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Smyth County News March 26, 1936

Typed and contributed by Julia Kodak

The newspaper is about a half a page and is from the March 26th, 1936 edition. There are some interesting things on such a small piece of paper and I thought you might enjoy them especially if you recognize anyone.


William Seaver received word Sunday of the death of his uncle, Mr. John A Long of Athens, TN. Mr. Long has spent part of each summer for many years visiting his niece Mrs. M.M. Brown of Marion and in doing so gained many friends here who will be sorry to hear of his death.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snavely of Lincoln Hill spent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gullion of the State Park Road. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Cummings spent Sunday, March 22nd visiting Mrs. J.W.R. Cummings.
Mr. and Mrs. B.Y. Peery of Coeburn were visiting Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Culbertson Sunday the 22nd.
Mr. J.D. Lindsey, Sr. continues seriously ill at his home on State Park Road.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Finlay and Miss Evelyn Fetly spent the weekend in Roanoke.
Mr. Wayne Copenhaver who has been ill for the past week has now recovered and is able to be out again.
Claude Daughton is ill at his home here.
Mr. John Mitchell has been ill at his home for more than a week with a bad attack of rheumatism.
Morgan Maiden of Gupton Jones Embalming School, Nashville, Tenn., arrived in Marion Saturday, March 21st for a visit with his parents and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. C.F. Anderson, Mrs. Dora Stephenson, Mrs. J.W. Hall and Marion Ratcliffe were in Jackson’s Ferry Sunday the 22nd.
Walter Robinson, Justin Scott and Harless Wassum were in Wytheville Sunday evening the 22nd.
Mr. Doug Keller arrived in Marion, Sunday, March 22 from Houston Texas where he has spent some time.
Mr. Richard Leonard is ill at home.
Miss Maime Shell of Johnson City, Tenn. spent the week-end with friends in Marion.
Mrs. A.L. Ogburn and Mrs. Janie G. Packie of North View, VA are spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Allen and family.
Mr. Henry Hawkins, James Thompson, Jack Gordon, and A.B. Graybeal, Jr. of Emory and Henry College spent the weekend at homes in Marion. {My Note: James Thompson became DR. James Thompson and was my doctor as a child in Marion}
Mrs. Nannie Prunner continues to be ill at her home.


Schools closed here Thursday because of deep snow.
Vance Sherwood left Sunday for Wilmingston, NC where he has accepted a position with the Dixie Poland Mills.
The French Club of the high school will present before an invited audience, Tuesday the following French plays: LeMedecin Mystifie, LeMariage Force, Le Chien Tondu en Lion and Une Demande en Mariage and two patriotic French songs.
F.W. Berry and Byrum Hash have purchased a general merchandise store at Lodi and Mr. and Mrs. Hash have moved there.
J.B.Bonham spent a night decently marooned near his orchard at Shady Mt, Tn after he had walked three miles to a phone and was unable to return to his car because of the snow. The next morning he rode horseback to Damascus and was met by a rescue party. His automobile had to be left on the mountain.
Miss Mabel Smith, Mrs. Fred Greever, Miss Elizabeth Snydor, Mrs. J.B. Leonard and Mrs. Walton Beattie and Mrs. Weaver Cole attended the vacation church school conference held at Bristol Tuesday.
Jack Jones of Helton, SC spent the week at his home here before entering camp in Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Martin are the proud parents of a baby boy born March 18th.


Mrs. Harold Lindamood of Bristol spent Thursday night with Mrs. J.M. Snydor and Mrs. Bettie Sebastian.
Mrs. C.T. Forester and son John of Fries were visiting in town Sunday.
Miss Georgia Richardson has returned from WV where she has been visiting relatives.
Mr. Blaire Greer and Greer Palsey of Bluefield, WV spent last weekend with homefolks here.
Harold and Margaret, small children of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Reedy have scarlet fever.
F.J. Pasley is very sick at home here.
Mr. B.L. Tedder and Mr. J.F. Clark are still on the sick list.
Mrs. A.C. Pasley and son Robert of Hemphill, WV spent last week here.
Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Wright and children of Marion visited Mr. and Mrs. F.J. Pasley Sunday.


The revival meeting which has been conducted at Furnace Hill by the Rev Plummer and others was closed Sunday night. This meeting was well attended and much good was gained by it. Rev. Sassaman and Mrs. Sassaman are the proud parents of a nine pound boy born March 20th. The youngster has been named John William. Rev Firestone conducted the prayer services at Currin Valley Saturday night. The meeting was well attended.
Professor Blankenbleckor has been ill for the past week.
Mr. Norman Weaver is very ill with influenza.
Dr. J. Stuart Staley was in Currin Valley, March 22nd.


After two weeks of balmy, springlike weather another snow fell here this time twenty inches on Tuesday and Tuesday night the 17th and drifted considerably. Roads have been impassable for several days. Schools were closed and a large part of the sections has been without R.F.D. services as a result of the snow.
Mr. and Mrs. Olin C Johnson of Belair, Maryland are visiting relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Currin and family, Mrs. John Porter and Miss Hazel Porter of Radford were visiting relatives in the valley last Sunday.
Miss Theresa Crigger is spending time in Jacksonville, FL.
Mr. and Mrs. Vivann Hopkins of Marion were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hubble Sunday the 15th.
Mr. R.K. Slemp has returned to his home here after and extended visit with relatives in Palm Beach, Florida.
Mrs. Laura Chisenhall entertained a number of young folks at her home last Saturday night March 14th.
Mr. and Mrs. S.S. Copeland of Fries spent the past weekend with Mr.s Nancy Robbins.
Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Choate and Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Meek were visiting Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Choate of Galax on Sunday, March 15th.


Miss Virginia Cregger and Mr. Rudolph Cregger are visiting relatives in Bluefield, WV.
Mr. Carl Aker is progressing rapidly with his new home.
Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Kegley and Mill Della Winters spent Sunday March 15th in Damascus.
Rev. Schmeck preached at Bear Creek Lutheran church Friday ngiht March 13th.
Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Dillman were visiting Mr. Roy Dillman Sunday evening March 15th.
Mr. Sherrill Aker was leader of the Bear Creek Lutheran League Sunday night March 22nd.
Mr. and Mrs. Arch Aker and daughter Florida were calling on Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dillman Sunday March 15th.
Mr. and Mrs. Early Kegley spent Saturday night the 14th with Mr. and Mrs. O.M. Hicks of Atkins.


Mr. H.B. Atkins of Mountain City, Tenn spent the weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Atkins.
Mr. and Mrs. S.T. Crowe were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Crowe Sunday the 22nd.
Rev. M.C. Weikle of the Methodist church filled his regular appointment at Davis Memorial Sunday the 22nd.
Mr. and Mrs. J.N. Snavely and son Bob and Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Eller were dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Buckley at Rural Retreat Sunday March 22nd.
Mrs. A.F. Hutton is rapidly improving after an illness of several weeks.
Miss Nell Mercer is reports to be improved at this writing.
Mr. and Mrs. C.P. Atkins and daughter Elsie of Galax spent the weekend here.
Miss Ida Shupe of Roanoke, Va has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. W.J. Mercer.
Mr. N..J. Snavely of Williamson, WV is visiting his sister Mrs. J.D. Feazelle. Miss Bertie Feazelle returned home last week from Roanoke, VA where she had been visiting her sister and brother in law Mr. and Mrs. John Hutton for several months.
And by the way, Campbells Tomato Soup is on 3 cans for 20 cents at the A&P this week. Campbells Chicken Soup is 2 cans for 19 cents. Sunnyfield Oats is 17 cents for a large box and 2 small boxes are 15 cents.
The Men’s Shop has suits $24.50 and $29.50 and playing at the Lincoln is Friday, King Solomon of Broadway, Saturday, Oregon Trail, and on Monday and Tuesday, Anything Goes of course starring Bing Crosby and Ethel Merm[an]