American Legion, CHARLOTTE COUNTY POST NO. 146 — 1924
Charlotte Courthouse, Virginia
Charlotte County Post No. 146 was organized April 3, 1922, with the following charter members: J. Bent Early, E. D. Robertson, Jr., S. D. Barksdale, Jr., R. T. Dunnavant, R. R. Wingo, Robert A. Chermside, R. B. Moore, Jr., S. D. Eggleston, Daniel Eggleston, R. E. Farmer, D. Q. Eggleston, W. H. Smith, Jr., R. M. Ritchie, D. L. Moore and W. M. Cormstock.
These few men elected their officers as follows: Dr. S. T. Elliott, commander, and D. Q. Eggleston, adjutant. The first year we only had about thirty members and as they were scattered all over the county we did not have very good attendance, however, we did manage to increase the number the next year to about seventy where it still holds, about the same number. During the second year the same officers were elected. Under the leadership of our faithful commander we began to accomplish some real work for the good of the Post and the community. The Post ordered headstones for all soldiers that did not have a marker. We are sorry to say that due to the slowness of the War Department that these headmarks have been over eighteen months coming, and at this writing they are still wrapped in “red tape.”
We have always observed Memorial Day by having an invited speaker and appropriate services at the grave of some of the departed soldiers. As far as possible the Post has followed the instructions and suggestions from the department officials. We have been very fortunate to have several visits from the various department officials, all of which gave the Post new life and a real spirit of the work of the Legion.
Our Post is very fortunate to have two strong men as its officers this year. They are not only good Legionaires, but are leading citizens of the community, Mr. R. M. Ritchie, commander, and W. H. Smith, Jr., adjutant.
We were very fortunate in securing a hall for meetings and today we are renting it by the year and have a very spacious and accessible hall.