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McKenzie to Anderson and Clements, 1837

Courtesy of Judy Alley

Deed Book 7, page 478
Grayson Co Va

This indenture made and entered into this 1st day of November 1837 between James Anderson, attorney in fact for Greenberry G. McKenzie of the County of Grayson and State of Virginia of the one part and Orville Anderson and Franklin Clements of the same place of the other part: Whereas the said James Anderson was constituted and appointed by the said G. G. McKenzie his attorney in fact, by letter of attorney bearing date on the 22nd day of February 1830 to sell and convey two certain tracts or parcels of land lying and being in the said County of Grayson on the waters of Crooked Creek adjoining the lands of Presley Jennings, William Evan Horton and apply the proceeds of the sale of said lands to the following uses and purposes to wit: for the benefit of David Paine, Evan Worrell and others who were securities for the said Greenberry G. McKenzie for the Sheriff of Grayson County for the years 1808-1809 and in satisfaction of certain sums of money paid by them as securities as aforesaid on two or three judgments obtained against the said G. G. McKenzie in the General Court for arrearages of money due from him to the Commonwealth of Virginia in his official capacity; which will more fully appear by reference to the said letter of attorney which is duly recorded in the clerk’s office of Grayson County Court. And the said James Anderson having bargained and sold the said tracts of land to the said Orville Anderson and Franklin Clements for the sum of five hundred dollars which ..?.. the said securities have agreed to take in full satisfaction of the several sums by them respectively paid as securities for the said G. G. McKenzie asforesaid this indenture therefore witnesseth that the said James Anderson for and in consideration of promises and also for the further consideration of the said sum of five hundred dollars lawful money of Virginia to him in hand paid by the said Orville Anderson and Franklin Clements before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath given, granted, bargained and sold and by these presents doth give grant bargain sale alien convey and confirm unto the said Orville Anderson and Franklin Clements their heirs and assigns forever the two tracts or parcels of land herein before mentioned lying and being in the said county of Grayson on the waters of Crooked Creek the one containing five hundred and fifty three acres by survey and bounded as follows to wit: …… beginning at a red oak, corner to Flower Swift’s land and with his line… a black oak…to a white oak…to the beginning with its appentenances, it being a certain tract or parcel of land by this commonwealth granted unto Joseph Mee by patent bearing date on the 5th day of December 1798 and decreed by the County Court of Grayson to Thomas Harbert at the August term of said court 1802 and by the said Harbert conveyed to the said G. G. McKenzie deed bearing date on the 19th day of February 1808. the other tract containing seventy four acres more or less and bounded as follows to wit: ………

to the beginning with its appentenances it being the same tract of land conveyed by Joseph Hill to the said G. G. McKenzie by deed of conveyance bearing date on the 23rd day of October 1809 and commonly called and known by the name of the “J. Hill Place” to have and to hold the two tracts or parcels of land aforesaid with the appentenances thereto belonging to them the said Orville Anderson and Franklin Clements their heirs and assigns to the only proper use and behalf of the said Orville Anderson and Franklin Clements their heirs and assigns forever. and the said James Anderson attorney in fact for the said Greenberry G. McKenzie as aforesaid for himself his heirs executors and administrators doth hereby convenant and agree to and with the said Orville Anderson and Franklin Clements their heirs and assigns that the said James Anderson and his heirs the two tracts or parcels of land aforesaid with their appentenances unto them the said Orville Anderson and Franklin Clements their heirs and assigns against him the said James Anderson and his heirs and against the said G. G. McKenzie and his heirs and against all person whomsoever shall and will by these presents forever warrant and defended so far as the title to said lands invested in him by virtue of the power of attorney aforesaid. in testimony whereof the said James Anderson attorney in fact for the said G. G. McKenzie as aforesaid hath hereinto subscribed his name and affixed his seal the day and year first herein written.

James Anderson {seal} attorney in fact for G. G. McKenzie

Deed Book 7, page 478-479
Grayson County Virginia

The said James Anderson shall or may lawfully do in or about the premises in witness whereof I the said Greenberry G. McKenzie have here unto set my hand and seal this 22nd day of February a.d. 1830.

signed, sealed and acknowledged in presence of:
William Leonard
Greenberry G…. Leonard
James Waugh Jr

Greenberry G. McKenzie {seal}
Grayson County Court
June term 1837

This letter of attorney from Greenberry G. McKenzie to James Anderson was fully proven in open court by the oaths of William Leonard and James Waugh Jr subscribing witnesses hereto and ordered to be recorded.

Orville Anderson DC