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American Legion, HOPEWELL POST NO. 80 — 1924

Hopewell, Virginia

American Legion, 1924

The Post was organized October 2, 1919, in “B” Village Y. M. C. A. Since the organization the commanders have been as follows: Dr. J. N. Elder, 1920; W. U. Mosher, 1921; Captain O. S. Lineros, 1923; Major W. B. Davis; 1924, Major H. H. Hunt.


The Post has been active in all charitable and civic movements since its organization. Holding Memorial and Armistice Day celebrations annually. Aiding the ex-service men materially and securing positions. One of the most valuable bits of public service of the Post was the assistance rendered in beautifying the parks of Hopewell. The present officers are: Major H. H. Hunt, commander; Captain Marcus P. Taylor, vice-commander; B. B. Carter, adjutant; R. C. Petts, finance officer; F. H. Hildebran, war risk officer; J. W. Graham, chaplain; J. J. Manchia, sergeant-at-arms.


Hopewell Post No. 80 is exceedingly proud of the fact of having erected and unveiled the first monument in Virginia dedicated to the boys who made the supreme sacrifice.

The imposing monument stands in Washington Circle, at the entrance to the town. This monument consists of two columns of Vermont granite, twenty feet in height, four feet in diameter, sixteen feet apart, connected with a handsome iron grill work, bearing ten insignias of the American Legion, surmounted by a large bronze eagle. At the top and sides of each column are large porcelain globes, upon which are engraved the emblems of the Legion and Auxiliary. Midway between these columns is a very handsome gothic fountain seven feet in height by six feet in diameter, in the center of which is a figure of Cupid. The circle is 100 feet in circumference, around which is a concrete coping. Beautiful beds of flowers will ornament the entire circle.

The form of the memorial was agreed on at a meeting of the Post and Auxiliary February last and steps were immediately taken to have it completed in time for unveiling Memorial Day. On this occasion we had the honor of having with us to make the principal talks Dr. Kate Waller Barrett and Colonel John A. Cutchins.