The Mountain Messenger – Ashe County, North Carolina

[The Mountain Messenger was a weekly newspaper published in Jefferson, Ashe County, in the 1872-1874 period. Only one copy is known to exist, the February 6, 1873 issue. Most of this issue is consumed with reprints of items copied from other newspapers, and has little to do with Ashe County. However, some of the information is interesting, and below is a selection of what was printed in this newspaper.]
The Messenger is second to no paper in the State as an advertising medium. Has a splendid circulation, and is read by a number of families who take no other paper. Try us a short time and see if it will pay for you.
On the 31st ultimo at the bride’s father, by Rev. F. D. Crumbly, Mr. James Sapp and Miss Matilda Graybeal. All of this county.
On Phenic creek in this county on the 4th instant, after a pro tracted illness Mr. Samuel Bower.
S. Trivett
Attorney and Counselor at Law
Jefferson, N.C.
Will practice in the Courts of Ashe, Wilkes, Alleghany and Watauga Counties.
Prompt attention given to all business entrusted to him and will attend to collection of claims against the United States Government.
Good Bargains !
A Lot of Excellent New Two-Horse Wagons, for sale. Apply to Quincy F. Neal, Jefferson, N.C.
Job Work of every description such as Posters, Handbills, Pamphlets, Circulars, Tag Cards, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes, &c., &c., executed with neatness and dispatch at this office.
On and after this date the MOUNTAIN MESSENGER will be sent to all Cash (in advance) subscribers for only $1.50. Specimen copies sent on applicaiton.
Local Jottings
- Men of white complexions–millers
- The “stormers” sitll have posession of Jefferson
- Our “Floyd” will deliver a speech at Masonic Hall next Friday evening.
- The Wilkesboro mail presented a dark appearance last week. A colored brodder fotch her in.
- Public debate next Friday evening at the Masonic Hall. Don’t fail to attend.
- A subscriber brought us a load of wood last week that our devil couldn’t split.
- Jefferson is on the dark side of the subject. Not a gill of lamp oil can be purchased in town.
- The debaters adjourned last Friday evening to see after the “storm” at friend Fosters.
- The Epizootic. Seems to prevail among the people of this section.
- Commissioners Court. This honorable body met in the C.H. on Monday. No business of general interest transacted.
- St. Valentines Day. The 14th of this month is St. Valentines Day. Look our, ye young Americans! They will come.
- Quarterly Meeting. The second quarterly meeting for this circuit will be held at Worth’s Chapel the 22nd and 23rd inst.
- Change of Time. The nights for holding prayer meeting in the M.E. Church has been changed from Thursday to Tuesday night. Let no one forget the night and all try to attend promptly.
- Muddy. Our streets and roads are almost impassible at present on account of the mud. The thaw has made the earth perfectly soft and it almost appears as though there is no bottom to the mud.
- If You Wish to subscribe for a real good family journal send your name to the Messenger. Subscription only $1.50
- Second Round of Quarterly Meeting for Wytheville Dist.
- Marion Circuit, Greenwood, Feb. 8 and 9
- Grayson Circuit, Independence, Feb. 15 and 16;
- Jefferson Circuit, Worth’s Chapel, Feb. 22 and 23:
- Hillsville, March 1 and 2
- Newburn, Dublin, March 8 and 9
- Jacksonville, Jacksonville, Mar. 15 and 15;
- Wytheville, Mt. Pleasant, Mar. 22 and 23
- Wytheville Station, March 29 and 30;
- J. W. Dickey, P. E.
Serious Accident. Mrs. Thomas Calaway, residing a short distance from this place met with a serious accident last Saturday morning. She was out milking early in the morning and while milking one cow another came up and tossed Mrs. C., up in the air about six or eight feet for three times, letting her fall on the hard frozen ground each time. The falling on the ground inflicted a very serious bruise on the left hip. Dr. Gentry was immediately sent for, and after examining the wound he informs us that though the bruise is of a serious character he thinks by careful treatment, Mrs. C., will soon be able to go about again.
Garden Seeds. Mr. James Vick, the well-known flowerist of Rochester, N.Y., has placed us under many obligation for a nice assortment of garden seeds, consisting of 30 or thirty-five different kind. Mr. Vick has a world wide reputation and our citizens will do well to order their garden and flower seed from him. See his card on first page.
“Cute”. We have before us this magnificent chromo which is given to every subscriber to Our Fireside Friend. “Cute” is the cutest chromo we have seen. It represents a sweet little girl of about six summers, seated on the grass with her constant companion and playmate–a playful little dog–hugged closely in her arms. The retail price of “Cute” is $10 still it is given to every subscriber to a $3 magazine.
A Concert to be Given in the Place. Our citizens are talking of given a Grand Concert in this place shortly for the purpose of purchasing a library for the Methodist Sunday School. A meeting of the young people was to have been held last night for the purpose of proposing plans, etc., but as we go to press early in the day Wednesday we are unable to give any of the proceedings. You will hear from that quarter in our next.
Ground Hog’s Day. The old dutch sign is that if the ground-hog sees his shadow on the second day of February he will return to his winter home and remain there for forty days, during which time we will enjoy bad weather. The second was on Sunday and we suppose he saw his shadow as bad weather set the next morning before breakfast.
J. E. & N. A. Foster
Main street, Jefferson, N.C.
Dealers in
Dry Goods
Dye Stuffs
&c., &c.
Respectfully invite all persons desiring to purchase Good
At Exceedingly Low Prices
to call and examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere. We sell our goods
on Cash or Country Produce. Our motto is “Quick sales and small profits.”
NOTICE! All Persons having unsettled accounts with us will please come forward and settle the same immeidately, as these accounts must be settled and the sooner the better. Interest will be charged on all accounts after this date.
J. E. & N. A. Foster
Jan. 2, 1873, Jefferson, N.C.
Drs. J. & A. W. Wagg
Have this day dissolved co-partnership by mutual consent. All persons indebted to said firm are requested to come forward and make settlements immediately.
Dr. Jas. Wagg
Still tenders his service in the practice of his profession, and will attend to all calls night and day.
Interest will be charged on all accounts of over six months standing.