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Calloway Cemetery

Galax, Virginia

Location: This cemetery in Grayson County Virginia, within the Galax City Limits, is on the east side of Route 89 (South Main Street), on land owned by Guy W. Russell, Jr. Access is by the entrance road to “Russell Fields”.


GPS Coordinates: N36.63748 W80.91595

Surveyed by: Buford C. Wilson; completed 01 May 2003, updated 15 Dec 2006.

Comments: The cemetery is located on the old Calloway home place. Over the years it was neglected and there is not very much left to get any reference as to how it was originally laid out. It is now being mowed and maintained by Mr. Russell.I was able to find two stones and there may be others covered with dirt and grass. The stones have toppled over and are in poor condition. Apparently the anonymous researcher who contributed this information visited the cemetery several years ago and wrote down this information when the stones were in better condition. There is an undetermined number of unmarked graves.

Calloway Cemetery, Galax, Virginia
Name Birth Death Comments
CALLOWAY, Rev. Samuel 11 Mar 1805 19 Feb 1897
JENNINGS, Elzena Calloway 1834 13 Apr 1915
COLE, infant 12 Nov 1916 12 Nov 1916 Son of J.W. & Lucille Cole
unknown 16 Feb 1902 “MMC”