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Constitution and By-Laws of the Southwest Virginia Registered Nurses’ Association

[This is a complete text of a small pamphlet printed in 1921 in the Library of Virginia Collection.]


We, the Nurses of Southwest Virginia, realizing that in “union there is strength” do pledge ourselves to support by our personal effort and interest, the organization to be called “The Southwest Virginia Registered Nurses’ Association.”


Article 1


Section 1. The union of nurses for mutual help and protection.

Section 2. To advance the standard and best interested of registered nurses in Virginia, to place the profession of nursing on the highest plane obtainable and to uphold the code of ethics.

Section 3. To promote social intercourse and good fellowship among the nurses; to extend aid to those in trouble.

Article II


The officers shall be President, Vice-President and Secretary-Treasurer.

Article III

Section 1. Application for membership shall be made in writing to the Secretary-Treasurer who shall present same to committee on membership. Said committee shall have thirty days for consideration, and at the end of which time it shall be presented to the association to be voted upon by ballot and applicant declared elected unless five negative votes are cast.

Section 2. Associate members shall be registered nurses who are not in active service. Such nurses may enjoy association privileges upon payment of half dues, but are not entitled to vote.

Section 3. Honorary members may be elected by two-thirds vote of those present at business meeting and names having been presented at previous business meeting. They shall consist of those who have rendered valuable service to the nursing profession, or to this association.

Article IV


Section 1. Meetings shall be held quarterly on the second Friday of each month beginning with September 1921.

Section 2. The annual meeting shall be the September meeting.

Article V

Fees and Assessments

Section 1. The registration fee shall be $1.00 payable to the Secretary-Treasurer on admission.

Section 2. The annual dues shall be $1.00 payable at the annual meeting.

Section 3. Members who join the club less than six months before the annual meeting need not pay the annual dues until the following year.

Section 4. If any members shall be in default of payment of dues for a period of three months after the annual meeting, it shall be the duty of the Treasurer to mail to such delinquent a notice of such default. If such delinquent shall not within six months after the mailing of such notice have paid such dues, she shall lose her membership. Any nurse so desiring may be reinstated upon payment in full of back dues.

Article VI

The following with the Executive Committee shall constitute the standing committees of the association, each, with the exception of the Executive Committee, to consist of three members appointed by the President. Two members of each committee shall constitute a quorum.

Finance Committee.
Membership Committee
Committee on Arrangements
Publicity Committee


Article 1

Section 1. The President shall preside at all business meetings of the association, appoint all officers and committees not otherwise provided for and give casting vote in all cases of tie excepting in the election of officers.

Section 2. The Vice-President shall, in order, in the absence of the President, preside at the meetings and attend to all the duties of the President.

Section 3. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep all the minutes of the meetings and record those present at each meeting, shall record the name of all persons elected to membership, and shall notify each person of her election. She shall send all notices as shall be required from time to time. She shall receive, collect and pay out all association money, subject to the order of the President. She shall render to the association at each meeting an itemized statement of all receipts and disbursements since the previous meeting.

Section 4. The three officers together with two other members elected by the association shall constitute the executive committee, and shall have charge of the general business of the association; shall formulate plans for the welfare of the organization, and shall fill vacancies occurring among the officers until the next election.

Four members of this committee shall constitute a quorum.

Article II

Election of Officers

Section 1. A nominating committee consisting of three members shall be appointed by the Executive Committee. Voting on these nominations shall be by written ballot, a majority of those voting being necessary to elect a nominee. Nominations from the floor shall be in order.

Roberts Rules of Order shall be observed in all meetings.