel
Spicer, C. P.
Spicer, Geo. M.
Standiford, Benj.
Standiford, Isaac
Zeigler, Nicholas
Zimmerman, Capt. G. H.Coopstown
Ady, S. M.
Bay, Thos. A.
Cairnes, J. A.
Cairnes, R. Thos.
Durham, A.
Durham, W. A.
Hanway, Wm. E.
Morse, Geo. W.
Patton, Wm. H.
Poteet, James
Rigdon, Geo. B.
Watters, J. Howard
Watters, W. & Bro.
Wetherill, S.
Whitaker, Joshua
Whiteford, Wm. E.
Young, C.Cresewell
Billingslea, C. W.
Castner, W. W.
Dallam, Dr. W.
Hanney, B. F.
Hanney, D.
Webster, Mrs. J.
Webster, RichardDarlington
Allen, E. M.
Caldwe1l, A J
Dallam, T. B.
Edge, Joseph
Forwood, James
Harlem, Henry S.
Holloway, Alb’t & Wm.
Holloway, Samuel
Hopkins, E. C.
Hopkins, Frank
Hopkins, Mrs. H. R.
Hopkins, J. R.
Hopkins, Samuel
Hopkins, Thos. C.
Hopkins, Wm. of Joseph
James, Joseph
Jones, Fletcher
Massey, James R.
Matthews, Sam’l H.
McNutt, Gover
Preston, J. Brown
Sappington, John
Scott, Geo. L.
Thomas, D. E.
Thompson, Isaac H.
Tucker, Ellis J.
Wilson, Isaac C.
Worthington, F. D.
Worthington, Jas. C.Dublin
Clement, Thomas
Crew, Chas.
Galbreath, Clarence
Hutchinson, Wm.
Jones, Geo. W.
Klair, Hiram
McCoy, D. G. & Wm. G.
McCoy, R B
Morris, Thos
Phillips, Ja~es W
Piezee, Joshua
Swan, P C
Scarborough, Barclay
Stokes, J. H.
Thompson, Wm H
Warner, Philip & Wm
Willis, J E & E SEdgewood
Carroll, B F
Chisholm, John
Coebran, J
Emmord, Fred
Emmord, Geo.
Foley, P
Ford, John T.
Frusch, John
Gunther, Fred
Gunther, Harman
Hall, Edward
Hall, J W
Hall, Thos Jr
Hall, Wm
Hamilton, Wm
Hareland, John
Harman, Michael
Herbert, C
Hoffecker, J
Holmes, Wm
Lantz, Jacob
Litzinger, Wm
McComas, J E
McHenry, R
Myers, H
Myers, Jacob
Norris, James
Preston, J B
Humboldt, Chas
Scully, James
Snow, E J & Co
Sullivan, Thos
Swartz, T B
Taylor, Hubert
Taylor, W P
Terry, G. F.
Todd, Robert
Trimble, N P
Tydings, Lloyd
Walman, John
Wetheral, J A
Wilson, RobertFallston
Ambler, Jonathan
Amos, E Pierson
Amos, Garret
Amos, Geo K
Amos Henry
Amos, Howard
Amos, James O
Amos, Lemuel
Amos, Thomas
Benson, Joel
Benson, Joshua
Bolton, Robert A
Bond, Chas
Bowne, Hubert
Bradley. Dennis
Burns, Peter
Dickey, Robert
Duvall, Capt B E
Edelin, Wm
Favour, Joseph
Forward, Robert
Hamilton, James K
Harlan, Joseph
Hollingsworth, Amos
Hollingswortb, Dan’l P
Hooker, Mrs S & Sister
Hoskins, Wm
Kcecb, James A
Kelly, Michasl
Lancaster, John
Lewis, David
Lynch, Wm F
Maynadier, Joseph
Monk, John
Moore, Theodore
Preston, Emmond
Price, Mordecai
Rhal, Geo
Rhodham, Wm
Robinson, James
Rogers, Geo
Scott, Ross
Shannahan, John
Spicer August
Steigler, Geo
Warner, Bunton
Waters, Wm H
Watson, James T
Watson, Wm
Whitson, Daniel
Fountain Green.
Forwood, Wesley
Grant, Geo W
Hanna, James W
Hanna, John C
Hanna, Mary C
Hanna, Robert F
Harward, Chas W
Jeffery, John W
Kerr, C Edward
Norris, David,
Oldfleld, Wm
Rogers, R J
Stillwell, Court
Whistler, Sam’l F
Winchester, MrsGlenville
Barnes, R A
Bayless, Martin.
Bayleas, S E
Coale, J
Cook, Joel
Dever, T
Famous, Joseph
Holloway, R
King, T
Lochary, T
Page, Joseph
Reasin, J F
Silver, Benj
Silver, J P
Silver, S A
Silver, S B
Silver, Wm
Wilson, JHarford Furnace
Cullum, Wm
Lynch, John
McAble, John H
Moran, Patrick
Myers, Henry
Sullivan, John
Trago, JohnHavre de Grace
Barnes, W H
Bisley, Milton
Botta, Goldsmith
Brown, A F
Carroll, Ney
Cook, Chas
Cord, Thos
Cropper, Chas
De Baugh, August
Evans, J T
Ewing, Edwin
Ewing, James
Ewing, John
Ewing, W H
Fletcher, Mrs E
Forsythe, Samuel
Gilbert, J
Gilbert, Jarrett
Greenway, Col Wilton
Henrigues, Capt. Jos.
Hitchcock, C. E.
Holloway, W L
Hopkins, Dr W W
Hopper, John A
Matthews J G
McGaw, J’ames
Mitchell, Amos
Mitchell, Bernard
Mitchell, Corbin
Mitchell, J G
Mitchell, John
Mitchell, John Jr
Moulton, Thomas
Osborn, H A
Payne, Geo R
Hodgers, Col R S
Ruth, John
Sherwood, Rebt
Silver, Wm Z
Sooy, L
Touchstone, John
Ward, Jarrett
Whittaker, W P C
Worthington, James
Worthington, JohnHickory
Barrow, J S
Bsrrow, Thomas
Germon, G A
Gillespie, Wm.
Heuisler, G. A.
Hoopes & Sons
Johnson, Jacob
Kennedy, J. T.
McComas, N P
Michael, Wm H
Minnick, B F
Morgan,W F
Poole, James
Poole, Thomas
Pyle, Herman
Ross, Wm
Smithson, James
Smithson, Wm
Streett, JohnHopewell X Roads
Ewing, Lawson
Foley, R.
Gallion, James B.
Hanna, S. B.
Hopkins, Geo. W.
Hopkins, Welimore
Kenly, Geo W
Riley, John
Spencer, John R
Stephenson, Wm B
Stephenson, James
Walker, A W
Walker, H JJarrettsville
Amos, James A
Amos, James A Jr
Bessler, C S M
Cairnes, Geo A
Carroll, Wm C
Deets, Sam’l
Gailey, James H
Gross, J T
Gross, Jacob
Jarrett, J W
Jarrett, Joshua
Jarrett, W B
Miller, Thos
Rampley, Wm
Tipton, W B
Wetherall, SolomonLapidum
Botta, Asel
Cooley, A
Craig, John
Dever, D
Hughes, A H
Hughes, Evan T
Kennedy, W
Knight, W C
Silver, Geo B
Stephenson, W B
Stuwell, Isaac
Tollenger, Asel
Wilson, W CMagnolia
Emmord, J G
Everett, John
Fry, Geo
Herbert, N
Hurley, J J
Murphy, Mrs C S
Murphy, James
Smith, D H
Smith, F M
Sulilvan, T
Sweeting, Edward
Sweeting, J TMichaelsville
Barron, Nathan
Cole, A
Courtney, C S
Courtney, G A
Cronin, B F
Ditzel, John
Gerwig, Geo F
Johnson, John
Malcolm, F P
Malcolm, J C
Michael, G W
Pennington, N O N
Stockbam, John Q
Stockham, ThosNorrisville
Almoney, Benj
Mmoney, John S
Austine, G W
Bosley, Joseph O
Cathcart, Josiah
Hughes, Granville
McClung, EB
McClung, John P
McClung, H R
McDonald, N W
Norris, Benj
Norris, Geo W
Norris, Nicholas
Reed, James
Wiley, David
Wiley, David W
Wiley, Joseph
Wiley, Matthew
Wiley, H N
Wiley, W OPerrymansville
Bolton, Daniel K
Brown, Ephraim
Christy, G J
Cronin, W T
Elliott, Wm M
Gallup, Chas T
Gallup, Daniel
Gallup, George W
Gennett, John
Hall, Andrew
Hall, Henry C
Hall, W W R
Herring, Chas H
Holloway, C C
Holloway, James E
Hoopman, C A
Johnson, George J
Keen, B H
Lay, Randolph
Lorett, John
Marshall Wm
Martin, G. C.
Matthews, L E
Michael, Chas W
Mitchell, George M
Morean, A C
Nelson, A H
Nelson, F
Palmer, Joshua
Palmer, Walter
Pannell, Wm
Perryman, E G
Richardson, James L
Rickey, Samuel
Stockham, Charles
Stockham, John Q
Turner, Wm
Walker, George F
Walker, James TPleasantville
Amos, James H
Atkinson, Isaac
Bartleson, W D
Beaumont, Miflin
Beaumont, Thos
Blair, Wm
Calder, Lloyd
Dance, Chas
Davis, Dr
Davis, J T
Dickey, Dr. R.
Ely, D. B.
Glenn, Samuel
Guyton, R
Hanway, David
Hanway, Joseph
Hanway, S
Hutton, B
Keen, Wm
Loker, Joseph
Meachem, Mrs L
Reese, G
Reiley, P.
Scarff, C.
Scarff, S. G.
Twining, J
Vaines, John
Walker, T
Watters, James A
Watters, Robert
West,C W
Whitaker James
Wiggers, D. H.Prospect
Bay, Wm
Cox, Wm
Davis, W J
Enfleld, Jacob
Heaps, A
James, Sam’l
Love, Jacob
Mc Faddon, J K
Redding, Timothy
Robinson, J S
Scarborough, Isaac
Scarborough, S J
Stokes, N RPylesville
Amos, B Scott
Gaibreath, J W
Harry, D
Harry, N N
Heaps, H T
Heaps, T W
Jenkins, J W
Myre, C M
Pyle, D
Pyle, D L
Ramsay, B N
Wallace, S W
Webster, J A
Wheeler, M
Wheeler, S
Whiteford, M N
Wilson, A
Wilson, L
Wilson, W HTaylor
Drummond, J W
Garrison, A
Garrison, J B
Hope, Joshua
Hope, W
Hope, W A
Hutehins, John
Hutchins, N
Lynch, D.
Morden, A.
Nelson, R
Pocock, Jease
Rutledge, J R
Streett, C H
Tolley, E C & O HThomas Run
Arthur, James
Ball, James H
Bull, James H
Bull, John J
Bull, Mary & Hannah
Coale, S. H.
Glasgow, Geo B
Hawkins, Wm L
Hays, Nathaniel
Hays, Wm
Hendon, Thomas
Hood, John
Kerr, John
Lee, James
Lee, James C
Lee, Parker H
Lee, Sam’l M
Livezy, Thomas
Lochary, John
Magraw, Dr James M
Munnickhuysen, Wm T
Ramsey, Wm
Bull, Henry
Huff, James H
Slade, Benj A
Watters, Hon Jas D
Watters, James W
Wheeler, Leonard MUpper X Roads
Alderson, J D
Alderson, James
Amos, A R
Amos, Corbin
Ashton, Joseph
Baldwin, S
BaldwIn, Silas
Ball, H
Chenowith, Thos
Corkran D
Divers, John
Grant, John
Green, Joshua B
Hild, John
James, J W
Jarrett, W B
Kennedy, Silas
Kennedy, Thos
McComas, Gabriel
Rutledge, John R.
Scarff, C. F.
Scarff, J. A.
Spencer, H. B.
Straett, B. A.
Vanhorn, D C
Woodward, E.Wilna
Archer, Caleb
Archer, Geo.
Archer, John
Archur, Roland D.
Bowne, R. T.
Buckingham, Wm. B.
Creswell, Chas E.
Hollingsworth, Amos B.
Hollingsworth, E. P.
Hollingsworth, H. E.
Hollingsworth, James
Hollingsworth, Silas
Hollingsworth, T. O.
Hollingsworth, Thomas
Hoskins, Chaney
Kemp, Thomas
Kirk, Jacob
Lee, R. C.
Norris, D. Lee
Norris, Frank C.
Norris, R.
Richardson, Henry. -
HOWARD COUNTY is one of the smallest counties, having an area of 300 square miles, and a length of about 25 miles and a width of about 12 miles; is Centrally situated between the head waters of the Patapsco and Patuxent Rivers, the west branch of the former stream separating it from Carroll and Baltimore Counties on the north and east, and the main branch of the Patuxent binding on the south-west between it and Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties. Anne Arundel County, (of which it was a part until 1850), binds it on the south-east.
This county is very undulating and the soil mostly good, though not all improved, with considerable fine limestone land in the central and southern parts. It is completely intersected with spring branches flowing into the larger streams, and affording a large amount of excellent water powers, which are mostly improved by factories, mills, furnaces, &C. Some of the very best water powers and largest factories in the State are on its two boundary streams. Inexhaustible quarries of granite exist in the county; one variety near the upper end of the county much resembles the famous Quincy granite. The largest quarries, or those most extensively worked, are at Sykesville and Woodstock, on the Patapsco, and from which stone the Cathedral and Record Office in Baltimore were built. Another variety called porphyritic granite, has reddish crystals of feldspar disseminated through it. There are large iron ore beds next to Anne Arundel County and near the Washington Railroad. Howard has thirty-one miles of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad on one side, and twelve miles of the Washington Branch on the south-east, which, together, give convenient access to almost all parts of the county. This accessibility, with the eminent natural advantages of pure air and water, and innumerable beautiful building sites, are promoting improvements, and the vicinity of the railroads is being built up with fine country seats.
Seven miles west of Eliicott City is the estate of Dougheregan Manor, once the home of Charles Carroll of Carrollton, now owned by the present Governor of Maryland, Hon. John Lee Carroll, and other Carroll heirs. This estate contains nearly 14,000 acres of the finest land in the county. Has a postoffice, Harper Carroll, Postmaster, who also owns a mill. A general store owned by D. J. Foley. M. B., P. B. and Roman Catholic Churches and public schools near. The farm products are wheat, corn, potatoes, oats, tabacco and hay. These, with the various ore mines, large cotton manufacturing, and other business interests, afford remunerative employment to the people and add much to the wealth and prosperity of the county.
Judges Fifth Judicial Circuit–Hon. Oliver Miller, Chief Judge, Annapolls; Hon. Edward Hammond and Hon. Wm. N. Hayden, Associate Judges, Annapolis. Auditor-John S. Tyson. Clerk to Court-L. J. Watkins, Ellicott City. Deputy-Wm. G. Sykes. Sheriff-Joseph Hunt, Ellicott City. Deputy-John Bay. State Attorney-H. B. Wootton, Eliicott City. Judges of Orphan’s Court- A. M. Johnson, Chief Judge, Wm. Matthews and James Harban. Register of Wills-Edwin Warfield, Ellicott City. County Commissioners–Jerome C. Berry, President, Samuel Brown and Wm. Rowles. Attorney to Commmissioners-Edwin Linthicum. Clerk-Dye W. Worthington, Ellicott City. School Commmissioners-Dr. J. Williams, President, Wm. Clark and John G. Rogers. Examiner and Treasurer-Dr. Wm. H. Hardy, Ellicott City. Register of Voters-A. C. Rogers, James L. Matthews, Joseph Macavoy, Rufus Burdette, W. H. Crawford, and Geo. G. Latchford. Constables-Wm. A. Smallwood, John H. Reasau, Geo. W. Isaacs, Geo. Voltz, Columbus Isaacs, James W. Gordon, and Wm. Clark. Tax Collecctors-R. Hopkins, B. A. Jones and C. Hammond Carr. Justices of the Peace–Geo. W. Boswell, H. H. Reasau, James D. Cook, F. Heine, Wm. Davis, S. Ridgely, Eilas Hobbs, Reuben Warfield, W. T. Crapster, L. W. Delauder, W. P. Bidgely, Joseph Smaliwood, B. F. Nichols, H. W. Ward, Thomas J. Pitt and J. A. Haynes. Notary Public–Wm. B. Peter. Congresman Fifth District–Hon. Eli J. Henkle, Annapolia State Senator–Hon. Arthur P. Gorman, Laurel. Members House of Delegates–Hons. J. S. Tracey and H. H. Tyson. Terms of Circuit Court, which are held in the Court House at Ellicott City, the county seat: Law Terms-3d Monday in March and 1st Monday in September. Chancery Terms-1st Monday in December and 3d Monday in June. Population of County- White, 12,676; colored, 3,174. Registsred Vote–3,679. Assessed Value of Personal, Real, Stocks and Railroad Property–$8,219,468. State and County Tax 98 cents on $100.
Is on the B. & O. B. R, 16 miles from Baltimore. Is a rapid growing and fast becoming the most flourishing village in the county. The business is derived from the extensive cotton mills located here.
These mills are owned by the firm of Messrs. James S. Gary & Son, (now organized as the “Gary Manufacturing Company of Maryland,”) who have operated them since 1858. During the whole of this period the spindles have heen kept in motion, except for a few weeks in the year 1868; stoppage at that time being necessitated by the great freshet which occurred in the summer of that year, and which resulted so disastrously throughout the whole of the valley of the Patapaco. Additions have been made from time to time to the mill property, until now it is one of the largest establishments of the kind in the State.
The proprietors have provided ample church and school accommodations for the operatives and their families. Besides these institutions there are flourishing temperance societies and building associations, with considerable accumulation of capital.
The mills and several other buildings are lighted with gas, and a large reservoir on the adjacent heights furnishes an abundant supply of pure water for drinking purposes, as well as a ready protection against fire.
The factory grounds are regularly laid off with gravel walks, and adorned, with trees and shrubbery. In the summer several beautiful fountains are kept constantly playing.
Population 800. James S. Gary, Postmaster.
Is 10 miles from Ellicott City; land good, is worth $40 per acre, and yields 10 bus. wheat, 40 oats, 25 potatoes and 30 corn. Population 20. Wm. C. Dorsey, Postmaster.
Blacksmiths & Wheelwrights.
Barnes, James
Wall, John
Easton, R A
General Merchandise.
Dorsey & Clark
Maynard, Thos
Zeigler, Geo
Hardy, W H
Is 2 1/4 miles from Hood’s Mills; land medium, mostly cleared, is valued at from $10 to $30 per acre, and produces 10 bus. wheat, 15 to 60 corn and 2 tons hay. Harmony and MoKendree M. E. Churches, one public school. Population 50. Caleb Sheets, Postmaster.
Attorneys at Law.
Cook, James
Ruff, Wm
Hobbs, Cornelius
Hobbs, Nathan C
Hook, Robert
General Merchandise.
Delashmutt, John M
Sheets, Caleb
Ensey, Richard L
Carr, Wm
Lemmon, David
Knott, Wm
Ruff, Wm
Riggs, A
Warfield, Evan
Wilson, John
Is on the B. & O. R R., 9 1/2 miles from Baltimore, pleasantly situated near the Patapsco Riyer, over which the Railroad crosses by the Thomas Viaduct, an imposing granite structure 66 feet high, 8 arches, each of which is 60 feet span. Elk Ridge Landing is one of the oldest towns in the State and for a long time contended with Baltimore for the commerce of the northern part of the colony. It was a great tobacco market, and where now there is a meadow and a marsh, vessels came for their cargoes of tobacco. The land is excellent, principally cleared; is worth from $50 to $500 per acre, according to location and improvements, readily produces 15 to 80 bus wheat, 25 to 50 corn, and 2 tons hay. M. E. Church, Rev. G. W. Hobbs, P. E. Rev. J. T. Meade; Roman Catholic, Rev. Father M. Stanton. Several public schools Population 150. James Earp, Postmaster.
Banks, Sam’l D.
Hartke, Joseph
Resau, John H.
Boots and Shoes.
Hellwig, Chas
Miller, John
Todd, David
Zink, C
Carpenters and Undertakers.
Bryan, Benj
Preisenger, K
Peddicord, Girard
Bowles, Jas
Schroder, F
Talbot, Chas
Eareckson, Edwin
General Merchandise.
Boyle, Mrs. S. E.
Laffy, Daniel
McCaulley, M
O’Malley, Patrick
Pettit & Rea
Grocers and Confectioners.
Earp, James
Kyne, Mrs J
Pocock, Geo W
Pocock, S M
Todd, David
Watts, Mrs Ruth
Howard, Mrs S E Boyle
Iron Furnace.
Brown, Thos
Justice of the Peace.
Bosley, Geo.
Collins, J N
Isaacs, Joeeph
Soper, C B
Ore Miner.
Macmanus, John
Craggs, Joseph H
Eareckson, J
Eareckson, R W
Tounge, H
Williams, Arthur
Winterson, C
The county seat, is situated on both sides of the Patapsco River, and lies partly in Howard and partly in Baltimore Counties. It is distant fifteen miles from Baltimore City by the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, and ten miles by the Baltimore & Fredericktown Turnpike. It was formerly known as Ellicott’s Mills, but was incorporated by the General Assembly of 1867, since when it has been called Ellicott City. The scenery about the city is noted for its beauty and picturesqueness. The well known flour mills of Gambrill & Co. are situated there, and there are also within its corporate limits several celebrated institutions of learning among them being the Patapsco Female Institute and Rock Hill College. The country around is noted for its healthfulness and the fertility of its soil. Farm lands sell readily for between sixty and a hundred dollars per acre, and the farmers find a ready market for their wheat at the flour mill. Truck farms are numerous, and all kinds of vegetables, fruit and poultry, meet with quick sales from the various grocery stores and families of the city.
The city has entirely recovered from the disastrous effects of the memorable flood of 1868, and is now in a flourishing and prosperous condition. Its proximity to Baltimore, together with its railroad conveniences, render it a desirable residence for those wishing to combine the pleasures of country and city life, and many persons doing business in the metropolis make their homes in the neighborhood of Ellicott City. Population 2,900. R. N. Wharry, Postmaster.
CHURCHES AND PASTORS.-German Lutheran, Rev. E. Lehnert; M E (Emory,) Rev. T. A. Morgan; M. P., Rev. A. D. Dick; P. B., (St Peter’s;) Rev. R. A. Poole; Presbyterian, Rev. W. A. Hooper; Roman Catholic, (St. Paul’s,) Rev. Father John Dougherty.
BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES.-A. F & A. M.-Patmos 70. 1: 0.0. F.- Centre Lodge 40, and Encampment 81. K of P-Fidelity 61. I O. G. T.-Patapaco 144. Bayley Aid and Beneficial, Byron Literary Club.
ASSOCIATIONS.-Ellicott City Land and Loan; German Building; National Building; Eliicott City Saving.
CITY OFFICERS.-Mayor-Z. M. Isaacs. City Council-E. Norris, President, Thomas H. Hunt, C. F. Makison, James T. Yates, Wm. McKinsey, and C. P. Cassidy. Counselor-E. Linthicum. Register-James G. Kirkwood. Policeman–J. B. Vansant.
Agent Rallroad.
Harvey, C W
Agent-Real Estate
Peter, Wm B
Agent-Sewing Machines.
Buzby, Wm N
Agricultural Implements.
Reynolds, N H
Talbott, E A
Attorneys at Law.
Linthicum, Edwin
Maccubbin, James
McGuire, J D
Rogers, John G
Watkins, J Harwood
Wootton, Henry E
Bakers and Confectioners.
Heavy, James
Norris, Edward
Thomas, Wm
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights.
Burgess, George
Isaacs, George W.
Makison, C. T.
Miller, B F
Books and Stationery.
Brooks, Mrs M A
Boots and Shoes.
Bierly, Bros
Dykes, Josephus
Helm, Beal
Kinsey, J
Kraff, Andrew
Carpenters and Undertakers.
Chandler, H
Fort, B
Hillsinger, Stephen
Isaacs, A J
McClellan, John
Merson, J W
Coal and Wood.
Dorsey, Joshua W
Kuhn, J F
Dorsey, J S
Shreeve, James E
King, Dr S A
Martin, Dr Isaac J & Son
Dry Goods and Notions,
Buzby, Mrs M E
Day, John & Son
Duvall, Mary L
Frank, Mrs S
Frost, Elias W
Flour and Feed.
Collier, Wm B
Miller, Albert
Foundry and Machinist.
Reynolds, N H
McClellan, John
General Merchandise
Canby, C T
Day, John & Son
Frank, S & Co
Hunt, Thomas H
Leishear, J H
Ogle, B
Precher, Louis
Radcliffe, Wm W
Slasher, Joseph A
Sprecher, D
Tabler, A J P
Groceries and Provisions
Fissler, Mrs
Frey, Charles A
Heavy, James
Holtman, John
Kaiser, H
Kavanagh, Martin
Lamkin, J J
Loughman, Daniel
Love, Henry
Miller, Albert
O’Brien, John U
Temmink, Henry
Harness and Saddles.
Mayfield Wm F
Temmink, Henry
Howard, Josiah Groves
Justices of the Peace.
Cook, James D
Heine, F
Livery Stables.
Dorsey, Joshua W
Fisher, Martin
Kuhn, J F
Talbott, E A
Collier, Wm B
Gambrill, C A & Co
Millinery and Dressmaking.
Buzby, Mrs M B
Easterday, Ida
Hunt, Mrs B
Mayfield, Mrs Sarah
Matthews, J B
Mercer, Owen
Radcliffe, S
Paints, Oils and Glass.
Radcliffe, William W
Hodges, Mr
Keene, Samuel A
King, S A
Martin, Isaac J
Owings, T B
Temple, I P
Worthington, W H
Plumbers and Machinists.
Kirkwood, Robert G
Schrod, Charles
Hermes, Albert
Rody, Martin L
Wosch, Julius
Stoves and Tinware.
Fisher, J C
Kirkwood, R G
Lilly, John J
Tailors and Clothiers
Buetefisch, Henry,
Butke & Wallenhorst
Caddick, Thomas
Cassidy, C P
Frank, S & Co
Reese, E
Reese, J
Love, Henry
Wallenhorst, B H
Watches and Jewelry.
Wettmarshausen, F
Wines and Liquors.
Love, Henry
O’Brien, John U
Strasburger I CFLORENCE
Is 4 1/2 miles from Woodbine. Land, clay subsoil, can be bought at from $6 to $50 per acre, and yields 10 to 25 bua wheat, 20 to 50 corn, 500 lbs tobacco and 1 ton hay. Jennings’ Chapel, (M. P.,) and a public school Population 25. Joshua N. Warfield, Postmaster.
Attorney at Law
Warfield, John
Scott, John D
Wright, John T
Harrison, Nimrod
General Merchandise
Warfield, Joshua N.
Hipsley, Evan
Stier, JamesGLENELG
Is 5 miles from Sykesville, in a thickly settled country. Location healthy; business medium; land can be bought from $10 to $30 per acre, and produces 10 to 80 bus. wheat, 20 to 60 corn, 500 to 1,000 lbs. tobacco and one-half to 1+ tons hay. Churches and schools in the vicinity. Population 75. Edward Day, Postmaster.
Agricultural Implements.
Domey, Edmund
Baseman, Geo W
Isaacs, C H
Foundry and Machinist.
Dorsey, Edmund
General Merchandise.
Day, Edward & Son
Isaacs, W S
Selby, N H
Warfield, Lorenzo G
Isaacs, John
Parsley, James L
Isaacs, Geo H
Is 5 miles from Hood’s Mills; land good, mostly cleared; is valued at from $25 to $100 per acre, and realizes 25 bus wheat and 80 corn. The Celebrated Dorsey Reapers are manufactured here. Glenwood and vicinity is reputed to be the garden spot of Howard County. Glenwood Institute, Prof. L.G. Mathews, principal. Population 40. James B. Mathews, Postmaster.
Mathews, James B
Agricultural Implements
Dorsey, Edmund
Powers, G W
General Merchandise
Matthews, Wm.
Stier, James R.
Warfield, Evan W.
Barnes, LevinLISBON
Is 1 3/4 miles from Woodbine. Land medium, is valued at from $15 to $40 per acre, and yields 15 bus. wheat, 25 corn, 800 lbs. tobacco, and 2 tons hay. M. B. Church, Rev. C. W. Baldwin; Union M. E., Rev. Wm. Rogers; M. P., Rev. J. T. Hail; Harmony Presbyterian, Rev. C. W. Beach. Lisbon Female Academy and a public schooL Population 50. Geo. R. Leach, Postmaster.
Bond, John
Cigar Manufacturer.
Hall, Rev. J. T.
Gordon, J W
General Merchandise.
Leach, Geo H
Owings, W T
Simmons, Sarah B
Simmons, Sarah B
Mills, Geo W
Fisher, Kate
Warfield, M W
Is pleasantly situated in the upper section of the county, 4 miles from Mount Airy on the B. & O. R. R. The land is fair, principally cleared; varies in price from $5 to $50 per acre; produces 20 bus. wheat, 80 corn, 800 lbs tobacco and 2 tons hay. Churches and schools near. Population– 40. C. T. Mulhneaux, Postmaster.
Lee, Wm
Davis, Hamilton
General Merchandise.
Hill, John L
Brown, Owen
Mullinix, John J
Poole, WashingtonOAKLAND MILLS
Is 5 miles from Eilicott City; land good, can be bought at from $40 to $50 per acre, and yields 20 to 30 bus. wheat, 20 to 30 corn and 2 tons bay. Belle Springs M. E. Church, Rev. Thomas Wood, and a public school. Population 135. S. F. Whipps, Postmaster.
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights.
Baker, B F
Gurwick, F
Gurwick, Geo
Whipps, W F
Flothers, James
Harper, Wm
Baldwin, Frank
Brown, Ephraim
Brown, B H
Brown, W F
Fisher, Howard
General Merchandise.
Whipps, Theodore
Harper, Geo.
Thompson, O. D.
Krohm, Henry
Smith, Wilson
Is on the Frederick Turnpike 5 miles from Eilicott City. St. Charles College for boys and young men is here situated; and the improvements lately made to the buildings are by far the largest and most important in the county.
The original building, the corner stone of which was laid by the Honorable Charles Carroll of Carrollton, (then aged 94 years,) July 11, 1831, has received additions from time to time until it has become one of the largest and most complete collegiate institutions in the State. The length of the new edifice is 147 feet, depth 65. It is three stories high, with a commodious basement and attic. It is partly faced with cut granite stone. The halls are large and commodious. The height of ceiling averages 15 1/2 feet. It is thoroughly lighted with gas and well heated in every part with hot water, and all the conveniences of modern improvements. The length of the whole edifice measures 367 feet, and it is one of the handsomest and most commodious in the State. The lands surrounding produces fair crops of wheat, corn, oats, hay, tobacco and potatoes. Churches and a public school in the vicinity. Population 50. C. A. Gering, Postmaster. Blacksmiths Gering, Fred’k
Mullinix, Joshua
General Merchandise
Is 2 1/4 miles from Woodbine; soil, red clay, principally cleared; is worth $25 per acre, and produces 15 bus. wheat, 25 corn, 1,400 lbs. tobacco and 2 tons hay. Church and a public school. Population 40. R. H. Miles, Postmaster.
Delauder, Andrew
Delauder, Lloyd
Woodard, Hiram
General Merchandise
Miles, Thomas
Wilson, O. S.
Dorsey, Allen
Pool, Washington
Is 7 miles from Hood’s Mills. Soil, gray rock; land principally cleared, is valued at $40 per acre and produces 25 bus. wheat, 40 corn, 600 lbs. tobacco and 1 1/2 tons hay. Mt. Calvary P. E. Church. Population 25. J. H. Peddicord, Postmaster.
Kinsey, Reese
Martin, Lennox Z
Dewalt, Alex
General Merchandise
Peddicord, Joseph H.
Peddicord, Geo. T. K.WATERS’ STORE
Is 6 miles from Laurel. Soil loamy; land is worth $25 per acre and yields 20 bus. wheat, 40 corn and 1 1/2 tons hay. Public school. Population 25. Richard Waters, Postmaster.
General Merchandise
Saker, Wm
Scaggs, Isaac
Is 4 miles from Sykesville; land commands $25 per acre, and yields 20 bus. Wheat, 40 corn, 1,200 lbs tobacco and 1 ton hay. St. James P. E. Church, Rev.C. W. Baldwin, and two public schools. Population 50. J. H. Cross, Postmaster.
Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights
Chosgo, B
Muarrove, C
Willcox, C S
General Merchandise
Cross, C F
McAvoy, J.
Hobbs, J.
Isaacs, S. T.
Is on the B. & O. R. R., 22 miles from Baltimore; clay soil; land, mostly cleared, is valued at $50 per acre, and produces 20 bus. wheat and 25 corn. Granite is shipped from here in large quatlities. Woodstock College located here, (Rev. J Perron President,) under the supervision of the Order of Jesuits, is one of the largest institutions of the kind in the United States. Population 20. A. A. Fahey, Postmaster.
Agent-R. R.
Cleary, Wm
Cavey, Wm E.
Bemer, Otto
Linton, Wm
General Merchandise.
Herbert, Gen J R
Williams, James
Vanlill, H M
Stone Quarry.
Belt, Alfred
Brown, Thos
Carr, Geo W
Cissell, Clinton
Dorsey, Howard C
Easton, B A
Handley, John T
Hobbs, Thos R
Johnson, Basil
O’Donnell, Geo W
Parlett, Wm
Richardson, Chas J
Richardson, Geo B
Ridgely, O. D.
Watkins, John S
Willard, M O
Zeigler, GeoCooksville
Bittner, Wm
Buck, Eugene
Buck, James
Carr, Wm
Coursey, Robert
Cook, James
Dorsey, Nimrod B
Dorsey, Walter
Earle, Rol:ert L
Ensey, Richard
Hammond, Wm
Heldtman, H
Hobbs, Chas A
Hobbs, Cornelius
Hobbs, James H
Hobbs, Lacrence
Hobbs, Nathan C
Hobbs, Nathan C Jr
Hobbs, Riggs
Hobbs, Thomas
Hook, Robert
Hopkins, David B
Howard, Robert
Knott, Wm
Leach, B
Leishear, J A
Lemmon, David
Lemmon, Wm A
Mercer, Robert
Mills, Geo
Peddloord, M
Hidgely, Henry, K
Riggs, A
Rowles, Thomas
Sheets, Caleb
Shipley, O. C.
Stonebraker, H.
Warfield, Azel
Warfield, Evan
Williams, Mrs M J
Wilson, John
Woodward, WmElk Ridge Landing
Brinker, G
Buckingham, G M
Buckingham, Michael
Dycus, John
Hobbs, Geo W
Hopkins, A
Hopkins, B
James, L. L.
Laffy, Daniel
McIntosh, M.
Newton, T W
Pfeiffer, Edward
Pfeiffer, John
Rowles, G W
Rowles, James
Rowles, Wm
Smith, C
Smith, Jno A
Smith, P LEillcott City
Carroll Hon John Lee
Clark, James
College, St Charles
Dancore, A J
Day, John
Dennis, Capt B P
Dorsey, John W
Dorsey, B M
Gaither, Thomas H
George, S B
Hammond, Hon Edw’d
Hanson, George C
Hazlehurst, Henry B
Herbert, John H
Hunt, Thomas H
Hynes, Joshua
Johnson,A M
Kennedy, Hon Anth’ny
Ligon, Ex Gov. T W
Maccubbin, James
Merrick, Hon R T
Miller, Hon Oliver
Scott, Wm H
Sunderland, D. C.
Temple, Dr I P
White, John C
Winter, Henry
Wyman, Com Thos WFlorence
Baxley, James
Collins, Mrs Dennis
Crapster, Mortimer D
Dorsey, C Warren
Dorsey, Fred
Duvall, J Wesley
Elliott, Geo
Fawcett, Wm
Gaither, Wm H
Haines, Mrs B P
Hardy, Authur
Hardy, Charles H
Hilton, J Horace
Hilton, Wm H
Hobbs, James L
Rorstkamp, John
Jarden. Saml
Jones, Evan A
Lawlor, Michael
McDonald, Chas
Meredith, James A
Mullinix, Basil
Murray, David
Picket, Chas
Picket. Wm
Read, Reuben
Ricord, Caleb
Ridgley, Wm R
Silence, Wm T
Snyder, K
Snyder, B P
Stewart, J Wesley C
Warfield Albert G
Wartleld, C J
Warfield, John GreenGlenelg
Baseman, Geo W
Belt, James B
Brown, Archibald
Challis, Henry E.
Cross, John T.
Day, Geo
Dorsey, Edmund
Grimes, John B
Grimes, Thos
Knight, Orman
Lette, John C
Linthicum, Chas G
Linthicum, Lloyd
Muigrove, Wm
Owings, Gillis
Parsley, James L
Ridgely, Chas M
Ridgely, Stephen M
Scribnor, Washington
Scribnor, Wesley
Selby, Enoch
Selby, John Q
Selby, Joseph
Sheapard, Larkin
Shipley, F M
Shipley, P G
Snyder, Geo W
Tyson, H H
Warfield, Lorenzo G
Warfield, Thos OGlenwood
Baseman, Geo W
Belt, Mrs M
Cook, Mary
Crapster, Thaddeus
Dorsey, Edmund
Dorsey, Richard of C
Dorsey, Richard H
Dorsey, Wm T
Fite, W B
Hammond, N W
Hobbs, Mrs C J
Howard, Robert B
Mathews Alfred G
Mathews, James B
Mathews, Wm
Musgrove, W C
Ridgely, Thomas A
Ridgely, Wm A
Snyder, Geo W
Steele, Wm B
Stier, James B
Wanield, Dr Evan W
Warfield, Mrs Mary
Wolfe, Dr J H RLisbon
Anthony, Wm.
Barnes, B. F.
Barnes, Benj.
Beall, David
Bradford, Luther
Danner, Henry
Fisher, Joseph F.
Gaither, Jarrett K.
Gartrell, N.
Henderson, N. R.
Hood, S. G.
Hopkins, D. E.
Justice, D. W.
Knock, C. S.
Leisher, J. A.
Lenson, James
Meredith, James
Miles, W. H.
Myers, Frank
Owings, C. C.
Owings, E. W.
Owings, N.
Peddicord, W. A.
Shipley, O. C.
Talbott, W. F.
Talbott, Zadock
Ward, J. W.
Warfield, Aug.
Warfield, J. M.
Webb, LeviLong Corner
Becraft, Geo.
Becraft, James
Becraft, Milton L.
Becraft, Rufus
Bennett, Rezin
Burdette, Allen
Burdette, Caleb
Burdette, Nathan
Burdette, Perry G.
Burdette, Phillip
Hammond, Richard T.
King, Conrad
King, Lewis E.
Mullineaux, Andrew D.
Mullineaux, Chas T.
Mullinix, Asbury
Mullinix, Asbury, Jr.
Mullinix, Basil
Mullinix, Chas E.
Mullinix, Geo. W.
Mullinix, Henry
Mullinix, John T.
Mullinix, Jonathan
Mullinix, Luther T.
Mullinix, Robert B.
Mullinix, Upton
Mullinix, Washington
Mullinix, Wm A
Mullinix, Wm A Jr
Penn, James
Reed, Samuel P
Thompson, James F
Thompson, James M
Trout, Chas
Warner, J HamiltonOakland Mills
Besler, Chris
Bolden, Benj
Brosener, Henry
Dorsey, Reuben
Florstead Edward
Fowler, Lloyd
Hanes, Asbury
Harden, Wm
Mores, Francis
Murphy, Thos
Owens, John
Thompson, Samuel
Ware, ThosPine Orchard
Hammond, Matthias
Kennedy, W S
Rhin, Jesse W
Rhin, John W
Rhin, Joseph APoplar Springs
Beall, David
Boman, Levi
Burdette, Alien
Burdette David
Caines, James
Driver, Denton
Driver, Washington
England, Abraham
Hall, Jesse
Hall, Lewis
Kuhn & Bunn
Ore, Wm
Pickett, Wm
Selby, Green
Shaffer, Neal
Stackhouse, H
Theinan, C
Tracy, John S
Warner, Adam
Wortham, JamesRoxbury Mills
Banks, Mrs Arianna
Biser, Fred’k
Brandenburg, Geo
Clark, David
Dorsey, Humphrey
Dorsey, Joshua
Dorsey, Mrs Margaret
Dorsey, Stephen B
Etchison, Lysauder
Garther, Dennis P
Griffith, Horatio
Howard, Thomas
Linthicum, G W
Ridgely, Geo KWaters’ Store
Bottrell, Geo
Brown, Elisha
Brown, Franklin
Cross, DennIs
Cross, Henry
Goul, MIchael
Jager, Henry
Jager, Herman
Jager, John
Melin, Littleton
Nichols, Thos
Smallwood, Philip
Strouse, Martin
Walbeck, Wm S
Walters, G D
Waters, S D
Wilson, JohnWest Friendship
Benzinger, F F
Barlow, J
Brown, G W
Challis, H
Cross, J W
Cross, T S
Dorsey, J R
Grimes, T
Hebb, Dr J W
Hipsley, C S
Hipsley, J B
Hobbs, C
Hobbs, B
Hobbs, H
Hobbs, J T
Martin, C
McAvoy, H
Morr, L
Ranehan, S
Ridgely, J S
Ridgely, W J
Saumenig, J
Selby, A
Sellby, B
Selby, MA
Selby, T.
Shipley, M. D.
Shipley, M W
Slock, S F
Sotfel, M
Stoudfield, J
Sullivan, A
Thompson, JWoodstock
Brown, John R
Brown, Samuel
Cavey, Beal
Davis, Richard
Davis, Sam’l E
Frost, Wm
Herbert, Genl J B
Jones, A B
Offutt, James