Lenoidas C. Dickerson, M.D.
LEONIDAS C. DICKERSON, M. D., has for over a score of years performed the duties of a responsible and talented physician and surgeon in Patrick County, and at the same time has become interested in business and is one of the bank presidents of that section of Virginia.
Doctor Dickerson was born on a farm in Floyd County, Virginia, April 19, 1869, son of Burdine and Nancy (Sowers) Dickerson. His father served four years in the Confederate army, was captain of Company A, Fifth [54th] Virginia Infantry, and the last months of the war he spent as a prisoner on Johnson’s Island. His vocation was farming, and for many years he had charge of the Shelton farm. He was at all times a faithful democrat, and though not a church member he was well versed in the Bible and abhored profanity of all kinds. The only office he ever accepted was the membership on the local school board. Burdine Dickerson died October 15, 1922, at the age of eighty-three years and eleven months, and his wife passed away at the age of seventy, on October 15, 1912, just ten years before her husband. They were the parents of ten children, and of the seven sons Doctor Dickerson is the oldest. Six of the sons are still living, the others being: George W., an employe of the Norfolk & Western Railroad; Wade Hampton, a farmer and blacksmith at the old homestead; Charles, an optician at Baltimore; Henry A., a secret-service man at Callaway, West Virginia; and James B., a merchant at Oakhill, West Virginia.
Leonidas C. Dickerson spent his early life on his father’s farm. His first teacher was Miss F Florence Graham. His second teacher was John Webb Simmons now a well known physician at Martinsville. He also attended schools under T. D. Sowers. After completing the work of the Floyd High School, Doctor Dickerson taught for six years, arid when not engaged with leis duties in the school room he worked on the farm and in the timber. For two years he also held the office of Deputy United States Marshal.
Doctor Dickerson began his medical education in the College of Virginia, at Richmond, and subsequently entered the University of the South, at Sewanee, Tennessee, where he was graduated January 1, 1901, with the degree of Doctor of Medicine. During his senior year he had begun practice at Meadows of Dan, in Patrick County, and remained there after graduating until September, 1901. Since that date his home has been at Stuart. In addition to his professional duties he is president of the Peoples Bank of Patrick. Doctor Dickerson is athletic and fond of all outdoor sports. In his younger years he was a proficient boxer and wrestler, played baseball and football, and he is still fond of hunting with a good bird dog and grows game chickens at his beautiful little estate in Stuart. He is a democrat and a member of the Knights of Pythias.
On October 15, 1902, he married Miss Carrie Leigh Moore, daughter of Judge J. R. Moore, of Stuart. They have a family of six children Audrey Lybrook Vivian Moore, Leonidas C., Jr., John Rucker and George Divers.