Alleghany County, NC People

Richardson - Alvin Henry Richardson & Catherine Louisa Surber Richardson886 viewsCourtesy of Karen Lovell

McKnight, Andrew1005 viewsHe was a veteran of Company C, 63rd Virginia Infantry, Confederate States Army. Postwar, he was a Mountain Union Baptist Minister.

bilunk1.jpg1011 viewsUnknown. Probably a member of the William Billings (1830-1896) family or the Colon Williams (1820-1897) family. Both families lived in the western part of Alleghany Co including the Prathers Creek area. Courtesy of Jason Duncan.

Blevins, James1125 viewsBack left to right: Zola, Lucy, Guy & wife Maude Paisley Blevins. front left to right: James Blevins, wife Mary Davis Blevins and son Clay. Courtesy of Bette Nelson

Busic, John912 viewsJohn Busic (1840-1919), son of John Busick and Susannah Barton and his second wife Lucinda Mullins. He was first married to Mary Ann Halsey who died in 1862 or so. He served with the Stuart Horse Artillery in the Confederate army and later was a deacon at Piney Creek Primitive Baptist Church.

Doughton, Ch800 views

doughtonjh.jpg701 views

Doughtonrobert.jpg660 viewsCongressman from Alleghany County, NC 1911-1953. Died in 1954. Lived at Laurel Springs.

doughtonrufus.jpg648 viewsSon of J. Horton Doughton and Rebecca Jones, served as Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina.

Atwood, Benjamin1298 viewsBenjamin Grover Atwood (16 May 1920-30 May 1923)Alleghany County. He was the son of Jonah Arthur and my gr gr aunt Susan "Susie" Caudill, Atwood. Courtesy of Nanalee Wrenn

MonroeCaudil&BillTodd.jpg1132 viewsMonroe Caudill and his son-in-law, Bill Todd, at Teapot Dome in Alleghany County, NC. I learned that Teapot Dome got it's name from the metal tank that a long ago owner built as a water tank. You can see the "Teapot" if you look very closely at the top of the picture, between Monroe and Bill. Courtesy of Nanalee Wrenn.

Monroe Caudill playing banjo1332 viewsJames Monroe Caudill-born 28 April 1877-died 26feb 1957 to Cynthia Ann Caudill. His father was Richard "Dick" Sidden of Wilkes County who later (Monroe was in his twenties) married Cynthia. Monroe married Myrtle Jane Rector the daughter of Abe and Martha Brackins, Rector. Ther had three children, Emma , Carpenter, Mary Ann Todd and Johnny Caudill who married my aunt Rose Emma Medley. Monroe would sit on the porch of his house at "Teapot Dome" Alleghany County, NC and play his banjo for passers by. Courtesy