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Columbus Holdaway Family Cemetery

Grayson County, Virginia

Location: Middle Fox Creek

Directions: From the junction of Fox Creek Rd (Rt 678) and Kindreck Rd (Rt 727) at the bridge cemetery is southeast approximately 250 yards on knoll.

GPS Coordinates: N36.63895 W81.324753

Surveyed by: Joe W. Phipps on 3 May 1995

Comments: No above ground artifacts, fence is down, cemetery was approximately 20’ x 20’, now being grazed by cattle.

Columbus Holdaway Family Cemetery, Grayson County, Virginia
Name Birth Death Comments
BREWER, Tina H.     Tina and 2 infant children, all killed by her husband, Mckinnley Brewer, with an axe. Another child Jenny, lived. McKinnley was supposed to have gone crazy from injesting some “bad” whiskey. He was committed to an asylum, for the remainder of his life.