Glades Burial Site
Grayson County, Virginia
Location: South of Galax
Directions: The cemetery is at the intersection of Fishers Gap Road (Rt 785) and Country Charm Ln 1.6 miles from Meadow Creek Road (Rt. 607).
GPS Coordinates: N36.59038 W80.92655
Surveyed by: Carol Lindamood and Buford C. Wilson 14 Dec 2006
Comments: This cemetery is by tradition at the camp site used by part of John Cox’s company after the skirmish at the Glades during the Revolutionary War. The cemetery was started after the troops hanged a neighbor, a Hampton who was a Loyalist sympathizer. After his death his father marked his grave with rocks. Before home construction in this area there were several graves marked with field stones. All but one of them have been removed and there is little evidence of the cemetery now.