Grayson County, Virginia Court Order Book — 1812
© 1998, Jeffrey C. Weaver, Arlington, Virginia.
January Call Court, 1812
At a court held at Grayson Courthouse on Wednesday the 22d day of January 1812, for the examination of Chesly Ward who was charged with on the 20th day of November 1808 taken, stolen and carried away 50 lbs of barr iron, the property of Joseph Jackson in this county.
Present: Joshua Hanks, James Anderson, William Hail, Samuel Amburn and John A. Grigg} Gen. Justices
The said Chesly Ward appeared in discharge of his recognizance and upon examination denied the charge, whereupon several witnesses come, sworn, and examined as well as the Commonwealth as the said Chesley Ward and the Court on hearing the same are of oppinion that the said Chesly Ward is guilty of the charge aforesaid and that he ought to be held for the same in the County Court. It is therefore ordered that he bound himself in the sum of one hundred dollars with two sufficient securities in the sum of fifty dollars each conditioned for his appearance at the next quarterly court to be held in for this county to answer the same, and that he remain in custody of the sheriff untill comply with this order.
And the court arose.
J. Hanks
January 1812
At a court begun and held in and for the County of Grayson on Tuesday the 28th day of January, 1812.
Present: John Robinson, Joshua Hanks, James Anderson, & William Ballard} Gen. Justices
A deed from Jesse Wells and Arey his wife to Griggs Hamden was acknowledged in court by the said Jesse and the said Arey, being properly examined consented thereto and the same is ordered to be recorded.
A deed from Levi Durnell and Anne his wife to Jesse Wells was acknowledged in court by the said Levi and Anne and ordered to be recorded, the said Anne having been first privately examined as the law directs.
Peter Shaver and Sarah Po who were bound in recognizance for their appearance at this court and to keep the peace and be of good behaviour appeared in discharge of the same and upon hearing the witnesses the court are of the opinion that the said Peter Saver bind himself in the sum of fifty dollars with two securities in the sum twenty-five dollars and Sarah Po in the sum of ten dollars with two securties in the sum of five dollars each with condition that they keep thei peace and be of good behaviour during the term of one year and that they remain in custody of the sheriff untill they comply with the order and that they pay the cost of this prosecution.
Sarah Po, Travist Philips and William Evans came into court and acknowledged themselves indebted to the Commonwealth of Virginia that is to say the said Sarah Po the sum of ten dollars and the said Travist Philips and William Evans in the sum of five dollars each to be levied of their respective lands, and tenaments, goods and chattels to the use of the Commonwealth to be void on condition that the said Sarah Po keep the peace towards all the commonwealth’s citizens and be of good behaviour during the term of one year.
Peter Shiver, John K. Cunningham and John Trimble came into court acknowledged themselve indebted to the Commonweatlh of Virginia that is to say the said Peter Shiver the sum of fifty dollars and the said John K. Cunningham and John Trimbel in the sum of twenty-five dollars each to be levied of their respective lands, and tenaments, goods and chattels to the use of the Commonwealth to be void on condition that the said Peter Shiver keep the peace towards all the commonwealth’s citizens and be of good behaviour during the term of one year.
Simms Carrico who was bound in recognizance for his appearance at this court and to keep the peace towards all the commonwealth’s citizens and especially toward George Keith, schoolmaster and his pupils appeared in discharge of the same, and the court by consent of the parties doth order that the said Simms Carrico be bound himself in the sum of one hundred dollars with two securities in the sum of fifty dollars each, conditioned for the good behaviour of the said Simms Carrico and that he keep the peace toward all the Commonwealth’s citizens and more especially towards George Keith and his pupils during one year, and that he pay the costs of this prosecution.
Simms Carrico, William Carrico, and Thomas Patton came into court and acknowledged themselves indebted to the Commonwealth of Virginia that is to say the said Simms Carrico in the sum of one hundred dollars and the said William Carrico and Thomas Patton in the sum of fifty dollars each to be levied of their respective lands and tenaments, goods and chattels to the use of the Commonwealth to be void on condition that the said Simms Carrico be of good behaviour and keep the peace towards all the Commonwealth’s citizens and more especially towards George Keith and his pupils during one year.
On the motion of Joseph Doughton, it is ordered that David Cox, William Terrell, John Robinson and Isaiah Austin or any three of them after being sworn for that purpose view the grounds proposed for a public road from the North Carolina line near Alexander Cox’s to the ford of Crab Creek and make report thereof to court.
George Keith is appointed constable in the upper district, whereupon he entered into bond with William Carrico and Thomas Patton his securities and qualified according to law.
Ordered the court be adjourned till court in course.
J. Robinson
February 1812
At a court begun and held for the county of Grayson on Tuesday the 25th day of February 1812
Present: Matthew Dickey, Joshua Hanks, William Vaughan, Samuel McClure, William Hail, & William Stamper} Gen. Justices
A deed from Benjamin Sexton and Nancy his wife to William Bourn was acknowledged in court by the said Benjamin and Nancy and Nancy and ordered to be recorded; the said Nancy having been first privately examined as the law directs.
A deed from Jesse Reeves, William Reeves, Bartholomew Austin and Ann his wife, Andrew Cox and Prudence his wife, Zachariah Osborne and Charity his wife, Joseph Doughton and Polly his wife, Samuel Phipps and Elizabeth his wife, David Cox and Lucy his wife and Susannah Toliver to John Reeves was proven in Court by three subscribing witnesses and ordered to be recorded.
A deed from Lazarus Denny and wife to Daniel Hannigar was acknowledged in court by the said Lazarus Denny and ordered to be recorded.
An inventory and appraisment of the personal estate of George Reeves, sen, dec’d was returned to Court and ordered to be recorded.
On the petition of William Stamper and others, it is ordered that Joshua Cox, John Cox, Stephen Blevins, and Moses Stamper, after being sworn for that purpose view the nearest and best way for public road from Nathan Ward’s by Joshua Coxes, the mouth of Fox Creek, the mouth of Wilson Creek and Robert Parsons to the North Carolina line and report to the court the conveniences and inconveniences resulting to the public and individuals if the same be opened.
A deed from James Stamper to William Stamper was acknowledged in court by the said James and ordered to be recorded.
On motion of William Stamper, it is ordered that Isaac Spencer, Gordon Perkins, Robert Stitt, and James Stamper, or any three of them, after being sworn for that purpose view the nearest and best way for a public road from William Herbert’s mill across the ridge to the North Carolina line near William Stamper and make report thereof to court.
For reasons appearing to the court, it is ordered that Jonathan Richardson and Anthony Green be extempted from payment of County levy & poor tax.
Ballard & Coffin to Delphy Caldwell, appeal, dismissioned by the plantiff Ballard in court.
A deed from Robert Nuckolls to Charles Nuckolls was proven in court by John Nuckolls and Abner Jones subscribing witnesses & ordered to be recorded.
Ordered that Samuel Parker be appointed overseer of the road in place of Isaac Willets resigned and that he with the usual hands keep the same in repair accordingly.
A deed from Hugh Currin to Amos Ballard was proven in Court by the subscribing witnesses and ordered to be recorded.
Ordered that William Hail, and his tythes, Martin Dickenson and his tythes, William H. Boyer and his tythes, John Boyer, Stephen Clark and Jacob Kanoy be allotted to work on the road of which Dudley Hail is overseer.
Ordered that Enoch Cox be appointed overseer of the road in place of Daniel Davis resigned and that he with the usual hands keep the same in repair accordingly.
John A. Grigg, Commissioner of Revenue for this county entered into bond with security and qualified according to law.
Matthew Dickey who was appointed sheriff of this county by commission bearing date the 14th day of September last past appeared in Court and entered into bond with John Robinson, Joshua Hanks, Abner Jones and George Currin his securities and qualified according to law.
Matthew Dickey, Sheriff, chose Abraham Noblett and Abner Jones his deputies during pleasure, whereupon they qualified according to law.
Ordered that William Byrd, Jr. be appointed constable in the upper district whereupon he entered into bond with security and qualified according to law.
Ordered that Court be Adjourned till Court in Course.
John Fielder
At a court begun and held for the county of Grayson on Tuesday the 24th day of March 1812.
Present: Joshua Hanks, William Hail, John Fielder, & Samuel Amburn} Justices
A grand jury to wit: Joshua Stoneman, foreman, Randolph Colliers, John K. Cunningham, John Isom, Jr., Elisha Bedaul, Arthur Parker, Isaac Noblett, William Stone, Obadiah Leonard, Jr., Barney Hufman, Samuel Beason, Samuel Moody, John Green, John Williams, William Ferrell, David Cox, John Reeves, William Davis, Robert Warden and Abner Hunt, who being sworn returned to consider their presentments.
A deed from Andrew Wells to John Mooney was proven in court by Zadock Biggs and Benjamin Potter subscribing witnesses.
Matthew Dickey, sheriff of this county and entered his motion to the sufficiency of the jail of this county.
The persons appointed to view the nearest and best way for a waggon road from Richard Coles to the Wythe line towards Speedwell Ironworks made report in the following words, to wit: “This day James Sage, Sen. Timothy Roward, Sen. And Jacob Speaker has viewed the road according to the within order and we do report in our opinions that there may be a good waggon road got from Richard Cole’s towards Speedwell Ironworks to the Wythe line following the main Elk Creek road to Timothy Rowarks, Jr. and leaving the road there and going through his field, we do not find any inconvenices by a general benefit .” Whereupon it is considered by the court that the road applied for will be convienent. It is therefore ordered that the same be established and that William Hail be appointed overseer for opening the same and that Dennis Fielder, William Byrd, Dudley Hail, David Cornett, Richard Hall, Elisha Bedwell, and William Long, oversee and their hands assist in clearing out the same.
On motion of Matthew Dickey, sheriff, Robert Nuckolls is appointed justice, whereupon he qualified according to law.
A deed from Daniel Coley and Elizabeth his wife to Martin Dickenson was proven in court by John Trimble, James Anderson & Robert Nuckolls subscribing witnesses thereto, and ordered to be recorded and Elizabeth being privately examined as the law directs, consented thereto.
Archibald Mosman, Plantiff
Charles Anthony, Defendant
On motion of the defendant by his attorney notice of whcih motion was approved in court, a commission is attended him to examine and taken the deposition of James Jameson a witness in this cause residing in the State of North Carolina, directed to Joseph Doughton, William Reeves, William Hash, John Cox and Charles Toliver, Gentlemen Justices of Ashe County, N. Carolina any three of whom to ask the same defendant giving the plantiff legal notice of executing the same.
Eli Durnell, James Henson and Robert Bobbitt who was bound in a recognizance for their appearance at this court to answer a breach of the peace, appearance in discharge of the same, and further consideration thereof is deferred untill tomorrow.
The Grand Jury returned into Court and made presentments in the following words, to wit: “We present James Henson and Robert Bobbett of this county laborers for being accessory to an assault on the body of William Chance of this county ion the 27th of Feburary last, by information of William Chance and Thomas Chance who came voluntarily before us.
Also present John Bobbett of this county, laborer for committing an assault and battery on the body of Griffith Thomas labourer on the day of last January court by information of John Isom, Jr., two of our own body, farmers.
Also do present Ward’s Gap road the same being out of repair at Poplar Camp Creek being obstructed by D. P….. Furnace by information of Abner Hunt and John Green two of our own body.
Also do present Timothy Dalton, constable and Thomas Wilkenson, labourer both of this county, for breaking the peace by fighting together at this place on the day of last December court by information of Robert Warden and Randolph Collins two of our own body.
An indictment against Eli Durnell for (illegible) a true bill.
An indictment against Chesley Ward for larceny (illegible) not a true bill
Ordered that process paper against the persons presented and indicted to appear and answer the same.
On the motion of William Chalfant against Greenberry G. McKenzie late sheriff and John Welch, Esau Worrell, William Bobbitt, Sen. And William Evans his securities. This day came the plantiff by his attorney and it appearing by the oath of Abraham Noblett that the defendants had legal notice of this motion, the same is continuted untill tomorrow.
The Grand Jury having returned a Bill of Indictment against Chesly Ward, for larceny, not a true Bill, he is therefore discharged from his recognizance, entered into for his appearance at this court to answer the same.
Present John Robinson, Gent.
Ordered that court be adjourned till tommorrow 9 o’clock.
John Robinson
Wednesday the 25th, Court met according to adjournment.
Present, John Robinson, William Ballard, Joseph Fields, & Joseph Elliott} Gent. Justices.
John K. Cunningham, plantiff
George Keith, Defendant, attachment, dismissed by the plantiff.
A bill of injunction was exhibited in Court by Archibald Mosman to stay all further proceedings at law on a judgment obtained against him in this court by John Cox, and on hearing the same it is granted whereupon he entered into bond with security and acknowledged the same accordingly.
Archibald Mosman v. James Clark, Case
James Clark v. Archibald Mosman, Debt, these cases are dismissed in court by the plantiffs.
Abner Jones, for benefit of John A. Griff, plantiff
George Keith, defendant in debt
Thomas Patton enters special bail for the defendant and surrenders him in Court, and Robert Nuckolls, Archibald Moseman, John Trimble, John Nuckolls, and Robert Porter enteres Special bail for the defendant.
Upon consideration of the case of Eli Durnell, James Henson and Robert Bobbett in recognizance continued until to day. The court on hearing the testimony and arguments of counsel on behalf of the Commonwealth and the defendants, are of oppinion and doth order that the said Eli Durnell, James Henson and Robert Bobbett entere into a recognizance each in the sum of twenty dollars with two securities each in the sum of ten dollars, conditioned that they be of good behaviour and keep the peace towards all the Commonwealth’s citizens for the term of six months and pay the costs of this prosecution.
Timothy Dalton, plantiff
Willoughby Blackard, Defendant in debt.
The sheriff having returned the writ not found. On motion of the plantiff by his attorney a judicial attachment is awarded.
James Henson, John Bobbett and John Trimble came into Court and acknowledged themselves in debted to James Barbour, Esq., Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia viz, the said James Henson in the sum of Twenty dollars and the said John Bobbett and John Trimble in the sum of ten dollars each to be levied of their respective lands and tenaments, goods and chattels but to be void on condition that said James Henson be of good behaviour and keep the peace toward all the Commonwealth’s citizens during six months.
Eli Durnell, Levi Durnell, and George Keith came into Court and acknowledged themselves in debted to James Barbour, Esq., Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia viz, the said Eli Durnell in the sum of Twenty dollars and the said Levi Durnell and George Keith in the sum of ten dollars each to be levied of their respective lands and tenaments, goods and chattels but to be void on condition that said Eli Durnell be of good behaviour and keep the peace toward all the Commonwealth’s citizens during six months.
Robert Bobbett, Esau Worrell and Jonathan Bentley came into Court and acknowledged themselves in debted to James Barbour, Esq., Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia viz, the said Robert Bobbett in the sum of Twenty dollars and the said Esau Worrell and Jonathan Bentley in the sum of ten dollars each to be levied of their respective lands and tenaments, goods and chattels but to be void on condition that said Robert Bobbett be of good behaviour and keep the peace toward all the Commonwealth’s citizens during six months.
The Commonwealth v. Sally Vincent, Rule
The Commonwealth v. Wm. Kelly – Indictment for assault
The Commonwealth v. Lazarus Denny, information. The prosecution for the commonwealth with leave of the court dismisses this suit.
Joseph Fields, Plantiff
Solomon Landreth, defendant
On motion of the defendant by his attorney and for reasons appearing to the court this case is continued at this cost.
Thomas Nixon v. Joshua Sumner, in debt, the defendant by his attorney pleaded payment and offset and the judgment entered in the Clerks’ office is set aside and case continued till next court.
Abraham Noblett, commissioned Captain, Joseph South, and Timothy Dalton, lieutenants in the militia of the 78th Regiment came into court and qualified to their commissions according to law.
On the motion of Jane Reeves, Admr. of George Reeves, Jr., Dec’d by her attorney for an injunction to stay the execution of a judgment assessed against the said Jane Reeves, Adm. By Solomon Landreth. On hearing this same the court are of oppinon that the same ought not to be granted.
John Pickrell v. John A. Grigg & Marin Dickerson in debt. The defendants confess judgement according to security and costs and the plantiff directs a grant of one hundred and fifty dollars.
John K. Cunningham, plantiff
John Wileman, defendant
David Reece? Came into court and undertook for the defendant that he should pay to satisfy the judgement in this court in case he is cast or render his body in prison in execution for the same on that he the David Reece? will do it for him.
Arthur Parker came into court and qualified to the commission of lieutenant of the militia according to law.
Abner Jones for the benefit of John A. Grigg, Plantiff
Thomas Baldwin, defendant, in debt
This suit is dismissed by consent of the parties in court, the defendant (illegible) to pay the cost.
Ephraim Overman, plantiff
Abraham Stanley, Libin Coffin, A….. Stanley of Zachariah Stanley, dec’d, Aaron Woods, and Elizabeth his wife, Robert Robinson and Beulah his wife, John Stanley, John Smith and Susannah his wife, Joshua Jones & Abigail his wife and Zachariah Stanley, Jr., heirs of Zach. Stanley, dec’d., defendants
The defendants, Aaron Woods and Elizabeth his wife, Robert Robinson and Bulah his wife, John Stanley, John Smith and Susannah his wife, Joshua Jones and Abigail his wife and Zachariah Stanley of not having entered their appearance according to the act of Assemly and the Rules of this court and it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that they are not inhabitants of this commonwealth, on motion of the plantiff by his attorney, it is ordered that they appear on the fourth Tuesday in July next and enter their appearance and answer the plantiff’s bill and give security for performing the decree of the court and that a copy of this order be inserted in some public newspaper printed in the Commonwealth for two months successively and posted at the front door of Grayson Courthouse.
John Blevins, assee. Of Robert Shipp, plantiff
Aaron Simcock, defendant in debt
The defendant appeared in court and confessed judgment for the sum of one hundred dollars with interest from the 25th day of December one thousand eight hundred and ten and costs.
Absent John Robinson, Present Joshua Hanks, Gent.
Ordered that court be adjourned till tomorrow 9 o’clock
J. Hanks
Wednesday the 28th Court met according to adjournment
Present: Joshua Hanks, George Currin, James Anderson & John A. Grigg} Gen. Justices
The executors names in the last will and testament of Jacob Coulson dec’d heretofore recorded, having refused the excutorship and no person being willing to take on administration on the decedant’s estate, it is ordered that the sheriff of this county take into his hands the estate and dispose thereof according to law, upon (illegible) and that Samuel Hague, Nimrod Newman, and James Farmer, after being sworn for that purpose appraise the said estate and that the said sheriff return the appraisment and an account thereof to court.
The Commonwealth v. Robert Warden, information for an assault. The defendant appeared in court relinquished the right to a new trial gurantteed at last October court. Whereupon it is considered by the court that the defendant forfeit and pay the fine then by the jurors assessed and the cost. (Illegible)
Ordered that court adjourn till court in course.
J. Hanks
April 1812
At a court begun and held for the County of Grayson on Tuesday the 28th day of April 1812
Present: Joshua Hanks, John Fielder, William Hail & Jonathan Thomas}Gent. Justices
A deed from Samuel McClure and Sarah his wife to James Hill was proven in court by James McClure and John Edwards subscribing witnesses.
A deed from Abner Hunt to Stephen Bourn was acknowledged in Court by the said Abner and ordered to be recorded.
A deed from Minitree Jones, Matthew Dickey & George Curren, commissioners to Levi Durnell was acknowledged in Court by George Curren and ordered to be recorded.
A deed from Martin Dickinson to John Cornett was acknowledged in Court by the said Martin & ordered recorded.
A deed from the same to William Bedwell was acknowledged in court by the said Martin and ordered to be recorded.
A deed from John Wyatt to William Wyatt was acknowledged in Court by the said John and ordered to be recorded.
A deed from John Hickman to William Hickman was acknowledged in court by the said John and ordered to be recorded.
A deed from Andrew Paulsson to George Harper being heretofore proven in part was fully proven by Jonathan Thomas and William Bonham subscribing witnesses and ordered to be recorded.
A deed from Jacob Surgener to Jonathan Thomas was proven in Court by Jacob Alderman and John Fields subscribing witnesses
A deed from John Robinson to Isaac Thomas was proven in Court by Jacob Alderman a subscribing witness.
A deed from David Payne to Edward Payne was proven in court by them subscribing witnesses and ordered to be recorded.
A deed from the same to the same was acknowledged in court by the same and ordered to be recorded.
A deed from Jonathan Thomas to Owen Thomas was acknowledge in Court by the said Jonathan and ordered to be recorded.
A deed from John Spencer to Isaac Spencer was fully proven by the subscribing witnesses and ordered to be recorded.
A deed from the Joseph Sepncer to the same was fully proven & ordered to be recorded.
A deed from William Stone to Micajah Stone was fully proven by the subscribing witnesses and ordered to be recorded.
A deed from Elijah Farmer to Francis Hail was fully proven by the subscribing witnesses and ordered to be recorded.
A deed from Thomas Jessop to John Smith being heretofore proven in part was fully proven by Jonathan Curry and ordered to be recorded.
A deed from Samuel McClure to James Hill being past proven was fully proven & ordered to be recorded.
A deed from Peter Anderson and Thomas Anderson to William Thomas was fully proven in court by the subscribing witnesses & ordered to be recorded.
Solomon Landreth, plantiff
Jane Reeves and Enoch Osborne, defendants
Notice proven in court by the oath of Abraham Noblett and motion continued until tomorrow.
James Graham, plantiff
Libni Coffin, Matthew Dillard & Jesse Brown, defendants
Notice proven in Court by the oath of Abraham Noblett and matter continued until tomorrow
A deed from John Simcock to John Martin was fully proven in Court and ordered to be recorded.
A deed from Tavner Hays to James Ballard was fully proven in Court and ordered to be recorded.
Timothy Dalton, plantiff
John Hawks and Jabez Johnson, Defendants
Notice proven in court by the oath of Abraham Noblett and motion continued until tomorrow.
Ordered that court be adjouned till tomorrow 10 o’clock.
J. Hanks
Wednesday the 29th Court met according to adjournment.
Present Joshua Hanks, Shadrack Greer, Jonathan Thomas & James Anderson} Gent. Justices
A deed from John Walling and Joseph Walling to Shadrack Greer being heretofore proven in part was further proven by Noah Greer a witness.
Ordered that the sheriff summon the justices to attend at next court for the purpose of laying the county levy.
For reasons appearing to the court it is ordered that John Hesster be exempted from paying of the county levy and poor tax in future.
James Graham, plantiff
Lebni Coffin, Matthew Dillard & Jesse Brown, defendants
Notice being proven yesterday, the defendants being called and not appearing judgment is granted the plantiff against the defendants for the sum of one hundred and nineteen dollars 88 cents the penalty of the bond to be discharged wtih the payment of fifty nine dollars and forty-four cents with interest thereon from the first day of February one thousand eight hundred and twelve till paid and costs and execution awarded.
Solomon Landreth, plantiff
Jane Reeves and Enoch Osborne, defendants
Notice being proven yesterday. Judgement is granted the plantiff against the defendants for the sum of one hundred and eighty-three dollars and ninety cents the penaly of the bond to the discharged with the payment of ninety-one dollars and ninety-four cents with interest thereon from the fifteenth day of February one thousand eight hundred and twelve and interest till paid and costs and execution awarded.
An injunction was exhibited in court by John Hanks to stay proceedings upon an execution issued from this court by Timothy Dalton against him and on hearing the same it is granted upon the said John Hawks entering into bond with Abraham Hawks his security in the penalty of thirty-four dollars.
For reasons appearing to the Court, it is ordered that John Saunder be exempted from paying County levy and poor tax in future.
Ordered that Court be adjourned till court in course.
Shadrack Greer
May 1812
At a court held at Grayson Courthouse the 18th day of May, 1812 for the examination of Jesse Taylor, Sen., charged with having on the 2d day of July 1811 feloneously stolen, taken and carried away one two year old heifer, one yearling steer and (illegible) two year old Barrow, the property of Nathaniel Frisbee in Grayson County.
Present John Robinson, George Currin, William Hail, John A. Grigg, John Fielder, Joshua Hanks, and William Ballard} Gent. Justices
The said Jesse Taylor, Sen. Being brought to the barr in custody of the jailor & several witnesses and sworn and examined as well on behalf of the Commonwealth, as the prisoner. On hearing the same the court are of opinion that the evidence is not sufficient to convict the prisoner of the charge aforesaid, he is therefore acquitted and discharged out of custody.
And the Court Arose
J. Robinson
May 1812
At a court held at Grayson Courthouse the 18th day of May 1812 for the examination of Jesse Taylor, Jr. charged with haivng on the 2nd day of July 1811 felnoeously stolen, taken and carried away one two year old heifter, one yearling steer and seven two year old barrows the property of Nathaniel Frisbee in Grayson County.
Present John Robinson, John Blair, George Currein, Joshua Hanks, and William Ballard} Gent. Justices
The said Jesse Taylor, Jr. Being brought to the barr in custody of the jailor & several witnesses and sworn and examined as well on behalf of the Commonwealth, as the prisoner. On hearing the same the court are of opinion that the evidence is not sufficient to convict the prisoner of the charge aforesaid, he is therefore acquitted and discharged out of custody.
And the Court Arose
J. Robinson
May 1812
At a court begun and held for the couny of Grayson on Tuesday the 26th day of May 1812.
Present: John Robinson, Johsua Hanks, Shadrack Greer, Joseph Fields, William Hail} Gent. Justices
Thomas Houghey, foreman, Obadiah Leonard, Robert Warden, Jonathan Osborn, John Pool, Thomas Patton, Samuel Byrd, Jacob Noblett, Aaron Simcock, Arthur Parker, Jesse Newman, Anthony Wheeler, Bennett Rector, George Smith, Joshua Stoneman, Benjamin Cooley, Randolph Collins, Abner Lundy and John Trimble returned as Grand Jury were sworn and retired to considered their presentments.
Samuel Lundy, plantiff
Anthony Ballard, defendant, in debt
Charles Anthony came into court and undertook for the defendant in these suits that he shall pay and satisfy the judgment of the court in case he is cast or render his body to prison in execution of the same on that he said Charles Anthony will for him and therefore (illegible) his place in writing and the judgment entered in the office as set aside and the case continued till next court.
A deed from Richard Hazlewood to Gee & Snow was proven in Court by John Franklin one of the subscribing witnesses.
A deed from Jeremiah Wilson and Elizabeth his wife to Samuel Casey, Jr., was acknoweledged in court by the said Jeremiah and ordered to be recorded.
A deed from John Smith to Jacob Alderman was acknowledged in court by the said John and ordered to be recorded.
A deed from John Williams to Newman Prator was proven in Court by Zachariah Stanley and Silas Hiatt subscribing witnesses.
Present Greenberry G. McKenzie, George Currin, Samuel McClure, John Fielder, William Cloud, John A. Grigg, Samuel Amburn, James Anderson, William Vaughan, Mitchell Thompson, William Ballard, William Bobbett} Gent. Justices
A list of insolvent tythes for the year 1811 was exhibited in court, examined and prven by the oath of Abner Jones and the same if allowed.
The Commonwealth, plantiff
William Cloud, defendant, upon a presentment against the defendant as surveyor of road
By consent this cause came to be heard and the court after hearing the testimony and the Defendant in his defense are of opinion that the defendant ought to be acquited.
A deed from Joshua Robinson to Erwin Montgomery was proven in court by George Smith and Jesse Hiatt subscribing witnesses.
On the motion of William Bobbett, sen. Against Philip Gaines, This day came the plantiff and his attorney and it appearing by the oath of Martin Dickenson in Court that the defendant had legal notice of this motion he was solemnly called but came not. Therefore it is considered by the court that the plantiff recover against the defendant two hundred and four dollars ninety-one cents the sum paid by the plantiff to Martin Dickenson on an execution issued from this court by him against the plantiff and the defendant on a bond given by the defendant with the plantiff as security to stay execution of a judgment against the defendant by Andrew & Samuel Fulton with interest thereon from the Eleventh day of April 1812 till paid and that the plantiff recover against the defendant his costs by him on this behalf expended.
John Johnson, plantiff
David Colliam, defendant, in debt
This day came the parties by their attorneis and the defendant confessed judgment for the sum of Seventy Dollars with interest thereupon from the first day of August 1811 till paid and costs and the plantiff agree to stay execution till the first day of January next.
Orderd that the following persons be recommended to the Executive as fit persons commissioned militia officers in the 78th Regiment viz, Jabez Johnson, Captain in the 1st Battalion in place of Jeremiah Cloud, removed, Menoch Stone, lieutenant in the same company in place of Jabez Johnson promoted, and Joseph Cloud ensign in place of John O’Neal removed, George Smith, Captain in place of John Dalton who refuses to qualify, Caleb Jackson lieutenant in place of Geo. Smith promoted. John Collins Ensign in Capt. Anderson’s company of riflemen in 1st battalion in place of Jesse Williams, removed, and Richard Stone cornet, in the troop of cavalry in place of Menoch Stone.
The last will and testament of Daniel Cooley dec’d was exhibited in court and proven by the oaths of John Cooley and Joseph Cooley subscribing witnesses and ordered to be recorded and George Curren and James Anderson executor therein named entered into bond with security and qualified according to law, whereupon a certificate is granted them in form.
Ordered that Matthew Dickey, Daniel Keith and John Lindenberger be appointed to appraise the personal estate of Daniel Cooley, dec’d and make report there of to court.
An account of all expenses incurred by the Court under the authority of (illegible) law chargable to the county stating thereon the sums due to whom due and all accounts owing to said county viz:
William Fields, having killed one old wolf | 2 |
William Anderson, 1 do | 2 |
Isaac Greer, 5 do | 5 |
same, 7 do | 7 |
William Phipps 1 old do | 2 |
Robert Nuckolls, keeping jail from 11th April 1811 up to this day | 27 |
same for candles, & keeping house | 2 |
Joseph Ballard killing 6 young wolves | 6 |
William Jennings 1 old do | 2 |
Samuel Amburn for 2 iron axes | 1 |
William ….ton, waggon to repair public road | 2.50 |
Obadiah Leonard & Jesse Williams, clearing C.H. yard | 6.50 |
John Bobbett for work on the new jail | 3.45 |
Matthew Dickey services as Com. Up to this time since 1798 | 50 |
Minitree Jones, same | 45 |
George Currin, same | 10 |
On allowance to commissioners to alter the plan of C.H. made formerly and to be paid out of this levy | 85 |
Matthew Dickey, Sheriff, public services | 25 |
The Clerk, do | 25 |
John Kelly, po. For. Com. With 1 year | 70 |
To the commissioners for the purpose of completing C.H. supporting this sum … | 312 |
Total | 690.45 |
Ordered that eighty-seven and half cents be the county proportion for the present year and that the sheriff collect the same from each tythe accordingly.
The Grand Jury returned into court and made presentments in the following words, to wit: “We the Grand Jury impanneled for the County of Grayson do present John Dalton of this county, farmer, for swearing three profane oaths on the 20th day of April last past by information of Robert Warden and Aaron Simcock two of our own body.
An indictment against Daniel Davis for an assault
An indictment against Vincent Maynor for an assault
An indictment against Esau Worrell for an assault, endorsed true bills
Ordered that process issue in the said presentments and indictments.
William Phipps, Annuel Edwards and John Isom, Jr. were summoned to attend this court as Grand Jurors were solemnly called but came not, therefore it is considered by the court that their said contempt they make them fines with his Excellency James Barbour, Governor of the Commonwealth for the time being by the payment of eight dollars each to the use of the commonwealth unless sufficient cause of their inability to attend be shown at (illegible) in the next court.
The persons appointed at February Court last to view the best way for a public road from Nathan Wards by Joshua C….. the Mouth of Fox Creek, the Mouth of Wilson Creek, Robert Parsons, and to the North Carolina line made report in the following words, to wit: “Fort the worshipful court of Grayson, according to your order to us directed we have viewed the ground proposed for a waggon road from Nathan Wards to the “North Carolina” line. We find a good way to make the road and that much benefit to our inhabitants. Therefore it is considered by this court that the same is reasonable. It is therefore orderd that the same be established and that Benjamin Phipps and William Stamper be appointed overseers thereof and that they with the hands of Solomon Landreth, Thomas Baker, Thomas Young, Jonathan Anderson, Jerard Perkins, Isaac Spencer, Moses Halsey, John Cox, and Zachariah Osborne, oversee, open the same accordingly.
Absent Shadrack Greer, John Robinson, Greenberry G. McKenzie, Joshua Hanks, William Bobbett, Wiliam Vaught & John Fielder, Gen. Justices
Ordered that Court be adjourned till tomorrow 9 o’clock.
Samuel Amburn
Wednesday the 27th Court met according to adjournment.
Present: Samuel Amburn, James Anderson, William Ballard, & Joseph Fields} Gen. Justices
The Commonwealth, plantiff
James Henson & Robert Bobbett, defendants
Upon a Rule to shew cause why an information should not be filed against the defendants for an assault. The Defendants failing to appear and shew cause the Rule is made absolute.
Joseph Peace, plantiff
James & R. Graham & M. Dickenson, defendants, in debt
Robert Nuckolls came into court and undertook for the defendant that they shall satisfy and pay the judgment of the courts in case they are cast or render their bodies to prison in execution for the same or that he the said Robert Nuckolls will pay for them (illegible) set aside & payment issued.
John Frost v. John McMullin, trespass, dismissed by plantiff’s attorney
James Cornutt, who sues for the benefit of Silas Peace, plantiff
James & Robert Graham, defendants
In debt. Martin Dickenson came into court and undertood for the defendant in this suit that they shall satisfy and pay judgment of the court in case they are cast or render their bodies to prison, in execution for the same, or that he the said Martin Dickenson will pay it for them and thereupon the defendants pleaded payment to which the plantiff replied and the judgment entered in the office is set aside and the cause continued.
The commonwealth, plantiff
Timothy Dalton, defendant
Upon a rule to shew cause why an information should not be filed against the defendant for an assault, the defendant appeared and having shown sufficient cause the rule is discharged.
Thomas Nixon, plantiff
Joshua Sumner, defendant
In debt. The defendant appeared in court and by consent confessed judgment for the sum of sixty- nine dollars thirty-seven cents with interest from the 15th day of April 1809 to be paid & costs crediting the same by fifty dollars 11th May 1811 & 4.75 cents 19th August 1809.
The Commonwealth, plantiff
Eli Durnell, defendant
Upon an indictment for the assault. This day came the prosecutor for the Commonwealth and thereupon came a jury, to wit: George Cornelius, Charles Anthony, John Johnson, George Cunningham, John Cunningham, James Johnson, Churchwell Jones, Anthony Ballard, John Blackley, Henry Davis, Abel Hancock and Robert Graham who being sworn to assess the fine and having heard the evidence upon their oaths to say that they cannot agree and by consent of the parties a sum was withdrawn and the rest from rendering a verdict and discharged and this cause continued till next court.
Joseph Fields, plantiff
Solomon Landreth, defendant
This day came the parties by their attornies and thereupon came a jury to wit: James Clark, Aaron Lundy, Nicholas Robinson, Robert Warden, Joshua Sumner, Jesse Wells, Samuel Cox, John Snider, Samuel Lundy, John Nuckolls, Minitree Jones and John Simcock who being sworn to try the issue joined and having heard the evidence retired and after some time returned into court and said they cannot agree whereupon juror was withdrawn by consent and the rest from rendering verdict, were discharged, & the cause continued till next court.
Archibald Mosman, plantiff
Charles Anthony, Defendant
This day came the parties by their attorneis and whereupon came a jury to wit: William Fields, John Trimble, John McMullin, David Cxo, Stephen South, Willis Alexander, Richard Lunday, Nathaniel Landreth, Joel Underwood, Daniel Jones, Andrew Cox, and George Keith who being sworn to try the issue joined and having heard the evidence upon their oaths do say they cannot agree and by consent a juror was withdrawn and the rest from rendering a verdict are discharged and this case continued.
An inventory and appraisement of the personal estate of Daniel Cooley was returned to court and ordered to be recorded.
James Graham, pltf.
Timothy Dalton, deft
The defendant appeared by his attorney and pleaded non(illegible) and the judgment entered in the office is set aside.
James Farmer, plantiff
James & Robert Graham, defendant
The constable having returned this attachment, executed, on one horse, and the defendants being called appearted, and Abner Jones came into court and undertook for the defendants that they shall statisfy and pay judgement of the court in the case they are cast or render their bodies to prison in execution for the same or that he the said Abner Jones will pay it for them and there upon the case is ordered to be placed on the Rule Docket.
David Fulton exhibited in Court a certificate which was granted to be entered & read in the following words, towit: “March 24th, 1812. Manumussion or statement of age, name, sex and description of a female slave now in the possession of Mark Johnson belonging to David Fulton of the County of Grayson and State of Virginia, born in the State of Virginia and county of Grayson taken out of the state of Virginia and brought back since the year 1806, by the name of Poll, 17 years old, tall and slender, very black. Grayson County to wit: This day came Daniel Fulton before George Curren a justice of the peace for said county and made oath that the above statement contains a true account of the slave so brought in and that the said slave was not brought into this commonwealth for the purpose of sale or with intent to evade the laws for preventing the further imporation of slaves given under my hand this 24th day of March 1812. G. Curren. Also another certifcate in the following words to wit: A statement contining the name, age and description of a female slave owned by David Fulton imported out of this commonwealth from the County of Grayson and State of Virginia above ten years old and under the age of thirty since the passing of the act of Assembly on the 15th day of February 1812 (illegible) slaves imported for the purpose of remaining a slave in this commonwealth by the name of the age of 13 years thick, well set, of a pale complextion. Grayson County to wit: This day came David Fulton before me George Currin a Justice of the peace for said county and made oath that he the said Fulton have bonifas performed the above statement of facts. Given under my hand the 24th day of March, 1812. Geo. Currin
Ordered that the surveyor of this county make an inclusive servey for Charles Cole as the law directs.
David Fulton introduced James Fulton a witness who proved to the satisfaction of the court that he exported a female slae out of this commonwealth above the age of ten years and under thirty years since the passage of the act of assembly on the 14th day of Feburary, 1812.
An inventory and appraisal of the estate of Jacob Coulson dec’d was returned to court and ordered to be recorded.
Ordered that Court be adjouned till Court in Course.
John Fielder
June 1812
At a court begun and held for the county of Grayson on Tuesday the 23rd day of June 1812.
Present: George Currin, William Vaughan, William Hail, John Fielder, Joshua Hanks, & John Robinson} Gent. Justices
A Mortgage deed from David Catron to William Chalfont was proven in court by Thomas Ward and Joel Redish.
A deed from Abel Carrico to James Swinney was acknowledged in court by the said Abel and ordered to be recorded.
A deed from Rankin Cox & Polly his wife to Samuel Cox was proven in court by David Cox a subscribing witness.
A deed from Elisha Bedwell and Mary his wife to William Hail was acknowledged in court by the said Elisha & O.R.
A deed from Martin Dickenson to William Hail and acknowledged in court by the said Martin & ordered to be recorded.
Moses Thomas v. John Finney, appeal, continued.
Libni Coffin v. John Albert attachement.
John Smith v. John Albert, attahcment
John Williams v. John Albert, attachment
Moses Thomas v. John Albert, attachment
Thomas Baldwin v. John Albert, attachment, these causes are continued till next court.
Bennett Rector came into court and qualified to his commission of ensign in the militia according to law.
On motion of Robert Nuckols who produced in court the receipt of the clerk for the sum of twelve dollars and fifty cents a license was granted him to keep an ordinary at his house in Greensville one year from the 1st day of May last whereupon he entered into bond with Abraham Noblett his security accordingly.
Libni Coffin v James Bullard (illegible) appeal from the judgment of a magistrate in favor of the said Bullard against the plantiff. The said Bullard appeared in court and the def. Failing to appear the court having considered that the judgment of the magistrate be affirmed and that the defendant recover of the plantiff damages according to law and his costs in (illegible) in this behalf affirmed.
John Simcock v. Samuel Johnson attachment, the sheriff having returned this attachment levied in the hands of Aaron Simcock and Joseph Lundy and summoned them (illegible) and the defendant being called and not appearing the plantiff proven his debt for thirty-three dollars twenty cents judgement is granted for the same with interest thereupon untill paid and costs and the said Aaron Simcock the garnishe appeared in court being sworn confesses his owes the defendant seven dollars and sixty one cents as much as he can recollect which (illegible) condemned for the use of the plantiff. And the said Joseph Lundy also appeared in court and being sworn confesses he owes the defendant fifteen dollars and by note which is also condemned for the pltf.
Ordered that John Murphy be appointed overseer of the rroad in place of John Davis resigned and that he with the usual hands keep the same in repair accordingly.
George Smith who was bound in recognizance for his appearance at this court to answer a charge of misbehaviour and breach of the peace committed on Benjamin Henson. Appeared in discharge of same, the court are of oppinion that said George Smith be bound himself in the sum of fifty dollars with two securities in the sum of twenty-five dollars each conditioned that he keep the peace towards all the commonwealth’s citiziens and more especially towards Benjamin Henson during twelve months and that he pay the costs of this prosecution.
A deed from Zachariah Stanley to William Bourn was proven in court by the subscribing witnesses and ordered to be recorded.
George Smith, James Anderson, and Levi Durnell came into court and acknowledged themselves indebt to James Barbour, esq., Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia for the time being and his successors that is to say the said George Smith in the sum of fifty dollars, and the said James Anderson and Levi Durnell in the sum of twenty-five dollars each to be levied of their respective lands and tenaments, goods and chattels to the use of the Commonwealth, but to be void on condition that the said George Smith keep the peace towards all the Commonwealth’s citizens and more especially towards Benjamin Henson during the term of one year.
Ordered that Francis Hail be appointed overseer of the new road from Timothy Rowark’s to the Wythe line at the Dry Run Gap and that he with the hands alloted keep the same in repair.
Ordered that William Hash (Hail?), John Fielder and Martin Dickerson be appointed to allot the hands to work on the roads Dudley Hail, Francis Hail, Dennis Fielder, Richard Hall, David Cornutt, William Long are surveyors.
Ordered that Court be adjourned till court in course.
John Robinson
July 1812
At a court begun and held for the County of Grayson on Tuesday the 28th day of July 1812
Present: Joshua Hanks, John Fielder, John Blair, & James Anderson} Gent. Justices
Ordered that Jesse Newman be appointed overseer of the road in place of Joseph Ballard resigned and that he with the usual hands keep the same in repair accordingly.
A deed from Jesse Reeves and others legatees of George Reeves, sen, dec’d to John Reeves was proven in court by three subscribing witnesses and ordered to be recorded.
A deed from Joshua Bond to Abraham Hanks was proven in court by Libni Coffin, Jr. a subscribing witness.
Ordered that William Thomas, John Johnson and Hyram Wells be appointed to allot the hands to work on roads of which Jesse Newman, James Stoneman, Jr. and Annuel Edwards are overseers.
A deed from Richard Southgate to James Taylor together with a certifcate of the acknowledgement therefore was exhibted in court and ordered to be recorded.
An additional inventory and appraisement of the Estate of James Ward dec’d was returned to Court and ordered to be recorded.
Ordered that Daniel McBride be appointed overseer of the road in place of Mitchell Thompson resigned and that he with the usual hands keep the same in repair accordingly.
Ordered that Reuben Branscom be appointed overseer of the road in place of Willam Cloud resigned, and that he with usual hands keep the same in repair accordingly.
Ordered that James Wright be appoitned constable in the place of William Byrd who has resigned. And thereupon he returned with bond with security and qualified according to law.
Matthew Dillard to Libni Coffin, Jr. motion notice proven in Court by the affadavit of Jabez Johnson and continued.
Ordered that court be adjourned till court in course.
J. Hanks
August Call Court 1812
At a Court at Grayson Court house on Monday the third day of August 1812 for the examination of Daniel Bedsaul charged with having on the 7th day of June last past feloniously taken, stolen and led away one bay gelding in the county of Grayson the property of John A. Grigg
Present Joshua Hanks, William Vaughan, George Curren, Charles Nuckolls and James Anderson} Gent. Justices
The said Daniel Bedsaul being brought into court in custody of the jailor and upon recommendation ordered the charge aforesaid, whereupon witnesses were sworn and examined as well for the commonwealth in the prisoner. And the court on hearing the same are of the opinion that he is guilty of the horse stealing aforesaid and that it ought to be tried in the Superior Court, he is therefore remanded to jail.
John A. Grigg, George Howell, Joseph Swinney, Elisha Bedsaul and Henry Dalton came into court and acknowledged themselves to be indebted to his excellency James Barbour, esq. Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia for the time being and his successors the sum of one hundred dollars each to be levied of their respective lands and tenaments goods and chattels to the use of the commonwealth, but to be void on condition that they personally appear before the Judge of the Superior Court to be held for Grayson County at the next term, and them and their give such evidence as they know, concerning the horse stealing of which Daniel Bedsaul is accused. And not depart without leave of the court.
And the court arose.
J. Hanks
August 1812
At a court begun and held for Grayson County on Tuesday the 25th day of August 1812.
Present: Joshua Hanks, George Currin, John A. Griggs, Samuel Amburn, Joseph Ellett} Gen. Justices
A grand jury to wit, Joshua Stoneman foreman, Samuel Canoy, Jonathan Canoy, Samuel Moody, Levi Burcham, Jabez Johnston, Aaron Lundy, Stephen Stone, Joseph Ballard, Stephen Bourn, Sen., Jacob Noblett, John K. Cunningham, George Howell, John Trimble, Peter Cooley, Randolph Collins, Robert Hill, William Terrell, Charles Anthony, John Wileman, and Philip Beemer who being sworn retired to consider their presentments.
John Williamson, Esqr. Who hath been duty licensed to practice the law in the courts of this commonwealth on his motion has leave to practice in this court and thereupon he took the oath prescribed by law for an attorney.
Ordered that the overseers fo the poor bind Beedy Durnell poor orphan in this county to Benjamin Chance according to law.
Anthony Wheeler, John Reeves and David Cox, Jr. who were summoned to attend this court this day as Grand Jurors were solemnly called but came not, therefore it is ordered that for the said contempt they severally make their fines with his Excellency James Barbour, Esq., governor or chief magistrate of the Commonwealth and his successors by the payment of eigh dollars each to the use of the commonwealth unless they shew cause of their inability to attend at this or the next court.
A deed from Thomas McMullin to David Hart was proven in Court by Archibald Mosman and Mina Moseman subscribing witnesses.
A deed from William Bourn to Thomas H. Mallory was acknowledged in court by the said William & O.R.
A deed from Benjamin Bond to Thomas Mace was acknowledged in Court by the said Benjamin and ordered to be recorded.
A letter of attorney from John Robinson, Sen to Nicholas Robinson was proven by James Robinson and ordered to be recorded.
A deed from David Short to Archibald Moseman was acknowledged in court by the said David & O.R.
A deed from Robert Catron to Isaac Fortner was proven in court by the subscribing witness and ordered to be recorded.
A deed from Garner Pierce to David Coltrain was proven in court by William Blair and Isaac Bolling subscribing witnesses.
A deed from John Chace to James Ballard being heretofore proven in part was acknowledged in court by the said John & O.R.
Joseph Fields, plantiff
Solomon Landreth, defendant
By consent of parties this case is submitted to the final determination of William Bourn, William H. Boyer, William Hail, Francis Hail, and Jeremiah Stone whose award is to be made the judgement of the court.
Thomas Harbert, plantiff
Caleb Bobbett, defendant
John Bobbett, Robert Bobbett, and Jonathan Bentley of this county came into court and undertake for the defendant that in case he shall be cast in this suit he shall pay and satisfy. The condemnation of the court or render his body to person in execution for the same or that they said John, Robert, and Jonathan, will do it for him.
A deed from Rankin Cox to Samuel Cox was proven in court by Samuel Cox a subscribing witness.
A deed from Joshua Bond to Abraham Hawks being heretofore proven was further proven by Drury Hawks a subscribing witness.
George Keith who was bound in recognizance for his appearance at this court and to keep the peace toward the commonwealth’s citizens and especially Elizabeth his wife, appeared in discharge of the same and by consent of the said George Keith and the prosecution for the commonwealth it is considered by the court that the said George Keith be bound himself in the sum of one hundred dollars with two sufficicent securities in the sum of fifty dollars each conditioned that the said George Keith keep the peace towards all the Commonwealth’s citizens and more especially towards the said Elizabeth one year and that he pay the costs of this prosecution.
A deed from Reuben Cox to Samuel Cox was fully proven in Court by Alexander Cox subscribing witness & O.R.
Ordered that Matthew Dickey, William Bobbett and John Fielder be recommended as fit persons to be commissioned sheriff of the county.
Elizabeth Keith who was bound in recognizance for her appearance at this court and to keep the peace towards the Commonwealth’s citizens and especially towards George Keith, appeared in discharge of the same and by consent of the said Elizabeth and the prosecution for the Commonwealth, it is ordered that the said Elizabeth be bound herself in the sum of twenty-five dollars with two securities in the sum of twelve dollars and fifty cents each, recommended for the said Elizabeth, keeping the peace towards the Commonwealth’s citizens and more especially towards George Keith during six months and that she pay the costs of this prosecution.
Elizabeth Keith, John K. Cunningham & Samule Lundy came into court and acknowledged themselves indebted to the Commonwealth of Virginia, viz, the said Elizabeth in the sum of twenty- five dollars and the said John Cunningham and Samuel Lundy in the sum of twelve dollars and fifty cents each to be levied of their respective lands and tenaments, goods and chattels to the use of the Commonwealth but to be void on condition that the said Elizabeth Keith keep the peace towards all the Commonwealth’s citizens and more especially towards the said George Keith during six months.
The Grand Jury made presentments in the following words to wit: “We the Grand Jury impannled for the County of Grayson do present David May, laborer for perjury before Peter Johnston Judge of the Superior Court of law held in & for Grayson County on the fifteenth day of October 1811, in the suit between Joseph Stuart, plantiff and Peter Cooley, Defendant for malicious prosecution by information of John Trimble, John Cunningham, Jabez Johnston, Levi Burcham and Joseph Ballard of our own body.
Also do present Robert Smith and Andrew Bowers, Jr. laborouers of this county for each of them swearing two profane oaths a peace at Grayson Court House on the 28th day of July 1812 by information of Joshua Stoneman and Jonathan Canoy, two of our own body.
Also present Preston Robinson, labourer of this County for getting drunk at this place on the 16th day of this instant by information of John Trimble and John K. Cunningham, two of our own body.
Also do present Amos Lundy, labourer of this county for swearing one profane oath on the first of this month at the house of Aaron Lundy by information of Aaron Lundy sworn and sent to the Grand Jury.
Also do present Martin Dickenson, D.C. of this court for profane swearing two oaths at this place about the 3rd of this instant by information of Aaron Lundy called by the Grand Jury
Also do present Abraham Noblett, D. C., of this county for sweaing two profane oaths both at this place, one on the first of this instand and the other about the fifth of this instant by information of Aaron Lundy called on by the Grand Jury.
Also do present Jacob Hays, Captain of this county for swearing one profane oath at this place on or about the 5th day of this instant by information of Aaron Lundy called on by the Grand Jury.
Also do present Ezekiel Frost, labourer of this county for swearing one profane oath this day at this place by information of Aaron Lundy called on by the Grand Jury.
An indictment against Jacob Boyer for an assault.
An indictment against Samuel Lundy for an assault, true bills
An indictment against Timothy Dalton for an assault
Ordered that process issued against the persons presented and indicted by the grand jury this day to answer the same.
Ordered that court be adjourned till tomorrow 10 o’clock
J. Hanks
Wednesday the 26th Court met according to adjournment.
Present: Joshua Hanks, Samuel Amburn, John A. Girgg and William Ballard} Gent. Justices
The commonweatlh v. Robert Bobbett upon a Rule to shew cause why an information shall not be filed against the defendant for an assault. The defendant failing to appear by consent of the attorney of the Commonwealth, the judgment is rendered against the defendant for costs only.
The Commonwealth v. James Henson upon a Rule to shew cause why an information shall not be filed against the deft. in a presentment for an assault. The defendant appeared and by consent of the prosecution for the commonwealth judgment is awarded against the defendant for costs only.
The Commonwealth v. John Dalton presentmnet for profane swearing, the defendant appeared and hearing the defendant fined for swearing three profane oaths 83 cents each and costs.
The Commonwealth, plantiff
Eli Durnell, defendant
Indictment for an assault. This day came the prosecution for the Commonwealth and thereupon came a Jury to wit: Thomas Baker, Nathaniel Landreth, Daniel Austin, Johsua Parker, Aaron Lundy, John Lundy, Solomon Landreth, William Rankin, James Bryson, Daniel McPherson, Bartholomew Austin and Jacob Hays who being sworn to assesse the fine returned the verdict in the following words: to wit: “We the jury find the defendant guilty and assess his fine to eight dollars fifty cents whereupon it is considered by the court that the defendant forfeit and pay the fine aforesaid by the jurors assess and the costs of the prosecution and may be taken (illegible).
The Commonwealth, plantiff
Daniel Davis, Defendant
Indictment for assault. This day came the prosecution for the Commonwealth and thereupon came a jury towit: Thomas A. Ward, John Durnell, Bennet Rector, Esau Worrell, Edward Moore, William Ward, William Wyatt, Levi Jones, Timothy Dalton, William Hanks, John Nuckolls & John Cunningham, who being sworn to assess the fine returned their verdict in the following words to wit: “We of the jury find assess the commonwealth’s fine to fifty cents whereupon it is considered by the court that the defendant forfeit and pay the fine aforesaid by the jurors assessed and the cost of this prosecution and may be taken.
On motion of George Keith and the consent of the prosecution for the commonwealth, the said George Keith, John Trimble John K. Cunningham, Jonathan Bentley, John Austin, Daniel Austin and Thomas Wilkinson came into court and acknowledged themselves indebted to James Barbour, Esq., Governor of the Commonwealth for the time being and his successors viz, the said George Keith, in the sum of one hundred dollars and the said John Trimble, John K. Cunningham, Jonathan Bentley, John Austin, Daniel Austin and Thomas Wilkinson in the sum of sixteen dollars sixty six cents each to be levied of their respective lands and tenaments goods and chattels to the use of the commonwealth but to be void on condition that the said George Keith keep the peace towards all the commonwealth’s citizens and more especially towards Elizabeth, his wife, during one year.
This day John A. Grigg produced an account of his services as Commissioner of Revenue and the court have considered that one hundred days were requested for the said commissioner to perform the services aforesaid.
Joseph Fields, plantiff
Solomon Landreth, Defendant
The persons to whom this case was referred by an order of this court made yesterday returned their award in these words, to wit: “We the arbitraters find for the defendant and that the plantiff loose his horse given under our hands.” And on motion of the defendant by his counsel for the court to grant judgement for this costs, on hearing the same the motion (illegible) ruled by the court to which answers the defendant excepted and prays the same to be spread on the record which is done accordingly.
The Commonwealth, plantiff
Esau Worrell, Defendant
Indictment for assault. This day came the prosecutor for the commonwealth and thereupon came a jury to wit: Joshua Parker, John Mooney, Archibald Mosman, John Trimble, William Terrell, William Davis, John Austin, Benjamin Bond, John Dalton, Benjamin Cooley, Thomas Williams and James Farmer who being sworn to assess the fine returned their verdict in the following words to wit: “We of the Jury assess the defendants’s fine to one cent.” Whereupon it is considered by the court that the defendant forfeit and pay the fine aforesaid by the jurors assessed and the costs in this behalf expended & may be taken to.
The Commonwealth v. John Bobbett. Rule made absolute.
A deed from James Durnell to Peter Finley in part prove was fully proven by John Talbot a subscribing witness & O.R.
The Commonwealth v. John Bobbett upon a rule to shew cause why an information shall not be filed against him for an assault appeared but failing to shew sufficient cause the rule is made absolute.
Willis Alexander v. Edward Taylor in (illegible). William Taylor, Sen of this county comes into court and undertakes for the defendant that in case he shall be cast in this sent he shall pay to the plantiff trhe horse on the declaration mentioned if to be had that he will pay and satisfy the price of said horse and damages as shall be assessed to the plantiff to rinder his the said defendants body to proven in extended for the same or that he the said William Taylor will do it for him.
Ordered that the following rates be fixed and observed by ordinary keepers in this county, viz
Per Horse to hay per night | 9d |
corn per gallon | 7 « d |
Oats per gallon | 6 d |
Breakfast with coffe | 1/6 |
Breakfast without coffe | 1/1 |
Dinner | 1/6 |
Supper | 1/ |
Wine p/pint | 2/6 |
French Brandy per half pint | 1/6 |
Brandy per half pint | 9 « d |
Rum per half pint | 1/3 |
Whiskey per half pint | 7 « d |
Cider per quart | 6 d |
Lodging per night | 6 d |
On motion of Libni Coffin and Abraham Stanley, administrators of the estate of Zachariah Stanley, dec’d. It is ordered that George Curren and John A. Grigg has examine state and settle the accounts of that administration and make return thereof to court.
Abraham Stanely and Libni Coffin Administrators of Zachariah Stanley, dec’d being summoned to appear at October Court last to show cause why they should not give security, having failed to appear, it is ordered Abner Jones the security on the adminstrators take possession of the estate such security be given, ordered that court be adjourned till tomorrow 10 o’clock
G. Curren
Thusday the 27th Court met according to adjournment.
Present: George Curren, William Ballard, James Anderson & John A. Grigg} Gent. Justices
Archibald Mosman v. Charles Anthony, continued
James Graham v. Thomas Albert, Consent on motion of the defendant this case is remanded to the Rule Docket
Governor &c. V. Timothy Dalton, on motion of the defendant this cause is remanded to the rule docket.
James Cantrell for the benefit of Joseph Peace v. James & R. Graham in debt, dismissed a the defendants cost.
Joseph Peace v. Graham & Dickenson in debt, continued.
A deed from Meredith Ballow to Robert Warden was acknowledged in court by the said Meredith and ordered to be recorded.
Blancy Hazelwood, plantiff
Libni Coffin & Abraham Stanley administrators of the estate of Zachariah Stanley, dec’d, defendants
This day came the plantiff by his attorney and there upon came a jury to wit: Thomas A. Ward, John Austen, John Cunningham, Samuel Parker, Samuel Lundy, Meredith Ballew, Joshua Parker, John Nuckolls, Aaron Lundy, William Rankin, James Graham and John Clemmons who being sworn to inquire the damages returned their verdict in the following words to wit: We find for the plantiff and assess his damages one hundred fifty three dollars 50 cents, whereupon it is considered by the court that the plantiff recover of the defendant the damages aforesaid by the jurors assessed and his costs about his suit in this behalf expended to be levided.
On motion of the prosecutor for the Commonwealth and for reasons appearing to the court it is ordered that John Bobbett and Anthony Ballard be summoned to appear here at the next term to show cause if any they can why an information shall not be filed against them for an affray at Grayson C.H. the 25th day of this instant.
Isaac Colton, plantiff
James Bullard, Abraham Stanley, Libni Coffin, Jr. Admr of Zachariah Stanley, Aaron Woods and Elizabeth his wife, Robert Robinson and Bulah his wife, John Stanley, John Smith and Susanna his wife, Joshua Jones and Abigail his wife and Zachariah Stanley, Jr, heirs of Zachariah Stanley, deceased, defendants
It appearing to the satisfaction of the court that they defendants Abraham Stanley, Aaron Woods and Elizabeth his wife, Robert Robinson and Bulah his wife, John Stanley, Joshua Jones and Abigail his wife are not inhabitants of this commonwealth and not having entered their appearances and given security according to the act of assembly and the rules of this court. On motion of the plantiff by his attorney it is ordered that the said defendants appear here on or before the fourth Tuesday in November next and answer the plantiff’s bill and that a copy of this order be published in some public newspaper printed in this commonwealth for two months successively and posted at the front door of Grayson Courthouse.
Samuel Lundy, v. Anthony Ballard in debt, continued for the plantiff.
Joshua Bond by gov. Do., plantiff
Timothy Dalton, & securities, defendants
On motion of the defendant by his attorney, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that the plantiff is not an inhabitant of this state. It is ordered that this suit be dismissed another 60 days awarded the defendants and also of the face which will become (illegible) in this suit to the officers of the court to be given with the Clerk thereof within sixty days from this time.
For reasons appearing to the court it is ordered that William Leonard be exempted from payment of county levy and poor tax in future.
Ordered that James Anderson be appointed in place of Joseph Evans for the purpose of examining that the state and condition of the clerk’s office, and that a report thereof be made to October court next.
Ordered that court be adjourned till court in course.
G. Curren
September 1812
At a court begun and held for the county of Grayson on Tuesday the 22nd day of September, 1812.
Present: John Robinson, William Hail, Joseph Fields, & Samuel Amburn} Gen Justices
A deed from Zachariah Stanley, Sen. To Zachariah Stanley, Jr. heretofore proven in part was fully proven by Jonathan Hiatt another subscribing witness and ordered to be recorded.
A deed from William Williams to Charles Bolt was proven in court by the subscribing witnesses and ordered to be recorded.
A deed from John Williams to Newman Prater being heretofore proven in part was fully proven by Jonathan Hiatt by subscribing witnesses and ordered to be recorded.
A letter of attorney from John Williams to Asa Williams together with a certificate of the acknowledgement thereof was exhibited in court and ordered to be recorded.
A deed from John Williams to Jonathan Hiatt being heretofore proven in part was acknowledged in court by Asa Williams, attorney in fact for the said John and ordered to be recorded.
A deed from David Hoggett to Charles Bolt was acknowledged in court by the said David and ordered to be recorded.
Moses Thomas v. John Toney, appeal
Libni Coffin v. John Albert, attachment
John Smith v. John Albert, attachment
Matthew Dillard v. Libni Coffin, motion
Moses Thomas v. John Talbot, attachment, continued
George Smith v. James & R. Graham upon an appeal from the judgment of a magistrate in favour of the appealle against the appealeant for the sum of nine dollars and costs. Judgement of the magistrates confirmed with damages according to law and costs of appeal against the appelant & John Dalton his security.
A statement on (illegible) and affidavit was exhibited in court by Martin Dickenson and ordered to be entered of Received in the following words, to wit: “A statement in writing containing the name age sex and discription of a slave imported into the Commonwealth of Virginia the 15th day of September 1812 by Martin Dickenson of Grayson County for James Dickenson of Patrick County, viz a Negro man named Gilbert aged twenty-three years about five feet six inches high thick built, very black, born the property of James Dickenson of Patrick County, Virginia and for some period past in possession of Thomas A. Ward of Surry County, North Carolina. Grayson County, Martin Dickenson made oath before me Joseph Fields one of the Commonwealth’s justices of the peace for the county aforesaid that the foregoing statement contains a true account of the slave by him imported and that the said slave is not brought into this commonwealth for the purpose of sale or with intent to evade the law for preventing the further importation of slaves. Given under my hand this 22nd day of September 1812.
Joseph Field
Ordred that Barney Hufman be appointed overseer of the road in place of William Williams resigned.
Ordered that William Williams be appointed overseer of the road in place of Drury Hawks removed. And that Abraham Hawks and Philip Beemer allot the hands to work under William Williams and Henry Beemer overseer.
Ordered that Esau Worrell be appointed overseer of the road in place of Gorman Ballard removed and that he with the usual hands keep the same in repair accordingly.
Ordered that Bennett Rector be appointed Overseer of the road in place of John Collins removed and that he with the usual hands keep the same in repair accordingly.
William Bourn, Esq., having signified his intention through his deputy Martin Dickerson of resigning his appointment as Clerk of the peace for this county at the next term, it is ordered that the Justices be summoned to attend the next term for the purpose of appointing a successor.
Ordered that court be adjourned till court in course.
John Robinson
October 1812
At a court begun and held for the County of Grayson on Tuesday the 27th day of October 1812.
Present: Joshua Hanks, William Hail, William Bobbett, John A. Grigg, John Fielder and George Curren} Gent. Justices
A Grand Jury towit: Lewis Hail, foreman, Arthur Parker, Alexander Cox, Randolph Collins, Isaac Noblett, John Brown, James Phillips, David Cox, Jr., John Reeves, Jacob Noblett, Aaron Simcock, John Cunningham, John Davis, Jaocb Boyer, Stephen Hail, and Isaac Willets who being swon received a charge from the court and returned to consider their presentments.
Ordered that Anthony Wheeler appointed overseer of the road in place of Isaac Moore resigned and that he with the usual hands keep the same in repair accordingly.
John A. Grigg is appointed commissioner of Revenue for this county for the ensuing year.
An instrument of writing was produced in court by Martin Dickenson in the following words to wit: To the worshipful Court of Grayson County: Gentlemen, I hereby resign my office of clerk of the peace for Grayson County & authorize the court to appoint a successor. Your most obedient servant, William Bourn, October 11th, 1812. And therefore the court proceeded to appoint a successor and Martin Dickenson was unanimously elected to that office and thereupon the said Martin Dickenson entered into bond with Enoch Osborne, Sen.and Richard Hail and George Curren his securities and acknowledged the same and took the oath of fidelity to the Commonwealth to support the constitution and oath prescribed by law for a Clerk.
The Grand Jury returned into Court and presented a bill of indictment against John Morgan, also an indictment against Isaiah Long for breaches of the peace indorsed true bills and having nothing further to present were discharged.
John Trimble, plantiff
Barnet Bird, defendant
James Atkins enters special bail for the defendant and surrenders him in court and James Atkins and Thomas Gant enters special bail.
John Reeves and David Cox who were fined at last court for failing to attend as Grand Jurors appeared in court and having shown sufficient cause of their inability to attend are excused.
On the motion of Frederick Quesenberry, William Phillips, William Williams, William Bobbett, Lewis Dalton and Timothy Dalton who were securities for George Smith one of the administrators with the will (illegble) of Tobias Phillips and it is ordered that he said George Smith appear here at next court and show cause if any he can why he sould not give competent security.
John F. Trigg & Co., plantiff
Hugh Curren, defendant in debt
George Curren comes into court and undertook for the defendant that he shall pay and satisfy the judgement of the court in case he is cast or render his body to prison by execution for the same or that he the said George Curren will pay it for him.
Ordered that the Court be adjourned till tomorrow morning 10 o’clock
J. Hanks
Wednesday the 28th court met according to adjournment.
Present: Joshua Hanks, George Curren, Samuel Amburn & William Hail} Gent. Justices
Hyram Wells who sues for the benefit of John Hill, plantiff
Joseph Fields and Isaiah Phipps, defendants, in debt
Mathew Dickey comes into court and undertakes for the defendants that they shall pay and satisfy the judgment of the court in case they are cast or render their bodies to prison in execution for the same or that he the said Matthew Dickey will pay it for them. And thereupon the defendants pleaded payment and therefore judgment entered in the office is set aside and the cause continued.
An account was exhibited in court by Robert Nuckolls, jailor amounting to twenty-two dollars eighty-two cents which was examined allowed upon by the oath of the said Robert Nuckolls and ordered to be certified to the auditor of public accounts.
Abner Jones who sues for the benefit of John A. Grigg, plantiff
George Keith, defendant, in debt
The defendant having given special bail pleaded payment before and the judgment in the office is set aside the cause continued.
An account was exhibited in Court by Martin Dickenson former Deputy Clker amounting to twenty- one dollars which was examined, allowed proven by the oath of the said Martin Dickenson, and ordered to be certified to the auditor of public accounts.
An account was exhibited in court by Abraham Noblett, Deputy Sheriff amounting to sixteen dollars eighty cents which was examined allowed, proven by the oath of the said Abraham Noblett, and ordered to be certified to the auditor of public accounts.
A deed from James Dodson and Sarah his wife to Michael Farmer, Jr. was acknowledged in Court by the said James and ordered to be recorded.
The Commonwealth, plantiff
Vincent Maynn, defendant
Indictment for beach of the peace. On motion of the prosecutor for the commonwealth, this cause is continued.
The Commonwealth, plantiff,
David May, defendant
Indictment for perjury. On motion of the prosecutor for the Commonwealth this cause is dismissed.
The Commonwealth
Jacob Boyer, defendant
Indictment for an assault. The Defendant appeared and pleaded not guilty to the indictment and put himself upon the county and the prosecutor for the commonwealth there is and thereupon cause a jury to wit: Stephen Smith, James Dodson, Edward Taylor, John Talbot, John Dalton, Timothy Dalton, Amos Ballard, Timothy Dalton, Jr., Enoch Osborne, Sen., William Williams, George Cornelius and Stephen Chappel who being sworn to try the issue joined and having heard the evidcence upon their oaths do say that the defendant is guilty in manner and form as against him in the indictment is alleged and they do assess his fine by occasion thereof to fifty cents, whereupon it is considered by the court that the said defendant fulfil and pay the commonwealth the fine aforesaid by the jurors assessed and the costs of this prosecution expended & (illegible).
The commonwealth v. Timothy Dalton, indictment for an assault continued till next term.
A deed from Andrew Bowers to Robert Smith was acknowledged in court by the said Andrew and ordered to be recorded.
A deed from William Williams to Isaac Edwards was acknowledged in court by the said William and ordered to be recorded.
The Commonwealth, plantiff
Robert Smith, defendant
Presentment for profane swearing. The court hearing the evidence and are of oppinion that the defendant be fined for swearing two profane oaths according to law and that he pay the costs in this behalf expended.
The Commonwealth, plantiff
Samuel Lundy, Defendant
Indictment for an assault, the defendant appeared and pleaded not guilty to the indictment and put himself upon the country and the attorney for the commonwealth, likewise, and thereupon came a jury to wit: Jacob Hays, Jacob Boyer, Isaac Hays, Hyram Wells, Daniel McPherson, Isaac Moore, Levi Johnson, Mahlon Collins, Ezekiel Frost, Joshua Hanes and Anthony Ballard, who being sworn to try the issue aforesaid joined and having heard the evidence upon their oaths do say that the defendant is guilty in manner and form as in the indictment against him as allegded and they assess his fine by occasion thereof to fifty cents, whereupon it is considered by the court that the defendant fulfil and pay the commonwealth the fine aforesaid by the jurors assessed and the costs about this prosecution expended and may be taken to.
The Commonwealth, plantiff
Andrew Bowers, Defendant
Presentment for profane swearing. The court on hearing the evidence are of oppion that the defendant be fined for swearing two profane oaths and to pay the costs.
The Commonwealth, plantiff
Preston Robinson, defendant
Presentment for being drunk. The Court on hearing the testimony are of oppinion that the defendant be fined for swearing one profane oath according to law & costs.
The Commonwealth, plantiff
Martin Dickenson, defendant
Presentment for profane swearing. The defendant consented to be fine for swearing one oath according to law and costs.
The Commonwealth v. Abraham Noblett, presentment for profane swearing. The defendant consented to be fined for swearing two oaths and costs.
Joseph Peace, plantiff
James & Robert Graham & Martin Dickenson, defendants
In debt. This day came the parties by their attornies and thereupon came a jury to wit: Samuel Hague, Daniel Davis, Aaron Lundy, Samuel Lundy, Robert Warden, Moses Thomas, Annuel Edwards, James Dodson, David Noblett, Samuel Moody, Ebenezer Lundy and William Williams who being sworn to try the issue joined returned their verdict in the following words, to wit: “a juror was withdrawn by consent and the rest from renderind a verdict were discharged.
The Commonwealth, plantiff
Jacob Hays, defendant
Presentment for profane swearing. The court on hearing the evidence are of oppinion that the defendant be fined for swearing one profane oath according to law and costs.
The Commonwealth, plantiff
Ezekiel Frost, defendant
Presentment for profane swearing. The court on hearing the testimony are of opinion that the defendant be fine for swearing one profane oath according to law and costs.
James Graham v. Timothy Dalton in (illegible) on motion of the plantiff by his attorney this cause is continued at his costs.
Robert Commons & Jesse Hazecase?, plantiff
Samuel McClure, defendant, in debt
James Anderson comes into court and undertakes for the defendant that he sall pay and satisfy the judgment of the court in case he is cast or render his body to prison in execution for the same or that he the said James Anderson will do it for him.
Joshua Bond, by the Governor, plantiff
Timothy Dalton & others, defendants in debt
The plantiff being ruled to give security for costs at August term last and having failed to give such security the same is dismissed with costs accordingly.
Samuel Lundy, plantiff
Anthony Ballard, defendant, in debt continued for the defendant
Martin Dickenson Clerk of this court having appointed James Anderson his deputy during pleasure and the said James took the oath of fidelity to support the constitution and an oath of office accordingly.
The persons appointed to examine the clerk’s office made a report in the following words to wit: “In conformity to an order of the county court of Grayson, we have examined the clerk’s office of the said county court and beg leave to report only from the time of the last report was made in the year 1806, at that time and for a year or two since the order book and record book was kept in midling order as well as the other books and papers in the office but was owing as we suppose in some measure to the distance it was kept from the Courthouse and carrying the books and papers back and forward. The last order and record books are done in an elegant and intelligent manner. The record is prepared with a beautiful index and reference to all its parts the other books that belong to the office is not performed so well nor are they so important, the papers is in as good order as could be expected, they being carried sixteen miles every month and back again. From the examination made by us and the late performance made for the Clerk, the office located at the courthouse together with a complete set of blank books with other advantages, we can congratulate the court the officers of the court and the citizens of this county that in future they may expect the business will be done in ample order, with dispatch and to the satisfaction of all concerned.
John Kelly
James Anderson
An inventory of sales of the property of Daniel Cooley dec’d was returned to court and orderd to be recorded.
Elizabeth Cooley, widow of Daniel Cooley dec’d by an instrument of writing relinquished the provision made for her by the last will and testament of her said husband which is ordered to be entered of record.
The following accounts were exhibited in court examined, proven and ordered to be certified to the auditor of public accounts, viz:
Amos Ballard | $3.36 |
John Trimble | 4.57 |
Abner Jones | 12.50 |
John Talbot | 2.88 |
Archibald Mosman | 7.50 |
Henry Dean | 9.60 |
Jane Reeves, Admr. of George Reeves, Jr., dec’d, plantiff
Jesse Lynch, defendant
Declaration files (illegible) set aside and the cause remanded to rules.
Ordered Aaron Lundy be appointed overseer of the road in place of Enoch Cox resigned and that he with the usual hands keep the same in repair accordingly.
Ordered that it be certified to the auditor of publick accounts that John A. Grigg is allowed for guarding Daniel Bedsal, charged with horse stealing two hundred and fifty miles to Grayson County jail.
Ordered that it be certified to the auditor of Public Accounts that Henry Dean is allowed for guarding Daniel Bedsaul charged with horse stealing one hundred and sixty miles to Grayson County jail.
Brett Stovall, plantiff
Libni Coffin, and Abraham Stanley, admr. of Zachariah Stanley, Aaron Woods and Elizabeth his wife, Robert Robinson and Bulah his wife, John Stanley, John Smith and Susannah his wife, Joshua Jones and Abigail his wife, and Zachariah Stanley, Jr. heirs of Zachariah Stanely, dec’d, defendants in chancery.
Ephraim Overman, plantiff
Libni Coffin, and Abraham Stanley, admr. of Zachariah Stanley, Aaron Woods and Elizabeth his wife, Robert Robinson and Bulah his wife, John Stanley, John Smith and Susannah his wife, Joshua Jones and Abigail his wife, and Zachariah Stanley, Jr. heirs of Zachariah Stanely, dec’d, defendants in chancery
It appearing to the statisfaction of the court that the defendants are not inhabitants of this commonwealth and not having entered their appearances and given security according to the act of assembly and the rules of this court. On motion of the plantiff by his attorney it is ordered that the said defendants appear here on or before the fourth Tuesday in November next and answer the plantiff’s bill and that a copy of this order be published in some public newspaper printed in this commonwealth for two months successively and posted at the front door of Grayson Courthouse.
Ordered that court be adjounred till tomorrow 10 o’clock
J. Hanks
Thursday the 29th Court met according to adjournment.
Present: Joshua Hanks, Charles Nuckolls, George Curren & John A. Grigg} Gent. Justices
John Cunningham is allowed for guarding George Keith charged with horse stealing three days and the same is ordered to be certified to the auditor of public accounts.
Robert Warden and Thomas Warden who was bound in recognizance for their appearance at this court and to keep the peace towards Levi Durnell and his family appeared in discharge of the same and the court on hearing the said Levi Durnell on oath as well as other testimony in full consideration are of opinioon that the said Robert Warden and Thomas Warden be acquitted and discharged from their said recognizance and reover of the said Levi Durnell his about this issue in this behalf expended.
On motion of Abraham Noblett, it is ordered that the justices of this county be summoned to attend next term for the purpose of allowing his list of individuals in the revenue of this county for this year.
Barnet Bird, plantiff
George Keith, defendant
John Nuckolls, John Trimble and John Bobbett comes into court and undertakes for the defendant in this case that he shall pay and satisfy the judgement of the court in case he is cast or render his body to prison in execution for the same or that they will do it for him.
Robert Warden and Nancy Warden and Peggy Thomas and Winney (illegible) who were bound in recognizance for their appearance at this court and to keep the peace towards Levi Durnell, appeared in discharge of the same and the court on hearing the parties and the evidence are of oppinion that the said Robert & Nancy, Peggy & Winney be discharged from their recognizance.
Levi Durnell and Anne his wife who were bound in recognizance for their appearance at this cout and to keep the peace towards Nancy Warden appeared in discharge of the same and the court in having the parties and the evidence and order that said Levi Durnell be discharged from his recognizance and that the said Anne be bound in a recognizance viz, the said Anne Durnell by Levi Durnell her husband in the sum of thirty dollars with two securities in the sum of fifteen dollars each conditioned for the said Anne Durnell keep the peace towards the citizens of the commonwealth and more especially towards Nancy Warden during the term of one year & pay the costs of this prosecution.
Levi Durnell, James Anderson and George Curren came into court and acknowledged themselve indebted to the Commonwealth of Virginia, viz, the said Levi Durnell in the sum of thirty dollars and James Anderson and George Curren in the sum of fifteen dollars each to be levided of their respective lands and tenaments, goods and chattels but to be void on condition that the said Anne Durnell keep the peace towards all the Commonwealth’s citizens and more especially towards Nancy Warden during the term of one year.
The Commonwealth v, John Bobbett, information, continued.
Ordered that it be certified to the auditor of public accounts that John Bobbett is allowed for guarding George Keith charged with horse stealing three days.
Robert Nuckolls is allowed the sun of seventy-five cents for irons put on Daniel Bedsal committed for horse stealing and ordered to be certified.
Ordered that court be adjouned till court in course.
J. Hanks
November 1812
At a court begun and held for the county of Grayson on Tuesday the 24th day of November 1812.
Present: John Robinson, Joshua Hanks, George Currin & John A. Grigg} Gent. Justices
A deed from John Blair and Charity his wife to Obadiah Leonard, Jr. was acknowledged in court by the said John and ordered to be recorded.
A deed from Minitree Jones & Matthew Dickey Commissioners to Martin Dickenson was acknowledged in court by the said Minitree and Matthew and ordered to be recorded.
A deed from William Rogers to Griggs Hampton was proven in court by three subscribing witnesses and ordered to be recorded.
John Blair, plantiff
James Turner, defendant, attachment
The constables having returned this attachment executed on par of Bolling hinges, two wagon hubs and 250 feet of oak plank and the defendant being called and not appearing, the plantiff having proven his debt for thirteen dollars and half. Judgment is granted for the same with interest thereon from the tenth day of July 1811 till paid and costs and ordered that the property attached be condemned for the use of the plantiff.
Martin Dickenson produced in court the following statement and (line illegible) to wit: “A statement containing the name age and description of a slave exported from the Commonwealth of Virginia by Martin Dickenson, viz, a female slave over the age of ten and under thirty years, to wit of the age of nineteen years named Cale, black about five feet one or two inches high, middling, well built, imported on the 16th day of October 1812. Grayson County, to wit: Martin Dickenson made oath before me George Curren one of the Justices of the Peace for said county that he had bona fide performed the above exportation . Given under my hand this 23d day of November 1812. G. Curren.
A list of insolvents in the revenue for the year 1812 was exhibited in court by Abraham Noblett, D. Sheriff, examined allowed and proven by the oath of the said Abraham Noblett and ordered to be certified to the auditor of public accounts.
Ordered that court be adjourned till court in course.
J. Robinson
December 1812
[No record for December 1812.]