Images of Saltville, Virginia
- Matheson Alkali Works, ca. 1920
- View of Saltville, Virginia, ca. 1920
- Bird's eye view of Saltville, ca. 1920
- Hotel Saltville, ca. 1915. This is called "The New Hotel"
- Street Scene, Saltville, Virginia, ca. 1915. This is what is now known as East Main Street, taken from the approximate location of the present D. R. Henderson funeral home
- Company Store at Saltville, Virginia, ca. 1920. This structure has been torn down, and is currently occupied by a Rite-Aid Drug Store
- Home of James Lewis Early, M.D. until 1921, home of the Kent Sisters 1921-1998; and Home of Jeff and Patti Weaver since 2002. (Your New River Notes Host). This photo was taken in February 2003, while the house was under extensive repair.
- West Main Street, taken from the town's central parking area
- BB&T Branch, located at the intersection of Main Street and Palmer Avenue, downtown Saltville
- The Saltville Community Library, located on Palmer Avenue, Saltville. Photo taken February 2003. This building was built for the community in 1930 by Matheson Company.
- St. Paul's Episcopal Church, West Main Street
- Saltville Baptist Church, West Main Street
- Saltville Veterans Memorial, West Main Street
- Roberts Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), West Main Street"
- Saltville AquaCulture Center, West Main Street
- Another photograph of the Saltville AquaCulture Center
- Salt Park
- Salt Park
- Salt Park
- Salt Park
- Saltworks in 1860, Saltville, Virginia
- Train Trestle coming into Saltville from McCready Gap. The McCready Gap Cemetery is visible in the background. Courtesy of Norma McCready Owens
- Community Pool at Saltville
- Northwood High School, Saltville, Virginia
- Madam Russell Methodist Episcopal Church, Saltville, Virginia, ca. 1920
- One of the Mathieson Alkali Works Plants, Saltville, Virginia, ca. 1920
- Another of the Mathieson Alkali Works Plants, Saltville, Virginia, ca. 1920
- View of Saltville, Virginia, ca. 1920
- View of Saltville, Virginia
- United States Chemical Plant #4, Saltville, Virginia
- Saltville Presbyterian Church
- Saltville School, ca. 1910