Sullivan County, TN People

DarcusAdaladeandEstherMagdalineSmith0002.jpg358 viewsThis is a photo of two daughters of Mary Elizabeth Weaver Smith and James Latham Smith (both born at Vance's Tank [Bristol], Sullivan County, TN) :
Darcus Adalaide Smith Cole, b.12-21-1871, d.2-14-1963, buried at Weaver Union Church Cemetery, Bristol, Sullivan County, TN
("Addie" on photo - she was known as "Aunt Ad")
Esther Magdaline Smith, b.1-6-1878, d.3-9-1935, buried at Weaver Union Church Cemetery, Bristol, Sullivan County, TN
("Mag" on photo - she was known as "Aunt Mag") - she never married
I would guesstimate the photo was taken between 1900-1915.
Debi Coe

emsmith002.jpg332 viewsThis is a photo of a young Esther Magdaline Smith, b.1-6-1878, d.3-9-1935, buried at Weaver Union Church Cemetery, Bristol, Sullivan County, TN. She never married. Esther was born at Vance's Tank [Bristol], Sullivan County, TN. She is the daughter of Mary Elizabeth Weaver Smith and James Latham Smith.
I would guesstimate the photo was taken approximately 1900 or so.
Courtesy of Debi Coe

IsaacLathamSmithandDarcusAdaladeSmith0001.jpg343 viewsJames Latham Smith, b.4-9-1845, d.3-28-1922, buried at Weaver Union Church Cemetery, Bristol, Sullivan County, TN
Darcus Adalaide Smith Cole, b.12-21-1871, d.2-14-1963, buried at Weaver Union Church Cemetery, Bristol, Sullivan County, TN
The photo may have been taken between 1917-1920.
Photo courtesy of Debi Coe

JosephMurphysmithandIsaacLathamSmith0001.jpg319 viewsJoseph Murphy Smith, son of James Latham Smith and Mary Elizabeth Weaver Smith. Joseph is the father of Ossie Belle Smith Thacker. Joseph is buried at the Otes Church Cemetery, Bulls Gap, Hawkins County, TN
Courtesy of Debi Coe.

MaryElizabethWeaver0001.JPG336 viewsThis is a photo of Mary Elizabeth Weaver, daughter of Isaac Weaver and Mary M. Humphrey Weaver. Mary was born October 15, 1842 and died May 5, 1913.

mhweaver.jpg329 viewsThis is another photo of Mary M. Humphrey Weaver. She died in 1911, I would venture to say this photo was taken not many years before she died. Courtesy of Debi Coe.

Minnie,Ossie,Wade,Ad,IdaBraySmith0001.jpg422 viewsThis is a photo of descendants of Mary Elizabeth Weaver Smith and James Latham Smith. I will give you their names, left to right, and their relationship to Mary and James.
Minnie Catherine Smith Peaks, b.9-29-1880, d.2-9-1953, daughter, buried at Weaver Union Church Cemetery, Bristol, Sullivan County, TN
Ossie Belle Smith Thacker, b.8-1-1896, d.6-21-2004, granddaughter, buried at Otes Church Cemetery, Bulls Gap, Hawkins County, TN
Wade Palhoun Smith, b.2-6-1875, d.2-23-1944, son, buried in Bluff City, Sullivan County, TN
Darcus Adalaide Smith Cole, b.12-21-1871, d.2-14-1963, buried at Weaver Union Church Cemetery, Bristol, Sullivan County, TN
Ida Bray Smith, wife of Wade Palhoun Smith (I don't have her birth/death dates at this time)
Mary Elizabeth Weaver Smith and James Latham Smith lived in the area known as Vance's Tank (Bristol area), Sullivan County, TN. Mary Elizabeth was born in Bristol, Sullivan County, TN. This is where their children were born.
I would guesstimate the photo is in the late 1930s or early 1940s, because Wade died in 1944.
Courtesy of Debi Coe

minniecsmith002.jpg327 viewsThis is a photo of Minnie Catherine Smith Peaks, b.9-29-1880, d.2-9-1953, and her husband, Andrew J. Peaks, b.10-4-1875, d.8-15-1953. Both are buried at the Weaver Union Church Cemetery in Bristol, Sullivan County, TN. Minnie is the daughter of Mary Elizabeth Weaver Smith and James Latham Smith. Courtesy of Debi Coe.

OssieBelleSmith0002.jpg327 viewsAttached is a photo of my Grandmother, Ossie Belle Smith Thacker, granddaughter of Isaac and Polly Weaver. This photo was taken in the summer of 1922, Ossie would have been about 25/26 years old.
courtesy of Debi Coe.

OssieBelleSmith30001.jpg313 viewsOssie is in the back, Darcus is in the front.
Darcus Adalaide Smith Cole, b.12-21-1871, d.2-14-1963, buried at Weaver Union Church Cemetery, Bristol, Sullivan County, TN
(daughter of James Latham Smith and Mary Elizabeth Weaver Smith)
Ossie Belle Smith Thacker, b.8-1-1896, d.6-21-2004, buried at Otes Church Cemetery, Bulls Gap, Hawkins County, TN (Granddaughter of James Latham Smith and Mary Elizabeth Weaver Smith) Courtesy of Debi Coe.

OssieBelleSmith40002.jpg285 viewsThis is a photo of Ossie Belle Smith Thacker, granddaughter of Isaac and Polly Weaver, taken on the occasion of her 103rd birthday on August 1, 1999. Ossie passed away on June 21, 2004, 6 weeks shy of her 108th birthday. Courtesy of Debi Coe
Debi Coe

Stout, Myrtle353 viewsMyrtle Stout of Bristol. TN was a winner at the 1932 Whitetop Folk festival, where this photo was taken. Courtesy of Judy Russell Powers.