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Catalogue of Shoemaker College, Gate City, Virginia

For Session 1903-1904


September 6- First Term Begins
December 24-Close of First Term

January 3-Second Term Begins
May 19-22 —Commencement Exercises

Hon. W. D. Smith, (Sup’t of Schools) Gate City, Va., Chairman
I. P. Kane (Pres. First Nat’l Bank) Gate City, Va., Secretary
John M. Johnson, Gate City, Va.
M. T. Hash, Gate City
W. S. Cox, Gate City


F. B. Fitzpatrick, A. B., President, Randolph Macon College, English, Natural and Moral Science
Mrs. F. B. Fitzpatrick, Marion Female College, Elocution, Art.
Miss Cornelia Poindexter, A.M., Randolph Macon Woman’s College, Spring Term, Latin, German, French and Pedagogy
R. M. Dougherty, L. I., (Shoemaker College), History, Mathematics and Assistant in Latin
Dr. W. H. Saunders, Physiology
Rev. A. M. Earle, Chaplain
Miss Cornelia Poindexter, Principal in Primary Department, Fall Term
Miss Flora Kate Carter (Virginia Institute), Assistant in Primary Department
Mrs. Josie Kane, Vocal and Instrumental Music
Mr. John E. Smith, Book-Keeping
Mrs. Fitzpatrick, Stenography


Primary Department
Ackard, Corrina
Boatright, Roy G.
Brickey, Everite
Broadwater, Blanch
Corns, Bessie
Corns, James
Corns, Maggie
Counts, Nellie
Davidson, Broadway
Davidson, Clifford
Davidson, Fad
Davidson, Lucian
Davidson, O’Ferrall
Dean, Myrtle
Dougherty, Ava
Dougherty, Lillie
Edmonds, Eugene
Ewing, Henry
Ewing, Mont
Gilley, Loyd
Gilley, Myrtle
Gose, Eliza
Hartsock, Pleas
Hartsock, Roy
Hash, Pat
Hoge, Edward
Horton, Ava
Horton, Bayard
Horton, Fannie
Horton, Pat
Jackson, James
Johnson, John Henry
Kane, Esther
Kane, Hayward
Kane, Kent
Kane, Robt. R.
Kane, Stella
King, Mary
King, Maxie
Lane, Clarice
Lane, Holdway
Mays, Margaret
McConnell, Imogene
McConnell, Lelan
McConnell, Lelan S.
McConnell, Mabel
McConnell, Robt.
McConnell, Sudie
McConnell, Wilbur
Quillin, Bessie
Quillin, Charlie
Quillin, Jasper
Quillin, Lillian
Quillin, Maudella
Richmond, Cathleen
Robinson, Lou
Ruth, Arthur
Ruth, Ola
Seaver, Ethel
Stephenson, Bessie
Stephenson, Mamie
Stephenson, Marion
Strong, Charlies Ross
Strong, Maggie
Templeton, Napoleon
Williams, Clara
Williams, Clarence
Williams, Kelley
Williams, Maggie
Winegar, Eliza
Wood, Lillian
Wood, Nellie
Wood, Willie
Collegiate and Preparatory Departments
Addingon, Ezra N.
Addington, Walker E.
Agee, Kenneth
Bellamy, Roy E.
Benton, H. B.
Bishop, J. M.
Blair, Carl
Blair, J. W.
Boatright, J. M.
Bond, E. W.
Broadwater, W. A.
Bush, L. P.
Carter, J. E.
Castle, J. S.
Cooper, M. D.
Corns, E. M.
Counts, Roy
Cox, B. B.
Cox, Claude
Cox, J. L.
Cox, W. C.
Culbertson, L. E.
Darter, O. L.
Davidson, Massey
Dean, Robt. T.
Dillion, R. L.
Doughtery, Carl
Droke, Warner
Ellis, J. W.
Ellis, Robt.
Fraley, W. E.
Francisco, J. E.
Franklin, J. T.
Fugate, Hagan
Fugate, R. E.
Gooble, Echol
Greever, Chas. R.
Hamilton, Rufus
Hart, T. I.
Hash, Tobe
Henderson, A. P.
Henderson, Eugene
Henry, J. D.
Herron, Joe.
Hoge, Clint
Hutchins, Robt.
Jennings, B. B.
Jennings, Ingle G.
Jennings, J. C.
Jennings, J. S.
Jennings, O. T.
Jennings, W. O.
Johnson, Luther
Jones, H. H.
Kane, H. S.
Kane, P. L.
Kane, R. L.
King, Thomas S.
Lane, J. J.
Lane, Vernon
Meade, C. E.
Minnich, John H.
Morelock, W. H.
Owen, A. M.
Owen, C. S.
Pendleton, C. S.
Pendleton, Conley
Peters, W. B.
Quillin, C. D.
Quillin, Elbert
Quillin, J. C.
Quillin, J. D.
Quillin, Orestes
Robinett, F. A.
Robinett, R. K.
Rollins, E. D.
Semones, A. H.
Smith, Robt. S.
Snodgrass, J. B.
Stair, C. L.
Starnes, J. C.
Taylor, A. E.
Taylor, F. W.
Williams, C. C.
Winegar, Auburn
Wolfe, W. R.


Bostic, Clara
Brickey, Orphia
Broadwater, Bertie
Carter, Mollie
Corns, Katie
Corns, Linnie
Cox, Claudie
Cox, Edna
Davidson, Guilmette
Edwards, Mae
Francisco, Bertie
Francisco, Mae
Hale, Naomi
Hartsock, Ida
Hash, Lida
Horton, Alpha
Howard, Rosa
Jennings, Dora
Johnson, Lillian
Jones, Mary
Lyons, Eliza
McConnell, Clara
McConnell, Monnie
Moore, Mary Laura
Morison, Nannie R.
Necessary, Rosie
Pendleton, Maxie
Peters, Lizzie
Ratliff, Ella
Reynolds, Myrtle
Robinson, Mary E.
Shelly, Bertie
Starnes, Lena B.
Starnes, Lida L.
Starnes, Lizzie
Department Totals
Department Students
Primary Department 74
Collegiate and Preparatory Departments 133
Total 207
Music Department
Davidson, Dora
Davidson, Clara
Dougherty, Lillian
Johnson, Lillian
Kane, Stella
Morison, Nannie
Lane, Dora
McConnell, Clara
McConnell, Mabel
Quillin, Lillian
Reynolds, Myrtle
Richmond, Kathleen
Starnes, Lena Belle
Starnes, Lizzie
Starnes, Mollie
Shelley, Bertie
Strong, Maggie
Saunders, Myrtle
Stephenson, Bessie
Templeton, Callie
Templeton, Myrtle
Winegar, Minnie
Wood, Lena
Winegar, Eliza
Wallace, Monnie John Brickley, Orpha
Degrees Conferred in 1904
W. B. Peters, Jr., Virginia
Licentiate of Instruction
Alpha Horton Virginia
Edward Rollins Virginia
W. R. Wolfe Virginia
Lida Starnes Tennessee
Diplomas for Progressive Course First Roll of Honor for Study Distinctions in all Classes
A. E. Taylor
Robert Fugate
J. C. Jennings
R. T. Dean
R. L. Lane
Bertha Francisco
R. T. Dean
Robert Fugate
J. C. Jennings
Kenneth Agee
Hagan Fugate
Rosa Necessary
W. E. Fraley
R. L. Lane
W. B. Peters
A. P. Henderson
Edward Rollins
J. H. Minnich
Myrtle Reynolds
Alpha Horton
Lida Starnes
W. R. Wolfe
Maxie Pendleton
Roll of Honor for Department
Kenneth Agee
W. C. Cox
Mollie Carter
Linnie Corns
Robert Dean
J. W. Ellis
Hagan Fugate
W. E. Fraley
Echol Gobble
A. P. Henderson
J. C. Jennings
H. H. Jones
T. I. Hart
R. L. Lane
J. D. Quillin
R. K. Robinett
Ed Rollins
J. B. Snodgrass
W. R. Wolfe
J. E. Carter
J. T. Franklin
J. M. Boatright
Kate Corns
Bertha Francisco
Naomi Hale
Rosa Necessary
Maxie Pendleton
Myrtle Reynolds
Lena Belle Starnes
Bertha Shelley
Myrtle Saunders
Monnie Wallace
Minnie Winegar
Myrtle Templeton
Pearl Quillin
Edna Cox
Rosa Hubbard
J. M. Bishop
F. W. Taylor

The Washington and Lee Scholarship

This scholarship was conferred upon Shoemaker College by the faculty of the Washington and Lee University in 1892 and entitled the incumbent to free tuition in the academic course in this excellent University.

Biographical and Historical

Colonel James L. Shoemaker was born near Lebanon, Russell County, Virginia, December 7, 1804.

He was a descendant of an honorable ancestry. His grandfather James Shoemaker, was of a good family in England, and, in 1749, immigrated into America. He espoused the cause of his adopted country in her struggle for independence, enlisted in the American army, and fought valiantly under Colonel William Campbell, of Washington County, at the battle of King’s Mountain, North Carolina [sic]. Solomon Litton, his other grandfather, was born December 24, 1751, in Washington County, Virginia [sic]. In 1778, while being assailed by the “redcoats” on one hand and the “redskins” on the other, Mr. Litton, with his wife and two daughters, while sojourning in the land of Boone, was taken prisoner by the Indians at Harrodsburg, Kentucky. The four prisoners were carried to Quebec, Canada, and held until the close of the war, when they were exchanged.

Colonel Shoemaker was happily married, July 5th, 1842, to Miss Aurelia Paxton Salling, daughter of Dr. Henry Salling of Scott County, Virginia. Twelve years after his marriage, his father, James Shoemaker, died at his home in Lafayette County, Missouri, to which place he had moved from Washington County, Virginia. His mother Elizabeth Shoemaker, did not long survive the lass of her husband, having died at the Shoemaker homestead in Missouri the next year, 1857.

Colonel Shoemaker’s opportunities for acquiring an education were very meagre. Like a great many young men of his time, his only chance to prepare for the responsibilities and duties of life was simply to assume them and to learn by experience. How well he did is demonstrated by his success in business and the philanthropic disposal of a life-time’s earnings.

He began business in Estillville (now Gate City), as a member of the firm Alderson and Shoemaker. Afterwards he bought Alderson’s interest, and continued a successful business in his own name. He was not an ambitious man, seeking high positions and political preferment; he chose instead to serve the people of his country in less remunerative, though probably more important, trusts. He was enumerator of the census of 1840 and 1850, land assessor several times, postmaster for a number of years, and county court clerk. In all these positions his integrity and accurate business methods made him a respected and trusted official. The papers submitted by him, as land assessor, were declared by the officials at Richmond to be the best in the state.

This quiet, business-like, patriotic citizen, remembering his own difficulties in securing a limited education, and seeing the great need of increased educational facilities in Scott County, had, for a long time before his death, cherished the idea of giving his wealth to found an institution of learning to be called “Shoemaker.” It was his oft-expressed purpose to give $5000.00 for the erection of a building, and the remainder of his estate for an endowment fund, the proceeds of which were to be expended in paying the expenses of deserving students, financially unable to help themselves. It was his desire that the institution be located in Scott County, among the people he had loved, and with whom he had labored so diligently. To use his own words: “I have made myself money here in Scott County, and want these people to have the beneficiaries of it when I am gone.”

After his death, January 9th, 1894, it was ascertained from his will that the principal part of his large estate was given to the cause of education. After some litigation, the particulars of which need not be given here, only $7,500 of his estate was obtained by the people of this county. With this amount, supplemented by popular subscription, a handsome and commodious building, costing about $13,000, was erected.

The doors of the institution were thrown open for the education of both sexes, October 22, 1897. Seven successful sessions have been completed, and the prospects for the coming session are the brightest of her history.

Departments of Study


Tuition per month $1.50

The Primary Department is separate and distinct from the Collegiate Department. The pupils of the former do not come in contact with the pupils of the latter.

The first years of school life are the most important; for in them are laid the foundation for all future mental growth, as well as habits of study and development of character. This early training decides, in a great measure, the important question, whether the pupil will acquire a fondness of a distaste for study. The more elementary the pupil, the greater the care needed in the selection of his instructors. A thorough normal training is essential to successful primary work. Recognizing these facts, the Primary Department will this fall be under the direct supervision of Miss Poindexter, whose superior skill in primary work is well known.


Tuition: Fall Term, $10.00; Spring $12.50

During the Fall Term this course, with the exception of Well’s Arithmetic, Physical Geography, and Buehler’s English Grammar, is fee to all pupils of this district.

As its name indicates, this department is preparatory to the work in the Collegiate Department. It is however, a complete step, and is invaluable to the student, even though he should never go any higher. Recognizing the fact that some will be unable to complete the collegiate course, we have made the Preparatory Department, not only a foundation for a finished education, but a complete course within itself; so, if a student desires to stop after completing this course, his education will be, in a sense complete; he will be reasonably well equipped for the duties of life. The studies in this course will be taught in the following order:

First Year

Fall Term—White’s Arithmetic begun; Maury’s Manual Geography begun; Hyde’s Practical Grammar begun; Jones United States History begun; Cutter’s Intermediate Physiology.

Spring Term—White’s Complete Arithmetic completed; Maury’s Manual Geography completed; Hyde’s Practical Grammar completed; Jones’s United States History completed.

Second Year

Fall Term—Well’s Academic Arithmetic begun; Buehler’s English Grammar begun; Cutter’s Comprehensive Physiology begun, Houston’s Physical Geography

Spring Term—Well’s Academic Arithmetic completed; Buehler’s English Grammar Completed; Virginia History (Maury’s); Fisher’s Civil Government.


Tuition: Fall Term, $14.00; Spring Term $17.50

Department of Ancient Languages

School of Latin

The aims of this course are to give a thorough knowledge of the principal facts of the Latin language and literature, and to enable the student to be profited by the disciplinary value of the study. Considerable attention is given to translating English into Latin and explaining Latin constructions. As far as possible, the pupil is made to appreciated the spirit and beauties of Latin literature.

Preparatory Class

Fall Term—Students are drilled thoroughly in form.
Spring Term—Easy reading is begun
Text Book—Collar and Daniel’s First Latin Book

Introductory Class

Fall Term—Second Year Latin, exercises
Spring Term—Second Year Latin continued, weekly exercises
Text Books—Greenough, Diggie and Daniell’s Second Year Latin

Junior Class

Fall Term—Caesar, Books III and IV, weekly exercises
Spring Term—Cicero’s Orations and Letters, exercises, parallel reading, selections form Caesar and Cicero.

Senior Class

Fall Term—Vergil and Sallust, weekly exercises
Spring Term—Horace and Livy, weekly exercises

School of Greek

Preparatory Class

Fall Term—White’s First Greek Book
Spring Term—Selections in Attic Prose, exercise

Junior Class

Fall Term—Xenophon’s Anabasis, exercises based on the text.
Spring Term—Lysias’s Orations, exercises

Senior Class

Fall Term-Homer’s Illiad, exercises
Spring Term—Greek Testament, Jebb’s Literature

Department of Modern Languages

The aim in these classes will be to teach the pupil to read and write the German and French languages with ease and readiness, and acquaint him with the masterpieces of the languages. Each lesson will consist of reading and reciting grammatical forms, and discussing points of syntax. Semi-weekly exercises will be required in the junior classes. In the senior classes more attention will be given to the style of the author and the literary merits of the selection studied; frequent sight reading and weekly exercises will be required in these classes.

School of German

Junior Class

Fall Term—Pronunciation, forms, and fundamental principles of syntax. Semi-weekly exercises. Reading begun.
Spring Term—Syntax. Easy reading from standard authors
Text Books—Whitney’s German Grammar; Grimm’s Fairy Tales; Heyse’s L’Arrabiata; Schiller’s Jungfrau von Orleans

Senior Class

Fall Term—Syntax; idiomatic translations. Reading continued.
Spring Term—Syntax. Continuation of reading with special attention given to the history and etymology of the language.
Text books—Whitney’s Grammar; Schiller, Wilhelm Tell, Maria Stuart; Lessing, Minna von Barnhelm, Nathan der Weise; Geothe, Egmont, Hermann and Dorthea.

Junior Class

Fall Term—Systematic training in pronunciation; study of grammar and idiomatic forms. Exercises. Reading begun.
Text Books—Whitney’s Grammar; Super’s French Reader
Spring Terms—Whitney’s Grammar; Crane, Tableau de la Revolution Francaise, Halevy, L’Abbe Constantin.

Senior Class

Fall Term—Whitney’s Grammar; Plays of Corneille and Racine.
Spring Term—Whitney’s Grammar; Plays of Moliere; Selections from the works of Hugo, George Sand.

School of English

This course is designed to lay the foundation of a liberal and thorough knowledge of English, to cultivate the literary taste of the student, that he may appreciate the classics of the English language. Written work, private reading, exercises in personal investigation, discussion and criticisms, are matters to which especial attention will be given.

Introductory Class

Fall Term—Composition and Rhetoric
Spring Term—Composition and Rhetoric
Text Books—Lockwood and Emerson

Junior Class

Fall Term—English Literature
Spring Term—Reading course, consisting of selections from English authors
Text Book—Painter’s

Senior Class

Fall Term—Composition and Rhetoric
Spring Term—Composition and Rhetoric
Text Books—Genung’s Practical Rhetoric; Genung’s Rhetorical Analysis

Department of History

The course in this school is designed to give a general view of World History from the earliest times to the present. At the same time, a more minute study will be made of the histories of those countries which have exercised the most powerful influence upon general history. In the class-room, the use of the text-book will be supplemented by lectures on critical periods and special subjects. Effort is made, not only to supply the student with the facts of history, but also lead him to make independent investigation of historical questions.

Junior Class

Fall Term—Montgomery’s English History
Spring Term—Montgomery’s French History

Intermediate Class

Fall Term—Myers’ History of Greece
Spring Term—Myers’ History of Rome

Department of Natural and Moral Sciences

School of Natural Science

An education to-day without a liberal knowledge of the Physical Sciences is incomplete. As far as possible, experiments illustrating the fundamental principles will be performed before the class, and the student is led to observe, compare, and generalize the many forms of nature. The object is to enable the student to see “hidden in the thing the thought which animates its being.” Natural Science leads the student into higher realms of knowledge, revealing new powers and possibilities, of which he was before unaware, enables him to discover himself, and makes him a wiser and better being.

Introductory Class

Fall Term—Physical Geography
Spring Term—Physical Geography
Text Books—Houston’s

Junior Class

Fall Term—LeConte’s Geography
Spring Term—Gage’s Physics; Remsen’s Chemistry; Botany

Senior Class

Fall Term—Zoology
Spring Term—Gage’s Physics and Remsen’s Chemistry completed.

School of Moral Science

Junior Class

Spring Term—Dexter and Garlick’s Psychology; Jevon’s Logic

Senior Class

Fall Term—Hopkins’ Outline of Man
Spring Term—Walker’s Political Economy

Department of Mathematics

The value of this, as any other study, depends more upon the methods employed than upon the matter taught. Memorizing the solution of “catch problems,” definitions, and rules serve only to load the mind with useless lumber, and fails to develop the power of logical reasoning and cogent expression. In teaching this subject the student will not be allowed to “work a trick” to get the correct answer to the problem, but will be encouraged to arrive at at correct solution by using his reasoning faculties. The teacher will not solve the problem for the class, but will give them just enough help to enable them to do the work for themselves. A teacher can be so criminally kind and helpful as to destroy the self-reliance of pupils, thereby injuring them by doing for them what they should do for themselves.

The course is as follows:

Preparatory Class

Fall Term—Wentworth’s First Steps in Algebra
Spring Term—Wentworth’s Higher Algebra to page 154.

Introductory Class

Fall Term—Wentworth’s Higher Algebra to Quadratics
Spring Term—Wentworth’s Higher Algebra to Choice; Wentworth’s Plane Geometry

Junior Class

Fall Term—Wentworth’s Solid Geometry completed
Spring Term—Wentworth’s Higher Algebra completed

Intermediate Class

Fall Term—Murray’s Plane and Spherical Trigonometry
Spring Term—Murray’s Plane and Spherical Trigonometry completed.

The Teacher’s Course

This course begins January 3, 1905 and continues through the Spring Term. The same grade of work that characterized the Normal of this summer will distinguish the work of this course. The faculty and trustees purpose making this course normal work of the highest order. Three recitations a week will be devoted to the consideration of methods. Miss Poindexter, who is regarded as an artist in primary work, will have the classes before the teachers in order to demonstrate the latest methods.

The entire Progressive Profession Course, outlined below, will be covered in the form of lectures and recitations. The faculty and trustees of the College will award an attractive diploma for the completion of the course. No diploma will be awarded, however, unless the full course is taken in College.

The professional certificate is good for fourteen years and demands a salary of forty dollars. Every teacher at least of Scott County should work for this diploma.

The books can be had here.

The following are the subject and text-books in the course.

First Year

Physical Geography, General History, and English Literature

Fiske’s Civil Government; Myers’s General History from the beginning to the end of the Third Punic War; Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar and Merchant of Venice; Goldsmith’s Vicar of Wakefield; Milton’s Paradise Lost, Books I and II, Addison’s Sir Roger De Coverly Papers from the Spectator; De Quincey’s Flight of a Tartar Tribe; History of English Literature to the close of the reign of Queen Anne.

Second Year

Physical Geography, General History, Algebra and English Literature

Physical Geography; Myers’s General History from the end of the Third Punic War to the discovery of America; Elementary Algebra; Burke’s Speech on Conciliation with America; Macaulay’s Essay’s on Milton and Addison; George Eliot’s Silas Marner; Mathew Arnold’s Sohrab and Rustum Tennyson’s Princes; History of English Literature completed. Scott’s Ivanhoe.

Third Year

General History, Pedagogy, School Law and American Literature

Myers’s General History from the Discovery of America to the end of the book; White’s Elements of Pedagogy; White’s School Management; DeGarmo’s Essentials of Method; Dexter and Garlick’s Psychology in the School room; Virginia School Law; Cooper’s Last of the Mohicans; Irving’s Sketch-Book (six selections); Longfellow’s Evangeline; History of American Literature; Poe’s Poems.

Department of Music

Introductory Class

Correct phrasing, staccato and legato touch, and a rudimentary knowledge of the signs and technical terms used in music.

Course I. Technical studies for the development of wrist and finger action; study of scales and arpeggios in various forms; Studies and sonatinas by best composers—as Loeschorn, Czerny, Clementi, Kuhlan—Mathew’s Graded Studies, and lighter compositions as a diversion.

Course II. Continuation of scales and arpeggios; Studies and Sonatinas by Clementi, Heller, Haydn, Mendelsshon, and Mathew’s Graded Studies.

Course III. Scales in double 3rds and 6ths; Elaborate arpeggios, trills, wrist and arm studies. Studies from Bach, Clementi, Cramer, Beethoven, Mendelsshon, Schumann, Chopin, Grieg, and other classic composers.

Couse IV. A thorough review of the preceding courses, with continued study of the masters. Breadth of knowledge of the masters, and familiarity with their works, are essential to the musician.

Literary Societies

The educative value of the work done in a good literary society cannot be over estimated. Literary societies are invaluable auxiliaries to school and college work. There are three societies in the College: The Phoenix, the Union and the Aurelia Paxton. The literary societies comprise in their membership most of the students in the Preparatory and Collegiate Departments.

Medalists for 1904

Phoenix Improvement Medal, A. P. Henderson
Union Improvement Medal, Anderson Owens
The Phoenix Declaimer’s Medal, J. C. Jennings
The Union Declaimer’s Medal, F. W. Taylor
The Richmond Prize Medal, Charley Greever
The Bowling, Head and Sloan Debater’s Medal, Roy E. Bellamy
Miss Porter’s Improvement Medal in Music, Myrtle Saunders
The I. P. Kane Scholarship medal, Hagan Fugate and R. T. Dean
The J. T. McConnell Elocution Medal, Orpha Brickey.

Medals Established

Col. J. B. Richmond of Gate City has established a medal to be awarded for excellence in oratory in the young men’s literary societies. It is known as the Richmond Prize for Oratory.

J. B. Gilley has established a medal to be awarded for the best debate in the final exercises of the young men’s literary societies.

J. T. McConnell has established a medal to be awarded for excellence in the young ladies’ literary society.

I. P. Kane has established a scholarship medal.

The Richmond and Gilley medals must be contested for under the following conditions: The productions must be given to the President on or before the 25th of April to be considered with reference to originality, thought, style and form by the faculty and a committee of three in joint session. The said committee is to be appointed annually by the President and is to make the final decision the night of the contest. Each debater shall have five minutes for reply.

Tuition Fall Term Spring Term
Primary Department $6.00 $7.50
Preparatory Department 10.00 12.50
Collegiate Department 14.00 17.50
Instrumental Music on Piano 12.00 15.00
Vocal Music 12.00 15.00

Use of insturment per month $0.50. Matriculation fee per term, $1.00. Contingent fee per term, $0.50. The Congtingent fee is set apart for the improvement of the College building. Good board in private families including table board, lights, fuel, furnished rooms, etc., $8 to $10.

All damage to the College, or property belonging thereto, will be charged to the student causing it, and the full amount necessary to restore such damage will be collected.

Special Regulations Governing Tuition

  1. College fees must be paid in advance, or satisfactory arrangements made with the President.
  2. Three studies in the Collegiate Department places tuition in that department.
  3. Students will be charged tuition from the date of entrance to close of term; no deduction, however, will be made for lateness of entrance for less than two weeks.
  4. No deduction in tuition will be made for absence from school, except in cases of sickness extending through a period of at least two weeks.
  5. Tuitition for Prepatory Department $3.00 per month for less than four months.
  6. No deduction made for absence during last month.
  7. We want your patronage upon the above terms and conditions. On these terms and conditions, we promise satisfactory results to every student of common sense and common energy. We will not take a student upon terms that will not permit us to accomplish satisfactory results.

A Note to Parents

That school is most successful in which there is hearty cooperation between teachers and patrons. Sometimes patrons forget that the teacher has more interests in the success of a school than any one patron can have. His reputation as a teacher is his capital. His ability to secure positions and to command good salaries rises or falls as his reputation for good work increases or deceases. Is iy not unreasonable then, to suppose that he will endeavor to do his work well? Should he not be given credit for sincerity, at least, in believing that whatever he does is for the best?

Now, we invite your hearty cooperation along the following lines, believing that you can help us and we can help you:

  1. Arrange for your sons and daughters to attend the whole session—nine scholastic months.
  2. Successful school work is hardly possible without regular attendance. Arrange to have your children present every day if possible.
  3. A single vist sometimes kills a pupil’s interest in his work. Too frequent visits home and to friends should not be permitted.
  4. Excessive correspondence should be discouraged. Pupils often waste valuable time writing unimportant letters. Correspondence should be limited to the immediate family circle.
  5. If you have any complaint, make it to the President, that the matter may be adjusted. In the meantime it would perhaps, be wise to suspend judgment until both sides are heard.
  6. However much we may desire to conform to the wishes of parents in regard to the managment of their children, we will in no case allow a permission from home to affect the regulations of the College, the observance of which we consider for the best interest of all concerned.

Certificates, Degrees, Diplomas

All students who satisfactorily complete a year’s work in any school will be given a certificate of distinction. An average grade of 70 must be made before any student is allowed to take up the year next above.

The degree of L.I. will be conferred upon those graduating in Junior Latin, Junior German or French, American History, Myers’ General History, Geology, Spring Term in Physics and Chemistry, Psychology, Mathematics through Plane Trigonometry, Introductory English, Spring Term in Junior English, Painter’s Introduction to English Literature, and the Progressive Course.

The degree of A. B. Will be conferred upon those graduating in all schools, except Greek, which is elective. Junior German and French, and the Senior work in either school will constitute the A.B. course.

All degress and diplomas will be awarded, hereafter, by the Faculty upon the approval of the Board of Trustees.

General Remarks

Location and Surroundings

It is the habit of most institutions to be rather extravagant in the praises of the healthfulness, beauty, and morality of their surroundings. In respect to these things we offer a few facts for the consideraiton of the public.

Shoemaker College is situtated in Gate City, the county seat of Scott County, a pleasant town of about six hundred inhabitants, with three churches and no saloons to tempt the weak. The Virginia and Southwestern Railway passes through on its way from Bristol to Big Stone Gap. Gate City is easily accessible from all points.

The scenery is beautiful, and for pure water and bracing mountain air, Gate City is unsurpassed.

The College Building, a neat and commodious brick structure, stands on an eminence just east of town, commanding a delighful and extended view of the town, Clinch Mountain, two beautiful valleys, and Big Moccasin Gap, a great rift in the Clinch Mountain through which Moccasin Creek flows in its winding course to the North Fork of Holston River. A few miles south are the Mountain and Holston Springs, noted for the medicinal qualities of their waters and famous as summer resorts.

Thirteen miles west is the far-famed Natural Tunnel, through which the Virginia and Southwestern passes.

Gate City has ten daily mailes, five from the routes terminating in Tennessee and five in Virginia. Ten extensive telephone lines also terminate here, which, together with the telegraphic communications, connect this place with the railroad and telegraph systems of the whole country.


There is, we believe, much truth in the saying that “the library is the best university.” In libraries the student can master the experience of mankind. That pupil has had liberal training who has learned to appreciate, and to use systematically, a collection of good books.

We would have the atmospher of our library so exhilirating and so irresistilby fascinating in every way, that even those who have no taste for reading, will be drawn to itl. It is our purpose to make every student a reading man to woman for life.

As yet Shoemaker College has only the nucleus of a library. It is, however, the hope of its management to add a number of good books to it every year. Friends of the Colelge can do us excellent service by donating to the College the books they have ceased to read. Why not send us the books who contents have entered into your own mental life? Our library is a government depository; hence we get all the free publications of the United States Government.


Shoemaker College, while not sectarian, is distinctly Christian. While endeavoring to provide the best means of the highest attainable culture, it seeks to aide its students in the formation of a character of Christian manliness and in the preparation for a life of Christian usefulness. In this moral culture not the slightest tinge of sectarianism or denominationalism is permitted. The great fundamental truths of morality and Christianity are not warped and twisted by creed and dogma. Christianity is put before creed; morality before dogma.

The avenues of moral training are Christian literature, sacred songs, and Christian teachers. We shall seek to inculcate upon the minds of the studetns a reverence for all things holy and a sacred regard for truth. Religious exercises will follow the calling of the roll every morning, the ministers of the different churches of Gate City being invited to officiate in turn. Students will be required to attend services at the differetn churches every Sunday.


Without firm discipline, based on strong and clear convictions of right and wrong, and administered in a spirit of kindly sympathy, no school can succeed. Our rules are few and only such as are necessary for the well-being and success of both the pupils and the College. They will be enforced without fear and partiality.

Every student is presumed to be a gentleman, and is treated as such so long as he is connected with the College. All are required to conduct themselves in a moral, gentlemanly, student-like manner. No student found to be dissipated or persistently idle can be retained. We shall seek earnestly to reform any such, but our duty to others under our care will not allow the effort to be long continued. No pains shall be spared to maintain a pure, wholesome atmosphere for the pupils; and whenever, for any reason, we are satisfied that the presence of any pupil is corrupting others, or that his influence is felt for evil in the College, we shall require his withdrawl.

Under the general principles outlined above, such specific rules and regulations as may be necessary to good order and good work are prescribed, and kind but effective measures are taken to secure obedience. Honor and truth are held sacred, and constantly magnified in the mangement of the school.