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1933 Report of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of Virginia

Grayson County Lodges

This Information has been abstracted from Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Virginia, 1933. J. C. Padgett of Independence was Grand Master for the Grand Lodge, William S. Pettit of Richmond, was Grand Treasurer; and James M. Clift, of Richmond, was Grand Secretary. This report is about 500 pages in length, but only those lodges pertaining to Grayson County are presented below.

District No. 43
Lodges Nos. 68, 129, 193, 202, 217

I hereby submit my report for District No. 43:

I have visited each of the lodges, some them several times. Want of transportation has been and expense and a handicap. It has been a great pleasure to mingle with the brethern and to extend to them my services. Most of the lodges are well officered. There is, however, a very noticeable lack of interest, especially as concerns attendance and Masonic information. The two go hand in hand. I am expecting the pledges for the Masonic Herald to reach forty to fifty subscriptions– a fine record.

The Grand Master paid our district a visit in August, which was much enjoyed by those who were so fortunate as to attend. Only the short notice kept back a full attendance and a delighted audience.

Fraternally submitted,
Jos. F. Delp, Elk Creek.

District No. 53
Lodges Nos. 219, 223

As District Deputy Grand Master of District No. 53, I wish to report that there have been no special events and no unusual developments in the district during the year.

I have been very much disappointed that the brethern, owing to the depression and scarcity of money, have not been more liberal in their subscriptions to the Masonic Herald. As a result of this condition, the lodges in this district have done but little work.

Fraternally submitted
E. L. Robbins, Volney