Grayson County, Virginia Court Minutes — January 1862
© 1999, J. C. Weaver
Virginia. At a Court held for Grayson County at the court house thereof on Monday the 27th day of January 1862.
Present: H. W. Roberts, Presiding Justice; and Randolph Collins, Alexander Young, Bryson Darnall, Enoch Ward, other justices.
The following instruments of writing admitted to record in the clerk’s office of this court since the last term was produced in court, examined and ordered to be spread on the records of this court.
Names of Parties | Kind of Deed | When Admitted To Record | Kind of Property Conveyed |
Joseph Kegley from Elias Lundy & wife | B&S | 14 Jan. 1862 | Real Estate |
John Dickenson from George Hackler | B&S | 11 Jan. 1862 | Real Estate |
Calvin Hackler from Same | B&S | 11 Jan. 1862 | Real Estate |
Joseph H. Hackler from Same | B&S | 11 Jan. 1862 | Real Estate |
James Porter from Susan Pool | B&S | 4 Jan. 1862 | Real Estate |
Elizabeth S. Cornett & J. H. Cornett | A. Trust | 21 Jan 1862 | Real & Personal |
Weldon Edwards trustee for Lucy Edwards from Elizabeth S. Cornett | D.G. | 21 Jan. 1862 | Personal Estate |
William Kenny from Allen P. Wells | B&S | 25 Jan. 1862 | Real Estate |
William B. Osborn from William Osborn, Sr. | B&S | 27 Jan. 1862 | Real Estate |
Stephen Ross from Lewis Brewer | Bond | 27 Jan. 1862 | Real Estate |
John W. Ross from Joseph Ross | B&S | 27 Jan. 1862 | Real Estate |
A deed of bargain & sale from Jackson Anderson & Matilda his wife, Nelson Anderson & Rachel his wife & James N. Nelson To Daniel R. Nelson was presented in the clerk’s office on the 27th day of January 1862 proved by the oath of Joseph Ross a susbscribing witness thereto and continued for further proof.
A settlement of the guardian account of Stephen Boyer guardian for John Busick having been returned to court and ordered to lie over for exceptions having been taken thereto the same is ordered to be recorded.
On motion of Benjamin H. Phipps who made oath as administrator of Henderson Hash dec’d and together with Noah Long his security entered into and acknowledged a bond in the penalty of three hundred dollars conditioned according to law certificate is granted the said Benjamin H. Phipps for obtaining letters of administration on the estate of the said Henderson Hash Dec’d in due form.
Ordered that Joseph Bryant, David Phipps, & J. K. Ballard be and they are hereby appointed after being duly sworn for that purpose do appraise in current money the personal estate of Henderson Hash dec’d and return the appraisment under their hands to this court.
An appraisement and sale bill of the personal property of Alexander Sutherland a lunatic was this day returned to court and ordered to be recorded.
John C. Harrington who was on the 5th day of December in the year 1861 commissioner by the Governor of this commonwealth coroner of this county to serve as such until his successor shall be commissioned and qualified, thereupon the said John C. Harrington together with John Mc. Phipps and P. G. Hale his securities entered into and acknowledged a bond in the penalty of ten thousand dollars conditioned for the faithful execution of the duties of his office which bond is ordered to be recorded and thereupon the said John C. Harrington took the several oaths required by law.
A deed of bargain & sale from C. J. Wheeler to James Boyd was this day produced in court, acknowledged, by the said C. J. Wheeler as his act and deed and ordered to be recorded.
A deed of bargain & sale from Joel H. Mallory to David Crockett Mallory was this day produced in court, proved by the oaths of Joseph Smitteel and Granville Boyer subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded.
A deed of bargain & sale from James Parks and Elizabeth his wife to Fielden B. Parks was this day produced in court and withe the certificate of acknowledgement and privy examiniation thereto annexed ordered to be recorded.
A deed of bargain & sale from Jonathan Roberts to John J. Grubb was produced in court acknowledged by the said Roberts as his act and deed and ordered to be recorded.
A deed from Jacob A. Hackler & Thursey Jane his wife & Wm. Parks to Polly Younce was this day produced in court proved by the oaths of Enoch H. Livesay a subscribing witness and continued for further proof.
A deed from Eli Daniel & Elizabeth his wife to Minitree Funk was this day produced in court, acknowledged by the said Eli Daniel as his act and deed with the certificate of acknowledgement and privy examination of Elizabeth Daniel thereto annexed and ordered to be recorded.
On the motion of Joseph Smith who hath been duly liscensed to practice law in the courts of this commonwealth hath leave to practice in this court and thereupon the said Smith took the oaths required by law.
John Isom charged with having on the 12th day of January 1862 in the county of Grayson feloniously willfully deliberately premediatedly and of his malice aforethought kill and murder one James Taylor was this day set to the bar in the custody of the sheriff of this county and the court having heard all the evidence are of the opinion that the said John Isom ought to be tried for the said offense by the circuit court of this county whereupon the said John Isom is remanded to jail for trial before the said circuit court at the next term.
Fielden Isom charged with having on the 12th day of January 1862 in the county of Grayson feloniously willfully deliberately premediatedly and of his malice aforethought kill and murder one James Taylor was this day set to the bar in the custody of the sheriff of this county and the court having heard all the evidence are of the opinion that the said Fielden Isom ought to be tried for the said offense by the circuit court of this county whereupon the said John Isom is remanded to jail for trial before the said circuit court at the next term.
David Byrd, Burton Hawkins, Robert Taylor & Daniel A. Taylor came into court and acknowledged themselves to be indebted to the commonwealth of Virginia in the just and full sum of one hundred dollars each of their respective lands and tenaments, goods and chattels to be levied for the use of the said commonwealth yet upon this condition that they shall severally appear before the judge of the circuit court of this county at the court house on the first day of the next term to give evidence upon a bill of indictment before the grand jury to be prefered against John Isom & Fielden Isom charged with murder and shall not depart thence without leave of the said court then this recognizance to be void else to remain in full force and virtue.
George W. Cornett, Pltff
Robert P. Baker, Deft
On an attachment. This day came the parties by their attornies and it appearing to the court that the said attachment has been levied two horses and some commonwealth claims therefore it is ordered by the court that the Sheriff of the County sell the two horses aforesaid immediately on the credit of four months and that the commonwealth claims aforesaid he proceed to sell at the next term of this court taking bond payable to himself.
M. J. Jones, Pltff against Robt. P. Baker, deft. On an attachment
James Dickey, Pltff against John R. Parsons, Deft. On an attachment
Ordered that these causes be docketed and continued till the first day of the next term.
On the petition of Charles Fredeking who producted to the court the sheriff’s receipt for the tax imposed by law a licens is granted him to seel by retail at his store in Independence in Grayson County wine, ardent spirits or a mixture thereof until next April. Thereupon the said Charles Fredeking together with E. C. Dickey his security entered into and acknowledged a bond in the penalty of two hundred dollars conditioned according to law.
Ordered that court be adjourned till tomorrow morning 9 o’clock.
H. W. Roberts.
Virginia at a county court continued & held for Grayson County at the Courthouse thereof on Tuesday the 28th day of January 1862.
Present: H. W. Roberts, Presiding Justice; and Randolph Collins, Alexander Young, Bryson Darnall, Enoch Ward, other justices.
P. G. Hale, Sheriff of Grayson County this day presented in court a claim against the commonwealth amounting to fifty-five dollars and ninety five cents for expenses & service rendered in bringing Fielden Isom charged with murder from Wytheville, Va. To Independence, Grayson County, Va. A distance of 34 miles which was sworn to in open court examined, allowed and ordered to be certified to the auditor of public accounts.
G. H. Pool this day presented in court a claim against the commonwealth amounting to seventy- five cents for guarding John Isom charged with murder one day, which being sworn to in open court was examined allowed and ordered to be certified to the auditor of public accounts.
Ordered that Geo. W. Cornett be and he is hereby appointed a special commissioner to settle the administration account of Wm. J. Cornett administrator of John Cornett, Sen., dec’d and report to this court.
Ordered that M. J. Jones be and he is hereby appointed to ascertain the amount of Robert P. Baker’s book accounts for the Mountain News (a newspaper published in the town of Independence) and report to the next court.
On motion of Ezekiel Halsey and James F. Phipps who made oath as administrators of Granville Halsey deed together with David Phipps and Samuel C. Cox their security entered into and acknowledged a bond in the penalty of two thousand four hundred dollars conditioned according to law, certificate is granted the said Ezekiel Halsey & James Phipps for obtaining letters of administration on the estate of the said Granville Halsey, Dec’d in due form.
Ordered that David Phipps, Samuel C. Cox, Robert Halsey & Joseph Phipps be and they are hereby appointed after being duly sworn for that purpose (or any three of them) do appraise in current money the personal estate of Granville Halsey, dec’d and return their appraisment under their hands to this court.
On motion of Stephen Thomas who made oath as administrator of Lewis F. Austin dec’d together with Alexander Cornett his security entered into and acknowledged a bond in the penalty of two thousand dollars conditioned according to law, certificate is granted the said Stephen Thomas for obtaining letters of administration on the estate of the said Lewis F. Austin dec’d in due form.
Ordered that Stephen Boyers, Andrew Porter & Samuel M. Fulton be and they are hereby appointed after being duly sworn for that purpose (or any three of them) do appraise in current money the personal estate of Lewis F. Austin, dec’d and return their appraisment under their hands to this court.
On motion of Wm. J. Comer it is ordered that the commissioner of the revenue reasses his land at $3.50 per acre on account of former mistake.
S. Thomas for F. J. Lundy, Pltff vs. E. L. Vaughan, Deft. On a notice.
Ordered that this cause be continued at the plantiff’s costs.
On motion of the attorney for the Commonwealth and for reasons appearing to the court it is ordered that the order made yesterday granting Charles Fredeking license to retail ardent spirits at his store in Independence, Grayson County, Virginia be recinded and that the sheriff refund the money to said Charles Fredeking who paid for said license.
Ordered that Marville Thomas be allowed the sum of $61.70 cents for conveying Thomas Robinson & John Green from the jail of Wythe County to the jail of Grayson County which claim is ordered to be paid out of the present years levy if sufficient, if not to be paid out of the next years levy.
Ordered that Marville Thomas be allowed the sum of $48.05 cents for conveying Thomas Robinson from the jail of Wythe County to the jail of Grayson County which claim is ordered to be paid out of the present years levy if sufficient, if not to be paid out of the next years levy.
Ordered that the sheriff of Grayson County take the tax tickets in the western district (or No. 1) for the year 1861 that was listed by F. S. Thomas & Joseph M. Young and that he receipt for the same which said list and receipt is to be filed in the clerk’s office of Grayson County Court.
Ordered that the clerk of this court is directed to issue a county bond for M. J. Jones for $130.00 for a horse furnished the Grayson Cavalry, which was omitted by the commissioners to be listed.
Ordered that Joseph M. Young be and he is hereby appointed to list and file R. P. Baker’s constable papers in the clerk’s office of Grayson County Court.
A deed of bargain and sale from Jonathan Roberts to Arad F. Roberts was presented in the clerk’s office on the 27th day of January 1862, acknowledged by the said Jonathan Roberts as his act and deed and admitted to record.
An appraisement bill of the personal estate of Hezekiah Pacely dec’d was this day returned to court and ordered to be recorded.
An appraisement and sale bill of the personal estate of Wm. C. Long, dec’d was this day returned to court and ordered to be recorded.
Ordered that all the causes on the docket not otherwise disposed of be continued until the first day of the next term.
Ordered that court be adjourned until the first day of the next term.
H. W. Roberts
Virginia. At a quarterly court begun and held for Grayson County at the court house thereof on Monday the 24th day of February 1862.
Present: Hastin Fulton, Bryson Darnall, and Fielden Livesay, Justices
The following instruments of writing admitted to record in the clerk’s office of this court since the last term was produced in court examined and ordered to be spread upon the records of this court, viz
A deed of bargain & sale from Emanuel Long to George W. Cornett was presented in the clerk’s office on the 3rd day of February 1862, acknowledged by the said Long as his act and deed and amitted to record.
A deed of bargain & sale from George W. Cornett to Emanuel Long Cornett was presented in the clerk’s office on the 3rd day of February 1862, acknowledged by the said Cornett as his act and deed and amitted to record.
Noah Long foreman, C. O. Davis, John Bennington, Warren Martin, Jonathan Gentry, Joseph Elliott, Samuel Brewer, David Phipps, Joseph Phipps, Zachariah Osborn, Harvey Boyer, Lewis B. Hale, Azariah Lundy, Joseph H. Stone, Wm. Delp, & Meredith Vaughan were sworn a grand jury of inquest for the boddy of this county, and having received their charge wer sent out of court to consider of their presentments, and after some time returned into court and not having finished their presentments were at a late hour adjourned over till nine o’clock tomorrow morning.
A deed of bargain and sale from Bledsoe Austin to David Sweeney was produced in court, acknowledged by the said Austin as his act and deed, and ordered to be recorded.
A deed of bargain and sale from Frederic Younce and Peter Younce to Fielden B. Parks was produced in court, proven by the oath of Lorenzo D. Roberts a subscribing witness thereto and continued for further proof.
[End of p. 1149]