
heltonworkers1906.jpg1145 viewsThis photo was taken by Herbert Littlewood. The only people I can identify for sure are family members: bottom row, far left, Emily Littlewood (Pennington); center (presumed) Delia Kirby Littlewood; second from left, Ada Littlewood (Francis); middle row, far left, John
Littlewood; far right, Herbert Littlewood; top row, second from right, Hannah Littlewood holding blurred Jack Littlewood. Courtesy of Emily Kilby.

EdwardRiceWall.jpg1143 viewsA Confederate veteran.

Howell, William, Jr. Family1141 viewsThis is a photo of William "Billy" and Celia Halsey Howell and family on the front porch of their home in Todd, NC. The original is a tintype and dates about 1870. Back row l to r: Felix Howell, Rhoda Howell Blackburn, Sarah Howell Adams
front row l to r: Mary Polly Howell Church, Celia Halsey Howell, William Billy Howell. Courtesy of Paul Howelldocnpaul@bellsouth.net

weaverjeff.jpg1140 viewsJeff Weaver, shown here at former home in Arlington, VA, now lives in Saltville, VA and hosts this website. The pup is Pip, a long haired mini-daschund.

spencerala.jpg1134 viewsThis is Mahalia (Aley) Weaver Spencer, daughter of Isaac and Mary "Polly" Francis Weaver and wife of William Spencer. Courtesy of Eleanor Jo Cox ejcox@naxs.com

bethmeth.jpg1132 viewsThis early photo is of a class at Bethany United Methodist Church near West Jefferson, Ashe County, NC. Photo courtesy of Warren Houck.
Numbers begin on the back row, left to right:
1. Flora Gentry
2. Gurn Houck
3. Flossie Phipps
4. Andy Black
5. Luke Houck
6. Ola Gentry
7. Jess Houck
8. Ed Woods
9. Winn Edwards
10. Earl Woods
11. Loss Edwards
12. Laura Houck
13. Annie Stevens
14. Ollie Greer
15. Dorn Houck
16. Carrie Grubb
17. Anna Trivette
18. Mildred Greer
19. Ruby Grubb
20. Biddie Worley
21. Hazel Houck
22. Matilda Wood
23. Mary Houck
24. Mae Worley
25. Lena Houck
26. Lottie Grubb
27. Ethel Roten
28. Bulah Carlton
29. Docie Carlton
30. Ann Houck
31. Fred Gentry
32. Ethel Wood
33. Thelma Roten
34. Fielder Houck
35. Mac Edwards
36. Lonnie Gentry
37. Wint Gentry
38. Tom Worley
39. Emory Church
40. Owen Trivette
41. Charles Stevens
42. Clarence Carlton
43. Bower Gentry
44. Jess Gentry
45. Stacy Houck
46. Vance Goodman
47. Robert Goodman

MonroeCaudil&BillTodd.jpg1132 viewsMonroe Caudill and his son-in-law, Bill Todd, at Teapot Dome in Alleghany County, NC. I learned that Teapot Dome got it's name from the metal tank that a long ago owner built as a water tank. You can see the "Teapot" if you look very closely at the top of the picture, between Monroe and Bill. Courtesy of Nanalee Wrenn. nwrenn37@yadtel.net

ciceroandjettieosbornespencer.jpg1129 viewsCicero and Jettie Osborne Spencer are shown in this early 20th century image. Photo courtesy of Heather Sexton.

209.jpg1126 viewsFront, Martin Van Buren Richardson and Polly Ann Busic Richardson. Back Franklin John Richardson, Mattie Richardson Sebastian, and Lilly Richardson Sullivan. This photo was taken in 1916 at Troutdale.

funeraltumcrk.jpg1126 viewsThis late 19th century/early 20th century photo shows a widow grieving over her departed husband. This photo is from the Tumbling Creek area.

Blevins, James1125 viewsBack left to right: Zola, Lucy, Guy & wife Maude Paisley Blevins. front left to right: James Blevins, wife Mary Davis Blevins and son Clay. Courtesy of Bette Nelson bette_nelson@comcast.net

carterwiley.jpg1124 viewsWiley Carter and his family. They lived on Helton Creek, and he was a Primitive Baptist minister.
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