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American Legion, LOUDOUN POST NO. 34 — 1924

Leesburg, Virginia

American Legion, 1924

In the month of September, 1919, a movement was started looking to the organization of a Post of The American Legion, in Loudoun County, which resulted in the organization of a Post, which was given the name of “Loudoun Post, Number, 34.” The following were the charter members of the organization: John R. Cooksey, Wilbur C. Hall, W. W. Norris, W. W. Chamblin, Jr., Albert E. Warren, W. L. Tebbs, W. R. Grimes, Lester Scott, Arthur Jenkins, A. L. B. diZerega, Stilson H. Hall, D. P. Hurley, Leon H. Frye, Roy G. Garshman, H. G. Breckenbridge, Louis F. Atwell, Cuthbert Conrad, Edmund Royston, Charles W. Gibbons, B. F. Rittenhouse, Alfred Cline, Chester F. Hammerly, Walter R. Ashe, Victor N. Jackson. On the 10th day of October the first general meeting was held in the Court House at Leesburg, Virginia, which was addressed by Major B. M. Roszel, of Winchester, and others, when a large number of ex-service men affiliated with the Post. At this meeting Mr. J. Robert Cooksey was elected Commander, and Mr. Arthur S. Jenkins, Adjutant.

In the month of February, 1920, a banquet was held at the Leesburg Inn, which was largely attended, and which was addressed by the then Department Commander, Robert T. Barton; National Executive Committeeman John J. Wicker, Jr.; State Sergeant-at-Arms, Richard F. Bierne, and a member of the National Legislative Committee, H., H. Raege, of Texas. These banquets have become an annual event in the history of the County.

The Legion has participated in several parades. A delegation from the Post has attended the funeral of every ex-service man in the. County when their presence was requested.

The local Post owns a handsome stand of colors, and has the distinction of being the first Post in Virginia, and one of the first in the country, to obtain colors.

The members of Loudoun Post were instrumental in having erected in the Court House Yard at Leesburg, the County Seat of Loudoun, a handsome tablet to the memory of their comrades in arms. The move was set on foot by the Post, and citizens throughout the County contributed to the cause generally. The tablet was unveiled on the 8th day of July, 1922, and contains the following inscription in addition to the names of those from Loudoun County, who made the supreme sacrifice:


“Their bodies are buried in peace
But their name liveth forever more.”

Russell T. Beatty, Corp. Frank Hough, Lt.
Charles A. Bell, Pvt. Alexander Pope Humphrey, Pvt.
Charles E. Clyburn, Pvt. Robert A. Martz, Pvt.
Thubert H. Conklin, Sgt. Harry Milstead, Pvt.
Nealy M. Cooper, Pvt. Judge McGolerick, Pvt.
Mathew Curtin, Pvt. John O. McGuinn, Pvt.
Leonard Darnes, Wag. Edward Lester Nalle, Pvt.
Franklin L. Dawson, Pvt. Ernest H. Nichols, Pvt.
John Fleming, Pvt. Linwood Payne, Pvt.
Edward C. Fuller Capt. Charles Carter Riticor, Capt.
Gilbert H. Gough, Pvt. Ashton R. Shumaker, Pvt.
Grover Cleveland Gray, Corp. Henry Grafton Smallwood, Pvt.
Leonard G. Hardy, Sgt. John Edward Smith, Corp.
Bolling Walker Haxall, Maj. Valentine, B. Jonson, Pvt.
Ernest Gilbert, Pvt. Samuel C. Thornton, Pvt.


In addition to the erection of this handsome tablet the people of Loudoun County were so impressed with the purposes of the Legion that a fund of $6,000.00 was raised by popular subscription to be used for giving hospital treatment at the Loudoun Hospital, Leesburg, Virginia, to needy ex-service men and members of their families. The fund is kept invested and is also under the control of a committee, and a representative of the local Post of the Legion is a member of the committee. The Post is, therefore, in a position to give immediate medical attention to any veteran or member of his family without waiting for the Veteran’s Bureau to act.

The present officers of the Post are as follows: Commander, Leon H. Frye; Vice-Commander, Stuart Smith; Adjutant, W. W. Norris, and Historian, Miss Maria Copeland.