Loudoun County was formed in 1757 from Fairfax and named in honor of the Earl of Loudoun, a prominent officer of the French and Indian war. He had been appointed Governor of Virginia in the same year, but military duties prevented him from assuming the office. This is the northern most of the Piedmont counties, lying on the eastern slope of the Blue Ridge. Land area, 519 square miles; population, 20,577.
Mountains, gently sloping hills and broad valleys mark the surface. The soil is clay and loam, a large per cent being under cultivation. Grain crops, hay and alfalfa are among general farm crops, corn and wheat leading. The county takes first rank in production of corn and third in wheat. Blue grass is indigenous, rivaling blue grass sods of Kentucky, making this a Blue pasture country. Much attention is given improved breeds of cattle, horses, hogs and sheep. Many high-class dairies find market for special milk, raw milk and cream on The Washington market. A ridge of the county is especially suited to commercial apple orchards, and this is an important industry.
Grazing and finishing beef cattle has been an important farm enterprise for many years. Transportation facilities are ample. The Washington-Old Dominon Railroad to Bluemont runs through the heart of the county. There is a hard-surfaced improved State highway from the Maryland line through the county southward; the Lee-Jackson highway from Alexandria to Winchester, along the southern border, connects with the famous Valley Pike. Leesburg, the county seat is a town of 2,000 people, equipped with water works, electric lighting, a new high school, modern hotel, hospital, public library, two national banks, mills, the usual stores, with active Chamber of Commerce. Purcellville, Hamilton, Ashburn, Round Hill and Bluemond are other towns, each with some special feature serving the locality. There are nine accredited high schools in the county. There are lime kilns and quarries near Leesburg. A county farm demonstrator is active. The farmers are organized. Agriculture and domestic science are taught in the schools.
Oak Hill, the borne of President Monroe, is about nine miles south of Leesburg. It was built by him during presidency. On the wide-spreading lawn he planted his from each State in the Union. General Lafayette was a tree of Oak Hill during his visit to Virginia in 1824. Many beautiful and lavish modern estates adorn the landscape of Loudoun. [See "Virginia" published by Department of Agriculture and Immigration, p. 191]
Rev. Conrad H. Goodwin was rector of the St. James' Episcopal Church at Leesburg until he went as a chaplain to France. The men in service from this church were: Colonel Thomas Bentley Mott, Major Arthur Carterlater, Major I. Fauntleroy McGill, Major Pinkney Herbert, Major Rittenhouse, Captain Hugh V. McCabe, Captain Richard H. Tebbs, Lieutenant William L. Tebbs, Lieutenant John A. Tebbs, Lieutenant James F. Manning, Captain Benjamin H. White, George O. Ferguson, William C. Ferguson, Mervin Bly, William D. Hempshire, Cuthbert P. Conrad, William R. Grimes, Samuel H. Grimes, Albert E. Warren, William Stuell, Sam L. Howard, Randolph McGill Loughborough, Edward L. Nalle. Stilson H. Hall, Wilbur Hall, Walter W. bun, Mort Mock, Morris Atwell, Alfred L. B. DeZerega, William Upson.
The Church of Our Savior, at Oatlands, had the following men in the service: Captain Charles Riticor (deceased), Major William H. Clifford, Captain William C. Eustis, Captain David Tennant, Rev. Robert L. Goodwin, John Howe, Robert Riticor.
The Baptist Church of Leesburg had the following in service : Albert Moriarity Leroy Moriarity, RandolphTillett, Lieutenant Hugh Tillett, Lieutenant William H. Jenkins, Edwin Royston, William T. Jackson, Arthur T. Fulton, Henry Carey, Copeland Crouch, Wade Lynn, Charles W. Gibbons, Richard Dwyer, John Dwyer, William Scott, Milton Pearson and Victor Jackson.
The churches of the county all tried to comply with Federal requests, and where two fires were ordinarily required to heat the churches they used only one. Sometimes the services were held in the basements. At St. James' Church in Leesburg, no fires were built except on Sunday, the rector holding the Wednesday evening services at the rectory. During Lent the rectory was also used. and at this time the rector lectured on the book, "Religious Interpretation of War," by Fosdick. A Red Cross service was held in St. James' Church, in which all the ministers of the town participated. On this occasion two handsome silk flags were presented to the church-an American flag and a Red Cross flag. The service flag of the church was also hung on the front door. Members of the Red Cross and other citizens of the town and of all denominations attended the service. Rev. Conrad Goodwin, the rector, preached a fine, patriotic sermon. He later resigned his pastorate to go as a chaplain to France. The Sunday school of St. James' Church gave money to buy Testaments to be sent to the soldiers, and also bought a $50 Liberty Bond. The Bible class bought a $100 bond, and the King's Daughters of this church purchased a $500 bond. The children of St. James' Church belonged to a Junior Red Cross and were enthusiastic in their work. An Easter offering from St. James' Church and Sunday School was given to the Near East Sufferers. It amounted to $1,250.[1]
There were 4,094 men from Loudoun County registered in the draft and 473 of these were accepted at camp.[2] The members of the county Draft Board were Thomas W. Edwards, J. R. H. Alexander, John A. Gibson and W. E. Norris, chief clerk. Mr. Edwards succeeded C. C. Vanderwater, who had suceeded Thomas A. Dudley.[3]
There were no military organizations in the county. The following names of men from London County are included in Virginia's Distinguished Service list: Captain David L. S. Brewster, Order de Avis; Colonel Arthur II. Carter, Distinguished Service Medal; Captain Edward C. Fuller (deceased), Distinguished Service Cross, Navy Cross, Second Division citation; Major William H. Gill, cited by division commander; William R. Grimes, Victoria Cross; Samuel C. Hirst, Distinguished Service Cross, Navy Cross, French Croix de Guerre, Second Division citation; Lieutenant William P. Hulbert, French Croix de Guerre, French Medaille d'Honneur des Epidemies (Argent); Lieutenant James F. Manning, Jr., Distinguished Service Cross; Colonel Thomas B. Mott, Distinguished Service Medal, British Order of St. Michael and St. George, French Legion of Honor, Belgian Order of Leopold, Italian War Cross, Montenegrin Medal for Bravery, Order of St. Stanislas (Russia); Bryan Rust, French Croix de Guerre; Captain Richard H. Tebbs, Jr, commended by Secretary of Navy, Order of Wen Hu (Chinese), Striped Tiger, fifth class; Robert L. Reid, cited by division commander; Lieutenant Colonel Harry A. Toulmin, Distinguished Service Medal.[4]
Loudoun County had a Patriotic Society, of which Mr. Charles Fauntleroy Harrison was president, and Rev. Conrad H. Goodwin, vice-president. When the Liberty Loan campaigns were launched the Patriotic Society secured automobiles, which they decorated in the national colors, and toured the county. Public meetings were held at various localities, the speakers being Mr. Harrison, Mr. Goodwin, Mr. Sidenstricker, of the Methodist Church, and Mr. Baker, of the Baptist Church. Frequently some wounded Frenchman or Englishman would come up from Washington and join the party. When they returned to Leesburg they held a grand rally at the Town Hall. The meeting was opened by prayer, followed by numerous speeches urging the buying of bonds. Thousands of dollars worth of bonds were sold upon these occasions.[5]
There were no figures kept for the First loan. Those for the last four campaigns follow:[6]
Second loan apportionment, $511,700; subscribed, $261,500 number subscribing, 255. Third loan apportionment, $294,600; subscribed, $400,100; number subscribing, 1,105. Fourth loan apportionment, $629,600; subscribed, $635,850; number subscribing, 1,721. Victory loan apportionment, $487,300 subscribed, $502,800; number subscribing, 586. Total of last four loans apportionment, $1,923,200; subscribed, $1,800,250; number subscribing, 3,667.
The women of the county were faithful in conserving food and everything that could be canned was preserved by that process. Two barrels of jelly were sent to Camp Lee.
There is a German settlement near Lovettsville. In the Revolutionary War the Germans of the county were intensely loyal, many of them serving in Armand's Legion, recruited by authority of Congress during the summer of 1777 and composed of men who could not speak English. The descendants of these Germans still live in the locality where they first settled and they were very patriotic in the World War, numbers of them serving in the American Army.[7]
The Loudoun County Chapter of the Red Cross was organized on April 11,1917, with the following officers: Mr. Edward Chamberlin, chairman; Mrs. W. C. Eustis, honorary chairman; Mrs. Arthur Chichester, vice-chairman; Mr. C. L. Robey, treasurer, and W. O. Russell, secretary.
The earliest work of the chapter was that of giving instruction in first aid under the direction of Dr. Harry Gibson, in Leesburg and Middleburg, and Dr. Rusiniselle at Waterford Branch. The next activity was the making of surgical dressings, instructions for which were given by Mrs. Edward Chamberlin in a room given for the purpose by Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Harrison. About this time Mrs. E. B. White was made chairman of the supply committee, or which Mrs. Edward Chamberlin and Mrs. R. R. Walker were members. Miss Cornelia N. Walker had the knitting work in charge.
The work of the chapter was well tinder way in 1918, and the officers were busily engaged in inspecting, packing and shipping articles sent in by the local branches. Mrs. White Mrs. Chamberlin did most of this work. In the spring and summer of this year the drafted men were leaving the county and the chapter provided each one with a sweater, socks, etc., and from a fund raised by Mr. H. T. Harrison candy and tobacco were also furnished.
The Home Service section was under the direction of Miss Charlotte Noland for a short time. It was later managed by Miss Lacy Plaster. the executive secretary, who worked on a salary. Miss Blanche Rogers, of Hamilton, was assistant secretary until Miss Plaster resigned, when Miss Rogers took over and continued the work.
The Loudoun County Chapter co-operated with the Patriotic Community League and donated $200.00 to the expenses of its committee. The purpose of this organization was to take charge of all campaigns for war purposes. Its executive committee was composed of Messrs. D. C. Sands, Paul Popkins and J. V. Nichols.
The following is a statistical report by branches:
The Aldie Branch was organized in April, 1917, with a small working force, never larger than twenty members. Katherine F. S. McCormick was chairman of the branch and director of the workroom during the greater part of the time. From June to December, 1917, Mrs. Tennant had the work in charge. During her term of office no record of the work was kept, but from December, 1917, to February, 1919, the work was as follows: 177 pieces of knitted work (sweaters, helmets, scarfs, socks, etc.), 95 hospital garments and 4,750 surgical dressings. Mrs. P. P. Popkins was secretary-treasurer. In the three Red Cross drives the branch sent in $600,000 from subscriptions. The Juniors raised $20.00.[8]
The Ashburn Branch was organized November 6, 1917. The officers throughout its existence were: Miss Mary Silrey, chairman, succeeded by Mrs. Thomas Hutchinson; Mrs. J. T. Jones, vice-chairman; Miss Blanche Ankers, secretary, succeeded by Mrs. Millard Wynkoop and Mrs. Charles Costello; Mrs. C. B. Arundel, treasurer, succeeded by Miss Pauline Hutchison. There is no record of garments made. Donations were as follows: Wool fund, $1,200.00; miscellaneous $3,200.00; receipts from entertainments, $91.00; sundries at sales, $144.50; membership dues, $1 32.00.[9]
Officers of the Bluemont Branch were John E. Lewis, chairman; E. C. Iden, vice-chairman; Miss Ethel Seaton, secretary Mrs. C. J. Hansbarger, treasurer; Miss Lucy Plaster, manager of the workroom. The branch had twenty-two members and contributed $1,344.11 to Red Cross work.[10]
The Hamilton Branch was organized on June 18, 1917, with thirty-one members. This number later increased to 140. The officers were Mrs. Mary Offley, chairman; Mrs. M. L. Herndon, vice-chairman; Mrs, J. E. Claggett, secretary, succeeded by E. Gertrude Peugh; Miss Blanche Rogers, treasurer; Mrs. Oscar Tavenner, chairman of workroom, and Miss Margaret McFarland, chairman of surgical dressings. The work accomplished by this branch was as follows: Pajama suits, 116 bed socks, 35 pairs; hospital shirts, 127; bed jackets, 12 operating gowns, 6; helpless-case shirts, 9; house gowns, 7; aprons, 21; pinafores, 4; comfort kits, 12; pillows, 27; sweaters, 48; scarfs, 5; helmets, 4; wristlets, 18 pairs; socks, 45 pairs; children's sweaters, 14; children's stockings, 6 pairs; one afghan, the squares for which were knitted by men, women and children, was sent to Walter Reed Hospital and Mrs. J. T. Griffith made and donated one layette. Mrs. J. M. Hawley pieced and made a quilt of scraps from the workroom. Our branch equipped air emergency cot at a cost of about $50.00. Mrs. Hattie Gregg, eighty years old, knitted eighteen sweaters. Mrs. Harriet Everett and Mrs. Miriam Thompson also deserve special mention as knitters of socks both of them being nearly eighty years of age. The surgical dressings department made 171 slings, 88 bandages, 1,508 compresses arid 150 oakum pads.[11]
The Hillsboro Branch was organized March 23, 1918, with the following officers: Mrs. L. J. Rex, chairman; Mrs. Rose Thompson, vice-chairman; Mrs. M. V. Hammerly, secretary; Mrs. Lucy Potts, treasurer. Later on Miss Rose Virts was chairman. She reports the following work done by the branch; Bed shirts, 28; pajamas, 48; bed socks, 14; pillows, 2; gingham aprons, 14; comfort bags, 48; outing dresses, 6; satteen pinafores 4; barrels to Belgians, 7; boxes to Belgians, 3 ?. There were 76 members in the first roll call, 81 members in the second roll call, and 66 members in the third roll call.[12]
Officers of the Leeshurg Branch were Mrs. E. B. White, chairman, Miss Preston, secretary; Miss Pike, succeeded by Miss White, treasurer. The committee on garments was composed of Miss Alice Davis, Mrs. Merwin Bly and Mrs. Edward Nichols.
The Leesburg Branch was the first one organized in the Loudoun County Chapter and began its work April 15, 1917. The first box of their work was sent off on July 5th, and consisted of 528 surgical dressings. A week later they sent 2,496 bandages and surgical dressings and a box of 700 hospital garments and linen. All records between this time and December, 1917, have been destroyed. From December 15, 1917, until June 15, 1918, we have records of work as follows: Surgical dressings, 23,480; hospital garments, 1,268; knitted wool garments, 644; knitted wash cloths, 48; comfort kits, 570 Christmas packets, 250; Christmas stockings, 300; pieces of linen, 693. We sent to Walter Reed Hospital: Sweaters, 100; socks, 100 pairs; wash cloths, 72. We sent to the Loudoun County Hospital: Surgical dressings, 5,262; pajamas, 11; operating shirts, 9; knitted wash cloths, 24. The following were distributed to the needy in the winter of 1920: Sweaters, 91; socks, 78 pairs; children's stockings, 38 pairs; wristlets, 40; hospital garments, 46.[13]
The Lovettsville Branch was organized in June, 1917, by Mrs. Edward Chamberlin. The officers were Mrs. William Frazier, Succeeded by Mrs. A. W. Rusmiselle, chairman; Mrs. A. W. Rusmiselle, succeeded. by Mrs. William Frazier, vice-chairman; Mrs. H. J. Buhrman, succeeded by Miss Lorna Wolford, secretary; Mrs. E. V. Chinn, treasurer. There is no record of articles made nor of money expended by this chapter other than the statement that $35.00 was contributed to the branch by Mrs. Millard Baker. There were 250 members.[14]
Paeonian Springs Branch was organized on June 12, 1918, with the following officers: Mrs. Helen J. Arthur, chairman; Mrs. Caroline Tavenner, vice-chairman; Miss Margaret Pierpoint, secretary, and Mrs. E. M. Hagan treasurer. The members of the cutting committee were Miss Botts, Mrs. Hagan and Mrs. Arthur; membership committee, Mrs. McCray and Miss Mozelle Braden; gauze work, Miss Elizabeth Lauman and Miss Pierpoint; knitting, Mrs. Kate Braden and Miss Elizabeth Lauman. Mrs. Meek donated the use of a workroom. The membership drives netted $114.00. Two boxes of used clothing were sent to the Belgian refugees. Clothing was also sent to the Armenians. Garments were made as follows: Pajamas, 52; aprons, 18; socks, 26 house gowns, 6; pinafores, 4; outing jackets, 42; comfort kits, 50.[15]
There were 249 members of the Purceliville Branch which was organized on May 17, 1917. The officers were as follows: Mrs. Notley Ball, chairman; Mrs. J. A. Speer, vice-chairman, Mrs. A. M. Janney, secretary; Mrs. P. M. Milner, treasurer; Mrs. C. R. Emerick, director of workroom; Mrs. Virginia Hirst, chairman of knitting. The record of work follows; One comfort, knitted by the Ladies' Home Interest Club; 1 comfort, knitted by the children of Purceliville; 1 comfort knitted by the ladies of Purcellville; 1 cot equipment; valued at $40.00; hospital supplies valued at $100.00 as follows: Sheets, 12; Turkish towels, 24; hand towels, 36; napkins, 24; handkerchiefs, 24; articles of gauze, 4,962; articles of muslin, 1,810; knitted articles, 383; jellies and preserves to Camp Lee, two barrels. Garments were collected and shipped both to the Belgians and to the Armenians. Christmas boxes were sent to men in service.[16]
The Round Hill Branch of the Red Cross was organized on June 11, 1917, with seventy-five members, and the following officers were elected: Mrs. George Laycock, chairman: Mrs. George Troth, vice-chairman; Miss Linda Caruthers, secretary; Dr. Edward V. Copeland, treasurer. Mrs. Johnson Taylor and Mrs. Samuel Hersperger were heads of the workroom. In June new officers were elected as follows: Mrs. H. C. Thompson, chairman; Mrs. George Troth, vice-chairman; Miss Linda Caruthers, secretary, and Dr. Edward V. Copeland, treasurer.
Mr. Henry Gibson, Mrs. Charles Campbell and Dr. J. E. Copeland each gave our branch the use of a workroom free of charge. We had many other small donations such as the use of sewing machines, chains, tables, electric irons, stove, etc.
The list of articles made follows: Pajamas, 69; operating gowns, 19; shirts, 29; bed socks, 27 pairs; aprons, 29; pinafores, 3; house dresses, 4; layettes, 3; oakum pads, 170; comfort bags, 50; pillows, 2; gauze compresses, 1,897; abdominal bandages, 64; four-inch bandages 54; convalescent robes, 7; triangle bandages, 312; head bandages, 12; wipes, 136; gauze strips, 45; many-tailed bandages, 175; Christmas boxes, 10; Belgian Relief, November, 1918, 16 packages; Near East Relief, December 1919, 3 packages; donated to Leesburg Hospital in 1918; 6 sheets, 17 bath towels, 15 handkerchiefs, 31 hand towels, 12 napkins.[17]
The Sterling Branch was organized May 10, 1918, with officers as follows: Miss Blanche Ankers, chairman; Mrs. William Groome, vice-chairman; Miss Genevieve Groome, secretary Mrs. Julia Fox, treasurer; Miss Hazel Clause, head of workroom. The Juniors were organized by Miss Mamie Lyon. Mrs. William Groome was later elected chairman, Mrs. L. E. Larcomb, head of workroom, and Mrs. C. E. Chick, chairman of home service work. No record was kept of the work done.[18]
The Unison-Bloomfield Branch, with Mrs. Humphrey Chamblein, chairman, sent in 46 bed sheets, 25 operating gowns, 50 pajama suits, 85 sweaters, 32 mufflers, 33 pairs of of wristlets and 26 pairs socks. No complete records were kept and the above represents only a small portion of the work accomplished.[19]
Waxpool Branch had fifty members and was organized July 7, 1918. Wilmer Cross was chairman; J. W. Ankers, vice-chairman; Miss Susie Bitzer, secretary, and Mrs. Mollie Bitzer, treasurer. This branch was organized late and because of the scarcity of wool at that time did no knitting. It furnished its required quota of hospital supplies and all else that was asked of its menibers.[20]
The Waterford Branch was organized April 25, 1917, with164 members. A surgical dressings class was conducted by Mrs. J. M. Chamberlin, of Washington, and ten members of the class received diplomas. Dr. Leslie T. Rusmiselle taught a first-aid class numbering twenty, seven of whom were graduated. An unusual amount of knitting was done by the following members: Mrs. Albert Gore, Mrs. J. W. Marshall, Mrs. William James and the Misses Mock and Steer. Ten barrels of old clothing were shipped to the committee for Belgian Relief, and barrels of jellies and preserves were shipped to the soldiers at Camp Lee. The Waterford Branch took an active part in all drives and led the other branches in the production of sewed and knitted garments. In the 1919 sale of Christmas stamps the Waterford school led all other schools in the county in the sale of stamps.[21]
The financial report of the Loudoun County Chapter, A. R. C., is as follows: From the first Red Cross drive, $11,499.99; second drive, $23,912.50, making a total of $35,412.49. Total contributions received from War Chest fund, $7,608.20; from various kinds of membership funds, $3,983.00 miscellaneous contributions, $5,580.55 ; contributions for home dietetics, $65.00; total receipts, $17,275.20. The membership drive at Christmas, 1917, resulted in 751 members, 12 magazine members and 2 contributing members; Christmas 1918, 700 annual members, 22 magazine members and 2 contributing members; Christmas, 1919, 734 annual members, 21 magazine members and 1 life member.
The expenditures of the chapter show $74.12 spent for transportation of materials, supplies and finished articles. $3,016.77 for home service work, $73.72 for postage, printing, and stationery, $586.98 for additional administrative expenses, $3,628.69 remitted to division headquarters for membership and class fees, $2,000 remitted to headquarters for other purposes, $7,234.50 paid for supplies. Total cash paid out $17,918.78[22]
The record of women's work is as follows: Seventy-four boxes containing 50,915 gauze compresses, 5,000 bandages 5,000 pads, 5,341 hospital garments, 1,000 pairs of 525 sweaters, 100 pairs of children's stockings, 35 sweaters for refugees, 13 scarfs. Each boy as he left for camp was presented with a sweater, scarf, two pairs of socks and a pair of wristlets. All the work done by the fifteen branches of the Loudoun County Chapter was inspected, packed and shipped by the women in charge of the workroom at Leesburg.[23]
The Home Service section dealt with 1,000 families, rendered services to 700 families, gave information to 300 families. Financial assistance was given to the amount of $222.11, of which amount $117.11 was returned.[24]
Early in 1918 a tentative committee for the Junior Red Cross was appointed, consisting of O. L. Emerick, Mr. Felts, and Captain McCormick. In 1918 there were six Junior auxiliaries in the county with a total enrollment of 697 school children who paid dues to the amount of $186.97. They sold War Savings Stamps amounting to $500.00 and Thrift Stamps to the amount of $7,500.00. In 1919 there were 28 auxiliaries with a total enrollment of 1,627 members, who paid dues amounting to $508.69. They made 20 layettes, 244 scrap books, 582 gun wipes and 232 other articles. In 1920 there were 53 school auxiliaries, with a total enrollment of 2,090 members, who paid dues amounting to $314.88. The financial report of the Juniors to June, 1919, shows receipts of $511.19, expenditures of $365.23, with a balance in treasury of $145.49. The report from June, 1919, to June, 1920, shows receipts of $471.49, expenditures $437.38, and a balance of $34.19.[25]
In November, 1919, a nursing committee was formed in connection with the Red Cross, which employed a county nurse--Miss Eareckson--to instruct the women of the county in the principles of nursing.[26]
Colored Red Cross auxiliaries were organized in the spring of 1918 at Leesburg, Waterford, Hamilton and Round Hill.
The chairman of the Syrian Relief committee in Loudoun County was Mr. Henry Winston, and he was very successful in collecting funds. The amount raised is not known.
The women of the county formed knitting and sewing circles. During the war it was unusual to meet a woman on the street that did not have a knitting bag on her arm. Mrs. Judge Murray, president of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, knitted and gave away a number of sweaters and scarfs. Mr. Ross, owner of the moving picture plant, gave a "wool benefit" from which the women realized $60.00.
Fort Myer was the nearest camp to Leesburg, but on weekends numbers of the boys came from Camp Lee. On these occasions, and when men were sent to camp (most of them from various points in the county had to start from Leesburg), the citizens assembled at the court house, where prayer was offered and speeches made. Mr. Harry Harrison, of the Loudoun Times, was always active in seeing that the men were provided with all they needed for the journey to camp. The letters sent Mr. Harrison from time to time showed their gratitude.[27]
The Masons of the county were active in war work and many of them were in the service.
In May, 1919, the county held its home-coming celebration. Ex-Governor Davis and other speakers made addresses. Tables were spread on the court house green and thousands of people were in attendance. In the evening medals were given the men, these being presented by Mr. Henry Harrison, who had solicited funds for their purchase through the columns of the Loudoun Times.
The war is now a thing of the past but the county still has on its heart the widow and the orphan. Some are being cared for individually and others from funds collected for the purpose.
After the war ex-Governor Davis invited fifty soldiers from the Walter Reed Hospital, in Washington, to "Marvin Park," his country home near Leesburg, for a day's outing. They were met at the station by automobiles and driven out to the Davis home, where a sumptuous dinner had been prepared. A number of ladies from the town were there to help them have an enjoyable day.
The people of Loudoun County are working to raise seven thousand dollars for a memorial tablet to be placed in the Leesburg court house. This will be in memory of those who died in service. As the tablet will cost less than $7,000 the remainder of the amount will be put on interest, and a bed in the Loudoun Hospital endowed for the use of any Loudoun County boy who served his country in the World War.[28]