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Old Remedies

Old Remedies
Remedies How It Was Made How It Was Used
Acetic Acid unknown used to burn out warts
Acetic Acid (diluted) diluted with water used as a refreshing lotion to apply to skin in cases of headache or fever
Albumen water made by dissolving the whites of two eggs in a pint of water. Useful substitute for milk in the hand feeding of infants when they are suffering from diarrhea
Alum, a powerful astringent combined with two teaspoons honey and a pint of hot water gargling for “Clergyman’s sore throat”
Alum (powdered) unknown applied to a bleeding part to check hemorrhage
Ammonia (or spirts of hartshorn) diluted solution soothing to the skin, useful to insect stings
Ammonia (sal volatile) diluted with water taken internally, useful for fainting fits or dispersing wind
Aniseed mixed with water or oil used to relieve flatulence
Apple Water made by pouring a pint of boiling water over a couple of roasted apples; let stand for three hours, strain and sweeten pleasant beverage for the sick room
Arnica 1/2 teaspoon of the tincture to half a pint of cold water lotion for relieving sprains and bruises
Arrowroot (pure starch) a teaspoonful is made into a paste with a little milk and then slowly stirred into half a pint of boiling milk and kept stirred for five minutes often used in convalescence from illness, especially in cases of diarrhea
Arsenic (“Fowler’s Solution”) unknown used in the treatment of anemia and many nervous disorders
Barley Water two ounces of pearl barley, well washed, blanched, rinsed in cold water, brining to a boil, strained, flavoured with vanilla or lemon or sugar used for diluting milk in the artificial feeding of infants
Belladonna derived from the deadly nightshade applied externally for the relief of pain, or to check the secretion of milk.
Belts should be made of suitable material, perforated for ventilation, and provided with lacing rather than elastic support the abdomen in pregnancy, corpulency and in rupture of the naval. Indigestion and constipation are at times relieved by their use
Bismuth in the form of the carbonate or sulnitrate, it is a heavy, white, insoluable powder useful to treat dyspepsia andeczema; the sulnitrate of bismuth may be snuffed up the nose to relieve a cold in the head
Black Currant Water two tablespoons black currant jam in quart of water, simmer for 1/2 hour when cold it forms a most refreshing drink
Black Draught composed of Epsom salts, senna, liquorice and cardamoms. The dose is 1 -2 fluid ounces for adults it is a useful aperent (laxative), taken before breakfast, but it is nauseous
Blanc-Mange 2 ozs cornflour, a pint of milk, 1 oz sugar, boil until reduced by 2/3, pour into mould and allow to set useful during convalescence
Bleeding rarely performed now useful in cases of heart failure with blueness
Boric Acid saturated solution of the acid in water used for washing wounds
Boric Acid a teaspoonful of the acid to a pint of warm water useful in cases of inflammation of the eye-lids
Bromide of potassium, sodium or ammonia useful treating epilepsy and insomnia
Caffein citrate white powder produced from caffein contained in tea and coffee taken to relieve sick headache
Cantharides derived from a beetle used to raise blisters or to promote the growth of hair
Capsicum (red pepper) dried and powdered may be taken to relieve flatulence
Carron oil composed of lime water and linseed oil in equal parts useful application for burns
Castor Oil given with milk constipation
Chalk ten to sixty grains every two hours diarrhea
Chamomile pour a pink of boiling water on an ounce of the dried flower heads, let stand for 15 mins., strain through muslin remedy for flatulence. In larger doses it often causes vomiting
Charcoal unknown may be used as tooth powder, but there are many powders which are better
Citrine Cintment contains nitrate of mercury used to destroy the various animal and vegetable parasites which infest the skin, and to relieve itching
Collodion made by dissolving gun cotton in ether and alchohol useful for cleaning cuts, chilbains, and corns
Condy’s Fluid added to water to make the mixture bright pink antiseptic for domestic use
Confection powdered drug made into a paste with syrup useful aperient that should be taken at bedtime
Cream of Tartar doses of twenty to sixty grains, dissolved in water acts as a cooling trink and a diuretic, but in doses of a quarter to one ounce it is an aperient, which acts within twoor three hours of being taken
Creolin prepared from coal tar valuable disinfectant, and if added to a bath of warm water till the water is just milky it is useful for relieving itchng in nettlerash and allied conditions
Creosote a yellowish liquid with a strong odor and burning taste. Cotton-wool is soaked in creosote may be placed in a hollow tooth to relieve toothache, but some dry wool should be placed over the tongue for protection as it is caustic
Dill Water dose is two to eight teaspoonfuls, according to the age of the patient useful for griping, especially in infants
Dover’s Powder contains opium. Ten grains is the common dose largely used in colds in the head and early stages of colds on the chest