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The First Annual Catalogue of Galax High School, Session 1906 – 1907


Fall Session begins Monday, September 17.
Thanksgiving Holiday, Thursday, November 29.
Fall Session ends Friday, December 1.
Winter Session begins Monday, December 10
Christmas Vacation, December 21 to January 2.
Washington’s Birthday Celebration, February 22.
Winter Session Ends, Friday 15.
Final Examinations, April 29-30.
Commencement Exercises, May 2-3.


Guy F. Carr, Principal, Mathematics, English, History and Business Course.
C. Kyle Osborne, Latin, French, English and History
Miss. Laura Lou Carr (Bridle Creek Academy), Primary Department.
Miss. Della Young, Music and Elocution.

Board of Directors

A. C. Painter, President – Galax, Va.
J. B. Landreth, Secretary – Galax, Va.
J. P. Carico, Galax, Va.
M. L. Bishop, Galax, Va.
W. L. Hart, Galax, Va.
Dr. J. B. Caldwell, Galax, Va.
Dr. A. G. Pless, Galax, Va.
J. H. Kyle, Baywood, Va.

Course of Study

Primary Department

First Grade – Speller, First Reader, with Board Exercises and Slate work, Nature Lessons, Reproduction of Short Stories.
Second Grade – Spelling, Second Reader, First Lessons in Numbers, First Lessons in Penmanship, Simple Exercises in Composition.
Third Grade – Spelling, Third Reader, First Lessons in Geography, Primary Arithmetic, Penmanship, Language Exercises
Fourth Grade – Spelling, Fourth Reader, Elementary Geography, Intermediate Arithmetic, Penmanship, Language Exercises

Grammar Department

Fifth Grade – Written Spelling, History of Virginia, Elementary Geography and Map Drawing, Elementary Grammar, Intermediate Arithmetic, Penmanship, Language Exercises, Intellectual Arithmetic, Beginners’ Physiology
Sixth Grade – History of United States, Manual of Geography, Higher Grammar, Practical Arithmetic, Physiology, and Hygiene.

Academic Department

Sophomore Class

Fall Term – Higher History, Higher Grammar, Advanced Arithmetic, Beginner’s Latin, Elementary Algebra.
Winter Term – Higher History, Higher Grammar, Advanced Arithmetic, Beginners’ Latin, Elementary Algebra.
Spring Term – Civil Government, Higher Grammar, Advanced Arithmetic, Gate to Caesar, Elementary Algebra.

Junior Class

Fall Term – General History, Plane Geometry, Rhetoric, Higher Algebra, Caesar.
Winter Term – General History, Plane Geometry, Rhetoric, Higher Algebra, Caesar.
Spring Term – General History, Plane Geometry, Rhetoric, Higher Algebra, Caesar.

Senior Class – Fall Term–French Grammar, American Literature, Physical Geography, Solid Geometry, Cicero.
Winter Term – French Reader, English Literature, Physics, Solid Geometry, Cicero.
Spring Term – French Reader, English Literature, Physics, Plane Trigonometry, Virgil

Music Department

The course is arranged in five grades.

  1. Grade I – Methods – The five finger exercises, with due regard to the control and development of the hand. Major and minor scales. Practical methods in Koeler, Czerney’s easiest studies and easy pieces given by standard composers.
  2. Grade II – More difficult finger exercises. Wrist exercises emphasized. Studies of Helier, Czerney, and Berens, with easy duets and pieces.
  3. Grade III – Major and minor scales from memory. Contrary motion scales. Exercises in phrasing. Studies continued and easiest sonatas of Mozart and Hayden added. Duet and trio work.
  4. Grade IV – The scales in the thirds and the sixths. Technical exercises continued. Mendlessohn’s Songs without words, Bach’s Preludes, Shubert, and more advanced studies of Heller.
  5. Grade V – Octave studies, Beethoven’s sonatas, Chopin’s valses, nocturnes, and so forth. More advanced studies of Schumann, Bach, Mozart concert pieces. Symphonies arranged with stringed instruments.

Lessons on the violin, guitar, and mandolin will be given to those who desire to take.


Primary and Grammar

Realizing the importance of thoroughness in these departments, our teachers will spare no pains in presenting, by means of up-to-date methods, the first principles of education. Thoroughness will characterize their work at all times. Every pupil must do primary work before he can do higher work, then it shall be our aim to lay deep foundations for the work of the academic course.

Academic Department

Our purpose in this course is to prepare boys and girls for college, for teaching, and for better living. We do not expect all our pupils to go to college, but our course of study, if mastered, will make good citizens, and the most successful business men and women.

In any walk of life men and women must have an ordinary English education. The times demand it. There is no excuse to-day for illiteracy. The strength of our State is determined by the education of its citizens, and we are glad that our school officials are making efforts to place Virginia in the column where she has a right to stand.

We prepare boys and girls for teaching. It is not enough for our teachers to be masters of the texts they teach, but a knowledge of the higher work gives them a reserve fund and an inexhaustible supply of force and facts needed every day of their lives.

Music Department

Music is a science and the study of it trains the mind just as the study of any other science does. Its influence on the social life is too great to allow it to be neglected. It adds greatly to the pleasures of life, and refines every faculty of the human being.

The teacher of this course is well prepared for her work.


This department has been too much neglected, especially by our boys. If possible, boys need elocutionary training more than girls, as their business seems to demand expression of thought more often.

No pupil can appreciate an education until he has been trained in expression.

The success of our commencements, as well as almost all our future undertakings, depends upon how we patronize this department.

Business Department

Realizing that so many of our pupils must go quietly into the practical future of life we have provided a very thorough business course, consisting of modern practical bookkeeping, typewriting, commercial law, commercial arithmetic, and penmanship.

Now, we do not put this course before a literary course, but we have designed them to go together. A thorough literary training should underlie all special training, and we do not recommend that any student should take a Business Course till he has a fair knowledge of the basic studies of a broader education. All who take this course will have special drill in Arithmetic, Grammar, and Spelling.

The teacher of this department has had a thorough course and has had experience in his profession. He is in direct communication with the heads of leading business firms all over the country and can readily place his pupils in good positions.


As our School is new and without a Library, it will be our first work to secure a number of such books as pupils should read. A Gold Medal will be given by the Principal to the young lagy who will secure the most volumes during the first year.

Literary Societies

Active Literary Societies will be organized early in the first session, and all will be urged to take part. We consider no department of our work more important.

Important Information


Galax High School is at Galax, a little country town at the terminus of the Norfolk and Western Railway. It is free from the temptations and evils characteristic of so many of our towns and cities. Our citizenship cannot be excelled anywhere, and our people are thoroughly alive to the interests of our School.


Experienced teachers, with methods the most approved and up-to-date, a thorough and practical course of instruction, cheap rates, a refined and cultured community, and railroad facilities are some of our special advantages.


Discipline means guidance and control of the immature boys and girls and at the same time an effort to develop in them the capacity to control themselves. By discipline we do not mean conformity to a special set of rules, but to ordinary rules of good breeding. Special regulations will be as few as possible. Punishment will be inflicted when necessary. Government is intended for the protection of the good people as well as the management of the bad.

Loitering about town is forbidden at all times. Any boy who proves incorrigibly idle or who uses intoxicating drink at all will be returned to his parents. The Principal reserves the right to remove any pupil who makes himself persistently disagreeable to teachers or pupils.

The pupil will be put upon honor as long as he is worthy of it, and the relation between teacher and pupil will be, as far as possible, one of natural confidence and respect.

Examinations and Reports

Examinations will be held at the end of each session, and reports, based upon these, together with the class standing for the session, will be sent to parents and guardians.


It will be our policy to encourage outdoor games in so far as it does not interfere with regular class work. School life without vigorous exercise tends to undermine the constitution. A healthy body is necessary for the best results in school. We shall, therefore, always encourage manly outdoor sports, but will never allow Athletics to become the most important feature of our school. Grounds for outdoor games have been provided for in the same enclosure with the school building.


The following Medals will be awarded: Silver Medal given by C. W. Caldwell, Manager Blair Grocery Company, for best Declamation by a boy from the Primary Department; Gold Medal in Music, by Teacher in charge; Gold Medal in Declamation, by Board of Directors; Gold Medal in Oration by Literary Societies; Gold Medal in Recitation, by the Principal; Gold Medal in Debate, by Literary Societies; Gold Medal by Director of Business Department on Penmanship and Spelling.


Item Amount
Primary Department, 1st and 2nd Grades per month $1.00
Primary Department, 3rd and 4th Grades per month $1.50
Grammar Department, per month $2.25
Academic Department, Sophomore Class, per month $2.50
Academic Department, Senior Class, per month $3.00
Music, any instrument, per month $2.00
Music, Chorus, per month $0.50
Piano, rent, per month $0.50
Elocution, in class, per month $1.00
Elocution, individual, per month $1.50
Business Course, per month $5.00
Incidental fee, per month $0.20
Washing per month $0.50
Board, per month $7.00 to $8.00


The Teachers have all had experience in school work and we have made mo promise that we cannoy carry out. We ask parents to consider our advantages before making a decision.

Fall Term opens Monday, September 17, 1906
For further information, address: G. F. Carr, Principal, Galax, VA.