Churches of Alleghany, Ashe and Watauga Counties, North Carolina
This is a work in progress, an effort to identify all the churches that have existed over time in the Upper New River Valley. The status column shows status as of about 2000.
The format for this section is that churches are identified by county, then by general type, and name. You may use the column sort and search functions to find specific groupings. Each line has the name of the church, dates of operation, and affiliation by larger group.
County | General Type | Name | Founded | Status | Association |
Alleghany | Baptists | Antioch Primitive Baptist | 1853 | Active | Mountain District PB Assn. |
Alleghany | Baptists | Baptists | 1896 | Active | Alleghany Baptist Assn. (Southern) |
Alleghany | Baptists | Blue Ridge Primitve Baptist | 1914 | ca. 1980 | Sandy Ridge District PB Assn. |
Alleghany | Baptists | Calloway’s Chapel Baptist | fl. 1896 | Ashe and Alleghany Baptist Assn. | |
Alleghany | Baptists | Christian Home Baptist | ? | Active | ? |
Alleghany | Baptists | Crab Creek Primitive Baptist | 1875 | Active | Mountain District PB Assn. |
Alleghany | Baptists | Cranberry Primitive Baptist | 1817 | 1980 | Mountain District PB Assn. |
Alleghany | Baptists | Cherry Lane Union Bapitst | Active | Union Baptist Assn. | |
Alleghany | Baptists | Chestnut Grove Missionary Baptist | 1897 | Active | Alleghany Baptist Assn. |
Alleghany | Baptists | Christian Home Baptist | Active | ? | |
Alleghany | Baptists | Elk Creek Primitive Baptist | 1839 | Active | None (Historically Mountain District PB Assn.) |
Alleghany | Baptists | First Baptist Church of Sparta | 1884 | Active | Alleghany Baptist Assn. |
Alleghany | Baptists | Friendship Independent Baptist | Active | None | |
Alleghany | Baptists | Glade Creek Union Baptist | 1888 | Active | Union Baptist Assn. |
Alleghany | Baptists | Knob Fork Primitive Baptist | 1845 | Extinct | Mountain District PB Assn. |
Alleghany | Baptists | Landmark Union Baptist | 1889 | Active | Union Baptist Assn. |
Alleghany | Baptists | Laurel Glen Regular Baptist | 1929 | Active | Little River Regular Baptist Assn. |
Alleghany | Baptists | Laurel Springs Missionary | 1891 | Active | Alleghany Baptist Assn. |
Alleghany | Baptists | Liberty Missionary Baptist | 1834 | Active | Alleghany Baptist Assn. |
Alleghany | Baptists | Liberty Knob Regular Baptist | 1884 | Active | Primitive Association of Regular Baptists |
Alleghany | Baptists | Little Pine Liberty Baptist | Active | ? | |
Alleghany | Baptists | Little River Primitive Baptist | 1793 | Active | Mountain District PB Assn. |
Alleghany | Baptists | Macedonia Free Will Baptist | Active | ? | |
Alleghany | Baptists | Macedonia Union Baptist | 1883 | Active | New Covenant Baptist Assn. |
Alleghany | Baptists | Meadow Fork Primitive Baptist | 1849 | Active | None-Historically Roaring River District PB Assn. |
Alleghany | Baptists | La Mision Bautista Hispana de Sparta | ? | Active | Alleghany Baptist Assn. |
Alleghany | Baptists | Mountain View Regular Baptist | ca. 1870 | Active | Little River Regular Baptist Assn. |
Alleghany | Baptists | Mount Carmel Missionary Baptist | Active | Alleghany Baptist Assn. | |
Alleghany | Baptists | Mount Carmel Union Baptist | 1867 | Active | Union Baptist Assn. |
Alleghany | Baptists | New Hope Missionary Baptist | 1881 | Active | Alleghany Baptist Assn. |
Alleghany | Baptists | New Home Free Will Baptist | 1934 | Active | New River Free Will Baptist Conference |
Alleghany | Baptists | New River Missionary Baptist | Active | Alleghany Baptist Assn. | |
Alleghany | Baptists | New Salem Regular Baptist | 1921 | Active | Little River Regular Baptist Assn. |
Alleghany | Baptists | Osborne Memorial Baptist | 1943 | Active | Alleghany Baptist Assn. |
Alleghany | Baptists | Pine Fork Missionary Baptist | 1898 | Active | Alleghany Baptist Assn. |
Alleghany | Baptists | Pine Swamp Union Baptist | 1955 | Active | Union Baptist Assn. |
Alleghany | Baptists | Piney Creek Primitive Baptist | ca. 1825 | 1980 | Mountain District PB Assn. |
Alleghany | Baptists | Pleasant Grove Regular Baptist | ante 1890 | Active | Union Baptist Assn. |
Alleghany | Baptists | Pleasant Hill Baptist Church | 1868 | Active | New Covenant Baptist Assn. |
Alleghany | Baptists | Pleasant Home Union Baptist | 1894 | Active | Union Baptist Assn. |
Alleghany | Baptists | Prather’s Creek Regular Baptist | Inactive | Little River Regular Baptist Assn. | |
Alleghany | Baptists | Rich Hill Union Baptist | 1950 | Active | Union Baptist Assn. |
Alleghany | Baptists | Saddle Mountain Union Baptist | 1938 | Active | Union Baptist Assn. |
Alleghany | Baptists | Saddle Mountain Regular Baptist | 1895 | Active | Little River Regular Baptist Assn. |
Alleghany | Baptists | Scottville Baptist | 1925 | Active | None |
Alleghany | Baptists | South Fork Little River Baptist | 1840 | Active | Little River Regular Baptist Assn. |
Alleghany | Baptists | Sulphur Springs Baptist | 1868 | 1883 | New Covenant Baptist Assn. |
Alleghany | Baptists | Union Primitive Baptist | 1834 | Active | St. Clair’s Bottom PB Assn. (Historically Mountain District PB Assn.) |
Alleghany | Baptists | West Side Independent Baptist | Active | None | |
Alleghany | Baptists | Woodruff Primitive Baptist | 1850 | Active | None (Historically Roaring River District PB Assn) |
Alleghany | Baptists | Whitehead Union Baptist | 1938 | Active | Union Baptist Assn. |
Alleghany | Baptists | White Plains Union Baptist | 1885 | Active | New Covenant Baptist Assn. |
Alleghany | Baptists | Zion Primitive Baptist | 1865 | Active | Roaring River PB Assn. |
Alleghany | Catholic | St. Francis of Rome | 1966 | Active | |
Alleghany | Church of the Brethern | Little Pine Church of the Brethern | 1906 | Active | |
Alleghany | Church of the Brethern | Mount Carmel Church of the Brethern | ca. 1890 | Active | |
Alleghany | Church of the Brethern | New Haven Church of the Brethern | 1926 | Active | |
Alleghany | Church of God | Church of God Tabernacle | Active | ||
Alleghany | Church of God | Sparta Church of God | 19__; | Active | |
Alleghany | Episcopal | Christ Episcopal Church | 19__; | Active | |
Alleghany | Full Gospel | Sparta Full Gospel Church | ? | Active | |
Alleghany | Jehovah’s Witness | Jehovah’s Witness Kingdom Hall | 1975 | Active | |
Alleghany | Latter Day Saints | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints | 1975 | Active | |
Alleghany | Methodist | Antioch United Methodist Roaring Gap |
1850 | Active | ? |
Alleghany | Methodist | Mount Zion United Methodist | 1837 | Active | Nathan’s Creek Circuit |
Alleghany | Methodist | Piney Creek United Methodist | 1909 | Active | Piney Creek Circuit |
Alleghany | Methodist | Savannah United Methodist | Active?? | ?? | |
Alleghany | Methodist | Shiloh United Methodist | 1838 | Active | Piney Creek Circuit |
Alleghany | Methodist | Sparta United Methodist | 1889 | Active | Station Church |
Alleghany | Pentecostal/Holiness | Mount Sinai United Outreach Ministries | 1950 | Active | |
Alleghany | Pentecostal/Holiness | Sparta Pentecostal Holiness Church | Active | ||
Alleghany | Presbyterian | Glade Valley Presbyterian | 1904 | Active | |
Alleghany | Presbyterian | Lauel Fork Presbyterian | Active | ||
Alleghany | Presbyterian | Rocky Ridge Presbyterian | 1901 | ca. 1964 | |
Alleghany | Presbyterian | Sparta Presbyterian | 1900 | Active | |
Alleghany | Other | Alleghany Chapel | Active | ||
Alleghany | Other | Baker’s Ridge Mission | 195_ | Active | |
Alleghany | Other | Full Gospel Church | Active | ||
Alleghany | Other | Community Free Worship | Active | ||
Alleghany | Other | Liberty Knob Church | Active | ||
Alleghany | Other | New Covenant Church | Active | ||
Alleghany | Other | United Faith Church | Active | ||
Alleghany | Pentecostal | Sparta Pentecostal Holiness Church | 1969 | ? | |
Ashe | Assembly of God | First Assembly of God | Active | ||
Ashe | Baptist | Apple Grove Baptist | 1889 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Apple Grove Baptist | 1854 | 1871 | Jefferson Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Bald Mountain Baptist | 1890 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Baptist Chapel Regular Baptist | 1842 | Active | Original Mountain Union Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Bear Creek Primitive Baptist | 1834 | Active | None – Historically Senter District PB Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Beaver Creek Baptist | 1890 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Beaver Creek Primitive Baptist | 1787 | Active | Senter District PB Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Ben Bolen Regular Baptist | Active | Original Mountain Union Baptist Assn. | |
Ashe | Baptist | Bethel Baptist | 1857 | Active | None – Historically Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Bethel Separate Baptist | Active | Christian Unity Separate Baptist Assn. | |
Ashe | Baptist | Bethlehem Baptist | 1898 | Fl. 1898 | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Bethlehem Primitive Baptist | 1854 | ca. 1863 | Senter District PB Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Big Flatts Baptist | 1905 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Big Helton Primitive Baptist | 1840 | Active | Senter District PB Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Big Laurel Baptist | 1880 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Blue Ridge Baptist | 1887 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Bristol Baptist | 1888 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Brushy Fork Baptist | ca. 1894 | ca. 1904 | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Buffalo Baptist | 1868 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Buffalo Regular Baptist | Active | Original Mountain Union Baptist Assn. | |
Ashe | Baptist | Cavalry Baptist [First] | 1906 | Extinct | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Cavalry Baptist [Second] | 1960 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Cavalry Free Will Baptist | Active | ? | |
Ashe | Baptist | Chestnut Hill Baptist | 1928 | Active | None — Historically Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Clifton Baptist | 1891 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Covenant Regular Baptist | 1994 | Mountain Union Baptist Assn. | |
Ashe | Baptist | Cove Branch Baptist | 1909 | ca. 1933 | New Covenant Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Cox’s Grove Baptist | ca. 1880 | Active | New Covenant Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Emmanuel Baptist Church #2 | Active | None | |
Ashe | Baptist | Emmanuel Independent Baptist | ca. 1972 | Active | None |
Ashe | Baptist | Fairview Baptist | Active | None | |
Ashe | Baptist | Fairview Baptist | 1897 | ca. 1902 | New Covenant Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Farmer Memorial Baptist | 1941 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Flat Grove Regular Baptist | Active | Original Mountain Union Baptist Assn. | |
Ashe | Baptist | Fletcher Memorial Baptist | 1953 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Forest Home Baptist | ante 1874 | 1916 | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Friendly Grove Baptist | 1945 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Frienship Baptist | 1880 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Glendale Springs Baptist | 1914 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Grassy Creek Baptist | 1929 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Grayson’s Chapel Baptist | 1898 | fl. 1898 | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Greens Chapel Baptist | Active | None – Historically Ashe Baptist Assn. | |
Ashe | Baptist | Healing Springs Baptist | 1884 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Highlands Community Church | 1997 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Horse Creek Primitive Baptist | 1840 | Active | Senter District PB Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Jefferson Baptist | Ca. 1916 | Ashe Baptist Assn. | |
Ashe | Baptist | Landmark Baptist Church | 1856 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Laurel Hill Regular Baptist | Active | Mountain Union Baptist Assn. | |
Ashe | Baptist | Laurel Knob Baptist Church | 1912 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Liberty Baptist | 1895 | 1902 | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Liberty Grove Baptist | 1917 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Liberty Regular Baptist | Active | None – Historically Mountain Union Baptist Assn. | |
Ashe | Baptist | Liberty Chapel Baptist | 1847 | ? | Jefferson Baptist Association |
Ashe | Baptist | Little Helton Baptist | 1923 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Little Piney Baptist | 194_ | ca. 1962 | Christian Unity Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Little Valley Regular Baptist | ____ | Extinct | Mountain Union Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Long Branch | 1885 | Active | None – Historically Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Macedonia Baptist [Merged into Old Fields] |
1899 | Extinct | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Mahala’s Chapel Regular Baptist | ca. 1933 | Mountain Union Baptist Assn. | |
Ashe | Baptist | Meadow View | 1896 | ca. 1905 | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Midway Baptist | 1953 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Mission Bautista | 1997 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Mission Home Baptist (Mt. Pleasant Baptist) |
1892 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Morning Star Baptist | Active | None | |
Ashe | Baptist | Mount Olive Baptist | 1941 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Mount Olive Baptist | 1876 | 1952 | New Covenant Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Mountain View Baptist | ante 1898 | Active | None – Historically Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Mt. Jefferson Baptist | ca. 1990 | Active | None |
Ashe | Baptist | Mt. Pleasant Regular Baptist | 1849 | Active | Mountain Union Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Mt. Vernon Baptist | Active | None | |
Ashe | Baptist | Mt. Zion Regular Baptist | Active | Original Mountain Union Baptist Assn. | |
Ashe | Baptist | New Bethel Regular Baptist | Active | Mountain Union Baptist Assn. | |
Ashe | Baptist | New Home Regular Baptist | Active | Original Mountain Union Baptist Assn. | |
Ashe | Baptist | New Hope Baptist | 1947 | 1949 | New Covenant Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | New River Baptist | 1885 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | New River Primitive Baptist | ca. 1854 | 1916 | Senter District PB Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | New River Primitive Baptist | ca. 1790 | ca. 1840 | Mountain District PB Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | North Beaver Baptist | 1943 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | North Fork Primitive Baptist | 1785 | Active | Senter District PB Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Oak Grove Regular Baptist | Active | Original Mountain Union Baptist Assn. | |
Ashe | Baptist | Oak Hill Baptist | 1927 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Obids Baptist | 1892 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Old Fields Baptist | 1803 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Orion Baptist | 1911 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Peak Valley | 1882 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Phoenix Baptist | 1908 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Pine Grove Regular Baptist | 1892 | Active | Original Mountain Union Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Pine Swamp Baptist | 1948 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Pleasant Chapel Baptist | Active | None | |
Ashe | Baptist | Pleasant Grove Baptist | 1892 | Active | New Covenant Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Pleasant Hill Baptist | 1894 | fl. 1898 | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Pleasant Home Baptist | 1870 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Pleasant Valley Baptist | 1929 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Pleasant View Separate Baptist | Active | Christian Unity Separate Baptist Assn. | |
Ashe | Baptist | Pond Mountain Primitive Baptist | 1881 | Active | St. Clair’s Bottom District PB Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Prosperity Baptist | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. | |
Ashe | Baptist | Rich Hill Regular Baptist | Active | Original Mountain Union Baptist Assn. | |
Ashe | Baptist | Riverview Baptist | 1990 | ca. 1992 | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Riverview Primitive Baptist | 1898 | Active | Senter District PB Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Roans Creek Primitive Baptist | 1869 | Active | Senter District PB Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Round Knob Baptist | 1940 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Sabbath Home Baptist | 1931 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Senter Primitive Baptist | 1829 | Active | Senter District PB Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Shelter Baptist | ca. 1868 | Active | None – Mountain Union tradition |
Ashe | Baptist | Shiloh Baptist | Active | None | |
Ashe | Baptist | Silas Creek Regular Baptist | 1819 | Active | Original Mountain Union Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Silas Creek Primitive Baptist | 1819 | 1935 | Senter District PB Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | South Fork Primitive Baptist | 1840 | 1962 | Senter District PB Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | St. John’s Baptist | 1940 | Active | New Covenant Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Sturgill’s Baptist | 1933 | Active | None – Historically Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Sugar Grove Separate Baptist | Active | Christian Unity Separate Baptist Assn. | |
Ashe | Baptist | Sugar Tree Separate Baptist | Active | Christian Unity Separate Baptist Assn. | |
Ashe | Baptist | Temple Baptist | Active | None | |
Ashe | Baptist | Three Forks Baptist | 1835 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Three Top Regular Baptist | Active | Mountain Union Baptist Assn. | |
Ashe | Baptist | Tuckerdale Baptist | 1915 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Union Separate Baptist | Active | Christian Unity Separate Baptist Assn. | |
Ashe | Baptist | Valley Home Baptist | 1916 | Active | None – Historically Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Wagoner Baptist | 1949 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Warrensville Baptist | 1929 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Welcome Home Baptist | 1935 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | West Jefferson First Baptist | 1916 | Active | None – Historically Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | White Oak Regular Baptist | Active | Mountain Union Baptist Assn. | |
Ashe | Baptist | Windfall Baptist | 1915 | Ashe Baptist Assn. | |
Ashe | Baptist | Zion Hill Baptist | 1895 | Fl. 1898 | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Ashe | Baptist | Zion Hill Baptist | 1868 | Active | Christian Unity Baptist Assn. #2 |
Ashe | Baptist | – | 1886 | Active | Ashe Baptist Association |
Ashe | Catholic | St. Francis of Assisi Catholic | ca. 1955 | Active | |
Ashe | Christian Church (Campbellites) | Beaver Creek Christian Church | 1908 | Active | |
Ashe | Church of the Brethern | Flat Rock Church of the Brethern | 1802 | ? | |
Ashe | Church of the Brethern | Peak Creek Church of the Brethern | Active | ||
Ashe | Church of the Brethern | Pleasant Valley Church of the Brethern | ____ | Extinct post 1962 | |
Ashe | Church of the Brethern | Mt. Carmel Church of the Brethern | _____ | Extinct ante 1962 | |
Ashe | Church of the Brethern | Ben Bowlin Creek Church of the Brethern | _____ | Extinct ante 1962 | |
Ashe | Church of Christ | West Jefferson Church of Christ | Active | ||
Ashe | Church of Christ in Christian Union | Big Laurel CCCU | 1961 | Active | |
Ashe | Church of Christ in Christian Union | Mt. Paddy CCCU | 1936 | Active | |
Ashe | Church of Christ in Christian Union | Transou CCCU | Active | ||
Ashe | Episcopal | Holy Trinity Episcopal | 1901 | Active | |
Ashe | Episcopal | St. Mary’s Episcopal | 1897 | Active | |
Ashe | Jehovah’s Witnesses | Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses | ca. 1980 | Active | |
Ashe | Mennonite | Big Laurel Mennonnite | 1951 | Active | |
Ashe | Mennonite | Meadowview Mennonite | 1955 | Active | |
Ashe | Methodist | Big Laurel Mennonnite | 1951 | Active | |
Ashe | Methodist | Meadowview Mennonite | 1955 | Active | |
Ashe | Methodist | Ashley Chapel Methodist | Extinct | Helton Circuit | |
Ashe | Methodist | Belmont Methodist | ante 1960 | ||
Ashe | Methodist | Bethany Methodist | 1849 | Active | Jefferson Circuit |
Ashe | Methodist | Blackburn Memorial Methodist | 1860 | Active | Todd Circuit |
Ashe | Methodist | Calvary Methodist | 1914 | Active | Todd Circuit |
Ashe | Methodist | Chestnut Hill Methodist | 1887 | Active | Nathan’s Creek Circuit |
Ashe | Methodist | Clifton Methodist | ante 1914 | Active | Warrensville Circuit |
Ashe | Methodist | Copeland Methodist | 1890 | Extinct | |
Ashe | Methodist | Creston Methodist | ante 1865 | Active | Creston – Green Valley Circuit |
Ashe | Methodist | Fairview Methodist | post 1960 | Warrensville Circuit | |
Ashe | Methodist | Green Valley Methodist | Active | Creston – Green Valley Circuit | |
Ashe | Methodist | Greenwood Methodist | 1885 | Extinct | Helton Circuit |
Ashe | Methodist | Greer’s Chapel Methodist | ca. 1840 | ||
Ashe | Methodist | Helton Methodist | 1885 | Active | Helton Circuit |
Ashe | Methodist | Jefferson Methodist | ante 1827 | Active | Jefferson Circuit |
Ashe | Methodist | Lansing Methodist | 1876 | Active | Helton Circuit |
Ashe | Methodist | Little Laurel Methodist | Active | Creston-Green Valley Circuit | |
Ashe | Methodist | Martin’s Chapel Methodist | Post 1960 | Creston-Green Valley Circuit | |
Ashe | Methodist | Mill Creek Methodist | Active | Warrensville Circuit | |
Ashe | Methodist | Mountain View Methodist | Extinct | Creston-Green Valley Circuit | |
Ashe | Methodist | Mt. Zion Methodist | Active | ||
Ashe | Methodist | Nathan’s Creek Methodist | ca. 1845 | Active | Nathan’s Creek Circuit |
Ashe | Methodist | Old Helton Methodist | ante1856 | 1885 | |
Ashe | Methodist | Orion Methodist | 1886 | Post 1960 | Jefferson Circuit |
Ashe | Methodist | Peak View [Peak Grove] Methodist | Post 1960 | Creston-Green Valley Circuit | |
Ashe | Methodist | Pine Swamp Methodist | Extinct | ||
Ashe | Methodist | Rich Hill Methodist | Active | Warrensville Circuit | |
Ashe | Methodist | Roaring Fork Methodist | Post 1960 | Creston-Green Valley Circuit | |
Ashe | Methodist | Rock Creek Methodist | Post 1960 | Creston-Green Valley Circuit | |
Ashe | Methodist | Roundabout Methodist | Post 1960 | Creston-Green Valley Circuit | |
Ashe | Methodist | Sabbath Home Methodist | ca. 1930 | ||
Ashe | Methodist | Smethport Methodist | 1910 | Active | Warrensville |
Ashe | Methodist | Snider’s Chapel Methodist | ca. 1940 | ||
Ashe | Methodist | Stephen’s Memorial Chapel | ca. 1992 | Todd Circuit | |
Ashe | Methodist | Sutherland Methodist | 1886 | Active | Creston-Green Valley Circuit |
Ashe | Methodist | Transou Methodist | ca 1873 | Active | Nathan’s Creek Circuit |
Ashe | Methodist | Warrensville Methodist | Active | Warrensville Circuit | |
Ashe | Methodist | West Jefferson Methodist | 1921 | Active | Station Church |
Ashe | Methodist | Zion Methodist | ca. 1866 [1896] | Active | Jefferson Circuit |
Ashe | Narzarene | Mount Jefferson Church of the Nazarene | 19__ | Active | |
Ashe | Community/Non-Denominational | Baldwin Community | Active | ||
Ashe | Community/Non-Denominational | Big Ridge Community | Active | ||
Ashe | Community/Non-Denominational | Blackburn’s Tabernacle | Active | ||
Ashe | Community/Non-Denominational | Christian Believer’s Assembly | Active | ||
Ashe | Community/Non-Denominational | Cornerstone Fellowship | Active | ||
Ashe | Community/Non-Denominational | Faith Chapel Christian Church | Active | ||
Ashe | Community/Non-Denominational | Full Gospel Church | Active | ||
Ashe | Community/Non-Denominational | Highland Bible Tabernacle | Active | ||
Ashe | Community/Non-Denominational | Lighthouse Ministries | Active | ||
Ashe | Community/Non-Denominational | Obids Country Church | Active | ||
Ashe | Community/Non-Denominational | Peace Haven Community | ca. 1990 | Active | |
Ashe | Community/Non-Denominational | Unity Worship Center | Active | ||
Ashe | Community/Non-Denominational | Victory Christian Fellowship | Active | ||
Ashe | Pentecostal | New River Full Gospel | Active | ||
Ashe | Pentecostal | Blue Ridge Pentecostal Assembly | Active | ||
Ashe | Presbyterian | Ashe Presbyterian Church in America | ca. 1990 | Active | PCA. |
Ashe | Presbyterian | Big Ridge Presbyterian | 1932 | Inactive | Orange Presbytery |
Ashe | Presbyterian | Ebenezer Presbyterian | 1899 | Active | Orange Presbytery |
Ashe | Presbyterian | Foster Memorial Presbyterian | 1931 | Inactive | Orange Presbytery |
Ashe | Presbyterian | Gillespie Memorial Prebyterian | 1932 | Inactive | Orange Presbytery |
Ashe | Presbyterian | Glendale Springs Presbyterian | 1939 | Active | Orange Presbytery |
Ashe | Presbyterian | Grassy Creek Presbyterian | 1773 | 1787 | Holston Presbytery |
Ashe | Presbyterian | Jefferson Presbyterian | 1863 | 1871 | Concord Presbytery |
Ashe | Presbyterian | Jefferson Presbyterian | 1900 | Extinct | Orange Presbytery |
Ashe | Presbyterian | Lansing Presbyterian | 1926 | Active | Orange Presbytery |
Ashe | Presbyterian | Laurel Fork Presyterian | 1932 | Active | Orange Presbytery |
Ashe | Presbyterian | Low Gap Presbyterian | 1929 | Inactive | Orange Presbytery |
Ashe | Presbyterian | Mount Jefferson Presbyterian | 1925 | Active | Orange Presbytery |
Ashe | Presbyterian | Obids Presbyterian | 1904 | Extinct | |
Ashe | Presbyterian | Peak Creek Presbyterian | 1921 | Extinct | Orange Presbytery |
Ashe | Presbyterian | Stone’s Chapel Presbyterian | 1932 | Inactive | Orange Presbytery |
Ashe | Seventh Day Adventists | Warrensville Seventh Day Adventist | Active | ||
Watauga | Assembly of God | Centeral Assembly of God | Active | ||
Watauga | Baptist | Beaver Dam Baptist | 1874 | Active | Three Forks Baptist Assn. |
Watauga | Baptist | Beech Creek Regular Baptist | Active | Mountain Union Baptist Assn. | |
Watauga | Baptist | Beech Mountain Primitive Baptist | ? | 1968 | Independent |
Watauga | Baptist | Bethany Baptist | 1893 | Active | Three Forks Baptist Assn. |
Watauga | Baptist | Bethel Baptist | 1851 | Active | Three Forks Baptist Assn. |
Watauga | Baptist | Bible Way Baptist | Active | ? | |
Watauga | Baptist | Blowing Rock 1st Baptist | 1903 | Active | Three Forks Baptist Assn. |
Watauga | Baptist | Boone 1st Baptist | 1870 | Active | Three Forks Baptist Assn. |
Watauga | Baptist | Brushy Fork Baptist | 1858 | Active | Three Forks Baptist Assn. |
Watauga | Baptist | Cove Creek Baptist | 1799 | Active | Three Forks Baptist Assn. |
Watauga | Baptist | Clark’s Creek Baptist | 1898 | Active | Three Forks Baptist Assn. |
Watauga | Baptist | Cool Spings Baptist | 1888 | Active | Three Forks Baptist Assn. |
Watauga | Baptist | Evergreen Baptist | Active | ? | |
Watauga | Baptist | Elk Knob Baptist | 1890 | Active | Three Forks Baptist Assn. |
Watauga | Baptist | Forest Grove Baptist | 1889 | Active | Three Forks Baptist Assn. |
Watauga | Baptist | Gap Creek Baptist | 1887 | Active | Three Forks Baptist Assn. |
Watauga | Baptist | Grace Baptist | Active | ? | |
Watauga | Baptist | Greenway Baptist | 1958 | Active | Three Forks Baptist Assn. |
Watauga | Baptist | Howard’s Creek Baptist | 1882 | Active | Three Forks Baptist Assn. |
Watauga | Baptist | Laurel Springs Baptist | 1873 | Active | Three Forks Baptist Assn. |
Watauga | Baptist | Laurel Fork Baptist | Active | ? | |
Watauga | Baptist | Mabel Baptist | 1948 | Active | Three Forks Baptist Assn. |
Watauga | Baptist | Mount Ephraim Baptist | _____ | Active | ? |
Watauga | Baptist | Mount Vernon Baptist | Active | ? | |
Watauga | Baptist | Middle Fork Baptist | 1905 | Active | Three Forks Baptist Assn. |
Watauga | Baptist | Mount Lebanon Baptist | 1891 | Active | Three Forks Baptist Assn. |
Watauga | Baptist | Mountain Dale Baptist | 1942 | Active | Three Forks Baptist Assn. |
Watauga | Baptist | Oak Grove Baptist | 1891 | Active | Three Forks Baptist Assn. |
Watauga | Baptist | Perkinsville Baptist | 1947 | Active | Three Forks Baptist Assn. |
Watauga | Baptist | Pilgrim’s Rest Primitive Baptist | 1968 | Active | Independent |
Watauga | Baptist | Pilot Mountain Baptist | 1886 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Watauga | Baptist | Pleasant Grove Baptist | 1891 | Active | Three Forks Baptist Assn. |
Watauga | Baptist | Proffit’s Grove Baptist | 1921 | Active | Three Forks Baptist Assn. |
Watauga | Baptist | Rich Mountain Baptist | 1905 | Active | Three Forks Baptist Assn. |
Watauga | Baptist | Rutherwood Baptist | 1938 | Active | Three Forks Baptist Assn. |
Watauga | Baptist | Shull’s Mill Baptist | 1888 | Active | Three Forks Baptist Assn. |
Watauga | Baptist | South Fork Baptist | 1833 | Active | Three Forks Baptist Assn. |
Watauga | Baptist | Stony Fork Baptist | 1841 | Active | Three Forks Baptist Assn. |
Watauga | Baptist | Tabernacle Baptist | 1941 | Active | Three Forks Baptist Assn. |
Watauga | Baptist | Three Forks Baptist | 1790 | Active | Three Forks Baptist Assn. |
Watauga | Baptist | Trinity Baptist | 1975 | Active | Ashe Baptist Assn. |
Watauga | Baptist | Timbered Ridge Baptist | 1906 | Active | Three Forks Baptist Assn. |
Watauga | Baptist | Union Baptist | 1885 | Active | Three Forks Baptist Assn. |
Watauga | Baptist | Vanderpool Baptist | 1953 | Active | Three Forks Baptist Assn. |
Watauga | Baptist | Vilas Valley Baptist | Active | ? | |
Watauga | Baptist | Westview Baptist | Active | ? | |
Watauga | Baptist | White Rock Baptist | 1945 | Active | Three Forks Baptist Assn. |
Watauga | Baptist | Willow Valley Baptist | 1935 | Active | Three Forks Baptist Assn. |
Watauga | Baptist | Willowdale Baptist | 1911 | Active | Three Forks Baptist Assn. |
Watauga | Baptist | Zion Hill Baptist | 1886 | Active | Three Forks Baptist Assn. |
Watauga | Baptist | Zionville Baptist | 1836 | Active | Three Forks Baptist Assn. |
Watauga | Catholic | St. Elizabeth’s Catholic | 19__ | Active | |
Watauga | Catholic | The Ephiphany Catholic Church | Active | ||
Watauga | Christian Science | Blowing Rock Christian Science Society | 19__ | Active | |
Watauga | Christian Science | Boone Christian Science Society | Active | ||
Watauga | Church of Christ | Boone Church of Christ | Active | ||
Watauga | Church of God | Boone Church of Christ | Active | ||
Watauga | Disciples of Christ (Campbellite) | Boone First Christian | Active | ||
Watauga | Disciples of Christ (Campbellite) | Foscoe Christian | Active | ||
Watauga | Episcopal | Holy Cross Episcopal | 1841 | Active | |
Watauga | Episcopal | St. Matthews Episcopal | 1914 | Semi-active | |
Watauga | Episcopal | St. Mary’s of the Hills Episcopal | Active | ||
Watauga | Jehovah’s Witnesses | Boone Jehovah’s Witnesses | Active | ||
Watauga | Jewish | Boone Jewish Community | Active | ||
Watauga | Latter Day Saints | Boone Latter-Day Saints | Active | ||
Watauga | Lutheran | Grace Lutheran | Active | ||
Watauga | Methodist | Boone 1st Methodist | Active | ||
Watauga | Methodist | Deerfield Methodist | Active | ||
Watauga | Methodist | Henson’s Chapel Methodist | Active | ||
Watauga | Methodist | Hopewell Methodist | Active | ||
Watauga | Methodist | Mabel Methodist | 18__ | Active | |
Watauga | Methodist | Todd Methodist | Active | ||
Watauga | Methodist | Valle Crucis Methodist | Active | ||
Watauga | Orthodox | Antiochian Orthodox | 19__ | Active | |
Watauga | Presbyterian | Brookside Presbyterian | 19__ | Active | |
Watauga | Presbyterian | Baird’s Creek Presbyterian | Active | ||
Watauga | Presbyterian | Rumple Memorial Presbyterian | Active | ||
Watauga | Unitarian | Boone Unitarian Fellowship | 19__ | Active | |
Watauga | Uncertain Affiliation | Alliance Bible Fellowship | 19__ | Active | |
Watauga | Uncertain Affiliation | Apostolic Church of Christ | Active | ||
Watauga | Uncertain Affiliation | Living Water Christian Fellowship | Active | ||
Watauga | Uncertain Affiliation | Samaritan’s Purse | Active | ||
Watauga | Uncertain Affiliation | World Harvest Church | Active |
Credits: Jim Thompson provided a list of currently active churches in Ashe County; Minutes of various Baptist Associations; History of Ashe County by Arthur L. Fletcher, 1962 Methodism in Ashe By Garland Stafford; Grayson County Heritage Book, History of Alleghany County 1859-1976
Interview with Rev. Priscilla Walker, October, 1999.