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List of Registered Voters for the 3rd Magisterial District

Smyth County, Virginia

July 9, 1866

This list of voters was found in the Marion Record issue dated July 9, 1866. It is a list of voters in the 3rd Magisterial District of Smyth County, Virginia., and is in three parts. First is a list of white voters registered without challenge, second is a list of colored voters registered without challenge, and lastly is a list of white voters who were challenged, but registered anyway. No other descriptive notations were found to accompany this list, nor were lists for other magisterial districts.

White Voters Registered Without Challenge
Names Names Names Names Names
Baker, Andrew Delp, Eli R. Greever, Charles R. Pickle, David Stuart, David F.
Baker, Claiborne H. Delp, Lewis M. Groseclose, Simon Pickle, John L. Surber, Adam T.
Baker, Joel H. Dinkins, John J. Gross?, Eleazer Plummer, Wesley Surber, Palser
Beattie, Robert Dungan, Charles J. Grosses, Abram, Jr. Porter, Andrew J. Syris, William
Bennett, John Dungan, George W. Harris, George E. Porter, Thomas J. Tate, Andrew
Bishop, Andrew Dungan, John W. Harris, George W. Porter, William F. Thomas, Edward
Bishop, Martin V. Dungan, Robert Harris, William H. Rector, George W. Thomas, George W.
Bishop, Noah Dungan, William T. Hawthorn, John Reedy, David Thomas, John G.
Blankenship, Andrew J. Dunkin, William Hays, William R. Reedy, Michael C Thomas, William G.
Blankenship, Joseph W. Dutton, Adam Heninger, Hiram Richardson, James Thomas, William S.
Blevins, Henry C. Earnest, Jesse Heninger, Hiram G. Robinson, Samuel Tilson, Francis M.
Bobbett, George W. Edminston, George A. Heninger, Isaac Roe, William Tilson, Hugh B.
Bonham, James S. Edminston, James Heninger, John E. Rouse, Andrew Tilson, James
Bonham, John F. Edwards, John Heninger, Peter T. Rouse, James Jr. Tilson, William H.
Brown, John E. Faddis, James Heninger, Samuel Rouse, John Tomlinson, Jabez
Buchanan, John Faddis, William Heninger, William St. Johm, Noah Tuell, James H.
Church, Sampson Faris, Elijah Hill, George W. St. John, Andrew F. Tuell, Robert
Cleghorn, Jerome B Faris, James T. Hopkins, Charles St. John, Berry Umbarger, Michael S.
Cole, David J. Faris, Thomas Hord, George Saunders, James M. Walker, James
Cole, Hugh R. Faris, Wilson Hubble, George W. Saunders, John L. Wassum, Nichols
Cole, James H. Fox, John Jackson, Andrew L. Saunders, John W. S. Wells, Clark G.
Cole, James M. Freeman, James H. Jones, James H. Saunders, Stephen D. Wells, James B.
Cole Sampson Freeman, John W. Maiden, James P. Saunders, Valerias G. Willaims, Joseph S.
Copenahver, William R. Fry, Madison, Jr. McClure, Samuel Schooler, James B. Williams, Charles O.
Copenhaver, John Garris, Wiley McCready, Charles Sexton, Joseph W. Williams, David
Copenhaver, Samuel Garvey, James H. McCready, William Sherwood, Hiram Williams, Moses
Copenhaver, William H. Gill, Thomas McPhatridge, Thompson Sherwood, Noah Williams, Newton C.
Critchfield, Andrew L. Gollhon, James Mercer, James A. Shupe, Josiah Williams, Reuben W.
Dale, William Gollihon, George Mooney, Hezekiah B. Smallwood, David Williams, Samuel F.
Dean, Gideon Gollihon, James H. Morris, Charles D. Snavely, Abram Williams, Walter M.
DeBord, Cornelius Gollihon, John L. Neikirk, John Snavely, John M. Wilson, James
Deborde, Moses Goodman, Isaac Oury, Robertson G. Snavely, William F. Winneford, David
DeBusk, John G. Goodman, John Perkins, Hezekiah Sterling, William F. Wyrick, James

Colored Voters Registered Without Challenge
Names Names Names Names Names
Allen, Charles Crockett, Noah Jones, Newell Preston, George Smith, Samuel D.
Barnes, William Fields, Isham Lomans, George Proctor, John Step, James
Blue, Isaac Franklin, William Millian, Elias Rogers, Jacob Thompson, Thomas
Brown, Adam Hall, Thomas Mitchell, James Sanders, Alexander Trent, James
Brown, Gilbert Hammonds, George Montgomery, Smauel Sanders, Calvin Whitaker, John
Campbell, Ceaser Hamnmonds, Samuel Parks, Edwards Sanders, David Wortham, John
Carter, Jeremiah Hayden, James Plummer, Claiborne Sanders, Nelson  
Collins, Elisha Hunt, John Porter, Joseph Sheffey, Henderson  

White Voters Registered Under Challenge

Faris, John
St. John, Campbell

William S. Mackay, Lieut, 29th Infantry, U. S. Army, President, Board of Registration
Nathan L. Look, Registering Officer Smyth Co.
J. H. Jones, Registering Officer, 3rd District, Smyth Co.