Minutes of the Carolina Association of Primitive Baptists — 1928
The 13th Session of the Carolina Association of Primitive Baptists
Held with Mt. Zion Church, Gaston County, N.C.
August the 3rd, 4th and 5, 1928
Elder S. F. Heath, Moderator
Elder B. B. Phillips, Clerk
[Note: The grammar, spelling, and punctuation in this record are as they are in the original document.]
1. Elected Elder S. F. Heath For Moderator and B. B. Phillps Clerk Mt Zion Church Gastonia, N.C. Gaston County August The 3.4.5. 1928. Proceeding of The 13th Session of The Carolina Association of Primitive Baptist Prayer By Elder S. F. Heath According to Appointment The Introductory Sermond was Preached by Elder A.N. Green From Luke 15-1l The Association was Called to Order By The Moderator Elder S. F. Heath After Singing and extended the hand of Christon Greetings proceeded to Business. I. Called for Letters from the Churches which was red by the Clerk 2.on motion the letters were all received Except Mt Olive on A count of Arminian Baptism and Messengers welcomed to seats by the Moderator 3th 4 Invited visiting Brethern from all Orderly Churches to set with us Brother A. Green Elder J. W. Mayne Come forth and was welcomed to seat by the Moderator on Sunday 3 visting Brethern J. Z. Fordham. Miami. FLA. Bro, T. H. Lentley. and W.A. Bentley, Stanly, N. C. 5th. appointed A Committee on Arrangements to wit Bro. E.D Phillips. Bro. Gilbert. Scay. Bro. Tom. Robinson. Appointed Committee to Arrange the preaching to wit Bro. Guye Johnson Bro. Gilbert Seay. Bro. Tom. Robinson. Appointed Committee on Obituaries and Request Gill ert. Seay Tom Robinson Bro. Guey Johnson.
Elder S.F. Heath. Appointed A Committee on Finance to Wit Bro Tom. Robinson. Bro. Guey Johnson E. D. Phillips. Eld. S. Gibson on Motion to Adjourned until Saturday, at 10:30 Am. Prayer by Bro. Gilbert Seay
August 4th 1928 the Association met purpose to Adjournment Prayer by Bro Gilbert Seay call for Report of Committee on arrangement which recommend the order of Business lade down in these Minutes. Report received Committee Discharged Elder J. W. Mayne B. B. Phillips A. N, Green. Call the roll and Erased absentees red our Articles of Faith call for report on obituary and request we your Committee on Obituary and request Beg Leaf to Recommend that we print Rachel. S Robinson obituary in these Minutes Committee Tom Robinson Gilbert Secty Guey Johnson we your Committee on Arrangements recommend the Order of business lade down in these Minutes T. J. Robinson Gilbert Seay, E. D. Phillips. We your Committee on Preaching Friday Night Eld F.H. Kirkland Eld S. F. Heath Saturday AM Eld H. H. Phillips and J. W. Mayne Saturday P M Eld S. Gibson Eld A N. Green Eld S. F. Heath Saturday P.M. Eld B. B. Phillips Eld P. H. Kirkland Sunday A:M Eld S Gibson Eld A. N. Green and Eld J. W Mayne Committee T. J. Robinson Gilbert Seay, Guey Johson we your Committee On Obituary ask that Rachell Robinson Obituary be Brined in our Minuti Committee Gilbert Seay, T. J. Robinson Guey Johnson We your Committee on Finance beg leaf to say we Retrieved from the Churches $12.00 for Printing of Minutes and Distribute and ask Elder B. B. Phillips to Supt the Printing of the same Committee T. J. Robinson, Gilbert Seay, E. D. Phillips. On motion appointed the Moderator to appoint Messengers on Correspondence to Bear Creek Association Elder A. N. Green Elder J.W. Mayne to St. Clair Bottom Association, Elder B. B. Phillips, Elder J. W. Mayne, Elder A. N. Green with the Moderator Elder S. F. Heath. On motion we find that Cool-Springs ask for the next session on motion we grant the request of Cool Springs Church for the next Association which will begin on Friday befor the first Sunday in August at 10.30 1929. On motion appointed Elder B. B. Phillips to Preach the Introductory Sermond and Elder J. W. Mayne to be alternat. On Saturday Night the good Lord give us a wonderful Blessing several were Shouting the praise of God for his Rich Free and Redeeming grace returned our thanks to Mt. Zion Church and Friends for their Hospitality while among them. Adjourned until Association time. Prayer Bro. Gilbert Seay.
Dear Breathern and Sisters as the kind Lord has smiled upon us to see another Association come a rotind and by his kind -and Loving will for us -Brethern and Sisters to meet to gather in Love But feeling sad to see those dear Brethern and Siters that we are first to withdraw from on account of disorder that is among the Association on some of the Churches want Investigate the trouble and now we stand Loose from this disorder and we do hereby declare non-fellowship against ( Elder Daniel Seay ) -and all that is in-line with him-and we are a open Book for any athodock Primkitre baptist to come and Investigate the disorder those that is in line with Elder C.H. Cayce Elder Pitman and Elder Lee flanks brethern we want Pease we have had this-trouble on our hands too long
Elder B. B. Phillips, Eld. S. F. Heath, Eld. A. N. Green, Eld. J. W. Mayne, Eld. S. Gibson, T. J. Robinson, Guey Johnson, Gilbert Seay, Eld. F. H. Kirkland.
Little Rachell Robinson was born April the 28. 1918 and died August 22 1927 making her stay on earth 9 years thee months and 24 days. Rachell talked about an hour before she died She hugged and Kissed her father and ask Mother and Father to go home where jesus and the Bright little engles is she talked to her Brothers ask them not to cry but to be good, may God bless those left to mourn the loss of their daughter. Writte by B. B. P.
Ordained Ministers
Eld B. B. Phillips Po Hox 622 Kings Mtn N. C
Elder F H Kirkland Box 2632. West Gastonia.N. C
Elder S Gibson R 4 Gastonia N. C
Eld A. N. Green Gastonia.N.C. West Station. Pox. 2563.
Eld. S. F. Heath. Gastonia.N. C,
Eld J. W Mayne P.o. Box 65.Mc Adensville, N.C
Mt Zion – Elders F. H. Kirkland A N. Green S. Gibson E.D. Phillips, Gilbert Seay, T. J. Robinson
Union – Bros Guey Johnson Hunter Heath Albert Johnson John Johnson Eld. S.F. Heath
Cool – Springs No Mssengers
Clerks Adress
Cool – Springs W.S. Cox Traviers-Rest S.C. R2
Union – Hunter Heath Gastonia N. C.
Mt Zion – Gilbert Seay Gabtonia N.C,
Cool – Springs Elder B.B- Phillips Kings Mountain, N.C. B. 622
Mt Zion – Elder A.N. Green Gastonia N.C.
Union – Elder S. F Heath Gastonia N.C.
Saturday of Regular Meetings
Cool Springs – Saturday before the 4. Sunday in Each Month
Mt Zion – Saturday before the 3. Sunday in Each Month
Union – Saturday before the I. Sunday in Each Month
Communion Meetings
Cool Spring – May and November
Mt Zion – January April July and October
Union – January May and September
- We believe in only one True and Living God- the Father Son and Holy Ghost- that these three are one. Cor iv 6 I John 7
- We believe that the Scripture of the Old and New Testament are the words of God and the only rule of all Saving Knowledge 2Peter 1.2. and 3 2 Timothy 3.16
- We believe in Election according to the Foreknowledge Of God The Father through Sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the Truth I Peter I 2 Ephesians 1.4
- We believe in the Doctrine of Original sin Romans 512 Gen.5.17
- We believe in Man’s Impotency to Recover himself from the fallen state that he is in by his own free will and ability Romans 416 ST John 6.44
- We believe that sinners are Justified in the sight of God only by the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ Revelations 5.9 Romans 4. 2 James 11.23.
- We believe that the Saints will Persevere in grace and never finally fall way. John 10.27 and 28. 1 Peter 1.23
- We believe that Baptism and the Lord’s Supper was Ordained by Jesus Christ and the true mode of Baptism is Immersion Matthew 3.6 Mark 1.10 Romans 1.4 Ephesians 5.5
- We believe that no Minister has A right to the administrating of these Ordinances but such as are regularly called and come under the hands of the Presbytery Acts 13 2.3 Romans 1.6 Titus 1:15
- We believe the punishment of the wicked will be everlasting and the joys of the Righteous will be Eternal Mtthew 25.452 Thes I.9
- We believe in the Resurrection of the dead and a general Judgment Luke 24:46 Mathew 26:21I John ii 28. 1 Corin. 25-51 52
- We believe in Observing the Sabbath as a day of rest and that Feet washing ought to be kept up in the Church of Jesus Christ Exodus 20.8 32 13 14 St. John 13, 14, 15 I Peter ii xxi
- We believe that the Church of Jesus Christ should have no organic connection with any society or Institution of Man not authorized by God’s word. II Cor.6 17 Isiah 3 II Rev.18.4