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American Legion, LEE TAIT POST NO. 91 — 1924

Union Theological Seminary

Richmond, Virginia

American Legion, 1924

Lee Tait Post No. 91 is one Post of the American Legion that is sure to die, although it has never had any “dead ones” on the roll since the date of organization. The reason for its sure demise is that each year the number of eligible candidates grows smaller.

Organized in 1919 at Union Theological Seminary in Richmond, this Post has from its inception been composed entirely of students of this institution who saw service in the recent World War. It can readily be seen why the number of eligibles is decreasing as the years go by. The incoming class this fall will probably not have more than half a dozen who are entitled to membership in the Legion.

This Post does not attempt any very elaborate program, but confines itself largely to activities of a social nature. The Seminary provides club facilities, recreational activities, etc., and since there is no particular need for a service or employment department, it is only natural that the bulk of the work in this Post should devolve upon the Entertainment or Social Committee.

The three most important events of the year are: the annual Armistice Day banquet; the stunt night; and the annual “hike.” The banquet is usually considered to be the social event of the year at the Seminary.

The present paid-up membership is thirty-three, but the Post has averaged about sixty members during the five years of its existence.

The following is the roster of officers arranged in chronological order:

First year-Commander, Edward C. Murray; vice-commander, J. M. McBryde; insurance officer, J. G. Patton.

Second year-Commander, E. T. Thompson; vice-commander, John M. Alexander; chaplain, Paul Buckles.

Third year-Commander, John M. McBryde; vice-commander, Jas. K. Fleming; adjutant, C. J. Hollandsworth.

Fourth year-Commander, George Womeldorf ; vice-commander, S. L. Hunter; adjutant, Coyte Hunter.

Fifth year-Commander, S. M. Query; vice-commander, Glenn Yount; adjutant, James C. Faw.

The officers for the coming year are: Commander, James C. Faw ; vice-commander, John M. Duckwall ; adjutant, L. G. Calhoun.