Roaring River District Primitive Baptist Association
Minutes of the 41st Annual Session
Convened with the Double Creek Church Wilkes County, N.C.
Friday and Saturday October 7 and 8, 1887
Elder Wm. Hall, Moderator
T. M. Joines, Clerk
Friday, October 7
By request of Elder W. P. Kilby, appointee of last year, the introductory sermon was delivered by Elder Jordan Long, by using the 1st verse of the 5th chapter of Romans for a text: “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
After an intermission of fifteen minutes, the delegates assembled in the church-house and were called to order by singing and prayer by the Moderator.
On motion, received and read letters from all the churches in our union.
Organized the Association by electing Elder Wm. Hall, Moderator, and T. M. Joines, Clerk
- Appointed Elders W. P. Kilby and J. M. Crouse to occupy the stand today.
- On motion, invited correspondents from sister Associations, when the following came forward: from the Mountain, brethern W. H. Joines, H. S. Edwards and Ashly Johnson, with a file of minutes; from the Senter, Elders C. C. Davis, T. C. Barker and A. J. Taylor with a file of Minutes and Letter; from Silver Creek, no messenger. On motion, the correspondents were received, seated with us, and aided in counsel.
- On motion, invited visiting ministers of our faith and order to sit with us, when Elder J. M. Wyatt, from Silver Creek, and Elder J. D. Draughn, from Fisher’s Creek, accepted the invitation.
- On motion authorized the Moderator to make all temporary appointments during this session.
- Appointed brethern Hardin Shumate and J. L. Whittenton, with the delegates from this church, to select ministers to occupy the stand during the session, who reported for Saturday, 1st Elder C. C. Davis; 2nd J. M. Wyatt; 3rd T. C. Barker; for Sunday 1st A. J. Taylor; 2nd J. D. Draughn; 3rd T. C. Barker.
- On motion appointed a committee consisting of brethern Hardin Spicer, D. T. Long and Hardin Shumate, to select correspondents to sister Associations, who reported to the Mountain, Elder W. P. Kilby, and brother A. J. Absher; to the Senter, Elder Wm. Hall and brother J. L. Whittenton; to Silver Creek, Elder Wm. Hall and brother J. C. Wyatt; to New River Elder J. M. Crouse and brother J. W. Holbrook.
- On motion, appointed a committee, consisting of Elders Wm. Hall, W. R. Welborn, and brother T. M. Jones, to visit Fisher’s River Association to examine that body and empower them to adjust all wrong, if there by any, if possible, and ask to be received as correspondents.
- On motion, resumed the practice of writing letters to sister Associations.
- Appointed the following brethern to write corresponding letters to sister Associations: to the Mountain, A. J. Absher; to Senter, Robert Brooks; to Silver Creek, J. W. Holbrook; to New River, J. L. Whittenton; to Fisher’s River, Wm. Jennings..
- Appointed Elders Joshua Long, W. P. Kilby, J. M. Crouse, and brothers J. W. Holbrook and S. H. Johnson, with the Moderator and Clerk, a Committee of Arrangements, and invited correspondents and visiting ministers to sit with them.
- After singing and prayer by Elder J. D. Draugn, adjourned until tomorrow morning 10 o’clock.
Saturday Morning, October 8.
Met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by Elder T. C. Barker.
- Called the names of delegates, and marked absentees.
- Called on the Committee of Arrangements to report: report received and the committee discharged.
- Read the Constitution and Rules of Decorum.
- Appointed a Committee of Finance, consisting of brothers L. A. Dancy, J. L. Whittenton, and J. A. Absher, who made the following report: Received in contributions from the churches, $11.20; allowed the clerk $2.00 for services and fifty cents for money advanced for Minutes of last year, leaving in the hands of the treasurer $8.70 to pay for printing Minutes.
- Called on correspondents to report–who reported satisfactorily, and were discharged.
- Called on the committee appointed last year to look after Corresponding Lines to report–who reported they found all well. Report received and committee discharged.
- Called on the committee appointed to inquire into the cause of White Oak Church not sending delegates to the Association last year to report:–who reported that they visited said church, but were unable to ascertain the exact cause why they did not send delegates to the Association. On motion, invited brother Norwood Kennedy, a member of said church, to give such information as he has, concerning the desires of the members who composed said church;–who stated that he did not believe there were a sufficient number left to keep house. On motion, agreed to disown Elder Reuben Sparks as a member of our body, as we do not believe his course to be in accord with the Bible, but we desire the beloved brethern who believe in the principles of the Primitive Baptists and members of said church to rebuild, if possible; and we request our ministers to visit those people and preach for them as often as they well can.
- Called on the brethern appointed to write Corresponding letters to read them; Letters read, received and the brethern discharged.
- Appointed section meetings as follows: one with Woodruff church, to commence the second Saturday in July 1888. Elders A. J. Taylor and Wm. Hall volunteered to attend Meadow Fork, 2d Saturday in August; Elders W. P. Kilby and J. M. Crouse to attend.
- Appointed the Clerk Treasurer and that he superintend the printing of the Minutes, and have 350 copies struck and distribute as usual.
- Appointed the next Association to be held with the Cross Roads church, Wilkes County, 8 miles north of Wilkesboro, commencing Friday before the second Sunday in October 1888. Elder Wm. Hall to preach the introductory sermon; Elder J. M. Crouse alternate.
- Resolved, That we tender our heartfelt thanks to the brethern and friends of this vicinity for their kindness to us during our session.
Resolved, That we now adjourn to the time and place of our next Association.
Prayer by Elder A. J. Taylor
Elder Wm. Hall, Moderator
T. M. Joines, Clerk
Churches | Post Offices | Counties | Delegates Names | Pastors | Total Membership |
Cross Roads | Mulberry | Wilkes | A. J. Absher, L. A. Dancy, J. C. Wyatt | Wm. Hall | 47 |
Double Creek | Absher | Wilkes | Harden Spicer, J. R. Bell, T. M. Joines | Wm. Hall | 44 |
Mulberry | Mulberry | Wilkes | Elder Wm. Hall, Wm. Jennings, H. Shumate | Wm. Hall | 76 |
Meadow Fork | Laurel Springs | Alleghany | Elder Joshua Long, L. C. Long | J. Long | 33 |
Roaring River | Trap Hill | Wilkes | J. W. Holbrook, S. H. Johnson | W. R. Welborn | 45 |
Reddies River | Reddies River | Wilkes | Elder. W. P. Kilby, J. L. Whittenton | W. P. Kilby | 45 |
Rock Springs | Hall Mills | Wilkes | D. T. Long | Joshua Long | 34 |
Woodruff | Cherry Lane | Alleghany | Elder J. M. Crouse, Robert Brooks | J. M. Crouse | 28 |