American Legion, SURRY COUNTY POST NO. 63 — 1924
Surry, Virginia
American Legion, 1924
The Surry County Post No. 63 of the American Legion was granted a charter on the 27th day of September, 1919, the following persons being charter members: Laurie C. Green, Henry C. Seward, Charles G. Rowell, John W. Warren, P. Warren Spratley, Joseph VV. Rowell, Perry G. West, Clyde Hunnicutt, G. Pearly Logan, William S. Berryman, John A. Carroll, Robert E. Pitman, Hubert T. Savedge, Curtis T. Roach and George R. James.
At that time it was very hard to keep the boys together and the organization did not make very much progress for some time.
In the summer of 1923 the organization took on new life, and sent a delegate to the State convention at Fredericksburg, Va. From this time on the organization has kept alive, and although has not accomplished as much as it had hoped to, it has some things for which to be proud.
In the fall of 1923 a prize was offered by the American Legion for the Post having the greatest per cent of its membership paid up for the year 1924. Post No. 63, while not having the greatest per cent paid up, had its full membership of one hundred per cent, and in due recognition, headquarters of the American Legion in the Department of Virginia, by special orders No. 1, dated January 1, 1924, gave this Post a citation for meritorious service, which reads as follows:
1. The officers and individuals of the Surry Post No. 63, the American Legion, Department of Virginia, are commended for meritorious service rendered the American Legion, as hereinafter mentioned.
2. This citation is awarded the aforementioned for having one hundred per cent of the 1923 membership in good standing for 1924 on December 31st.
3. Such meritorious achievement has enabled the American Legion to continue as a great force for good in the community, State and nation.
OFFICIAL: W.B. CRUSH, Department Adjutant; JOHN J. WICKER, JR., Department Commander
Officers and members for 1924 are as follows:
Officers-Charles G. Rowell, commander; Curtis T. Roach, vice-commander; W. .L. West, adjutant; T. N. Crymes, service officer.
Members-Christopher G. Seward, Henry C. Seward, Hubert T. Savedge, William L. West, Carl Grotophorst, Rueben Haff, Peyton L. Hancock, J. Clyde Hunnicutt, George P. Logan, Willie Webster Logan, Shirley Burgess, Willie S. Berryman, Walter Huber Shelton.
The Legion, with the assistance of the Woman’s Auxiliary, has given several entertainments, and hopes to do some good work in the future.