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Statistical Study of Grayson County — 1925

The information contained in this chart has been abstracted from a book published by the Commonwealth in 1925 entitled A Statistical Study of Virginia. At this time, Virginia had 100 counties and 19 independent cities. Counties were ranked relative to other counties, and independent cities ranked against other independent cities. At first glance, this data may seem to be dry, but by careful study, one can determine much about how the residents of Grayson County lived in 1925.

Social Statistics – Health
Topic Value Rank Statewide County Average
Total Birth Rate per 1000 30.54 18 24.62 26.06
White Birth Rate per 1000 30.83 14 24.10 23.45
Infant Moraltity per 1000 births 64 70 80 78
Death rate per 1000 9.34 82 11.71 11.64
White death rate per 1000 9.36 48 9.83 9.63
Persons per physician 1,321 45 955 1,472
Persons per dentist 3,963 48 3,598 5,167
Divorces per Marriage .06 25 .14
Church membership (over age 10) 52.2% 64 59.3 54.2

Social Statistics – Education
Topic Value Rank Statewide
Total illiteracy 8.5% 82 11.2%
Negro illiteracy 26.2 23.5%
School Index 53.05 78 61.16
Percent Enrolled 91.4 5 76.0
Percent Attending 87 20 82
Length of Term (days) 154 55 156
Percent one-room schools 69.1 15 51.8
Number of Teachers 160 27 120
Average Teacher Salary 600 82 733
Per Captia Expenditure 17.43 90 25.52
Ratio Total population Number of College Students 295 77 269

Topic Value Rank Statewide
Farm Population 13,950 19 9,802
Number of Farms 2,883 17 1,937.2
Percent located on
unimproved dirt roads
82.0 10 60.1
Percent farm land planted 22.2 45 20.6
Value of Farm property $15,612,801 20 $9,994,658
Value of Farm property per captita $1,119.14 40 $1,090.87
Average Value of Farm Property $5,415 42 $5,561
Value of Land per Acre $44.15 28 $40.38
Value of Farm Implements $548,416 21 $400,212
Average Value of Implements/Acre $9.07 26 $7.68
Value of Livestock $1,069,644 18 $726,306
Average value of Livestock per farm $371.01 47 $401.58
Crop Values per Acre of Crop Land $20.00 66 $23.78
Total Crop Values $1,209,769 39 $1,394,454
Bushels of Wheat 46,242 49 81,727
Bushels of Corn 398,507 21 277,270
Bushels of White Potatoes 22,604 49 171,349
Bushels of Peanuts 0 35 106,707
Pounds of Tobacco 2,370 57 1,165,254
Number of Peach Trees 15,487 39 21,962
Number of Apple Trees 109,921 23 80,108
Value of Eggs & Chickens 237,677 39 234,562
Value of Dairy Products 235,031 21 162,449
Number of Milk Cows 6,800 14 3,930
Number of Other Cattle 13,500 8 4,430
Number of Swine 4,919 46 5,822
Value of Farm Products Sold Through Cooperative Marketing $48,608 42 $211,236
Value of Farm Products Purchased Through Cooperatives $2,760 59 $12,949
Percentage of Farm Tenancy 12.8 72 21.6
Percentage of Farms Mortgaged 19.7 43 19.5
Farms per Radio 206 15 124
Number of Tractors 15 91 67

Taxation and Wealth
Topic Value Rank Statewide
Value of all Taxable Property $3,736,618 80 $9,354,528
Per Capita Assessed Value $192.61 97 $484.70
Number of Income Tax Returns 78 65 716
Per Capita Buying Power N/A N/A $308
Per Capita Banking Resources $112 61 N/A
Total County Debt $81,866.66 62 $326,734.53
Per Capita Total Debt $4.13 72 $14.63