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Carroll County, Virginia Industrial Survey — 1929


R. L. HUMBERT, A.M., Director of Surveys

R. B. H. BEGG, C.E., Professor of Civil Engineering
T. W. KNOTS, M.R.S., Professor of Business Administration
R. J. HOLDEN, PH.D., Professor of Geology
P. H. MCGAUHEY, B.S., Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering
M. L. JEFFRIES, B.S., Editorial Assistant

JUNE, 1929



Those people of a community who desire to achieve the greatest utilization of their resources and opportunities must have a clear-cut conception of how they best can bring this utilization about. To realize full usefulness from resources, the citizens must attract industry. To do this it is evidently necessary that industry must be offered such advantages as will best meet its needs and make for its prosperity.

Wishing to assist the counties and communities of the state in gaining a better understanding of their advantages, the Virginia Polytechnic Institute, through its Engineering Extension Division, is making a series of industrial surveys. These surveys aim particularly to list natural resources, show to what extent they have been utilized and to suggest what further development might be wisely and profitably undertaken. Factors directly and indirectly affecting industrial activity are studied.

Modern transportation facilities have opened up the rural sections to industrial development. It no longer is necessary to think of urban centers as the only suitable location for industry. This survey of Carroll County thus seeks to bring to the attention of interested parties the following facts: (1) the present status of industry in the county; (2) the natural resources and the extent to which they may be further exploited; (3) suggestions which, if studied, will show the proper trend of the future industrial development. The survey staff submits this study to the people of Carroll County trusting that it is to prove valuable in enabling the county to keep abreast of the development in the other richly endowed counties of Southwest Virginia. In Carroll, as in other sections of the “Mountain Empire,” visitor, as well as native, senses an industrial awakening destined to mount in importance and influence as time passes. The people of the Southwest are bestirring themselves to meet the demands and share in the opportunities of Virginia’s new industrial era.

In compiling the data for this, the fourth of a series of nineteen industrial surveys now being made for Southwestern Virginia, Inc., the regional chamber of commerce, by the Engineering Extension Division of the V. P. I., the field staff wishes to acknowledge the commendable cooperation of the people of Carroll County. Particularly does the survey staff wish to acknowledge the interest and assistance rendered by a number of business and professional men. A number of county officers, including the board of supervisors, the commonwealth’s attorney, county engineer, county superintendent of schools, and the commissioner of the revenue, were liberal with their time and effort. The Chamber of Commerce of Galax furnished extensive information and assisted in securing additional data. Glenn Edwards, of Hillsville, and Dan B. Waugh, Harlan S. Noyes, and S. F. Landreth, all of Galax, deserve special mention for their numerous courtesies. The staff is grateful to many business men throughout the county for their courtesies and willingness to supply information.

This study was prepared by R. L. Humbert, director of surveys, in collaboration with R. B. H. Begg and P. H. McGauhey, civil engineers; T. W. Knote, head of the department of business administration, assisted by R. G. Silence, E. P. Noel!, and W. D. Ligon, students; R. J. Holden, geologist: F. H. Fish and J. A. Addlestone, chemists; and J. W. Whittemore, ceramic engineer. M. L. Jeffries assisted in writing and editing the publication.

Inquiries regarding Carroll County should be addressed to Mr. H. K. Bowen, executive secretary of Southwestern Virginia, Inc., Wytheville, Virginia, or to the Chamber of Commerce, Galax, Virginia.